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"demise" - 18 õppematerjali


The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

") These are "the symbolic and legitimacy benefits of management reform. For politicians, these benefits consist partly of being seen to be doing something. ... They may gain in reputation ­ indeed may make a career out of ­ `modernizing' and `streamlining' activities." (Pollitt and Bouckaert 2004: 6) Rhetoric is what satisfies the demand; it does not mean that one has to do anything. The problem is only that at some point, in the not too long run, the demise of the state will progress too far, the public will realize that there are delivery problems, and not only public trust will erode even more. The Weberian Model The counter-model to NPM, indeed its bête noire, is what is called "Weberian PA". This label is highly problematic, as NPM presents a caricature of it and thus builds up a paper tiger. Its namesake himself, the great German sociologist and economist Max Weber, did not even particularly like the model of PA so described; he only saw

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Kodutöö laevade prahtimine

Kodutöö 6 Ajaprahingud Palun vastake järgmistele küsimustele: 1. Nimetage põhilised tähtajalise prahtimise lepingute (ajaprahingute) liigid ja selgitage, millistel juhtudel eelistavad omanik ning prahtija seda või teist liiki Time-charter - laev antakse kasutamiseks koos laevaperega, laevapere ülalpidamise kulud kannab laevaomanik (võivad olla üksikud erandid mõningate kuluartiklite osas). Maj. seisukohast püüab laevaomanik anda tähtajalisse prahingusse kui on alust prognoosida reisi- ja ajatšarterite hindade langust. Kaubaomanik aga vastupidi, kui on oodata prahihindade tõusu. Bareboat-charter - laev antakse kasutamiseks ilma laevapereta, laevapere komplekteerib ja selle ülalpidamiskulud kannab täielikult prahtija. Demise-charter - analoogne taimtšarteriga, kuid laevapere ülalpidamiskulud kannab prahtija. Slot-charter- Renditakse osa laevast, mitte kogu laev. Prahiraha maksmine toimub samuti vaid kasutamise eest. 2. Millised on oman...

Merendus → Laeva kommertsekspluatatsioon
74 allalaadimist


country south of the Sahara to achieve independence from colonial rule. In addition to being known for its lush forests, diverse animal life, and miles of sandy beaches along a picturesque coast, Ghana is also celebrated for its rich history--its habitation possibly dating from 10,000 BC--and as a fascinating repository of cultural heritage. The country takes it name from the great medieval trading empire that was located northwest of the modern-day state until its demise in the 13th century. Direct sea trade with Europe, established in the 15th century, had much impact on the area's inhabitants, many of whom actively traded with the Portuguese, Dutch, British, and other Europeans. Forts and castles, many of which still dot the Ghanaian coast today, were constructed by Europeans to protect their trade interests. Although trading was originally centred on the gold that was readily available in the area (and

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

How Are Black Women Portrayed in the Novel?

How Are Black Women Portrayed in the Novel? The story begins in the early nineteenth century when the main protagonist Antoinette is a young girl. A white girl Antoinette is the daughter of the ex-slave owners, but it is the time when the passage of the Emancipation Act takes places. This means that black slaves are freed and led to the demise of many white slave owners. Because of this act, black men and women start to feel more powerful and superior towards the ex-slave owners. Throughtout Antoinette´s childhood, hostility is present between the weakened white aristocracy and the black servants they employ. On account of this situation, black women feel themselves more independent and strong. First of all, when the slaves are free and there is no need to work for others anymore, many servants leave their employers and turn their back on them. For example, there is a young black girl named Tia who is the daughter of an attend...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Aastaajad ja ilm

Geneetiline eelsoodumus: Genetic predisposition Haige süda: Heart condition Hõljuk: Hovercraft Hommikust õhtuni tööd rabama: To work one's fingers to the bone Järgnevad sündmused: Subsequent events Jõupingutus: Exert effort Keelama kellegil midagi teha: Forbid sb from doing sth Keele peal olema: To be on the tip of one's tongue Kehtestama nõudmisi: To impose demands on sth/sb Kellegi kinnisidee toitumisest: Sb's obsession with diet Kellegi ootamatu surm: The sudden demise of sb Kellegile abistavat kätt ulatama: To give sb a hand with sth Kinni maksma arvet: To foot the bill Kõõlus: Tendon, sinew Kõrgustesse tõusma: To soar Kukal: Back of the head Langema probleemide, haiguse, altkäe maksu ohvriks: To succumb (problems, illness, bribe) Lihtsad surelikud: Lesser mortals Liiges: Joints Lisajõgi: Tributary river Liustik: Glacier Lubama pikalt taastuda millestki: To allow a long period of recovery from sth

Keeled → Saksa keel
4 allalaadimist

Dictionary all marketers are liars

Fuzzy hägune G Generated demand tekitama nõudlust Genuine algupärane, tõeline Gradually tasapisi H Hard edge kõva piir Hedonistic hedonistlik Highlights tipphetked High-margin kõrgepiiriline Hipness ajaga kaasas käimine Hollering üürgamine, karjumine I Iconoclastic üldtunnustatud tõekspidamine Imminent demise eelseisev lõpp Impact mõju In charge vastutav Inability suutmatus, oskamatus Inch toll Inclined kalduv, vastuvõtlik Inconsistencies ebakõlad Inconsistent vasturääkiv Indulge järele andma Industry giant hiidtööstus Innovate uuendama Instead selle asemel Intrigued huvitatud Involve kaasama Irrational irratsionaalne Irrelevant ebaoluline J Judgment

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Vetelvedu mõisted

// 1. ÜLESANNE: kirjutada järgnevatele inglisekeelsetele terminitele eestikeelne selgitus Näit: WATERLINE – veeliin ACT OF GOD – erakorraline katkestus nt maavärin või üleujutus ADDENDUM – lepingulisa, mis muudab algse lepingu tingimusi ADDRESS COMMISSION – aadressitasu, mida laevaomanikud maksavad ADVANCE FREIGHT – ettemakstud prahiraha AIR DRAFT – maksimaalne kõrgus veepinnast laeva kõrgeima punktini ALL TIME SAVED – kogu kokkuhoitud aeg ALONGSIDE – kai ääres, parda ääres ALTERNATE - üle ühe laadruumi HOLDS ALWAYS AFLOAT or ALWAYS SAFELY AFLOAT – alati turvaliselt ligipääsetav/ohutult põhjal ARRIVAL PILOT STATION - saabumissadama lootsijaam, lootsivõtukoht ARRIVED SHIP – saabunud laev AS FAST AS THE VESSEL CAN RECEIVE/DELIVER – nii kiiresti kui laev suudabsaabuda/tarnida BALE CAPACITY – tükklasti kaubaruumide maht BALLAST - ballast, tugilast ...

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Reproduction - sotsioloogia

medical texts from the ancient Greeks up until the eighteenth century that described male and female bodies as fundamentally similar. · Though women had hitherto been conceptualised as embodying the same genitals as men inside their bodies, thus relegating women to `a lesser version of the male body' . · Any deviations from the male prototype became valid grounds for viewing female biology as `abnormal', defective and as untenable as nature itself, thus in need of manipulation by man. · The demise of the midwife and the rise of male-attended mechanically manipulated birth followed close on the heels of the wide cultural acceptance of the female body as a defective machine. Birth of medical domain: 1773 obstetric forceps were invented which gave man midwife a distinct advantage.There was however an urgent need to deconstruct the view that saw birth as `normal' and `natural' physiological event coupled with resistance based on sexual prudery that denied

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Referaat Printsess Dianast

Kadrina Secondary School Princess Diana Report Mattias Suurkivi 8.a Class Instructor: Katrin Mägi Kadrina 2009Contents Introduction I chose Princess Diana, because I wanted to know about her and I like the British royal family and she was a part of the family, too. She is dead and if somebody reads it, he or she can learn about her and will know what she was like. The purpose of the work is to introduce Diana and get to know her better. Diana Facts about Diana Main Facts Her full name is Diana Frances Spencer and she was the Princess of Wales. Diana was called people's Princess. She was born on 1. July 1961 in Park house, Sandringham, Norfolk. She was born at the same place as her mother. She was married to Charles, Prince of W...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Sissejuh. AH tekstide lühikokkuvõtted

omavaheline kombinatsioon. Riigiteenistuja peab olema eetiline. Ühesõnaga, Organisatsioonisotsioloogia tegeleb struktuuriga, Pol ökonoomia huvitub finantseerimisest ning avalik haldus rõhutab organisatsiooni kultuurilist ja vastutuslikku poolt. Kõiki kolme analüüsimoodust tuleks omavahel kombineerida ning luua üldisem bürokraatiateooria. 6. Loeng: bürokraatia kriitika, NPM, NWS, valitsemine Wolfgang Drechsler, 2005, 'The Rise and Demise of New Public Managemet', post-autistic economic review: On asjatundmatu arvata, et erinevate halduüksuste liitmine tooks automaatselt kaasa olukorra paranemise. Abstraktselt ei ole ideaalset haldusüksuse suurust olemas. Mida suurem haldusüksus, seda raskemini koordineeritavad ja hallatavad need on. Personali eelarves ei kajastu mitte kokkuhoid, tihtipeale on vaja töötajaid hoopis juurde palgata.

Ühiskond → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
18 allalaadimist

Oliver twist - kokkuvõte

Chapter 31: Blathers and Duff, the Bow Street Runners, come into the house and ask questions about the crime to Mrs. Maylie and Dr. Losberne. Losberne recounts the circumstances to them, and they ask about the injured boy they heard the servants speaking of. Losberne tells them that Oliver had nothing to do with the crime and that in all the excitement someone mistaken him for one of the thieves. Blathers and Duff inspect the premises and demise that the robbers were professionals, probably from London. Dr. Losberne, Mrs. Maylie, and Rose debate on whether or not Oliver should tell his story to the men, and they decide that though they believed him, it was rather farfetched. In Oliver's interest, they decided to make up a fake one for the boy so they could keep him safe. Stalling the officers, they took them down to the kitchen, gave them food, drink, and listened to their tale of another robbery. Finally, they want to go see Oliver

Keeled → Inglise keel
312 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

Even more than Renaissance scholars who discovered man and Nature, the scientific revolutionaries attempted to understand and explain man and the natural world. Thinkers such as the Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus(14731543), the French philosopher René Descartes(15961650) and the British mathematician Isaac Newton(16421727) overturned the authority of the Middle Ages and the classical world. And by authority I am not referring specifically to that of the Church the demise of its authority was already well under way even before the Lutheran Reformation had begun. The authority I am speaking of is intellectual in nature and consisted of the triad of Aristotle(384322) and Ptolemy (c.90168). The revolutionaries of the new science had to escape their intellectual heritage [ pärandus ]. With this in mind, the revolution in science which emerged [ kerkis esile ] in the 16th and 17th centuries has appeared as

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist


But the moment one shifts to new wine, the fermenting creative process will create an expansionism that will burst the old wineskins already stretched to their limit. For this reason, "new wine must be put into fresh wineskins." Mikhail Gorbachev learned he could not place the new wine of democracy into the old wineskins structures of communism. The result was spillage, as in the failed coup and August Revolution of 1991 which brought about the demise of the Soviet Union. South Africa is also drinking the new wine of multiculturalism and diversity, thus the need for new wineskins to accommodate change. Where does change come from? Change comes from the outsiders, the young, those new to a reality (age is not a factor), as well as from those who are at the periphery, the marginal; all of whom have little investment in the prevailing paradigm, and thus have nothing to lose. Those most open to change

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

More importantly, he tries to study the subjective reality of the characters coinsciousness. Not the reality of how the world is, but how the disturbed character feels. Oneill uses repetitive movements, robotic, stacatto dialogue-short, abrupt, subjective settings,that usually reflect nightmare or madness and a progression of stability to madness or violence.character starts as a stable personality ja mida edasi seda segasemaks läheb. Play ends with a shriek that signals the protagonist demise. Oneill was so serious about what he was writing he produced only tragedys, 1 comedy. Moreover, by origin he was partly greek, used greek mythology in plays. Also like a typical modernist he was schoked by the lack of religious faith, the lack of religious myth. Connection with the past. He decided to create his own myth. Not to create, he remade old greek myths. One of his masterpiece is ,,desire under the elms". Phaedra and Hippolytus. In oneill's play this myth is used as a vechicle for

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist


Ragdoll ("a highly upgraded Ragdoll" formerly known as the "Ragdoll Tu", "experimental Persian" or simply "Miracle"), Baby Dolls/Doll Babies, Angels, Shu Schoo, Symoneese/Symonees, Manxees and Fuzz. The named IRCA Ragdoll/Miracle breeding lines included Maximillions (silver tabbies), Minks, Bears (thicker fur, shorter ears, rounder eyes, flatter face, cobbier body) and Catenoids (blue-eyed solids surrounded by claims they could be bred to any cat to produce an IRCA-type Ragdoll!). After the demise of Baker and of IRCA, many of these were absorbed into the RagaMuffin and some were apparently re- registered as TICA Ragdolls. SNOWSHOE, SNOWSHOE SIAMESE AND SNOW-TOES Originally, the Snowshoe (or Silver Laces Cat) resulted from crossing Siamese, or Oriental Shorthairs, with American Shorthairs. The white mitts occur natually in some lines of Siamese where they are considered a fault. Today Snowshoes generally result from Snowshoe

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

A New Earth

Pain-bodies write and produce these films, and pain-bodies pay to watch them. Is it always “wrong” to show and watch violence on television and the cinema screen? Does all such violence cater to the pain-body? At the current evolutionary stage of humanity, violence is still not only all-pervasive but even on the increase, as the old egoic consciousness, amplified by the collective pain-body, intensifies prior to its inevitable demise. If films show violence in its wider context, if they show its origin and its consequences, show what it does to the victim as well as the perpetrator, show the collective unconsciousness that lies behind it and is passed on from generation to generation (the anger and hatred that lives in humans as the pain-body), then those films can fulfill a vital function in the awakening of humanity. They can act as a mirror in which humanity sees its own insanity. That in you

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

" He looked down, ashamed again. "The thought of you, still, white, cold... to never see you blush scarlet again, to never see that flash of intuition in your eyes when you see through my pretenses... it would be unendurable." He lifted his glorious, agonized eyes to mine. "You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever." My head was spinning at the rapid change in direction our conversation had taken. From the cheerful topic of my impending demise, we were suddenly declaring ourselves. He waited, and even though I looked down to study our hands between us, I knew his golden eyes were on me. "You already know how I feel, of course," I finally said. "I'm here... which, roughly translated, means I would rather die than stay away from you." I frowned. "I'm an idiot." "You are an idiot," he agreed with a laugh. Our eyes met, and I laughed, too. We laughed together at the idiocy and sheer impossibility of such a moment.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

moved the bulk of the membership with him to a jungle settlement in Guyana, South America. There, the People's Temple existed in relative obscurity until No- vember 18, 1978, when Congressmen Leo R. Ryan of California (who had gone to Guyana to investigate the cult), three members of Ryan's fact-finding party, and a cult defector were murdered as they tried to leave Jonestown by plane. Convinced that he would be arrested and implicated in the killings and that the demise of the People's Temple would result, Jones sought to control the end of the Temple in his own way. He gathered the entire community around him and issued a call for each person's death to be done in a unified act of self-destruction. The first response was that of a young woman who calmly approached the now famous vat of strawberry-flavored poison, administered one dose to her baby, one to herself, and then sat down in a field, where she and her child died in convulsions within four minutes

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun