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"strap" - 17 õppematerjali

strap - in – Kõige varasem sidemetüüp ning ilmselt seni kõige populaarsem. Sõitja kannab pehmest materjalist polsterdatud saapaid.

Basic garments and their styles

TALLINN INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CENTRE BASIC GARMENTS AND THEIR STYLES Dictionary Jelizaveta Kuznetsova 205 MRA TALLINN 2014 Contents: 2 Woman’s dresses Drop waist dress Sundress Sheath dress Kleit madala pihuga Pihikseelik Liibuv kleit Coat dress Polo dress Trapeze dress Mantel-kleit Polo kleit Trapets-kleit 3 Woman’s skirts Gather skirt Straight skirt Gored skirt Kroogitud seelik Sirge seelik Alt-laienenud seelik Sarong Ruffed skirt Yoke skirt Sarong seelik Volangidega seelik Lisatud vööga seelik Woman’s trousers 4 Jeans Shorts Bell bottom...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Writing advertisement

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you regarding the clothes I bought in your online shop on 15 th February,2015. When I received the package I was quite disappointed as there are several problems. On your web page it was said if you buy clothes or items for 100 € then you do not have to pay the shipping cost, but the bill includes it. The quality of the clothes is below the standard. The jacket that I bought has a broken zip and the jeans miss a button. Also, the sports bag’s strap is missing. Finally, the boots are of the wrong size. I ordered size 39 but I got size 41. I insist that you replace all the items. However, if this is not the policy of the company I would like a full refund. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Basskitarri ehitus ja kasutamine

Ehitus ja kasutamine Basskitarr (joonis 1) on puidust valmistatud keelpill. Enamasti on basskitarrid elektrilised, harvem akustilised, kuid on ka elektroakustilisi basskitarre. Nagu elektrikitarrilgi ei tugevda keele võnkeid mitte pilli kõlakast/kõlalaud ehk korpus ise, vaid elektrooniline võimendi (elektrilise basskitarri puhul). Basskitarri keeli mängitakse näppude või mediaatoriga (medikaga). Erinevalt kontrabassist hoitakse basskitarri horisontaalselt bassisti keha ees. Joonis . Basskitarri ehitus. Pea Basskitarri pea (joonis 2) võib olla kaelaga ühest tükist tehtud, kuid võib ka olla kahest eraldi tükist ühendatud liimi või kruviga. Kitarri pea küljes olevate kruvimehhanismide külge kinnitatakse keeled, mida saab häälestuskruvidega häälestada. Kael Kaela eesküljel on sõrmlaud, millel mängitakse tavaliselt vasaku käega (joonis 3). Kaelal asetsevad krihvid ehk astmetraadid. Kahe krihvi vahele ...

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

Trummid kontsert Tallinnas

Trummid kontsert Tallinnas Suvel käisin Trummid kontserdil, mis toimus 11.juunil Vabaduse väljakul. Üritus sai alguse 14.00, ise jõudsin sinna kella kolmest. Kontserdile läksin sellepärast et saada vapustavat elamust. Esinesid seal siis Sveitsi trummijumala Jojo Mayeriga, Massif Drum Off , Toe Tag ning Eesti suurim noorte trummiorkester Trumm-It koos Malcolm Lincolni, Inglismaalt pärit professionaalse prügibändi Weapons of Soundi. Päev algas siis töötubade ja võistlustega. Soovijatel oli võimalus improviseerida koos tuntud Eesti trummarite ja dj-dega, mängida aafrika pillidel kui ka prügist valmistatud löökpillidel. 19.00 algas õhtune kontserdiprogramm. Esimeseks esituseks oli Massif Drum Off ­ Kalle Karu vs DJ Paul Oja. Esinemise käigus selgidati välja kumb on parem kas Dj või trummar. Nad tegid kahepeale kokku remix'i kaasaegsest muusikast, mis oli vägagi meeltmööda mulle. Kallervo ,,Kalle" Karu on üks ees...

Muusika → Muusika
6 allalaadimist

Eclipse chapter10(Scent)-kokkuvõte

Eclipse, Ch.10.Scent The Chapter starts with Edward leaving, because Jacob is on his way over. When Jacob gets there, Bella finds him wearing only his cut off jeans, and she is slightly put off by the fact that he always seems half naked. Jacob tells her that he has to carry his clothes around with him using a strap that is wrapped around his calf. Jacob decides to get to work and asks Bella where the intruder's scent was the strongest. When she replies her bedroom, his response is similar to what Edward's had been. But Jacob goes up and inspects the area like he was asked to. When Jacob returns he says that he caught the scent. As Bella washes the dishes, Jacob begins to ask her questions about her and Edward's relationship, centering on how she feels about him being a vampire and when she is planning

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards Now, let's get into todays lesson. Getting into Position Sitting Positions There are two sitting positions for holding the guitar; classical and casual. 1. Pick up the guitar and make sure that the guitar body is supported by your leg. 2. Position yourself at the edge of your chair. 3. Ensure that your back is relaxed but straight. 4. Lean the guitar back towards you slightly. Standing Position 1. Pick up the guitar and place the strap over your shoulder. Adjust the strap so that the guitar is positioned mid-body. 2. Use your left hand to support the neck of the guitar. 3. Rest your right hand over the bridge of the guitar. Hand Positions It is important that you relax your wrists and hands. Straining them can cause injury. Front View Rear View Warning! Make sure that you never position your hand like this:

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist

Lumelauasport ja selle olukord Eestis

Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasium Lumelauasport ja selle olukord Eestis Referaat Autor: Uku Volke Tartu, 2011 2 Sisukord 1.LUMELAUASPORDI AJALOOST........................................................4 2.VARUSTUS...........................................................................................5 2.1. Sõiduks vajalikud vahendid..............................................................................................5 2.1.1. Lumelaud......................................................................................................................5 2.1.2 Lauaklambrid.................................................................................................................6 2.2 Turvavarustus.....................................................................................................................7 3. ERINEVAD SÕIDUSTIILID...............

Sport → Sport/kehaline kasvatus
27 allalaadimist

Võrumaa kindakirjas kinda kudumine referaat

Specific examples were knitted aswell. The samples were woven combination of patterns, ideas from nature and outings patterns. A.W.Huppel's book from this period emphasizes the knitting among the necessary skills for any housewife and notes that young girls should be able to knit by the age of ten. A typical Estonian woman's costume had a pocket for carrying knitting. They were usually separate bags attached to the outside of the costume or worn hanging from a strap. On the mainland, most knitting was done during the cold season, after the fieldwork was finished. On the islands, knitting was done all year around, while walking, waiting for returning fishermen, or even cooking. By the estonian traditions kinitting has always been the womens work. 13 Lisad Joonis 1 Joonis 2 Joonis 3 Joonis 4 Joonis 5

Muu → Käsitöö
18 allalaadimist


Sisukord · Sissejuhatus · Ajalugu · Sõidustiilid · Varustus · Võistlusalad · *Lisaks · Kokkuvõte · Kasutatud kirjandus Sissejuhatus Lainelauasõitjad, kes soovisid lainetel liuglemise kunsti harrastada ka mägedes koheval lumel, mõtlesid 40 aastat tagasi välja lumelauasõidu. Liideti Hawaiilt pärit lainelaud ja rula. Esimesed harrastajad olid koolipoisid. Suusakuurortides suhtuti neisse nii tõrjuvalt, et neid ei lubatud suusaliftide lähedalegi. Ametlikult sündis lumelaud 1965 Ameerika Ühendriikides. Esimene lumelaud valmistati suusapaarist ning sai nimeks SNURFER. Lumelauandus on suurt populaarsust koguv talisport, mille harrastajad kinnitavad oma jalgade külge puust laua (lumelaua) ning sõidavad sellega mööda lumiseid mäekülgi alla. Lumelauaga sõitmine on sarnane suusatamisele. Lumelauduri varustuse hulka kuuluvad lumelaud, saapad, sidemed ning talveriietus. Alates 1998. aastast on lumelauasõit...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
65 allalaadimist

Suusatamine ja selle stiilid

SUUSATAMINE Hanna-Liisa Kool 10.klass Avinurme Gümnaasium 2012 Sisukord: Üldiselt Suusatamine on traditsiooniline viis liikumiseks lume vms libiseva kattega pinnasel. Suusatamiseks tarvitatakse sidemete abil jalgade külge kinnitatud lamedapõhjalisi abivahendeid, mida nimetatakse suuskadeks. Liikumise hõlbustamiseks ja tasakaalu hoidmiseks kasutatakse suusakeppe. Vanematest regioonidest on leitud suusatamisest jälgi juba koopamaalingutelt. Vanim suusk on pärit Rootsist ning see oli lai ja lühike. Suusatamist harrastatakse paljudes regioonides, eriti külmema kliimaga riikides. Suusatamine on harrastus- ja võistlusspordi ala. See on kõige populaarsem Taliolümpiamängude spordiala. Sõidustiilid Klassikaline sõidustiil Klassikaline sõidustiil oli murdmaasuusatamise puhul ainsaks stiiliks kuni 1980-ndate aastateni. Klassikalise sõidustiili puhul eristatakse diagonaal...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
41 allalaadimist

Tiimivarustus jalgpallis


Sport → Sport
2 allalaadimist

Eesti punk

TAPA GÜMNAASIUM Andra Udeküll 11.a klass EESTI PUNK Uurimistöö Juhendaja:Helve Lees TAPA 2011 Sisukord SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................................3 1. PUNKKULTUURI TEKE JA OLEMUS...............................................................................4 1.1 Anarhia.............................................................................................................................6 2. MILLAL JA KUIDAS JÕUDIS PUNK EESTISSE..............................................................9 3. EESTI PUNKBÄNDID NING KONTSERDID..................................................................11 3.1 Punkansamblid enne 1990.............................................................................................12 3.2 Punkansamblid peale 1990..........................................

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö
41 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

1 The oil pump is externally mounted on the 6 Refitting is a reversal of removal. Make sure rear facing side of the crankcase. withdrawn from under the front of the car. that the original sequence of assembly of 2 Using a strap wrench or similar, unscrew and 2 Disconnect the battery negative lead. washers and plates is maintained. remove the oil filter cartridge and discard it. 3 Place the transmission in fourth gear on four- 1986 models onwards 3 Unscrew the three mounting bolts and speed versions, or reverse gear on the five-

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

Valley District. It was a common thing to see a new Mercedes or Porsche in the student lot. The nicest car here was a shiny Volvo, and it stood out. Still, I cut the engine as soon as I was in a spot, so that the thunderous volume wouldn't draw attention to me. I looked at the map in the truck, trying to memorize it now; hopefully I wouldn't have to walk around with it stuck in front of my nose all day. I stuffed everything in my bag, slung the strap over my shoulder, and sucked in a huge breath. I can do this, I lied to myself feebly. No one was going to bite me. I finally exhaled and stepped out of the truck. I kept my face pulled back into my hood as I walked to the sidewalk, crowded with teenagers. My plain black jacket didn't stand out, I noticed with relief. Once I got around the cafeteria, building three was easy to spot. A large black "3" was painted on a white square on the east corner

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

intimacy was so clinical it depressed me just thinking about it. I jerked my chin away. "Do I look okay?" "You look beautiful and fuckable. I want you so badly it hurts. I'm dangerously close to taking you back to the couch and making you come 'til you beg me to stop." "Can't accuse you of being silver-tongued," I muttered, aware that I wasn't offended. In fact, the rawness of his hunger for me was a serious aphrodisiac. Clutching the strap of my purse, I stood on shaky legs. I needed to get away from him. And, when my workday was done, I needed to be alone with a big glass of wine. Cross stood with me. "I'll be done by five. I'll come get you then." "No, you won't. This doesn't change anything." "The hell it doesn't." "Don't be arrogant, Cross. I lost my head for a second, but I still don't want what you want." His fingers curled around the door handle. "Yes, you do

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

and feelings. Stories retain their power to release cathartic emotions which is still a profound human need. CATASTROPHIC REVERSAL Since the beginning of Greek drama in Aristotle's day, the name for the biggest reversal in a character's fortunes has been "catastrophe." "Kata-" means "over" or "down" in Greek and "strophe" is "turn" or "twist", thus a catastrophe is an over­ turning or down-twisting. "Strophe" may also refer to a strap or a strip of leather or a length of plant fiber that could be woven into a basket, and is the parent of our words for strip, stripe, strap, and strop. It suggests that a play is a k i n d of weaving in which the strands of the plot, the fortunes of the various characters, interlock and crisscross, typically with the fortunes of the antagonist going up when the luck of the hero is going down and vice versa. A strophe in a classical Greek drama was a

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

"locked position" to protect your shoulders in all weight-bearing exercises, whether the kettlebell swing, the bench press, the deadlift, or other. Asking for trouble. From Marie's normal shoulder position, I can easily pull her shoulder forward like a dislocation. Her entire upper body is unstable in both pictures. The "locked position." Marie has pulled her shoulder blades back and pushed them down toward her hips 1­2 inches. Notice how you can see her shoulder strap in these photos but not in the rst set. There is a slight arch in the back, and if you extend your arms in front of you, the elbows should be closer to nipple height than collarbone height. Marie is now stable, and I can even lift her off of the ground with one arm. WORKOUT B: THE MACHINE OPTION 1. Slight incline/decline bench press × 7 (5/5 count) 2. Leg press × 10 (5/5 count) (Optional: Kettlebell or T-bar swings from "Building the Perfect Posterior" × 50) 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun