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"multiculturalism" - 9 õppematerjali


The advantages and disadvantages of multiculturalism

The advantages and disadvantages of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism has both ­ the good sides and the bad sides. A lot depends on the country as much it depends of its people. The good side is definitely the environment and society, which enrich and develop into many directions. So do people, too. New languages spread to schools all over the world and people learn and try out new things such as new oriental cuisines and much more. Many different traditiones expand that way.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Kanada ühiskond ja kultuur/Society and Culture of Canada

to the present? Before the 1760s mostly from France; 1760s to the end of the 19th century from Britain, either directly or by way of the US (Loyalists); the early 20th century, from continental Europe (Germany, Ukraine, Scandiavia, Italy); after WWII war refugees from many European countries, including Estonia; since the 1960-70s most immigrants from Asia and other Third World countries. 15. Canadian policy of multiculturalism. Who was the Prime Minister when the Canadian government officially endorsed this policy? Pierre Trudeau was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada from April 20, 1968 to June 4, 1979, and again from March 3, 1980 to June 30, 1984. On 1971, his government officially endorsed the policy of multiculturalism. 16. Official and non-official languages of Canada. Two official languages at the federal level: English, French. Canada's linguistic diversity extends beyond the two

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2 allalaadimist


Myke Myers are some of the famous movie acters from Canada Deadmau5 is a famous DJ from Canada Nature Canada has a very various landscape Canada has around 31,700 large lakes Canada is geologically active, having many earthquakes and potentially active volcanoes The national animals in Canada are beaver and canadian horse Culutre and traditions Historically, Canada has been influenced by British, French, and aboriginal cultures and traditions Many Canadians value multiculturalism and see Canada as being inherently multicultural Popular food is French fries with maple syrup National sport is ice hokey Famous sights are Lake Louise, Banff and Montreal Interesting facts Canada is the second largest country in the world Canada is a developed country and one of the wealthiest in the world Youtube video: https:// 0 Used literature http:// l http:// en

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1 allalaadimist

Sihtkeelses õppes kasutatavad mõisted

Veelgi parem: muusika kuulamise asemel kasutada seda keele õppimiseks. Kui inimene õpib grammatika põhitõdesid ja proovib seejärel võõrkeelseid laule tõlkida. Muusika on suurepärane abivahend sõnade meeldejätmiseks, sest omaette on võimalik laulda kõikjal ­ dusi all, köögis, autos ja mujal. mitmekultuuriline õpikeskkond ­ . Uuringud on näidanud, et on piiramatud kasu mitmekultuurilisuse õppekava. Tegelikult, selle puudumisel võib olla tõeline takistus õpilastele. Multiculturalism lisab õpilaste (ja õpetajate) mugavus töötamisel eakaaslastega erinevatest rassidest ja etnilise taustaga. Läbi teosed klassiruumi, õpilased on varustatud teadmisi ja oskusi, et paremini mõista perspektiive oma klassikaaslastega. Nooruk piiraks on väga reaalne ja lapsed tulevad kooli eelarvamused poole erinevatesse rühmadesse. Õpetajad peavad olema tundlik seda. Kõik kasvatajad peavad kasutama meetodeid, mis aitavad lapsi arendada positiivset rassilise hoiakuid.

Keeled → Keeleteadus
4 allalaadimist


American media and entertainment are popular if not dominant in Canada; conversely, many Canadian cultural products and entertainers are successful in the US and worldwide. Canada is a geographically vast and ethnically diverse country. There are cultural variations and distinctions from province to province and region to region. Canadian culture has also been greatly influenced by immigration from all over the world. Many Canadians value multiculturalism. There were, and are, many distinct Aboriginal peoples across Canada, each with its own culture, beliefs, values, language, and history. Much of this legacy remains celebrated artistically, and in other ways, in Canada to this day. Part of the emblem of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics is an inukshuk, a stack of rocks in human form that is a part of Inuit culture. 12. History The earliest discovery of the new World was made by Norse seafarers known as Vikings

Keeled → Inglise keel
92 allalaadimist

Topic - Canada 2

important in the early development of Canadian culture. The British conquest of Quebec in 1759 brought a large francophone population under British rule, creating a need for compromise and accommodation, while the migration of United Empire Loyalists from the Thirteen Colonies brought in strong British and American influences. In parts of Canada, especially the major cities of Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto, multiculturalism itself is the cultural norm and diversity is the force that unites the community. In Quebec, cultural identity is strong, and many Quebecois commentators speak of a Quebec culture as distinguished from English Canadian culture. Canadian popular media is heavily influenced by America. Easy access to broadcast media has brought many American influences into Canadian culture since the mid20th century. As

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


burst the old wineskins already stretched to their limit. For this reason, "new wine must be put into fresh wineskins." Mikhail Gorbachev learned he could not place the new wine of democracy into the old wineskins structures of communism. The result was spillage, as in the failed coup and August Revolution of 1991 which brought about the demise of the Soviet Union. South Africa is also drinking the new wine of multiculturalism and diversity, thus the need for new wineskins to accommodate change. Where does change come from? Change comes from the outsiders, the young, those new to a reality (age is not a factor), as well as from those who are at the periphery, the marginal; all of whom have little investment in the prevailing paradigm, and thus have nothing to lose. Those most open to change are those who are not benefiting from the way things are presently structured. Those most resistant to

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125 allalaadimist

20.-21. sajandi kunst

1 Modernistlik ja postmodernistlik kunstimudel. Ajaline raamistus. Väärtushinnangute, teoreetilise aluse ja terminite muutumine. Modernistlik kunst loodi urbaniseerumise ja industrialiseerumise (moderniseerumise) tingimustes ning see põhines enamasti klassika kui eelkäija ja varasemate stiilide eemaletõukamisel ja hõlmas ajavahemikku ca 1870ndatest kuni 1950ndate lõpuni. Modernism tähendab kõige laiemas mõttes Lääne kultuuri iseloomustusi 19. sajandi keskpaigast kuni ca 20. sajandi keskpaigani, hõlmates selle arengu laiu majanduslikke, tehnoloogilisi, poliitilisi tendentse ning suhtumiste paketti. Modernistliku kunsti ajalugu võib hakata „arvutama“ impressionistidest, kes tõid maalikunsti kaasaegse moodsa tehnoloogia – fotograafia – mõjutusi. Modernism - kõrgkunsti modernne traditsioon, mis vastandub mitte ainult klassikalisele, akademistlikule, konservatiivsele kunstitüübile, vaid ka populaar- või massikultuurile. Rõhutatakse kõr...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
54 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

it is the organization of life under late capitalism, we are talking about less advances countries, elements-skeptisism towards metanarratives, flattening of history and loss of memory and emphasis on surfaces, not on depth, the experience of life as spectacle, life as a show, as a performance, the dissapearance about distinction about puclib and private life, consumerism, information overload, schizophrenia, paranoia, multiculturalism and the recogniztion of countires in the boarderlands, hybrid cultures. Postmodernism is the textual manifestation of postmodernity, whatever they create in response to postmodernity. Economy depends on mass consumption. How does one learn to be a consumer-televison, advertisement, internet and huge system of great shopping centres-the malls. In this sense the media have replaced the school, the media are teaching young people how to be, the media

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun