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Keeled >> inglise teaduskeel


Tallinn English College English Sergo Vainumäe 9A TALLINN Report Supervisor: Inge Välja Tallinn 2006 Order of contents: 1.Introduction 2.Toompea 3.Lower Town 4.Kadriorg and Pirita 5.Museums 1. Introduction Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, lies on the Baltic Sea. It is on almost the same latitude east St. Petersburg in Russia, Stockholm in Sweden and Stavanger in Norway, and covers 158 sq km. Tallinn was first marked on a map of the world by the Arab geographer al-Idrisi in 1154, its name then being Kolyvan (probably derived from the name Kalev). In the 13th-century Chronicle of Henricus de Lettis the town was called Lyndanise. Later came Reval (presumably after the old county of Rävala), the name used by the Germans who ruled the country for seven centuries. Russians then modified Reval...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
51 allalaadimist

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley 1935 8. Januar: Elvis Aron Presley wird in East Tupelo, Mississippi/USA als Sohn des Baumwollpflückers und Fabrikarbeiters Vernon Presley und der Näherin Gladys Presley, geb. Smith, geboren. Sein Zwillingsbruder Jesse Garon kommt tot zur Welt. 1937 Presleys Vater Vernon wird wegen Scheckfälschung festgenommen und 1938 zu drei Jahren Zwangsarbeit verurteilt. 1939 wird er vorzeitig aus der Haft entlassen. In diesen Jahren entsteht die enge Bindung zwischen Presley und seiner Mutter. Erste Gesangserfahrungen sammelt Presley im Kirchenchor. 1945 Presley gewinnt den zweiten Preis im Talentwettbewerb der Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Daily Show in Tupelo. 1946 Presley erhält seine erste Gitar...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
56 allalaadimist


Elizabeth I When Elizabeth was a young girl, the times in Englad were quite confusing and the fight over the throne of England was in the highest point. Of course a major problem was the religion. Elizabeth was a protestant but Mary, the queen of England believed truly in the catholic church. Mary unfortunately died and Elizabeth became the next queen of England. There remained some lords and members of the council who were not loyal to Elizabeth. Many of them wanted to see her dead, but she managed to be alive. The throne was still in endangered by Mary Stuart but the queen moved fast and let Mary killed. Elizabeth was living a hard life because she had to stand for the people of England and make many important decisions. She had good mind for being a queen and she was able to improve the position of England in the world despite the fact that she sacrificed her life for it. She...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
18 allalaadimist


Letter of complaint 30/03/2009 Dear Mr Friedberg, I am writing to complain about the last three movies you made: "Disaster Movie", "Meet the Spartans" and "Disaster Movie". I recently saw all of them but unfortunately they are really bad. In the first place you promise that your movies are very funny, but they don´t. The jokes are just lame. Only 5th graders would laugh when they hear the jokes. I know that these movies are meant to be parodys but you should show more respect to the original movies. In addition to that the acting is very poor. You should have hired some well know actors. Maybe they would have saved the movies. Also the movies had lots of mistakes in them. For example the positions of furniture changed in several frames. The mistakes could have been avoided when you had edited the ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
128 allalaadimist

Contitional sentences

Conditionals Sentences with if are used to express possibilities. 0 Zero conditional If-clause present (past) simple Main clause present (past) simple Sometimes sentences with if express certainty rather than possibility. The zero conditional is used to talk about sth. that is always true (such as a scientific fact), or that was always true in the past. In this type of conditional we can use when instead of if. E.g., If/When you mix blue and red, you get purple. If/When you don't water flowers, they die. (present simple in both parts of the sentence) If/When I asked her to come with us, she always said no. (past simple in both parts of the sentence) 1 First conditional If-clause present simple; Main clause future tense (or: can, must, may, etc., + bare infinitive) Used to talk about the consequences of a possible action (a real or very probable situation in the present or ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
46 allalaadimist


1.Official name of the country The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as various other territories and protectorates 4.Size of the territory, population Area: 50,351 sq mi (130,410 sq km). Population : By mid-2007, this was estimated to have grown to 60,975,000. 3444890325 km Englands an area of around 13 million hectares. 8.Main religions Generally, the top five religions are Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Buddhism and Judaism. However if you are looking religious statistics, you'll often see that 'NonReligious' and 'Atheist' appear higher than Buddhism and Judaism, despite obviously not being a religion. Christianity is the major religion, followed by Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and then Judaism typical clothing

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

inglise keeles Eesti tutvustus: Project: Estonia

Project ESTONIA MAP OF ESTONIA Southern Viljandimaa The southern part of Viljandi county catches the eye with its sublime scenery. The area today lies in the very heart of the historical Mulgimaa ­ the home of hills, deep valleys and lakes brought together by a beauty spot Halliste primeval valley. According to several folk tales, it is also in these valleys, woods and bogs that Old Nick found refuge.The great variety displayed in the nature is also reflected in the local cultural heritage. At the beginning of the 19th century growing linen spread and became the basis of the legendary wealth of Mulgi farms. The ancient barn-dwellings and decaying manor houses are the mute witnesses of those times. The riches and cultural heritage of Mulgimaa owe to the diligence and tenacity of the local people. Village handicraftsmen and masters have always been honoured. Mulgikapsad (stewed sauerkraut with barley gro...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
20 allalaadimist

Report Of Canada

Tallinn English College Report of Canada 8a Teacher: Merike Sisask Composer: Kärt Kalvet 2010 Canada, Kärt Kalvet 8a Canada General Information Canada is in North America. It's area is 9220970 sq km. Canada's population is 313.612.000 people. Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Canada has constitutional monarchy. The head of state in Canada's government is the Queen of England. There are two main languages in Canada: English and French. Canada's curreny is Canadian dollar (1 dollar=100 cents[Can$]). The highest peak of Canada is Mount Logan, 5959 metres. The lowest point is sea level. The longest river is the Mackenzie. The climate and geography of Canada vary greatly from temperate in the south to arctic in the north and from islands and plains in the east to mountains in the west. Location...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

New Zealand - lühireferaat

New Zealand New Zealand is an island country. It is in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main island, North- and the South Island with lots of smaller islands. New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation. It's about 1,600 kilometers from Australia and its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga. New Zealand's total land area is 268,021 square kilometers. The country extends more than 1600 kilometers along its main,north - north-east axis and has about 15,000 kilometers of coastline. The South Island is the largest land mass of New Zealand and is divided along its lenght by the Southern Alps and the highest mountain Mount Cook is 3,754 meters high. There are 18 peaks over 3000 meters in the South Island. The highest North Island mountain is Mount Ruapehu and it is an active cone volcano. There are also two oth...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
18 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of fast food

Advantages and disadvantages of fast food Nowadays, fast food industry has greatly developed in many countries all over the world. Speedy tempo of life change people's habits of eating. People do not like to waste time on their breakfast, lunch etc. With this kind of new custom, fast food is gathering popularity. Sure there are some disadvantages as well advantages of eating fast food. Despite all that, the industry is flourishing. But really, is fast food good or bad? People choose fast food for many reasons. The most obvious advantage of fast food is that it saves time. In today's fast-paced life, there is nothing better than getting a ready meal. Also fast food is very convenient - people can go to the restaurant or store and buy and eat right away what ever they want. And after eating, they do not have to clean any dishes. Besides time, it saves money too, because you do not have to buy all the extra ingredients ­...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
38 allalaadimist


What are the benefits of factory work? A factory or manufacturing plant is an industrial building where workers manufacture goods or supervise machines processing one product into another. Most modern factories have large warehouses -like facilities that contain heavy equipment used for assembly line production. Typically, factories gather and concentrate resources: workers, capital and plant. One Benefits of factory work is that , the maschinery makes everything and people, don't have to do ,so much , only controll : is everything working and is everything allright. Factory work benefits is also that , factors make mass productions and thats better than exlusive productions because , mass productions are much cheaper that , exlusive and unique productions. Also become mass productions ready much faster than unique productions and you can make , more productions because machines don't fatigue . . Second Benefits on ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

Report of Austraalia

Mustamäe College AUSTRALIA Report Compiled by Denis Doborovits 5A Tallinn 2009 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Australia 3. Animals 4. Cities 5. Economy 6. Summary Introduction I'll tell you a little about Australia. Australia is a continent In the southern hemisphere. The area is 7.7 million square km. The capital of Australia is Canberra. The population is 17 million. The official language is English. Australia The Outback is more than two-thirds of Australia, but its population is less than 100,000. Many people live on sheep or cattle stations which are enormous farms. There are a few catt...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
11 allalaadimist

Benefits and drawbacks of the EU

Benefits and drawbacks of the EU Joining the European Union in 2004 has definitely brought some good and some bad things to Estonia in the past 9 years. As they say, you have to take the good with the bad. One positive thing that almost immediately pops into my head is the fact that being in the EU makes travelling so much easier between the member countries. So, along with the EU currency ­ the euro, travelling in Europe has never been this easy. Now people don't even have to exchange their currency when travelling for example to Finland. But the simplification of travel could also bring some drawbacks. With leaving the country being so easy, many students who are looking for better opportunities abroad now have the chance to easily leave their homeland and maybe never come back. So Estonia is losing some of its valuable young people. And since the use of euro, prices have gone up a lot, and Estonians are...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

Paiute people

Paiute people Meaning of name Unknown Northern:Numa Southern:nuwuvi language Northern Paiute language Owens Valley Paiute Southern Paiute language English Lived near water Fish Roots Seeds Meat Nuts beliefs Wolf Coyote Ghost dance Wowoka chores Fishing Weawing Hunting Roots and berries hearding children 1840 Euro Americans Pah Ute war 1860 Pony Express Thank you for listening!

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
5 allalaadimist

Eating habits

Eating habits This text talk about my eating habits and healty eating habits. I eat 4 times a day: breakfast at 7.00, lunch at 11.30, lunch at home 16.00 and dinner at 20.00. For breakfast i eat porridge, sandwich and drink cup of tea. My eating habits are healty because i care what i eat. I am sportman and i have control what i consume. I eat every kind of foods: meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. My favorite food is rice wiht pineapple and chichen sauce. My favorite dessert is pancakes with chocolate cream. Healty eatings are if people eat normally about 3-4 times a day. People must eat every kind of food: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and consume every kind of nutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrate and gluvose. Draw a conclusion from my eating habits and healty eating habits. People must consume every kind of foods and nutrients. Keith Stseglov 11.c

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
10 allalaadimist

The wounderful wizard of Oz

The wounderful wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum Lyam Frank Baum · Lyam Frank Baum was born in 1856. He was an american author. He wrotelots of childrens books. His most famous book is " The wounderful wizard of Oz." He also wrote many poems and some fantasy novels. Summary · Main character was Dorothy, who lived with her unckle Henry and aunt Em. They lived in a farm in Kansas. They were wery hardworking. One day there was a powerful storm and Dorothy was afraid and hid under the bed with her dog. Storm carried a farm away and Dorothy woke up in a strange place where tiny people greet her. She started looking or wizard OZ to get baks home with his help.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
6 allalaadimist

Marika Almar LochNess

Loch Ness Monster Nyo Science School Class 10B Supervisor: Meeli Lepisk Author: Marika Almar Loch Ness Status of a classic phenomenon Popularity endures Best known cryptozoological creature Most-sighted monsters 1000 feet deep 24 miles long 6th century The Picts - the main inhabitants Strange beast in the Scottish highlands The first references 1930-1933 1930s ­ new road 1933 - a couple reported an enormous animal Observations Footprints 1934 Robert Wilson's photo First photo of a "head and neck" Snapped 5 photos 1975 ­ photo was fake 1975 An American-based expedition Possibly an ancient reptile 2011 George Edwards' photograph The most convincing Nessie photograph ever 2013 David Elder - amateur photographer References http://ww...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

Prefixes with definitions

1. co-pilot - a pilot who helps the main pilot on an aircraft 2. disable - to cause someone to have an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for them to do the things that other people do 3. repopluate - to provide a new population for an area in which the population has declined 4. recalculate - to calculate again, especially in order to eliminate errors or to incorporate additional factors or data 5. impossible - describes a situation that is extremely difficult to deal with or solve 6. international - describes a situation that is extremely difficult to deal with or solve 7. irregular - not according to usual rules or what is expected 8. misunderstood - incorrectly understood or interpreted 9. miscalculate - to count or estimate incorrectly 10. overpaid - paid too much or more than usual 11. overbooked - to sell more tickets or places for an aircraft, holiday, etc. than are available 12. pos...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
7 allalaadimist

Vene keele kiri

26.05.2012 , , , . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , . P.S : , . T K T.K

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
34 allalaadimist

Edgar Allan Poe

"The Black Cat" Edgar Allan Poe Book Report Characters: Pluto- who is outstandingly beautiful, big, black and clever cat. Man who loves at the beginning of a story his animals, but when he change an alcoholic, he did horrible acts. Man's wife This story told a man who was absolutely pretty man, before that when he likes alcohol. He married when he was a young. He had a lot of animals: birds, gold fish, dog, rabbit, monkey and cat. The last was his favorite pet. Pluto followed everywhere where man went. Once when man was drunk, he saw that Pluto kept away from him. Man took him up and cat immediately created his teeth in man's hands. The fury of a demon instantly possessed him. He took from his waistcoat-pocket a pen-knife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberately cut one of its eyes from the socket! In the meantime ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
3 allalaadimist

Fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a boy named Sebastian. He had a gorgeous mother, who was very kind and helpful, her name was Cassy. One late night an old woman came to their door. She was sick and dieing and she said: ''I know you are helpful. So I ask you, could you go Far Far Away and bring me green flowers? These flowers could help me to heal.'' Cassy agreed and said: ''I pack my suitcase tomorrow morning.'' Then she went to Sebastian and told him: ''I'm going to leave tomorrow morning and will be back after a week.'' Sebastian was in the bed and very sleepy, he couldn't understand and he thought this was just a dream, but in the morning he understood this was real. Cassy was already half way to Far Far Away when she reached ocean. At the beach she saw red bubbles shaped as big basketballs. Crossing beach made her journey much harder. Finally she reached Far Far Away. It was really snowy there. Despite the snow there were green flowers ev...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

You what you eat

You what you eat Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once said ''Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are''. Is it really true or not? There are a great amount of opinions in the world. Firstly, from my point of view we could make certain of a man by his food preferences. Food would inform not only about man's favourite meals but also about his life. Moreover where and what does the man eat tell us about his resources. With regard to the national food could tell about nationality and religion. Secondly, man's nutrition demonstrates his relation to life because life depends directly on health in its turn health depends on nutrition. It follows that very important when man commits to healthy nutrition and keeps himself from obsessive habits. Furthermore, if man wants to be healthy, he has to control the amount of food to avoid diseases. On the other hand, food is a human need therefore we could ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
19 allalaadimist

Arvustus "The Queen"

"The people´s princess" 31 August 1997. I guess that almost everyone knows how dramatic that date was. England lost the princess who should become the Queen- but all went wrong. The film took place in United Kingdom and it talked about the Royal Family. At the beginning of the film Tony Blair was appointed as the United Kingdom´s prime minister. Blair visited Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen Elizabeth. Three months later princess Diana, the Queen Elizabeth´s daughter, had a car accident in Paris- she died. Blair gave the speech in which Diana was described as "the people´s princess". All the people in England were in shock and in tears. The country was in deep grief. Since Diana was divorced from her husband Charles, she was no longer a part of the Royal Family. At first, Elizabeth insisted that the funeral must be private. Eventually she changed her mind and she agreed to bring Diana´s bod...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist


Estonian food Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium 8A Grete Tiigiste, Mirjam Kalamees 2012 Estonian cuisine individualities In Estonia eat: Pork Rye bread Sauerkraut Fish (dried, salted fresh) Blood sausage Ancient habits Food wasn't ample. Peasant ate a lot porridge. Peasant grow provisions themselves. Estonian ate a lot rye bread. Holiday meals In Estonia are lots of holidays. On every holiday eat differently. Christmas Estonian eat a lot at christmas. Examples: Potatoes and sauerkraut Blood sausages Gingerbreads Shrove Tuesday On shrove Tuesday are two main foods: Buns with whipped cream Pea soup Easter On Easter dye eggs and then knocked them broken. After that people eat the eggs. Fish Estonian eat a lot fish. We dry, cure and fry fish. Estonian eat also salted fish. Spice spr...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
4 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

Sylvia Day Bared to You Sylvia Day Bared to You The first book in the Crossfire series, 2012 This one is for Dr. David Allen Goodwin. My love and gratitude are boundless. Thank you, Dave. You saved my life. Acknowledgments My deepest gratitude to my editor, Hilary Sares, who really dug into this story and made me work for it. Basically, she kicked my ass. By not pulling her punches or letting me shortchange the details, she made me work harder and because of that, this story is a much, much better book. BARED TO YOU wouldn't be what it is without you, Hilary. Thank you so much! To Martha Trachtenberg, copy editor extraordinaire. This book is an important one for me and she treated it that way. Thank you, Martha! T...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
14 allalaadimist

Slumdog Millionaire

MOVIE REVIEW SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE (2008) Cast: Dev Patel, Freida Pinto, Anil Kapoor. Directed by: Danny Boyle, Loveleen Tandan REVIEW: Slumdog Millionaire is a British drama film, based on adapation of the novel Q & A (2005) by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup. Slumdog Millionaire is set and filmed in India. It was dubbed in Hindi and the film dubbing superviser is Loveleen Tandan. Slumdog Millionaire was nominated for 10 oscars but won 8, including Best Picture of 2008 In Mumbai in 2006, eighteen-year-old Jamal Malik, a former street child , from the Juhu slum, is a contestant on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, and is one question away from winning a fortune. However, before the 20 million question, he is detained and interrogated by the police, who suspect him of cheating . Jamal recounts, through flashbacks, the incidents in his life which provided him with each answer. ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
10 allalaadimist

Turvalise keskkonna säilitamine

Turvalise keskkonna säilitamine RAMAZAN KUCUR Õ14-2 Sisukord turvalise keskonna säilitamine tabel, turvalise keskond määretlus, lapseiga ja noorukiga, taiskasvanu ja vanuriga, turvalise keskkona säilitamine mõjutavad tegurid, kokkuvõtte. Turvalise keskkonna säilitamine 5 4,5 4 3,5 3 Series 1 2,5 Series 2 Series 3 2 Series 4 1,5 1 0,5 0 Series 3 imikud laps Series 1 täiskasvanud Turvaline keskkond kus inimene tunneb ohutu ja turvalisem, teaduse ja tehnika võidukäigus uued ohud, ebameeldiv lõhnast,ohutust,mürast kaugelja ennast k...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
41 allalaadimist


RAKVERE AMETIKOOL AL 11 NIMI KEMPPI KEEVITUSSEADED Referaat Rakvere 2011 Sisukord · Kemppi keevitusseadmed ja muud keevitustooted · Poldikeevitus · Kokkuvõte Kemppi keevitusseadmed ja muud keevitustooted · Minarc 220 Minarc 220 on uue põlvkonna keevitusseade, millel on suur võimsus. Lisaks tavapärasele elektroodkeevitusele võib Minarc´iga keevitada ka kontaktsüütega TIG-meetodil. Seade võimaldab keevitada kuni 5mm elektroodidega ja on varustatud distantsreguleerimise võimalusega. Seade korvab alates 2007 aasta lõpul tootmisest maha võetud ülipopulaarset seadet Master 2200. Kaal on veelgi vähenenud, samal ajal koormatavus kasvanud! · Kempomat Kempomat-seeriasse kuulub 5 seadet: 170A, 210A...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
10 allalaadimist


EESTI VABARIIGI HARIDUS- JA TEADUSMINISTEERIUM VÕRUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS KEEVITUSTEHNOLOOGIA AINETÖÖ Koostas: Juhendaja: Väimela 2012 SELETUSKIRI Antud keevitatav toode on 1400 mm pikk ning 100 mm kõrge. Toode valmistatakse kahest metallplaadist, mille paksus on 8 mm. Alusplaadi laius on 60 mm ning teise detaili laius 94 mm. Keevisõmbluse pikkus on 1400 mm. KEEVISLIITE ESKIIS Keevisõmblused mida kasutan (standard ISO 22553: 2000) on nõgus nurkõmblus. Asendi keevitamisel (EVS EN ISO 6947) Nurkõmblus ­ seina alumine nurkõmblus EN: PB Arvutuslik mõõde Õmbluste pikkus kokku 1400 X 2 = 2800mm KEEVITUSVIISI OLEMUS MIG/MAG ­ keevituse poolautomaadi skeem: 1­gaasiklapp; 2­keevitustraadi pool; 3­traadi etteandemehhanism; 4­keevitustraat; 5­traadi etteande kiiruse reguleerimise nupp; 6­keevituspõleti e. keev...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
30 allalaadimist

8.klass Inglise keele tv ülesanne

8.klass Inglise keele tv ülesanne Unit 14 lk 87 h 5 a 1 Last Sunday morning I DECIDED to study for my English test. 3 That is WOULD BE ......... 4 STARTED 5 WROTE 6 LEFT 7 HAD LEARNED 8 TOOK 9 LOOKED 10 FINISHED B 11 do= had done 12 draw= have drow 13 come = came 14 say= said

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
14 allalaadimist


Montpellier (Mart Kevin Põlluste et Silver-Robert Mirzojev) 1)Montpellier est une ville en France. I lest dands le Sud de la France, su la cote de la mer Mediterranee. Montpellier est a l'est de Marseille et le sud profound de Paris. En ontre, i lest a l'ouest de Toulouse. 2)En hiver à Montpellier, il fait froid, mais pas si froid, comme en Estonie, les températures moyennes varient autour de 5 à 7 degrés. Au printemps, les températures commencent à augmenter et atteindre d'ici la fin d'environ 22 degrés. En été, la température sont les plus élevés, en moyenne près de 25 à 30 degrés. En automne, les températures commencent à tomber une fois de plus et baisser à 5 degrés à la fin de novembre. A Montpellier, il pleut très peu au cours de l'année. 3)A Montpellier, il vit 265.634 personnes selon à 2009. A Montpellier, la plupart des gens travaillent dans des domaines liés à la mer, le tourisme est également une grande partie de leur culture...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
11 allalaadimist

Navigatsioon Riigieksami küsimuste vastused 2005 EMA

Riigieksami küsimused navigatsioonis 2005 1. Põhilised punktid ja jooned Maa pinnal. Maakera kujutab endast pooluste suunas veidi lapikut kera või pöördellipsoidi. Tegelikult on maakera korrapäratu geomeetriline keha, mida nimetatakse ka gedoid´iks. Suur pooltelg = 6 378,24 km Väike pooltelg = 6 356,86 km Maakera keskmine raadius on 6 371,1 km Maakera telg ­ Maa keset läbiv mõtteline telg, mille ümber ta pöörleb. Maa geograafilised poolused ­ punktid, kus Maakera telg lõikab Maa pinda. Meridiaanid ­ pooluseid läbivad suurringi kaared. Ekvaator ­ Maakera teljega ristuv ja maakera keskpunkti läbiva tasandi ning Maa pinna lõikejoon. Paralleel ­ ekvaatori rööptasandi ja Maa pinna lõikejoon. Tõelise meridiaani tasand ­ püsttasand, mis läbib vaatleja silma ja maakera telge. Vaatleja meridiaan ­ tõelise meridiaani tasandi ja Maa pinna lõike jälg. Tõelise horisondi tasand ­ Vaatleja silma ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
86 allalaadimist

Botaanika Eksam

1. Süstemaatika teaduslikud alused. Süstemaatika on teadus, mis tegeleb meie planeeti asustavate taimede kirjeldamisega, sugulasliikide rühmadeks liitmisega ja nende rühmade asetamisega sellisesse järjekorda, mis peegeldaks taimeriigi sadu miljoneid aastaid kestnud evolutsiooni. Taksonid ­ süstemaatika ühikud. Taimi liigitatakse süstemaatilistesse rühmadesse üldtunnustatud üksuste alusel, mida nimetatakse taksoniteks: Liik < perekond < sugukond < selts < klass < hõimkond < riik 2. Liigi mõiste. Liik bakteritel, eukarüootidel, apomiktilistel organismidel. Võimalikud raskused liigi mõiste piiritlemisel. Esmane liigi kriteerium: Samasse liiki kuuluvad isendid, kes (potentsiaalselt) suudavad omavahel ristudes anda täisväärtuslikke (=paljunemisvõimelisi) järglasi. Liigi tunnuseks on ka levila ­ areaal. Raskusi liigi mõiste piiritlemisel - liik kui põhiühik on üldistus - tunnetusühik. Üks rahuldavamaid liigi määratlusi kuulub V. Komarovile: ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
48 allalaadimist

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot Billy Elliot is a shy 11-year-old living with his miner father and older brother Tony during the miner's strike. Times are hard ­ his father and brother spend their days on the picket lines clashing with the police while Billy takes care of his senile grandmother. Billy's mother has passed away. Life has made Billy a sensitive and mature boy. His father forces him to study boxing to make him into his own image. Billy isn't interested in expressing himself with his fists, he has taken some ballet classes next door, run by Mrs Wilkinson. With the encouragement of ballet teacher Mrs Wilkinson he joins in with the classes and starts to express himself through dance. But Billy knows that if his father or brother would find this out, they wouldn't like it. With the adults busy with their own problems, Billy is able to keep his new activity a secret ... for awhile. When...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

Business english

Thecurriculumvitae STEFANI KASK Personal DualEstonian-Russiannationality, born Tallinn, 27 april 1980. Careergoals Looking forchallenging, intellectuallystimulatingdevelopmentworkinmediajournalism. Wouldtomoveintoteammanagement. Skills IT Office 2010 and Windows XP, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint. Effectivemultitasker ­ good at prioritizingtasks and working on several at once. Experience 2000-now Press Office searchscientist. Nixon Inc, UK. Professional development July 2005FutureexecutivesdevelopmentcourseorganizedbyNixon. January 2003Two-weekcourseinouterculturaltraining at LancasterAssociates, UK. Qualifications 1999-2000Master'sdegreeinJournalism, New York, USA. 1996-1999Bachelor'sdegreein Media Studies, New York University, USA. Languages NativeRussianspeaker, fluent Estonian and English. Interests Asiancooking, designing, volleyball, swimming, kross-countryskiing Jobenquiry DearSir/Madam, I amwritingtoenquire a job at yourcompany. I ...

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22 allalaadimist


e : - 1754--1762 : 59°5625 . . 30°1850 . . (G) - -- - ( , 38); 1732 2 1917 . 1917 . () 1754--1762 . . . . 1918 , 1922 . . 1711--1754 . , , . , , , 1708 . , ( ) . 1711 I , . . . 1720 I . 1723 . 1725 . 10 1731 .. , . , , , , , , . , , . 1735 , . 2 1739 -. , 25 1741 , . . 1 1752 , . . . 1752 14 22 . , . . , 16 1754 . () 1755 . . ( 1762 .)...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
26 allalaadimist

Word order, articles, prepositions, adverb, adjective

Word order: positive sentences subjects verb(s) object I speak English. I can speak English. Negative sentences subject verbs Indirect object Direct object place time I will not you the story at Tomorro tell school w. Subordinate Clauses conjunction subject verb(s) Indirec Direct place time t object object I will you the story...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
35 allalaadimist

Violence on tv

Violence on television. In today's society television plays a big role. People watch TV for many different reasons. They watch TV mainly for entertainment, but they also watch it to learn and to find out news. Violence is a major problem, it has affected people for ages. Although violence on television is not the greatest thing, it should be not be banned. In my opinion TV can be very educationaland it shouldn't be banned. Most people watch TV to get away from reality. Watching shows that depict a fantasy world are a lot more interesting to watch. People don't want to see things that happen to them on a regular bases. TV can be educating. For example, there are countries that you haven't visited. Some shows take you right in the middle of it and you don't even have to walk. People also watch TV to find out news. It's much faster than the paper and the picture is moving. In one point of view TV c...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

Unit 9 Forest Party

Unit 9 Forest Party 1. Kirjuta puuduvad tähed. 1. When you enjoy doing something, you do it whip pleasure . 2. On your birthdayyours friends can give you the bumps . 3. When you give somebody a present, you need to wrap it up. 4. When you put bowls,cups, forks and knives on the table, you lay the table . 5. Of you want to say something to many people, you make a speech. 2. Kirjuta lünka sobiv eessõna. Vali siit : in / on / at 1. Why didn´t we go to the swimming pool on Tuesday afternoon ? 2. Little Peggy didn´t sleep well at night. 3. The pupils of class 6 went on a class trip on Monday morning. 4. Please come to my place in the evening. 5. All the animals had a meeting at noon. 6. They had a big garden party on Saturday night . 7. In the afternoon the headmaster made a speech. 8. My parents left for Helsinki on Thursday afternoon . 3. Vasta küsimustele...

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12 allalaadimist

Titanic - film review

Film review ,, Titanic" Katriin Mangus 10.C One of the best films that I have seen recently is called ,,Titanic", a disaster film directed and written by James Cameron, music by James Horner.The important characters are Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack dawson and Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater. In the film we see that a ship called ,,Titanic" sails out. The people are very happy to board the ship. They consider it as an unsinkable ship.In the first half of the movie Rose and Jack fall in love. They are trying to be together although it is not allowed because Rose is from the good family and Jack is just a poor boy. But in the other half of the movie,something different happens.The ship hits an iceberg and sinks. Jack dies,...

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49 allalaadimist

Essee Eating disorders

Eating disorders According to the medical dictionary, eating disorders are a group of behaviors often fueled by unresolved emotional conflicts symptomized by altered food consumption. The most common types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Why do some people start with such harmful nutritional habits? Firstly, one reason for this could be media. Advertisers heavily market weight-reduction programs and present anorexic young models as the paradigm of sexual desirability. Also, clothes are designed and displayed for thin bodies in spite of the fact that few women could wear them successfully. Another thing to mention is genetic factors. According to studies, anorexia is eight times more common in people who have relatives with the disorder. This disease will become apparent after some kind of psychological shock. Finally, even their families can give negati...

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17 allalaadimist

Eesti rahvapillid

Estonian traditional musical instruments Musical instruments and music making are inseparable from cultural tradition. A musical instrument developed musical capacities of children as a sonic toy. It served hunters and herdsmen as a vital tool, that affected the catch or wellbeing of the village herd. It was often used to signal information. Making music provides a human being feelings of relaxation and aesthetic enjoyment. Musical instruments have accompanied important ritual practices but provided also music for dance. Estonian ethnomusicologist Herbert Tampere (19091975) categorised musical instruments according to their function into two main groups: 1) traditional instruments instruments created by the folk, and instruments of professional origin that people use traditionally while developing them spontaneously (e.g. kannel, bagpipe, mouth harp); 2) popular instruments instruments of professional music that have enter...

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16 allalaadimist

Report - how to make buildings more crime-proof

To: The Crime Prevention Officer From: - Date: 28 October 2010 Subject: Increase in crimes Introduction The purpose of this report is to suggest reasons why criminals target the area and give some advice on how to make buildings more crime-proof. 1 Inveiglement Firstly, people keep their valuable items in the visible places like on the window sill and that entices the criminals. Recommendation: Valuable items should be put away, where it is impossible to see them from the window. 2 Security systems Another thing to mention is that people do not give much attention to the security of their houses. That decreases dread of being caught and criminals are getting more and more impudent. Recommendation: Security systems and security cameras should be installed in the buildings. That increases the chance that the criminals will be caught or they dare not to commit the crime. 3 Dogs Finally, burglars can easily hide themselves behind the ...

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15 allalaadimist

Kaebekiri Letter of complaint - jeans

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about the jeans which I ordered from your mail-order catalogue. I was not pleased when they arrived. To begin with, your advertisement stated that the jeans would be delivered promptly. However, they were delivered late. Secondly, you said that you were the only company in this country licensed to sell this brand, but in fact I have seen them in a local store. Though your advertisement claimed that the price was unbeatable, the ones in the local store were much cheaper. Although your advertisement claimed that the jeans were excellent quality, the zip was broken. The problems do not stop here. You sent me a wrong size. Furthermore, the free T-shirt was missing. In conclusion, I would like another pair of black jeans, not blue ones as you sent last time otherwise I will have to take the matter further. Yours faithfully, Nam...

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38 allalaadimist

Assessment report - fast food restaurant

To: Mr C. James, Manager From: Name, Assistant Manager Subject: Marco’s fast food restaurant Introduction The purpose of this report is to assess the good and bad points of Marco’s fast food restaurant and suggest any changes. It is based on my experiences as a customer. Food and prices Firstly, I am satisfied with prices, they are reasonable. But there is not a wide variety of dishes. You should add more dishes to your menu. Service Another thing to mention is that the staff was friendly and helpful. I think that a good staff means a lot for customers. But on the other hand, the service is a little too slow, particularly when the restaurant gets busy. More people should be hired. Atmosphere Finally, the restaurant looks really old and it does not look very clean anymore. I think that painting it again will give a really good result. Furthermore, I came by car, but there was nowhere to park it. You should clean up the old storage ya...

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41 allalaadimist

Trojan horse

Eriala: Informaatika Inglise keel Referaat «Trojan horse » Lektor S.Remmelg Üliõpilane A.Parts Rühm RDIR23 Kood 103373 Introduction Trojan (also - troyamn, troyamnets, troyamnsky horse Troma) - a program used by an attacker to gather information, its destruction or modification of, computer malfunction or use of its resources in the wrong purposes. According to the principle of distribution and of the Trojans is not a virus because it does not spread by self-reproduction. This Trojan is run by the user manually or automatically - the program or part of the operating system running on a victim computer (as a module or utility). For this program file (the name, icon of the program) is called the official name of masquerading as another program (such as the installation of another program), another file type, or just give us attra...

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2 allalaadimist

The best things in life are free

The best things in life are free Obviously money is important in our lives. Without it we'd have no home to live in, no food to eat and no clothes to wear. Earning a lot of money is the goal of people in their lives. But even if you have millions of dollars, there are some things that you'll never have with money. Many people are born with a some kind of talent. Money can certainly advance your skills by buying music lessons or coaching sessions, but money cannot buy a talent. People can learn to do certain things well by taking lessons but the true gift to do it well can't be bought. Even after years of lessons you can't really play piano or sing as well a person who have the real talent from birth. Money doesn't confer good behavior. There are many rich people who are rude and with no manners but also there are plenty of poor people who demonstrate perfect manners and respect for others. The amount of money you have doesn't show if...

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13 allalaadimist

Australia slideshow

Tauri Heinmets, Rauno Kiik, Hendrik Lessuk, Ronald Proosa AUSTRALIA Geographical position Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent as well as the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. world's sixth-largest country by total area. The lowest point in the country is lake of Eyre (15m below sea level) and the highest point is Mount Kosciuszko (2229m) Economy Mixed economic system Division of labor Agriculture 3,6%; Industry 21,1%; Tendance 75% Units of labor 11,45 mlj. 2009. Unemployment 5,6% Most important export articles: coal, iron,gold Most important import articles: machinery and transport equipment Australia is one of the most important mining industry countries Politics Capital: Canberra Largest city: Sydney National language: English (de facto) Demonym:Australian, Aussie Government: Federal parliamentary c...

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12 allalaadimist

Enivornment in Estonia - Problems and solutions

Environment in Estonia Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual persons or individual countries. In other words, it is an international problem. But what are the biggest problems in Estonia,why and how people could solve it? Air, water, and land pollution rank among Estonia's most significant environmental challenges. The combination of 300,000 tons of dust from the burning of oil shale by power plants in the northeast part of the country and airborne pollutants from industrial centers in Poland and Germany poses a significant hazard to Estonia's air quality. Estonia's water resources have been affected by agricultural and industrial pollutants, including petroleum products, which have also contaminated the nation's soil. Some rivers and lakes within the country have been found to contain toxic sediments in excess of 10 times the accepted level for safety...

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19 allalaadimist

Job Application Letter

Dear Ms. Lake, May 13, 2011 I am writing to apply for the job advertised in Yes! student magazine. I would like to be considered for the position in a summer camp. I would also like to ask few questions concerning the position. I believe I am suitable for the job because I have had previous experiences. For example, I have been organising different music and sport events. I also speak fluent English, I am hard-working, I have good knowledge of different games and entertainments, I like working with children. It would be good practise for my following studies. I have a few questions concerning the job. I would like to know where the camp would be located, when exactly it is taking place, and is the accommodation included. I was also wondering, what my salary will be. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Mart ...

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35 allalaadimist

Inglise keele test 13, 8 kl.

3 ül. How do you keep fit? I think you should change you eating habits. If you eat to much fat and sugar, it has a harmful influence on your health. Miriam came first in the 100-metre race. I have PE lessons twice a week. Who coaches your school' s football team? 4 ül. goes jogging, perfers cycling doesn't mind walking the dog stop laughing- you promised to be quiet decided to leave learned to play the guitar brother loves to read/ reading adventure stories don't enjoy working but I'll finish digging

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56 allalaadimist

Adam Gontier (Three Days Grace) - elulugu inglise keeles.

Adam Gontier is the lead singer, guitarist, and the main songwriter of Groundswell, what was later renamed and is now known as Three Days Grace. Adam is well known to have a voice range from high tenor to medium low bass. Adam Gontier was born in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada in May 21 1978 into music loving family. Adam's mother was the one, who got him interested in music and taught him to play the guitar. In 2005, Adam went to a rehabilitation centre, where many of the songs for their second album 'One-X' were written. Their first album is called 'Three Days Grace', and their third and the newest album is called 'Life Starts Now'. After the rehabilitation, Adam is still sober, and a film called ''Behind The Pain'' was released in 2007 and it's about Adam's addiction. Adam has also coworked with many other famous band's and artists. (Apocalyptica, Flyleaf and so on.) Three Days Grace has got 3 studio albums, and 10 singles which are a...

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11 allalaadimist

The Importance of Pets

The Importance of Pets Pets play an important role in today's society and are capable of influencing people's lives in many ways. However, are they really so useful as we think? From an educational standpoint, when you get a pet you will have to take care of a creature which will depend entirely on you. Your pet's life is in your hands and this alone will make you a more responsible person. However, you will always need to keep an eye on your pet and this will restrict your ability to do other things. From a scientific point of view, most people who have pets enjoy better health than those who do not. Active pet owners enjoy an additional dose of exercise. Also, owning a pet will lower stress rates and it will prevent various types of illnesses. On the other hand, people who are allergic to pets cannot use this opportunity, because it brings more pain than good. From a psychological standpoint,...

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12 allalaadimist

The Great Fire kokkuvõte

The great Fire The Great Fire of London of September 1666 was one of the moost famous incidents in Stuart England. It was the second tragedy to hit the city in the space of 12 months. The fire started in Pudding Lane. The fire started in a baker's shop owned by Thomas Farriner ­ who was the king's baker. His maid failed to put out the ovens at the end of the night. Once it started, the fire spread quickly. The city was basically made out of wood and with September following on from the summer, the city was very dry. Strong winds fanned the flames. In 1665, during the plague, the king, Charles II, had fled in London. His plan, in 1666 (he stayed in London and took charge of the operation to save the city) was to create fire-breaks. The heat created by the fire was so great that the lead roof on the old St Paul's Cathedral melted. The actual human casualty rate was remarkably small with possibly only 5 people dying in this fire. The...

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10 allalaadimist

Famous person Russell Brand (Describing people) - Essee

Describing people He was born in 04.06.1975 and is an English comedian, actor, radio host, author, and activist. He has received media coverage for controversies such as his dismissal from MTV, his behaviour as a presenter at various award ceremonies, and his drug use. In 2008, he resigned from the BBC following prank calls he made to actor Andrew Sachs on his tv show (which is named after him). He has incorporated his drug use, alcoholism, and promiscuity into his comedic material. Which at times can be illogical, inappropriate, cruel, hilarious and dark just like him. He was also married to an American actress Katy Perry, but the marriage only lasted for 14 months. Katy herself has talked about the subject and said that at first he was generous, funny, caring, considering and very lovable. It was after they had been married for 6 months or so when he got distant, reserved, in...

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9 allalaadimist

Inglise test. Tegusõnad sobivas vormis.

Kirjuta lünka tegusõna sobivas vormis. 1.He never eats chocolate in the evening. 2.Look! They are running in the park. 3.I can't talk now. I am studying for a test. 4.We often do group work in history lessons. 5.There are lots of cars in the street. One is passing the school right now. 6.Put on your winter coat. It is snowing. 7.I live in a small town. 8.He usually does his homework in the evening. 9.Listen! Somebody is singing. 10. We often play volleyball after school. 11. My aunt never drinks coffee. 12. We like warm and sunny days. 13. February comes after January. 14. It usually rains a lot in October.

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3 allalaadimist

Young hacker Jonathan Joseph James paber

Young hacker Jonathan Joseph James Lets move on to Jonathan Joseph James was born on the 12 December, 1983. He was an American hacker who was the first juvenile incarcerated for cybercrime in the United States. He was a passionate computer geek, who started playing with family computer at the age of 6 and he switched his own computer from Windows to linux in middel school. He really liked computers and he said that the hard part isnt getting into the systems but its learning to know what it is that your doing. So he studid all these books therefore he knew Unix system and C programming like the back of his hand. James committed a series of intrusions into various systems, like BellSouth and the Miami- Dade school system. What brought him to the attention of federal authorities, however, was his intrusion into the computers of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. As hacking into these systems he was allowed to intercept over three thousa...

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3 allalaadimist

Importance of Packaging in Logistics Essay

Importance of Packaging in Logistics Packaging is important for effective damage protection, not only in the warehouses but also during transportation. Packaging is especially important to the logistics manager. The size, shape and type of packaging will influence handling and will affect warehouse operations. One of the most important tasks of the logistics manager is to co-ordinate the size of packaging with warehousing and with transportation. The reason why it is so important is that many companies design packages that are too wide or too high for efficient use. Furthermore, packaging must prevent goods from arriving in a damaged condition, because damaged good are likely to lower future sales. Adequate protection also means protecting products from contamination resulting from contact with other goods, water damage, temperature changes, pilferage, and shocks in handling and transport. A very important packag...

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2 allalaadimist

Irish sports

Irish Sports Hurling Gaelic Football Another popular sports in Ireland Hurling Hurling rules 15 players Not allowed to go more than 4 steps ball in hand. Not allowed to throw the hurley. Not allowed to throw the ball. In equipment must be ­ sliotar (ball), hurley(stick), helmet. Gaelic Football Gaelic football is a sport played between two teams of 15 players on a rectangular grass pitch. The objective of the sport is to score points by passing the ball through the other team's goals, a set of two upright posts separated by a crossbar 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) above the ground. Boxing Top 3 boxers in Ireland. Jimmy McLarnin Steve Collins Barry McGuigan Basketball Basketball is Ireland's third largest sport in participation terms with over 180,000 people actively playing. Numbers playing have increased from 120,000 sin...

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3 allalaadimist

Testid inglise teaduskeel


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95 allalaadimist

Social problems in England

Social problems in England What are social problems? Racism Crime Unemployment Alcohol/Drug abuse Economic recession Poverty Riots Racism Common problem all around the world Many refugees and immigrants Locals with false perceptions Different cultures and ethnic groups Crime Racism related crime Robberies and burglaries Murders Petty crimes Unemployment People have less money A lot of free time Necessity of meeting the needs Unemployment benefits Alcohol and drug abuse Worldwide problem Has a negative effect on the country's human development Quantities have incresed Young people using drugs and alcohol Economic recession Decrease of income Loss of employment Health and education recession Barriers to housing and services Poverty Lack of food and water Lack of residence Insufficient income Fuel poverty 2011 Riots Several districts and cities suffered widespread rioting, arson and looting 5 fatal accidents 20...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
4 allalaadimist


Vokabelliste Vokabeln Im Kontext Übersetzung Hallo! Guten Tag! Tere! Tervist! Grü dich!(kõnekeel) sich vorstellen Ich möchte Ihnen Frau Tamm tutvustama kedagi vostellen. der Vorname Mein Vorname ist Paul. eesnimi der Nachname/Familienname Mein Familienname ist Hendrikson. perenimi Ich heie..... Minu nimi on Mein Name ist..... das Alter Ich bin 22 Jahre alt. vanus kommen aus Ich komme aus Tartu. (kust) pärit olema die Nationalität Ich bin estnischer Nationalität. Olen rahvuselt eestlane. der Este/die Estin Herr Lepp ist Este. Eestl...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

English tenses test answersheet test 1

English tenses – worksheet / test Name: …......................................... class: …............... date: …......................... Put the verb into the right tenses: Solution sheet simple present + : We talk to our parents. simple present - (negative): We don't talk to our parents. simple present ? (question): Do we talk to our parents? present perfect + : We have talked to our parents. present perfect - (negative): We haven't talked to our parents. present perfect ? (question): Have we talked to our parents? simple past + : We talked to our parents. simple past - (negative) : We didn't talk to our paren...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
1 allalaadimist

Bodybalance (persuasive speech)

Good evening! My name is ... Today I am going to share information about Bodybalance workout. I`ve divided my presentation into 3 parts. I`ll start of by introduction. Then I`ll speak about details and bring you some recommendations for these people who would like to try Bodybalance. I will end with benefits of this workout. My talk should take about 4-6 minutes. Please feel free to ask your questions in the end of presentation. At first I would like you to ask have you tried Bodybalance? Do you know WHAT Bodybalance workout? Bodybalance is the yoga-based class that will improve your mind, your body and your life. Some people call it new yoga. Frankly speaking it is not yoga. Bodybalance is a motivating BLEND OF YOGA WITH TAI CHI AND PILATES provided with music for a thoroughly refreshing, holistic workout. Breathing control is a part of all the exercises, and instructors will always provide options for those just getting started. You'l...

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3 allalaadimist

Eesti kliimamuutuste keskmes

Eesti kliimamuutuste keskmes Austatud klassikaaslased ja õpetaja. Nagu me kõik teame on viimastel aastatel muutused kliimas tekitanud meedias palju kõneainet. Paljudes kohtades on juba tagajärjed näha, kuid kuidas on olukord meie endi kodumaal, Eestis? Võime ju arvata, et kaugel maailmas toimuvad katastroofid meid ei mõjuta, kuid kahjuks see nii ei ole. Siiani kestvad suured metsapõlengud Austraalias paiskavad atmosfääri suurel hulgal süsihappegaasi ning see mõjutab kogu maailma kliimat, kuna meie planeet on tervik ja kõigist meie tegudest jääb siia jälg ja tekib niinimetatud ahelreaktsioon. Mõeldes Eestile, siis esialgu võib tunduda, et meil probleeme ei ole. Tegelikkuses on Eesti süsinikujalajälg aga Euroopas üks suuremaid. Nimelt meie põlevkivi kaevandamise ja sellest toodetava energia tõttu. Atmosfääri aga aina suurenev süsihappegaasi hulk hakkab mõjutama meie kliimat ning toob kaasa suuri muutuseid. Nä...

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0 allalaadimist

Total station problems

Laura Lüll KRG11/21 Total station: Problems 1. Distinguish between transits and theodolites. - Transits and theodolites are instruments for measuring horizontal and vertical angles. The distinction between these instruments is not very clear. At first, both of instruments were called theodolites. The instruments that were manufactured with long telescopes and could not be inverted end for end were called theodolites. As technology developed, people started making instruments with shorter telescopes that could be inverted or transited – these machines were called transits. Time went on and in the end most instruments – both theodolites and transits were manufactured with telescopes witch could be inverted. Now, t...

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2 allalaadimist

Transmission and differential

Transmission and differential Rene Põlluvee and Kaupo Kormik 43AT 2015 Transmission ● The transmission is a mechanical component designed to transmit power from a vehicle’s engine to the drive axle, which makes the wheels drive the vehicle.Some vehicles use a clutch to connect and disconnect the transmission to the engine, controlled through a foot pedal next to the brake pedal. These vehicles have a manual transmission. If your car doesn’t have a clutch pedal, it has an automatic transmission.Automatic transmissions depend on a special fluid called ATF to cool and lubricate the moving parts inside. But the fluid does more than that: In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that the fluid actually drives the vehicle. So there’s little doubt that the fluid is very important to the transmission’s ope...

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3 allalaadimist

The elements of Japanese Garden

The elements of Japanese Garden Water. It is found in many forms. It accumulates in the ponds, runs in the streams or tumbles in the cascades. It contributes to the expression of nature and symbolizes renewal, calm, wonder and continuity in the hereafter. Stones. They are laid out in accordance with strict rules, depending on their shapes and sizes; they often are twinned by pairs. The type of stone to use is one of the most important element, in the design of a Japanese garden. Lantern. Originally intended to guide the visitors during nocturnal celebrations, its light was also considered as the light of knowledge clearing away the clouds of ignorance. Placed near water it provides an architectural element which contrasts with the natural components of the garden. Bridges. They may be built of wood, bamboo, earth or stone. Whether they are rounded, arc-shaped or in zigzags, they always remain in harmony with the surrounding nature. Carp...

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1 allalaadimist



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12 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

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53 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun