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"coping" - 30 õppematerjali


Kes on ellujääjad?

meelekindlad ja avatud. Kasutatud kirjandus: Costa. , Mc Crae 1992. Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R) and NEO Five FactornInventory (NEO-FFI) professional manual, Odess, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources (viidatud Kallasmaa, T.2003. Isiksus ja kohanemine. Isiksuse psühholoogia. Toim J. Allik, A. Reola, K. Konstabel. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus ik 139-168 kaudu). McCrae, R. R., Costa, P.T. 1986. Personality, Coping and Coping Effectiveness in a Adul Sample.- Journal of Personality vol 54, pp 385-405.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
39 allalaadimist

Long-Term Nursing Clinic, haigla

team consists of a doctor, a nurse and a social worker. The East Tallinn Central Hospital does currently not have a hospice, but the need for one is there. Due to its specific features, the number of deaths in the Long-Term Nursing Clinic is high, which should not be regarded in a purely negative light. "Death is as natural as birth and we should be paying more attention to it," says Dr. Raivo Kolle, Head of the Long-Term Nursing Centre. Coping with death is a highly personal experience; a medical institution can only offer support and the best possible conditions. The Long-Term Nursing Clinic of the East Tallinn Central Hospital has a terminal and a mourning room. A very important part in this is played by the grief counsellor, who helps patients and their next of kin find peace when the time is right. In 2008: 1900 patients were hospitalised in long-term nursing care departments and 300 geriatric evaluations were carried out

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Power Pointi esitluse näide

900 0 15 45 Lumelaud Suusatamine Rattasõit Ujumine Järeldus: Ujumine on 200x ohtlikum tegevus http:// Paul Suumann Teadus Adrenaliin tõrjub haigusi ja parandab immuunsust. ,, Behavioral coping strategies in response to social stress are ass monoaminergic and immune response profiles in mice " Paul Suumann 14 ISSN: 01664328 Tänan! [email protected] 53580280 Paul Suumann 15

Informaatika → Informaatika
40 allalaadimist


The term stress was first employed in a biological context by the endocrinologist Hans Selye in the 1930s The effects of stress: Alarm is the first stage. When the threat or stressor is identified or realized, the body's stress response is a state of alarm. During this stage adrenaline will be produced in order to bring about the fight-or-flight response (võitle või põgene) Resistance is the second stage. If the stressor persists (püsib), it becomes necessary to attempt some means of coping (toimetulemisega) with the stress. Although the body begins to try to adapt (kohanduma) to the strains (pinge) or demands (nõudmistega) of the environment, the body cannot keep this up indefinitely (määramatult), so its resources are gradually depleted (otsakorral). Exhaustion (kurnatus) is the third and final. At this point, all of the body's resources are eventually depleted (otsakorral) and the body is unable to maintain (säilitama) normal function

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

An Essay

Basics are pretty much the same, but ofcourse depending of the culture, the differences and interests of educating people, are big. Children go to school at age five in Great Britain, which is too early in my opinion. Most children in Estonia start school at age seven, only some of them at age six. I think starting with school and competition, rivalry, witch always associates with schooling, too young, shortens the childhood and may affect negatively self-esteem, success and coping in the future. Children´s job is to play, it develops child the best, so I think anyone shouldn't forbit humans inherent needs. Children don´t have to become too fast to an adult. The high school in Great Britain starts at age eleven, but in Estonia at about age fifteen. Biggest difference is that in Great Britain they prepare young people to get a job or continue studing, but in Estonia this is only first step of educational life. After primary school in

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist


Toimentamine: kas looming või tsensuur, Avalik- õiguslik ringhääling Eestis. Formuleering- Autor: Maarja Lõhmus, märksõna: raadioajakirjandus, kogu:Valga Keskraamatukogu. 9. Leian ühe väljaande Pravo, ilmus üks number, ilmumisdaatumid Nr. 1(1) (2009). Formuleering- Sõna: sotsiaal, teaviku laad: ajakiri, keel: vene keel, raamatukogu: Tartu raamatukogud. 10. TÜ Pärnu Kolledzi raamatukogust teemal lapsevanema ja lapse suhe on leitav kaks raamatut. Children's fears and coping strategies: a comparative perspective / Merle Taimalu ; [supervisors: Inger Kraav, Anja Riitta Lahikainen ; Department of General Education, Faculty of Education, University of Tartu Formuleering- Sõna: Lapaevanema ja lapse suhe, TÜ Pärnu Kolledz, keel: inglise keel, teaviku laad: raamat. Otsingut on võimalik laiendada märksõnade alusel: lapsevanema or lapse or suhe. 11. Leidsin 15 teavikut, tegemist on üliõpilaste lõputöödega.

Infoteadus → infootsing
4 allalaadimist

Backyard Pond

pond, plus 24 more inches. The length measurement will be done using the same formula. Step 4. When hole is completed, drape liner over pond, centering it and placing stones around the edge. Start filling with water. As it fills, remove wrinkles and fold large creases into neat folds to be less noticeable. Step 5. After pond is filled, trim excess liner to within 12 inches of edge of pond, and place your coping material around edge to give it a natural finished look. We recommend large flat stones because they can overhang the pond edge slightly, and they look very natural. See Figure 2 above. Now your ready to add the finishing touches. This article covers the basics of how to install your own backyard pond. To finish the project you will need to investigate pumps, filters, plants and fish. Check out the 3 website links above for the specifics needed to have a pond that is exactly right for your area

Infoteadus → Asjaajamine
3 allalaadimist


· to be on sea · to rely on sb/sth · to persist in sth · to be influenced by sb/sth · to insist on sth · To accuse sb of sth · To provide sb with sth · look forward to · at Easter · go home · at the desk · at Midsummer · be crowded with · drive off · on/in fire · agree to/with · proud of · at weekend · for an hour · for ages · on/in the farm · similar to · At midnight · To begin with · Coping with · To lose contact with sb · at noon · To blame sb for sth · To blame sth on · Participate in · Worry about · Proud of · In the music · To suffer from sth · Excited about · Angry with · To be vital to sb/sth · To be on display · In 1996 · Circulate on KERMO MAISTE · On weekdays · Accustomed to · Specializes in sth · Comment on · Apply to · Damage to · To deal with · Similar to

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Üldpsüholoogia - Emotsioonid

Agressiivsed iseloomujooned Inimeste käitumiserinevuste kohta on märkmeid teinud juba iidsed mesopotaamlased aastatuhandeid tagasi. Tervisega seostas inimese isiksust juba Hippokrates, kes elas umbes 460­370 a. e. Kr. Ometi on tänapäevalgi väga vähe teada, mil moel on isiksus ja füsioloogia omavahel seotud. Mis on isiksus ja milleks seda uurida? Kõigepealt on oluline aru saada, et isiksus ehk iseloom (ingl. personality, coping style) pole sama mis käitumine. Käitumine on olendite vastus keskkonnale Isiksuse mõiste seisneb aga selles, et eri olendid käituvad samasuguses olukorras eri moodi ning need erinevused käitumises on ajas püsivad ehk sellele isendile loomuomased. Isiksuse Viie faktori mudel ekstravertsus sõbralikkus/sotsiaalsus (kontaktivalmidus) meelekindlus (tahtejõud) neurotism avatus (intellekt)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
12 allalaadimist


Remains of plants thousands of years old have been found in the tundra permafrost. In this way the tundra traps the carbon dioxide and removes it from the atmosphere. Today global warming is melting the permafrost of the tundra and every year several feet of tundra are lost. As the tundra melts, the plant mass decomposes and returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The tundra is a very fragile and difficult environment to survive in during the winter, and plants and animals have a hard time coping with any extra disturbances. The smallest stresses can bring about their destruction. More people moving to the tundra to work in the mines and oil rigs have created towns and more roads. These obstacles have disrupted some animal's movements to traditional feeding and denning grounds. When they try to pass through a town they are often scared away or shot. With their feeding patterns disrupted, many polar bears have starved. The Alaskan oil pipeline was built across a caribou migration route

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist


Epidemioloogia mõiste ja peamised uurimisteemad. Epidemioloogia on teadusharu, mis uurib mingil piiritletud rühmal esinevate haiguste (ja teiste tervisega seotud nähtuste) esinemist ning neid nähtusi esilekutsunud mõjureid. Epidemioloogid hindavad näiteks haiguste esinemise sagedust ja levikut ning riskitegureid. Nakkushaigused, väärtoitumishaigused, pahaloomulised kasvajad, vereringe elundite haigused, minevikus lühikese kuluga haigused, nüüd kroonilised haigused, kutseoht, ravimite kõrvaltoimed, haiguse esinemise seos tervishoiuteenuste vajaduse, nõudluse ja pakkumisega Haiguste esinemisnäitajad ja nende tõlgendamine (absoluutarvud ja rahvastiku suurusega seotud suhtarvud; haigestumus ja levimus; elulemisaeg; levimusmäär; kumulatiivhaigestumusmäär; haigestumuskordaja). Alguses peab haiguse esinemisnäitajaid käsitlema lahus andmetest rahvastiku suuruse kohta, ent hiljem tuleb haigusjuhtude arv seostada inimeste arvug...

Meditsiin → Terviseõpetus
88 allalaadimist

Fight Club - Book review

He seeks for help from his doctor, asking him for sleeping pills, but instead the doctor suggests him more natural means like chewing ginger. When the main character begs him, saying he's in pain and suffering, the doctor suggests him to join a support group to see what real pain and suffering is like. He joins a support group for men with testicular cancer, despite not having cancer himself, where he meets Bob. The narrator feels better after hearing about others coping with their problem and strangely enough, he could sleep after the session. After the first session he started going to every meeting and soon enough he started looking for more and more support groups as a weird psychological therapy to fill the entire week. He used different fake names in different support groups. After a while, the narrator begins to notice a woman who had begun to join each and every one of his support groups. He knew she was a faker and she knew about him.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Hemingway A Farewell to Arms (themes, motifs, symbols)

begun to set in, and the couple effects small daily changes to reinvigorate their lives and their passion: Catherine gets a new haircut, while Henry grows a beard. Still, or perhaps because of, the comparative dullness of real life (not to mention the ongoing war), the couple turns to fantasies of a more perfect existence. They dream of life on a Swiss mountain, where they will make their own clothes and need nothing but each other, suggesting that fantasizing is an essential part of coping with the banal, sometimes damaging effects of reality. Symbols Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. Rain - Rain serves in the novel as a potent symbol of the inevitable disintegration of happiness in life. Catherine infuses the weather with meaning as she and Henry lie in bed listening to the storm outside. As the rain falls on the roof, Catherine admits that the rain scares her and says that it has a tendency to ruin

Keeled → Tekstistruktuur (inglise)
26 allalaadimist

Muudatuste juhtimine

Osei-Bonsu, N. (2014). The impact of change management on job satisfaction of employees in Ghana´s banking sector. Problems of management in the 21st Century, 9, 140 – 149. Self, D. R., & Schraeder, M. (2009). Enhancing the success of organizational change: Matching readiness strategies with sources of resistance. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 30, 167-182. Shaw, J. W., Fields, M. W., Thacker, J. W., & Fisher, C. D. (1993). The availability of personaland external coping resources: Their impact on job stress and employee attitudes during organizational restructuring. Work and Stress, 7, 229-246. Muudatuste juhtimine 13 LISAD Joonis 1. Neli vastuseisu liiki ja nendele vastavat juhtimistegevust

Majandus → Juhtimine
19 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused religioonipsühholoogia eksamiks.

1) Noorte pinged, nt religioosne perekond ja laps sellises keskkonnas kasvanud ning kui oma elu peale saab siis muutub. 2) Tüdimus 3) Elustiili lahknemine kiriku moraalsetest printsiipidest 4) Vaimsed vajadused, nt katoliku kirik ei vasta nende vaimsetele vajadustele 5) Vastuseis kiriku liberaalsusele 6) Abiellumine, kui abiellutakse mõnda teise usulisse traditsiooni. Nt kui abiellutakse muhameedlasega, siis minnakse üldiselt sinna usku ümber. 10. Coping e toimetulek millegagi mahub normi piiridesse e terve psüühika inimese ellu. Mis see on, millega toime tullakse? 1. Probleemid e tunnetatud erinevus soovitava ja tegeliku vahel. Probleem on alati subjektiivne e ühel osapoolel on suur probleem, aga teisel pole midagi viga. a. Lahendus: tavaliselt suunatud ratsionaalsele tegevusele, see on protsess, mis toimub läbi erinevate astmete 2

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
28 allalaadimist


differenced by durability. In the second paragraph I talk about skateboarding tricks as well. Skateboarding tricks are dealt into five categories. There are freestyle tricks, what involve balancing on some other part of the board than all four wheels, aerials, what involve floating in the air, flip tricks, what involve spinning the board around many different axis, slides and grind, what involve getting the board up on some type of ledge and sliding it, and lip tricks, what are done on the coping of pool or skateboard ramp, which require the moment on the coping. 27 In the third paragraph I talk about celebrities in skateboarding. The main characters of oldschool skateboarding were Tony Alva and Stacy Peralta. Oldschool skateboarding ends with an invention of ollie. Newschool in skateboarding starts to differentiate with its tricks and with the look of skateboard

Sport → Sport/kehaline kasvatus
46 allalaadimist

Lapse väärkohtlemise roll lapse arengus

(lk. 106-107). Lapse väärkohtlemise mõiste ja liigid, Soonets, R. (lk.91-105). Väärkohtlemise mõju lapse arengule, Põldsepp, I. (lk. 124-134); 4. Kõiv, K. (toim) (2002). Antisotsiaalse käitumisega õpilased. Lapse väärkohtlemise liikide seos vanemate seotuse stiilidega käitumishälvikute erikooli ja tavakooli tütarlastel, Rääsk, Ä. (lk. 149-153); 5. Lie, H.R. (1993). Disability and Coping. A cross-sectional study of Nordic children with myelomeningocele. Stockholm; 6. Loengumaterjalid aine ,,Alushariduse erimetoodika" raames. Sotsiaalsete oskuste arendamine koolieelses eas, Pille Häidkind, 2010/2011 kevad; 7. Loengumaterjalid aine ,,Arengupsühholoogia" raames. Lapse- ja noorukiea arenguhäired. Arengu hindamise meetodid, Mairi Männamaa, 28.11.2010; 8. Loengumaterjalid aine ,,Sotsiaalsed probleemid Eestis" raames. Laste väärkohtlemine,

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
29 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia loengu konspekt

of self-awareness, a feeling of control, and a sense that "time is flying." Flow is an intrinsically rewarding experience, and it can also help one achieve a goal (e.g. winning a game) or improve skills (e.g. becoming a better chess player) · Vaimsus - spirituality is associated with mental health, managing substance abuse, marital functioning, parenting, and coping. It has been suggested that spirituality also leads to finding purpose and meaning in life. · Enesetõhusus - self-efficacy´is one's belief in one's ability to accomplish a task by one's own efforts. Low self-efficacy is associated with depression high self-efficacy can help one overcome abuse, overcome eating disorders, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. High self-efficacy also improves the immune system, aids in stress management, and decreases pain.

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
439 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

Neuroticism and Health Outcomes · Anxiety & depression, sexual problems, poor body image, cognitive failures, driver stress, emotion-oriented coping, physical symptoms · "It is now well established that people who are neurotic--often anxious, occasionally depressed, regularly disgruntled--are

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

variety of contexts.” • Mis on adekvaatne enesehinnang? Eestlase enesehinnang? Eneseregulatsioon Eneseregulatsioon (self-regulation): process of controlling and directing one’s behavior in oder to achieve desired goals. Oma Mina teadlik kujundamine, esitlemine, tasakaalustamine. Iseenda juhtimine Võtteid ja viise palju, meie vaatleme kahte eneseregulatsiooni vormi: eneseesitlus ja toimetulek stigmaga – Self-presentation – Stigma, stigmatization, coping with stigma Eneseesitlus • Erving Goffman: Presentation of Self in Everyday Life • Inimese igapäevategevus kahel viisil: – Spontaanselt (ei refleteeri) – Refleksiivselt (mõtlen, juhin, kaalutlen - presenteerin) • Presenteerin vastavalt ootustele (abivalmis teenindaja, huviline üliõpilane) • Presenteerin vastavalt enesemääratlusele (olen kunstnik, hipi, teadlane, moslem) Eneseesitluse funktsioonid: miks?

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist


had no direct experience of World War I and because he is Jewish. He holds on to the romantic prewar ideals of love and fair play, yet, against the backdrop of the devastating legacy of World War I, these values seem tragically absurd. As a Jew and a nonveteran, Cohn is a convenient target for the cruel and petty antagonism of Jake and his friends. Read an in-depth analysis of Robert Cohn. Bill Gorton - Like Jake, a heavy-drinking war veteran, though not an expatriate. Bill uses humor to deal with the emotional and psychological fallout of World War I. He and Jake, as American veterans, share a strong bond, and their friendship is one of the few genuine emotional connections in the novel. However, Bill is not immune to the petty cruelty that characterizes Jake and Jake's circle of friends. Mike Campbell - A constantly drunk, bankrupt Scottish war veteran. Mike has a terrible temper, which most often manifests itself during his extreme...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist

Autoriõigused ja autoriõiguste kaitse

1. AUTORIÕIGUS JA AUTORIÕIGUSTE KAITSE 1.1. Autoriõigus ja selle areng Eesti Vabariigis Enamus inimesi on autorid, kellel on oma teoste suhtes autoriõigus, kuid paljud lihtsalt ei tea seda. Kiri sõbrale või ajalehele, koolikirjand, ülikooli referaat või kursusetöö, välislähetuse aruanne, memo, seletuskiri jms. igapäevase tegevuse tulemus on tegelikult kaitstav autoriõigusega. Selliseid loometulemusi kaitstakse samade autoriõiguse reeglite alusel nagu nende autorite poolt loodut, kellele loomine on elukutse. Seega on autoriõigus mõnes mõttes igaühe õigus. Sõnal "autoriõigus" on mitu tähendust. Autoriõigus on: 1) intellektuaalse omandi üks liik; 2) iseseisev normistik riigi õigussüsteemis ja 3) selle normistikuga loojatele garanteeritud õigused. Intellektuaalne omand ehk intellektuaalomand tähendab õigusi mitmesugustele inimese loomeresultaatidele. Rahvusvaheliselt on tunnustatud liigitus, mille kohaselt intellektuaalsel omand...

Õigus → Õigus
128 allalaadimist

Õpiraskuste psühholoogia konspekt

omandamisel. Probleemid tulenevad inidiviidist ja on seotud KNS düsfunktsiooniga. Puudutab inimest kogu elu vältel. Lapse eneseregulatsioonis võib erisusi olla, sotsiaalses tajus ja suhtluses samuti kaasneda probleeme.Võivad ilmneda koos teiste probleemidega, aga teisest probleemist ei ole õpiraskused tingitud. Suurbritannia määratlus (NHS)  Learning disabilities as difficulty to understanding new or complex information, learning new skills, and coping independently. Vaimne alaareng:  Mild  Moderate  Severe  Specific learning difficulties (spetsiaalsed õpiraskused):  Dyslexia (spetsiifiline lugemishäire)  Dysgraphia (spetsiifiline kirjutamishäire)  Dyscalculia (spetsiifiline arvutamishäire) Tervishoiuministeerium: häired keerukate uute informatiooni-oskuste omandamisel, GB: just nimelt VAA on õpiraskus! Õpiraskuste käsitlus rahvusvahelise haiguste klassifikatsiooni (RHK-10) järgi. RHK-10

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
54 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia konspekt 2016

is present in a variety of contexts." Mis on adekvaatne enesehinnang? Eestlase enesehinnang? Eneseregulatsioon Eneseregulatsioon (self-regulation): process of controlling and directing one's behavior in oder to achieve desired goals. Oma Mina teadlik kujundamine, esitlemine, tasakaalustamine. Iseenda juhtimine Võtteid ja viise palju, meie vaatleme kahte eneseregulatsiooni vormi: eneseesitlus ja toimetulek stigmaga - Self-presentation - Stigma, stigmatization, coping with stigma Eneseesitlus Erving Goffman: Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Inimese igapäevategevus kahel viisil: - Spontaanselt (ei refleteeri) - Refleksiivselt (mõtlen, juhin, kaalutlen - presenteerin) Presenteerin vastavalt ootustele (abivalmis teenindaja, huviline üliõpilane) Presenteerin vastavalt enesemääratlusele (olen kunstnik, hipi, teadlane, moslem) Eneseesitluse funktsioonid: miks?

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
40 allalaadimist


For example, an optimistic person attributes his/her failures to external causes (the environment or other people), to variable causes which are not likely to happen again, and to specific causes that will not affect his/her success in other endeavors. This explanatory style is associated with better performances (academic, athletic, or work productivity), greater satisfaction in interpersonal relationships, better coping, less vulnerability to depression, and better physical health. Lootus ja positiivne tulevikupilt - hope and positive futures - a learned style of goal- directed thinking in which the person utilizes both pathways thinking (the perceived capacity to find routes to desired goals) and agency thinking (the requisite motivations to use those routes. Õnneuuringud Õnne komponendid Martin Seligman: positiivsed emotsioonid + positiivsed teod Ruut Veerhoven, Erasmus University

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
650 allalaadimist

Õpiraskuste psühholoogia

Probleemid tulenevad inidiviidist ja on seotud KNS düsfunktsiooniga. Puudutab inimest kogu elu vältel. Lapse eneseregulatsioonis võib erisusi olla, sotsiaalses tajus ja suhtluses samuti kaasneda probleeme.Võivad ilmneda koos teiste proleemidega aga teisest probleemist ei ole õpiraskused tingitud. Suurbritannia määratlus (NHS)  Learning disabilities as difficulty to understanding new or complex information, learning new skills, and coping independently. Vaimne alaareng: - Mild - Moderate - Severe  Specific learning difficulties (spetsiaalsed õpiraskused) - Dyslexia - Dysgraphia - Dyscalculia 1 Vastutav õppejõud: Kaili Palts

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
243 allalaadimist

Filosoofia materjale

com/~squigle/sva/nietzsche.html 45 Nietzsche, Friedrich 1993 Nõnda kõneles Zarathustra Krull, Hasso 1991Jacques Derrida: Nietzsche otobiograafiaVikerkaar 5/ 28 40 Süvalep, Ele 1994 Dionüüsiline Alver Vikerkaar 12 Foucault, Michel 1993 Nietzsche, Freud, Marx Vikerkaar 1/ 44 53 Madison, Gary Brent Coping With Nietzsches Legacy: Rorty, Derrida, Gadamer Eriteaduste emantsipeerumine. Loodus ja vaimuteaduste eripära otsingud. Historitsism. Fenomenoloogia. Hermeneutika ajalugu, HERMENEUTIKA AJALUGU Hermeneutiline situatsioon: varem mõistetu osutub ajaloolise muutuse läbi võõraks. Üleminekud: 1) müüdilt logosele (hellenism) 2) Vanalt Testamendilt uuele, kristluse teke 3) renessanss 4) reformatsioon 5) 20

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
458 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

balls, which implies King H e n r y is fit for nothing but a frivolous game of tennis. T h e appearance of these Heralds is the spark that sets off a war. Later the character of Mount) oy, the Dauphin's Herald, bears messages between King H e n r y and his master during the crucial battle of Agincourt. Typically, in the opening phase of a story, heroes have "gotten by" somehow. T h e y have handled an imbalanced life through a series of defenses or coping mechanisms.Then all at once some new energy enters the story that makes it impossible 55 T H E W R I T E R ' S JOURNEY ~ T H I R D EDITION Christopher Vogler for the hero to simply get by any longer. A new person, condition, or information shifts the hero's balance, and nothing will ever be the same. A decision must be made, action taken, the conflict faced

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

NANDA õendusdiagnoosid 2012-2014 e-raamat

ƒ Kartusȱebaõnnestumiseȱeesȱ ƒ Ebakindlusȱ ƒ Kartusȱalanduseȱeesȱ ƒ Ebarealistlikudȱootusedȱiseendaleȱ ƒ Kartusȱvastukajadeȱeesȱ Viited Balder,ȱ L.,ȱ &ȱ Denour,ȱ A.K.ȱ (1984).ȱ Couples’ȱ reactionsȱ andȱ adjustmentsȱ toȱ mastectomy.ȱ Internationalȱ JournalȱofȱPsychiatryȱinȱMedicine,ȱ14(3),ȱ265–270.ȱ Bartek,ȱ S.E.,ȱ Krebs,ȱ D.L.,ȱ &ȱ Taylor,ȱ M.C.ȱ (1993).ȱ Coping,ȱ defendingȱ andȱ relationsȱ betweenȱ moralȱ judgmentȱ andȱ moralȱ behaviorȱ inȱ prostitutesȱ andȱ otherȱ femaleȱ juvenileȱ delinquents.ȱ Journalȱ ofȱ AbȬ normalȱPsychology,ȱ102(1),ȱ66–73.ȱ Bean,ȱG.,ȱCooper,ȱS.,ȱAlpert,ȱR.,ȱ&ȱKipnis,ȱD.ȱ(1980).ȱCopingȱmechanismsȱofȱcancerȱpatients:ȱAȱstudyȱ ofȱ33ȱpatientsȱreceivingȱchemotherapy.ȱCA:ȱAȱCancerȱJournalȱForȱClinicians,ȱ30(5),ȱ257–259.ȱ Brown,ȱ J.D.,ȱ &ȱ Dutton,ȱ K.A.ȱ (1995)

Meditsiin → Õendus
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Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

Sylvia Day Bared to You Sylvia Day Bared to You The first book in the Crossfire series, 2012 This one is for Dr. David Allen Goodwin. My love and gratitude are boundless. Thank you, Dave. You saved my life. Acknowledgments My deepest gratitude to my editor, Hilary Sares, who really dug into this story and made me work for it. Basically, she kicked my ass. By not pulling her punches or letting me shortchange the details, she made me work harder and because of that, this story is a much, much better book. BARED TO YOU wouldn't be what it is without you, Hilary. Thank you so much! To Martha Trachtenberg, copy editor extraordinaire. This book is an important one for me and she treated it that way. Thank you, Martha! T...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
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