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"electric" - 268 õppematerjali

electric -


ELECTRIC CARS 2016 Electric car – what is it? • Powered by one or more electric motors, using electrical energy • Energy is stored in rechargeable batteries or another energy storage device • Require charging. Can be charged from home or special station History • First electric cars were produced in 1880s • Were popular in 19th and 20th cebtury •Then ICEs became more advanced Advantages • 3 x more efficient as ICE • Quieter • Do not emit tailpipe pollutants • Instant, strong and smooth acceleration • Lower running costs • Government discounts Disadvantages • Battery wears out over time • Batteries are expensive • Limited driving range (best range Tesla S – about 400km) • Charging takes a long time (unless using superchargers)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Electric car (biological cars)

Electric car (biological cars) ( , . . ­ , .) One of the most common types of pollution are gases that emit vehicles and to prevent this people asked themselves the goal to take in the use of biologically clean vehicle What is it? Electric car - a car driven by one or more electric motors powered by an autonomous power source (battery, fuel cell, etc.) and not the internal combustion engine. First Electric car Electric car appeared before the internal combustion engine. The first electric car in the form of a truck with an electric motor was established in 1841. Limitations · The large mass of the batteries. · Battery charging time, but there are ways to "quick charge" to the part-time battery capacity. · In most cases, low dynamic performance. · In some hybrids in general there are no electric batteries.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Semi formal complaint letter

Dear Mr Smith, I am writing in because of a problem I have with the new neighbour, David, who has moved in downstairs. Unfortunately, his habits seems to be different than mine. The issue is that David is a musician who plays his electric guitar very late night. I understand he is in a band and needs to practice but I think he can not do this in apartment. I work in home, so for me, it is important to have silence so I can concentrate on my work. But when David is playing all the time it is unable to get any of my works done, except when he is out. Sometimes I have been forced to leave the apartment and work at the library because of the guitar playing was disturbing.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Autode ja masinate remondi osakond Rainer Kaine AT-109 Iseseisev töö Electric cars Instructor: Tauris Vijar Tartu 2010 Introduction In this essay i´m write electric cars and this how these cars are built, how easy is built electric car, how much costs electric cars. The problems for electric cars, there are many problems why peoples still can´t use quiet and more green cars. But even the electric car is not all green because the electricity produced for nuclear, coal, oil shale and natural gas. These ways to get electricity pollutes nature, the only difference between lies in the fact that pollution is in the one place. Coal Electric power station Oil shale power station in Narva What is a electric car

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison (1847–1931) American inventor and businessman electric bulb phonograph Moving pictures machi Childhood - born in Ohio in February of 1847 -self-taught -experimenting, built his own chemical laboratory -telegraph operator Over 1000 inventions The greatest invention are the phonograph in 1877

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Water creates energy

Water creates energy Eduard Kamenski 11a form The world uses energy from many different sources, such as: hydroelectric power, nuclear power plants, solar energy, and wind generated power. There are positive and negative aspects of each source, but which source of energy is best? My opinion is that the best source of energy is water and I'll bring up some facts why do I think so. Hydroelectric power is currently the world's largest renewable source of electricity. It accounts for six percent of the worldwide energy supply or about fifteen percent of the world's electricity. Water has been found to be a major source of energy. Water power is utilized at present mainly as hydro-electricity. It is produced from moving water and from falls with the help of turbines and dynamos. Hydro-electricity has acquired great significance as a source of energy in the country in the present times and is being put to different uses. The following are the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


microSD kaudu) · Automotive Systems Company ­ Navigatsioonisüsteemid,ECU,akud,mootorid,kompressorid · Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. ­ Haiglasüsteemid, Medical Imaging (röntgen ja sondid vist?) · Home Appliances Company ­ kodutarbed (pesumasinad,mikrolaineahjud jne) · Lighting Company ­ Valgustustehnika · Panasonic Ecology Systems Co., Ltd. ­ Ventilatsioon, õhuniisutajad, õhupuhastajad · Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd. ­ Automaatikakontrollerid, elektrimaterjalid, kaabeldus · PanaHome Corporation · Semiconductor Company ­ pooljuhid, fotosilmad · Energy Company ­ patareid, akulaadijad · Panasonic Electronic Devices Co., Ltd. ­ PCB'd, kondensaatorid, kõlarid, elektromehhaanilised komponendid · SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. · Panasonic Factory Solutions Co., Ltd ­ LCD'd, Elektroonikakomponentide paigutussüsteemid

Masinaehitus → Automaatika alused
10 allalaadimist

Hübriidauto - Hybrid car

and using a hybrid car. They do make a statement by being compact and fuel efficient, but also carry various issues. Why to purc has e a hybrid c ar? 1. Made of lightweight materials hybrids are small in size. The engine is designed to be fuel efficient. When the car halts at a signal, the engine will automatically shut down and restart when the car shifts into gear. 2. These cars have the advantage of being powered by a gasoline engine and an electric motor that takes care of acceleration. 3. The batteries of the electric motor recharge automatically by harnessing the kinetic energy produced during braking. 4. Hybrid car engines produce less emission, give better mileage, idle less, and are fuel efficient. Why to purc has e a hybrid c ar? 5. The aerodynamic design reduces drag and the tires are made of a special rubber that reduces friction. 6. The battery has high capacity and is made of nickel-metal-

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Ameerika vedurid

Auruvedurite hiilgeajal, 1930. aastail arendasid kiiremad vedurid juba kuni 200 km/h Suurimad ameerika vedurid arendasid võimsust üle 3000 kW, kuid auruveduri kasutegur jäi väikeseks, harilikult 4...8% vahele. Andrus MURUMAA AMEERIKA VEDURID 4 USA VEDURITURG USA veduriturul konkureerivad kaks suurt firmat: General Motors (GM) ja General Electric (GE) Mõlemal on oma diislitehas, koostetehased Kanadast Brasiiliani Lisaks on GM ja GE vedurite koostamiseks litsentseerinud veel mitmed maailmas tuntud veduritehaseid Ameerika mandri raudteed asuvad mitmes kliimavööndis arktikast troopikani. Suured on ka veokaugused. Kaubaveotranspordis valitsevad eritingimusi ja erisoove omavad erafirmad Kõik see, pluss AAR väga ranged tehnilised normid kujundasid teravas tehastevahelises konkurentsis

Auto → Liiklus
39 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

least whether it turned out cornflakes or Cadillacs. The restructuring of human work and association was shaped by the technique of fragmentation that is the essence of machine technology. The essence of automation technology is the opposite. It is integral and decentralist in depth, just as the machine was fragmentary, centralist, and superficial in its patterning of human relationships. The instance of the electric light may prove illuminating in this connection. The electric light is pure information... It is a medium without a message, as it were, unless it is used to spell out some verbal a ad or name. This fact, characteristic of all media, means that the " Intent"_ of any medium is always .another medium. The content of writing is speech, just as the written word is the content of print, and print is the content of the telegraph. If it is asked, "What is the content of speech?," it is necessary to say, "It is an actual process of thought,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Multidivisjoniline organisatsiooni struktuur

Firma koosneb mitmest erinevatest oma suunade järgi spetsialiseerunud alajaotistest (osadest). Nendel on olemas autonoomia oma otsustest ja lahendustest omavad oma käsutuses raamatupidajaid ja marketingi töötajaid. Juhtkond tegeleb planeerimisega ja nende alajaotisteste töö koordineerimisega hindab tulemusi. Multidivisjooniline struktuur lahendab 2 peamist probleemi: Ressurside parem jaotus Top-mänedzerite kõrged palgad Positiivsed näited General Electric (Jack Wealce ajal) Hanson (lord Hansoni ajal) Emerson Electric (Charlie Night ajal) British Petroleum (John Broun) Aitäh !!!

Majandus → Majandus
22 allalaadimist

Nõmme Railwaystation

Nõmme Railwaystation Roos-Marie Lunden Tallinna Nõmme Gümnaasium 5B Nõmme Railwaystation was opened 1872. It was called: ,,Peatus Seitsmendal Verstal". Since 1874 it is called Nõmme Railwaystation. In 1888 were built wooder platform and awning. Tickets were sold in a watch-house across the platvorm. In 1912 the awning was demolished and new one was built. In 1924 new electric raywayline was opened, that helped Nõmme´s growth and debelopment. In 1932 an other raywayline was built. The secon World War stopped the traffic of the electric trains and it was recovered in 1944. The first wooden trainstation was built in 1904 ad station pavilion in 1914. The ticket sales in the station was stopped in 1998. Today there are Nõmme museum and post office in the trainstation.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison (11.02.1847-18.10.1943) By Jekaterina Kolessova Thomas Edison Inventor American greatest inventor Businessman Scientist Developing fields: mass communication electric power generation sound recording motion pictures Thomas Edison The seventh and last child Samuel Ogden Edison, Nancy Matthews Elliott Hearing problems Nickname: AL Short studying in school Sale of sweets and newspapers Telegraph operator Achievement Mass communication, telecommunication Principles of mass production Large teamwork Improvement light bulb

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Fukushima avarii

Fukushima avarii Mihkel Kanne, Daniel Sei 12.R Sissejuhatus  Asutati 1971. aastal koostöös  General Electric, Boise, and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).  Fukushima tuumaelektrijaam Daiichi koosnes kuuest kergveereaktorist.  Neid kergveereaktorieid toitsid generaatorid koguvõimsusega 4,7 GWe.  Algselt plaaniti rajada tuumajaam 35meetrit kõrgusele merepinnast, kuid rajati lõpuks 10meetri kõrgusele. Fukushima avarii  8.9 magnituudine maavärvin, samaväärne maavärin oli viimati aastal 1900.  Rannikut ründas hiidlaine, mis ulatus üle 10 meetri,

Füüsika → tuumakatastroof
14 allalaadimist

Welding technologies

arc spark created by electron kaarleek flow slag protects the weld seam räbu nozzle device designed to control otsik the direction of a flow porosity Void fraction poorsus tungsten a material of which volfram electrodes are made inductance induktiivsus electrical current flow of electric charge elektrivool shielding Protecting something kaitse conductive having the property of elektrit juhtiv conducting something STRUCTURE OF THE TALK Ø Shielded arc metal welding Ø Gas metal arc welding Ø Tungsten inert gas welding SHIELDED ARC METAL WELDING Shielded metal

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Rock Oliver Jurkatam 8B klass Oliver Jurkatam History of Rock Its roots go back to 1940s and 1950s Influenced by rythm and blues and country music The first real rockstar was Elvis Presly The best-selling Rock album is by AC/DC ,,Back in Black" (1980) 49 million copies Instruments used in Rock: Electric guitar Electric bass guitar Drum kit Piano, hammond organ, synthezisers Different Rock styles: Death'n'roll Hard Rock Trash metal Heavy metal Progressive Rock Why do I like it? Strong rythm Emotionally satisfying Great lyrics Famous bands: AC/DC- ,,Back in Black" Led Zeppelin- ,,Stairway to Heaven" Pink Floyd- ,,Comfortably Numb" The Beatles- ,,Hey Jude" Black Sabbath- ,,Paranoid" References

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Estonia railway history

To the Railway personal training builded in Tallinn at the 1880th The School of Railway Engineering. Nowadays, a professional training in the Tallinn School of Transport. A public company Estonian Railways was founded on 1 January 1992, its task was the Estonian railways. That same year, restored Estonia railway To the Railway International Union of Railways (UIC, headquartered in Paris), a member of Present services Electric railway Stops Locations & Types Electric Railway is the area to a total of 40 stops on the electric. Of them 12 are located in Tallinn and in our eastern or Aegviidu-Tallinn route. 9 stops are located in our direction, or the City of Tallinn-Pääsküla-Tallinn route. The rest stops remain in our west (between Tallinn and Keila, Tallinn-Paldiski, the Tallinn- Rice Family, on the Tallinn-Klooga beach) lines. Edel`s main schedule

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


ownership.html#last (04.04.2015) Electric Vehicle Batteries. Idaho National Laboratory. (30.03.2015) Electric Vehicle. The University of Tennesee Chattanooga. (24.03.2015) Uurisime pisut elektriauto laadimist. Skeemipesa. (30.03.2015) Estonia becomes the first in the world to open a nationwide electric vehicle fast-charging Network. Estonian World in Technology. nationwide-electric-vehicle-fast-charging-network/ (30.03.2015) Charging forward. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. survey.pdf (30.03.2015) Understanding the Electric Vehicle Landscape to 2020. Global EV Outlook.

Mehaanika → Automehaanika
36 allalaadimist


· Built in about 3 years · Took 7.5 million dollars to build · When Titanic began her journey at first, the weather was clear and the ocean was smooth. · Was designed to be a marvel of modern safety technology. · Accommodations were luxurious and had extensive facilities. Passengers · 2,566 tickets were sold in total. · 1st class: 1034 · 2nd class: 510 · 3rd class: 1022 · Around 2,200 people got onto Titanic. Some of the facilities offered on board were: · electric light and heat · electric elevators · a swimming pool · a squash court · a Turkish Bath · a gymnasium · two musical ensembles A historical tragedy was born · On the night of April 14 1912 · In the middle of Atlantic ocean. · The iceberg warnings never reached Captain Smith or the officer on the bridge. · Iceberg spotted! · Tried to turn Titanic away from the iceberg, but it was too late. Survivors · Only over 700 people manage to get on to a boat and survive:

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Electrical engineering

Electrical engineering What is electrical engineering? Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism Info about electrical engineering This field first became an identifiable occupation in the later half of the 19th century after commercialization of the electric telegraph, the telephone, and electric power distribution and use Subsequently, broadcasting and recording media made electronics part of daily life. The invention of the transistor, and later the integrated circuit, brought down the cost of electronics to the point they can be used in almost any household object. Famous people with big impact are Nikola Tesla, Alexander Graham Bell, john Logie Baird and many more How to become an electrical engineer

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

KT Excel K1 tehtud

+ Above / - Below Company Sales ($bil) Sales/Max. Sales (%) Average Sales BP 239,27 59% + Chevron 159,29 39% - ExxonMobil 275,56 68% + General Electric 156,78 38% - PetroChina 157,22 39% - Royal Dutch Shell 278,19 68% + Sinopec-China Petroleum 208,47 51% - Total 160,68 39% - Wal-Mart Stores 408,21 100% + Maximum Sales 408,21

Informaatika → Informaatika
38 allalaadimist


chamber in-between. The basic operation of the gas turbine is similar to that of the steam power plant except that air is used instead of water. Fresh atmospheric air flows through a compressor that brings it to higher pressure. Energy is then added by spraying fuel into the air and igniting it so the combustion generates a high-temperature flow. 1.1.4) A diesel-electric transmission system includes a diesel engine connected to an electrical generator, creating electricity that powers electric traction motors. No clutch is required. Before diesel engines came into widespread use, a similar system, using a petrol (gasoline) engine and called petrol-electric or gas-electric, was sometimes used. 1.1.5) A turbocharger, or turbo (colloquialism), from the Greek "" ("turbulence") is a turbine- driven forced induction device that makes an engine more efficient and produce more power for its size by forcing extra air into the combustion chamber.[1][2] A turbocharged engine

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The invention of the telephone inglise keel

The invention of the telephone The invention of the telephone is the culmination of work done by many individuals. The presumption for the development of the telephone goes back to the year 1833 were Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Eduard Weber invented the electric transmission of signals in Göttingen which set the fundamental basis for the technology. This invention is recognized to be the first electromagnetic telegraph of the world. (The development of the modern telephone involved an array of lawsuits founded upon the patent claims of several individuals.) Some of the inventors who gave their contribution for inventing the telephone are: Innocenzo Manzetti - Innocenzo Manzetti considered the idea of a telephone as early as 1844,

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

“Jack, otse südamest”

SÜDAMEST” Jack Welch John A. Bryne Jack Welch  Tee General Electricusse  Insenerist peadirektoriks  Saavutused peadirektorina Juhtimise ideoloogia  Ausus  Kõigepealt inimesed ja siis strateegia  Omal alal tipus Juhtimise ideoloogia  Ettevõtte roll ühiskonnas  Vabaneda bürokraatiast  Allüksuste tegevusega end kursis hoidmine General Electric  Firma looja Thomas Edison  2009. aastal maailma suurim ettevõte  323 000 töötajat Pildid Täname tähelepanu eest

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Twin towers

TWIN TOWERS Karl Reispass Basic Facts 8 years to complete · 10000 workers to construct · Buildins weighed 200.000 tons · 43.600 windows · 12000 miles of electric cables · Designed knowing that a plain could hit the building · Very strong building · The buildings were of steel construction Basic facts · 1993 terrorist act · 2001 terrorist act · Collapsed at free falling speed · heat, which is high enough to weaken the steel Burning Towers Obvious cause of an explosion Obvious cause of an explosion Legit.jpg

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

BluRay vs HDDVD

K-Mart Target Target (said to be mostly Blu) Wal-Mart Liikmesfirmad Memory-Tech juhatuses Apple, Inc. Corporation Dell, Inc. NEC Corporation Hewlett Packard Company Sanyo Electric Co. Hitachi, Ltd. Toshiba Corporation LG Electronics Inc. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Panasonic (Matsushita Electric) Pioneer Corporation Royal Philips Electronics Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Sharp Corporation Sony Corporation

Informaatika → Informaatika standardid
26 allalaadimist

Inglise keele essee

During Soviet period (1944-1991) fish farming developed rapidly since the end of 60- s and reached its peak in 1990 with 1743 tons of fish for consumption, which consisted mainly of common carp (917 t) and large rainbow trout (734t). Estonia is a northern country where the vegetation period is short (3-4 months) and thus the water temperature is a limiting factor of fish farming. Therefore the heated effluent waters of the electric power plants were successfully used to prolong the growth period. Collapse of the socialist system caused decline in fish farming production, mainly because of cease of fish rearing in heated waters of electric power stations. During postsocialist period all the remaining fish farms have been privatised. The trout farmers are now using only formulated dry feeds, while the carp farmers applied lower stocking densities in order to make use of the natural food production of the ponds

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Happevihmad - inglise keele esitlus

Acid rain Priit Norak, 11A Acid rain is rain that has a higher than normal acid level. Causes of acid rain  Power plants  Exhaust from cars  Burning oil or natural gas  Volcanic eruptions  Intense lighting How? Effects of acid rain  Heart and lung problems  Polluted water  Dead fish and animals  Destroyed forests  Steel corrosioin  Stone erosion How to reduce acid rain?  Reduce CO2 emission from cars  Use electric cars  Use alternative energy sources  Reduce the ammount of energy we use  Public transport  Spread knowledge! Let’s keep our Earth healthy!

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG

• Usually known as BMW. • German luxury vehicle manufacturing company. • Founded in 1916. History • 1912 manufactured aircraft engines. • Vercailes Armistice treaty. • Shifted to motorcycle production. • 1929 automobiles. • First launched car named Dixi. • 1930s started manufacturing aircraft engines. • Used forced labour. History BMW i • Sub-brand of BMW founded in 2011. • To manufacture plug-in electric cars. • 2014 launced plug-in hybrid car. BMW i Used sources • • • •

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Capillary electrophoresis i.k.

constructive  specificity,  particular detection in CE, compared to other separation processes, is  insensitive method.  Elektrophoresis Electrophoretic  separation  is  based  on  different  rates  of  migration  in  an  electric  field,  at  that  the  ion  velocity  ​ v  is  the product of its electrophoretic mobility μ​ с  and an  applied  electric  field  E:  ​ v=  μ​*E,  where  ​ с​ v  ­  internal  velocity;  μ​ с  ­  electrophoretic  mobility;  E   ­  the  applied  electric   field.  5  The  electric  field  is  a  function  of  the  applied  voltage  and the length of the capillary with the 

Keemia → Instrumentaalanalüüs
6 allalaadimist

Kuidas moodustada nimisõnu, tegusõnu, määrsõnu, omadusõnu.

Tüvi Nimisõna NOUN Tegusõna Omadussõna Määrsõna ROOT NOUN (person) VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERB Advertise Advertisement Advertiser Advertise Advertised ------------------ (Advertising) Compete Competition Competitor Compete Competitive Competitively Confuse Confusion -------------- Confuse Confused Confusingly (Confusing) Contest Contest Contestant Contest --------------- ------------------- Determinate Determination -------------- Determine Determined ------------------ Differ Difference -------------- Differ ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Bluus (Blues)

Bo Carter oli populaarne varase aja bluusiartist. Ta algul õppis muusikat oma isalt koos oma vennaga. 1930-ndatel oli ta üks populaarsemaid lindistavaid sooloartiste. Ta oli ka grupis nimega Mississippi Sheiks kellega koos ta esitas laule nii valgetele kui mustadele. Laule: "My baby" Blues 1950-ndatel Pärast 2-st maailmasõda tekkis Chicagos uus bluusi stiil nimega Chicago blues. Chicagos tekkis ka electric blues. Siis võeti kasutusele elektrikitarrid, trummid ja mikrofon mõned artistid kasutasid ka saksofone. Samuti tekkis 50-ndate lõpus ka swamp blues, mis oli aeglasema tempoga ja lihtsakoelisem kui electric blues. Sellel ajal hakkas tegutsema John Lee Hooker, kes lõi oma bluusi stiili. Samuti hakkas tegutsema sellel ajal ka B.B. King, keda peetakse bluusi kuningaks. John Lee Hooker (22. august 1917- 21. juuni 2001) 1950-ndate mõjuvõimas

Muusika → Muusika
44 allalaadimist


Arve nr. Saaja Väljastatud Summa Tähtaeg Makstud 4 ExxonMobil 20.12.2013 400,00 4.01.2014 ### 5 Royal Dutch Shell 21.12.2013 500,00 5.01.2014 5.01.2014 6 PetroChina 22.12.2013 1 600,00 6.01.2014 1 JPMorgan Chase 1.02.2014 100,00 ### 4.02.2014 2 HSBC Holdings 10.02.2014 200,00 ### 3 General Electric 15.02.2014 1 300,00 2.03.2014 Tulemused võrdluseks Arve maksmise tähtaeg päevades: 15 Täna on ### Viivise % päevas: 0,15% Arve nr. Saaja Väljastatud Summa Tähtaeg Makstud 4 ExxonMobil 20.12.2013 400,00 4.01.2014 ### 5 Royal Dutch Shell 21.12.2013 500,00 5.01.2014 5.01.2014 6 PetroChina 22.12

Informaatika → Informaatika
6 allalaadimist

The histori of Hybrid cars

WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF  HYBRID CARS? WHAT IS HYBRID CAR?  It is any car that us’es more than one fuel  source  We mainly use the term to describe cars  that combine a gas­fueled internal  combustion engine with a battery­driven  electric motor WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF  HYBRID CARS? o 1900: The Lohner­Porsche Elektromobil  makes it debut at the Paris Exposition o 1917: Woods Motor Company introduces  the Woods Dual Power o 1968: GM develops the GM 512 o 1989: Audi demonstrates the  experimental Audi Duo  1997: Toyota introduces the Prius  1999: Honda introduces the Insight  2000: Toyota begins marketing the Prius in  the United States  2002: Honda introduces the Accord Hybrid  2004: Ford introduces the first hybrid SUV,  the 2005 Ford Escape HTTP://WWW.HOWSTUFFWORKS.COM/FU EL-EFFICIENCY/HYBRID-TECHNOLOGY /HISTORY-OF-HYBRID-CARS.HTM THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Boengi võrreldus

, . 747-8 , 747, , , , . 14815 , 747-8 Intercontinental . 747-8 , . , 51 ( 467) , 26% . BOEING 747-8 76,3 68,5 19,4 276,7 435,4 988 / . 14 815 227 600 15,4 / 467 (3 ) 4 × General Electric GEnx-2B67 ? , Boeing 747-8 : 1) . , , , . , . 2) . Boeing 747-8 988 /, 955 /. , , , . 3) , Boeing 747-100, 9800, 14 815. , . 4) , . , . 5) Boeing 747-8 , . . , - . , , , , , . /

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpe
3 allalaadimist

Österreich Industrie

Österreich Industrie Österreich verfügt über eine moderne und leistungsfähige Industrie. Die Verstaatlichte Industrie wurde großteils privatisiert (Technologie AG, Austria Metall AG). Steyr Daimler Puch wurde an den Magna-Konzern verkauft, Siemens AG, die Jenbacher Werke an General Electric. Bergbau Bergbau an Bedeutung verloren in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Wie Blei Bergbau in Bad Bleiberg ist abgeschlossen. Enthalten sind die Mehrheit der Eisenerz-und Kohleminen. Viel wichtiger ist das Salz, Eisenerz (fast alle Erzbergilt), Erz und Wolfram, Bergbau, Öl und Erdgas. Der größte Salzproduzent ist Salinen. Kohlebergwerke haben ein im Jahr 2006 begrenzt. Der Bergbau ist rund 5.000 Mitarbeiter. Verarbeitendes Gewerbe Branchenführer in der Schwerindustrie

Keeled → Saksa keel
2 allalaadimist

How can we make our cities more environmentally friendly?

How can we make our cities more environmentally friendly? If I walk along the city streets, I feel a terrible smell. That comes from cars. It makes me feel very ill. Then I just have to step on trash, because people can't wait and look for a bin. That's why our streets are so dirty. Everywhere I go, there are always some workmen building big houses. If we improved public transport or made electric cars, our streets wouldn't be so polluted. In Tallinn, for example, the air there is so polluted, that you can hardly breathe there. If the authorities put bins everywhere in the streets, our cities would be cleaner. The second thing is, that people still drop litter on the ground, even if there is a bin somewhere nearby. If we didn't build so much houses all around cities, we could save money from that and better build animal parks, green areas and playgrounds for children. If there

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

The family who turned back the clock.

wake up. This is a family who have chosen to fill their home with every conceivable gadget. They have nine television sets, including one in each bedroom and in the kitchen. All the children have their own personal computers and CD players. Of course, there are all the usual appliances we all take for granted, such as the washing machine, tumble drier, dishwasher, deep freeze, microwave oven, and video recorder, but they also have an electric trouser press, two power showers, an Olympic-sized spa bath and jacuzzi, three cars, and a music system which plays throughout the whole house. The experiment. What happens if all the props of modern living are removed? To help us find out, we asked the Joneses to turn back the clock fifty years and to switch off all their labour-saving gadgets and push-button entertainment for three days. We also wanted them to stop using their cars

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


tantsuõpetajana, muusikaprodutsendina kui ka grafitikunstnikuna. Ta valdab hip-hopi tantsustiile nagu näiteks popping, breaking, locking ja kindlasti paljusid veel. Steffan Clemente on pärit New Yorgi linnaosa Bronx'i lõunaosast. Ta on puertoriikolane. Algselt sai ta hüüdnime ,,Dom", mille ta muutis pärast showd Virginia rannas ,,Mr.Wiggles'iks" Mr. Wiggles esineb nii sooloartistina kui ka gruppides: Rock Steady Crew, Electric Boogaloos. Ta on pühendunud ka osalema selgitustööprogrammides, mis näitavad noortele hip-hopi kultuuri positiivseid külgi. Mr.Wiggles oli nomineeritud ,,Drama Desk" auhinnale, mis on üks tätsamaid Ameerika teatriauhindu. Ta võitis ,,Bessie" auhinna parima koreograafia eest teatrilavastuses ,,So what happens now", mis oli pühendatud Buckile, traagiliselt surnud Rock Steady Crew grupi liikmele.

Tants → Tantsuõpetus
2 allalaadimist

Energiatootmine ja installeeritud võimsused maailmas

Energiatootmine ja installeeritud võimsused maailmas Roman Kaygorodov Virumaa Kolledz 1 Maailma energiasüsteemid Energiasüsteemide ühendamine üha suuremateks ühendenergiasüsteemideks, võimaldab tõsta energiasüsteemi häiringukindlust, parandada sageduse kvaliteeti ja muuta elektrienergia tootmise, ülekandmise ja jaotamise tunduvalt efektiivsemaks. 2 Elektrienergia tööstuslik tootmine tänapäeval Tänapäeval toodetakse peaaegu kogu kasutatav elektrienergia fossiilkütuseid põletavates soojuselektrijaamades, hüdrojaamades ja tuumajaamades. 3 Paljudes riikides on loodud ühtne rahvuslik energiasüsteem, mis sageli on ühendatud ka naabeririikide energia süsteemidega. Maailmas 2016. aastal toodeti 24816,4 TWh elektrienergiat. 4 Suurimad elektrienergia tootjad 2016a....

Energeetika → Elektrimaterjald
2 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

........................................................................................52 15.3 Types of coal.............................................................................................................52 15.3 Where we get coal.................................................................................................... 53 15.4 How coal is used.......................................................................................................54 15.4.1 For electric power..............................................................................................54 15.4.2 For industry....................................................................................................... 54 15.4.3 For making steel................................................................................................ 54 15.4.4 For export.......................................................................................................... 55

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
19 allalaadimist

Autodes kasutatavad pneuma-ja hüdrosüsteemid

Depending on the result of these calculations, the ACU may also deploy various additional restraint devices, such as seat belt pre-tensioners, and/or airbags (including frontal bags for driver and front passenger, along with seat-mounted side bags, and "curtain" airbags which cover the side glass). Each restraint device is typically activated with one or more pyrotechnic devices, commonly called an initiator or electric match. The electric match, which consists of an electrical conductor wrapped in a combustible material, activates with a current pulse between 1 to 3 amperes in less than 2 milliseconds. When the conductor becomes hot enough, it ignites the combustible material, which initiates the gas generator. In a seat belt pre-tensioner, this hot gas is used to drive a piston that pulls the slack out of the seat belt. In an airbag, the initiator is used to ignite solid propellant inside the airbag inflater

Auto → Auto õpetus
139 allalaadimist

Sildkraana tõstemehhanism

n := 735rpm Leian trumli pöörlemissageduse vk lasti tõstekiirus i p := 4 polüspasti kordsus (1, lk 13) Dtrummel trumli löbimõõt vk i p 1 n tr := = 38.197 Dtrummel min n tr := 38.2rpm Leian vajaliku reduktori ülekandearvu, kui tean, et n tr := 38.2rpm ja n m := 735rpm nm i red := = 19.241 n tr Reduktori valin vastavalt kataloogile Electric Corp. Gear Reducers Product Catalogue, reduktori ülekandearv i red := 20.68 Joonis 8.1 Reduktori valik (5,lk 40) 9) Piduri valik, asendi määramine. Pidurdusmoment, varutegur. Elektromagnet. Piduri põhilised mõõtmed. Leian koormuse staatilise momendi ( Q + G) Dtrummel M K := = 323 N m (1, lk 46) 2 ip i red Q = 140 kN tõstetav last G = 2.1 kN konksuploki kaal Dtrummel = 0

Mehaanika → Tõste- ja transpordi seadmed
67 allalaadimist

Environment in Estonia

The aim of the report is to discuss environmental issues in Estonia, what kind of problems we have, what causes these problems and what have been done to solve them. Firstly, the main issue is pollution, that is caused by our own carelessness and thoughlessness. In Estonia there are too many old cars and other vehicles, which exhaust fumes that pollute air what we breathe. Although, there are some newer vehicles like busses and cars that contaminate less and even few electric cars, people do not pay enough attention to it. When the levels of pollution are too high, it may cause some serious diseases. The second aspect is that people fell quite a lot of trees, but that is not so big problem. In Estonia there are a lot of forests and groves. Also, people are planting new trees all the time and know abot the importance of green. Lastly, one of the issues is that people consume too much and therefore produce a lot of garbage

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Progressiivne rock, jazz, rock jafusion

•  The Tony Williams Lifetime • Return to Forever •  Headhunters • Soft Machine •  Colosseum •  Caravan • Nucleus Kuulasmad esitaijad Eestis • Kaseke • VSP Projekt •  Radar • Weekend Guitar Trio •  Meggan •  Beggars Farm • Phlox •  F1 Guitars •  Lippajad Stilistiline päritolu • Jazz • Rock  • bebop • blues  • psühhedeelne  • funk Pillid • Electric kitarr •  klaver • elektriline klaver • trummid • saksofon   • trompet  • elektroonilised klahvpillid  • basskitarr Radar Info • Radar oli Eesti popmuusika ansambel, mis viljeles ka progerock'i ning jazzfusion'it ja tegutses aastatel 1978–1987. Tegijad • Paap Kõlar – löökpillid •  Jaak Joala– vokaal • Raul Vaigla – basskitarr • Andres Põldroo – solokitarr

Muusika → Rock
13 allalaadimist

R. Kipling & M. Faraday

Percy Grainger. A series of short films based on some of his stories was broadcast by the BBC in 1964. Michael Faraday was an English chemist and physicist, who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. He was born on 22 September 1791 in Newington Butts, now part of the London Borough of Southwark; but then a suburban part of Surrey, one mile south of London Bridge. Faraday studied the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a DC electric current, and established the basis for the electromagnetic field concept in physics. He discovered electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and laws of electrolysis. He established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the two phenomena. His inventions of electromagnetic rotary devices formed the foundation of electric motor technology, and it was largely due to his efforts that electricity became viable for use in technology

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
4 allalaadimist

The London Underground

All the lines have been color coded (Brown, Red,Yellow and so on). The Underground doesn't cost too much (In our age 1.40£ to 6.60£). If you use it regularly you can buy a "Oyster card", which you can use to store your rides/money. The first Underground was opened in 1863 (10 January) useing gas-lit wooden carriages hauled by steam locomotives and it was called Metropolitan Railway. The oldest station of London Underground is The first deep-level tube line was opened in 1890 with electric trains. After that all the lines were electified. Right now about 3.23 million people use the London underground in one day. Today the London underground is the oldest and fourth longest metro system in the world (The longest are Seoul Metropolitan Subway and New york City Subway). Interesting facts about the Underground: 966/London-Underground-150-fascinating-Tube-facts.html

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Metro Luminal, slaid

Metro Luminal Koostajad: Aliin ja Ene Kuressaare 2009 Koosseis * Allan Vainola (vokaal) (1988-1997) * Rainer Jancis (kitarr) (alates 1988), vokaal (alates 1997) * Andres Vana (kitarr/bass) (1993-1996), kitarr (alates 2003) * Kalle Nettan (basskitarr) (alates 1989) * Kristo Rajasaare (trummid) (alates 1989) * Tanel Paliale (klahvpillid) (alates 2003) Diskograafia * Metro Luminal (1990) LP * Ainult... (1994) LP * Sinus (1998) LP * Art is everywhere (1998) singel * Ainult... (2003) CD * Coca Cola (2004) CD * Reboot (2004) CD * Sassis (2008) CD Ajalugu Bändi moodustasid Tallinnas 1988. aasta märtsis ansambli Ükskõik liikmed Allan Vainola, Rainer Jancis ja Mait Vaik. Muusikalise poole lõi Rainer Jancis, sõnad kirjutasid eranditult Andres Rodionov ja ...

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

Houses of parliament

Denison was therefore able to spend a number of years testing out different types of escapement on the mechanism as it operated in Dent's workshop. It was during this period that he invented the double three-legged gravity escapement, which enables the clock to keep such accurate time. The next 114 years of the clock's history were relatively serene and Big Ben soon developed a reputation for great accuracy. In 1906, the gas lighting of the dials was replaced by electric lighting. Electric winding of the clock was introduced in 1912. The mechanism was overhauled in 1934 and 1956. St. Stephen's hall is the central meeting place where constituents can meet or "lobby" their Members of Parliament. It is from here that you will be shown your direction either to the House of Lords or Commons. An incendiary bomb destroyed the House of Commons in 1941. A reconstruction of Barry's original design for the house, taken from St. Stephen's

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

James Watt kokkuvõte

primitive and used too much coal and a lot of steam was wasted. He found out that it was built on the wrong principle. It took him 2 years to put his theory into practice. He started making the new engine with a man called Baulton. James started improving his engine. His new machine could run machines and pump water out of the mines. It was used to drive wheels. But he didn't work only on his engine. He also made a copying machine. The unit of electric power was named " a watt " after him. He also discovered the composition of water. He lived up to the age of 83. A monument was erected to him in Westminster Abbey.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun