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"brass" - 39 õppematerjali


Brassing, brass e. vaskpuhkpilli ansambel

Brassiks kutsutakse vaskpuhkpilli ansamblit. levinuimad pillid tavaliselt brassides on trompetid, tromboonid, tuubad, vahel leidub ka metsasarvi frügel horne jne. Mõned ajad tagasi oli brasside põhiliseks eesmärgiks esitada klassikalist muusikat, tänapäeval proovivad nad hoopis tuntust koguda komöödiliste lavaliikumiste või stiililiste muutumistega. Kahjuks on puhkpilli muusika unustuste hõlma ununenud ja levik ei ole kuigi suur. Maailma nimed brassmuusikas on Mnozil brass, Daniel Speer brass jne. arvatavasti jõudis brassmuusika meieni mustanahalistelt. Tihti võib kohata ansambleid, kus seguneb mustanahaliste "Fiiling" ja valgete mänguoskus. Olemata päritolust võib julgelt väita, et valgenahaliste brassbändid on levinumad, kui mustanahaliste omad. Vaskpuhkpilli ansambli juures on hea see, et suudetakse mängida üsna valjult, st. tavaliselt ei ole vaja migrofone ja ei teki probleeme õues mängimiste ja marssimistega. Lisaks on vaskpuhkpillid veekindlad

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist


Rinnuli krool: Hingamisel on krooli tehnika omandamisel otsustav tähtsus. Kogu sisse-välja hingamise ajal ei tohi tõsta pead.. Kui hingatakse välja vasakule, on vees parem põsk, paremale hingamisel vasak põsk. Hingata tuleb 2 sekundit ning seejärel välja hingata 4 sekundit. Käed peavad järgima üksteist, oluline on tuua nad kõrgelt õlgade laiuselt pea kohalt ette. Mida väiksema sulpsatuse käsi vette jõudes teeb, seda parem. Jalalöögid toimuvad vahelduvalt, pöiad peavad olema suunatud sissepoole, põlved pisut kõverdunud. Selili krool: Kehaasend sirge, puusad veepinna ligidal. Õlavöö pöörleb hästi ja pea püsib paigal, seejuures hingamine on tugev. Rütm peab õige olema ja käte liikumine vastassuunaline. Jalalöök peab algama puusast ning põlved ei tohiks veepinda rikkuda. Löök peab olema tugev ja terav, veidi sissepoole surutud, pöiad lõdvad. Käsi asetatakse vette järsult, väike sõrm ees. Haare alustatakse küllalt sügavalt ning tõmme algab ...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
11 allalaadimist

SOng festival

Song Festival The first song festival started the tradition of Estonian national song festivals, wich took place in 18-20 June 1869. The initiator of the idea and the arranger of the enterprise was a choral society ,,Vanemuine" in the June in 1869. Song festivals turned to musical big enterprise, which took place in present singing field in Kadriorg in 1928. There were 822 singers,56 instrumentalists, 47 male choirs and 4 brass bands. The number of participant, who were in song festival, still growed and since the fourth festival in 1891 joined also mixed chorus. In 1933 accrued as a participants women's chorus. There were about 1500 spectators. Nowadays there are much more people when it were at that time. Now the singing festival are once in every 5 years. Estonian general singing festival took place in 1.- 4. July in 2004 in Tallinn. Male choirs, women's chorus, children choirs, boys choirs

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Arkady Shilkloper

100 a year) in: Russia, Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, Panama, China, Korea and Australia. A few years back, Arkady performed in Nõmme sports centre which I also attended with my family and since then, I have been completely enraptured by his music and skills. I, as a french horn player myself, understand the difficulties and of course the beauty of the instrument best and I am absolutely delighted that a man like him exists to use so many different sides of the brass instruments. To master the french horn itself is very difficult, but to use the other brass so skillfully is in my opinion amaizing. I have listend to many professional french horn players around the globe, but Arkady still remains my favorite. When I started this assignment, the first person who came to my mind was Arkady Shilkloper, but before making a final decision I fliped through a few magazines to find something else. I did find

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Pahed ja nende kummardajad

Raamatu autor on Venemaal väga populaarne, tema raamatuid on müüdud juba 16 miljoni eksemplari. Raamatu peategelane on Vladimir Petrovits Arhipov. Raamatus kasutatakse pigem tema perekonnanime Arhipov. Arhipov elab Moskvas eliitrajoonis lukskorteris, omab IT tehnoloogiafirmat,kus ta ka töötab. On igatepidi edukas ja hakkaja inimene. Arhipov on lahutatud ja elab koos oma koeraga. Koera tõuks oli inglise mastif, nimeks pani Arhipov koerale Tinto Brass. Eriti meeldis mulle lugeda Arhipovi ja omavahelist suhtlust -kirjanik on loonud olukorra, kus koer vastab omanikule-nii koeral kui ka Arhipovil on omapärane huumorisoon. Näiteks kui Arhipov läheb Mashale külla palub ta Tintol telefonile vastata ja teatada et peremees läks raamatukokku ja sõnum üles kirjutada Tinto vastas, et saab aru ja teeb täpselt nagu vaja. Raamatu alguses saame teada, et Arhipovi naabriks on Lizaveta Grigorjevna Ogus

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

English for engineering unit 7 controlwork

2. Oil needs changing every 10000 km 3. Joint and junction 4. Oilways must be leakproof 5. Rigid and semi-flexible 6. Crankcase 7. Timing gears 8. Chain rocker 9. Wate evaporates 10. Rotary movement 11. Resistance 12. Future cars will not need greases 13. The air is mixed with fuel in ratio about 15:1 14. Filter element are made of resign-impregnated paper 15. There is no handle in file 16. This alloy comtaims copper 17. He can be brass or bronze 18. Check valve 19. By-pass valve 20. filter becomes blocked with sludge

Keeled → Inglise keel
71 allalaadimist


are most popular sports in whole world. SONG FETIVAL The Estonian Song Festival is one of the largest in the world. It is held every five years in July on the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds. The tradition of the song festival was born along with Estonian national awakening. The first national song festival was held in Tartu in the summer One of the organisers of the first song festival was Johann Voldemar Jannsen. In the first three festivals only men's choirs and brass orchestras participated. 822 singers and 56 brass players were in the first festival. Starting with the fourth festival, mixed choirs were also participating. Starting with the sixth festival in 1896, the festival tradition moved to Tallinn. Starting from 1947, the Soviet authorities forced foreign songs into the repertoire. Because of the inclusion of children's and boys' choirs the total number of participants rose to 25,000 ­ 30,000 people. The

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Old Tallinn

Most locals though are content to admire the Alexander Nevsky as the fine piece of architecture. The Song Festival Grounds The tradition of the song festival was born along with Estonian national awakening. The first national song festival was held in Tartu in the summer of 1869.One of the organisers of the first song festival was Johann Voldemar Jannsen. In the first three festivals only men's choirs and brass orchestras participated. 822 singers and 56 brass players participated in the first festival. Starting with the fourth festival, mixed choirs were also participating. Starting with the sixth festival in 1896, the festival tradition moved to Tallinn. Starting from 1947, the Soviet authorities forced foreign songs into the repertoire.Because of the inclusion of children's and boys' choirs the total number of participants rose to 25,000 ­ 30,000 people

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Mihkel Erik Rebane MESSING REFERAAT Õppeaines: TEHNOMATERIALID Tehnikainstituut Õpperühm: ME11/21 Juhendaja: lektor Aleksander Lill Esitamiskuupäev: 03.10.2018 Üliõpilase allkiri:................. Õppejõu allkiri: .................. Tallinn 2018 1 1 AJALUGU 1.1 Varasemad vask-tsingisulamid Lääne Aasias ja Vahemere ida osas on teada vähesel arvul vask-tsingisulameid mis pärinevad 3. aastatuhandest eKr. Messingit leidus Egeuse saartel, Iraagis, Ühend Araabia Emiraatides, Türkmenistanis ja Gruusias. 2. aastatuhat eKr on leitud messingit lääne Indiast, Iraanist, Süüriast. Kuigi on ka leitud mõned näited vase-tsingi sulameid Hiinast 5 aastatuhat eKr. Varajased messingi sulamid on väga varieeruva tsingi sisaldusega 5-15%. Paljudel...

Tehnoloogia → tehnomaterjalid
5 allalaadimist

Eesti jazzmuusik Helmut Aniko

Helmut Aniko Helmut Aniko sündinud 27.03.1947, Tallinnas ja surnud 07.06.2003, Soomes, Kaavis oli andekas Eesti muusik, helilooja, pedagoog, multiinstrumentalist, ansamblijuht, arranzeerija, organiseerija ning Eesti jazzi esindaja. Teda peeti ka Eesti jazzi üheks tugisambaks. Teda peeti rahutu vaimuga loojaks, kellel jagus alati uusi ideid ja pealehakkamist et neid ka teoks teha. Muusikahariduse omandas ta Otsa-nimelises muusikakoolis flöödi erialal. Esimene pill mida ta Laste Muusikakoolis õppis oli aga akordion. Kuid Tuntuks sai kui saksofonist, klarnetist ja vibrafonimängija nind ansambli- ja orkestrijuht. Saksofoni ja vibrafoni õppis ta omal käel. Vajadusel võis ta mängida ka klaverit, löökpille ja kontrabassi. Jazz hakkas teda huvitama juba 12-aastaselt. Oma sisukal loometeel mängis ta muusikat väga erinevates stiilides. Vajadusest oma anamblite repertuaari avarada, hakkas ta arranzeerima. Helmu...

Muusika → Jazzmuusika
2 allalaadimist

Ansambel Brassical

Retsensioon Ansambel Brassical 2015 Käisin 30. Oktoobril vaatamas etendust Brass-ansamblilt ’Brassical’. Etendus toimus Pirita Majandusgümnaasiumi aulas. ’Brassical’ on esinejate enda poolt asutatud ning nad kõik on solistid. Solistide nimed on Märt Metsla, Norman Verte, Mihkel Kallip, Margus Toompere, Ingvar Leerimaa, Jüri Leek ning Lauri Levistu. Noored pillimehed lõid ansambli 2011. aasta sügisel inspireerituna maailmakuulsast Mnozil Brassist, nende soov oli mängida midagi nooruslikumat ja vähem akadeemilist. ’Brassical-i’ koosseisus on Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia üliõilased ning Tallinna Muusikakeskkooli õpilased. Nende lood olid segu pop- ning klassikalisest muusikast, kuid lisaks sellele oli nende esituses ka veidi komöödilist lavastust. Etendus oli kaasaegne ning ühtlasi nii muusikaetendus kui ka vähesel määral teatrietendus. Etendus ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Artikkel Eestist

One of the oldest traditions in Estonia is The Song Festival. The Estonian Song Festival is one of the largest amateur choral events in the world. It is held every five years in July on the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds.The tradition of the song festival was born along with Estonian national awakening. The first national song festival was held in Tartu in the summer of 1869. One of the organisers of the first song festival was Johann Voldemar Jannsen.There were 822 singers and 56 brass players participated in the first festival. Starting with the fourth festival, mixed choirs were also participating. Starting with the sixth festival in 1896, the festival tradition moved to Tallinn, Lauluväljak. Folk music is held in high regard in Estonia. There are many annual international folk festivals of which the biggest is Viljandi Folk, which is calling performers from all over the world. The first Estonian Games, Dance and Gymnastics festival, held in 1934, was a

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
10 allalaadimist


2. Järgmiseks mõõda 2 tolli (5.08cm) mõlemast jämedama toru otsast ning märgi toru peale. Sinna külge lähevad jubinad (7.), mis lähevad selle toru mõlemasse otsa. Jälgi, et mõlemad märgid jooksevad paralleelselt toru pikkuses. Puuri märkide juurde augud ning pane sinna 1/4" NPT Tap. Kasuta vaid poole pikkusest jubinat (7.), muidu võib ühendus jääda lõdvaks. 3. Wrap the male threaded portion of each of the 4 brass fittings with thread sealing tape. With the threaded portion facing you, wrap clockwise around the thread to avoid unraveling the tape when the pieces are screwed together. 4. Screw each 1/8" ID Barb x 1/4" NPT fitting into a 1/4" NPT x 1/4" NPT elbow. 5. Attach each barb/elbow assembly into the holes that were drilled and tapped in step 2 as seen in the picture. When installed, the two barb fittings should be pointing at one another. You may

Füüsika → Füüsika
1 allalaadimist


Ujumine Ujumine taastab tervist ja loob hea tuju, lisaks karastavale toimele mõjub ujumine hästi ka kesknärvisüsteemile ning maandab stressi, sest vesi annab mõnusa liikumisvõimaluse ja tekitab hea enesetunde. Ujumine on täiuslik siis, kui inimene on vees horisontaalasendis nii, et ka pea on vees ning väljahingamine toimub vette. Ujumiseks ja suplemiseks on ideaalne suveperiood, mil soovitatakse käia ujumas iga päev, võimaluse korral looduslikus veekogus. Siseujula tingimustes võiks käia ujumas aga üle päeva. Kasulik on ujumine merevees, sest see sisaldab organismile vajalikku joodi. Soovitav on enne ujumist võimelda, sest õlaringid, käte erisuunalised vibutusharjutused, puusa- ja pöiaringid parandavad verevarustust just nendes kehaosades, mis ujumisel rohkem koormust saavad. Looduslikes veekogudes on soovitav ujuda selleks ettenähtud kohtades ­ mere- või järverannas, jões või ujumiseks kohandatud tehisvee...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
85 allalaadimist


believed that the mainland and islands of America were part of the Indies, in Asia. So, when the Europeans started to arrive in the 16th- and 17th-century they were met by Native Americans. The Natives regarded their white-complexioned visitors as something of a marvel, not only for their outlandish dress and beards and winged ships but even more for their wonderful technology - steel knives and swords, fire-belching arquebus and cannon, mirrors, hawkbells and earrings, copper and brass kettles, and so on. However, conflicts eventually arose. As a starter, the arriving Europeans seemed attuned to another world, they appeared to be oblivious to the rhythms and spirit of nature. Nature to the Europeans - and the Indians detected this - was something of an obstacle, even an enemy. It was also a commodity: A forest was so many board feet of timber, a beaver colony so many pelts, a herd of buffalo so many robes and tongues. Even the Indians

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

London - sillad, tornid, ajalugu

Lane bakery on the 2nd of September, 1666. It was designed by Sir Christopher Wren and erected in 1677. The column of white stone is 62 metres high. Its highest is said to be the exact distance from the place where the fire started. At the top of the Monument there is a viewing platform from where one can have a great view of the City. There are 311 stairs inside the Monument which the visitors can climb to the top. Above the viewing platform, at the very top of the Monument, there is a brass ball covered with brass flames. At the pedestal of the Monument there is a stone relief depicting Charles II dressed in Roman costume helping Londoners to rebuild their city. Barbican Centre The Barbican takes its name from the ancient fortifications that used to surround the City. (A barbican is a watchtower that hangs upon a gate.) It remained an upper-class part of town for much of the 17th-century, but by Victorian times the working class had taken over. Due to its

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

The City on London

The Monument The Monument was built to commemorate the Great Fire of London. It was designed by Sir Christopher Wren and erected in 1677. The column of white stone is 62 metres high. Its height is said to be the exact distance from the place where the fire started. At the top of the monument there is a viewing platform. There are 311 stairs inside the monument which the visitors can climb up to the top. Above the viewing platform, at the very top of the Monument, there is a brass ball covered with brass flames. At the pedestal of the Monument there is a stone relief depicting Charles II dressed in a Roman costume helping Londoners to rebuild their city. The Barbican Centre The Barbican Centre is the largest performing arts centre in Europe. Located in the north of the City of London. It hosts classical and contemporary music concerts, theatre performances, film screenings and art exhibitions. It also houses a library, restaurants and a conservatory.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Tõnu Kaljuste

Vinni-Pajusti Gümnaasium TÕNU KALJUSTE Referaat Juhendaja: Katrin Pall Koostas: Liisi Rohtsalu 12. klass 2012 Sisukord Sisukord..............................................................................................................................2 Elulugu...................................................

Muusika → Muusika
8 allalaadimist

Tugevate rühm

versions take place in Santa Gertrudis, San Miguel, San Vicente and San Lorenzo. First timers are often shocked at the outfits worn by the 'cofradias' or brotherhoods of penitents whose pointed hats and flowing robes resemble those of the Klansmen of the USA. In Santa Eulalia the processions leave the church at 21.00 on Thursday 9th April and 20.00 on Friday 10th and march solemnly through the streets of the town carrying statues and accompanied by brass bands. In Ibiza the procession leaves the Cathedral on Friday 10th at 20.30 hours. Ibiza Music is recognizable by powerful grooves mixed with Spanish influences. The famous 'spirit of Ibiza' is brought on with the use of synthesized string instruments, the sound of waves, mandolins and guitars and wispy vocals Transport Ibiza is served by Ibiza Airport .

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


followed by a rotating disc with a single row of turbine blades. Blades and nozzles are manufactured of heat resisting steel or nickel alloy. The air compressor consists of a radial flow impeller disc together with an inducer, both of aluminium alloy. Compression will raise the air temperature and a charge air cooler is fitted to reduce the temperature of the air between the turbocharger and the engine inlet manifold. The cooler consists of a tube stack of aluminium brass tubes rolled and solder-bonded into two brass tube plates. Cast iron water boxes attached to the tube plates and allow salt water circulation within the tubes to make two passes. MEASURING TOOLS There are a lot of different tools on board ship, which are used for doing special jobs. All the tools can be classified as follows: a) measuring tools; b) cutting tools; c) marking tools; d) hand tools;

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Foursyte Saga - The Man of Property

and modes evolve, and "Timothy's on the Bayswater Road" becomes a nest of the unbelievable in all except essentials; we shall not look upon its like again, nor perhaps on such a one as James or Old Jolyon. And yet the figures of Insurance Societies and the utterances of Judges reassure us daily that our earthly paradise is still a rich preserve, where the wild raiders, Beauty and Passion, come stealing in, filching security from beneath our noses. As surely as a dog will bark at a brass band, so will the essential Soames in human nature ever rise up uneasily against the dissolution which hovers round the folds of ownership. "Let the dead Past bury its dead" would be a better saying if the Past ever died. The persistence of the Past is one of those tragi-comic blessings which each new age denies, coming cocksure on to the stage to mouth its claim to a perfect novelty. But no Age is so new as that! Human Nature, under its changing pretensions and clothes, is and

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Eesti-inglise-vene laeva mehaanika terminoloogia sõnastik

korpus housing õlikraap oil scraper külgmine võll, välimine võll wing shaft, outward shaft kummimansett rubber sealing ring kummirõngas o - ring kuullaager ball bearing laagri kaas bearing cover laagrikere bearing housing lahknemisnurk divergence angle liulaager sleeve bearing messing brass montaazipolt packing screw mortiir bossing õhukamber air chamber õliga määritav laager oil-lubricated bearing paindepinge bending stress peatugilaager main thrust bearing planetaarreduktor epicycle (planetary) gear pneumaatiline pneumatic radial frictionl clutch radiaalhõõrdsidur puks, hülss sleeve, liner bush

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
39 allalaadimist

Estonian holidays, festivals, cultural events

A documentary film about a nation peacefully standing up for its freedom through song, with the unstoppable dream of reclaiming Estonian independence. The tradition of the song festival was born along with Estonian national awakening. The first national song festival was held in Tartu in the summer of 1869. One of the organizers of the first song festival was Johann Voldemar Jannsen. In the first three festivals only men's choirs and brass orchestras participated. 822 singers and 56 brass players participated in the first festival. Starting with the fourth festival, mixed choirs were also participating. Starting with the sixth festival in 1896, the festival tradition moved to Tallinn. It began in 1947, during the first song festival (Laulupidu) held after the Soviet occupation, when a centuryold national poem, forbidden by the Soviets, was set to music

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist


Nimetuse valmine: 1) Isikunimed – sobib kui pärisnimi on piisavalt hea kõlaga, mitte liiga keeruline, sellel ei ole ebasoodsat tähendust ega kõrvalvajrundit. 2) Geograafilised nimed 3) Väljamõeldud ehk kombineeritud nimed – nt Eastman Kodak, Kleenex, Xerox, Betty Crocker, Polaroid, Minolta, Zavood. 4) Initsiaalid, lühendid ja/või numbrid 5) Võõrsõnad või muukeelsed mõisted – nt graaf, flora, infintiti, Silver Brass, Ad Libitum. Võõrapärase nimetusega saab viidata teenuse iseloomule: restoran LaScala serveerib eeldatavasti itaalia toitu. 6) Suvalised sõnad antud keele sõnastikust – suvalisi märke on lihtsam juriidiliselt kaitsta kui geograafilisi nimesid, perekonna-või eesnimega seotud nimesid. Pealkirjad: 1) Loovad intriigi (tõstavad huvi ja funktsioneerivad pilgupüüdjana) 2) kannavad endas olulist teavet reklaamitava kohta, „seletades“ reklaamsõnumi

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
7 allalaadimist

Ehitusmaterjalid 2011 referaat

xxx REFERAAT Variant 4 Matrikli nr.x Õppeaines: EHITUSMATERJALID Ehitusteaduskond Õpperühm: KEI12 Juhendaja: Sirle Künnapas Tallinn 2011 Sisukord A. Sissejuhatus 3 B. Käsitletavad teemad 3 1. Metallide korrosioon ja kaitsmine korrosiooni eest. 3 2. Mineraalvillad- toorained, tootmine, omadused, kasutamine. 6 3. Rull-katusekattematerjalid (PVC, SBS). 9 4. Raskebetooni koostismaterjalid ja nõuded nendele. 13 C. Kokkuvõte 15 D. Kasutatud materjal 16 2 A. Sissejuhatus. Käesolev referaat käsitleb õppeaines ,,E...

Ehitus → Ehitusmaterjalid
113 allalaadimist


civil rights. At the same time the rise of national self-consciousness encouraged Estonians into purposeful efforts to acquire education. Some important preconditions for this had been obtained. Teachers received their education mostly from the pedagogical seminaries in the towns of Tartu and Valga. Village teachers and parish clerks were called “the salt of the earth” and their manifold educational and cultural activities inspired the people. The first choirs and later brass bands were organised in rural areas during the 1820s and 30s. Singing and instrumental playing were included in the curriculum of parish schools by the second quarter of the century. By the end of the century, due to these schools teaching in the mother tongue, the majority of Estonians had attained full literacy. This education programme would become the foundation for the progress of a nascent national culture and the development of a young Estonian intelligentsia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Soome saunatraditsioone tutvustatakse Muurame saunakülas. Päijänne järvel saab minna laevakruiisile või kanuuretkele piki Wanha Witonen veeteed. Päevaretk tasub ette võtta Vanha-Penttilä veinitallu või mõnuleda turbavannis. (16) Populaarsemad turismi piirkonnad Lahti piirkond Lahti piirkonda teatakse rahvusvaheliste kultuurisündmuste järgi, mille hulka kuuluvad Lahti Orelifestival, Lahti Brass Festival, Sysmä suverütmid, Lahti sümfooniaorkestri kontserdid ning Pyhäniemi suvine kunstinäitus Hollolas. Lahtis on Sibelius-talo kontserdi- ja konverentsikeskus, mille modernne puitstruktuur on nagu Soome disaini ja käsitöö tunnusmärk. Samas on uus järveliikluse reisisadam. Lahti rahvusvahelist kirjanike kokkutulekut peetakse Mukkula mõisa territooriumil vahetult enne jaanipäeva. Kokkutulekule saabub kirjanikke üle maailma, et jagada oma nägemust

Geograafia → Geograafia
91 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

Foreword Bridging rivers, gorges, narrows, straits, and valleys always has played an important role in the history of human settlement. Since ancient times, bridges have been the most visible testimony of the noble craft of engineers. A bridge can be defined in many ways, but Andrea Palladio, the great 16th century Italian architect and engineer, hit on the essence of bridge building when he said "...bridges should befit the spirit of the community by exhibiting commodiousness, firmness, and delight." In more practical terms, he went on to explain that the way to avoid having the bridge carried away by the violence of water was to make the bridge without fixing any posts in the water. Since the beginning of time, the goal of bridge builders has been to create as wide a span as possible which is commodious, firm, and occasionally delightful. Spanning greater distances is a distinct measure ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

................................... Weights and measurements 1 How wide is it? It's 30 centimetres ..... It's 30 cm in width. 2 How long is it? It's 10cm ........... It's 10 cm in length. 3 How high is it? It's 20cm ............ It's 20cm in height. 4 How deep is it? It's 15cm .......... It's 15cm in depth. 5 How heavy is it? It weighs 50kg. It's 50kg in weight. Materials plastic glass fibre glass wood paper tin rubber gold brass concrete cardboard aluminium porcelain canvas cotton silk metal Write down the product information Price: ....................................................................... Delivery time: ........................................................ Size (footprint): ..................................................... Length: .................................................................. Width: .................................................................... Colour: ..................

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

He was the first man to see craters on the moon, sun spots and the rings of Saturn. He also observed the phases of Venus. He determined that the Earth's moon was not a source of light but rather of reflected light. He saw the moons of Jupiter. And of course, Galileo was also a Copernican: "Sol est centrum mundi, est omnio immobile motu locali," ("The sun is the center of the universe and the earth moves.") In 1611, Galileo packed his brass telescope in his bag and decided to go to Rome. Criticism of Galileo's observations began immediately. The authorities at Rome would not even look through his telescope. Why not? They had absolute faith in Aristotle. Not only that, if you think about it, the telescope reveals the existence of things which are not really there. Look at the heavenly body called Saturn with the naked eye. Do you see its rings? Of course not

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

interested, Mr. Cross." A ghost of a smile touched his lips and made him impossibly more handsome. Dear God... The ding that signaled the approaching elevator made me jump, I was strung so tight. I'd never been so aroused. Never been so scorchingly attracted to another human being. Never been so offended by a person I lusted after. I stepped into the elevator and faced him. He smiled. "Until next time, Eva." The doors closed and I sagged into the brass handrail, trying to regain my bearings. I'd barely pulled myself together when the doors opened and revealed Mark pacing in the waiting area on our floor. "Jesus, Eva," Mark muttered, coming to an abrupt halt. "What the hell was that?" "I have no freakin' clue." I exhaled in a rush, wishing I could share the confusing, irritating exchange I'd had with Cross, but well aware that my boss wasn't the appropriate outlet. "Who cares? You know he's going to give you the account."

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist


new age of mechanization, they independently created the machine whose principle is perhaps the most widely used in cryptography today. This principle is that of the wired code-wheel, the rotor. The body of a rotor consists of a thick disk of insulating material, such as Bakelite or hard rubber, commonly two to four inches in diameter and half an inch thick. Embedded around the circumference of each face are 26 evenly spaced electrical contacts, often of brass. Each contact is connected at random by a wire to a contact on the opposite face. Thus a path for an electric current is set up that starts at one point on the circumference of one side and ends at another point on the other. The contacts on the starting, or input, face represent plaintext letters and those on the output face ciphertext letters. The wire connections between the two then provide a way of converting plaintext letters to ciphertext

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

endary and effective. The novelist William Styron testified to this effectiveness after recounting the misery of his own U.S. Marine concentration-camp-like "training nightmare:" There is no ex-Marine of my acquaintance ... who does not view the training as a crucible out of which he emerged in some way more resilient, simply braver and better for the wear. (Styron, 1977, p. 3) Although the rigors of basic training are widely approved by military brass, a policy of "zero tolerance" is said to exist for incidents of aberrantly harsh hazing like those contained in two videotapes uncovered by TV news sources in 1997. The tapes depicted the practice of "blood pinning," in which marine paratroopers who have completed 10 training jumps receive their golden wing pins. The pins, each with a pair of half-inch points protruding from the back, are affixed to an initiate's shirt and then ground, punched, slammed, and slapped into his chest while he

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

sequence of events. Almost every story needs a moment to acknowledge the hero's resolve to finish, and provide her with necessary motivation to return home with the elixir despite the temptations of the Special W o r l d and the trials that remain ahead. THEWIZARDOFOZ The Wizard has prepared a hot-air balloon with which he hopes to take Dorothy on The Road Back to Kansas. The people of Oz gather to see them off with a brass band. However, it's seldom that easy. Toto, seeing a cat in the arms of a woman in the crowd, runs after it, and Dorothy runs after Toto. In the confusion, the balloon wobbles off with the Wizard aboard and Dorothy is left behind, apparently stuck in the Special World. Many heroes have tried to return using familiar means — old crutches and dependencies. But they find the old ways

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

Vibram Five Finger and Terra Plana Shoes (, These are the two brands of shoes I used to eliminate low-back pain. The Vibram Five Fingers are ideal but look like gecko feet. The Terra Plana Vivo Barefoot shoes, on the other hand, can double as dress shoes without anyone noticing that the soles are practically nonexistent. Healthytoes Toe Stretchers ( These toe stretchers are like soft brass knuckles for your toes. They help restore natural toe spread and relieve pain from overlapping toes and toe drift. Start with ve minutes each evening. Active Release Technique (ART) Practitioner Database ( Use this site to Active Release Technique (ART) Practitioner Database ( Use this site to find local ART specialists. Finding a Prolotherapy Practitioner Here are the three organizations recommended by those I trust in the field:

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

A Thestrongestcurrencyworldwide 3 H B Decidingon a singlecurrency Coins continued to be used in Britain while it was part of the C Thelong historyof the pound Roman Empire. The Romans did, however, impose their own D Usinggoodsto buyand sell coinage on Britain. Small brass and copper "minissimi" coins were E Coinsshowedthe ancientway of life used for low value purchases.When the Roman Empire collapsed F Theoldestmoneyin the world in the 5th century and Britain was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, G Maki ngi t si mpl erfor al l minting and the use of coins ceasedin England for over 200 years. H Fromcoinsto tradeagain

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

A Thestrongestcurrencyworldwide 3 H B Decidingon a singlecurrency Coins continued to be used in Britain while it was part of the C Thelong historyof the pound Roman Empire. The Romans did, however, impose their own D Usinggoodsto buyand sell coinage on Britain. Small brass and copper "minissimi" coins were E Coinsshowedthe ancientway of life used for low value purchases.When the Roman Empire collapsed F Theoldestmoneyin the world in the 5th century and Britain was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, G Maki ngi t si mpl erfor al l minting and the use of coins ceasedin England for over 200 years. H Fromcoinsto tradeagain

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

A Thestrongestcurrencyworldwide 3 H B Decidingon a singlecurrency Coins continued to be used in Britain while it was part of the C Thelong historyof the pound Roman Empire. The Romans did, however, impose their own D Usinggoodsto buyand sell coinage on Britain. Small brass and copper "minissimi" coins were E Coinsshowedthe ancientway of life used for low value purchases.When the Roman Empire collapsed F Theoldestmoneyin the world in the 5th century and Britain was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, G Maki ngi t si mpl erfor al l minting and the use of coins ceasedin England for over 200 years. H Fromcoinsto tradeagain

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

A Thestrongestcurrencyworldwide 3 H B Decidingon a singlecurrency Coins continued to be used in Britain while it was part of the C Thelong historyof the pound Roman Empire. The Romans did, however, impose their own D Usinggoodsto buyand sell coinage on Britain. Small brass and copper "minissimi" coins were E Coinsshowedthe ancientway of life used for low value purchases.When the Roman Empire collapsed F Theoldestmoneyin the world in the 5th century and Britain was invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, G Maki ngi t si mpl erfor al l minting and the use of coins ceasedin England for over 200 years. H Fromcoinsto tradeagain

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun