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"controlling" - 122 õppematerjali

controlling – strateegilise planeerimise edasiarenduseks on controlling, mis tähendab nii juhtimist kui kontrollimist.


Controlling -

Controlling Eksam

üldtunnustatud konkurentsivõime eelduseks on omakorda ettevõtte hea juhtimis- ja informastsioonisüsteem. Juhtimine vajab planeerimiseks, kontrollimiseks ja otsuste tegemiseks mitmekülgset infot. Et eristada ettevõtte jaoks olulist ebaolulisest, tuleb igas konkreetses ettevõttes läbi viia analüüs, mis aitaks ühendada eri allikatest saadava juhtimisinfo ühtsesse töötavasse tervikusse ning võimaldaks saada ülevaadet õigetest teguritest õigel ajal. Selline süsteem ehk controlling aitab saavutada ettevõtte eesmärke, vältida ootamatusi ja õigeaegselt leida vastuabinõud ähvardavatele ohtudele. protsessidega. Controlling peab kooskõlastama juhtimise osasüsteemide tööd (süsteemis seoseid loov funktsioon), sealhulgas planeerimise ja kontrolli koostööd. Õige valiku tegemiseks peab olema käsutada võimalikult palju adekvaatset ja olulist informatsiooni. Sellise informatsiooni saamiseks tuleb ettevõttes üles ehitada

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine ja...
418 allalaadimist

Controlling arvestustest nr 1

Küsimus 1 Küsimuse tekst Alljärgnevast kuulub juhtimismeeskonna igapäevaste tegevuste hulka Vali üks: a. tegevuste suunamine b. kontroling c. kõik ülaltooodu d. otsustamine e. planeerimine Küsimus 2 Küsimuse tekst Alljärgnevast ei ole iseloomulik juhtimisarvestuslikule infole Vali üks: a. orienteeritus sisetarbijatele b. minevikusuunitlus c. informatsiooni olulisus d. õige ajastatus e. efektiivsuse ja tulemuslikkuse mõõtmine Küsimus 3 Küsimuse tekst Vastamine küsimustele: Millal on õhtusöök? Kes selle valmistab? On näide Vali üks: a. eelarvestamisest b. controllingust c. kavandamisest d. analüüsimisest Küsimus 4 Küsimuse tekst Alljärgnevas on vale Vali üks: a. juhtimisarvestus ei vaja eraldi seisvat arvestussüsteemi b. finantsarvestus on kohustuslik c. juhtimisarvestus ei ole kohustuslik d. finantsaruanded keskenduvad ettevõtte allstruktuuridele K...

Majandus → Controlling
58 allalaadimist

Controlling arvestustest nr 4

Küsimus 1 Küsimuse tekst Toote ühiku piirkasum väheneb kõige rohkem (variandid on sõltumatud) Vali üks: a. kui püsikulud alanevad 15% b. kui ühiku muutuvkulud suurenevad 15% c. kui ühiku muutuvkulud alanevad 15% d. kui müügihind alaneb 15% Küsimus 2 Küsimuse tekst Kõrge automatiseerimistasemega ettevõte on harilikult Vali üks: a. suure ohutusvaruga (margin of safety) b. madala kasumilävega c. kõrge tegevusvõimendusega d. madala tegevusvõimendusega (operating leverage Küsimus 3 Küsimuse tekst Piirkasum suureneb, kui müügikäive jääb samaks ja Vali üks: a. püsikulud alanevad b. püsikulud suurenevad c. tooteühiku muutuvkulud suurenevad d. tooteühiku muutuvkulud vähenevad Küsimus 4 Küsimuse tekst Kulu-maht-kasum analüüs on eriti tähtis Vali üks: a. muutuvkuludega võrdse müügikulu kindlaksmääramiseks b. tulu ja kulude vahekorra kindlakstegemiseks erinevate tegevusmaht...

Majandus → Controlling
72 allalaadimist

Controlling arvestustest nr 2

Küsimus 1 Küsimuse tekst Kui kulukäituri maht muutub, siis Vali üks: a. Muutuvad nii püsivad ku ka muutuvad ühikukulud b. Ühiku muutuvkulud jäävad samaks, kuid muutuvad püsikulud ühiku kohta c. Nii püsivad kui ka muutuvad ühikukulud jäävad samaks d. Püsikulud ühiku kohta ei muutu, kuid ühiku muutuvkulud muutuvad Küsimus 2 Küsimuse tekst Tootmiskulud klassifitseeritakse järgmiselt Vali üks: a. Põhimaterjal, põhitööliste palk ja tootmise lisakulud b. Korrektsed on a ja c c. Põhimaterjal ja töötlemiskulud d. Korrektsed on b ja c . e. Esmakulud ja põhitööliste palk Küsimus 3 Küsimuse tekst Kulud liigitatakse muutuv ­ püsiv ­ ja segakuludeks Vali üks: a. Rahakäibe aruande koostamiseks b. Varude jäägi kindlaksmääratud c. Kogukulude ja järelikult alternatiivsete otsusevariantide kasulikkuse prognoosimiseks d. Tulumaksu arvestuse vajadusest lähtudes Küsimus 4 Küsimuse tekst ...

Majandus → Controlling
92 allalaadimist

Controlling arvestustest nr 3

Küsimus 1 Küsimuse tekst Tootmispinna kuurent on Vali üks: a. esmaskulu ja inventeeritav kulu b. konverteerimiskulu ja inverteeritav kulu c. esmaskulu ja mittekapitaliseeritav kulu d. konverteerimiskulu ja mittekapitaliseeritav kulu Küsimus 2 Küsimuse tekst Segakulude kogusumma Vali üks: a. suureneb tegevusmahu vähenedes b. suureneb tegevusmahu suurenedes c. ei muutu tegevusmahu muutudes d. väheneb tegevusmahu vähenedes Küsimus 3 Küsimuse tekst Kulude täpne prognoosimine pole oluline Vali üks: a. finantsaruannete koostamiseks b. hinnakujunduseks c. rahavajaduse hindamiseks d. plaanide ja eelarvete koostamiseks Küsimus 4 Küsimuse tekst Astakkulu Vali üks: a. kaetakse ositi b. sarnaneb segakulude vähese ulatusega olulisusvahemikus c. on (a) ja (b d. on segakulu erijuhus Küsimus 5 Küsimuse tekst Olulisusvahemiku (relevant range) tähtsus seisneb selles, ...

Majandus → Controlling
61 allalaadimist

Controlling Arvestustest nr 8

Küsimus 1 Küsimuse tekst Te olete vastutavad järgmiste eelarve osade koostamise eest. A.Müügiprognoos B.Tootmiseelarve C.Kassavoo eelarve D.Varustuse eelarve E.Tootmise üldkulude eelarve F.Eelarvestatud bilanss Te koostate selle järgmises järjestuses: Vali üks: a. A,D,C,E,B,F b. C,F,A,B,D,B c. A,C,D,E,B,F d. C,A,B,F,D,E e. A,B,D,E,C,F Küsimus 2 Küsimuse tekst Paekivitoodete tehas toodab 4 liiki killustikku 20 tonniste partiidena, milles 5 on dekoratiiv-, 8 teeehitus, 4 kõnnitee ja 3 tonni ehituskillustik.Iga liigi piirkasum moodustab vastavalt 50, 40, 60 ja 75%. 20 tonnise partii keskmine piirkasum on: Vali üks: a. 75% b. väiksem kui 50% c. 56,25% d. 51,75% e. suurem kui 75% Küsimus 3 Küsimuse tekst Mööblivabrik ,,Standard" toodab väärispuidust mööblit. On teada järgmised normatiivsed (standard) suurused: 1) Otsematerjalid:tüki kohta 36 dm2 väärisvineeri hind 4,5 / dm2 ; ...

Majandus → Controlling
50 allalaadimist

Controlling Arvestustest nr 5

Küsimus 1 Küsimuse tekst Otsuse langetamisel on kõige parem kasutada Vali üks: a. pigem kogukulusid kui ühikukulusid b. keskmisi kulusid c. muutuvkulusid, mis tuleb katta d. püsivkulusid, mis tuleb katta e. pigem ühikukulusid kui kogukulusid Küsimus 2 Küsimuse tekst Firma ühes osakonnas on teostatud uuring, selgitamaks selle edasist saatust (kas jätta või kõrvaldada). Selgus, et selle osakonna brutokasum (müügist) on 300 000 kr. Eeldatakse, et 250 000 kr osakonnale jaotatud 45000 kr kuludest kaoks ära koos osakonnaga. Kui osakond kõrvaldada, siis ettevõtte ärikasum Vali üks: a. väheneb 50000 b. väheneb 100000 c. suureneb 250000 d. suureneb 150000 Küsimus 3 Küsimuse tekst Lisatellimuse täitmine suurendab brutokasumit, kui temaga seonduv täiendav tulu on suurem kui Vali üks: a. põhimaterjalide ja põhitööliste palga kulu, mis on seotud tellimuse täitmisega b. tellimuse täitmisega ...

Majandus → Controlling
68 allalaadimist

Controlling Arvestustest nr 7

Küsimus 1 Küsimuse tekst Aasta lõpul oli Tuntud Firma lühivõlgade üldine kattekordaja 3,0. Kattekordaja arvväärtust suurendaks Vali üks: a. debitoorse lühivõla laekumine b. materjalide ostmine järelmaksuga c. kreditoorse lühivõla äramaksmine d. pangalaenu võtmine 90 päevaks Küsimus 2 Küsimuse tekst Firma poolt kasutamata laenulimiidid (lines of credit) peaks kõige rohkem huvi pakkuma Vali üks: a. aktsionäridele b. pikaajalistele kreeditoridele c. lühiajalistele kreeditoridele d. klientidele Küsimus 3 Küsimuse tekst Investeerimiskeskuste põhieelis seisneb selles, et Vali üks: a. tema loomise ja käigushoidmise kulud on suhteliselt väikesed b. ta tagab kindla kontrolli kulude üle c. ta tagab põhjaliku, kõikehõlmava mõõtmise üksuse tegevuse hindamiseks d. kulunormatiivide kasutamine tagab standardi, millega saab võrrelda tegelikku toimimist Küsimus 4 Küsimuse tekst Kasumikesk...

Majandus → Controlling
79 allalaadimist

Controlling Arvestustest nr 6

Küsimus 1 Küsimuse tekst Finantstegevuse koondplaani kooseisu kuulub Vali üks: a. ostuplaan b. eelarvestatud kasumiaruanne c. müügiplaan d. kassaplaan Küsimus 2 Küsimuse tekst Firma müügikäive (kogu müük järelmaksuga) oli juulis 134000 kr; augustis 226000 kr ja septembris 188000 r. Kogemused näitavad, et ostjate debitoorsest lühivõlast laekub ostukuule järgnevas kuus 60% ja ülejärgmises kuus 36%. Ülejäänud 4% jääb laekumata. Septembris laekus firmale ) käibemaksu ei arvestata). Vali üks: a. 226000 b. 188000 c. 183840 d. 194940 Küsimus 3 Küsimuse tekst Iseseisev Firma on lõpetanud projekti nüüdisväärtuspõhise analüüsi, saades tulemuseks 113000 suuruse negatiivse puhasnüüdisväärtuse. Projekt näeb ette 10 ­ aastase kasuliku elueaga automaatseadme soetamise. Iseseisva Firma nõutav kasumimäär ja diskontomäär on 12%. Selleks, et projekt oleks aktsepteeritav, peab projektist tuleneva iga ­ aastase i...

Majandus → Controlling
66 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Avatud ülikool KULUDE JUHTIMINE JA CONTROLLING MJJV.09.029 Koostanud professor Toomas Haldma Loengukonspekt ärijuhtimise magistriõppele finantsjuhtimise eriaines TARTU 2015 SISUKORD 1. ETTEVÕTTESISESE ARVESTUSE ROLL JA ARENGUD ............................3 1.1. Strateegiliste nõuete kasv juhtimisele ...............................................................3 1.2. Ettevõtte aruandluse arengusuunad ...................................................................4 1.3

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
195 allalaadimist

Controlling KT2. variant 2

Kontrolling Nimi Õpperühm Kodutöö 2.2 Kodutöö 2.2. eelarve koostamine kaubandusettevõttele OÜ "Х" tegeleb majapidamistarvete müügiga. Valmistatakse ette eelarvet 2.kvartaliks. Lihtsustatud eelarve koostamiseks on lähteandmed järgmised: Lähtebilanss seisuga 31.märts 200Х aastal, AKTIVA Kassa ja arved 90 Deebitorid 480 Kaupade varu 146 Kokku käibevara 716 Põhivara Maa Hooned, rajatised 2000 Seadmed Kokku PV 200...

Matemaatika → Algebra ja analüütiline...
49 allalaadimist

Controlling 1KT, variant 1

Kodune töö 1.Variant 1 Nimi Kokku 17 0 Ülesanne 1 6 punkti Ettevõte toodab muusikainstrumente, s.h. oreleid.Orelimudel О-14 on väga perspektiivne omades suurt turupotentsiaali. Mudelile О-14 kohta on olemas järgmine arvestus aastaks 200X: Ühiku muutuvad kulud, € Materjalid 230 Töö 80 Tootmise üldkulud 60 Müügikulud 50 Kokku 420 Summaarsed püsikulud Tootmise üldkulud 19500 Müügikulud 550 Juhtimiskulud ...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
43 allalaadimist

Sisekontroll ja auditeerimine

vältimiseks v tehtud vigade avastamiseks, mis hõlmab ressursside säilimise tagamist, rahandusdokumentatsiooni usaldusväärsust ing raamatupidamisarvestust puudutavaid dok ja toiminguid. Uuemaks ja vähemtuntud mõisteks on controllingu mõiste. So juhtimist toetav funktsioon ja mille eesmärgiks on majandustulemustele suunatud planeerimis-, reguleerimis- ja kontrollisüsteemi infoga varustamine. Rahvusvahelises praktikas on täiesti eristatavateks mõisteteks controlling, sisekontroll ja siseaudit. Controlleri ülesandeks on välja töötada mingi juhtimistasandi probleemide lahendamise alternatiivseid võimalusi e juhtimisotsuseid. Controller peab iga alternatiivi juures andma vastuse küsimusele: „mis juhtub siis kui käituda vastavalt alternatiivile?“ Juhtide ülesandeks on teha valikud alternatiivide hulgast. Seega võib controllerit pidada ettevõttesiseseks konsultandiks, nõustajaks. Controllingu süsteem on tavaliselt seotud

Majandus → Auditeerimine
14 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö majanduse alused

Kontrolltöö ülesanded TAK Katse 1 ülevaade Finish review Alustatud reede, 9 märts 2012, 07:10 PL Lõpetatud reede, 9 märts 2012, 07:55 PL Aega kulus 44 minutit 52 sekundit Hinne 5 out of a maximum of 9 (56%) Question 1 Punktid: 1/1 Kulud ruumide rendile ja kontoriöötajate töötasule on kuus 5500. Ühe toote tootmiskulud on 600. Leida: a) firma kulufunktsioon b) summaarsed kulud kuus 100 toote valmistamisel. Vali üks vastus. a. a) C(q)= 5000+600q :b) 65500 b. a) C(q)=5500+600q; b) 65500 c. a) C(q)=6000+500q; b) 66 000 Õige Selle esituse hinded 1/1. Tagasiside ajalugu: # Tegevus Reageering Aeg Esialgne skoor Hinne a) C(q)=5500+600q; b) 19:14:12 on 1 Hinda 1 1 65500 9.03.12 a) C(q)=5500+600q; b) 19:14:12 on 2 Sulge 1 ...

Majandus → Majandus
35 allalaadimist

Controllingu test "Harjutus lõpueksamiks"

Küsimus 1 Küsimuse tekst Ettevõtte on rentaabel, kui: Vali üks: a. tulu on piisavalt, et katta tootmis ­ ja müügikulud b. Õige vastus puudub c. Õiged mõlemad vastused d. tulu on piisavalt, et tekiks kasum Küsimus 2 Küsimuse tekst Ettevõtte tootmise efektiivsust iseloomustavad: Vali üks: a. tootlikkuse näitajad b. kõik vastused õiged c. õige vastus puudub d. käibekordajad e. rentaablusnäitajad Küsimus 3 Küsimuse tekst Mööblivabrik ,,Standard" toodab väärispuidust mööblit. On teada järgmised normatiivsed (standard) suurused: 1) Otsematerjalid:tüki kohta 36 dm2 väärisvineeri hind 4,5 / dm2 ; 2) Otsetöö: 10 tundi oskustööd 24 tund 3) Muutuvad üldkulud: 10 tundi 15 tund 4) Püsivad üldkulud: 40000 normaalse tootmismahu 2000 tk juures ,,Standard" tootis 1500 ühikut, materjalide kogumaksumusega 250700 54500 dm2 eest . Materjalide hälve plaanitust moodustab: Vali üks: a. 5450 ...

Majandus → Controlling
58 allalaadimist

Comp architecture tasks

3 What size is the display screen? 1650x1050 4 How fast is the processor? Up to 3.0 Ghz 5 What is the capacity of the hard drive? 200GB 6 Which OS does it use? Windows 8.1 7 What multimedia features does the computer have? BEGIN YOUR SENTENCES LIKE THIS: 1 RAM holds data read or written to it by the processor 2 The function of RAM is to hold data read or written to it by the processor 3 The processor is used to control all the operations in the computer. 4 The processor is used for controlling all the operations in the computer 5 The mouse controls the cursor. 6 the mouse is used to control the cursor. 7 The clock is used for controlling the timing signals. 8 The function of the clock is to control the timing signals. 9 The flash memory key is used for reading and writing electronic chips. 10 The flash memory key is used to read and write electronic chips. 11 The function of the monitor is to display the output from a computer on a screen.

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

Elektriajamite 3. labor

the mechanical parts involved. Examples of problems in speed control: Designing a motor capable of the needed speed characteristics. The design of a reliable encoder, because some methods (like optical reading) may not work well at high speeds. Ensuring smooth acceleration and deceleration. Optimal usage of motor braking energy. 3.3 How can you change the speed By supplying the motor with more or less power. In this laboratry work: When manually controlling the motor with the testbox- by turning the potentiometer in the desired direction. When controlling the motor with the program Wmemoc ­ by setting the speed slider to the desired value in the program settings. 3.4 What factors affect the resolution of a position the slide is moving to? Running speed and acceleration/deceleration ramps affect the accuracy of the positioning. Sharper movement means less accuracy. Also differences when the positioning run is set in absolute or relative mode. 3

Elektroonika → Elektriajamid
43 allalaadimist

Memo firma omanikult

Kairis Baumann K14KÕ Unit 3 To: Ireene Richard From: Kairis Baumann Date: 5 May 2015 Re.: Management style Do to the complaints from subordinates about your management style that shows you are very controlling, distant and hard to approach at all times, I recommend you to try out some different management style, democratic for instance, where our employees can feel themselves more independent and included. It is very important for the productivity of the company and working climate as well that that the manager lets other to contribute in decisions to a certain extent. Open communication between all coworkers improves morale and motivation among the team. As a manager you still remains the power to make the f...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Exercise Physiology - lecture 4 Blood, gas exchange, transport

extensibility ­ ability to be stretched beyond resting length (stomach, heart etc. more so then skeletal) elasticity ­ ability to return to resting length Functions of muscle tissue movement ­ all types posture ­ skeletal stabilizing joints ­ skeletal generating heat ­ skeletal (40% body mass), shivering regulating organ volume ­ smooth (sphincters) Smooth muscle tissue Location ­ walls of tissues and organs, controlling the shape of lens in the eye Appearance ­ non-striated, layered, spindle shaped fibres Control ­ involuntary - neural and hormonal control, react to nearby cells Smooth muscle tissue Function - various inc. to move food along digestive tract, to control the flow of blood, to focus our sight Fatigue ­ very resistant to fatigue Contraction ­ slow, wave like Cardiac muscle tissue Location ­ heart Appearance ­ striated,

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
2 allalaadimist


health medisine. They were using it mixed with water. Today, there are cows who give little milk, but a lot of soft and tasty meat, the cows whose milk is very rich in fat and cows, whose milk is not quite as rich in fat,but theres a lot of it. In our country we have the famous estonian red,estonian native and estonian black and white ox.But in the world there are about 300 breds of ox. device. Nud is the called cow without horns. for controlling Horseflies, mosquitoes, flies and other insects they have a long thick tail with tufts of hair on the end. The body is covered with hair. The coat is short and smooth,and it can be black, red, gray, black, or red-spotted, speckled, and white. they have four strong legs for attendance with two hoofs on each foot. The cow is a herbivorous animal. Cow eats a lot and quickly. he grabs Grass with his hard tongue in its mouth but cows do not not bite it, but tears it from earth and swallows it whole.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Fifty years from now, life will be much easier and healthier for odrinary people than it is today

Fifty years from now, life will be much easier and healthier for odrinary people than it is today In fifty years time the wolrd will be very diffriend from what it is today. In my opinion people will gather into two groups ­ ones that will love and be obsessed with robots and other new technology and the ones who want to live like their grandmothers and grandfathers. They want to grow their own food and give up on technology. Most likely technology will improve faster than ever and that might cause some problems. Like in the movie ,,I,Robot".People will improve technology so fast that they will make mistakese ­ mistakse that might kill human race. They might build robots so advance that we won't be able to control them anymore.Also there is the ,,Clobal Warming" people are talking about. The world will run out of water. People will die in thirst. Waters price will be higher than a kg of gold. On the other hand ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


London London is the UK's largest and most populous metropolitan area and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. In July 2007 it had an official population of 7,556,900 within the boundaries of Greater London, making it the most populous municipality in the European Union. History: The first major settlement was founded by the Romans in 43 AD. Canute took control of the English throne in 1016, controlling the city and country until 1035, when his death resulted in a reversion to Saxon control under his pious stepson Edward the Confessor, who refounded Westminster Abbey and the adjacent Palace of Westminster. By this time, London had become the largest and most prosperous city in England, although the official seat of government was still at Winchester. In the 16th century William Shakespeare and his contemporaries lived in London at a time of hostility to the development of the theatre.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Liftides esinevate mikroprotsessorite tööülesanneteks on uste õigeaegse avanemise ja sulgumise kontrollimine. Sensorite abil teeb see kindlaks, et uste sulgumise ajal keegi lifti ei sisene ega sellest välju. See tõlgendab ja töötleb nupuvajutusel saadud andmeid, määrates ära, mis korrusele lift sõitma peab. Samuti kontrollib lifti mikroprotsessor, et lift sõidaks õigele korrusele ning et ta hakkaks enne õigele korrusele jõudmist hoogu maha võtma. %20systems/microprocessors/miniweb/pg4.htm A hydraulic elevator system includes a hydraulic jack for raising and lowering the car and a distributed intelligence microprocessor control system, containing a number of subsystems, each having designated control responsibilities. A door operator microprocessor subsystem initiates stored open and close cycles responsive to external commands. A selector microprocessor subsystem determines target floor ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
12 allalaadimist

1984 book conclusion

1948 is book that has many ideas twisted together. Lovestory, fears, how Winston whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love to Julia, altough she isn´t his taste. This book was very interesting because there are many connections to real life for example Big Brother evokes to the cult of personality buillt up around Joseph Stalin, also Winston´s job „revising history“ is based on the Stalinist habit of airbrushing images of „fallen“ people from group photographs and removing references to them in books and newspapers. The thought police is based on the NKVD and the tortures of the Minstry of Love evoke the procedures used by the NKVD. Actually the statement „2+2=5“ that Winston had to beliece was a communist party slogan from the second five-year plan, in which they wanted to full five-year plan in four years. In my opinion it goeds together with nowadays- that people want to get more and faster, they do no...

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

5 minute talk about Estonia

language, Estonian, is a Finno-Ugric language closely related to Finnish The history of Estonia is a part of the history of Europe. Estonia was settled near the end of the last glacial era, beginning from around 8500 BC. Before the Germans invaded in the 13th century proto-Estonians of the Ancient Estonia worshipped the spirits of nature Starting with the Northern Crusades Estonia became a battleground for centuries where Denmark, Germany, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought their many wars over controlling the important geographical position of the country as a gateway between East and West. Estonia is often seen as the world’s leading innovator against the backdrop of untouched nature and rich medieval heritage.One of the most popular things Estonians have invented is Skype. The story goes deeper, and it might just be that Estonia with its diverse background and Nordic temperament ends up being your next holiday destination. Estonia has its own song festival The Estonian Song Festival is

Turism → Giidindus
1 allalaadimist

Television is a little more than a waste of time

Also the advertisements between shows and movies can be a bad effect on people who believe everything. To sum up, television has its good and bad sides. We cant control what's on television, but we can control if we should watch all the things that are shown. You shouldnt let television become a big part of your life and forget other activities. Also, it is important to remember that watching television for a long time, it may worsen your eyesight. By controlling how much time you spend on television we can discover that television has a lot of good sides as well, that are useful and make life a little interesting and easier.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

The Foundation of Estonia

The Foundation of Estonia Estonia The history of Estonia The history of Estonia is a part of the history of Europe. Estonia was settled near the end of the last glacial era, beginning from around 8500 BC. Before the Germans invaded in the 13th century proto-Estonians of the Ancient Estonia worshipped the spirits of nature. Since the Northern Crusades Estonia became a battleground for centuries where Denmark, Germany, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought their many wars over controlling the important geographical position of the country as a gateway between East and West. Being conquered by Danes and Germans in 1227, Estonia was ruled initially by Denmark in the north, by the Livonian Order, an autonomous part of the Monastic state of the Teutonic Knights and Baltic German ecclesiastical states of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1418–1562 the whole of Estonia was part of the Livonian Confederation. After the Livonian War, Estonia became

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Projektijuhtimise kuldvillak

Juhtimise Projekti Definitsio Projektiju metoodik Projekt liigitamine onid htimine ad 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 Infosüsteemi loomine on just seda liiki projekt IT projekt TAGASI Projekti faasid on : algatamine (initiating) planeerimine (planning) täideviimine ja kontroll (executing and controlling) lõpetamine (closing) TAGASI eesmärgi juhtimine, aja juhtimine, kvaliteedi juhtimine, kulude juhtimine- on? projektijuhtimisvaldkonnad TAGASI Mille järgi võib projekte võib liigitada? 1. eesmärgi konkreetsuse jär...

Haldus → Projektijuhtimise alused
28 allalaadimist

A Computer in my life

A Computer in my life. I can call myself a computer addict, because I spend many hours every day sitting behind the computer, most of my entertainment is connected with my computer. Like games, music, videos, movies, social networks and news. I used to have PC, but in September I bought myself a laptop. It's powerful, beautiful, it doesn't make much noise and it's quite easy to carry around. I use it to play games, study, watch movies, listen to music and the most important ­ to connect with my friends. I rarely have problems with my computer. I'm an advanced user and I don't get viruses while surfing the net. After graduating high school, I'm thinking of buying tablet PC, because it's even more comfortable to use when you're on the move. Sometimes when I wake up early, I open my laptop, visit my webpages and then read news. After school, first thing I do, when I get home, I open...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Kodutöö 1 Ettevõtte Rahandus

Väiksemates ettevõtetes teeb tavaliselt finantsotsuseid juhatajaga koos raamatupidaja. (Pilvebüroo) Finantsjuhi või tema asendajate peamine kohustus on tagada, et ettevõttel oleks piisavalt raha kasutada nii lühemas kui pikemas perspektiivis. Samuti on oluline tagada, et finantsilisi vahendeid kasutataks ettevõttes efektiivselt. (Meristo) Üldiselt on finantsjuhil ülesandeid neli: käibekapitali juhtimine, finantseerimine ja kapitali struktuuri juhtimine, samuti ka aruandlus ja controlling ning investeeringute analüüs. Kui varem oodati, et finantsjuht oskab vastata küsimustele „kuidas meil läheb?“ ja „kas kuludega on kõik korras?“ siis tänapäeval oodatakse temalt controllingu tööriista. Selle abil saab juht kiire ülevaate ettevõtte „tervisest“. (Truuvek) Ilmselge on see, et mida vähem on käibekapitali hõivatud, seda parem ettevõttele. Samuti on väga oluline, et finantsjuht on hea orienteerumis-võimega tehnoloogias. Tänapäeval käivad

Majandus → Majandus
7 allalaadimist

Juveniilne idiopaatiline artriit ja füsioteraapia

Contracture of flexor muscles -> leads to loss of function Complete extension of the joint cannot be performed Because of pain, tiredness, stiffness -> less active -> systemic muscle weakness, decreased flexibility One purposes of rehabilitation is to prevent growth retardation Osteoporosis Objectives of rehabilitation Rehabilitation and physical therapy include: controlling pain, preventing limitation and restoring ROM in affected joints, maintaining and improving muscle strength, increasing and maintaining endurance for activities of daily living, minimizing the effects of inflammation, and ensuring normal growth and development. Raising awareness about the disease in patients and families Heat-cold treatment, massage, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound Heat treatment ..

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

History of London

His reign exhibits military skill and innovation, sound governance and the ability to inspire men and plan for the future, piety and a practical commitment to the support of religion, personal scholarship and the promotion of education. 7: What did Ethelred do at London Bridge? King Ethelred burnt down the bridge to split apart the invading forces of the Dane Svein Haraldsson 8: Who controlled London from 1017 to 1042? Canute took control of the English throne in 1017, controlling the city and country until 1042 9: What happened on Christmas day 1066? Following a victory at the Battle of Hastings, William the Conqueror, the then Duke of Normandy, was crowned King of England in the newly finished Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066 10: What did Duke William build in London? Tower of London 11: What did William II start building in 1097 and what did it later become? William II began the building of Westminster Hall 12: What did King Edward I do in 1290?

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
11 allalaadimist

Astrid Lindgren

She had her own horse. Lindgren has also challenged conservative codes of children’s literature in later works. Her novel The Brothers Lionheart brought up the taboo of the death and the doctrine of reincarnation. Mio, min Mio, a classical story dealt with good and evil, which has sources from the Bible, folk tales, and lyric poetry. Lindgren had considerable public influence, however, she used it scarcely. Her constant concern with animal welfare was active in passing a new law in 1988 controlling factory farming, which put Sweden among the most developed countries on this issue. Lindgren’s humor and love for humanity was legendary. She represented the Swedish spirit for the rest of the world. She speaks out on behalf of living life against violence. Her books have put across loving relationships, liberation and fondness for nature. She passed away at the age of 94, after a very productive and artistic life. For example I took 2 books written by Astrid Lindgren

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

I have always dreamed of getting married

Time went by and we had been married almost 5 years but everything changed one night. We were out with our friends and he started to act crazy so i went off as soon as he made fun of my looks. He was really shocked. At home i told him that we need to get divorced besides the fact that i still loved him. He strated to go through the motions whether i liked them or not. Finally i told him that i was stuck in this marriage beacuse he was too controlling. He told my that he will give me the divorce over his dead body. So i desided to go the whole hog however he had no idea what i was planning. I moved out of the house and about month after that he received a letter that he must come to court. I didnt want to do this to him but he left me with no choice. So we went to court in spite of the fact that he tried to reach an agreement out of court. He is very bitter and tries to get me down but once he will get it back.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Christina Aguilera lühikokkuvõte eluloost

(Christina's maternal grandmother emigrated from County Clare.)[15] Her father, Fausto, was stationed at Earnest Harmon Air Force Base in Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada and Japan. Aguilera lived with her father and mother until she was seven years old. When Aguilera's parents divorced, her mother took her, and her younger sister Rachel, to her grandmother's home in Rochester, Pennsylvania, a suburb outside of Pittsburgh. According to both Aguilera and Fidler, her father was very controlling, as well as physically and emotionally abusive.[16] She later wrote about her difficult childhood in the songs "I'm OK" in Stripped, and "Oh Mother" in Back to Basics. Although her father has written to Aguilera, she has ruled out any chance to reunite with him.[17] Since then, Fidler has married a paramedic named Jim Kearns, and changed her name.[18] As a child, Aguilera aspired to be a singer. She was known locally as "the little girl with the

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Mein Berufsbild - Informations- und Dokumentenverwaltung

Ein Dokumentar muß die verschiedenen IuK-Technologien von der DFÜ bis zu den unterschiedlichen Datenbank-systemen kennen und beurteilen können. Jeder Dokumentar muß ein generelles ökonomisches Verständnis sowie betriebswirtschaftliche Basiskenntnisse haben. Er benötigt auch Kenntnisse in der 1 Kostenrechnung, im Controlling und im Marketing. Der Dokumentar soll auch etwas von Personalführung verstehen. Er muß kontaktfreudig, aber auch selbstbewußt im Umgang mit Kunden sein, zudem benötigt er geistige Flexibilität. Zusätzlich sollte er stressresistent unter Zeitdruck arbeiten könne. Weiterer Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten, die verlangt werden: bibliothekarische Kenntnisse, naturwissenschaftliche, technische oder wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Kenntnisse,

Keeled → Saksa keel
8 allalaadimist

Eesti kultuuriõhtu ingliskeelne esitlus

• The national flower is a cornflower. History • The first settelments in Estonia came by supposedly about 11 000 years ago. • In the past most Estonians worshipped spirits of nature and their beliefs were seen as unholy by christian crusaders. Taara is believed to have been the name of the old Estonian god. • Starting with the Northern Crusades in the Middle Ages, Estonia became a battleground for centuries where many countries fought their wars over controlling the important geographical position of the country as a gateway between East and West, despite this the country has survived. • Estonia first got it’s independence in 1918 wich lasted 22 years. • The first president of Estonia during this period was Konstantin Päts. • Metsavennad( the forest brothers) were freedom fighters who fought in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania during World War II and later even after the Soviet invasion.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

After graduation

Mait Rõõmus Mr. Savala English 4 26 September 2013 Prompt #3 We all have to make a decision about what to do with our lives after graduating from high school. Many people start to think about it in their early years. Some of us struggle with it even after graduating. Lucky are those who have had a specific goal in mind for long enough where they can keep an eye on the target and know what they need to do and work on it right away. Aviation has always been one of my biggest intrests since the eighth grade. I became interested in it after my brother had applied to the Estonian Aviation Academy. Unfortunately he did not make it and, of course, my desire to become an air traffic controller began to increase due to my brother's failure. I have never really had a real experience in aviation. Luckily, I had a chance to be a work shadow to a professional air traffic contr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Short overview of London

for many dramas, plays, novels, and short stories. Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Arthur Conan Doyle, are just a few names to mention among the many littérateurs. London's climate is among the mildest in England, with damp but mild winters and moderate summers. January is the coolest month, July being the warmest. It very rarely freezes in London. London, along with New York City, are the two primary cities controlling the international business and world economy today. London shifted to a mostly servicebased economy earlier than other European cities, particularly following the Second World War. Tourism is one of London's prime industries. London attracts very large numbers of visitors and tourists. Tourist attractions are mainly in Central London. London has so many great places to see: The London Eye, which is a 135 metre high wheel,

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy Fiscal policy is that policy which is made by government for controlling the government expenditure, supply of money and taxes. Fiscal policy is great equipment in the hand of any country's government to make better tax system and to manage the public loan and expenditures. Types of Fiscal Policy The three possible types of fiscal policy: neutral, expansionary and contractionary. The definitions of these types are as follows: - A neutral stance of fiscal policy implies a balanced economy. This results in a large tax revenue.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist

Ettevõtte rahandus

finantseerimisviiside ülevaade, finantsanalüüsi alused ja informatsiooniallikad. Ettevõte on tervik, mis moodustub üksikutest osadest: Sisseost Tootmine Finantsid Müük Jne Ettevõtte finantsvaldkond moodustub samuti osadest, mille loomise aluseks on erinevad sihtgrupid oma infovajadustega: Raamatupidamine Ettevõtte rahandus Juhtimisarvestus Kulude arvestus controlling Finantsjuhtimise eesmärk: Rahanduseks nimetatakse rahaasjade korraldamist ettevõttes. Ettevõtte finantsjuht peab teadma ja arvestama järgmiste tingimustega: Mis mõjutab finantsjuhtimist ja otsustamist? Kuidas organiseerida äritegevust kõige ratsionaalsemal viisil? Kus asub rahandusfunktsioon ettevõtte struktuuris? 2

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
73 allalaadimist


Koondatud tööd-töid, mille maht on lühikesel lõigul väga suur (sügavad kaevikus, täiedid, sillad) Linitööd ­ osa töid korduvad pidevald terve tee ulatuses (katenditööd, märkimistööd) Ehitusvoolu parameetrid ­ muutuvad suurused, mis iseloomustavad ehitustööde tehnoloogiat ja ehitusvoolu arendamine ruumis ja ajas: *Tehnoloogiline (töömaht, -mahukus) *Ruumiline (töörinne, haardeala) *Ajaline (Voolurütm, -samm, tehn. tsükli kestus) Kriitiline tee ­ kõige pikem tee; määrab ehituse kestuse. Igavuse ja monotoonsuse tagajärjed: *suureneb puudumiste arv, sagenevas tööõnnetused, langeb kvaliteet ja tõuseb risk, tööjaotus viib edasisele tööjaotusele. Saavutamise indikaatorid: *Aeg -millal? *Kvantiteet-Kui palju? *Hind- Mis maksab? *Kvaliteet -Kui hästi? Kontrolli meetod: *mõõtmine *katsetus * kaetud tööde akt *protokoll Eelarve: *lepingulised hinnad *Materjalide maksumused *Ressurside maksumused *Eelkokkulepped *kogemus Tehnoloo...

Ehitus → Ehitus
2 allalaadimist

Homework 2 Solution

Question 13 Resolution = 65536 bits (64K) Question 14 1. Resolution 2. Offset Error 3. Gain Error 4. Monotonicity 5. Relative Accuracy Question 15 A) 5/4 = 1.25 B) 25/8 = 3.125 C) 15/8 = 1.875 Vref R f (4S2  2S1  S0 ) 5(4S2  2S1  S0 ) VOut    8R 8 Question 16 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) is a commonly used technique for controlling power to inertial electrical devices and DC motors. The PWM switching frequency has to be much faster than what would affect the load on the DC motors. 1. Draw the motor current and the motor voltage characteristic during the operation with a constant PWM signal of 50% duty cycle. 2. Recommend the suitable range of frequency for this PWM applied in mictrocontrollers. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of PWM systems. Solution: 1

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
3 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika homework 2

1. Gain error 2. Offset error 3. Resolution 4. Monotonicity 5. Accurary(relative) Question 15 For the following 3-Bit DAC, analyse the circuit to verify its operation for the following input combinations. (Assume VR=5V). a)S2S1S0=0102 Output voltage = 1.25 V b)S2S1S0=1012 Output voltage = 3,125 V c)S2S1S0=0112 Output voltage = 1.875 V Question 16 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) is a commonly used technique for controlling power to inertial electrical devices and DC motors. The PWM switching frequency has to be much faster than what would affect the load on DC motors. 1. Draw the motor current and the motor voltage characteristic during the operation with a constant PWM signal of 50% duty cycle. 2. Recommend the suitable range of frequency for this PWM applied in microcontrollers. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of PWM systems.

Mehhatroonika → Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika
10 allalaadimist


and "towns". More than 70% of the population lives in towns. History • Estonia was settled near the end of the last glacial era, beginning from around 8500 BC. Before the German invasions in the 13th century proto-Estonians of the Ancient Estonia worshipped the spirits of nature. Since the Northern Crusades Estonia became a battleground for centuries where Denmark, Germany, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought their many wars over controlling the important geographical position of the country as a gateway between East and West. Being conquered by Danes and Germans in 1227, Estonia was ruled initially by Denmark in the north, by the Livonian Order, an autonomous part of the Monastic state of the Teutonic Knights and Baltic German ecclesiastical states of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1418–1562 the whole of Estonia was part of the Livonian Confederation. After the Livonian War, Estonia became part of the Swedish

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN MEDIA ECONOMY AND TECHNOLOGY, HOW VALID IS THE CRITIQUE OF THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL OF MEDIA DECEIVING AND PACIFYING THE POPULATION? Essay Tallinn 2013 The rapid development of computer technologies and internet has been one of the main factors affecting our everyday life over the last decades. They have made our life more efficient, comfortable and also changed the way we communicate and consume media. Digitalization has also brought us many new platforms and more possibilities for media to reach even more people. The internet is allowing anyone to share information instantly to all over the world. It might be thought that with all these new developments, problems like controlling of the media and deceiving people are gone, but it seems that things are not that clear. When the first newspapers a...

Meedia → Meediateooriad
3 allalaadimist

Finantsianalüüs ja investeeringud 1. kontrolltöö

spetsiaalse ettevõtte (audiitorburood, konsultatsioonifirmad) teenuseid. Ettevõttesisene analuus on uldjuhul valisest analuusist põhjalikum ja objektiivsem, toetudes lisaks raamatupidamise andmetele ka teistele majandustegevusega seotud naitajatele (maksetingimused, võlgade koosseis), mis on ettevõte arisaladuseks ja ei ole teistele analuusi teostajatele kattesaadavad. 3. Controlling ja controller Controllingul on oma koht ettevõtte finantsjuhtimissusteemis. Controlling hõlmab nõustamistegevust ja otsustustegevust ettevõtte terviku, tema tegevusvaldkondade, toodete, projektide jt suhtes kõigil organisatoorsetel tasemetel. Kui finantsarvestus on retrospektiivne, siis controlling on perspektiivne. Controlling toetab otsuste langetamist võttes aluseks kuluarvestuse. Olulisteks otsusteks võivad olla naiteks investeeringud, hinna alampiiri maaratlemine, taiendavate tellimuste vastuvõtmine, sortimendi laiendamine, toodete

Matemaatika → Finantsanalüüs
58 allalaadimist


karelia kurkijoki Click to edit Master text styles Click to edit Master text styles Second level Second level Third level Third level Fourth level Fourth level Fifth level Fifth level KÄKISALMIKORELAKEXHOLM Käkisalmi was karelian centre controlling Swedish name Kexholm probably Ladoga estuary of Vuoksi and trade through it abomination of karelian idiomatic käksalm, kägösalm Click to edit Master text styles Around 11001300 indisputably main Second level town in Karelia Third level Fourth level

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

Commercial Paper ­ ettevõttetunnistus, AssetBacked Securities (ABS) ­ vara väärtpaber toetatud garantii Common Stock ­ põhiaktsia Atthemoney ­ rahakohaselt Compound Interest ­ liitintress Contract Note ­ lepingu märge B Controlling Shareholder ­ juhtiv aktsionär, Basis Point ­ põhjenduse poolthääl osanik Bear Markets ­ lagevate hindadega turud Convertible Bond ­ vahetatav võlakirja laen Bidask Spread ­ pakkumise kursierinevuse küsimine Corporate Bond ­ korporatiivne, ühine väärtpaber Bid Price ­ pakkumishind Coupon ­ maksuleht

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Project Plan

Characteristic occupancy of such spaces would by relatively secondary and routinized. Characteristic examples of such spaces would be conference centers, classrooms, and offices” (superscript 1 here). It is our judgment that the quantity and quality of natural light and external views deemed adequate for underground spaces in the Northern Pointe Development cannot be established with certainty, owing to the preliminary nature of this study and the large number of unresolved controlling factors. Yet it is evident that space will be required and must be set aside for natural light. Accordingly, we believe that space for natural light and view must be initially allocated on the basis of approximate judgment in lieu of more fixed guidelines. To this end, 15% of the total gross floor area, or some 42,500 square feet, is allocated for natural light and view throughout the underground areas. We expect that during further development of this project, new information may suggest some

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun