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Aeg2010-01-15 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
Allalaadimisi 56 laadimist Kokku alla laetud
Kommentaarid 2 arvamust Teiste kasutajate poolt lisatud kommentaarid
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Useful Vocabulary for Letters of Application

Useful Vocabulary for Letters of Application In the introduction  I am writing to apply for the post/ position of advertised / which was advertised ( in the Times on 13 May 2010 / in the local newspaper/ on the noticeboard in my school)  I am writing in response to the job which I saw advertised in (the Daily Herald)  With reference to your advertisement in the Guardian (of 25 January 2003), I would like to apply for the post of ......  I saw your advertisement in.....

Inglise keel


day and she is having a small family party to celebrate. She's almost eighty years old and still as strong as ever - it's amazing ! It's such a pity because we haven't seen each other for ages. You must give us a call so we can arrange to get together another time instead. Perhaps we'll throw a party oh New Year's Eve, so we can see everyone. We'// let yon know. Thanks for the invitation and hope the party goes well. Love, Ann and John Formal letter of application TASK 27 Read this writing task. You have seen the following job advertisement and have decided to apply for the job. Wanted! Enthusiastic and energetic social organisers for a children's summer school situated in the beautiful Welsh countryside. Candidates will need to be between the ages of 18 and 35, have experience in supervising various sporting activities and be able to motivate young teenagers

Inglise keel


expect to earn/what the offered salary is. Being an 18-year-old school leaver from Estonia, I am eager to improve my English skills as well as gain work experience in catering services abroad. I would therefore appreciate it if you gave me more details about your job offer. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely M.Mets Mari Mets (See the rubric at LETTER OF APPLICATION Make sure it is specific to both the organization and the job. Consider discussing the following topics in your letter of application: How the organization's personality and mission align with your own values. How your background makes you a valuable asset to the role and to the organization. What it is you hope to gain from working in this role. What unique talents would you bring to this position?

Inglise keel


Begin: I am writing to apologise for … Closing line: (apologize one more time) Once again, I hope you will accept my apologies /or/ will be accepted (gives you plus points for the use of Passive) 5) Letter of invitation Begin: I am writing to invite you ...; We would be honoured if you... I have included some directions ... (if it is necessary to direct someone somewhere) Closing line: (please indicate whether you will be able to attend) We would be grateful if you could … 6) Letter of application Begin: I am writing to apply for the post/ job which I saw advertised in … I am writing with regard to your advertisement... Refer to experience: I have been working or I have had experience of ...; Two years ago I was employed … I hold a degree in ...; I hold the following qualification ... ; I have completed the courses ...; I graduated from Oxford university ...; obtained a degree in ... Closing line: I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. (in case you need a reply)

Inglise keel

Inglise keele eksamiks erinevad kirjanäited

career in hotel management when I graduate. I have always enjoyed working with people. Last simmer, I worked as a guide for Freedom Holidays, which was interesting and enjoyable. This experience increased my knowledge of local history, tourist resorts and places of intrest. I am available for the whole of the summer period. I can be contacted by telephone on 201576 or at the above address. I hope you will consider my application. Yours faithfully, allkiri Liis Perekonnanimi present simple- past simple write(s)-wrote * present continuous- past continuous am/is/are writing-was/ were writing * present perfect- past perfect have/has written-had written * past simple- past perfect wrote- had written * future simple- future in the past will write-would write kui saatelause verb on minevikus, asendatakse kaudses kõnes mõned "lähedust" väljendavad sõnad "kaugust" väljendavate sõnadega: that ­ this-now ­ then

Inglise keel

Cover letter

3 Liivalaia Street Tallinn BN67 Estonia October 17, 2011 Mr T.Hunt IT-Programmer 65 Tormic Street London United Kingdom Dear Mr Hunt I am writing to apply for the position of IT-Programmer with your company. I saw your advertisement in web-portal JobsInt and I would like to be considered for the job. I believe I am suitable for this post as I already have experience working with programming. I studied IT-Programming For Everyone in Estonia last summer and greatly enjoyed studing new things. I was one of the best students and I got a good experience in there. I found the job very rewarding and I would like to work and study IT-Programming more. I feel that my experience would be an asset as an IT-Programmer. In addition, I am hard-working and responsible. I passed my high school diploma with a distinction, and have recently passed the University of Tartu, so you can see that I have the programming skills needed for this job. I speak English fluently and have a good working knowled

Äriinglise keel

The letter of complain

January 17, 2014 Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to complain about the computer I bought at your store last week. When I tried to turn the computer on at home, it did not work. The screen was black and the computer made an odd noise. I performed in the manner as the user manual wrote. Since the computer was guaranteed for 2 years, I took it back to your store but the shop assistant did not help me. She was impolite and arrogant and she said that she could do nothing. I am most disappointed and require my money back or a new product. I hope that this problem will find a solution in a week. Yours faithfully Mari Mets (117) January 21, 2014 Dear Sir/Madam I am writing in response to your advertisement in the last week edition of "The Job-Hunter". I would like to attend the TV talent show. I am 19 years old, have graduat

Inglise keel

Inglise keele kirjapraktika portfoolio

I accused him of not loving me and then he stormed out. Now he was hurt and I was responsible. "Oh, Tom! Don't speak, you need your strength. I love you, Tom!" I told him. He had to know. "No! Jess! I wanted to... tell you... this is not.... real. You are having a dream, my love!" 4 Kirjapraktika Portfoolio 2013 6. Official letters a) letter of application Kuuse 1 Haapsalu Estonia 27 September 2013 Adrian Warren Personnel Manager Head Office Northgate Halstead Road London N2 8PT Administrator Dear Mr. Warren, I am writing in regard to your advertisement for hotel staff which appeared in the Lääne Elu newspaper (25 September 2013) I am 22 years old and I am currently studying to become an English teacher in Estonia, therefore, I speak English fluently. I have worked as an administrator for three years in a local hotel. I have

Akadeemiline inglise keel

Kommentaarid (2)

maria005 profiilipilt
maria005: väga kasulik materjal
19:23 05-04-2010
M2rdu profiilipilt
M2rdu: Oli kasulik
15:29 17-11-2010

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun