An analysis of the problem of Political Power Written by: Katre Kikkas Introduction It is said that in the political philosophy there are only two questions: ,,Who can have what?" and ,,Who will decide over it?". It is not exactly like that but it is quite close to the trough, to begin with. The first question includes material amenity's, and dividing rights and liberties.(Wolff, 1996) What is power? It is ability to influence others to do something they otherwise would not. Also, others can be affected with threats and force. (Kilp, 2010) Political power includes also right to force the others and to punish them if they disobey. Who should have that kind of power? Actually the political power is quite mysterious by itself. If someone has legitimate political power over me then he or she has a right to force me to do things that they want.(Wolff, 1996) But how can other person have rig...