Kertu Mölder AÜSR1 We all have rights and liberties. In Estonia they are written in the Consitution of Estonia, the fundamental law of the Republic of Estonia. In Estonia laws are declared by the President of Estonia in Riigi Teataja. When we speak about rights then for exapmle in Estonia we all have rights to love, nobody can take it from us. We all have rights to free self-realisation and self-expression. We can choose our area of activity, profession and position of employment. When we talk about education then I can say, we all have right to learn in school and to become smart and educated people. When we speak about liberties then example civil liberties are voted in European Parliament election when you are eightteen and over, you can belong to unions, then you can apply for legislative council. Also, when you are fourty and over you can run for government president. In Estonia there are a balanced code of laws. They all rely ...
// 1. ÜLESANNE: kirjutada järgnevatele inglisekeelsetele terminitele eestikeelne selgitus Näit: WATERLINE – veeliin ACT OF GOD – erakorraline katkestus nt maavärin või üleujutus ADDENDUM – lepingulisa, mis muudab algse lepingu tingimusi ADDRESS COMMISSION – aadressitasu, mida laevaomanikud maksavad ADVANCE FREIGHT – ettemakstud prahiraha AIR DRAFT – maksimaalne kõrgus veepinnast laeva kõrgeima punktini ALL TIME SAVED – kogu kokkuhoitud aeg ALONGSIDE – kai ääres, parda ääres ALTERNATE - üle ühe laadruumi HOLDS ALWAYS AFLOAT or ALWAYS SAFELY AFLOAT – alati turvaliselt ligipääsetav/ohutult põhjal ARRIVAL PILOT STATION - saabumissadama lootsijaam, lootsivõtukoht ARRIVED SHIP – saabunud laev AS FAST AS THE VESSEL CAN RECEIVE/DELIVER – nii kiiresti kui laev suudabsaabuda/tarnida BALE CAPACITY – tükklasti kaubaruumide maht BALLAST - ballast, tugilast ...
JOB ADVERTISEMENTS - vocabulary 1. as required – vastavalt nõudmistele 2. at least 2 years of administrating experience – vähemalt 2 aastane kogemus administratiivtöös 3. advanced / fluent English language skills (both verbal and written) – hea inglise keele oskus (nii suuline kui kirjalik) 4. willingness to work – valmisolek töötada 5. learn & grow in knowledge and career – täiendada teadmisi ja karjäärivõimalusi 6. is a huge bonus – on suureks eeliseks 7. will be considered as advantage – on eeliseks 8. Develop and implement a business plan and sales strategy – arendada ja rakendada äriplaani ja müügistrateegiat 9. Be responsible for the budget – vastutada eelarve eest 10. initiate and implement promotion and advertising activities – algatada ja viia ellu uusi reklaamimisviise 11. in order to increase competitiveness – et suurendada konkurentsivõimet 12. Competitive remunera...
Unusual sports Wife Carrying Competition Wife carrying is a contest in which male competitors race while each carrying a female teammate. The objective is for the male to carry the female through a special obstacle track in the fastest time. The sport was first introduced at Sonkajärvi, Finland. Rules The wife to be carried may be your own, or the neighbor's, or you may have found her further afield; she must, however, be over 17 years of age. The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kilograms. If she weighs less than 49 kg, she will be burdened with a rucksack containing additional weight to bring the total load to be carried up to 49 kg. Each contestant takes care of his/her safety and, if deemed necessary, insurance While the International rules are the basis for all competitions Equipment The only equipment allowed is a belt worn by the carrier and a helmet wor...
COSTA CONCORDIA ABOUT SHIP • Cruise ship • Italy • largest • 2 September 2005 • 14 July 2006 • 290.20 metres long • Beam 35.50 m • 23 knots • 1,500 cabins • 3,780 passengers • 1,100 crew member • 13 public decks COLLISION • 13. January 2012 • Near Giglio Island • Francesco Schettino • 4,252 people on board • Italian, German, or French nationals • 32 deaths WHAT HAPPENED? • 7 day cruise • Civitavecchia • Went off course • Too close to land • 7 miles wide • Power off • 1hrs • Tilted 30 degrees CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP • First who abond ship • 16-years in prison SALVAGING THE COSTA CONCORDIA • 2 years • 2014 • $2 billion THANK YOU!
Unit 1 Writing Our company's core values are to provide quality products at affordable prices and make sure that the ingredients in products are safe and natural. We recognize environmental issues and never knowingly create a product that is harmful to the environment, we don't use animal testing and our manufacturing supports wind power. Nature's Care aims to foster the staff's development. For the employees of Nature's Care we provide a pleasant working environment and supply training oppurtunities and perks. Customers are very important to us so we treat each customer as an individual and try to make every person who shops with us feel important and valued. Nature's Care recognizes that these days customers value more natural products, so we monitor current trends and move quickly to fill gaps in the market.
Do Small Classes Reduce the Achivement Gap between Low and High Acrivers? Evidence from Projegt STAR Meeri Kuustemäe This study was carried out by Spyros Konstantopoulos from Northwestern University 2008 by the University of Chicago Examined: how small class size can affect the achievement of low- and high- achiving students. Tennessee Class Size Experiment/ Project STAR Data from 4- year, large- scale, randomized experiment conducted in Tennessee in the mid- 1980s. Nearly 11000 students in 79 elementary schools in 42 districts in Tennessee Hypotheses about Class Size Mechanism 1. High achievers benefit more than low achievers from being in small classes 2. Low achievers benefit more from being in small classes 3. Small and regular classes help higer- and lower- achieving students similary Method Empirically Validity of Project STAR ...
Quality system of Estonia (..Name..) (..Class..) What is that? Rural accomodation quality rank of: Home accomodation Guesthouse Holiday house Holiday village Holiday camping For how long? • For 3 years Necessity Gives the client info of the level of the accommodation service and the quality Increasing the credibility of the enterprise for provider Help for the starting enterpreneurs of this field Better understanding of client expections/needs Increasing competitiveness and crediability of (rural) tourism Who gives these? Estonia Rural Tourism Accomodation Ranking * **- third rank accommodation enterprise ** - second rank accommodation enterprise NO first rank! Marked with a stylized image of the national flower: CORNFLOWER Quality keys • Green Key • EHE • House Speciality • Housewife s Speciality Green Key • International ECO quality mark Idea: • sustainable tourism EHE-Genuine and ...
Sõnastik Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudi erialadele 1 ability to pay maksevõime 2 abrogate annulleerima 3 accelerate kiirendama, kiirenema 4 access right juurdepääsu õigus 5 accommodation majutamine 6 accord kooskõlastama 7 account arve, aruanne 8 accounting raamatupidamine 9 accounting period arvestusperiood 10 accounting records raamatupidamise dokumendid 11 accumulated debt kogunenud võlg 12 adequate supply piisav varustamine 13 adulterate võltsima 14 advance ettemakse 15 advantage of secrecy ...
Analysis of an article: ,,"Pealtnägija": Estonians hope to save the planet with meat substitute" (,,"Pealtnägija": eestlased loodavad asenduslihaga planeeti päästa") Getter Suup 03.05.2017 Impact: 8/10 I think that our eating habits and the future of them is an important topic. Since the number of humans living on planet Earth keeps rising, it is important to raise awarness on how the way we eat will affect (and affects) the planet that we're living on. Since the news were published in one of Estonia's biggest newspapers, Postimees, and also in a video format in ,,Pealtnägija", I believe that it will make hundreds of people to change the way they think and might-be even to consume less meat. Still, this topic probably does not have such a great imp...
My local supermarket I will be telling you about my local supermarket. It is about 1 kilometre from my house. Its name is Jannsen and it was named after the Estonian journalist Johann Voldemar Jannsen. I actually have quite many supermarkets around me but I chose this one because I feel like it has more of a story than the others. When you get to the building and have a look at it, you would definitely think that it needs renovation and it is definitely quite old and is from the Soviet times. It is actually really colourful, compared to most supermarkets, therefore it attracts all kinds of children from the area. It has a huge variety of materials in the shop, starting from fruit and vegetables and ending with toys, clothes and even cooking meals. Sadly, the fact that it is old, makes it quite enjoyable for the alcoholics to be around the area. It has three checkout counters where you can buy your grocer...