oData transparency: In bit and byte oriented protocols, there is a problem if a control character (for ETX (End of Text) ·Same as ETB, only no more blocks will follow. ITB (End of > Differences with HDLC length of protocol field (1B or 2B) byte-oriented protocols) or the start-of-frame flag (for bit-oriented protocols) appears in the actual data. Intermediate Transmission Block) ·Same as ETB, except that the receiving statio Differs from HDLC because of multiaccess MAC that provides · Maximum payload length (default: 1500) This was not likely to happen in ASCII text, but is very likely with binary data. This is known as a data will not acknowledge after the error checking. EOT (End of Transmission) framing/error detection: · Type of CRC (2B or 4B) transparency problem an can be...
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