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Kategooria inglise ajalugu - 11 õppematerjali

Ajalugu >> Inglise ajalugu

The Tudor Dynasty

THE TUDOR DYNASTY THE TUDOR DYNASTY The Tudor dynasty or House of Tudor was a European royal house of Welsh origin that ruled the Kingdom of England and its realms, including the Lordship of Ireland, later the Kingdom of Ireland. Its first monarch was Henry VII. Henry VII THE TUDOR DYNASTY The Tudors extended their power beyond modern England, achieving the full union of England and the Principality of Wales in 1542 and successfully asserting English authority over the Kingdom of Ireland. They also maintained the traditional claims to the Kingdom of France, but none of them tried to make substance of it, though Henry VIII fought wars with France to try to reclaim that title. After him, his daughter Mary I lost the claim on France forever with the Fall of Calais. ...

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Jaani Kirik

SAINT JOHN´S CHURCH Tallinn Saint John´s Church The church was built in 1867 Neogothic church organ Renovation of the church Danger of collapsing donations Swedbank-221001159467 SEB bank-1000 200 416 3009

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Ned Kelly - the bushranger

Ned Kelly Ursula 11. kl · Edward (Ned) Kelly, bushranger, was born in June 1855 at Beveridge, Victoria, the eldest son of John (Red) Kelly and his wife Ellen. His father was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in 1820 and sentenced in 1841 to seven years' transportation for stealing two pigs. He arrived in Van Diemen's Land in 1842. When his sentence expired in 1848 he went to the Port Phillip District, where on 18 November 1850 he married Ellen, the eighteen-year-old daughter of James and Mary Quinn; they had five daughters and three sons. · · Ned attended school at Avenel until his father died on 27 December 1866. Left indigent, the widow and children moved to a hut at Eleven Mile Creek, about half-way between Greta and Glenrowan in northern Victoria, where Ned became the main breadwinner, taking jobs as a timber cutter and rural worker - ringbarking, breaking in horses, mustering cattle and fencing. · Kelly, 14...

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Malta - Repubblika ta' Malta

Malta Repubblika ta' Malta Where is Malta? Full name Mediterranean sea 7 islands Population Famous for... 316 km2 History Importance of Malta's position Diffrent rulers Independence in 1964 Europe Union United Nations Culture Language Religion National holiday Cuisine Life in Malta Goverment Largest city Climate Currency Economic Sectors Tourism Part of economy Beaches Churches Museums The end Thanks For Listening

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Inglismaa ajalugu

1 EKSAMIKONSPEKT: INGLISMAA AJALUGU I Sissejuhatus Suurbritannia ajalukku Inglismaa ajaloo periodiseerimine. Eelajalooline Britannia ( - 43 pkr). Rooma Britannia (50 eKr-450 pKr). Anglosaksi Inglismaa (450 pKr – 1066 pKr) Normanni Inglismaa (1066-1290): Anjou dünastia. Hiliskeskaeg (1290-1450). Varauusaeg (1450-1750): Tudorid, Stuartid. Uusaeg (1750-20.sajand). Viktoriaanlik sajand (1837-1901). Rooma Britannia: Julius Caesari ekspeditsioonid 55-54 e.Kr; Esimesed katsed vallutada tegi juba Julius Caesar. Kaks katset aastatel 55 – 54 eKr, millega jäädavalt püsima Inglismaale ei jäädud. Invasioon algusega 43 p.Kr. ja selle raskused; Keiser Claudiuse ajal üritati uuesti vallutada. Rooma oli ülekaalus, aga tegemist oli paljude hõimudega, kellega tuli pidevalt võidel...

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31 allalaadimist

Henry VIII

Henry VIII Katrin Repetskaja G1 Early life · Born at Greenwich Palace June 28, 1491. · The son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. · Third child, second son. · Six siblings, 3 survived. Reign Crowned on 23 June 1509 at Westminster Abbey. Reign lasted from 1509 until 1547. Fought wars against France and Scotland. Established the Church of England. United England and Wales under one system of government. Appearence Tall and thickset Blue-grey eyes Short auburn hair Beard Handsom in his youth, became bloated and fat Dressed lavishly: gold collar, many jewelled rings Hobbies Threw javelin Hunting Archery Jousting Tennis Spoke French, Latin, some Ita...

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6 allalaadimist

Mary Stuart

Mary Stuart Mary, Queen of Scots Mary was born in 8th December 1542. Also known as Mary Stuart or Mary I of Scotland She became queen when her father, James V died six days after her birth. First marriage Mary was sent by her mother, Mary of Guise, to be raised at the court of the French king Henry II. She was married in 1558 to Francis II. When Francis died Mary returned to Scotland. Francis II and Mary Stuart Scotland She was distrusted because of her Catholic upbringing. In 1565 the red-haired queen married her ambitious cousin Lord Darnley She became a victim of intrigues among the Scottish nobles. Darnley murdered Mary's confidant David Riccio. The murder of Riccio Third marriage Lord Darnley was murdered in 1567. The suspect was Bothwell. Ignoring objections by the jealous Scottish nobility, Mary married Bothwell. England ...

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4 allalaadimist

Aggregation of Scotland with England

Aggregation of Scotland with England Tartu Veeriku School 7a Koit Krusberg 25 March 2015 Edward I  Lived in 17 June 1239 – 7 July 1307  Nicknames Edward Longshawk, Hammer of the Scottchs  15 children, 10 girls and 5 boys  Next king Edward II Edward II Edward II  (25 April 1284 – 21 September 1327  Son of Edward I  By the Grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitaine James VI and I  Lived 19 June 1566 – 27 March 1625  Was crowned in 1603  Son of King Henry and Queen Mary Stuart  Next king was Charles I of UK Charles I  Lived in 19 November 1600 – 30 January 164  King of UK until his execution in 1649  Absolutism  Next king was Charles II Charles I References  %C3%B5da  gland 

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Pirita convent / Pirita klooster

Pirita Convent Anete Samelselg 10th grade About the convent It was founded by St. Birgitta in 1412 and consercrated in 1436. The area is 1360 square meters. It was the biggest church building in the Middle aged Estonia. Name Pirita is orginated from St. Birgitta. The idea and construction The history of the the Pirita Convent dates back to the 15 century. The idea to found a convent in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, was initiated by some Tallinn merchants already in 1400. Building plot was donated from Livonian Order. The building were built in two different parts. One for nuns and one for monks. Church in the middle and it was used by both. St. Birgitta rules In the convent have to live both - nuns and also monks. Nuns and monks were seperated and did not see each other at all. The Convent could not have more than 85 members ­ 60 sisters and 25 brothers. The leader of the co...

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2 allalaadimist

Lest We Forget

Attack On America The World Trade Center Complex New York, NY September 11th, 2001 Facts - I WTC Complex: Consist of Seven Buildings Owner: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Architect: Minoru Yamasaki & Associates Engineer: John Skilling & Les Robertson, based in Seattle Contractor: Tishman Construction Company Ground Breaking: August 5th, 1966 Opened: April 4th, 1973 Facts - II Dimensions: 200 feet Tower sides. Total area : 12 million square feet 40,000 sq ft per floor Height: 110 stories high, 1368 and 1362 feet. (417 and 415 meters). Elevators: 239 elevators and 71 escalators Earth work: 1.2 million cubic yards were excavated Facts - III Steel: 200,000 tons Concrete: 425,000 cubic yards Windows: 43,600 windows 600,000 sq ft...

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Inglismaa 17.sajandil

Inglismaa 17.sajandil Charles I Stuart- 1629 saatis parlamendi laiali anglikaani kirik 1640 pika parlamendi algus 1642- 49 kodusõda: kuningas- parlament 1649 kuningas hukati Oliver Cromwell- 1653 pika parlamendi lõpp puritaanid 1653-58 Cromwelli diktatuur lordprotektor 1658 Cromwelli surm Charles II Stuart- 1660- restauratsioon 1660-1685 Charles II 1685-1688 James II- püüdis taastada absolutismi ja katoliklust 1688- kuulus (hiilgav) revolutsioon Õiguste Bill/ Deklaratsioon: 1)määras kindlaks parlamendi ja kuninga võimupiirid; 2)parlament andis välja seadusi ning kehtestas makse; 3)kuningale andis parlament täievvõim; 4)kuningas oli küll riigipea, kuid allus nagu iga teinegi kodanik õigustele ja seadustele; 5)parlament sai õiguse esitada valitsusele arupärimisi ning võimaluse valitsusele umbusaldust avaldada; 6)kehtestati trükivabadus; 7)parl...

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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun