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"tail" - 137 õppematerjali

tail on 1900 kilomeetrit rannajoont Tai lahe

Inglise koerad - English dogs

22-23 kg Fur: short, smooth and tidht sitting coat Colour: red tones, plain or balck-white spots Character: peaceful, loves children, lovely familydog Body: small ears, screw-tail, wide shoulders, short muzzle English greyhound Height: 71-76 cm 68-71 cm Weight: 29-31 kg 27-29 kg Fur: tidht sitting coat and smooth Colour: black, white, red, blue or yellow-brown Character: friendly, true, gentle, loves children Body: long tail, small ears, deep chest, long muzzle English cocker spaniel Bred: 14 century Height: 39-43 cm 38-41 cm Weight: 12.5-14.5 kg Fur: tidht sitting coat, long, silky Colour: all colours Character: lovely, popular familydog and first-class bird dog Body: strong body, long ears, short tail, round eyes, English mastiff Bred: about 2065 year ago Height: 75 cm 68 cm Weight: 78-85 kg Fur: short, straight, dense

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Kas eri tõugu sigade pekipaksus X1 oli statistiliselt oluliselt erinev? F-test 0,095078 P väärtus on suurem 0,05 t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances Tõug Tõug1 3 Mean 13,26 12,39 Variance 7,28 8,99 Observations 250,00 250,00 Pooled Variance 8,13 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0,000 df 498,00 t Stat 3,40 P(T<=t) one-tail 0,000 t Critical one-tail 1,65 P(T<=t) two-tail 0,001 P<0,05 t Critical two-tail 1,96 eri tõugude (tõug1 ja tõug 3) sigade pekipaksused erineb oluliselt tõugude vahel. Mitu põrsast saadakse pesakonnas rohkem või vähem, kui lihassilma läbimõõt (X2) suureneb 1 mm võrra. Regression Statistic...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
39 allalaadimist

Statistika kontrolltöö

Ülesanne1 Mis tüüpi tunnus on lehmade arv. Leia tunnuse lehmade arv jaoks: 1) Leia statistikud ja kirjelda nende abil tunnuse jaotust. 2) Kas tunnus on normaaljaotusega? 3) Tee histogramm 4) Leia üldkogumi keskväärtuse 95% usaldusintervall Valimi põhjal Lehmade arv Lehmade arv on diskreetne tunnus. 667 Lehmade arv 722 1339 Mean 842,4194 Keskväärtust ja mediaani võib lugeda ligilähedaseks, mi 1636 Standard Error 40,80659 Järsakus on väike. 1048 Median 832,5 1886 Mode 1074 klassipiirid 748 Standard Deviation 321,3114 400 401 Sample Variance 103241 600 1113 Kurtosis 0,795697 ...

Matemaatika → Statistika
268 allalaadimist

Squirrel and chipmunk

many peole adore. Chipmunks are easily recognized by the light and dark stripes on the back and head. They can be confused with some of the striped ground squirrels, but chipmunks are smaller and have five dark stripes on their backs. The cimpunk is very colorful: it’s black, white, grey, brown and red. Chimpunk weights up to one hundred and twenty five grams, but theres also some smaller species. Chimpunks are 16 cm to 30 cm long and have one-third to nearly half of their total length long tail. Chimpunks live usually in forests but you can find them also at parks. They eat many things: seeds, nuts, fruit, grass, shoots and many ohter plants, but also small frogs, worms and bird eggs. Some species hibernate in the winter, but some don’t. Chimpunks typically live about three years, but there have been some, who live nine years. Squirrels are familiar to almost everyone. More than 200 squirrel species live all over the world, with the notable exception of Australia. The most common

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Väärtusahela juhtimine- eksami kordamisküsimused

ja mittetasuvamad tegevused ostetakse sisse. Seoses keskendumisega põhioskustele on viimase 20 aasta jooksul kasvanud tootmismahud. Turule on tulnud palju erinevaid logistikaettevõtteid ja spetsialiseerunud ettevõtteid, kellelt saab tootmiseks vajamineva mittepõhiressursi sisse osta. See võimaldabki ettevõttel suuremas mahus toota. The Long Tail küsimused Milliseid muudatusi toob ettevõtluses kaasa jaotuskanalite demokratiseerimine? Tarbijale loob see võimaluse tutvuda põhjalikult toote ja teiste samalaadsete toodete valikuga ning teha enda jaoks parim otsus. Jaotuskanalite valdusesse oma toote andmine tähendab, et võimalus, et just sinu ettevõtte toodet ostetakse, on madal, sest nende väljund on võtta valikusse võimalikult palju erinevaid tooteid, et kliendil oleks võimalik valida endale sobiv

Logistika → Logistika
21 allalaadimist

The Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large, strong and quick dog. The body is bit longer than it is tall. The base of the dog is black. The dog has a white spot on the chest, on the head, toes and tip of the tail. Beige is on the cheeks reaching to the corners of the mouth, over each eye, on each side of the chest, on all four legs and under the tail. These cheerful dogs love children. They know how to comfort children when they have bad mood. Bernese Mountain Dogs are not recommended for apartment life. They like to run and play outside. Litter of them varies from 1-14, average 8. One day I'd like to have that dog.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Dog Communication

Dog Communication Kristjan Olt Dog communication comes in a variety of forms, and is part of the foundation of dog social behaviour. Dogs use certain movements of their bodies and body parts and different vocalizations to express their emotions. One gesture may mean many different things. For example a tail wag may mean: ­ Excitement ­ Playfulness ­ Happiness ­ Anxiety Greeting ritual When one dog meets another dog, they usually walk around each other, sniff each other or even bark if they don't like something Body movements Tail position usually shows dog's mood. Ear position shows dogs level of attention Mouth expressions inform us about dogs mood Dogs use their tongue to lick each other and that is the sign of friendliness.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Matemaatika andmestiku analüüs

Eesti Maaülikool Metsandus- ja maaehitusinstituut Geomaatika osakond Matemaatika andmestiku analüüs Aruanne õppeaines matemaatiline statistika Koostajad: Juhendaja: Eve Aruvee Tartu Sisukord Sissejuhatus....................................................................................................................... 3 Tunnuste esmaanalüüs.......................................................................................................4 Seoste analüüs................................................................................................................... 8 Mudeli koostamine.......................................................................................................... 13 Kokkuvõte.................................................................................

Matemaatika → Statistika
49 allalaadimist

Hüpoteesid ül 8 ja 9

Kartuli Aasta Ettevõte saagikus 2003 236 50,0 2003 423 50,0 max 400 2003 220 60,0 min 50 2003 237 60,0 r 8,7302202834 2003 563 62,5 2003 591 62,5 2003 442 63,6 2003 608 64,0 2003 585 65,2 2003 440 75,0 intervall int. Ül. Piir sagedus 2003 355 80,0 kuni 80 80 11 2003 574 82,5 80-120 120 24 2003 322 85,0 120-160 160 38 2003 421 85,2 160-200 200 53 2003 820 ...

Matemaatika → Statistika
84 allalaadimist

Tasmaania Tiiger • The thylacine was able to open its jaws to an unusual extent: up to 120 degrees. This capability can be seen in part in David Fleay's short black-and- white film sequence of a captive thylacine from 1933. The jaws were muscular but weak and had 46 teeth. • The thylacine held the title of Australia's largest predator until about 3500 years ago. • The thylacine resembled a large, short-haired dog with a stiff tail which smoothly extended from the body in a way similar to that of a kangaroo. • Its yellow-brown coat featured 13 to 21 distinctive dark stripes across its back, rump and the base of its tail, which earned the animal the nickname “tiger". • Its body hair was dense and soft, up to 15 mm (0.6 in) in length; in juveniles the tip of the tail had a crest. Extinction in Australia • The thylacine is likely to have become near-

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Unusual animals

They have the ability to jump from tree to tree, and stick to trees very well with the help of their cushioned feet. VI slaid These amazing little animals are native to Australia, and have taken their name from their ability to glide through the air and their love of sweet things such as sugar. These creatures are found along eastern and northern Australia. The Sugar Gliders are small creatures with a shiny grey-silver coat. They are around 40 cm's long from nose to tail, and weigh just 150 grams. They feed at night. Sugar Gliders can glide through the air for up to 100 metres. When they glide, they spread their arms and legs out and float down to their landing. They use their long tail to help steer when gliding through the air.Sugar Glider's nest in a hollow of a tree, or in a nest made of twigs and leaves. VII slaid The platypus is found in eastern Australia. They live aside freshwater rivers or lakes, and create burrows for shelter and protection. When

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Biomeetria test

Hüpoteeside koltrollimine 1. Oletus, väide 2. Sobiv hüpoteeside paar (millised tunnused on vaja võrrelda) 3. Olulise tõenäosus (p) 4. Järeldus (p>0,05 H0, p<0,05 H1) 5. Lõppvastus (sama, mis oli küsitud hüpoteesis) T-test sobivad valemid 1. T-test H0: keskmised võrdsed H1: keskmised erinevad 2. F-test ­ sõltumatud valemid H0: dispersioonid võrdsed H1: dispersioonid erinevad P>a H0, P<0,05 H1 Võrdsete disp mittevõrdsete disp t-test t-test 3. Olulisuse tõenäosus 4. Lõppvastus (p<0,05 H0) Vormistus nii nagu iseseisvates töös Ülesanne Eesmärk Tunnusetüüp 1.T-test (f-test) Keskmiste erinevus kahes Pidev arvtunnus- keskmised grupis tunnus, ...

Põllumajandus → Biomeetria
80 allalaadimist

Väärtusahela juhtimine kordamisküsimused

keskendumisega põhioskustele? Ettevõtted on keskendunud põhitegevusele milles nad head on ja väiksemad ajamahukamad ja mittetasuvamad tegevused ostetakse sisse. Seoses keskendumisega põhioskustele on viimase 20 aasta jooksul kasvanud tootmismahud. Turule on tulnud palju erinevaid logistikaettevõtteid ja spetsialiseerunud ettevõtteid, kellelt saab tootmiseks vajamineva mittepõhiressursi sisse osta. See võimaldabki ettevõttel suuremas mahus toota. The Long Tail küsimused 17. Milliseid muudatusi toob ettevõtluses kaasa jaotuskanalite demokratiseerimine? Kui tooteid saab “ladustada” digitaalselt, siis see võimaldab müüa laiemat sortimenti toodangust ilma lisakuludeta. Pole vajadust mõelda, kui palju kaupa riiulitele ja lattu ära mahub ja mis on just selle hooaja TOP100 toodet mis müüvad. Jaotuskanalite demokratiseerimine annab vabamad käed luua suuremaid projekte, kuna ei pea kõike ise tegema

Muu → Väärtusahele juhtimine
131 allalaadimist


A variety of other genes, called polygenes or modifiers, control the intensity of colour and contrast between markings and background colour. Selective breeding has reduced the tabby markings to produce a cat that looks solid red by breeding from those cats with the least red markings (cats with "low contrast" between markings and background colour). Because the non-agouti gene does not work on the red pigment, red tabby ghost markings can never be completely eliminated and may be seen on the tail, legs and forehead and as a darker region along the spine. Even though red cats are registered as "red self" they are still red tabbies, albeit red tabbies with very reduced markings. Because they lack the polygenes for high contrast between markings and background colour, their offspring also appear to be red self. More information can be found in Robinson's "Genetics for Cat Breeders". DILUTION AND MODIFIED DILUTION - MALTESING AND CARAMELISING

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalne tarkvara

Selles osalemine on vabatahtlik ning võib olla kohati tasustatud, kuid levinud tasuks on ka tunnustus või intellektuaalne rahulolu. Sellise töövormi kasutamise eelisteks on: probleemide lahendamine suhteliselt väikese kuluga tasu tulemuste järgi saadaval on laiem ring töötajaid kui organisatsioonisisesed ressursid võimaldavad. 1.2.4 Online otsing (,,Find It") Nähtus, mida iseloomustab ehk kõige paremini inglisekeelne termin The Long Tail, mis kokkuvõtlikult kirjeldab suure hulga kasutajate eelistuste jagunemist pikema skaala peale. Selle kontseptsiooni põhitalaks on fakt, et kuigi kasutajatele pakutud valikud katavad ära enamuste vajadused (olgu siis info või millegi muu järgi) ning on seal segmendis populaarsed, leidub nende kõrval alati ka inimesi, kelle soovid on teistsugused. Näiteks võib tuua teadmusvaramud: kuigi on olemas professionaalide poolt koostatud entsüklopeedia Encarta, tekkisid selle kõrvale ka

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
14 allalaadimist

Animals we miss today

The most common anilmal trade is pet trade, such as orangutangs. Animals are also killed for fur(tigers, leopards, cheetahs) *Climate change: It has been recently suggested that warmer global temperatures may be affecting animals. In fact, it has been suggested that the golden toad became extinct because of the warmer climate. The Animals *T-REX: Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest land carnivores of all time. His weight was about 7 tons.He had a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Fossils of T. rex have been found in North American rock formations. More than 30 specimens of T. rex have been identified, some of which are nearly complete skeletons. He became extinct 65 million years ago. *QUAGGA: One of Africa's most famous extinct animals, the quagga was a subspecies of the plain zebra. The quagga was hunted to extinction for meat. The last wild quagga was probably shot in the late 1870s, and the last specimen in captivity died on August 12, 1883 at the Artis

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Punase pandakaru kohta ingliskeelne ettekanne

Red Panda nimi Description Average length is 56 to 63 cm Tail is about 40 cm long Can weigh up to 6,2 kg They have long and soft fur Long claws for climbing narrow tree branches Behavior They are territorial Mostly quiet They Sleep during the day become more active in the afternoon They clean like a cat does Diet Mostly eating Bamboo May eat other small mammals , birds , eggs, blossoms and berries. They need to consume a large volume of bamboo to survive Habitat Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level References http://

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Isik Parem käsi Vasak käsi 1 63 65 Oletatakse, et parema käe nimetissõrmega ja vasaku käe nimetissõrmeg 2 68 63 erinev. Hüpoteesi kontrollimiseks kasutatakse 13st isikust moodustatakse 3 49 42 nad jõuavad teha määratud aja jooksul. Kontrollida olulisuse nivool 5%, kas koputamise kiirus on parema ja vasak 4 51 31 5 54 57 6 32 33 7 43 38 8 48 37 9 55 49 Kui Exceli menüüsse Tools on lisatud nalüüsivahendite komplekt Data An 10 50 51 läbiviimiseks sõltuvate valimite korral kasutada vahendit t-test: Paired Tw Array1 on ühe valimi a...

Matemaatika → Statistika
154 allalaadimist


Endangered species Cheetah Where found in Africa Southwestern Asia in Iran in India Characteristics The cheetahs are mammals and they belong to the cat family. The cheetahs have got black spots on its skin. The cheetahs uses its tail to steer, because of this they are allow to make sharp turns. They are meateaters. The cheetahs are the fastest land animals. The cheetahs can live for 15 years. Why endangered The cheetahs are hunted for their beautiful skin. There are only 9000 ­ 12000 cheetahs left. Intresting facts The cheetahs can run 120 km/h, but only in short distance (460m), because the cheetah's body temperature becomes so high that it would be deadly to continue

Bioloogia → Inglis keelne bioloogia
3 allalaadimist

My ordinary school day

My ordinary school day My .............. school day starts at Firstly I wake up in my .... bed and go to my ... shower. Then I put on my ..... clothes and go downstarirs to eat ..... breakfast. After eating I brush my ... teeth and when I go out my ...... cat's tail gets always on my way. When I arrive at my ... school I take off my ...... clothes. The first two .... lessons I always daydream and also at the last lesson I have the most ...... dreams. I am more energized after .... P.E class. At the fourth break I start playing hide and seek with my .... friends. Sometimes they don't find me from my ..... hideout then I am late to the class. At the end of the day I am very ..... because I can go home. Finally when I arrive to my ..... home my cry will be ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

South American coati

South American coati Coati`s are very cute animals they have reddish-brown fur and ringed tails, they have black and grey markings on their face. The ears are small and rounded. They weight 3.5–6 kg and total length is about 1 m, half of that beingit´s tail. They usually live in the forest and typically sleep in the trees. They are omnivorous. Females generally live in large groups, consisting of 15 to 30 animals. Males are usually alone. After a gestation period of 77 days, Coatis give birth to 3 - 4 young. The narrow, elongated head ends in a very flexible snout which it pokes under rocks and into crevices in search for food. South American Coatis are also known as: Southern Ring-Tailed Coati Ring-Tailed Coati Ringtailed Coati Coati

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Loch Ness Monster Inglise keeles

Loch Ness Monster Nessie, a giant lake monster, supposedly inhabits Scotland 's Loch (Lake) Ness. Nessie is the world's best-known cryptozoological creature and has been sighted as far back as 656 AD. Nessie is described as being anywhere from twenty to forty feet long, with two humps, a tail and a snakelike head. Nessie's movements have been studied, and many films and photos analyzed, to determine what Nessie might be, if she exists. For the last seventy years or so, since she began receiving regular publicity, Nessie has been a major tourist attraction. There are numerous theories as to Nessie's identity, including a snake- like primitive whale known as a zeuglodon, a long-necked aquatic seal, giant eels,

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Biomeetria kodune töö 2

RIIK SUGU PIKKUS MASS PEA_P JALANR ODE_VEND MAT_HINNE Eesti N 170 55 55 37 1 4 Eesti N 171,5 59 57 38 1 4 Eesti N 180 63 58 41 2 5 Eesti M 180 84 60 43 1 3 Eesti N 170 100 56 42 1 4 Eesti M 179 59 56 44 1 3 Eesti N 173 80 56 40 1 3 Eesti N 171 64 54,5 39 1 4 Eesti N 173 55 57 39 0 4 Eesti N 162 55 57 39 2 4 Eesti N 171 58 55 39 2 4 Eesti M 180 74 56 42 1 3 Eesti M 186 95 59 44 1 4 Eesti N 170 ...

Põllumajandus → Biomeetria
18 allalaadimist

Regressioon, hinnang, hüpotees arvutused ja testid

PRT PRT AASTA PUU RIN PL ASIM KAUG D1 1062 1118 2008 12 1 MA 1,0 18,9 18,2 1062 1118 2008 3 1 MA 2,0 7,3 17,8 1062 1118 2008 11 1 MA 2,0 18,0 13,8 1062 1118 2008 5 1 MA 3,0 11,7 17,4 1062 1118 2008 1 1 MA 4,0 3,4 10,9 1062 1118 2008 10 1 MA 7,0 17,2 17,0 1062 1118 2008 13 1 MA 10,0 19,0 18,1 1062 1118 2008 6 1 MA 13,0 7,9 11,5 1062 1118 2008 7 1 MA 15,0 9,8 13,2 1062 1118 2008 8 1 MA 19,0 13,7 8,9 ...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus alused
94 allalaadimist

Loch Ness - Esitlus

· about 10,000 years old Urquhart Castle · beside Loch Ness · the largest strongholds · majority of Loch Ness Monster sightings Cherry Island · only island on Loch Ness · artificial island · from the Iron Age The Loch Ness Marathon · an annual marathon race · along Loch Ness to Inverness · $2,500 · supports several charities · over 1,500 participants Loch Ness monster · an alleged animal · bestknown mysteries · Nessie · 60 feet long · a long tail with 4 fins and a big head · the water horse · categorized: ­ 1. unknown species of large animals ­ 2. mystic or paranormal ­ 3. misidentification of known animals ­ 4. inanimate objects or effects ­ 5. hoaxes Plesiosaur · a longnecked aquatic reptile · a coldblooded reptile Longnecked seal · lake monsters on land · land during daylight hours to sunbathe Eel · first suggestions · eat bigger fish · inhabits the loch Elephant

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Patside tegemine hobusele

Patside tegemine (punumine) Alustamine Lakka peaks enne patsitamist eelnevalt kitkutuma ja kammima , et patside tegemine lihtsam oleks. Mida lühem on lakk seda kergem on patsi tegemine, sest liiga pikk lakk on patside tegemise jaoks raske vöitu .Lakka vöiks enne patsitamist ka natukene niisutada,kuna siis püsivad karvad tihedamalt koos. Patside tegemine 1)Köige esimesena tuleb lakk vöimalikult palju läbi kammida ,et jöhvid ei jääks kokku. 2)See järel tuleks lakka hakkata kitkuma,Kitkumine toimub nii ,et vötad kammi jagu jöhve kätte ja seejärel hakkad neid kammiga läbi tupeerima,karvad mis jäävad pihku tuleb keerata ümber kammi ja seejärel tuleb tömmata otse alla nii ,et karvad on järgi. 3)Lakk tuleks niisutada märja käsnaga.See muudab laka paremini töödeldavaks.Lakk tuleb jagada salkudeks umbes kolmveerandi kammi jagu(üldjuhul oleneb see muidugi lakka paksusest).Mida paksem lakk seda väiksem peaks salgu...

Põllumajandus → Loomakasvatus
41 allalaadimist

Unusual animals

 Found in the outback  One of the least agressive reptiles  Need sunlight to warm up  Only grow about 20 cm  Live up to 20 years Lumholtz Tree Kangaroo   Only found in Queensland  Stay on trees the majority of their life  Can leap up to 15 m  Feed on leaves, fruits  Cushioned feet Sugar Glider   Native to Australia  Found along eastern and northen Australia  40 cm long from nose to tail, weigh 150 grams  Feed at night  Glide up to 100 m through the air  Nest in a hollow tree Platypus   Found in western Australia  Live in freshwater rivers or lakes  Swim 2 minutes before returning to the surface  Can consume their own body weight in 24 h  Male platypus has venom strong enough to kill a dog Thank you! 

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


down any terrain available. In freestyle the rider uses terrain features such as boxes, handrails, half pipes etc. Freecarve is similar to skiing, it's slalomriding. In that style of snowboarding there are little jumps or no jumps at all. Tricks 360 degrees ­ 1 spin 720 degrees ­ 2 spins Front flip Flipping forward off a jump. Lemon Grab The rider grabs both the nose and tail. Safety Like other winter sports, also snowboarding is very dangerous sport. That's why riders wear special helmets, clothes and protection gears like knee pads etc. Well known events Air & Style; U.S. Open; Vans Cup; X Games; West Coast Invitational; The Honda Session; Winter Olympic Games etc. Used information

Keeled → Inglise keel
78 allalaadimist

Inglise keele puitkatuste powerpoint

Wooden roofs Marger Krumm EH1 Roofs · Shingle roof · Shake roof · Chip roof · Board roof Shingle roof · It comes from Estonia 19.century · Made by softwood (one shingle is 62 cm) · The roof comprises two layers of shingle 2 different installation Fish-tail Perpendicular to the eaves · Lasts 60-80 years if you maintanance the roof. Shake roof · Very old history · Made by pine, spruce and aspen. · Size: 80mm broad, 3mm thick from the top and 15 mm thick from the bottom, the lenght is different. · Different styles ( sharp, rounded and slanting ends ) · Lasts 30 years. · The slope of the roof must be at least 25° Chip roof · Its comes from in Estonia 18. century · Mades by spruce and aspen · Sizes: 500mm tall, 5-7 mm thick and width is variable · 3 layers of chips · Average life is 10 years · The slope should be 20...

Ehitus → Ehitus
2 allalaadimist

Unit 2 test (8 klass)

Unit 2 test (8 klass) 1) 1. I hate it when you use my computer without asking. 2. Jason and Jack take turns tidying their room. 3. I don’t like this salad, there’s too much vinegar in it. 4. Dad insisted on us telling the truth. 5. When I opened the box, I found that the alarm clock was damaged. 6. That’s not fair! That’s cheating! 7. My granny usually bakes a hazelnut cake for my birthday. 8. Our team is doing well this season 2) 1. To 2. Up For 3. Of For Up 4. With 5. For On By 6. With 7. At 8. To To 3) 1. Was testing, sank, had to 2. Had read, went 3. Was riding, took 4. Was having, heard, had finished, called 5. Were bilding, started 6. Had sat, started 7. Was reading, entered 8. Didn’t have to, decided 4) 1. 4 playing pieces, 2 dice and a game board 2. The player with the highest number will start 3. At the square nr1 4. Once 5. Is taken by another player 6. I moved up the ladder and places the playin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Animals in Estonian forest

Animals in Estonian forest Fox Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Muutke teksti laade Information Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Length: body 50 cm -80 cm. Tail 30 cm- Viies tase 50 cm. Weight: 5 kg-10 kg. Adobe: swamps, undrewoods and cultural Landscapes. Food: birds, insects, small rodents, berries. Puppies: 4-7 Life: 3-10 years. (captivity 25 years) Looks: He has a very fluff coat. This gives the impressioon he would weighs as more Badger Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Love story

boyfriend Mike and I had decided to go boat to the sea . We had arranged to meet up at six o'clock . I was a bit late and just then I arrived at the sea . Nora and Mike were already waiting . We got everything ready . We had boat a few miles started and Mike saw something weird when suddenly the water .We carried on and thirty minutes . I was absolutly terrified . Suddenly Mike shouted : ' Look ! Nora's jacket is water ! ' . I was afraid that something terrible has happened . Mike saw the tail of a shark in the water and thought that Nora could fall into the water and a shark ate him . I said do not talk that way! We call on assistance rather quickly . We need to survive and wait for the boat . When aid arrived three hours passed, and Norast was not a trace. There was no blood or even see the sharks. Suddenly I decided to go to the loo but could not come to the door will not open I started banging and thought that Nora can be observed inside

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


resemble colonies but are properly called herds. Chinchillas can breed any time of the year. Due to this long pregnancy, chinchillas are born fully furred and with eyes open. Litters are usually small in number, predominately twins. Chinchilla's extremely soft fur is being used in fur industry. Communicating Yelling. Barking Smiling. Winking. Biting. Jumping. Bouncing off walls (wall surfing). Wagging the tail. Shaking the head. Trembling. Sounds: 1) Contacting, 2)Mating, 3) Protesting, 4) Defencing Thank you for listening !

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Mammals of Australia

nestled behind a protective skin-flap while developing further Placentals - unborn young are nourished by a placenta and born at a more advanced stage, some still naked, blind and unable to walk for a week or two, others able to run on their day of birth Monotremes: Marsupial: Placentals: Echidna Kangaroo Dugong Dingoes The Dingo is Australia's wild dog. It is found in Australia, in all states but Tasmania. The Dingo is a medium sized dog, with a bushy tail, and red to yellow coat. Dingos do not bark, but they do howl. Platypus Echidna · The most distinctive · The echidna, or spiny monotreme is the ant-eater, is another platypus, a river-dwelling monotreme, which has a animal with a bill like a long sticky tongue and a duck, a furry waterproof prickly coat like a body and webbed feet. hedgehog. Platypuses live in burrows which they dig

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Erilised püügiviisid

Electro-fishing equipment is used for collecting different fish species and recording their relative abundances, and making cursory determinations of their health based on external observations. Collecting and recording fish data reveals what species are surviving and inhabiting a particular stream system and to what extent the aquatic ecosystem is maintaining that population. Depending on the type of stream visited and the field chemistry and habitat measurements taken, biologists have certain expectations of what type of species they should expect to find. When this ends up not being the case, as where warm water pollutant tolerant species are found in what would be considered cold water species habitat, then the biologists look closer into possible causes for the ecological imbalance. When combined with water chemistry, habitat, and stream invertebrate information, a clear picture of the ecological system is brought in to focus fr...

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
8 allalaadimist


Today, there are cows who give little milk, but a lot of soft and tasty meat, the cows whose milk is very rich in fat and cows, whose milk is not quite as rich in fat,but theres a lot of it. In our country we have the famous estonian red,estonian native and estonian black and white ox.But in the world there are about 300 breds of ox. device. Nud is the called cow without horns. for controlling Horseflies, mosquitoes, flies and other insects they have a long thick tail with tufts of hair on the end. The body is covered with hair. The coat is short and smooth,and it can be black, red, gray, black, or red-spotted, speckled, and white. they have four strong legs for attendance with two hoofs on each foot. The cow is a herbivorous animal. Cow eats a lot and quickly. he grabs Grass with his hard tongue in its mouth but cows do not not bite it, but tears it from earth and swallows it whole. besides milk we get form cows meat and skin

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Natural zones and flora of Australia

They lay eggs like birds and feed their young with milk as mammals do.They form a link between birds and mammals. The platypus or the duck-bill is one of them.The female lays two eggs in a nest of leaves and grass at the end of a burrow in a river bank. When the young come out of the eggs , they start eating the milk that comes through the mother's stomach skin.The platypus is a good swimmer and gets its food mainly from the river.It has a strong tail. It lives in the rivers of East Australia mostly. The echidna or a spiny ant-eater is the other egg-laying mammal that lives in Australia.It feeds on termites using its long, trunk-like nose to get them. In the seas and rivers of northern Australia you can find crocodiles that are five or six metres long. There are more than eight hundred kinds of birds in Australia. The emu, which is two metres tall, is the second largest bird in the world.It cannot fly at all, but it can run at

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
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Such as four-chambered heart,hair, they are warm- blooded. They are the only mammals, other than seacows , that live their entire life in the water, and the only mammals that have adapted to life in the open oceans. Whales are not fish, because they have lungs and they breath air with them.What is special about the whales is their size. They are enormous. Whales are about 29 m long, height is the 9 sotry building. Many whales exhibit behaviors such as breaching and tail slapping that expose large parts of their bodies to the air. These mammals communicate with one another using whale songs, which often sound very high-pitched to the human ear. These songs are unique and fascinating even may be scary. Whales are moving in pods.The bond between mother and calf is the strongest. Members of a pod may protect one another. The toothed whales travel in large, sometimes stable pods,they frequently hunt their prey in groups,

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Introducing Red Grouse Scoticus (Lagopus Lagopus scotica )

Introducing Red Grouse Scoticus(Lagopus Lagopus scotica ) Evelyn Landing Red grouse scoticus: medium-sized bird found in heather moorland in Great Britain and Ireland usually classified as a subspecies of the Willow Ptarmigan but is sometimes considered to be a separate species moorfowl or moorbird Description plumage being reddish brown, and not having a white winter plumage tail is black and the legs are white white stripes on the underwing red combs over the eye young birds are duller and lack the red combs Habitat Red Grouse is endemic to the British Isles The British population is estimated at about 250,000 pairs with around 1­5,000 pairs in Ireland Pretators like Hen Harrier, foxes and sometimes dogs hunt them. What they eat? The Red Grouse is herbivorous and feeds

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Common Kingfisher - Jäälind

Common Kingfisher Common Kingfisher is 16-20cm tall and weighs 38-45 grams. It's wings are short and wide and about 7-8cm long. It has short and straight-cut tail. Beak is long, straight and with suddenly outreaching end. Common Kingfisher's head, back and wing feathers are azurite blue, pate has black and light blue stripes. Common Kingfisher is also known as Eurasian Kingfisher or River Kingfisher. Common Kingfisher lives in Eurasia and North-Africa, except for North-Scandinavia. In Finland it lives at south coast, in Africa it lives in north from Sahara. In Asia it lives in North-Turkey, Caucasia, West-Iran, India, East-China and more

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keel sõnad

Inglise keel Tervitamine ja head aega ütlemine Tervitamine: Head aega ütlemine: hi - tere bye - head aega hello - tere goodbye - head aega good morning - tere hommikust goodnight - head ööd good aftrenoon - tere päevast see you! - nägemiseni! good evening - tere õhtust see you soon! - näeme varsti! see you later! - näeme hiljem! have a nice day! - head päeva! have you good weekend! - head nädalavahetust! Värvid white - valge purple - lilla yellow - kollane grey - hall orange - oranz black - must pink - roosa red - punane brown - pruun green - roheline blue - sinine Kuidas sul läheb? How are you? - Kuidas sul läheb His - poiss I am fine, thank you. - Mul läheb hästi, tänan. Her. - tüdruk His name is Peter. - Tema nimi on Pete...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Idiomatic Language

In front of smth so they can't avoid it ­ before to be new or different that encourages u ­ be a breath of their very eyes fresh air to accept smth ­ face it to make someone leave a job cuz they are too old ­ put so to have a lot of things to do ­ be knee deep in out to grass smth to be in a situation when u may make so angry ­ be to not understand smth ­ not make a head or tail walking/skating on thin ice out of smth smth that happens that added to other problems , makes a to be angry or bored ­ fed up to the (back) teeth situastion impssible - the last straw to admit that u were wrong ­ eat humble pie a bad situation that affects other things ­ a vicious circle a place with an exiting mixture of cultures ­ a all over the world ­ to the 4 corners of the globe

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sun Bear

Males tend to be 10-45% larger than females the former normally weigh between 30 and 70 kg , and the latter between 20 and 40 kg. The shoulder height is about 60-72cm .The Sun Bear possesses sickle-shaped claws that are relatively light in weight. It has large paws with naked soles, probably to assist in climbing. Its inward-turned feet make the bear's walk pigeon toed, but it is an excellent climber. It has small, round ears and a stout snout. The tail is 1.2-2.8 inches (3-7 cm) long. Despite its small size, the Sun Bear possesses a very long, slender tongue, ranging from 8 to 10 inches (20-25 cm) in length. The bear uses it to extract honey from beehives. Unlike other bears, the Sun Bear's fur is short and sleek. This adaptation is probably due to the lowland climates it inhabits. Dark black or brown-black fur covers its body, except on the chest, where there is a pale orange-yellow marking in the shape of a horseshoe. Similar

Keeled → Inglise keel
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The australian terrier

The Australian Terrier stands around 25 centimeters high at the withers and weighs around 7 kilograms. It is a low-set dog; the length of its body is longer than its height at the withers. The Aussie has a high-set tail that is now not docked in Australia.The head of the Australian Terrier is elongated, with a slight stop and pricked ears. The ANKC breed standard describes the dog's look as "hard bitten" and "rugged". The eyes are small, dark, and oval and must have a keen terrier expression. The leather of the nose runs up to the bridge of the muzzle, which is described as "strong".The dog's coat is rough or harsh to the touch, with a soft undercoat and a distinctive ruff around the neck

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Arctic Ground Squirrel

Arctic Ground Squirrel Geographic range The Arctic Ground Squirrel can be found in regions of Northern Canada ranging from the Arctic Circle to northern British Columbia, and down to the southern border of the Northwest Territories, as well as Alaska and Siberia. Physical description A beige and tan coat with a white-spotted back. A short face, small ears, a dark tail and white markings around its eyes. Strong front paws that are well adapted for digging and burrowing. Average length of an Arctic Ground Squirrel is approximately 39 cm. The average mass 750 g. However, males generally are around 100 g heavier than females. Diet Herbivore. Eats a wide variety of plants including seeds, berries, willow leaves, mushrooms, grasses and flowers. In the summer, it begins to store willow leaves, seeds

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


The Mallard is 56­65 cm long (of which the body makes up around two-thirds) has a wingspan of 81­98 cm and weighs 0.9­1.2 kg. The breeding male has a bright bottle-green head, black rear end and a yellowish orange (can also contain some red) bill tipped with black (as opposed to the black/orange bill in females). Mallard has a white collar which demarcates the head from the purple-tinged brown breast, grey brown wings, and a pale grey belly. The dark tail has white borders. The female Mallard is a mottled light brown and has buff cheeks, eyebrow, throat and neck with a darker crown and eye-stripe. Both the female and male mallards have distinct purple spectulum edged with white, prominent in flight or at rest. Upon hatching, the plumage coloring of the duckling is yellow on the underside and face (with streaks by the eyes) and black on the backside (with some yellow spots) all the way to the top and back of the head.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Red Panda

Re d Pa nda Jarita Maaria Rintamäki 6.klass Appe a r a nc e o Head and body are 50 to 65 cm long, Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks tail 30 to 50 cm. Teine tase Kolmas tase o They have red and black fur. Neljas tase Viies tase o Red pandas have long, bushy tails. o On their heads are two large white and black ears. o The muzzle area around the nose is also covered in white fur. Ha b i t a t o Red Pandas live in Nepal, Burma, southern ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Statistika kolmas kontrolltöö

Ülikoolist väljalangenute arv Kasvutempo Bakalaureuseõpe Magistriõpe BakalaureuseõpMagistriõpe 1993 2952 105 -226 81 1994 2726 186 -589 184 1995 2137 370 -105 100 1996 2032 470 197 65 1997 2229 535 157 -23 1998 2386 512 187 76 1999 2573 588 457 43 2000 3030 631 284 29 2001 3314 660 -267 102 2002 3047 762 945 237 2003 3992...

Matemaatika → Statistika
104 allalaadimist


a single stride when running. It weighs between 90 and 140 pounds, stands at about 36 inches tall, and measures 72 inches in length. Not only is the cheetah's physical shape designed for speed, but it has other special features as well. For instance, the spine of the cheetah is flexible enough to act as a spring when the cheetah runs. It also is the only cat without retractable claws. This allows the claws to always be exposed, acting like cleats when the cheetah is running. The tail is also designed to help maintain balance at high speeds and during quick turns. Other features of the cheetah include its tan coat with many small, round black spots and black tear- shaped marks around the eyes. In fact, the name "cheetah" has its origins in the Hindu word "chita", meaning "the spotted one." The cheetah eats gazelles, young antelope, young calves, warthogs, hares, and game birds. They typically stalk their prey until they are only 30 to 90 feet away. They

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Giant Eland

The slender legs are slightly lighter on their inner surfaces, with black and white markings just above the hooves. There are large black spots on the upper forelegs. The bridge of the nose is charcoal black, and there is a thin, indistinct tan-coloured chevron between the eyes. The lips are white, along with several dots along the jaw-line. A pendulous dewlap, larger in males then females, originates from between the jowls and hangs to the upper chest, with a fringe of hair on its edge. The tail is long, and ends with a dark tuft of hair. Both sexes have tightly spiralled horns, which are relatively straight. In males the horns form a wide "V" and can grow to 120 cm (4 ft) in length, slightly longer than on females. Ontogeny and Reproduction Gestation Period: 9 months Young per Birth: 1 Weaning: After 6 months. Sexual Maturity: Females at 15-36 months, males at 4-5 years. Life span: Up to 25 years.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun