The Hound of the Baskervilles Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Unknown words p4 hound - jahikoer p4 mire mülgas,mädasoo p 31 tor - kaljune künkatipp a) The titel of the book is ,,The Hound of the Baskervilles" and the author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. b) I choose this book because it seemed interesting. c) This is a mystery. d) The action takes place in the southwest of England on Dartmoor in 1889. e) The main characters are Sherlock Holmes (detective), Dr. Watson (the friend of the Sherlock Holmes), Dr. Mortimer, Sir Hugo Baserville, Sir Charles Baskerville, Sir Henry Baskerville, Mr and Mrs Barrymore, Mr Jack Stapleton, Miss Stapleton, Mr Frankland, Selden (escaped prisoner) and the dog. f) Summary Dr. Mortimer comes to the Sherlock Holmes for consulting about the death of Sir Charles Baskerville, who died of a heart attack and tells Holmes and dr.Watson the legend from huge dog which has killed some centuries ago Hugo Baskerville. Nea...
TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Institute of Informatics Department of Informatics Chair of Foundations of Informatics Analysis of Hotel Data 2nd Task for Data Mining Course IDN0100 Student: Matriculation ID: E-mail: Supervisor: Innar Liiv TALLINN 2011 Findings: The hotel is business oriented, which is supported by the high percentage of business occupants, and the multitude of conventions held within the hotel. The statement is further supported by the fact that occupancy drops with the decrease of influx of business people. The occupancy drops significantly in the July and August which is probably due to the fact ...
The picture of Dorian Gray The novel ,,The picture of Dorian Gray" was written by an Irish writer Oscar Wilde. It was first publised in a newspaper in 1890. At first, the book gained a lot of criticism and the author decided to change some parts of the book. The new verison was publised a year later after the former verison was released. The novel narratates a story of a wealthy, handsome, young man named Dorian Gray. When a very talented artist called Basil Hallward meets Dorian Gray, he is absolutely amazed by Gray's flawless looks. Basil decides to paint a picture of Gray, to honour his beauty. But Basil has one problem, he doesn't want that decent Gray and his friend lord Henry would ever meet. But that happens and when lord Henry tells Dorian about his view of world, Dorian gets infulenced and wishes to never age. He wishes to always maintain the same looks as he has on the picture that Basil painted of him. By lord ...
Inglise keele kontrolltöö vastused Unit 18
Accommodation in Lahemaa region Introduction Lahemaa region consists of tree rural municipalities Kuusalu, Vihula, Kadrina and one small town Loksa, in North-Estonia. Accommodation in Lahemaa represents almost all allowed types according to Estonian tourism law. There are some differences between accommodation types in Estonia and Great Britain. Comparison of the accommodation ways in Lahemaa and Great Britain The types of accommodation in Lahemaa are: villa, guesthouse, hotel, tourist farm, bed and breakfast, manor hotel, hostel, motel, cottage, campsite, caravan and lodge. Officially in Estonia there are no accommodation types like lodges and caravans, caravans belong under the accommodation type campsite. Lodges in Estonia, also in Lahemaa are managed by State Forest Board (RMK) and are meant to be independently used free of charge by any tourists. If there is a lodge in a tourism farm, it is considered to be an alternative a...
Unit 10: vocabulary 1. small talk (n) talk about unimportant things to pass time 2. chat show (n) talk show 3. to get through to sb (v) reach 4. to get your point across (v) to make someone understand 5. to speak up (v) to speak louder 6. to speak out about sth (v) to make a statement 7. to talk down to sb to talk to someone like you're better than they are 8. to pick up sth (v) start a topic 9. to pass on a message (v) - 10. to bring up a point - 11. to commute (v) to travel regularly over some distance 12. commuter (n) person who travels back and forth between something 13. virtuous (adj) naturally good at something, morally excellent 14. exasperated (adj) extremely annoyed 15. dismayed (adj) without courage 16. deed (n) something that is done 17. to boast about sth (v) to brag about sth 18. to exaggerate about sth (v) to magnify beyond the limits of...
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Estonian University of Life Sciences Report on Soil Microflora By Katrin Vares Tartu 2013 Introduction The purpose of this report is to define soil microflora and establish the importance of it. Since the microorganisms clearly play an important role in preserving the balance of life, the next objective is to look into factors that influence this balance. Natural conditions and cultural impact could be considered as the variables that correlate the most with the activity and composition of microflora, hence some of the natural and cultural factors will be looked into a little more in detail. Definition, composition and importance of microflora Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary (2007) cited by the online medical dictionary (2013) defines living microorganisms as that small that they can be seen only with a microscope and that maintain a more or less constant presenc...
Marko Normann What is Social Informatics and Why Does it Matter? Rob Kling Antud artiklist toin enda jaoks valja jargmised uheksa olulist motet kindluse mõttes, kuna oli vaja ainult viit. 1. Sotsiaalinformaatika (social informatics) on interdistsiplinaarne uurimisvaldkond infotehnoloogia susteemide disainimisest, kasutamisest ja tagajargedest, mis arvestab seejuures IT-susteemide moju/koostoimet asutustepohises ja kultuurilises...
Ø Sébastien Loeb is a French rally driver currently driving for the Citroën World Rally Team in the World Rally Championship Ø He has won the world championship a record eight times in a row, and also holds several other WRC records, including most points, wins and podium finishes. Personal information Ø Sébastien Loeb born 26 February 1974 in Haguenau, Alsace Ø He grew up in Oberhoffen-sur-Moder. He competed as gymnast and became a four-time Alsatian champion, once champion of the French Grand East, and fifth in the French championship. Ø He broke off school in 1992 but resumed taking classes in 1994, aiming at a professional formation in electrical engineering. On 12 September 1994, in parallel with his classes, he started working as an electrician at the Socalec company near Haguenau Airport. Ø In 1995, at age 21, he quit his job and classes and definitely turned his ...