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Kategooria inglise keel 9.klass - 3 õppematerjali

Keeled >> Inglise keel - 9.klass


PUT ACROSS (separable) to communicate; convey effectively During the meeting, management put across the message that our concerns were insignificant. PUT AWAY (separable) to discard; renounce Let's put away our worries, and live for the moment. (separable) to consume I watched Max put away several hamburgers in just a few minutes. (separable) to confine; incarcerate; imprison The government put Sherman away for a year for having the wrong information on his website. PUT BACK (separable) to place something where it was previously When you finish the milk, please don't put the empty container back in the fridge. PUT DOWN (separable) to insult or make disparaging remarks about someone I feel sorry for Max. Everytime he and Mary get together with their friends Mary puts him down in front of everybody. (separable) to kill a sick or injured animal (usually out of mercy) The vet said it was necessary to put down the race horse because of its b...

Keeled → Inglise keel - 9.klass
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Pandemic - Studying during Covid-19

Pandemic This year has come differently, everyone is really anxious and waiting for all of this to be over. I would even say that the whole year has had everyone on their toes, but I am trying to keep a positive mindset, there can always be worse. Sometimes I think people overdo it because Estonia doesn’t have it so bad, but better be safe than sorry. Studying at home is quite difficult for me, I don’t think it’s necessarily because of the pandemic, I’d say it’s more of a personal struggle. But when I have the motivation and or the goal in mind then I don’t think there is a more self-disciplined person than me. Most people probably enjoy studying from home because they can wake up when they want to, wear what they want to, eat what they want to and so on. But for me it just ruins my routines and boundaries therefore I get lazy and I start to slack off. Also I don’t like bringing “work” home becau...

Keeled → Inglise keel - 9.klass
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9. klassi Kärdla Põhikooli Canada Factfile

CANADA FACTFILE Area: 10 million square km Population: 35 million Capital: Ottawa Official languages: English, French Currency: Canadian dollar Number of Native Canadians: 800 000 75% of Canadians live in cities/towns. 80% live within 200 (160) km of US border. Largest city: Toronto (4.7 million) Northern Canada: mainly forest, tundra, ice and snow Western Canada: Rocky Mountains Highest mountain: Mount Logan (5 951 m) West-central Canada: prairie grassland Most important river: St Lawrence Longest river: Mackenzie (4,241 km) Niagara Falls: largest falls in the world Also 2 million lakes, over 60% of the world's lakes Industry: mining, oil and gas, paper, motor vehicles, fishing Agriculture: wheat, fruit and vegetables Canadian wildlife: polar bear, moose, caribou, elk, brown bear, grizzly bear, several kinds of wild cat, whales off east/west coasts Over 500 different kinds of birds Central Canad...

Keeled → Inglise keel - 9.klass
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