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Animals #1 Animals #2 Animals #3 Animals #4 Animals #5 Animals #6 Animals #7 Animals #8 Animals #9 Animals #10 Animals #11 Animals #12 Animals #13 Animals #14 Animals #15 Animals #16 Animals #17 Animals #18 Animals #19 Animals #20 Animals #21
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Aeg2008-09-08 Kuupäev, millal dokument üles laeti
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English Grammar Book 1

5 january is the first month of the year. Exercise 2 Look at the signs on the left. Can you find the mistakes? Write the names correctly. hopkins hotel lincoln school orchard street newton road botanic gardens national library shea stadium 3 Nouns Common Nouns Nouns are divided into common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns are words for people, animals, places, or things. These are words for people. They are common nouns. artist Word File Here are more words for people: actor lawyer aunt judge baby man baker nurse cook police officer acrobat dentist singer clown

Inglise keel

Natural zones and flora of Australia

These strong trees do not die when there are forest fires. Some other kinds are small bushes in the semi-deserts.Eucalyptuses give the local people timber and eucalyptus oil. Of 600 kinds of acacias the golden wattle, the national flower of Australia, is the best known. Australia has many other kinds of tree, and thousands of kinds of wild flowers too. Of other trees there grow bottle trees in the savannas, tree ferns in the tropical forests and many others. Fauna. The animal life of Australia is unique. The marsupials or pouched animals form the biggest group of animals in Australia. Most of the she-marsupials have pouches in which they carry their young. The kangaroo is one Australian animal that everybody knows.There are more than 50 species of kangaroo. They are furry animals that hop on their hind legs. The biggest are red kangaroos, grey kangaroos and euros. The smallest are thekangaroos that belong to the group called rat kangaroos

Inglisekeelne geograafia

Pink Floyd

Contents Contents.................................................................................................................................. 1 # When the Tigers Broke Free................................................................................................ 2 # In The Flesh ?...................................................................................................................... 3 # The Thin Ice......................................................................................................................... 4 # Another Brick in the Wall part 1........................................................................................... 5 # The Happiest Days of our Lives........................................................................................... 6 # Another Brick in the Wall part 2........................................................................................... 7 # Mother..........................................................



l kl o re Fo di t i on r al tra O Folk lo elem re can ents c the , it e ontain r s e ever ometim qually c ligious y e o o prac day life s mund ncerns r mythi n t . a it c narr ical an Folklore ne tra self wit io a d t freq d h conf tive pa he es uent itions o la c

British history (suurbritannia ajalugu)

Endangered natural environments

Endangered Natural Environments Eva Häidov LM11 Indrotucion I choose this topic because I am interested in it. Why should I choose for the outside when we are in these problems here. Estonian environmental problems Oil shale mining and burning Air pollution The draining of swamps and peat Water pollution Excessive forest cutting ...and so on 1. Combustion of oil shale 10 thousand hectares of land covered with dump rock hills underground mining is unfit for further use of 20 thousand hectares The pollution leaving from the chimney of a power plant fly ash 2. Air pollution Am b ie nt a ir p o llutio n a nd a ir p o llutio n in c itie s a d ve rs e ly a ffe c ts h um a n h e a lth e c o s ys te m s a nd b uild ing s . North Estonian cities, depending on the increase in incidence has been observed in the increase i

Inglise keel

Suuline eksam

Why? 17. How old were you when you first went to see a puppet show? Do you remember what it was? 18. Who is your favourite actor/actress? 19. What performance or concert would you like to see if it were possible? Why? 20. Have you got a drama club at your school? Are you a member of it? 21. Have you ever worn a costume? When? Why? 22. Have you ever seen a rehearsal of a show? When? Which show? 23. Have you ever been to a zoo? Which zoo? What animals were there? 24. Have you ever been to a funfair? Where? 25. Have you ever been to a circus? When? Where? 26. Have you ever seen a circus show on TV? 27. What did you see in the show? (an animal act? clowns? acrobats? jugglers?) 28. Are you good at juggling? What makes you think so? 29. Do you like aerobics? Are you good at it? Do you know anybody who is? 30

Inglise keel

Suhted laste ja vanematega

6 other 3 spend 7 waste 6 Nowadays printers are dirt cheap. 7 for 4 rent 8 income 7 I think you were ripped off by the 8 disadvantages/drawbacks garage. 2 1 Animal Farm and Nineteen 9 drawbacks/disadvantages 8 We'll have to tighten our belts to Eighty-Four. 10 creates avoid getting into debt. 2 In Paris. 11 consequences



ARMASTUS/MEELDIMINE : Let's commit the perfect crime , i'll steal your heart & you steal mine. Would you be my prince, if i'd be your princess ? People so seldom say I love you And then it's either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, It doesn't mean I know you'll never go, Only that I wish you didn't have to Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again? Armastus on nagu lendamine kunagi ei tea millal alla võid kukkuda Oli kord üks saar, kus elasid kõik tunded. Armastus, kurbus, tarkus, lõbusus ja veel paljud, paljud teised. Ühel päeval öeldi neile, et saar hakkab uppuma. Kõik sõitsid oma paatidega ära. Armastusel polnud paati. Ta jäi saarele, kuni see oli peaaegu vee all. Alles siis hakkas ta abi küsima. Esiteks sõitis mööda Rikkus. Armastus ütles "Võta mind palun oma paati." Rikkus vastas vaid "Mu paadis on palju raha ja kalliskive, sina siia ei mahu" ja sõitis edasi. Saarest oli vaid väike osa vee peal, kui Puhtus m

Eesti keel


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