Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Geographical position 3. Mountains, lowlands 4. Rivers, lakes 5. The territories and provinces 6. Towns, economy, agriculture 7. Climate 8. Animals, plantlife 9. Population 10. Sports 11. Culture 12. History 13. Political system, symbols 14. Conclusion 15. Materials 1. Introduction If you had to use two words to describe Canada, they might be large and diverse. Canada is the second largest country in the world, bordered by three oceans, and across the country, Canadians experience many different landscapes from rolling plains and mountains to the cold tundra of the north. Despite Canada's great size, it is one of the world's most sparsely populated countries. This fact, coupled with the grandeur of the landscape, has been central to the sense of Canadian national identity. 2. Geographical position
CANADA GENERAL STATISTICS Capital - Ottawa Population - 33,390,141 (July 2007 est.) Population density 3.5 inhabitats per km2 Among the lowest in the world Currency Canadian Dollar (CAD) 2 Official Languages English and French Government system constitutional monarchy and federal parliamentary diplomacy POLITICAL SYSTEM Constitutional monarchy Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, head of state Governor General appointed by the monarch Parliamentary democracy Similar parliamentary system to other Commonwealth realms Federation "One Dominion under the name of Canada" with the Constitution Act of 1867 GEOGRAPHY Located in North America, north of USA Territory - 9,984,670 km2 World's second largest country CLIMATE Due to large territory, climate varies in greatly ECONOMY One of world's wealthiest nations 1,406,000 GDP
· Largest city: Toronto · Official languages: 1. English 2. French Government · Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy · Monarch: HM Queen Elizabeth II (UK) · Prime Minister : Stephen Harper Main Sights Parliament H ill, Ottawa. The Peacekeeping M onument in Ottawa. Butchart Gardens CN Tower Sports in Canada ·Ice hockey ·Lacrosse ·Baseball ·Others Used Links · · da Thanks for your attention Tõnis Petersell and Rene Terase 9D
Ottawa Ottawa is the capital of Canada and a municipality within the Province of Ontario. Located in the Ottawa Valley in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario, the city lies on the southern banks of the Ottawa River, a major waterway forming the local boundary between the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. The 2006 Census recorded the population at 812,129, making it the fourth largest municipality in the country and second largest in Ontario. Connected by several bridges to its Quebec neighbour , the City of Gatineau on
Canada Joonas Põldre 9.c Capital and largest city Capital: Ottawa Area: 2,778.64 km2 (1,072.9 sq mi) Population: 812 100 (2006) Largest city: Toronto Area: 630 km2 (243.2 sq mi) Population: 2 503 300 (2006) Click icon to add picture Click icon Ottawa t o a d d p ic t ure Click icon to add picture Click icon t o a d d p ic t Toronto ure Government Federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy - Monarch Elizabeth II - Governor General David Johnston - Prime Minister Stephen Harper Area - Total 9,984,670 km2 (3,854,085 sq mi) - Water (%) 8.92 (891,163 km2/344,080 mi2) Canada's flag Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level ...
CANADA Pavel Zubarev 8.a Geographical position Canada is the second largest country in the world. Only Russia has a greater land area. Canada is situated in North America. Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories. The population Canada is slightly larger than the United States, but has only about a tenth as many people. About 28 million of people live in Canada. About 80% of the population live within 320 km of the southern border. Much of the rest of Canada is uninhabited or thinly populated because of severe natural conditions. Canada's people are varied. About 57% of all Canadians have some English ancestry and about 32% have some French ancestry. Native people American Indians and Eskimos make up about 2% of the country's population. 77% of Canada's people live in cites or towns. The Capital of Canada
Shares land borders with the U.S Is a federal state, governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy Canada comes from the word kanata, meaning village or settlement History The first inhabitants were the Inuits (Eskimo) First white man in the country John Cabot The French and British colonies settled the Atlantic coast in the late 15th century Later on, thousands of British colonists emigrated to Canada from the American colonies and the British Isles History In 1849 the right of Canada to selfgovern was recognized A gradual process of independence from the UK culminated in the Canada Act in 1982, severing the last vestiges of independence on the British parliament History Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase
Canada is worlds... largest uranium supplier second richest country third largest diamond producer National symbols of Canada ice hokey maple lacrosse July the 1st 1881 first longdistance telephone call 1927 first radio broadcast 1958 television network 1980 "O Canada" Avarage Canadian is... hospitable tolerant following a live and let live philosophy with strong sense of community and duty Canadians invented basketball baseball glove lacrosse Lacrosse mix between soccer and hockey 10 players
Canada Aboriginal people, First Nations and Inuit Eneli Maltsar Form 9 8th December 2017 Canada Canada is a country in the nothern part of North America The capital of Canada is Ottawa The population of Canada is 36 million Total area is 9,984,670 square kilometres (3,855,100 square miles) The largest city is Toronto Canada Canada is a bilingual country : they speak both English and French The monarch is the Queen of England It's ten provinces and three territories extend Canada's national anthem is `' O Canada '' How Canada got it's name? Canada's name comes from `' kanata, '' the Iroquois-Huron word for `' village '' or `' settlement '' Aboriginal people, First Nations and Inuit Aboriginal Canadians, also known as Indigenous Canadians, are the indigenous people within the boundaries of present - day Canada.
Canada is a big country. It’s covering 9.9 million square kilometrs, making it the world’s second-largest country by land area. Canada stretches nearly a quarter of the way around the globe and covers six of the world’s 24 time zones. Canada has the longest coastline in the world, so it meets three oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic. Canadians are multicultural. They are proud of the many cultures that exist side by side in their country. It has two official languages, English and French. The Canadian population is made up mainly of British and French origins. However Canada is not like Britain, or France, or the USA. The way of life there is very varied. It has influenced by immigrants from all over the world.
Canada Canada is the second largest country in the world by total area, which is about 10 million sq km. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northwarsd into the Arctic ocean. Canada shares land borders with the USA to the south and north-west. The population of Canada is about 33,3 million and the capital is Ottawa. The first inhabitants of Canada were native Indian peoples, primarily the Inuits. Starting from the late 15th century both British and French expeditions explored and later settled the Atlantic coast. French ceded nearly all of its colonies in North-America in 1763 after the Seven Years War. Canada is a parlamentary democracy and a constitutional Monarch with Queen Elizabeth the Second as a head of state. The federal comprises ten provinces and three territoties. Canada is a bilingueal and multicultural country
Canada Geography It borders USA from the south and north-west, it stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean The area of Canada is about 9,984,670 km2 The biggest cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver The population of Canada is about 35,344,962 The main languages in Canada are English and French History First settlers entered Canada through Beringia by way of the Bering land bridge Some of their cultures had collapsed by the time European explorers arrived in the late 15th and early 16th centuries The first known attempt at European colonization began when Norsemen settled briefly at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland around 1000 AD Goverment Canada has a parliamentary system within the context of a constitutional monarchy The sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II, who also serves as head of state of 15
Canada is the second largest country in the world. Situated to the north of the United States, in North America, it has both English and French as its official languages. Even though its area is bigger than that of the United States, its population is only about 11% of that of the USA some 35 million. Because of that, Canada has one of the lowest population densities in the world. The capital of Canada is Ottawa the name of whose comes from the old Algonquin language, with the original word meaning `to trade'. Due to the country's huge size and position, it is very diverse. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Atlantic to the east, and the Arctic to the north. The landscapes differ greatly from rolling plains and mountains to the cold tundra in the northern part of the country.
Canada Allan Ojala Põltsamaa co eductional 6.a The Canadian flag Canada capital city The capital city of Canada is Ottawa. Population The population of Canada is 35,540,419. They speak English and French. Canada location The cordinates of Canada are 45°24N 75°40W. The area of Canada is 9,984,670 km2. Canada longest river The Yukon River is 3187km long. Canada biggest lake The biggest lake of Canada is 114,717km2.
Canada A Mari Usque Ad Mare Official language(s) English, French Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, Cree, Recognised regional languages Dëne Sliné, Gwich'in, Inuvialuktun, Slavey, Tlch Yatiì Languages in Canada North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean spanning over 9.9 million square kilometers, Canada is the world's second largest country by total area its common border with the United States is the longest land border in the world. Some facts
Canada. Canada is a very large country. It is over 600,000 sq kilometers larger than the United States. Over 5,000 km of border separate Canada and the United States. Canada does not have nearly as many people as the United States, it has only a tenth as many. Its climate helps to explain why there are so few people in so big land. The northern part of Canada is called Eskimo land and there are very cold winters. Only in the southern part and the west coast is the climate as mild as in the western part of the United States. During the Ice Age almost all of Canada was covered time after time whit great sheets of ice. These sheets carried away much of Canada's soil to the United States. Parts of Canada were first settled by the French, part of it by the English. Picturesque Quebec is the most French, of Canada's big cities
CANADA SINU NIMI Tallinn 2009 Location History · First people were the Aboriginal people. · Explorers from Europe arrived in the 1500s. · "Canada" means "village" in Huron. · Canada became a country on July 1st, 1867. · It has evolved from French and British colonies to a multicultural federation. Info · Population: 33,212,696 · Capital city: Ottawa · Second largest country in the world after Russia. · Ranks 9th in the least densely populated countries (3 people per sqkm). · Its motto is "from sea to sea".
Canada Kaidi Laan K214 Inglise keel Canada ● population 35,344,962 ● area 9,984,670 km2 ● languages English and French ● capital Ottawa ● money dollar ● Canada is a country in North America consisting of ten provinces and three territories. ● Canada is the world's second-largest country by land area and the fourth-largest country by land area. ● Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy and a constituational monarchy. ● Canada is a memberof the Commonwealth of Nations. Thanks for watching
Athem: "O Canada" Official languges: English and French Area: 9,984,670 km2 (2nd after Russia) Population: 34,319,000 SPORTS Canada's official national sports are hockey in the winter Hockey is the sport most played by Canadians, with 1.65 million participants Lacrosse Best summer game Other popular spectator sports include curling and football, that is played professionally in the Canadian Football League (CFL) CANADA's HOLIDAYS The most important holiday is Canada Day It is Canada's national birthday The first Canada Day was on July 1st, 1867 It is celebrating with Fireworks, parades, barbecues, concerts, carnivals, fairs and picnics HOLIDAYS Christmas New Year Thanksgiving Icelandic Festival Polar Bear Swim Day Remembrance Day Victoria Day Waffle Day ENVIRONMENT Canada has a very large and diverse range of geographic features Much of Canada is still wilderness, cover by
Tallinna Inglise Kolledz Canada. The land of diversity. Tallinn 2006 Canada. If you had to use two words to describe Canada, they might be large and diverse. Canada is the second largest country in the world with a territory of about 10 million square kilometers and it is bordered by three oceans: the Arctic, the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. The population of Canada is about 31 million people. About 77% of the people live in cities which lie in a band about 100 miles wide above the border of the United States. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Other large cities are Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Quebec. Canada has two official languages English and French. It's interesting to know that about 61% of Canadians name English and 24% French their mother tongue. There are also many other languages spoken in Canada such
Canada Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area, and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest. Canada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three territories; in turn, these may be grouped into regions. Western Canada consists of British Columbia and the three Prairie provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba). Central Canada consists of Quebec and Ontario. Atlantic Canada consists of the three Maritime provinces (New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia), along with Newfoundland and Labrador. Eastern Canada refers to Central Canada and Atlantic Canada together. Three territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut) make up Northern Canada
Canada By: Pille Meipalu Canada´s capital city is Ottawa , in Ontario. Government type : Federal Commonwealth Head of State : Queen Elizabeth II Head of Covernment: Prime Minister Stephen Harper Leisure and Sports The population of Canada , 15 years and older rank fishing, golf and reading as their top three leisure activities. The top three sports in Canada are Golf, Ice Hockey and Baseball. Landscape/ Land Forms Canada`s Landscape includes several mountain ranges, including the Torngats, Appalacians and Laurentials in the east : the Rocky, Coastal and Mackenzie ranges in the west and Mount St. Elias and the Pelly Mountains in the north. At 19,550 ft. Mt. Logan in the Yukon is Canada`s tallest peak There are an estimated two million lakes in Canada .The
Topic Canada Canada is the second largest country in the world, only Russia has a greater land area. It covers nearly 4 million square kilometers. Canada is a country that is occupying most of northern America and it shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest. Canada has the longest coast line and has about one fourth of all the fresh water available in the world. Canada has six time zones and it consists of ten provinces and three territories. Canada's birthday is on the first of July and its motto is: "From sea to sea". The first inhabitants were the ancestors of the Aborigines. Today Canada is the home of over a million Aboriginal people. They came to Canada about 25 000 years ago. First Europeans came to Canada about 1000 years ago
Tallinn English College CANADA Report Karin Kristen Tapupere 8.b Instructor: Tiiu Martma Intro: Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area and its common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world. The land occupied by Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of Aboriginal people. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored, and later settled along, the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years' War. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces. It is a bilingual and multicultural
Topic Canada History The first people to live in what is now Canada arrive from Asia at least 20 000 years ago. They arrived by a way of a land bridge that once connected Asia and North America at what is now Alaska. In 1497, John Capot, an Italian navigator in the service of England found rich fishing grounds off Canada's southeast coast. France took the lead in exploring the country and set up a colony in eastern Canada in the early 1600's. Great Britain gained control of the country in
CANADA Geography Canada is the world's second largest country in total area after Russia , since it covers nearly 10 million square kilometres, but is one of the most sparsely populated, with only about 34 million inhabitants. The majority of them live within 300 kilometres of Canada's southern border. Much of the rest of Canada is uninhabited or thinly populated, because the country has a rugged terrain and severe climate. Canada extends across the continent of North America, from Newfoundland on the Atlantic coast to British Columbia on the Pacific coast and northward into the Arctic Ocean. Canada shares land borders with the United States to the south and north-west. Canada is a land of great variety. Towering mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and lush, green forests make Canada's far west a beautiful region. Farther inland, fields of wheat and other grains cover Canada's vast prairies
Canada Geography The geography of Canada is vast and diverse. Occupying most of the northern portion of North America, Canada is the world's second largest country in total area. The highest point in Canada is Mount Logan 6,050 m, which is in the Yukon. The two principal river systems are the Mackenzie and the St. Lawrence. The St. Lawrence, with its tributaries, is navigable for over 3,058 km. The largest lake situated entirely in Canada is Great Bear Lake at 31,328 km2 in the Northwest Territories. The largest lake which is at least partly in Canadian territory is Lake Superior Climate Canada's climate is as diverse as its landscape. Generally, Canadians enjoy four very distinct seasons, particularly in the more populated regions along the US border. Daytime summer temperatures can rise to 35°C and higher, while lows of -25°C are not uncommon in winter
Canada Illemar Juurik ▶ Capital: Ottawa ▶ Official languages: English and Franch ▶ Athem : „O Canada” ▶ Biggest citis: Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver ▶ Population: 36 milj Symbols ▶ Flag:A vertical triband of red and white with the red maple leaf centred on the white band. ▶ Goat of Arm: ▶ Plant: Maple tree ▶ Animal: Beaver and Canadian horse Geography ▶ Canada is the second-largest country in the world, after Russia ▶ Between the North Pacific Ocean to the west and the North Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Arctic Ocean to the north Interesting facts ▶ Canada is home to the longest street in the world ▶ Canada has twice been invaded by the USA, first in 1775 and again in 1812 ▶ Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world’s lakes combined
Territory and landscape Canada is one of the largest countries in the world. It covers nearly 4 million square miles. It is dividend into ten provinces( British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland ) along with two territories( the Yukon, the Northwest territories ). The capital city is Ottawa. Canada is a country rich in forests. It borders in the south with The United States and it's surrounded in the west by the Pacific Ocean, in the east by the Atlantic Ocean and above by many smaller bays, but is also borderedd with Alaska in the north-west. To the north of Canada is the broad Canadian Shield, an area of rock scoured clean by the last ice age, thinly soiled, rich in minerals, and dotted with lakes and rivers. Canada by far has more lakes than
History First people who lived in Canada came by a land bridge from Russia and Greenland. They were the ancestors of nowadays indigenous people of Canada. They just searched better for living places and followed their prey and they didn't even know they were on a different continent. The first explorers were Norse seafarers known as Vikings. As they sailed from Iceland to Greenland in AD 985, they were blown far off their course and they saw the coast what must have been Labrador. The forested areas of Canada's coast encouraged further explorations, because their settlement lacked lumber. They established a colony, what they called Vinland
CANADA FACTFILE Area: 10 million square km Population: 35 million Capital: Ottawa Official languages: English, French Currency: Canadian dollar Number of Native Canadians: 800 000 75% of Canadians live in cities/towns. 80% live within 200 (160) km of US border. Largest city: Toronto (4.7 million) Northern Canada: mainly forest, tundra, ice and snow Western Canada: Rocky Mountains Highest mountain: Mount Logan (5 951 m) West-central Canada: prairie grassland Most important river: St Lawrence Longest river: Mackenzie (4,241 km) Niagara Falls: largest falls in the world Also 2 million lakes, over 60% of the world's lakes Industry: mining, oil and gas, paper, motor vehicles, fishing Agriculture: wheat, fruit and vegetables Canadian wildlife: polar bear, moose, caribou, elk, brown bear, grizzly bear, several kinds of wild cat, whales off east/west coasts Over 500 different kinds of birds
Canada Canada Has two languages: English and French It is a member of the G8, NATO, Commonwealth of Nations, and La Francophonie. Population: 33,437,000 Area total: 9,984,670 km² Currency: Dollar Government: Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy - Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II - Governor General: Michaëlle Jean - Prime Minister: Stephen Harper Flag of Canada The National Flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf The flag made its first appearance on February 15, 1965; the date is now celebrated annually as National Flag of Canada Day Torontos CN Tower Height 553.33 m Completed in 1976 Visitors per year 2 million Weight 130,000 tons Communication mast 400,000 bolts
Topic Canada Tallinn English College 2006 1. Introduction If you had to use two words to describe Canada, they might be large and diverse. Canada is the second largest country in the world with a territory of about 10 million square kilometers and it is bordered by three oceans: the Arctic, the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. The population of Canada is about 31 million people. About 77% of the people live in cities which lie in a band about 100 miles wide above the border of the United States. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Other large cities are Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Quebec. 2. Geographical position Canada is a huge country in the continent of North America. It is bordered with the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, the United States of America in the south
Tallinn English College Report of Canada 8a Teacher: Merike Sisask Composer: Kärt Kalvet 2010 Canada, Kärt Kalvet 8a Canada General Information Canada is in North America. It's area is 9220970 sq km. Canada's population is 313.612.000 people. Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Canada has constitutional monarchy. The head of state in Canada's government is the Queen of England. There are two main languages in Canada: English and French. Canada's curreny is Canadian dollar (1 dollar=100 cents[Can$]). The highest peak of Canada is Mount Logan, 5959 metres. The lowest point is sea level. The longest river is the Mackenzie. The climate and geography of Canada vary greatly from temperate in the south to arctic in the north and from
kliimas, loodustingimustest, majandusest, kui ka rahvuslikust aspektist vaadatuna jne. Nende teemadega peaks kanadast, kui riigist saama korraliku üülevaate. 4 Tiiu Taplas 1. Riigi iseloomustus 1.1 Üldandmed (Lisa 1) Pindala: 9,984,670 km² Rahvaarv: 33,569,000 (2009) Pealinn: Ottawa Pealinna elanike arv: 859 700 (2005) Keel: Inglise ja Prantsuse Rahaühik: Kanada Dollar Hümn: O Canada 1.1.1 Hümni sõnad Inglise keeles O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! 5 Tiiu Taplas Prantsuse keeles Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux Car ton bras sait porter l'épée
Cities of Canada Ottawa is the capital of Canada and a municipality within the Province of Ontario. Located in the Ottawa Valley in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario, the city lies on the southern banks of the Ottawa River, a major waterway forming the local boundary between the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Connected by several bridges to its Quebec neighbour, the City of Gatineau on the northern shores of the Ottawa River, the two cities had a combined
A:Hello! B:Hello to you too! A: What is your name? B: My name is Harri! And you should be Janno, yes? A: Yes, you remember correctly! How are you? B: I'm fine, thanks! A:Are you living in the USA? B:Yes, and what about you? A:I am living in Great Britain! B: This is awsome! Is this your car? A:Yes, why are you asking that? B:Your car's windshield is broken! A:You mean the windscreen? B:Yes windscreen, like the British say! A:Thank you for telling me that, I need to go in the car parts shop now! B:I think you need to take a cab to go there! A:Yes, because my car is out of petrol! B: In America, we say gas or gasoline, not petrol. A:Yes, but we are in Britain! Hey, but don't you have a driving licence? B: What about that? A: Perhaps you could take me there? B: Sorry, I don't have driver's licence yet! A: That's okey, then I have to take the taxi anyway. B:It will be fall soon, the temperature outside is getting colder now! A:It is getting...
10 facts about Canada Canada is the second largest country in the world, surpassed only by the Russia. The capital city of Canada is Ottawa. Population of Canada is about 33.2 million people. Most of the people live in the southern part of Canada. Canada's two official languages are English and French. Canada has the world's longest coastline. Nearly one-fourth of all the fresh water in the world is in Canada. Canada has 10% of the world's forests. Currency of Canada the Canadian dollar. It's about 2 million lakes in Canada. Made by Mihkel Kohava
Big bears in Canada Michelle Kuusmik 9.c About big bears · Canadian folklore · attacking people · 4 species · predator · population: 20-25,000 or 22-31,000 · weight: adult male 300-650kg Polar bears · weight: adult female 175-300kg · averange life span: 25 years · lenght: 1.9-2.6m · shoulder height: 0.8-1m · fur: white to yellow · · North American brown bear · aggressive · population: 20,000 · weight: adult male 270kg Grizzly bears · weight: adult female 130-200kg · length: 1.5-2.8m · shoulder height: 0.9-1.5m · fur: brown · · population: 900,000 · weight: 80-300kg · le...
Quebec. Factfile Land area - 1,365,128 square km Capital - Quebec City Largest city Montreal Official language French Population 7, 6 mln Emblems Coat of arms Flag Motto "Je Me Souviens" Flower blue flag iris Bird snowy owl Mineral asbestos Tree yellow birch Quebec's National Holiday 24 June Geography Situated in eastern part of Canada Highest point Mont D'lberville Largest river the St. Lawrence River Canadian Shield 90% of the territory Appalachian Mountains History First inhabitants were the indigenous people First French explorer Jacques Cartier 1534 First it was called New France In 16. 17. century population grew massively The Seven Year's War in 1756-1763, New France was renamed the Province of Quebec Act of Union in 1840 Economy The St
OTTAWA FACTS ABOUT OTTAWA Capital of Canada Fourth largest city in the country 2,778.13 km2 Founded in 1826 as Bytown Incorporated as "Ottawa" in 1855 1857 Queen Victoria chose Ottawa to be the capital of Canada City's population 883,391 INTERESTING FACTS The name Ottawa comes from the Algonquin word adawe – which means to trade Ottawa is located on the banks of the Ottawa, Rideau and Gatineau Rivers Ottawa is the seventh coldest capital in the world About 25% of Ottawa residents were born outside of Canada Languages spoken include English (50%), French (32%) and a host of some other languages CANADIAN TULIP FESTIVAL Held every May, is one of the most famous festivals in Ottawa
KANADA Referaat Kanada. Kanada on riik Põhja-Ameerikas. Kanada lipp. Kanada riigipea on Elizabeth II . Kanada kogu pindala on 9 984 670 km² . Rahvaarv (2007) 33 025 900 Rahvastiku tihedus 3,3 in/km² Iseseisvus 1. juuli 1867. Rahaühik CAD (Kanada dollar- 100 senti) Kanada pealinn on Ottawa. Pindala: 2 778,64 km² Elanikke: 859 700 (2005) Ottawast sai Kanada pealinn 31. detsembril 1857. aastal. Riigikeeled: Inglise ja prantsuse Rahvuspüha: 1. juuli - Kanada päev (1867) Riigikord: Föderatiivne riik Haldusjaotus: 10 provintsi ja 2 territooriumi Asend. Kanada, mis on maailmas suuruselt teine riik, asub Põhja-Ameerikas. Kanada piirneb põhjast Põhja-Jäämerega, lõunast USA-ga, idast Atlandi ookeani ja Labradori merega, läänest Alaska ja Vaikse ookeaniga ning kirdest Baffini lahega. Pinnamood. Pinnamoe järgi saab Kanadat jaotada 6-ks osaks. Hudsoni lahe ääres asuvaks Laurentia kiltmaa...
Quebec Quebec Province in east-central Canada. The only Canadian province with a predominantly French- speaking population. Largest province by area. second-largest administrative division. Bordes West by the province of Ontario, James Bay and Hudson Bay. North by Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay. East by the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Newfoundland and Labrador and New Brunswick. South the U.S.A. Geography 90% of Quebec's
CANADA Canada is a vast country, second largest country of the world after Russia. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and to the Arctic Ocean in the North. Canada Covers most of the northern part of North America and its geography is very diverse. Canada's area is about 10 million square kilometers and its population is 31 000 000. Its capital is Ottowa and other main cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Almost 75 % of canadians lives within 300 kilometer of the USA border, because the climate is softer in the South. 89 % of Canada is almost unhabited. Its official languages are English and French, but many other
transplanted from other parts of the world, especially from Europe. The first European visitors to North America were Norsemen who settled briefly in the 11th century. John Cabot, a Venetian seeking riches for England, made the next known voyage in 1497. He took back word that the sea was full of fish which could be taken not only with a net but in baskets let down into the water. The early 1500s saw the start of a rush by other seafaring countries to fish in the coastal waters of Canada. Finally the contest of claims came down to two: England and France. French claims date from explorations by Jacques Cartier (1534) and Samuel de Champlain (1603). Neither Cabot's nor Cartier's explorations left any permanent settlers behind, but after Champlain's trip , in 1604 the French founded the first permanent settlement in what is now Canada. The first city founded by the french was Quebec. New France was generally the name given to the french colonies of Canada and Acadia.
CANADIAN PATRIOTIC SONGS "Ca-na-da", or "The Centennial Song" (French version: "Une chanson du centenaire") was written by Bobby Gimby in 1967 to celebrate Canada's centennial and Expo 67. The Canadian Centennial was a year long celebration held in 1967 when Canada celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation. The 1967 International and Universal Exposition, or Expo 67 as it was commonly known, was the general exhibition, category one World's Fair held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from April 27 to October 29 The "Canadian Railroad Trilogy" is a song by Gordon Lightfoot that describes the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Canada. Canada is a very big country in the continent of North America. It is about 10 million square kilometres and that makes it the second largest country in the world after Russia. Quebec (the province) is six times as big as the UK. Canada borders the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the USA. The capital of Canada is Ottawa and other main cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. It is a very developed country. Montreal is the largest city and it is called the Paris of North America because most of the people there speak French. The population of Canada is 28 million people. It is a very multicultural country. People from many different countries have come to live there. The natives
Fifth level Capital: Ottawa Largest city: Toronto Click to edit Master text styles Official Second level languages: Third level English and Fourth level D France Total area: Fifth level et 9,984,670 km2 Population: 34,798,000 ai Currency: Canadian dollar ls Canada is one of E the world`s wealthiest c nations. And one of the Click to edit Master text styles Second level world's top ten o trading nations. Canadian Third level Fourth level Fifth level n economy is dominated by the o servive inudustry , which employs about
Dear Kaisa, 09.10.2011 Hello! How is it going in Estonia? If you remember I'm in Canada and that is why I'm writing you. I miss you and all classmates. Tell hey them from me. The School where I am studying is Académie Ste. Cécile International School. I can take music, drama and languages courses. That is really interesting and I like here. All the classmates are really friendly and understanding. The family where I am living with is big. There is a mother and father, two sons and one daughter. They are really nice. I get along with their daughter whose name is Carlis.
CANADA REVISION QUESTIONS 2010 1. The main physiographic regions of Canada. Canada may be divided into seven physiographic regions: Arctic Lowlands, Cordilleran Region, Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canadian Shield (Forest Lands), St Lawrence Lowlands and Appalachian Region. Divisions are based on each area's relatively similar physical geography and landforms. Physiographic regionalization is defined here as the process by which regions with relatively homogeneous physical geography are determined 2. Who are the native people of Canada