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"street" - 625 õppematerjali

street - shows or street-performers of music, theater, dance, juggling Marchfest • MarchFest is Nelson’s hip harvest hop festival, celebrating the top of the South Island’s status as New Zealand’s premier hop growing and craft beer brewing region.

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Oxford street

OXFORD STREET Facts Oxford Street is a major street in London, England in the City of Westminster. With over 300 shops, it is Europe's busiest shopping street. The street derives its name from being part of the old London--Oxford Road which began at Newgate, City of London. It's mile and a half long, from Marble Archat the north east corner of Hyde Park to theTottenham Court Road History Between the 12th century and 1782 it was variously known as Tyburn Road (it was named after the River Tyburn) Uxbridge Road, Worcester Road and Oxford Road. Note: Today the name Uxbridge Road still exists for the

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Street Art

Tallinn University Briti ja Ameerika kunst ja kultuur 20.-21. sajandil GRA6221 Course project: Street Art Viktoria Gumennaja 2018 INTRODUCTION "The city's the best gallery I could imagine." — JR I choose the topic for writing an essay - street art. Why did I choose this genre? Because for me it is something magical and special, not at all similar to those works that are in museums, at exhibitions and so on. Think for yourself, because street art began with the graffiti, and now we can see on the streets of our city just a work of art. I think graffiti, by the way, is also a great and invaluable work. Trends are changing. Now, young artists are moving from an endless

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Street workout ehk tänavatreening

Street workout ehk tänavatreening 1. Minu valitud uurimustöö uurib, kui paljud õpilased Pärnu Koidula Gümnaasiumist tegelevad street workout`iga ning kui palju sellest teatakse. Hüpoteesiks oli, et õpilased ei ole teadlikud, mida street workout endast kujutab ning, et tegelikult tegelevad õpilased street workout`i harjutustega, ilma et nad ise aru saaks. 2. Autor tugineb läbi viidud küsitlusele ja internetist otsitud informatsioonile. Andmeid street workout`i kohta on toodud väga palju, on ära seletatud selle ajalugu, välja toodud erinevate street workout`ide liigid ning seletatud mida selle konkreetsel alal tehakse ning kas sellel alal ka võisteldakse. Informatsiooni oli piisavalt ja see oli huvitav 3. Oma uurimustöö koostamisel kasutasid autorid interneti allikaid ning koostasid küsitluse, mis postitati Facebooki gruppi ning e-kooli. Küsitlusele vastas 129 õpilast

Sport → Tervisesport
3 allalaadimist

21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street 21 Jump Street is a 2012 American comedy film directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, produced by Stephen J. Cannell, Neal H. Moritz, Johan Hill and Channing Tatum. After high school two guys join the police force and want to become a policemans. When they graduated the school, they become partners- riding bicycles in the city parks. As they looked very young, they got a mission- get the drug dealers in high school. They infiltrade to the same high school were they studyed

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Retsensioon - Manic Street Preachers

Retsensioon Manic Street Preachers Kontsert toimus eelmise aasta 6. juulil Õllesummeril. Laululava väravas piletiputka ees oli igatahes paras järjekord. Mulle hakkas silma isegi No Big Silence'i bassimees, kes ootas järjekorras. Peale järjekorras seismist jõudsin ka lõpuks lava juurde, kus peagi ka bändi näha võis. Mingi lugu veel mängis plaadi pealt, kui mehed laval olid, vaikselt ja isegi norutavalt: veits tüsedavõitu, armeestiilis riietes laulja-kitarrist James Dean Bradfield, kitarrist Nicky

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Filmi analüüs „Green street hooligans“

Filmi analüüs Mina analüüsin filmi ,,Green street hooligans". See film räägib ühest poisist Matt´ist, kes lavastati süüdi narkootikumide tarvitamises, mille tõttu ta Harvardist välja kukkus. Ta läks Inglismaale, oma venna juurde, kus ta sattus ühte jalgpallihuligaanide gruppi. Ta saab sealt korralikud õppetunnid ja pärast läheb ta Harvardisse tagasi ning näitab teda süüdi lavastanud rikka mehe lapsele koha kätte. Matt pääses tagasi ülikooli. Selles filmis väärtustatakse ühtehoidmist, usaldust ja ka perekonnasuhteid

Filmikunst → Filmiõpetus
12 allalaadimist

Wall Street: Money never sleeps arvustus

Wall Street: Money never sleeps arvustus Filmi lühitutvustus: Kui ülemaailmne majanduselu on kokku varisemas, asub noor Wall Streeti maakler koos häbistatud endise Wall Streeti firmade ründaja Gordon Gekkoga kahele omavahel seotud missioonile: Teavitada majandusühiskonda lähenevast ohust ja avastada, kes mõrvas noore maakleri mentori... Kuidas mina sellest filmist aru sain: Film oli väga tähenduslik, kuna kajastab 2008 aasta finantskriisi algust. Meie kõigi elu puudutas maailma majanduskriis vähemal või suuremal määral. Aastaks 2008 oli osa ühiskonnast jõudnud teenida piisavalt palju, et neil polnud enam rahaga midagi peale hakata. Muidugi suurärimehed ei mõtle enam ammu ainult raha tasandil, vaid sellest, kuidas olla teistest parem, kuidas haarata võimu enda kätte? See oli ka filmis ilusti ära toodud. Gekko poeg hakkas raha kuritarvitama, muutus narkomaaniks ning lõpuks eluheidikuks. Suur mentor Lo...

Majandus → Mikro- ja makroökonoomika
22 allalaadimist

Wall Street: Money never sleeps arvustus

Wall Street: Money never sleeps arvustus Filmi lühitutvustus: Kui ülemaailmne majanduselu on kokku varisemas, asub noor Wall Streeti maakler koos häbistatud endise Wall Streeti firmade ründaja Gordon Gekkoga kahele omavahel seotud missioonile: Teavitada majandusühiskonda lähenevast ohust ja avastada, kes mõrvas noore maakleri mentori... Kuidas mina sellest filmist aru sain: Film oli väga tähenduslik, kuna kajastab 2008 aasta finantskriisi algust. Meie kõigi elu puudutas maailma majanduskriis vähemal või suuremal määral. Aastaks 2008 oli osa ühiskonnast jõudnud teenida piisavalt palju, et neil polnud enam rahaga midagi peale hakata. Muidugi suurärimehed ei mõtle enam ammu ainult raha tasandil, vaid sellest, kuidas olla teistest parem, kuidas haarata võimu enda kätte? See oli ka filmis ilusti ära toodud. Gekko poeg hakkas raha kuritarvitama, muutus narkomaaniks ning lõpuks eluheidikuks. Suur mentor Lou tapeti v...

Filmikunst → Film
5 allalaadimist

Kunstiteose analüüs: Paris street, rainy day Caillebotte

Kunstiteose analüüs Õlimaal ,,Pariisi tänav, vihmane päev" (,,Paris street, rainy day" või ,,Rue de Paris; temps de pluie" ja tuntud ka kui ,,La Place de l'Europe, temps de pluie") on maalitud prantsuse impressionistliku maalikunstiku Gustave Caillebotte poolt aastal 1877. I Kompositsiooni loovad elemendid Maali vaadates püüavad esimesena silma naine ja mees

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
11 allalaadimist


............................................................................20 4. KOKKUVÕTE.............................................................................................. 22 KASUTATUD ALLIKAD.................................................................................... 23 SISSEJUHATUS Käesolev uurimistöö kannab pealkirja ,,Street Workout'i(tänavatreeningu) tõhusus Renaldo Loosi näitel''. Uurimistöö teemat valides teadis autor, et soovib testida Street Workout'i treeningkava tõhusust. 2 Käesolevas töös uurib autor Street Workout'i tõhusust ning püstitas järgmise hüpoteesi: suudan oma kehalist võimekust Street Workout'i abil parandada. Vastavalt hüpoteesile seati eesmärgiks oma kehalist võimekust kuue nädala jooksul parandada. Uurimistöö referatiivses osas annab autor ülevaate treeningkavast ning Street Workout'i ajaloost ja kujunemisest.

Sport → Sport
4 allalaadimist

The Most Important Buildings in Lai Street in Tallinn

Tallinna Mustamäe College The Most Important Buildings in Lai Street in Tallinn Report Supervisor: Ingrid Teigar Tallinn 2014 Table of Contents Introduction.............................................................................. 3 Lai Street in general.................................................................. 4 The origin of the name "Lai"...................................................... 4 1 Lai Street / 4 Nunne Street...................................................... 5 17 Lai Street............................................................................. 6 23 Lai Street............................................................................. 6 27 Lai Street...................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Water Imagine, it is a hot summer’s day, you are walking down the street, the sun is burning your skin, you have been walking quite a while now and suddenly, you feel you are thirsty. So what would you do …. Probably you go to the nearest store down the street and buy a bottle of water; a bubbly water, a vitamin water, a water from the fridge, there is so many variety of waters and still you have something to complain about how the water is to expensive how the day is too hot, how the water is too cold . And now imagine… imagine the people, who live in African deserts, imagine feeling thirsty and not having any water at all, not around you, not anywhere. People who live there they

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Filmimuusika TOP 4

Ta on võitnud hulgaliselt auhindu ja teda hinnatakse kõrgelt ning kiidetakse hästi. Craig Armstron’i tuntumate filmimuusikate juurde kuuluvad ka:  Moulin Rouge! (2001)  Love Actually (Armastus on see...) (2003)  World Trade Center (Maailma Kaubanduskeskus) (2006)  Elizabeth: The Golden Age (Elizabeth: Kuldajastu) (2007)  The Incredible Hulk (Kõikvõimas Hulk) (2008)  Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (Wall Street: Raha ei maga kunagi) (2010)  In Time (2011) 2. Vereteemant (ingl. k Blood Diamond) 2006 Režissöör: Edward Zwick Stsenarist: Charles Leavitt Filmimuusika: Filmimuusika autor: James Newton Howard James Newton Howard on sündinud 9. juunil 1951. aastal. Ta on ameerika helilooja, kes on tuntud filminduses filmimuusika oma ala professionaalse kirjutajana ja sellega koos suurepärase pildi kooskõlastajana.

Muusika → filmimuusika
3 allalaadimist

Squares of London

community gatherings, such as the celebration of New Year's Eve. The name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar (1805), a British naval victory of the Napoleonic Wars over France. The original name was to have been "King William the Fourth's Square", but George Ledwell Taylor suggested the name "Trafalgar Square" Leicester Square Leicester Square is a pedestrianised square in the West End of London, England. The Square lies within an area bound by Lisle Street, to the north; Charing Cross Road, to the east; Orange Street, to the south; and Whitcomb Street, to the west. The park at the centre of the Square is bound by Cranbourn Street, to the north; Leicester Street, to the east; Irving Street, to the south; and a section of road designated simply as Leicester Square, to the west. It is within the City of Westminster, and about equal distances (about 400 yards / 370 metres) north of Trafalgar

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Shopping in London

G1a General overview London is without doubt the centre for shopping in the United Kingdom and the numerous districts provide a shopper's paradise. Whether you are looking for London fashion, antiques, furniture or home accessories, rest assured that London will provide you with a huge choice. London has a lot to offer the shopper from large department stores to exclusive boutiques. There are many areas to go on shopping trips, such as Oxford Street, Covent Garden, and Knightsbridge. And, of course, London has many street markets to browse around. Oxford street two miles of wall to wall shops. the UK's busiest and most famous shopping area. There are over 300 shops to choose from. Apart perhaps from Selfridges the street consists of tourist orientated small shops interspersed with the UK flagship stores of all the main chain stores in Britain.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Shopping .. Many visitors come for shopping. London ´s favourite shopping streets are : Oxford Street , Regent Street , Bond Street and others streets . Oxford Street . Oxford Street is one and a half miles end to end. Most shops open 10am until 6 or 7pm. Some open Sunday 12 to 6pm with late nights on Click to edit Master text styles Thursday. Oxford Street is best known for Selfridges and the other big

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Urban Trail

Urban trail in Tartu old town. Tartu, small town in southern-Estonia. Town was first mentioned in 1030. Nowadays there is living nearly 100 000 people. Tartu is known as city of students, and students come to improve to Tartu from all over the world. But Tartu is also known as a Hansa town, that is why one of the most attractive sightseeing place is the old town. It is a valuable place for Tartu and for Estonia as well. PHOTO HUNT MAP: Start the photo hunt on the corner of Lai and Jakobi street. Go up to the Toome hill, it's a great upturn and a great test for legs. As you move forward you will see the famous ,,Musumägi". In english it is called ,,The Kissing Hill" Take a picture with your crew members in the background of the hill. After a brief walk in the Toome Park you see the Ruins of Toome Cathedral. Is it possible to visit the ruins of the Cathedral? Now, go straight ahead until you reach the Lossi street, turn right. Soon you will see The Devils Bridge.

Turism → Turism
10 allalaadimist

Lühike jalg - ajalugu, müüdid(inglise keeles)

The name ­ short foot ­ was first mentioned in 1353, the name brev is mons ­ in latin. Short foot is a street between Rataskaevu street and Long foot in the old town of Tallinn. The name that is used nowadays was translated from german by anton thor helle ­ and it is Lühike jalg. Pikk jalg (lit. long leg/foot), One of the oldest streets in Tallinn, previously known as Strantstrasse (beach road) (1362); Pikk jalg (long-leg) is a steep narrow road which was once the only way into the fortress. It runs from Pikk in the lower town right up to Lossi plats and the Nevsky cathedral

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
15 allalaadimist

Programmeeritavad kontrollerid Labor 2

modes that must be selected for each crosswalk individually. DESCRIPTION The control system consists of 2 Mitsubishi AL2 controllers. Each controller has: 8 buttons to navigate in the menu 1 display 3 switches used to change the mode 1 switch to turn controller on and off See the image below. The model consists of three streets ­ Main Street, which, as the name suggests, has the de-facto right of way. It is crossed by Second Street and Third Street, and also has a pedestrian crosswalk crossing it with a button to prompt the light switching. Third Street has a parking lot at the end of it. The system keeps track of cars entering and exiting the lot, and a traffic light will inform the driver when the lot is available. Tallinn University of Technology March 2013

Informaatika → Informaatika
105 allalaadimist

Pressiteate näide

Pressiteate näide Pressiteade on meediakanalitesse edastatud teade, mis üldjuhul sisaldab pressiteate väljastajaga seotud uudist või seisukohavõttu. Ehkki pressiteade on pigem suhtekorralduslik kui ajakirjanduslik žanr, peab edukas pressiteade vastama ajakirjanduslikele nõudmistele, kuna see on suunatud eelkõige ajakirjanikele, kasutamiseks ajakirjandusliku algmaterjalina. Pressiteade peab äratama ajakirjanikes huvi, seepärast peab see sisaldama midagi uudislikku, mille kajastamisest meedia oleks huvitatud. Selleks võib olla nii uus, algupärane uudis (nt teade mingi ürituse toimumisest, raamatu ilmumisest, saavutusest või auhinnast) kui ka jätk juba ajakirjanduses käsitletud teemale (kellegi kommentaar meedias käsitletud uudisele, vastus kellegi avalikule sõnavõtule, väite ümberlükkamine vms) JJ-Street tantsukooli pressiteade JJ-Street Baltic Sessioni korraldajad koos vabatahtlikega korraldavad. 5.oktoobril 2015 kell 16.00 ko...

Eesti keel → Praktiline eesti keel
13 allalaadimist

Letter to a Friend

Oxford street 24 London, UK March 30, 2014 Dear Katy, How are you? I am sorry that I havent written to you in ages. I would love to visit you but I don't have any time. Last week I went to London. It was so fun. I wished that you could be there. In London we went sightseeing. I saw the The houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

New York

The New York 1. The Empire State Building. The Empire State Building is a 102-story landmark Art Deco skyscraper in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. Its name is derived from the nickname for the state of New York, The Empire State. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than forty years, from its completion in 1931 until construction of the World Trad Center's North Tower was completed in 1972. 2. Central Park. Central Park is an urban park that occupies about 1.2 square miles (341 hectares, or 843 acres) in the heart of Manhattan in New York City. It is host to approximately twenty-five million visitors each year

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

The magic of London

The magic of London Close you eyes and imagine you are in a huge and comfy city. In front of you there are huge market street. There are not only shops. When you walk a litte bit around there you can find very beatiful and huge parks. Can you guess where you are? You're in London, of course, the most fabolous city in the world. What makes London such a special place? It's the friendly environment and the many diffrent cultural peole who live there. Just imagine you can meet one street at least five different culture peoples. What do to in London when you are tourist? There are many intresting places. Every human can find something intresting. There are many art galleries,museums and parks. I love London huge Ferris Wheel that named London Eye.There are also many street performes. They are actually pretty funny. My favorite tourist atraction is street markets because there are hugh variety of clohtes. I can not mention the Buckingham Palace

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


young people. In the spring of 1975, skateboarding took an evolutionary boost toward the sport that we see today. Styles Downhill skating, which is the technique that allows you to go the fastest Longboarding, which is similar to surfing Freestyling, which is similar to dancing and involves making the board spin and flip Vert skating, which is ramp skating and performing tricks in the air Street skating, which involves using street objects as props for trick Competitions Dew Tour The competition features more than 150 of the best skateboarders and BMX athletes in the world, which will be vying for the Dew Cup. The tour will feature a skate park, vert ramp, interactive skate courses, athlete autograph signings and much more. The Dew Tour also makes stops later this summer in Portland, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas. X Games 17 The annual X Games competition, delivers the best of the best in the skateboarding world

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Legends of Tallinn

He goes to the city gates and asks from the gate guard if the city is completed or is it still in the middle of the building process. Because of that the guard has to answer that the city is not completed jet and the constructions are still going on. Then the old man goes away. If, however, answered him by mistake, that the city is ready, then Ülemiste lake floats Tallinn with its water. Formerly, there was a cloister on the Vene street, what was burnt down. Old dungeons are preserved even nowadays. When the building was redecorated, then there were found many humanbones. It is believed that the owner of the Mathiesen print shop had trouble with ghost, who made the printing machines work in the middle of night. However, when the owner went to see, what is wrong, the machines stopped working and everything was silent. 5 The current Vana street was known as Vaimu street

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

How well do you know London?

Take the following questions with you, find answers to them and put them down for yourself in this MSWord document. Don’t forget to “take” photos - you are supposed to recognise the landmarks later on! At the end of the tour send the worksheet to yourself so that you could use it again. Good luck with exploring the city! DAY 1. The route: The Buckingham Palace – Trafalgar Square – National Gallery – Piccadilly Circus – The British Museum – Madame Tussauds – Oxford Street – Hyde Park – Harrods Destination 1: The Buckingham Palace What is its function? - Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch. When was it built? 1703 Who was the first monarch to live there? Queen Victoria Is it open to public? Yes Go to the official website of the British monarchy

Keeled → British culture (briti...
2 allalaadimist


Tallinn suffered heavily. The bombing of the city by the Soviet air force on 9 March 1944 left over 20,000 people homeless. During the Russian occupation which followed attempts were made to Russify the local people. Estonia re-established its independence on 20 August 1991. Toompea Toompea is the oldest and the most respectable part of the city. For centuries there was only one means of access to Toompea ­ Pikk Jalg Street. In the middle of the 15th century the Lower Town fenced itself off with these walls from the Upper Town because of the permanent contradictions between the noblemen of Toompea and the citizens of Down Town. At the end of the street there used to be a wooden gate, in place of this a gate-tower was built at the end of the 14th century. At present Pikk Jalg Street is only for pedestrians. There still exists another gate to Toompea ­ Short Leg. It was laid in the 15th century.

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Rio de janiero carnival

· First took place in 1723 and it`s from Greece and ancient Rome. · Word ,,Carneval" first become in 1850. · Celebrations for everybody. · By the end of 18 century it was enriched by competitions. · Has become of the biggest events in the world. Information · The carnival takes place in Rio de janiero in Brazil. · 4 weeks before easters · Lasts 4 days · Very popular nowadays. Activites · Special events. · The balls · Samba parades · Street paries · Samba school nights · Street bands. Samba parade · Its the highlight of the event. · Its totally unique in world. · Rio samba parade is competition between the rio samba schools. · The event is broadcast live to several countries. Rio Samba schools · ,,Beija Flor"-"means ,,Humming bird") the most popular samba school there. · ,,Grande Rio"- newest samba school there · ,,Mocidade"- One of the oldest school in Rio.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Londoni sillad slaidshow

and Southwark London's original bridge made this one of the most famous bridge in the world Southwark Bridge Southwark Bridge is a road-bridge linking Southwark and the City across the River Thames It was designed by Ernest George and Basil Mott and opened in 1921 Westminster Bridge Westminster Bridge is a road and foot traffic bridge over the River Thames between Westminster and Lambeth The current bridge, opened in 1862 Cannon Street Rail Bridge Another London bridge that does not go by its proper name s Cannon Street Rail Bridge, which was opened in 1866 Cannon Street Railway Bridge is a bridge in central London, crossing the River Thames. It was opened in 1866 after three years of construction Sources WoodLands Junior School Page <- LINK -> London Ancestor Page <- LINK -> England Travel Agency Page <- LINK -> Google search engine <- LINK -> Thank you for listening !

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Walk in London

Walk in London Introduction ● You can travel very fast in London using buses or the Underground, but the best way to explore the city is walk. ● You will need: *A street map *Camera *Good walking shoes Piccadilly Circus Piccadilly Circus is a road junction. In this context, a circus, from the Latin word meaning "circle", is a round open space at a street junction. It is popular meeting place and there is a saying that if you wait enough at Piccadilly Circus, you’ll meet everyone in the world. Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square was created in 1830-41 and was named in honour of Lord Nelson’s victory at the Battle of Trafagar in 1805. Nelson’s Column is in the centre of the Square. Trafalgar Square used to be be famous for its thousand of pigenos. Now feeding the pegenous is banned. Leicester Square

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Road safety (Liiklusohutus)

Road safety Cheremisinov Andrei 7.b Keep to a sidewalk Use pedestrian to cross the street You must be sure that the cars are stopping for you! Do not run and play on roads Cross streets with green traffic lights Turn left, turn right and cross the street

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
5 allalaadimist

Report to the Board of Governors

Report to the Board of Governors. Introduction The main principal aim of this report is to describe a fund-raising day organised for disadvantaged children and to make some recommendations for the next year. Methods of fund raising Our charity organisation has been going in for collecting money to support disadvantaged children in Britain already for seven years. There are some verified ways to collect money, such as a street collection, house-to-house collection and jumble sales. A large amount of money was raised by the house-to house collection. It`s about a 40% of the whole money we got for these children. Also income from the street collection is really nice as well ­ 30%. So, a 20% of the pie chart I made takes the jumble sale and 10% - other ways of collecting money. Overview This year it was decided to organise a fund-raising day for the charity. It was the nice and cheerful time

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Võõrnimede sobitamine, tänavanimed ja isikunimed

Kui nime tuumosa on mingis käändevormis või omadussõnakujuline ja tuleneb mingist lähtenimest, siis võimaluse korral tõlkes kasutada lähtenime kuju Kui liigisõna on nimetuumaga kokku kirjutatud või kui lähtenime pole võimalik kindlaks teha, on soovitatav jätta ka liigisõna tõlkimata, soome Kalkujärvi Võõrnimede algustäht Ladinatähelistest keeltest ülevõetavate nimede puhul säilib nende algustäht nii nagu lähtekeeles, nt Wall Street, mitte Wall street Teistest tähestikest ümberkirjutatavate nimede puhul saab järgida vastava keele algustähereegleid, kui kirjas eristuvad suured ja väikesed tähed Nimetavapõhimõte Võõrnimi võetakse üle nimetavakäändelisel kujul, kaasa arvatud nimetava käände lõpud, nt läti (-s, -s) ja leedu keeles (-as, -is, -us) Kui lähtekeeles on grammatilisi teisendeid, siis kasutatakse vormi, mida vastav keel näiteks kaartidel ja teatmikes ise esinduskujuna kasutab TÄNAVANIMED

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
1 allalaadimist


PREPOSITIONS (eessõnad) Prepositions of place: KUS? WHERE? AT ON IN at 10 High Street on Fifth Avenue in the world at 224 Fifth Avenue on the street(AmE) in High Street at the corner of the street on the plane in the east of Europe at a hotel on a bus in London at a store on a boat/ship in Trafalgar Square at the concert on the floor in America at the cinema on the wall in a village at the theatre on the shelf in the country at the station on the table in (the) town

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist

Sample Business Letter

Sample Business Letter You may copy this sample business letter for your own use. Your street address City, State Zip Date Recipient name and surname Job title (Sales Manager etc.) Company name Street address City, State Zip Dear Mr. __________ Your message here. Use short paragraphs 3 to 4 lines each. Triplecheck your business letter for typos and bad grammar. Keep your business letter short and formal. Sincerely, Your signature Your name and surname

Keeled → Inglise keel
83 allalaadimist


Broadway Broadway is a street in the U.S. state of New York. It is the oldest north­south main thoroughfare in New York City, dating to the first New Amsterdam settlement. The name Broadway is the English literal translation of the Dutch name, Breede weg. Broadway is known worldwide as the heart of the American theatre industry. One famous stretch near Times Square, where Broadway crosses Seventh Avenue in midtown Manhattan, is the home of many Broadway theatres, housing an ever-changing array of commercial, large-

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


*in England (Inglismaal) ülemisel korrusel) from the house (majast) *in London (Londonis) *on the shelf (riiulil) out of the house (majast välja) *in the country (maal) *on the wall (seinal) out of his pocket (taskust välja) 2. Tänavad MUUD EESSÕNAD from his pocket (taskust) *in Tamme street (Tammel *near the postoffice from the table (laualt) tänaval) (postkontori ligidal) from work (töölt) 3. Ümbritsevad kohad *under the table (laua all) from the library *in the garden (aias) *above the table (laua kohal) (raamatukogust) *in the picture (pildil) *behind the house (maja taga) off the ladder (redelilt maha)

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Reported speech

continuous London she was living in London Past simple I bought a car Past perfect She said (that) she had bought a car Past continuous I was walking Past perfect She said (that) along the street continuous she had been walking along the street Present perfect I haven't seen Past perfect She said (that) Julie she hadn't seen Julie

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Spencer Gore esitlus

SPENCER GORE Laura Helinurm III VÕ Viljandi gymnasium 2016 About ❖ 1878-1914 ❖ British painter of landscapes, music-hall scenes and interiors ❖ attended Harrow school ❖ founded the Fitzroy Street Group ❖ president of the Camden Town Group ❖ died at the age of 35 Style ❖ use of vivid and unnatural colours ❖ thick applications of paint ❖ real life subject matters ❖ emphazising geometric forms “Letchworth, The Road” 1912 “Harold Gilmans house at Letchworth” 1912 “The Icknield way” 1912 “The Beanfield, Letchworth” 1912 Links ❖ 5355 ❖ https://en

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
1 allalaadimist


One of London's most famous landmarks- St paul's cathedral is in the City. Besides this you can also find the oldest remains of the London Wall, built by the Romans The Lord Mayor is elected for one year and the position is unpaid and apolitical. It is an exceptionally demanding role. The Lord Mayor lives in the Mansion House while being the Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor is sworn in in Novenber and a day after that he participates in the Lord MAyor Show. The show is a street parade, tha starts at Guildhall. The procession ends at the Royal Courts of Justice, where he swears his allegiance to the Crown. St. Paul's Cathedral It is located in the City of London. The current building is the 5th St. Paul's Catherdral. It is the Seat of the Bishop of London. The first cathedral was built in 604 but it burned down in 675. It was built again in 685. This one also burned down in 962. The third cathedral was built the same year the second burned down

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Johnny Depp esitlus

Johnny Depp Contents Personal life Moves Achievements Life June 9, 1963 Owensboro, Kentucky, USA John Christopher Depp II Actor, director, musician Captain Jack Sparrow Life narcotics dropped out of high school The Kids 21 Jump Street 13 tattoos Family Father ­ John Christopher Depp Mother Betty Sue Palmer Brother Danny Sisters Christy & Debbie Significant Others Sherilyn Fenn Winona Ryder Kate Moss 19941998 19851988 19891993 Vanessa Paradis 1998Present LilyRose Melody

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

The West End of London

London is the theatre capital of the world and most of its best theatres are in the West End. There are always many fine plays and musicals to see. Piccadilly Circus is a big public space built in 1819. The word 'circus' here comes from the Latin word circle, which means a big open space where people can meet. Young people like to sit and relax there. The god of love, known as Eros, has its own memorial fountain there. Soho is an area north of Piccadilly Cirucus near Oxford Street. It attracted many foreigners, artists and writers in the past ­ Karl Marx lived here for five years. Until 1536 Soho was part of King Henry VIII's royal park for the palace where he lived. People think that the word 'soho' was a hunting call. London's Chinatown is on Gerrard Street in Soho, where there are many Chinese restaurants and shops. Towards the end of January or the beginning of February thousands of people watch the colourful Chinese New year parade in Chinatown.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Queen/Kuninganna essee filmist

Dissensions in Buckingham Palace The Queen movie was uninteresting at first, but when I delved into the movie it got very interesting. The Queen was about Queen Elizabeth II reaction to the death of Princess Diana. Film was based on actual events and included a lot of tragedy, emotions and sadness. Just as Tony Blair was moving into 10 Downing Street, Princess Diana died in a Paris car wreck. England went into traumatized mourning deeper than anyone could have predicted. On the contrary, the royal family -- Diana's estranged former inlaws -- offered no public reaction at all. As resentment toward the royal cold shoulder built into a monarchical crisis of public opinion, young Mr. Blair intervened with the Queen until finally the House of Windsor made a public demonstration of something like humanity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Carnevals in Brazil

Carnival in Brazil What is it? A week-long party Annual Live music, street performances, dancing, floats, costumes, food and beverages. Rio de Janeiro, Bahia and Pernambuco 4.9 million people in 2011 History 1830 Lent Electing the Carnival's "king" Rio de Janeiro's Carnival Most well-known Samba schools Favelas Famous groups Street band Bahia's Carnival African rhythms Trios Eletrico Indian Blocos Afro Afoxes Pernambuco's Carnival African rhythms Week before Frevo music Side by side Samba 19th century in Rio de Janeiro Warm and vibrant mood First Samba School Brazil's "official music." Frevo Portugese word ferver (to boil) 19th century Brazilian Army Religious and martial music Two famous bands Y Sources ●

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Shops and Shopping

Shops and Shopping Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) That new clothes shop has a lot of very good bargains/sales. b) On Saturday morning the High Street is full of customers/shoppers. c) It costs £9, so give her £10, and she'll give you £1 change/rest. d) I don't go to that supermarket because it's a bit priced/pricey. e) You cannot return goods without the original recipe/receipt. f) Supasoft Soaps are for sale/on sale here. g) A carrier bag is free with each buyer/purchase over £10. h) If you pay cash, we can give you a 10 per cent cutting/discount. i) How much did you pay/spend for your new shoes?

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

History of London 2

because he was asthmatic. 8: Which king bought Buckingham Palace from the Duke of Buckingham? George III (George William Frederick) 9: What was important about coffee houses in the 18th century? A phenomenon of 18th century London was the coffee house, which became a popular place to debate ideas. Growing literacy and the development of the printing press meant that news became widely available. 10: Which street became the center of the embryonic press during the 18th century? Fleet street 11: What were the Bow Street Runners and when were they established? Liis Toomsalu The Bow Street Runners were established in 1750 as a professional police force. 12: What was a common way to punish criminals during this time and how was it done? Penalties for crime were harsh, with the death penalty being applied for fairly minor crimes.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Time travel

power of mind and it gets you exactly where and when you want to be. On the first sight it all looked wonderful, the grass was greener and the air was more easier to breathe ­ of course I was evolved into the famous Central Park. I didn't know where to go or what to do, so I whistled, like they do in the movies, and took a cab. I asked the driver just to drive me around the city and show me what's good around there. As we where driving through the Broadway street, I discovered from the posters hanging on the wall that my all time favourite soul artist Marvin Gaye was in the town. Luckily I had some money in my pocket to pay for the taxi ride, and even for the ticket to the concert. People on the street were very friendly and I smoothly melted into the crowd. I quickly got friends with some of the local street musicians. One of them was Denzel and he told me a story about how Marvin Gaye has inspired him and his music

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29 allalaadimist

Ametlik kiri

18 Sambla Street 86753 Kilingi-Nõmme Estonia London Central Secondary School 509 Waterloo Street London N6B 2PB England 20 September 2012 Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to you as I read the advertisment in Eesti Päevaleht about becoming an exchange student at a secondary school in Canada. I am 17 years old and I go to secondary school in Kilingi-Nõmme. I have good grades and I speak English well. Also I am interested in the chance to be an exchange student and improve my English.

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist


place or space in There was no light in the room. I saw my reflection in the water. Viiralt lived in Paris for some time. Grandpa was sitting in the armchair smoking a pipe. In the morning, when he saw himself in the mirror, he noticed that his hair was going grey. The news was in all the newspapers. There are no stars in the sky tonight- it is too cloudy. In this picture the painter gives the portrait of himself. There are no traffic lights in this street. There is a terrible pain in my stomach. Prepositions of Place – at at normally implies a place + activity • the bus-stop / door / window / traffic lights • the front / back of a building / hall / cinema / group of people etc) • (a/the) reception • an event / a/the party / concert / conference / meeting / football match • home / work / school / university 5 / • a/the station / an /the airport

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Getter Jaani

Seda tõestab ka ülekaalukas võit Eesti Laul 2011 finaalis. Ning nagu iga tulevikku planeeriv noor inimene nii käib ka Getter koolis. Ta on meedias avalikult sõna võtnud kaitstes kesk-eri haridussüsteemi kuna tema meelest on konkreetse ameti õppimine oluline. Getter saab peagi rätsep-stilisti paberid taskusse panna. Albumid 2010 "Parim Päev EP" 2011 "Rockefeller Street" Singlid 2010 Parim Päev 2010 Grammofon 2011 Rockefeller Street 2011 Valged Ööd (duett Koit Toomega) Thomas Tammoja 9.b klass

Muusika → Eesti rahvalaul
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun