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Straight road to Kylie (0)

Straight road to Kylie #1
Punktid 50 punkti Autor soovib selle materjali allalaadimise eest saada 50 punkti.
Leheküljed ~ 1 leht Lehekülgede arv dokumendis
Aeg2013-04-18 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 7 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
Kommentaarid 0 arvamust Teiste kasutajate poolt lisatud kommentaarid
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''Dracula'' analüüs

Dracula Bram Stoker An Irish novellist Bram Stoker’s Gothic horror novel ‘’Dracula’’ was first published in 1897. The story is about vampire that tries to find new blood for himself and the hunt for him. Also you can find a little romance in the book. It takes place in Transylvania, Romania and in England. The novel is written in diary-form and several characters are telling their story by keeping a journal. Entries are written in six months by four persons. In the novel there are nine main characters: Jonathan Harker, whose writings are seen first; Count Dracula, of whom all the story is about, but he does not keep a diary; Wilhelmina ‘’Mina’’ Harker, early Murray, wife of Jonathan Harker; Lucy Westerna, a friend of Wilhelmina; Arthur Holmwood, Lucy’s fiancee, who also doesn’t write; John Seward, a doctor; Abraham Van Helsing, a Dutch doctor, dr. Seward’s

British literature

"Anna Karenina" kokkuvõte

rather distorted view of peasants, nature and the countryside in general. To Sergey, the peasants are worth little. "To Konstantin, the peasant was simply the chief partner in their common labor." Further, Sergey argues everything in his life intellectually; he never brings his heart or his emotions into the matter. It makes him seem devoid of something. For Levin, a man always searching for answers and spiritual development, this approach is not satisfactory. The road to knowledge can never be purely intellectual--it needs to have heart. Kitty would agree with this perspective. The mowing scene in these chapters is presented in great detail. Levin's intense relationship with the peasants and the countryside is fully shown. Levin admires the peasants for their skills, and we see him showing a great deal of heart along the way. "The longer Levin mowed, the oftener he felt the moments of unconsciousness in which it seemed that


Blandings Castle kokkuvõte

Blandings Castle by P.G. Wodehouse Wodehouse was an acknowledged master of English prose admired both by contemporaries and by modern writers. He has been called "English literature's performing flea", a derogatory description that Wodehouse cherished and adopted as the title of his autobiography. Best known today for the Jeeves and Blandings Castle novels and short stories, Wodehouse was also a talented playwright and lyricist who was part author and writer of fifteen plays and of 250 lyrics for some thirty musical comedies. Wodehouse took a modest attitude to his own works. In Over Seventy (1957) he wrote: "I go in for what is known in the trade as 'light writing' and those who do that ­ humorists they are sometimes called ­ are looked down upon by the intelligentsia and sneered at." Wodehouse's characters are often eccentric, with peculiar attachments, such as to newts (Gussie Fink-Nottle) or socks (Archibald Mulliner). His "mentally negligible" good-natured characters invaria

Inglise kirjandus


Bill declares that he is fonder of Jake than anyone on earth. He states that he could not make this claim in New York because he would sound like a "faggot." He makes an extended joke about how the Civil War was all about homosexuality. "Sex explains it all," he says. Bill and Jake pack a lunch and bottles of wine, and head to the river. They walk through beautiful meadows, fields, and woods, and, after a long hike, arrive at the river. They place the wine in a spring up the road in order to chill it. Jake fishes with worms, but Bill tries fly-fishing. They both catch many fish, but Bill's fish are bigger. Over their lunch, they joke about the friends they met in the war. Bill then asks Jake if he was ever in love with Brett, and Jake says that he was "for a hell of a long time." They take a nap under the trees and then head back to the inn. They spend five days in Burguete, fishing, eating, drinking, and playing cards. They get no word from Cohn, Brett, or Mike.

Inglise kirjandus

Oliver twist - kokkuvõte

and Mr. Sikes began fighting over who got to keep the books and the money. Oliver begins to protest, saying that they should return the books to Mr. Brownlow because he does not want him to think that he stole them. Then he calls for the police, and Fagin begins to beat him. Nancy then jumps into the way and threatens Fagin. She throws so much of a fit that she passes out. They took Oliver's clothes, locking him in a little room, and because of his illness and the day's adventures, he went straight to sleep. Chapter 17: Meanwhile, the beadle, Mr. Bumble, visits Mrs. Mann on his way to London to pay her the stipend for her care of the orphans. While he is there, Mrs. Mann tells him that a few more of the children in her care have passed away, and Mr. Bumble seems unconcerned but asks after little Dick who has been sickly. Mrs. Mann brings Dick into see Mr. Bumble, and asks a request after he dies. He

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Eclipse, Chapter Fourteen – Declaration

Chapter Fourteen ­ Declaration Bella, Edward, and Alice are in the school cafeteria discussing their upcoming graduation party. Bella thinks the planned assault on the newborns makes a party inappropriate. Alice counters that they need time to get a few things in order before the battle, and commemorating Bella's first (and only human) high-school graduation is entirely appropriate. Edward informs Bella of Jasper's concern that they get help in their fight against the newborns. Jasper and Carlisle are trying to track down old friends to join the fight including Maria, but nobody wants to involve the southerners. Edward is convinced that someone will help them: no one wants a visit from the Volturi. Bella feels physically ill at the thought of the Cullens putting themselves in harm's way, and can't even consider the possibility that Edward might be hurt, or worse. Edward's confidence does nothing to quell the terror building inside her at the thought of losing "the core of her exist

Inglise keel

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

those people. The book follows the lives of nine characters. All aspects of the lives are represented to us, the rich are corrupt, the poor may be not so corrupt, decent, but they can accomplish nothing because they are poor. The unjust triumph and the whole trilogy ends with a memorable sketch of a young harmless hitchhiker who wants to catch a car on a highway that leads nowhere. The final scene is the big indictment-critisism of america, road to nowhere. It is one of the experimental novels. The narrative structure is very complex. 12 fictional narratvies each told from the point of view, interrupted by three formal devices. The first device is the Newsreels, then the second is simply biographies and the third the camera eye. 69 newsreels, these are collages of real newspaper headlines. News story fragments, snatches of song lyrics, political speeches of that times and even advertisement. Mass culture

Ameerika kirjandus

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

After no from Elizabeth Mr. Collins asks Elizabeths best friend to marry him and she agrees, because she dosen't wanna be old maid. Of course Elizabeth is mad, but she forgives her and soon after that she attends to their wedding. Accidentally Mr Darcy and Elizabeth meet at Lady Catherine's mansion (nearby to Collinses house) and they have to spend a lots of time toghter. Even though Elizabeth contempts him, Darcy finds her even more attractive. Hastily he asks her to marry him but her answer is straight no. Darcy has been insulting her family and she's guiet sure that it was his fault that Jane and Bingley broke up and she still also belives what Wickham said about him. Next morning Mr Darcy gives a letter to Elizabeth that explains everything and that changes her opinion about Sri Wickham and so about Mr Darcy. In the end of the summer Elizabeth goes to vacation with her uncle and aunt. They go to Darcys mansion in Pemblerly, they were told that the master isin't home so

Inglise keel

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