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Keemia alused praksi KK

Perioodilisussüsteem ­ s (leelis ja leelismuldmetallid), d (siirdeelemendid e üleminekumetallid), p (mittemetallid (väärisgaasid)) ja f (lantanoidid ja aktinoidid) elemendid; Aatomite raadiused kasvavad rühmas ülevalt alla, perioodis vähenevad vasakult paremale, diagonaalne sarnasus; Katioonide raadiused väiksemad kui vastaval aatomil ja anioonidel raadiused suuremad, kui vastaval aatomil. Aatomi või iooni ionisatsioonienergia ­ energia, mis kulub kõige nõrgemini seotud elektroni eemaldamiseks aatomist või ioonist. Ionisatsioonienergiad vähenevad koos aatomi (iooni) raadiuse kasvuga. Kasvab perioodis vasakult paremale ja rühmas alt üles. Elektronafiinsus ­ energia, mis kulub või eraldub, kui aatom (ioon) liidab enesega elektroni. Kasvab perioods vasakult paremale ja rühmas alt üles. Elektronegatiivsus ­ näitab aatomi võimet tõmmata enda poole elektrone polaarses kovalentses sidemes. Sõltub ionisatsioonien...

Keemia → Keemia alused
80 allalaadimist

Eksami kordamisküsimuste vastused

1. Keemiline element ­ teatud kindel aatomite liik, mida iseloomustab tuumalaeng. Aatom ­ koosneb aatomituumast ja elektronidest, elektriliselt neutraalne. Molekul ­ koosneb mitmest aatomituumast (samasugustest või erinevatest) ja elektronidest, elektriliselt neutraalne. Ioon ­ koosneb ühest või mitmest aatomituumast ja elektronist, omab pos (katioon) või neg (anioon) laengut. 2. Aatomi mass ­ aatomi mass grammides. Näiteks 10-24 g Ühik: g Molekuli mass ­ molekuli mass grammides. Ühik : g Aatommass ­ keemilise elemendi või selle isotoobi ühe aatomi mass aatommassiühikutes (amü). Molekulmass ­ ühe molekuli mass aatommassiühikutes (amü) ehk süsinikuühikutes (sü). Molaarmass ­ ühe mooli aine mass grammides. Ühiks: g/mol 3. Aine - *üks aine esinemisvormidest; *kõik, millel on olemas mass ja mis võtab enda alla mingi osa ruumist; *koosneb aatomites, molekulidest või ioonidest. Lihtaine ­ keemiline aine,...

Keemia → Keemia alused ii
181 allalaadimist

Keemia alused Eksami kordamisküsimuste vastused

1. Keemiline element – teatud kindel aatomite liik, mida iseloomustab tuumalaeng. Aatom – koosneb aatomituumast ja elektronidest, elektriliselt neutraalne. Molekul – koosneb mitmest aatomituumast (samasugustest või erinevatest) ja elektronidest, elektriliselt neutraalne. Ioon – koosneb ühest või mitmest aatomituumast ja elektronist, omab pos (katioon) või neg (anioon) laengut. 2. Aatomi mass – aatomi mass grammides. Näiteks 10-24 g Ühik: g Molekuli mass – molekuli mass grammides. Ühik : g Aatommass – keemilise elemendi või selle isotoobi ühe aatomi mass aatommassiühikutes (amü). Molekulmass – ühe molekuli mass aatommassiühikutes (amü) ehk süsinikuühikutes (sü). Molaarmass – ühe mooli aine mass grammides. Ühiks: g/mol 3. Aine - *üks aine esinemisvormidest; *kõik, millel on olemas mass ja mis võtab enda alla mingi osa ruumist; *koosneb aatomites, molekulidest või ioonidest. Lihtaine – keemiline aine,...

Keemia → Keemia
10 allalaadimist

How to Start a Business in Georgia

HOW TO START A BUSINESS IN GEORGIA Table of Contents · INTRODUCTION · TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTITIES · Joint Stock Company · Limited Liability Company · General Partnership · Limited Partnership · Cooperative · Branch Office · Business Partnership · Individual Entrepreneur · REGISTRATION REQUIREMNETS · Registration requirements for JSC/LLC/GP/LP/CO · Registration requirements for a Branch Office · Registration requirements for a BP · Registration requirements for an IE · FAQ · Content of the Application Form for Registration · Required Documents for Registration of an Enterprise · Sample of the Minutes of Partners/Shareholders Meeting for Establishment of an Enterprise · Required Documents for Registration of a Branch Office · Sample of the Board of Directors Resolution for Establishment of a Branch Office · Required Documents for Registration of a Business Partnership · Required Documents for Registration of an Individual Enterprise · Sam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Keemia ja teaduslik meetod

1 Loeng 1-2 Keemia ja teaduslik meetod 1.Teadus ja keemia. Teadus uurib ja püüab mõista loodust. Sõltuvalt uuritavst objektist või tema eri tahkudest eristame sotsiaalteadusi (inimsuhted), bioloogiateadusi (elavad organismid) ja füüsikalisi teadusi (põhilised loodusprotsessid). Keemia, kuuludes viimaste hulka, uurib aine struktuuri, omadusi ja muundumisi.Teadlased, vaadeldes loodust ja korraldades katseid (see on mõõtmisi) koguvad andmeid mõistmaks, mis looduses toimub. Saadud andmete alusel teadlased sõnastavad mõisteid ja väiteid, püsitavad hüpoteese, loovas teooriaid ja avastavad loodusseadusi. Hüpotees (kr. hypothesis-alus, eeldus) on teadaolevaile faktidele toetuv, kui tõestamata oletus mingi nähtuse, seaduspärasuse vms. kohta. Hüpoteeside tõenäosus on erinev, tähtis on, et nad võimaldavad fakte loogiliselt organiseerida.. Erinevalt meeleval...

Keemia → Üldkeemia
7 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

It often doesn't. I'm not suggesting that you start injecting yourself with odd substances never before tested on humans. I am suggesting, however, that government agencies (the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration) are at least 10 years behind current research, and at least 20 years behind compelling evidence in the field. More than a decade ago, a close friend named Paul was in a car accident and su ered brain damage that lowered his testosterone production. Even with supplemental testosterone treatments (creams, gels, short-acting injectables) and after visiting scores of top endocrinologists, he still su ered from the symptoms of low testosterone. Everything changed-- literally overnight--once he switched to testosterone enanthate, a variation seldom seen in the medical profession in the United States. Who made the suggestion? An advanced bodybuilder who knew his biochemistry

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

a pro-Chinese or anti-American statement. Not only was it a lasting personal re- minder of his action, it was also likely to persuade those around him that it re- flected his actual beliefs. As we will see in Chapter 4, what those around us think is true of us is enormously important in determining what we ourselves think is true. For example, one study found that one week after hearing that they were consid- ered charitable people, homemakers in New Haven, Connecticut, gave much more money to a canvasser from the Multiple Sclerosis Association (Kraut, 1973). Appar- ently the mere knowledge that someone viewed them as charitable caused these people to make their actions consistent with that view. Savvy politicians have long used the committing character oflabels to great ad- vantage. One of the best at it was former president of Egypt, Anwar Sadat. Before in-

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Student World Atlas (Maailma atlas)

Issu es" feature for each continent Pie chart s show percentages of an d o ne for the wo rld. To cr eate a total. th ese features the latest SCIen tific in fo rm a n o n wa s gath ered an d orga ni zed for yo u. The topiC S cover th e three major en vironmental Issues faced by crn zcn s today, desertific a tio n , d eforestati on, an d acid ram. Glossary

Geograafia → Geograafia
97 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

added phosphates (Ruusunen and Puolanne healthier. 2005). The use of some nonmeat components can Another way to reduce the required be submitted to food regulation (e.g., addi- amount of salt and phosphate is to use micro- tives defined in the Council Directive 89/107/ bial transglutaminase (MTG). It is a calcium- EEC 1989). Most food additives are consid- independent enzyme that catalyzes the ered safe. However, some are known to be polymerization and crosslinking of proteins carcinogenic or toxic. Allergic reactions to through the formation of covalent bonds colorings and hyperactivity from phosphates between protein molecules (Carballo et al. have been reported for sensitive individuals. 2006; Heinz 2007). Although the addition Moreover, some nonmeat ingredients, such

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

Investor's Handbook A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia · Start Up · Privatization · Labor Legislation February 2011 1st Edition 1 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 1 This brochure is a publication by the Georgian National Investment Agency (GNIA) and was prepared by Georgian law firm Mgaloblishvili, Kipiani, Dzidziguri (MKD). The Brochure is intended to be a general guidance on start up, privatization and labor relations. It is thus not expected to be a substitute for detailed research or exercise of professional judgment on above mentioned topics. Companies and individuals operating in Georgia or planning to operate, are strongly advised to obtain current and detailed information from experienced professionals. None of the organizations mentioned above, nor their members, employees o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


anyone else. Persistence is the quality that will ultimately guarantee your success. Your willingness to persist in the face of every adver- sity can be your greatest asset. It can be the one factor that guaran- tees your success. If you refuse to quit, you must ultimately succeed. Just as in baseball, you won’t ultimately hit a home run unless you keep on swinging. In 30 years of studying successful people, I have discov- ered one fact over and over. No one was ever defeated until they ac- cepted defeat as a reality. No one can ever defeat you but yourself. When you discipline yourself to do what you should do, whether you feel like it or not, and you use this inner strength to build high levels of courage and persistence within yourself, you will become an incredibly powerful person.You will soon feel that there is nothing that you cannot accomplish

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun