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"booklet" - 27 õppematerjali

booklet - 2011-12_soome.pdf 3. Vikipeedia [WWW] n_Union.svg 4 Metsatööstus [WWW] contentid=160041#!lightbox/3/ 5. YPEF.

Test Booklet


Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Upstream Advanced Test Booklet

Upstream Advanced Test Booklet Progress Test 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
77 allalaadimist

Upstream Advanced Test Booklet

Upstream Advanced Test Booklet Progress Test 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Booklet about Estonia

GEOGRAPHY Estonia lies of the eastern coast of the Baltic sea. Total area of Estonia is approximately 45000 square kilometer and the population is about 1.5 million . Estonia is one of the most sparsely populated country in Europe. With 35 people per square kilometer. Nearly 1/3 of the nation live in the capital Tallinn. Along the coast of Estonia lies many bays and peninsulas. Lots of islands lie off the west- and north coast. The largest of them are Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. Geographically Estonia can be divided into 4 parts: North-, South-, West-, and East-Estonia. North-Estonia is relatively flat. Here is a nice coastline with coves, capes and a high coast. South-Estonia is more hillier, but there aren't any mountains or mountain ranges. The highest peak in Estonia is Suur Munamägi and its 318m above sealine. The largest industrial areas are situated in East-Estonia. There are beautiful nature parks in Wes...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Test-Booklet B

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Upstream INTERMEDIATE Test Booklet

roheline testi raamat, 11klass!

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Upstream INTERMEDIATE Test Booklet

roheline testi raamat, 11klass! test 2a / test 2b (units 3-4)

Keeled → Inglise keel
103 allalaadimist

Upstream Upper Intermediate Test Booklet


Keeled → Inglise keel
180 allalaadimist

Summary Britta Kase

Britta Kase 143123HAKB Summary The booklet offers a brief, simple explanation how the European Union is relevant to us in our everyday life, how it affects our lives in many areas and how can we benefit from it. The booklet gives also a very readable overview of EU’s history and how its member states have come together. It’s a great starting point to know the roots, history and functioning of the European Union. I found this booklet interesting because it provides an insight into relevance of the EU. I have never thought that making phone calls and flying has become cheaper as a result of EU. EU has abolished national monopolies and has permitted competition. For me the

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Writting a summary

Writting a summary I read the following sections of the booklet „Europe. A journal for young people“. The booklet is listed in 7 sections:“ Europe in everday life“; „The European Union- what does this mean exactly?“; „How does the European Union work?“; „What exactly does the EU do?“; „Europe moves on_ the enlargement of the European Union“; „Europe and the wider world“ and „The future of Europe“. ‘Europe is somewhere else.’ This provocative statement opens the first chapter of „Europe. A journal for young people“. It is, of course, not true. As EU citizens,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kreeka metsamajandus ja -tööstus

Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasium Pauletta Talmon Kreeka metsamajandus ja -tööstus Praktiline töö 1 Tallinn 2015 1. Metsade pindala Kreekas kasvavad metsad 3,752,000 ha suurusel pindalal, millest tuleneb metsasuse protsent 29.11% (2005). Riigi pindlala on 12,890,000 ha. Riigil on väike metsasuse protsent. 2. Metsatüübid ja puuliigid Kreekas kasvavad metsatüübid on vahemereline igihaljas mets, macchie ehk makii, phrygana ehk früügana, lehtmetsad, montaansed okasmetsad, lähisalpiinsed ja alpiinsed kooslused. Illustration 1: Põhiliste metsades esinevate liikide levikualade suurus ja osakaal tabelis. 3. Suuremate metsamassiivide paiknemine Suuremad metsamassiivid paiknevad riigi põhja- ja keskosas, sest seal on sobivam kliima. Kreekal on palju rannikuid, mis muudab õhumassid möödukate erinevustega vahelduvaks. Sisemaal on metsadel parem v...

Geograafia → Geograafia
18 allalaadimist


POOLA Eneli Nilbe 9.klass Üldine info ØPoola on parlamentaarne vabariik ØRahaühik: zlott ØPealinn: Varssavi ØReligioon: katoliiklus (86,9%) ØPindala: 312 679 km² ØRiigi keel: Poola ØRahvaarv: 38 483 957 (30.06.2014) ØPresident: Andrzej Duda ØPeaminister: Beata Szydlo President Lipp Vapp Peaminister Riigi asend ØPoola asub Euraasia mandril ja Euroopa maailmajaos ØNaaberriigid: Saksamaa, Tsehhi, Slovakkia, Ukraina, Valgevene, Leedu, Venemaa Loodus ØPinnamood Põhja-Poolas on tasandikuline. Riigi lõunaosa on mägine (Tatrad, Karkonosze, Bieszczady, Pieniny mäestik jt) ØPoola maastik on mitmekesine: kõrgetest mägedest (Rysy mäetipp 2499m Tatra mäestikus) kuni merepinast allpool asuvate aladeni (Visla jõe suudmeala Zulawy -1,8m) ØPoola maastikus domineerivad põllud, aasad, puuviljaaiad, ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
1 allalaadimist

Soome metsad

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL SOOME METSAD Tartu 2014 Sisukord Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................. 2 1. Looduslikud tingimused..............................................................................3 2. Metsakorraldus Soomes.............................................................................7 4. Kasutatud kirjandus.................................................................................... 9 Sissejuhatus Soome Vabariik (Joonis 1) on riik Põhja-Euroopas Rootsi ja Venemaa vahel, üks Põhjamaadest. Soome piirneb idast Venemaaga, põhjast Norraga ja läänest Rootsiga. 2 Lõunas on teisel pool Soome lahte lähim riik Eesti. Soome on Euroopa riikide hulgas territoo...

Geograafia → Geograafia
33 allalaadimist

Unit 7-8 sõnavara

18. Bioloogiline mitmekesisus - Biodiversity - many different plants and animals existing in one area 19. Ressursi väljavõtmine - Resource extraction - taking natural products from the earth 20. Vastupidavus - Sustainability - when you can do for a long period your sustainable 21. Toote kirjeldus - Product description - a spoken or written account of a person, object, or event 22. Kataloog ­ Catalogue - a booklet with details and often pictures for sale 23. Võimu andma ­ Empower - to give more power/ authority 24. Pühendumus ­ Commitment - to give a strong support to 25. Ebatäiuslik - Imperfect ­ has faults or flaws 26. Eeskujulik ­ Exemplary - excellent or admirable 27. Informeerimata - Uninformed - to have not enough information/ knowledge 28. Õpetatud vs informeeritu - Knowledgeable - informed 29. Uuenduslik - Innovative - new or original 30

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Saksamaa metsamajandus

VILJANDI GÜMNAASIUM Mari Teder SAKSAMAA METSAMAJANDUS Referaat Juhendaja: Hilje Nurmsalu Viljandi 2014 Saksamaa on riik Kesk-Euroopas, riigi pindala on 357, 111,19km2. Saksamaa asub parasvöötmes. Kliima on rannikul pehme ja mereline, ida ja lõuna suunas muutub kliima järjest mandrilisemaks. Jaanuari keskmine temperatuur on maa loodeosas 1,5°C ja Alpides -6°C, juulis loodeosas 18°C ja lõunapoolsetes varjatud orgudes 20°C. Aasta keskmine temperatuur on Lübeckis 8,1°C, Schwarzwaldis Freiburgis 10,7°C. Põhjaosas mõjutab ilmastikku meri, mis toob tavaliselt üsna jaheda suve ja maheda, suhteliselt sademeterikka talve. Ida ja lõuna pool on kliima kontinentaalsem: talv on külmem, kuid suvi see-eest soojem...

Geograafia → Geograafia
30 allalaadimist

Soome ja Niger

Viljandi Gümnaasium Soome ja Niger Referaat Autor Annabrita Kalda, II HK Juhendaja õp Hilje Nurmsalu Viljandi 2019 Sisukord 1.P​ÕLLUMAJANDUS JA KALANDUS 2 1.1 Põllumajandus 2 1.2 Kalandus 3 1.3 Soome ja Nigeri põllumajanduse ja kalanduse võrdlus 4 2. M​ETSAMAJANDUS JA PÕLLUTÖÖSTUS 5 2.1 Soome ja Nigeri metsamajanduse ja puidutööstuse võrdlus 7 3. E​NERGIAMAJANDUS 8 3.1 Soome ja Nigeri energiamajanduse võrdlus 9 1 1.Põllumajandus ja kalandus 1.1​ ​Põllumajandus Riik Soome ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
1 allalaadimist

Entertainment and Art

5) A excited B excitable C exciting D excitement 6) A ones B programmes C episodes D cereals 7) A too B public C live D popular 8) A imagination B author C index D amusement 9) A capital B head C chapter D cover 10) A current B imagined C interest D gripping 11) A history B novel C booklet D poetry 12) A advise B idea C information D fact 13) A announcements B gossip C reviews D prefaces 14) Ado B make C have D take 15) A pick B look C give D turn

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

41 bank share panga aktsia 42 bankruptcy pankrot 43 barter vahetuskaup 44 basic assets põhivara 45 bear kursilangus 46 benefactor heategija, annetaja 47 benefit kasu, tulu 48 black economy varimajandus 49 bond võlakiri 50 booklet brosüür 51 brand tootemark 52 brand loyalty kindla kaubamargi eelistamine 53 brand manager toote müügijuht 54 branded product tootemargiga toode, firmatoode 55 break-even analysis kasumiläve analüüs 56 budget eelarve 57 budgetary surpluses eelarve ülejääk 58 budgeting eelarve koostamine

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Using Blogs as a Platform in the TEFL

data. The main focus will be on verification of data, confirmation. The hypothesis will be directed at finding out whether the impact of blogs tends to have a positive effect on the field of EFL learning. Also, since there is an established hypothesis it automatically means that method will be deductive. Apparently, this research will be ooutcome-oriented as the findings obtained throughout the investigation will be further compiled in a form of booklet with review of best practices to serve as a ready-to-use material for EFL teachers, trainers, educators and other workers in the field. It is assumed that I will have an opportunity to conduct multiple case studies in different classrooms with students of different backgrounds and age range. The data will be collected experimentally, the analysis will be interpretive. Choosing the paradigm of research methodology, the method matches

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

Affixes are native and borrowed. Native ones are those that existed in OE period (ish, dom, ful, teen). They used to be indipendent words. Foreign affixixes are viewed according to the lg they come from (nt, Latin- able; deca-dent, expect-ancy) Hybrids are for example read plus able. Some words have elements that belong to different languages, they are hybrids. Diminutive suffixes express fondness or a small size (nt, daddy, booklet, pussykin). Derigatory express neg attitude (nt, gangster) . Negative prefixes are un, non, mis dis . 9. composition ehk compound. The pattern of composition is a combination of 2 or more stems. Compounds are spelt either as one word or with an hyphen. Compounds are completely motivated (nt, dining-room), partly motivated (nt, flower-bed), absent (nt, fiddle, viiul). Stress on the first part (nt, doorway); primary stress on the first part, secondary stress on the second part (nt, shop-keeper)

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

Soome referaat.

Miina Härma Gümnaasium SOOME VABARIIK Referaat Tartu 2013 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS ..............................................................................................................4 1. SOOME GEOGRAAFILINE ASEND..........................................................................5 1.1. Lühike Soome asendi iseloomustus ......................................................................5 1.2. Maahaldusjaotus ...................................................................................................5 2. SOOME RIIGI ARENGUTASE ..................................................................................7 2.1. Paiknemine maailma pingeridades ..............................................................

Geograafia → Geograafia
49 allalaadimist

Pärandkoosluste loomastik

Eesti Maaülikool Metsandus- ja maaehitusinstituut Metsakorralduse osakond Pärandkoosluste loomastik Juhendaja lektor Tartu 2011 Sisukord Sisukord...................................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus.............................................................................................................................3 Putukad pärandkooslustel........................................................................................................4 Selgroogsed ( Rannaniitude selgroogsed)............................................................................14 Karjatamine pärandkooslustel...............................................................................................30 Pärandkoosluste linnustik (Matsalu rahvuspargi näitel)..............

Maateadus → Pärandkooslused
21 allalaadimist


Reading Comprehension 30 questions SECTION 1: LISTENING COMPREHENSION This section of the TOEFL test your ability to understand spoken American English. You will hear taped conversations to which you will make responses. Part A and B contain samples of informal American English. Idiomatic expressions and two-word verbs are common in these parts. Single Statement In Part A you will hear a single statement made by a man or a woman. In your test booklet, there are four sentences. You must choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one you heard. YOU WILL HEAR: To get to the post office, cross the street, go three blocks, and you'll see it right on the corner. YOU WILL SEE: (A) The post office is right on the corner. (B) The post office is at the next corner. (C) The post office has a cross near it. (D) The post office is three blocks away.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Dear Stephanie, Thanks for your letter asking me for advice about how to lose weight I was sorry to hear that you're feeling depressed. I'm sure your problem isn't as serious as you say it is. You always did exaggerate! The best advice I can give you is to choose one diet and really stick to it for a couple of months; it's pointless trying lots of different ones which only last a few days, as you've discovered. If I were you, I would go on the same diet I went on: I've sent you the information booklet. The most important thing to remember is to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and to exercise regularly. Why don't you join the basketball team? I know how much you love basketball. Also, once you start losing weight you should give yourself little rewards, like a visit to the hairdresser or a new dress. That way you'll probably find that you won't think about food so much. If you follow my advice, I'm sure you'll be back in shape in no time. Anyway, let me know how it goes. Lots o f love,

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


names, words, and syllables. This list, originally just of names, gave the system its name: nomenclator. Even though late in its life some nomenclators grew larger than some modern codes, such systems are still called "nomenclators" if they fall within this historical period. An odd characteristic is that nomenclators were always written on large folded sheets of paper, whereas modern codes are almost invariably in book or booklet form. The commercial code is a code used in business primarily to save on cable tolls; though some are compiled for private firms, many others are sold to the public and therefore provide no real secrecy. Most ciphers employ a key, which specifies such things as the arrangement of letters within a cipher alphabet, or the pattern of shuffling in a transposition, or the settings on a cipher machine. If a word or

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


with their search for new means of expression, especially in form, but nevertheless the novel means as offered by the contemporary Western trends have been principally put to use. The third generation had risen to an influential position, setting the fashion in Estonian symphonism. This generation was an example for all younger composers and called into being an atmosphere in which the others were enveloped. 1 Annotation of Eino Tamberg: Symphonies, annot. E.H., the booklet of Antes Edition En. BMCD 31, 9075. 2 The first generation of Estonian symphonists: Rudolf Tobias, Artur Kapp, Juhan Aavik, Artur Lemba and Heino Eller. The second generation: Evald Aav, Eduard Tubin, Eugen Kapp, Villem Kapp, Heimar Ilves among others. The third generation: Jaan Koha, Eino Tamberg, Anti Marguste, Jaan Rääts, Arvo Pärt and others. The fourth generation: the most outstanding representatives are the above-mentioned plus Kuldar Sink.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

A detailed catchall coverage of world sausages is there- fore not possible, as for example, in Germany Main Types of Products only there are more than a thousand different Worldwide kinds of sausages and in the United Kingdom In his booklet Principal Characteristics of more than four hundred! The Internet is an Sausages of the World Listed by Country of endless source of information on these differ- Origin, Kinsman (1980) separates cooked ent varieties. sausages into two categories: (1) cooked sau- sages made from uncured meats, ground, Frankfurters (Wieners) seasoned, stuffed into casings, and cooked

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun