Usaldusühingu asutajaid peab olema vähemalt Select one: kolm üks kaks Feedback The correct answer is: kaks Question 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text Aktsia väikseim nimiväärtus Eestis on 1 € Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'False'. Question 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text Aktsia väiksem nimiväärtus Eestis on 10 senti Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'True'. Question 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text Aktsiaseltsi aktsiakapital peab olema vähemalt 2500 € Select one: True False Feedback The correct answer is 'False'. Question 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question
TLM116 / TLM310 MIKRO- JA MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Question 1 Rahvamajandus on õpetus majanduse üldistest seaduspärasustest. Not yet answered Select one: Marked out of 1.0 True False Question 2 Üks põhjus, miks kauba nõutav kogus kasvab, kui tema hind alaneb, on see, et hinna langus toob kaasa tarbijate reaalsissetuleku kasvu, mis võimaldab neil Not yet answered rohkem osta. Marked out of 1.0 Select one: True False Question 3 Keskmine toodang on kogutoodang ühe muutuva tootmissisendi ühiku kohta. Not yet answered Select one: Marked out of 1.0 True False Question 4 Samasuskõver iseloomustab kahe hüvise kombinatsioone, mis annavad tarbijale
10/6/22, 5:57 PM Kontrolltöö-1 - ajapiirang 90 minutit (page 1 of 6) Time left 0:33:14 Question 1 Answer saved Marked out of 1.0 Kui kauba nõudluse hinnaelastsuse koefitsient on 2,5, siis hinna langus 2 eurolt 1,80-le toob kaasa nõutava koguse kasvu 2,5% võrra. Select one: True False Question 2 Answer saved Marked out of 1.0 Üks põhjus, miks kauba nõutav kogus kasvab, kui tema hind alaneb, on see, et hinna langus toob kaasa tarbijate reaalsissetuleku kasvu, mis võimaldab neil rohkem osta. Select one: True False Question 3 Answer saved Marked out of 1.0 Turumajanduseks nimetatakse niisugust majandussüsteemi, kus ostjad ja müüjad vahetavad kaupu vabalt kokkulepitud hindade alusel
True or Falls 1. A psychological contract represents a contingency plan that serves the needs of the individual worker. False 2. An example of a virtual organization is an office located in a high-rise building. False 3. As open systems, organizations transform material resources to produce goods. True 4. Organizational behavior is characterized by its emphasis on rigorous inquiry. True 5. Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and groups in profit- making organizations. False 6. Organizational behavior is the subject of psychology applied to the world of work. False 7. Quality of work life refers to the overall quality of human experience in the workplace. True 8. Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. True 9. The purpose of any organization is to make a profit. False 10.Work-life balance refers to workers who seek balance between their paid work and unpaid
TLM116 / TLM310 MIKRO- JA MAKROÖKONOOMIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Question 51 Erasektor ei tooda piisavalt ühishüviseid, sest nende kaupade tootmine pole kasulik. Correct Mark 1.0 out of 1.0 Select one: True False The correct answer is 'True'. Question 52 Valitsuse eelarve kipub olema de tsiidis majandustsükli tõusufaasis ning ülejäägiga majanduse languse faasis. Correct Mark 1.0 out of 1.0 Select one: True False The correct answer is 'False'. Question 53 A. Lafferi arvates ei ole valitsuse maksutulusid maksimeeriv maksumäär samaaegselt optimaalseks maksumääraks. Correct Mark 1.0 out of 1.0 Select one: True
mõni mesilane tuleb vaatama, kes nende rahu rikub. Seejärel haarab tihane mesilase ja sööb ta tagakeha ära. Kui tihane jätkab mesilaste rahu häirimist ja nende söömist, siis mesilaspere võib kevadeks niivõrd nõrgaks jääda, et hukkub. 4. Nimeta 2 suvel õitsevat meetaime. Õitsemise aeg ja meeprodukstiivsus. Aedvaarikas: õitseb juuni esimeses pooles, meeproduktiivsus on 70-100 kg/ha Valge mesikas: õitseb juulis, meeproduktiivsus on 200 kg/ha 5. Mida arvate Eesti mesindusest? Olen arvamusel, et Eesti meisnud on heal järjel ning antud ala köidab inimesi rohkem ning kutsub sellega tutvuma ja tegelema. Murekohaks võib olla see, et noori mesinikke ei tule nii palju peale kui võiks. Seega võiks rohkem noorte seas mesindust propageerida. 6. Palju tarbite mett aastas (kilogramm)? 1-3 kg mett. 7. Mida oleks vaja kursusel muuta, et asi oleks parem?
Homework I. False or True? Exemplify your answer using relevant text lines. 1. . True , , , , 2. . False , 3. . True , ... : 4. . True - 5. , . False 6. , . True , , : ! , .... - 7. . False ; 8. . True 9. . False " , , ? 10. , , . False , , /20 II. Give modern Russian equivalents of the following archaic words and phrases: - - / - - e - - - /10 III. Describe Ludmila's character on the basis of Extract 1 (about 100 words). - . . - . . , . , . . , , , . . , , , .
“The Great Gatsby” test 1. The advice given to Nick from his father was “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” 2. Nick decided to go to the East to learn the bond business. 3. Tom and Daisy travelled there because there were rich people who played polo. 4. Daisy’s relation to Nick was that she was his second cousin. 5. Myrtle was a bit heavy, in her mid-thirties, not beautiful but rather sensual. 6. The surprising thing that Gatsby said to Jordan Baker at the party was that he wanted her to tell Nick to invite Daisy to Nick’s house. 7. The unpleasant story that Nick had heard about Jordan Baker was that she had moved a ball during a golf tournament to win. 8. Jordan Baker hated people who were careless. 9. Daisy met Jay Gatsby at her hometown, Louisville, Kentucky just before the war. 10. Daisy was very drunk before her wedding. 11.
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