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Kategooria briti kirjandus 20. 21 sajand - 1 õppematerjal

Ajalugu >> Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

British Literature in the 20th-21st Century REVISION QUESTIONS 1. The Contradictory, diverse, chaotic 20th century. New developments in science and philosophy. The essence and influence of Freudian theory. Contradictory, diverse, chaotic 20th c- simultaneous rejection and invocation of the past. While modernists apotheosized the creative geniuses of the past, they also rejected old poetic forms. Challenge old and established beliefs and more and more people had access to books and education more people went to universities. profound change in morals: · No universal value and perspective on things · Multiple truths, multiple perspectives · Nothing has inherent (kaasasündinud, sisemist) importance · Life lacks purpose Science: Albert Einstein-general theory of relativity had a huge impact on culture as well. Everything is relative. Philosophy:...

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
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