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"popping" - 20 õppematerjali


Hip-hop basic

Esimene Hip-Hop dj ? - Clive ,,Kool Herc" Campbell Esimene Hip-Hop laul? - Kellelt on tulnud väljend Hip-Hop? - Africa Bambatta, Mis ühenduse ta lõi? - Zulu Nation Kas ta on käinud Eestis? - Jah! Esimene Hip-Hop radio show, kuna? - Mr. Magic, 1979 Esimene MC? - Coke la Rock Esimesed MC'd TV's? - Funky Four, Saturday Night live Nimeta 3 Bronxi MC crew'd? - Furious 5, Cold Crush, Funky 4, Mercedes Ladies, Fantastic 5 Rap'i ja MC vahe? - MC ­ tähendab Master Of Ceremony, iseloomustab hip-hopparit, kes on õhtujuht ja riimid mikrofoni Rap - Tähendas inimesega suhtlemist, rääkimist; sellest sai hiphop'i salvestava artisti nimetuseks. Mille poolest Rap erineb teistest stiilidest, mida sisaldab? - 70's ­ Black spades 80's - 90's - Tänapäev ­ Miks tekkisid laiad riided? - Kuna muutus bling-blingiks? - hilistel 90'ndatel Bling-blingi algatajad? - 4 põhi...

Tants → Tantsimine
14 allalaadimist


Hat Straßentanz Zukunft oder nicht? Viktor Beloussov Was ist Straßentanz?  Auf Straßen geboren  In die USA (südlichen Bronx)  1970-1980  Stiele: Hip-Hop, Breakdance, Locking, Popping, House, Waacking, Krump, Vogue, Dancehall. Geschichte USA Deutschla Estland nd 1970-1980 1984 1990 Breakdanc Breakdance Hip-Hop e Deutsche Wettkämpfe 2014 Estnische Wettkämpfe 2014 Estland Deutschland 1. Hip-Hop Hip-Hop 2. Vogue Breakdance 3. Locking House 4. House Popping 5. Krump Krump 6. Breakdance Vogue 7. Popping Locking Positive und Negative

Tants → Tantsimine
2 allalaadimist

THIRD YEAR Self-study paper

THIRD YEAR Self-study paper #2 1. Type of dancing is breakdancing. Emerged in New York. 2. 1. F( 1970.) 2. T 3.T 4.F 3.  breakdance competition- Sunday 27.july  clothes show, film, sports -Friday 25.july  concert- Saturday 26.july 4. 1 Liikuda põrandal nagu jääl, ilma jalgade tstmiseta maast. 2 pöörama väga kiiresti 3 liikuda ühelt küljelt teisele või ringis. 4 ennast väga kiiresti teistpidi pöörama vi teise asendisse end panema. 5. 1-headspin. 2-donkey. 3-windmill. 4-flares. 5- handglide. 6- popping. 6. I like to dance, but i cant dance as good as these people in this text. I think taht meny singers can dance good, like Chris Brown and Jason Derulo.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tänavatantsu ajalugu

Juhendaja: õp. Aili Asu Mis on tänavatants? l Tänavatantsu kultuur sai alguse USA-s 1960ndatel. l l Kujunes välja tänavatel, klubides, parkides jne. l l Tänavatansul on mitmeid erinevaid alaliike: Hip- Hop, Break, House, Vogue... Tänavatants HIP-HOP FUNK VOGUE HOUSE KRUMP B-boying Popping Locking Chicago Footwork Waacking Hip-Hop B-boing l 1974. Bronx l 1970. New York City l Sujuvus, bounce, l Toprock, Downrock, basic. Powermoves, Freeze. Krump Vogue l 1990. New York City l 1980. Harlem l

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
12 allalaadimist


Mr. Wiggles Mr.Wiggles, pärisnimega Steffan Clemente, on tänavatantsija, kes on hinnatud eelkõige tema ,,poppingu" oskuste pärast. Wiggles on olnud aktiivne tantsijana, näitlejana, koreograafina, tantsuõpetajana, muusikaprodutsendina kui ka grafitikunstnikuna. Ta valdab hip-hopi tantsustiile nagu näiteks popping, breaking, locking ja kindlasti paljusid veel. Steffan Clemente on pärit New Yorgi linnaosa Bronx'i lõunaosast. Ta on puertoriikolane. Algselt sai ta hüüdnime ,,Dom", mille ta muutis pärast showd Virginia rannas ,,Mr.Wiggles'iks" Mr. Wiggles esineb nii sooloartistina kui ka gruppides: Rock Steady Crew, Electric Boogaloos. Ta on pühendunud ka osalema selgitustööprogrammides, mis näitavad noortele hip-hopi kultuuri positiivseid külgi. Mr

Tants → Tantsuõpetus
2 allalaadimist

Basskitarri ajalugu aastatel 1930-1959

Esimese elektrilise basskitarri tootis väikefirma Audiovox Manufacturing & Co., kes tõi pilli turule u. 1935/36. Instrumenti müüdi mõned eksemplarid, kuid kuna see oli tollal oma ajast liiga ees, ei saavutanud pill erilist menu. Audiovox suleti 1950. Esimene elektriline bass, mis läks seeriatoodangusse, oli Fenderi Precision-bass. Basskitarr (kutsutakse ka lihtsalt bassiks) on keelpill, mida mängitakse peamiselt näppudega ning erinevates mängimisstiilides : plucking, slapping, popping, tapping, thumping ja picking. Basskitarr on sarnane elektrikitarriga nii välimuse kui ka konstruktsiooni poolest. Erinevuseks on pikem kael ning keelte arv. Neljakeelelised bassid, mis on enimkasutatud ja tuntud, häälestatakse kontrabassiga samadele nootidele ning need vastavad noodikõrgustele üks oktav madalamal kui elektrikitarri neli viimast keelt. Basskitarri nooti märgitakse bassivõtmes ning oktav kõrgemal tegelikust kõlast, et vältida lisajoonte kasutamist noodijoonestikul

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist


It's a cosy place to chill out to cool music in an unhurried atmosphere and have those end-of-the-night, philosophical conversations with friends. CAVA Cava is the Spanish equivalent of French champagne. Just as bubbly, as delicious and a lot less expensive (around £4 a bottle), you can quaff it at the city's most popular Cava and tapas bar, El Xampanyet. It's an intimate little place with a sunny, Mediterranean feel and friendly staff, who keep the corks popping until 2 am. ACCOMMODATION 1. Majestic Hotel & Spa Barcelona GL (*****) 2. Acevi Villarroel (****) 3. Conado Hotel (***) Irina Daisner 07/09/2009 Barcelona

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Tänavatants - Hip hop

harusid ning sellest kuidas olen ise hiphopiga seotud. Mis on siis see tants nimega Hip-hop? See on veidi vanem kui 30 aastat ning on hip- hopi nimelise muusikastiili järgi tantsitav tants, mis kujunes välja eeskätt Põhja- Ameerika suurlinnade tänavatel. See tants võib sisaldada küllalt keerulisi akrobaatilisi trikke, kuid lisaks liigutustele peetakse oluliseks ka tantsija hoiakut ja suhtumist. 1970- ndatel aastatel tekkisid uued stiilid nagu nt: popping, locking ja breikimine, mis on kõige kuulsamad hip-hopi liigid ning millega võisteldakse kõige tihemini. Kuidas siis tekib uus tants? Mul on tuua näide Lockingu loojast, kelle nimi on Don Campbell. Ta oli mees, kes armastas tihti õppida ja harjutada tollase aja populaarseimaid tantse, kuid tema jaoks olid mõned kaasaegsed liigutused veidi liiga rasked ning nõudsid mõtlemistööd. Ta esines tänavatel, kus ta siis tuligi ta publiku ette

Sotsioloogia → Kõneõpetus
44 allalaadimist

British History KT küsimused ja vastused

You suggest that your friend comes in and stays for lunch. But your friend is embarrassed to find that he or she has called at a mealtime and refuses invitation. You want to persuade your friend to change his or her mind. Here are two possible ways of doing this": A) Please stay. We don't have much, I'm afraid, but we'd be honoured. Whatever we have is yours. B) This is no trouble at all. There's plenty of food. Don't think twice about it. We're used to people popping in. Which of these two do you think would be a more successful way to persuade a British person? A or B? Why? 13. British people like to `dress down' on Sundays. What might be the reason? British people have to follow clothing formalities all week so they really want to take off their working clothes and dress into something really comfy and scruffy. Lots of men who wear a suit all week can then be seen in old sweaters and jeans, sometimes with holes in them

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
15 allalaadimist

Love Medicine vocabulary

to venerate (289) to hold in deep respect; to honour in recognition of qualities of holiness, excellence, wisdom, etc. Lulu bought the Plunge of the Brave, which everyone had, whether they liked Nector and wanted to venerate his youth or not. what with something (293)(informal) because of sth; used to list the various reasons for something. Nector and Lulu began to kiss and things being what they were, what with Nector knocking off Lulu's wig and Lipsha popping in unexpectedly. to jig (295) to dance quickly, in a jerky manner; To move or bob up and down jerkily and rapidly. Lulu explains that she is not supposed to stoop down, scream or jig because the stitching in her eye might have slip. to take issue (with somebody) (299) ­ To argue with someone; to disagree. Lyman wanted to see Henry again(make a contact), even though he was dead. He tries to argue with Henry to get him to take issue and argue back; to explain that the convertible is Herny's.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
5 allalaadimist


the Iao Valley State Park). Maui can also cater to a range of budgets - the Enjoy an afternoon in Central same cannot be said for some of its Park or visit the exhibits at sister islands, like neighboring Lanai. the MoMa or the Met. While new Visitors regularly return to the sites, like the National September mainland singing praise for Maui, but 11 Memorial, are always popping the smart few just put down new roots up, the classics, like the Empire and pick up a Mai Tai. State Building, never get old. Montreal and Vancouver Why go: Here, it's as Why go: While it may not be as if Paris migrated to North grand as New York City or as America. Montreal boasts historic asMontreal, why Vancouver caught the attention of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Referaat erinevatest tantsustiilidest

Levinud on kahe tantsija duellid, kus võisteldakse osavuses ja väljendusrikkuses. Hiphoptants on tänaseks kokku sulatanud mitmeid erinevaid stiile. On tavaks eristada nn vana kooli (old school) ja uue kooli (new school) hiphoptantsu. Hiphoptantsu samme on kümneid, võib-olla ka sadu, nad tekivad, levivad ja vajuvad unustusse tänavatel ja klubides, osalt ka muusikavideotes. Hip-Hopi peamisteks komponentideks on R&B, popping (electric boogie), MCing, DJing, graffiti art, beatboxing ja breakdancing. Tantsustuudiod ja spordiklubid õpetavad hiphop-tantsu nime all tantsu, mis sisaldab hiphopi tüüpilisi samme ja liigutusi, kuid milles puudub tänavatantsule iseloomulik improvisatsiooniline ja emotsionaalne element. Rahvusvaheline Tantsuorganisatsioon IDO korraldab hiphoptantsu võistlusi. Hiphoptantsuga tegelevad tantsustuudiod Eestis: JJ-Street, DanceAct, D.r.e.a.m. Studio, XLS Tantsustuudio,

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
63 allalaadimist

Getting physical

Tallinn´s University Pedagogical College Department of Youth Work and Continuing Education Andra Pant NT-32 GETTING PHYSICAL Tallinn 2012 "Delivery is more important than content." ­Arch Lustberg, speech trainer According to wellknown social anthropologist Edward T. Hall, 60% of our communication is nonverbal. That means whenever we stand before an audience, our stance, our posture, our facial expressions, our hand gestures, our whole body dynamic communicate more than our actual spoken words. A stiff, immobile speaker is often a boring and usually ineffective speaker as. It is theref...

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
5 allalaadimist

Erinevad tantsustiilid

Levinud on kahe tantsija duellid, kus võisteldakse osavuses ja väljendusrikkuses. Hiphoptants on tänaseks kokku sulatanud mitmeid erinevaid stiile. On tavaks eristada nn vana kooli (old school) ja uue kooli (new school) hiphoptantsu. Hiphoptantsu samme on kümneid, võib-olla ka sadu, nad tekivad, levivad ja vajuvad unustusse tänavatel ja klubides, osalt ka muusikavideotes. Hip-Hopi peamisteks komponentideks on R&B, popping (electric boogie), MCing, DJing, graffiti art, beatboxing ja breakdancing. Tantsustuudiod ja spordiklubid õpetavad hiphop- tantsu nime all tantsu, mis sisaldab hiphopi tüüpilisi samme ja liigutusi, kuid milles puudub tänavatantsule iseloomulik improvisatsiooniline ja emotsionaalne element. Rahvusvaheline Tantsuorganisatsioon IDO korraldab hiphoptantsu võistlusi. Hiphoptantsuga tegelevad tantsustuudiod Eestis: JJ-Street, DanceAct, D.r.e.a.m

Varia → Uurimistöö alused
20 allalaadimist


Density- 132/km2 (77th). 341/sq mi. Calling code +420. HISTORY The recent past Despite the city's turbulent history, Prague's progress in recent years has been more stately than revolutionary. The booming tourism sector and a solid industrial base have left its citizens in better economic shape than the rest of the country. Unemployment is minimal, the shops are full, and façades that were crumbling a decade ago have been given face-lifts. Big new shopping malls and multiplex cinemas are popping up all over the place, there's a huge new sporting and events arena, the metro system is being extended and a new floodprotection system has been installed. There are downsides, of course. Rumours of corruption in City Hall are rife, affordable 6 housing remains in short supply, the health system is under strain, and traffic congestion and crime rates are up

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

--Charles Darwin MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA, 10 P.M., FRIDAY horeline Amphitheater was rocking. S More than 20,000 people had turned out at northern California's largest music venue to hear Nine Inch Nails, loud and in charge, on what was expected to be their last tour. Backstage, there was more unusual entertainment. "Dude, I go into the stall to take care of business, and I look over and see the top of Tim's head popping above the divider. He was doing f*cking air squats in the men's room in complete silence." Glenn, a videographer and friend, burst out laughing as he reenacted my technique. To be honest, he needed to get his thighs closer to parallel. "Forty air squats, to be exact," I offered. Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, one of the top-500 most popular websites in the world, joined in the laughter and raised a beer to toast the incident. I, on the other hand, was eager to move on to the main event.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

whether emulsion droplets aggregate or ance, texture, flavor, or noise. Finely com- remain as separate entities (McClements minuted products are defined by their smooth 1999). These interactions affect protein func- surface. The “knackwurst,” which contains tionality attributes such as emulsification, pork, beef, spices, and some garlic, is named gelation, and water binding (Gordon and for the familiar popping noise when bitten Barbut 1997). Main molecular forces are (“Knack!”). Generally, “cold emulsions” repulsive electrostatic forces, attractive van give sliceable products, whereas “hot emul- der Waals forces, and steric overlap. sions” give spreadable products. Third, it is Hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interac- a means to create “value-added” meat: rela- tion are higher-order interactions that occur tively low-value meat offcuts can be used,

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

"How's your day been?" I asked him. He smiled. "Great so far. Yours?" I smiled back. "I've had worse." Gideon was on the phone when I entered his office. His tone was clipped and impatient as he told the person on the other end of the line that they should be able to manage the job without him having to oversee it personally. He held up one finger to me to tell me he'd be another minute. I responded by blowing a big bubble with the gum I was chewing and popping it loudly. His brows shot up, and he hit the buttons to close the doors and frost the glass wall. Grinning, I sauntered over to his desk and hopped onto it, curling my fingers around the lip and swinging my legs. He popped the next bubble I blew with a quick jab of his finger. I pouted prettily. "Deal with it," he said with quiet authority to whoever was on the phone. "It'll be next week before I can get out there and waiting will set us back further. Stop talking

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

recognize. Two long, white hands shot out protectively in front of me, and the van shuddered to a stop a foot from my face, the large hands fitting providentially into a deep dent in the side of the van's body. Then his hands moved so fast they blurred. One was suddenly gripping under the body of the van, and something was dragging me, swinging my legs around like a rag doll's, till they hit the tire of the tan car. A groaning metallic thud hurt my ears, and the van settled, glass popping, onto the asphalt -- exactly where, a second ago, my legs had been. It was absolutely silent for one long second before the screaming began. In the abrupt bedlam, I could hear more than one person shouting my name. But more clearly than all the yelling, I could hear Edward Cullen's low, frantic voice in my ear. "Bella? Are you all right?" "I'm fine." My voice sounded strange. I tried to sit up, and realized he was holding me against the side of his body in an iron grasp.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

rededicate the team to its mission. T h e audience may need to be reminded of the "ticking clock" or the "time b o m b " of the story. T h e urgency and life-and-death quality of the issue need to be underscored. Toto in the basket is a repeated symbol of intuition stifled by the negative anima of the W i t c h / M i s s Gulch. Dorothy's fear of her own intuitive side keeps stuffing away her creativity and confidence, but it keeps popping u p again, like Toto. T h e Ruby Slippers are a deep dream symbol, representing both Dorothy's means of getting around in O z and her identity, her unassailable integrity. T h e shoes 149 T H E W R I T E R ' S JOURNEY ~ T H I R D EDITION Christopher Vogler are a reassuring Mentor's gift, the knowledge that you are a unique being with a core

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun