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"husky" - 14 õppematerjali

husky on väga temperamentne koer ning seetõttu temast eriti mõnusat rahulikku telekavaatamise semu enamasti ei saa. Kõrge energiatase ongi tavaliselt päästikuks kõikidele tõule tüüpilistele käitumuslikele häiretele.

Kasutaja: Husky

Faile: 0


.............. JÄSEMED:...................................................................................................... KÄPAD:........................................................................................................ SUURUS ja KEHAKAAL:................................................................................ KOKKUVÕTE................................................................................................. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUSED 12 SISSEJUHATUS Siberi husky on algupärast tüüpi koeratõug. Kuna teda on kasvatatud sajandeid väga karmides tingimustes ainult töö tegemise esmärkidel, on ta käitumine juhitud paljudest intinktidest. Tänu neile instinktidele said koerad hakkama ja jäid ellu rasketes oludes. Oma primitiivsete iseloomuomaduste tõttu ei ole siberi husky võib-olla kõige tüüpilisem kodukoera esindaja. Sellest hoolimata ei ole uringutele tuginedes leitud temas

Bioloogia → Loomad
3 allalaadimist

Canada's brands

Blackberry The BlackBerry is a wireless handheld device introduced in 1999 as a two-way pager. In 2002, the more commonly known smartphone BlackBerry was released, which supports push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, internet faxing, web browsing and other wireless information services as well as a multi-touch interface. It is an example of a future device. Developed by the Canadian company, it delivers information over the wireless data networks of mobile phone service companies. BlackBerry first made headway in the marketplace by concentrating on e-mail. Chrysler Canada Chrysler Canada Inc. is Chrysler's Canadian division. Incorporated in 1925, the Chrysler Corporation of Canada gained complete control of a Maxwell-Chalmers plant that had been used to manufacture some Chrysler models in the previous year. Initially called Chrysler Canada, Ltd, the name of the company changed to DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc following the merger ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Arukas aretus: 5-6 Kasutatud allikad: 7 SISSEJUHATUS Areneva silmavõrkkesta kõhetumise, PRA(Progressive Retinal Artrophy), näol on tegemist silmahaigusega, mida esmakordselt on kirjeldatud 20.sajandi alguses. Progresseeruv võrkkesta atroofia on võrkkesta nägemisrakkude degeneratiivne haigus, mis lõppeb pimedaksjäämisega. Esimeseks märgiks on kanapimedus, laienenud pupillid, tavalisest suurem silmade läikivus(Eesti Siberi Husky Ühing, 2013, Progresseeruv võrkkesta atroofia (PRA)). PRA on pärilik haigus, mis tähendab seda, et kindlustamaks enda tulevase koera tervise, peaks koerahuviline vaatama enda koera pesakonna vanemate terviseuuringute tulemusi. Kõik terviseuuringute tulemused, seal hulgas ka PRA testi tulemused, on võimalik näha Eesti Kennelliidu online registris(juhul, kui nad on tehtud). Hoolimata sellest, et paljude tõugude aretusnõuetes ei ole silmahaiguste test kohustuslik, teeb

Bioloogia → Geneetika
6 allalaadimist


Inuitid on traditsiooniliselt olnud kalurid ja jahimehed. Nad jahivad vaalu, merihobusid, jääkarusid, linde. On öeldud, et inuitid jahivad kõike mis lendab, kui see just lennuk pole ja kõike mis roomab, kui see pole just tank. Tüüpiline inuittide toit on kõrge valgusisaldusega ja väga kõrge rasvasisaldusega. Talvel, kui nii maa kui meri on jääs, kasutavad eskimod koerarakendeid transpordiks. Selleks kasutavad nad Husky koeri. Inuitid teevad oma riided ja jaltsid loomanahkadest, mis on kokku õmmeldud looma kontidest ja kõõlustest tehtud nõelte ja niidiga. Inuittide kunst, nikerdused, tekstiilitööd ja laulmine on väga populaarsed, mitte ainult Kanadas, vaid kogu maailmas ning inuittide kunstnikud on laialt teada. Kuigi inuittide elu on oluliselt muutunud viimase sajandi jooksul, jätkavad nad oma traditsioone. Traditsioonilised teadmised nagu lugude jutustamised, mütoloogia, muusika ja tants on nende

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
4 allalaadimist

Character sketch - Tom Bunchanan, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. Not even the effeminate swank of his riding clothes could hide the enormous power of that body -- he seemed to fill those glistening boots until he strained the top lacing, and you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat. It was a body capable of enormous leverage -- a cruel body. His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed." Tom, as a cheater, is careless because Daisy knows about his relationship with Myrtle Wilson. Also, it is proved when Tom forces Nick to meet Myrtle. I mean, who introduces their mistress to the cousin of their wife? Furthermore, Tom acts quite boldly around George Wilson, who is Myrtle's husband, and shows no guilt for his affair. Tom has an apartment in New York where he and Myrtle can do whatever they want. In New York Tom

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


teel ees seisab, mõtles ta. Kas teda ei vaadatud, kas ei osutatud sõrmega; kas ei tardunud ta sinna, nagu oleks kõnniteesse juurdunud, mingil eesmärgil? Aga mis eesmärgil? (lk 16-17) Carl Sandburg modernistlik metropol (näide) CHICAGO (Chicago Poems 1916) HOG Butcher for the World, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler; Stormy, husky, brawling, City of the Big Shoulders: They tell me you are wicked and I believe them, for I have seen your painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys. And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the gunman kill and go free to kill again. And they tell me you are brutal and my reply is: On the faces of women and children I have seen the marks of wanton hunger. And having answered so I turn once more to those who

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
207 allalaadimist

Ökosüsteemi teenused

uurimise all oleva ala jaoks tervikuna. Maakasutuse vormid Valiti üheksa maakasutuse vormi, olenevalt sellest millise teguri mõju ÖTle uurida sooviti: 1) Looduskaitsealad 2) Teedevõrgustik 3) Mäeeraldised 4) Põhjapõtrade karjatamine, nii suvistel kui talvistel karjamaadel ning võttes arvesse ka inimtegevust nende karjatamisel 5) Metsamajandus, sealhulgas lageraie, harvendusraie, valikuline raie 6) Mootorsaani ja Husky safarid ning teekonnad, mille puhvrer on 4m ja 400m 7) Matka- ja suusarajad, mille puhvriks on 4m 8) Ajaloolised paigad 9) Paisjärved Nimetatud maakasutuse kategooriad on jagatud vastavalt nende poolt osutatavale mõjule ÖTdele rasketeks (2,3,5,9) ning kergeteks (1, 4, 6, 7, 8). Mõju erinevatele maakasutusvormidele hinnati kahel viisil. Esiteks hinnati iga maakasutuse katergooriat iga ÖT kategooriaga, kasutades selleks viieastmelist skaalat -2st( kõrgelt

Geograafia → Geograafia
15 allalaadimist


...........................................28 Kuvasz.............................................................................................................................................29 Mops................................................................................................................................................29 Suur Jaapani Koer...........................................................................................................................30 Siberi Husky ...................................................................................................................................30 Lancashire Heeler............................................................................................................................31 Harrier.............................................................................................................................................31

Loodus → Loodusõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Writing in the Business World

between the member states b) the decision by parrot who hopes to create more than 450 jobs illustrates dramatically the benefits that wales can offer to foreign investors from both sides of the atlantic before deciding on wales the company considered locations in the silicon valley california the irish republic and several european countries c) husky oil is planning to increase the capacity at its ontario heavy oil refinery the estimated cost of the project is still unknown completion is scheduled for late 2001. 4 Levels of Formality One important change that the secretary made was to alter the level of formality of the report. In writing Text 1, the Transport Supervisor used much the same language as he probably did when speaking to the Transport Manager on the telephone, and at some points the report

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist

2. Maailmasõda

TEINE MAAILMASÕDA Eesti ajalugu. VI köide. Vabadussõjast taasiseseisvuseni. Ilmamaa: Tartu, 2005. lk 141 ­ 152. Sõja eelõhtu On väidetud, et Teine maailmasõda oli ette määratud otsustega, mis lõpetasid Esimese maailmasõja. Tõepoolest, sõjajärgsete rahulepingute põhjal kujunenud uus maailmapilt rahuldas vaid mõningaid võitjariike ning neidki üksnes osaliselt ja esialgu. Totalitaarsete ja autoritaarsete reziimide võimuletulek enamikus Euroopa riikides 1920.-30. aastail tõi revansistlikud ideed järk-järgult avalikku käibesse. Sõjakate meeleolude kasvust andsid tunnistust nii rahvusvahelise desarmeerimiskonverentsi läbikukkumine kui Saksamaa, Jaapani ja Itaalia lahkumine Rahvasteliidust. Märtsis 1935 taastas Saksamaa Versailles' rahulepingu sätteid rikkudes üldise sõjavaekohustuse ning mõni kuu hiljem sõlmitud Inglise-Saksa mereväeleping andis Berliinile võimaluse võimsa sõjalaevastiku taasloomiseks. Märtsis 1936 tühistas Hitler Locarno k...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist

American Literature Portfolio

He is on his way to join the rest of his companions at an old mining camp on a distant fork of Henderson Creek, and he estimates his arrival time will be six o'clock in the evening. The man is traveling on foot; all he has by way of supplies is his lunch. It is not long before he realizes that the temperature is colder than fifty below, but this fact does not yet worry him. Part II The man is accompanied only by a dog--``a big native husky,'' wilder than other breeds. Despite its heavy fur, the dog dislikes traveling in brutally cold weather. It knows instinctively that the temperature is actually seventy-five below zero and that no one should be out in such ``tremendous cold.'' The man reaches Henderson Creek, which has frozen and can be used as a trail but is also riddled with dangerous winter springs that never freeze and are hidden beneath a thin layer of river ice. Although he is short on imagination, the man uses

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
36 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

"But women are okay?" I asked to lighten the mood. His brows rose. "I know your roommate is bisexual. Are you?" "Would that bother you?" "Sharing you would bother me. It's not an option. Your body belongs to me, Eva." "And yours belongs to me? Exclusively?" His gaze turned hot. "Yes, and I expect you to take frequent and excessive advantage of it." Well, then..."But you've seen me naked," I teased, my voice husky. "You know what you're getting. I don't. I love what I've seen of your body so far, but that hasn't been a whole lot." "We can rectify that now." The thought of him stripping for me made me squirm in my seat. He noticed and his mouth curved wickedly. "You'd better not," I said regretfully. "I was late getting back on Friday." "Tonight, then." I swallowed hard. "Absolutely." "I'll be sure to clear my schedule by five

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

"Have you tried to go over sixty?" "No," I admitted. "Good. Don't." He grinned. I couldn't help grinning back. "It does great in a collision," I offered in my truck's defense. "I don't think a tank could take out that old monster," he agreed with another laugh. "So you build cars?" I asked, impressed. "When I have free time, and parts. You wouldn't happen to know where I could get my hands on a master cylinder for a 1986 Volkswagen Rabbit?" he added jokingly. He had a pleasant, husky voice. "Sorry," I laughed, "I haven't seen any lately, but I'll keep my eyes open for you." As if I knew what that was. He was very easy to talk with. He flashed a brilliant smile, looking at me appreciatively in a way I was learning to recognize. I wasn't the only one who noticed. "You know Bella, Jacob?" Lauren asked -- in what I imagined was an insolent tone -- from across the fire. "We've sort of known each other since I was born," he laughed, smiling at me again. "How nice

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist


Signal Officer, the outfit shed its old name of Signal Intelligence Service and gained and lost three new ones within two months. Then from July, 1942, to July, 1943, it was called the Signal Security Service, and from July, 1943, to the end of the war, the Signal Security Agency. Lieutenant Colonel Rex Minckler, chief since before Pearl Harbor, was replaced in April, 1942, by Lieutenant Colonel Frank W. Bullock. In February, 1943, Lieutenant Colonel W. Preston (Red) Corderman, tall, husky, quiet, pleasant, who had studied and then taught in the S.I.S. school in the 1930s, became chief. He remained in the post to the end of the war, rising to a brigadier general in June, 1945. Its population explosion and its voluminous output strained its administrative structure, and this was realigned several times. As of Pearl Harbor it was divided into four sections: the A, or administrative; the B, or cryptanalytic; the c, or cryptographic, and the D, or laboratory.

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun