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Kategooria suurbritannia kultuurilugu - 1 õppematerjal

Kultuur-Kunst >> Suurbritannia kultuurilugu

Royals and their favorite music

Royals and their favourite music ROYAL FAMILY TREE Kate MIddleton: Abba Kate Middleton, the Duchess Of Cambridge, requested Swedish band Abba's classic wedding- reception dance staples such as Dancing Queen at the post-royal wedding dinner dance in 2011. Prince Charles: Leonard Cohen You might suspect that Prince Charles has highbrow musical taste - he adores Bach - but he also once revealed in a TV interview that Leonard Cohen was "wonderful". Cohen appeared at a 1998 Prince's Trust concert.. Prince Harry: Skream Ollie 'Skream' Jones is a 'Dubstep' producer based in Croydon. His debut album Skream! was released in 2006 although he prefers the term ‘UK bass’ to 'Dubstep'. Prince Harry,  who sang a bit of Bob Marley in public on his tour of Jamaica in March 2012, has seen Skream close up - after he performed at a charity event at Buckingham Palace Princess Margaret: The Beatles Princess Margaret was part of the Swinging Sixties scen...

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia kultuurilugu
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