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"sell" - 515 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: sell

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Big sell tiny targets

Big sell, tiny targets Manufacturers use information about children's leisure activities to target them in many ways. They are targeting children at a very young age. Companies advertise products on children's television. Many of these ads are for foods and drinks, which are not particulary good for children. In addition, the packages in supermarkets that include logos or cartoon characters are attracting children. Marketing targets children at a very impressionable age. Although each parent should monitor what their children eat, drink or play with, big companies are still exploiting children for their own well-being Marko Kostap

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Tsunft, sell, õpipoiss ja meister

Õpipoisil oli katseaeg. Katseaja alguses võis meister õpipoisist lahti öelda ja tagasi vanemate juurde saata. Samas valvasid vanemad poissi, et meister talle ülekohut ei teeks. Isa maksis õpetuste eest ja hoolitses rõivastuse ning jalanõude eest. Kui meister oli poisile ülekohut teinud, võisid vanemad poisi ära võtta ja teise meistri juurde viia. Meister pidi hoolitsema toidu eest . Kui katseaeg oli läbitud sai õpipoisist sell. Sellid töötasid meistri käe all ja omandasid kogemusi, et alustada tööd iseseisva meistrina. Sellile maksti tsunfti poolt kindlaks määratud rahapalka. Meister ei saanud oma tahte järgi otsustada palka. Selli, meistri ja õpipoiste tööpäev kestis suvel 14- 16 tundi. Selle sisse kuulus lõunavaheaeg ning hommiku- ja õhtupoolel pooletunnised pausid. Talvel oli tööpäev lühem. Oli ka vabu pühapäevi ja usupühasid. Ühel meistril ei tohtinud olla üle kahe selli

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

The sale of human organs

The sale of human organs A lot of people sell their organ or even organs. That wonders me, do i want to sell my organ to somebody? In my opinion, selling organ to somebody is a good thing. I love to help people out, and if i have healthy organs, then why not to give one organ to somebody who really needs it? I think that it doesn't matter who the person is, i would give it to him/her, if he/she needs it. However, there are some people who are against to it. They think that this is too abominable and they will never give their organ to somebody

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tsunftid ja gildid

Kui õpiaeg hakkas läbi saama, kogunesid kõik meistrid pidulikult gildihoonesse. Järgnes omapärane eksam, vastutusrikas hetk nii õpilasele kui ka teda õpetanud meistrile. Iga meister pidi näitama õpilase teadmisi. Kui õpipoisi teadmised osutusid ebapiisavateks, siis määrati õpipoiss teise meistri juurde, esimene meister pidi aga maksma trahvi ning ka teistkordse õppimise kulud. Kui kõik läks õnnelikult, sai õpipoisist sell, ta oli tsunfti liige, ehkki mitte täieõiguslik. Sell oli vaba inimene, ta võis kanda relva ja võtta osa linna kaitsmisest. Sellid valisid endile ise meistri, kelle juures nad tasu eest töötasid. Ja ehkki ka sell elas meistri majas, oli ta vabastatud paljudest kohustustest ning sõi meistriga ühes lauas. Sellide väljaõpetamine kestis 4 aastat, seadusliku jõu omandas õpitu aga alles pärast rännuaastaid. Tsunft saatis sellid rändama, et nad käiksid paljudes linnades, töötaksid mitmete meistrite juures, õpiksid tundma

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
52 allalaadimist

Tsunftikorraldus keskajal

tööpäev 14-16 tundi vabad olid pühapäevad ja usupühad MEISTER meistriks saamiseks pidi tegema meistritöö e. sedöövri tsunfti liikmetele tuli teha nn. meistrikostitus ja kingitusi lihtsaim viis meistriks saada oli abielluda meistri lese või tütrega alates 16.sajandist rakendati nn. "tsunfti suletust" = sell ei saanud meistriks enne viimase surma = tekkisid nn. igavesed sellid = hea võimalus tsunftijäneste tekkeks Käsitöö keskaegses linnas Keskaegne käsitöö erines oluliselt sellest, mida meie oleme harjunud nägema suurtes vabrikutes ja tehastes. Kõige suuremaks erinevuseks oli see, et puudusid masinad. Algusest lõpuni valmistati kõik käte jõul. Sepal oli

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
63 allalaadimist


trahviks 6 loodi puhast hõbedat. Et õpipoissi võta, pidi aga kullassepp ise olema vähemalt kaks aastat meistrina töötanud. Selleks et Tallinnas kullasseppaks saada, pidi põlvnema vabadest kristlikus abielus saksasoost vanematest. Poisi võimete selgitamiseks oli ette nähtud neljanädalane katseaeg meistri majas: õpiaeg kullasseppaerialal oli üks pikemaid. See vältas 7-10 aastat. 17 sajandil määras õpiaastad meister. Kui õpipoiss oli oma kohustused meistri ees täitnud, sai temast sell. 1635.a allutati ka Tallinna kullasseppasellid rännukohustusele, millest vähemalt neli aastat tuli veeta Saksamaal.1826 aastast vaid vene impeeriumi käsitöökeskustes. Valis sell rännuaastate lõpetamisel oma elu-ja töökohaks Tallinna, tuli tal sellina siinseid meistreid teenida, kuni ta sai tsunfti ja rae nõusoleku meistriõigusi taotleda. Vahepeal uuriti põhjalikult tema tausta rännuaastatel. Vajaduse korral hangiti lisaaandmeid nende linnade raadidelt ja

Ametid → Ametijuhend
1 allalaadimist

Unit 3-4 sõnavara

Retailing - Jaemüük ­ the business of selling goods to the general public Retailers - Jaemüüjad ­ sellers Shop ­ store ­ Pood - place, where you can buy things Outlets - Firma esinduspood ­ a retail outlet Retail chains - Jaeketid - one company but many shops Shopping centres - Ostukeskused - malls Hypermarkets or superstores ­ hüpermarketid vs supermarketid Retail Park - Ärikeskus - there is number of large stores Department store - Kaubamaja - large shop which sell a wide variety of products Assuming ­ Eeldamine ­ expecting Consumer ­ Tarbija ­ person who buys goods for their own use Bargain hunter - Otsima allahindlusi - look for cheap goods High fidelity - Suur usaldusväärsus Flexibility - Paindlikkus Suppliers - Varustaja Sales pitch ­ what salespeople say to convince you to buy Quirky or unusual, untypical ­ Veider vs ebatavaline Alternative or not traditional ­ Alternatiivne vs ebatraditsiooniline

Keeled → Inglise keel
121 allalaadimist

Investment plan

for using Protean. Introduction This report lists the key features of an exciting new product made from Protean. It also looks at its key selling points and examines its commercial potential. This report will look at: · A description of the product · Its selling points · Ways in which the product is really new · Its target consumers and main buyers · Price which will attract the most buyers · Places where you can sell it · An advertising and promotion plan Discussion points 1. Our products are very big sunglasses. These are different. Their colour can be changed at any time. Most of sunglasses are with mirror glasses and UV- protection. People who have problems with their eyes can buy ,,+"or ,,­"sunglasses. Frames are decorated with different accessories like diamonds and pearls. 2. Selling points: · Very big ones · Their colour can be changed at any time

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Eesti linnade sisekorrad

Rukkist Ehitus ja hauakive Kala Lina Hülge rasva (vähesel määral) Import Kõige hinnalisemad tooted, mida toodi sisse olid Sool Raud Heeringas Vürtsid Kaupmehed Kaupmeestel olid omad ühingud, ehk gildid. Rikkad kaupmehed kuulusid suurgildi ­ Näiteks Pika tänava alguses, maiasmoka kohviku vastas. Käsitöö Vastavalt erialale olid käsitöölised jagunenud ühingutesse ehk tsunftidesse. Meistriks saada oli raske. Õpipoiss sell meister Rännuaastatel pidi sell koguma raha. Sell pidi oma meistri oskuste tõestamiseks tegema meistritöö. Tsunftijänes .. ebaseaduslikult meistritööd tegev persoon Vussermeister Katoliku kiri ja usupuhastus Kiriku valitsemine. Kohalik kõrgeim kirikuvõim kuulus Riia peapiiskopile. Temale allusid Tartu ja Lääne-Saare piiskopid. Piiskopi ülesanneteks oli: Valitseda majanduslikult ja politiiliselt piiskopkonda. Õnnistada ametisse vaimulikke.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Käsitööliste meistriks saamine

Mõnedes tsunftides määras õpipoisiaja kindlaks meister ise, vastavalt õpilase andekusele. Kui õpiaeg hakkas läbi saama, kogunesid kõik meistrid pidulikult gildihoonesse. Iga meister pidi näitama õpilase teadmisi. Kui õpipoisi teadmised osutusid ebapiisavateks, siis määrati õpipoiss teise meistri juurde, esimene meister pidi aga maksma trahvi ning ka teistkordse õppimise kulud. Kui kõik läks õnnelikult, sai õpipoisist sell, ta oli tsunfti liige, ehkki mitte täieõiguslik. Ka sellide väljaõpetamine kestis 4 aastat, seadusliku jõu omandas õpitu aga alles pärast rännuaastaid. Tsunft saatis sellid rändama, et nad käiksid paljudes linnades, töötaksid mitmete meistrite juures, õpiksid tundma nende töö saladusi ja -võtteid. Vastavalt skraale võis igaühest pärast rännuaastaid saada meister. See oli aga vaid üldine reegel, meistriks saamise tee oli okkaline ja vaevaline.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
8 allalaadimist

Tänapäevased käsitööliste organisatsioonid

Ühesõnaga ma arvan, et ainuüksi omapead käsitööst ära ei ela, see on muutunud paljude inimeste hobiks või kindlad spetsialistid koonduvad kokku ning loovad ühise gildi, mida toetatakse. Mina näen ennast tarbekunstnikuna, kes tegeleb käsitööga. Võrreldes varasema ajaga on tänapäeval meistiks saada hulga lihtsam, nimelt saab koolis omandad endale meistri hariduse kiiremini kui varem. Varasemal ajal oli kolm etappi, et saada meistriks- õpipoiss, sell ja siis meister. Et õpipoisiks saada, pidi olema kristlikust abielust ausate vanemate laps ning pidi olema ka käändaja, kes maksis äparduste eest. Õpiaeg kestis 3-5 aastat (juveliiridel 7 aastat). Kui test oli läbitud, siis sai selliks. Sell võis valida ise endale meistri, kelle juures töötas tasu eest ja tuli läbida rännuaastad erinevate meistrite juures ning selli tööpäeva pikkus oli 14-17 tundi. Sell oli

Sotsioloogia → Kõnekunst
12 allalaadimist

„The Chocolate War“

He sneaks into one of the classrooms at night and unscrews desks, chairs and hinges, leaving the screws in by just a thread. The next day when students come to class, everything collapses and falls apart. The Vigils is the secret organization at Trinity high school. Everybody actually knows about it, but they pretend not to. Obie is secretary of The Vigils. Obie is perhaps the only one who understands that Archie is horribly cruel. Jerry protests against The vigils and refuses to sell the chocolates. Carter - President of The Vigils. Archie is attempting to think of the next ten kids he wants to use for assignments. he chooses Jerry. Obie protests--Jerry's mom recently died, and he does not think it appropriate to give Jerry an assignment now. Archie thinks of the perfect assignment for Jerry, and tells Obie to assign Jerry to the chocolates. Jerry thumbs through a Playboy magazine at a store, wondering why he feels so guilty

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sexualisation of women in advertising

one: Page 2 of 5 This commercial is a perfect example of the sexism previously discussed. The visual and written texts were produced by the fast food company Burger King. On the left the photo contains a young woman, with her mouth open. Her appearance clearly also plays a role in the effort to sell Burger King’s meal. Note not particularly intelligent. Adjacent to her mouth there is a sandwich that Burger King tries to sell through this add. The logo in the upper right hand corner is much smaller than the hamburger, the product being sold and the woman’s lips, which further emphasizes that sex is being used to sell as a woman’s bright red lips are associated with sex. Notice that the woman is not in the middle, which is due to the reason that she is

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Solar power

The benefits of solar electricity  Cut your electricity bills: Sunlight is free, so once you've paid for the initial installation, your electricity costs will be reduced.  cut you cartbon footprint: Solar electricity is green renewable energy and doesn't release any harmful carbon dioxide or other pollutants. A typical home solar PV system could save over a tonne of carbon dioxide per year – that's more than 30 tonnes over its lifetime.  sell electicity back to the grid: If your system is producing more electricity than you need, you can sell the surplus back to the grid through the Feed-in Tariff scheme.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Mitmekettalised lahkamissaagpingid

Mitmekettalised lahkamissaagpingid ehk pikilõikesaagpingid PikilõIKEsaagpingid Mõned pikilõikesaagpingid: MRS-300A, CPT GRS-300, CPT GRS-320, CPT GRS-320S (on mõeldud väiksema paksusega saematerjalile), Pinheiro AMA2-410, Pinheiro AMA2-314A, Prem 261, Shanghai Fuma MJ145, Shanghai Fuma MJ153 jpt. Mitmekettalisi lahkamissaagpingid on ette nähtud saematerjalide pikijuurdelõikamiseks peenprussideks, liistudeks või ribideks. Mööblitööstuses kasutatakse neid parkett ja laminaad toodete valmistamiseks, uste poolvalmis detailide tegemiseks, ukseraamide ja kergete paneelide tegemiseks. Pikilõikesaagpinke on mitmesuguseid: Ühe saelehe või saekettaga, mitme saelehe või saekettaga, liikuvate ja fikseeritud saeketastega, arvutiteel või käsitsi kontrollitavad jne. Pikilõikesaepingi tootlikus sõltub järgmistest tingimustest: 1. Etteande ja väljastus automaatikast 2. Puidu liigist 3. Puidu mõõtudest 4...

Ametid → Tisleri eriala
25 allalaadimist

Keskaegse tsunftikorralduse head ja vead

Tsunftimeister tagas oma õpipoisile ametialase väljaõppe, mis oli väga tähtis kuna kästitöö oskused pärandati põlvest põlve edasi. Tsunftikorralduse halbadeks külgedeks võib lugeda uuenduste takistamine, loovuse piiramine, tsunftiliikmete tegevusvabaduse piiramine, vaba konkurentsi piiramine, karjääri võimaluste piiramine, kõrged nõudmised õpipoisile. Igal tsunftil oli oma põhimäärus ehk skraa, mis määratles ka tsunfti hierarhia- õpipoiss, sell ja meister. Keskaegse tsunftikorralduses oli oma range kombestik, mida süüa, kuidas riietuda jne. Seepärast ei olnud ka uuendusi. Tsunfti kuuluvate käsitööliste elu oli pisiasjadeni kindlaks määratud. Kui algselt saadi väga kergelt õpipoisist selliks ja sellist meistriks, siis juba 14. sajandil muutus see palju keerulisemaks. Õpipoisiks võetud nooruk pidi olema sündinud kristlikust abielust. Õpipoisi isa maksis kinni kõik kulud ja ostis vajalikud riided. Toit saadi meistrilt

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
21 allalaadimist

Black Beauty

good groom, but Lady Westland was unkind and made the horses wear bearing reins so that they held their heads up high, which was fashionable in London. Chapters 12–15: One day, a groom called Reuben Smith was left in charge of the horses. He got drunk and rode Black Beauty very hard and used a whip. Black Beauty lost a shoe and eventually fell. Smith was killed in the accident and Black Beauty’s legs were badly cut. He survived but his legs were scarred and Lord Westland decided to sell him. Black Beauty’s next home was with a London cab driver, Jerry Barker. Chapters 16 –18: Jerry and his family treated Black Beauty very well, but the work was hard and the hours were long. Jerry became ill and had to sell Black Beauty to a farmer, who promised to look after him and find him a good home. The farmer took him to some women at Rose Hall. There, Black Beauty was reunited with Joe, the young groom who used to look after him at Mr Gordon’s home

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

How to write a Business Plan

objectives. Your vision statement gives the company direction. It is the future of the business, which then provides the purpose. 3. Definition of the Market • Describe the market or industry your business is in and the overall future outlook. • Describe the need for your products and services in this market • Describe the target market that you will sell your products and services to. • Give a good profile of your target customer. (age, sex, income, etc) • Describe what share of the market you have or intend to get. 4. Description of the Products and Services • Detailed information on your top products and an understanding of any other products • Describe how your products with compete with other products of the same type • You may add a product photo or other graphic. 5. Organization and Management

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist

Презентация Кремля - Powerpoint esitlus Kreml'ist (vene keeles)

: Mehis Lõhmus ; Merily Sell 11B - , , , . . , , - - . . Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level !

Keeled → Vene keel
2 allalaadimist

Puppies for sale

Puppies for sale A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about Nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he Felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the Eyes of a little boy. Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies." "Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money."

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Art and aesthetics essay

necessarily a person, place, or thing. Beauty for the most part is a feeling it's internal, something in your heart or mind that makes you smile when you see, hear, or sense it. Something beautiful can give you a sublime feeling or may relax you in some ways, making you believe that everything is right in the world. Not all works of art necessarily create an aesthetic experience in us. For example when we look at a painting and all we can think about is to determine how much we can sell it for ­ then obviously this is not an eye of a person enjoying art, but a brain of a businessman and one should be in an office instead of visiting and art gallery. Unfortunately, I personally tend to think that nowdays too many people are going in that way. I mean the way when you make a song within a day, sell it for billions of dollars and all this ,,very hard work" just to get on the red carpet and live a fancy life.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Jobs and occupations

11. an antique dealer ­ you want to find a 400-year-old grandfather clock 12. a vicar ­ you are planning a church wedding 13. mechanic ­ your car won't start 14. a bookmaker ­ you want to place a bet on the 3.45 race at Ascot 15. an undertaker ­ someone in the family has just died 16. a driving instructor ­ you want to learn to drive 17. a breeder ­ you want to buy a pedigree alsatian 18. an estate agent ­ you have decided to sell your house 19. an architect ­ you want plans drawn up for a new house 20. building contractor ­ you want to go ahead and have the new house built 21. a removal firm ­ you are moving house and have a furniture problem 22. a scrap metal dealer ­ you have lots of old iron you want to get rid of 23. a glazier ­ you want new windows put into te house 24. a maintenance engineer ­ your new fridge is leaking 25

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Keskaegsed linnad

igal meistril tavaliselt 2 selli tööpäev 14-16 tundi vabad olid pühapäevad ja usupühad MEISTER meistriks saamiseks pidi tegema meistritöö e. sedöövri tsunfti liikmetele tuli teha nn. meistrikostitus ja kingitusi lihtsaim viis meistriks saada oli abielluda meistri lese või tütrega alates 16.sajandist rakendati nn. "tsunfti suletust" = sell ei saanud meistriks enne viimase surma = tekkisid nn. igavesed sellid = hea võimalus tsunftijäneste tekkeks T allinn keskajal

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
74 allalaadimist

Steve Jobs Presentation

after staying for seven months, with his head shaved and wearing traditional Indian clothing. Jobs returned to Atari and was assigned to create a circuit board for the game Breakout. Jobs and Steve Wozniak met in 1971, when their mutual friend, Bill Fernandez, introduced 21yearold Wozniak to 16yearold Jobs. In 1976, Wozniak invented the Apple I computer. Jobs, Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple computer in the garage of Jobs's parents in order to sell it. In 1983, Jobs lured John Sculley away from PepsiCola to serve as Apple's CEO, asking, "Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?,, The Apple board of directors instructed Sculley to "contain" Jobs and limit his ability to launch expensive forays into untested products. Sculley learned that Jobs--believing Sculley to be "bad for Apple" and the wrong person to lead the company--had been

Keeled → Inglise keel
48 allalaadimist

Ajaloo mõisted 7. klass

Tsunft- käsitööliste kutseorganisatsioon, millel oli oma põhikiri. Skraa- tsunfti põhikiri. Tsunftimajandus- kord, mis lubas mingil kutsealal töötada ainult vastava tsunfti meistril. Gild- kaupmeeste vennaskond. Hansa liit- läänemere äärsete kaubalinnade liit. Hansapäevad- laat, mis toimus 1 kord aastas. Koge- kaubalaev. Naturaalmajandus- peaaegu rahatu majandus, eluks vajalik toodetakse ise või vahetatakse kaup kauba vastu. Rahamajandus- majandus, kus peamiseks maksevahendiks on raha. Veksel- võlakiri. Bürger- linnakodanik. Patritsiaat- mõjukaimad ja jõukaimad linnakodanike perekonnad, kelle seast valiti järjepidevalt raeliikmeid. Bürgermeister- linnavanem, linnapea, rae eesotsas seisev valitav ametiisik. Linnaõigus- valitseja või maahärra poolt linnakogukonnale antud eesõigused ja õigusnormid. Raad- linnavalitsus. Sell- õpipoiss.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Boston Tea Party

the East India Company. Because Parliament heavily taxed this tea and charged the East India company tarrifs, both Britons and British Americans found that it was much cheaper to buy smuggled tea, which usually came from Dutch sources. The biggest market for smuggled tea was England, but tea was also smuggled into the colonies to a lesser extent. Tea Act 1773 In response to this, the British government passed the Tea Act, which allowed the East India Company to sell tea to the colonies directly, paying the much lower American duty. This tax break allowed the East India Company to sell tea for half the old price and cheaper than the price of tea in England, enabling them to undercut the prices offered by the colonial merchants and smugglers, granting them a virtual monopoly. Many American colonists, particularly the wealthy smugglers, resented this favored treatment of a major company.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Ads everywhere

Ads everywhere Advertising has become a part of everyday culture. We know all of the tricks that advertisers use to sell us their products and so they need to work harder than ever to keep us interested. The latest trend designed to do this is known as ambient advertising. It’s a practice of putting ads in unusual places. It allows the advertisers to be flexible. One recent award-winning campaign advertised a modern art agency by putting stickers on everyday objects such as lamp-posts and paving stones. It seems that wherever you go these days some advertising

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Gerda Põdder 112799IABB-22 Big sell, tiny targets (summary) Manufacturers use information about children's leisure activities to target them. Big companies are using many intensive techniques to promote their products. Now big companies are targeting very young people. Often companies advertise their products, like toys, on children's television. Many ads on television are for foods and soft drinks, which are not healthy. Children are easy targets because they does not necessarily care how useless some products are

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
6 allalaadimist

Irregular Verbs (Present-Past)

Irregular Verbs simple past be was/were become became begin began blow blew break broke build built buy bought catch caught come came cost cost cut cut do did drink drank drive drove eat ate feel felt find found fly flew forget forgot freeze froze get got give gave go went have had hear heard hit hit hold held hurt hurt keep kept know knew lay laid lead led leave left lend lent let let lie lied lose lost make made meet met pay paid put put read read ride rode ring rang run ran say said see saw sell sold send sent show showed sit sat sleep slept speak spoke spend spent s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Product Presentation

first fifty units you purchase, we would drop the wholesale price per unit to 19,20 €, giving your store a total saving of 240 €. After this offer expires, your store can get a discount of ten percent on orders of 150 units or over, for example if your store orders 150 units, the price would usually be 3400 € but the discount covers the whole of the order, so your company saves 360 € giving a total of 3240 €. The first fifty units of our hairdryer that you sell will give your store a profit of 790 € if you sold it at the mid-point of the recommended retail price, which would be 35 €, so we believe this business deal is an extremely lucrative proposition for your company. Our product will also fill a void in your product range, as our hairdryer is an improvement on hairdryers you currently stock and we believe your customers will love the hairdryer and be happy with their purchase so they will link your company more in their minds with positive

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Unit 14 test 6. klass

Test unit 14 b 6 klass vastused 1. ül. Immigrant, teenager, rap, producer, record. 2.ül. sell,sold,sold,müüma fly,flew,flown,lendama win,won,won,võitma sing,song,sung,laulma drive,drove,driven,sõitma 3.ül. in at at trought for about by 4.ül. were is has was are am have is 5.ül Have you ever met a celebrity ? Has he ever eaten Japanese food ? Has your sister driven a car ? Has your mother played the piano ? Have you ever seen a beaver ? 6.ül. Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio was born in 11. November 1974 in Hollywood, California, USA. Leo's mother is German ­ American and father Italian ­ American.Leo is 1.85 height. His first TV show was at the age of 5 " Romper Room." His first film role 1991 Josh in ,, Citters." He was played Jack Dawson in ,, Titanic" 1997.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Ajalugu Kordamine KT, 10. kl

Skraa ­ tsunfti põhimäärus Õpipoiss ­ seaduslikust abielust sündinud poiss, õpiaeg kestis 6-10aastat ja elas meistri perekonnas. Paar esimest aastat andis poisi isa talle elamisraha. Õpipoiss palka ei saanud. Õpiaastad lõppesid selli eksamiga. Töö materjali andis meister. Sell ­ väljaõppinud käsitööline. Sai korralikku palka, enamik neist elas üürikorterites. Paljud ehitasid endale edaspidi maja. Enamus selle jäi selliks elulõpuni. Vandersell ­ rändav sell. Kohustuslikud rännuaastad 2-4. töötas poolaastate kaupa teiste linnade meistrite juures ja sai selle eest palka. Pärast rännuaastaid tuli enamus vanderselle kodulinna tagasi eksameid tegema. Meister ­ keskaegne ettevõtja, osales linnavalitsemises. Tavaliselt said meistriteks meistrite pojad. Sellid, kes abiellusid meistri lesega, said meistriks. Gild ­ ühinenud tsunftid Tsunftijänes ­ tsunftiväline käsitööline Hansa Liit - oli 13.­17

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
222 allalaadimist

Maailma keeled ja keelkonnad

Maailma keeled ja keelkonnad Oliver Saare Janeli Orgmäe Caisa Sell Rauno Puks Kuidas keel tekkis? Kas keel on arenenud mingist madalama astme signalisatsioonisüsteemist? Kas keelevõime on seotud inimesele ainuomase organiga? Millal keel tekkis? Kuigi tänapäeval on teadus arenenud, ei ole võimalik leida vastuseid nendele küsimustele. Kui palju on keeli ja nende kõnelejaid Väidetatavalt on keeli umbes 4000-5000 Keelte arv on muutlik 80% keeltest on valdavalt väiksed keeled ( alla

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
112 allalaadimist

"Career and Employment" Homereading

Much better to start your own business first and then quit your job. But this doesn't necessarily mean that you need to start trading. Planning is an essential part of enterprise ­ the process of running a business ­ and this is where you should start. The Army has a motto: "Train hard, fight easy." In business, that translates as: "Plan hard, work easy." A simple, three-step approach to the business planning process helps. Step one is to plan exactly what you are going to sell. Step two is to calculate what it will cost to make the product or to deliver the service. Step three is to do market research in order to ensure that you will be able to sell enough products and/or services in order to cover all of the costs. If your plans forecast that you can make a profit then, quite literally, you are in business. If not, then you need to think of a new plan. People who can do this are called entrepreneurs. People who can't are called employees.

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Pärnu Hansadays

Pärnu Hansa days Pärnu Hansa days take place every june and during four days. Reason for celebrating is, that people can go back in time, and do same things, as it was in the Middle Ages. Days before the festival, organisers have to register sellers, who are going to sell their Middle Ages products. Also, there is a lot of job with searching good musicians and entertainers. On the top of this, it takes lot of time to bring all stages and tables to the festival place. On the actual day, there are many people in the Middle Ages costume. There is a huge Middle Ages fair, and people can buy what ever they like. Participants can see many perfomances, take part of different games, and just have nice days with nice people.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Kaebekiri Letter of complaint - jeans

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about the jeans which I ordered from your mail-order catalogue. I was not pleased when they arrived. To begin with, your advertisement stated that the jeans would be delivered promptly. However, they were delivered late. Secondly, you said that you were the only company in this country licensed to sell this brand, but in fact I have seen them in a local store. Though your advertisement claimed that the price was unbeatable, the ones in the local store were much cheaper. Although your advertisement claimed that the jeans were excellent quality, the zip was broken. The problems do not stop here. You sent me a wrong size. Furthermore, the free T-shirt was missing. In conclusion, I would like another pair of black jeans, not blue ones as you sent

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
38 allalaadimist

Kevade kokkuvõte Lible kohta

Kevade Teoses ''Kevade'' on Kristjan Lible kellamees ja joodik, kuid ta oli heasüdamlik, hooliv, õpetlik ja aus. Lible oli jube joomamees. Kui ta oli purjus, siis ta lubas kõigile igasuguseid asju. Arnole lubas ta, et paneb jõevee teistpidi jooksma. Kui Tõnisson lasi mõisapoiste parve põhja, siis süüdistati selles Liblet, kuid Lible väitis, et tema pole seda teinud. Selle sündmuse tõttu lasti Lible kellamehe ametist lahti. Kui jõele tekkis esimene jää, läksid lapsed sinna uisutama. Teele kukkus vette ja Arno läks teda päästma ning kukkus ka ise sisse. Lible kuulis karjeid, ning tõttas appi. Ta viskas Arnole nööri ja tõmbas lapsed välja. Arno ja Lible said hästi läbi, ning tänu Arnole sai Lible ka oma töökoha tagasi. Kord jõid Arno ja Lible viina ja jäid metsa magama, kuid õnneks leidsid Arno vanemad nad ülesse. Lible kutsuti Arnoga kaasa, ning Lible...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
254 allalaadimist

Irregular verb

Be Was/were Been Olema Do Did Done Tegema Make Made Made Teostama Beat Beat Beaten Lööma See Saw Seen Vaatama Go Went Gone Minema Read Read Read Lugema Write Wrote Written Kirjutama Teach Taught Taught Õpetama Bring Brought Brought Tooma Tear Tore Torn Kiskuma Pay Paid Paid Maksma Choose Chose Chosen Valima Ring Rung Rung Helisema Steal Stole Stolen Varastama Mistake Mistake Mistaken Viga Become became become Muutuma Fall fell Fallen Kukkuma Light Lit Lit valgustama Blow Blew Blown Puhuma Run Ran Run Jooksma Stand Stood Stood Seisma Lie Lay Lain Asetsema Fly flewn flown Lend...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

English Irregular verbs

be was / were been become became become begin beganbegun bring brought brought buy bought bought choose chose chosen come came come do did done drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feel felt felt find found found fly flew flown forget forgot forgotten get got got (gotten in USA) give gave given go went gone have had had hear heard heard keep kept kept know knew known leave left left lend lent lent let let let lose lost lost make made made meet met met pay paid paid put put put read read (pronounced /red/) read (pronounced /red/) run ran run say said said see saw seen sell sold sold send sent sent sing sang sung sit sat sat sleep slept slept speak spoke spoken stand stood stood swim swam swum take ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Kevade Teoses ''Kevade'' on Kristjan Lible kellamees ja joodik, kuid ta oli heasüdamlik, hooliv, õpetlik ja aus. Lible oli jube joomamees. Kui ta oli purjus, siis ta lubas kõigile igasuguseid asju. Arnole lubas ta, et paneb jõevee teistpidi jooksma. Kui Tõnisson lasi mõisapoiste parve põhja, siis süüdistati selles Liblet, kuid Lible väitis, et tema pole seda teinud. Selle sündmuse tõttu lasti Lible kellamehe ametist lahti. Kui jõele tekkis esimene jää, läksid lapsed sinna uisutama. Teele kukkus vette ja Arno läks teda päästma ning kukkus ka ise sisse. Lible kuulis karjeid, ning tõttas appi. Ta viskas Arnole nööri ja tõmbas lapsed välja. Arno ja Lible said hästi läbi, ning tänu Arnole sai Lible ka oma töökoha tagasi. Kord jõid Arno ja Lible viina ja jäid metsa magama, kuid õnneks leidsid Arno vanemad nad ülesse. Lible kutsuti Arnoga kaasa, ning Lible...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
37 allalaadimist

Irregular verbs

TO READ read read reading read TO RID rid rid ridding rid TO RIDE ride rode riding ridden TO RING ring rang ringing rung TO RISE rise rose rising risen TO RUN run ran running run TO SAY say said saying said TO SEE see saw seeing seen TO SEEK seek sought seeking sought TO SEND send sent sending sent TO SELL sell sold selling sold TO SET set set setting set TO SEW sew sewed sewing sewn/sewed TO SHAKE shake shook shaking shaken TO SHINE shine shone shining shone TO SHOW show showed showing shown TO SHOOT shoot shot shooting shot TO SHRINK shrink shrank shrinking shrunk T0 SING sing sang singing sung TO SINK sink sank sinking sunk

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


jolly things like that- they are all things that can be placed in a big metal barrel with the word crime written on it in blood. Actually everything illegal belongs there. And those who do it, they should be burned alive. There is no cure for being a thief, arsonist or a murderer. Only death can cure it. It is easy to become a criminal. For example, if you get sacked from your job, yet you have a family to feed, then it is easy to pocket some wallets or purses on the street and sell them. That would be the begining of a most likely long cycle, that usually ends with death or imprisonment. It is not easy to escape that cycle, because once a criminal- allways a criminal! Juss Kärner 10C

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Theatre vocabulary I, II

pure/sheer entertainment vs. mere entertainment Low-brow, middle-brow, highbrow Performing arts Visual arts THEATRE Types of theatres: · Civic theatres · Regional theatres Types of plays: · Tragedy · Comedy · Tragi-comedy · Farce · Drama · Historical drama/play · Thriller · Musical (comedy) Types of tickets: · Regular · Returns · Standing tickets · Complementary tickets · House seats · Production/performance · Audition · Repertory/repertoire · Part ­ role · lines · Rehearse · Rehearsal · dress rehearsal · Preview · First night · premiere · Matinee · Appear in a play · The main part/the leading part/the lead · Supporting part/supporting role · A bit part · A speaking part · A walking-on part · The understudy · A cameo role · To learn the part/to look the part; · a mega...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

War Horse inglisekeelne ülevaade

War Horse ,,War Horse", a war drama film directed by Steven Spielberg talked about a horse and it's adventures before and during World War I. The screenplay is an adaption of M. Murpurgo's children's novel by the same name. One of the main characters is a boy named Albert, who'se father bought him a horse and Albert got to train it. Albert and the horse became very close friends. But when the war approached, they had to sell the horse in order to pay the bills. The horse, named Joey, travelled long distances and met many people. Everyone who saw Joey, wanted it to themselves. Finally, when the war was nearing it's end, Albert and Joey were reunited. I liked the movie because it told a compelling story about friendship and it taught us never to give up hope. The chances for Albert to see Joey again were very thin but luckily Joey was able to come back to it's true owner. I also liked

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Letter to editor

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my disapproval of the Westwale Councils decision to sell the land of the Longheath Park. In my opinion, this is a terrible idea which will have many disadvantages for our town. Firstly, if the park is sold to the property developer, he will built an estate of 50 houses on the land. As a result, there will be no open spaces left. Therefore, children will not have a chance to play freely, and people will have nowhere to walk their dogs or ride their bikes. Secondly, there will be less green areas in town. Obviously, this will be very unhealthy, as people need fresh air and natural surroundings for good health. What is more, the town will be crowded and built up. Consequently, there will be more traffic, pollution, and the town will no longer be a nice place to live. To sum up, I think it is a very bad idea. I hope the local council will take my points into consideration. Yours faithfully, Eveli...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Fast and the furiouse - film Review

The film begins with a description of how, in 1980, Cuban President Fidel Castro let the gates open on Mariel Harbor in Cuba allowing thousands of Cubans to emigrate to Florida on boatlifts. Some of these immigrants were criminals or ex-convicts. And the one of they was Tony Montana. They kill Emilio Rebenga to escape from the jail. Then Tony live goes good he will work with gangsters of town. Tony kill his boss for be the new boss of his gang. His gets money for sell heroin in the town. At the end he will be killed by his partner with heroin because Tony goes too bully and agressiv.

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Letter of complaint

18th November 2007 Dear Sir, I am writing to inform you that the goods I ordered from your company have not been supplied correctly. I bought a pair of jeans from your a mail-order catalogue and I am very disappointed with them. Firstly, in catalogue was text whose describes this product. Actually this company are not the only in this country, which licenced to sell this top brand, because I have seen them in a local store too. Secondly, it was not excellent quality ­ just on the contrary, because the zip of jeans was broken. There were not available in all sizes. Or then why your company sent me wrong size? The problems do not stop here. I ordered black jeans, but you sent me blue ones. And your catalogue did not deliver the goods ­ my free T-shirt missed in my purchase, even thought each purchases must be including free T-shirt.

Keeled → Inglise keel
179 allalaadimist

Erivajadustega laste kõnearendus. Häälikute harjutamine

 Punane pall piilus põõsast  Piriseja putukas püüdis plehku panna  Pruunikas puuk paterdas poris  Pere plaanis puhkama põrutada Paidesse  Sipa – sapa saputas sipelgas  Lips rippus lipus  Laps kippus koperdama Häälik S  Sandri suur sõber saatis sõnumi  Soe supp sobib suhu  Soise salu servas seisavad suured seened  Salme soovis sillerdavat suve  Sven oli selline saamatu sell  Vaskuss sisistas soos  Kassi kasukas sattus vastu kaske  Susi sörkis suures metsas  Sõbralik saarmas soovis teistelt moosi  Siidine sipelgas siputas susse

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
9 allalaadimist

My charity day

If somebody has always had everything what he needs, then he does not think much about that how other people can make out with their lives and needs. That is why me and my friend Joan decided to devote one day to make other people happier. 42 I was waiting that day for months and when my clock alarm rang that morning I was so excited about what is going to happen. I woke up at 11 a.m, ate my breakfast and then went to shower. We decided to do the charity in Old Town, our destination was sell as much our clothes, what we do not need anymore, as we can. All the money, what we received, went to charity. 76 In the beginning we set up our clothes and then we started to waiting our first clients. It was our fist time to do something like that in the public and at the start we did not know how people would react for that activity. We were nicely surprised, because we did much better job than we first expected.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Report ehk aruanne

Report The aim of this report is to give information about what kind of items should be sold as our school's souvenirs. Many people think that items sold as souvenirs should be items that a person uses on a daily basis. The best items to sell would be mugs, pens and T-shirts. Our school emblem is an eagle spreading it's wings, therefore, the souvenirs should have a picture of an eagle on them. Another option would be to print our school's initials on those items. Initials do not take much space and above all they are practical. It is believed that red and yellow are irritating colors, blue and green on the other hand are soothing. Keeping that in mind, the souvenirs should be in blue and green shades. Text on

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun