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"window" - 301 õppematerjali

window - broken,kitchentap - leakingetc) Then Ss Suggested Answer KeY Explainthat Ss work in pairsand do the exercise A: t thinkshe should a second add bathroom.

Christo Vladimirov Javacheff

Four Store Fronts Corner Lower Manhattan Wrapped Building Click to edit Master text styles Click to edit Master text styles Second level Second level Third level Third level Fourth level Fourth level Fifth level Fifth level Mastaba, Stacked Oil Barrels Show Window Click to edit Master text styles Second level Click to edit Master text styles Third level Second level Fourth level Third level Fifth level Fourth level Fifth level Looming I Tööde finantseerimiseks müüb oma varasemaid töid

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Oliver Twist

Oliver and Brownlow become good friends and Brownlow trusts Oliver to go and take the compensation money to the bookstore by himself. When Oliver is on his way to the bookstore, the boys decide that Oliver can’t be lurking around on his own because he knows too much and they bring him back to the shelter, also taking the money and books from Oliver. Oliver is now involved in a planned robbery by Sikes and Fagin. His part is to get through a window and open the front door. During the robbery the house owners start to come down the stairs, and suddenly Oliver yells for help. Guns start firing and Oliver gets hit. The boys drag Oliver into a ditch near the house and leave him there. The people from the house find him and don’t believe he is actually guilty of the robbery. During this time, Monks, a mand from the shelter house, wants to ruin Olivers reputation. He gets some important info about Oliver. Monks is planning this with

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tom Sawyer raamatu kokkuvõte Mark Twain lühikirjeldus

by the idea of appearing at his funeral and surprising everyone. He persuades Joe and Huck to do the same. Their return is met with great rejoicing, and they become the envy and admiration of all their friends. Back in school, Tom gets himself back in Becky’s favor after he nobly accepts the blame for a book that she has ripped. Soon Muff Potter’s trial begins, and Tom, overcome by guilt, testifies against Injun Joe. Potter is acquitted, but Injun Joe flees the courtroom through a window. Summer arrives, and Tom and Huck go hunting for buried treasure in a haunted house. After venturing upstairs they hear a noise below. Peering through holes in the floor, they see Injun Joe enter the house disguised as a deaf and mute Spaniard. He and his companion, an unkempt man, plan to bury some stolen treasure of their own. From their hiding spot, Tom and Huck wriggle with delight at the prospect of digging it up. By an amazing

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


1 Auto CAD käsklused ZOOM ­ suurendamine, kujutise mõõtkava muutmine, mingi joonise osa suurendamine Käsk ZOOM ise ei suurenda objekti mõõtmeid, vaid töötab suurendusklaasi põhimõttel. Kui kirjutada Command ribale (käsuribale): ZOOM Kuvatakse vastuseks tekst- Specify corner of window, enter scale factor or [All/Center/Dynamic/Extens/Previous/Scale/ Window] Seega küsitakse vaikimisi ,,akna" diagonaali esimest otspunkti A. Kui see on sisestatud, küsib arvuti selle aknadiagonaali teist otspunkti B. Seejärel suurendatakse kogu nelinurka jääv ala joonestusvälja suuruseni. Teised võimalused on: A (All) ­ kogu määratud ala toomine joonestusväljale C (Center) ­ suurendamine etteantud keskpunkti järgi D (Dynamic) ­ käsitsi/hiirega juhitav sujuv suurendamine

Informaatika → Arvutigraafika
266 allalaadimist

Inimese suhtlemine arvutiga

HTTP. Tekstide loomiseks kasutati märgendikeelt HTML. HTMLi eeskujuks oli keel SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), mille 1965. aastal töötas välja Ted Nelson. 1992. aastal loodi brauser CELLO IBM PCle, loojaks oli Thomas R. Bruce. 1993. Brauseri Mosaic loomine Brauseri Mosaic töötasid välja Marc Andreessen ja Eric Bina rahvuslikus superarvutite keskuses NCSA. NCSA Mosaic beta-versioon indeksiga 0.10 ilmus 14. märtsil 1993 ja töötas ainult Unixi- laadsete arvutite süsteemis X Window. Lõplik NCSA Mosaic X Window versioon 1.0 ilmus kuuaega hiljem, 23. aprillil 1993. Septembris 1993 ilmus esimene töötav Mosaic’i versioon – kaasaegsete interneti brauserite prototüüp. 1993. aasta oktoobriks oli antud ekspluatatsiooni umbes kakssada WWW-serverit. Just Mosaic’i ilmusid sellised nüüd juba harjumuspärased asjad, nagu heli ja video, järjehoidjad ja hiljuti külastatud lehekülgede loetelu. Lisaks sai Mosaic’ist esimene mitmel platvormil töötav

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
5 allalaadimist

Arvutiõpetuse konspekt

klahviga saab nende levelit liigutada. tabelid : · teksti saab tabelisse nt nii et => copy paste ja siis => table => convert text to table · kui on vaja tekst tabelis lohistada mujale siis table tools => select tables=> select collumns => ja siis lohista. table properties => row=> allow table to break across pages ( see enamasti maha!!) tabeli puhul => layout => autofit => autofit to window -saab tabeli nt. landscape suuruses lehele sobivalt paigutada. distribute collumns - veerud ühelausteks distribute rows- teeb read ühekõrgusteks repeat header rows!!!!! - kui tabel on nii suur et läeb ka teisele lehele üle siis saab tema pealkirja read kopeerida järgmise lehe algusesse. kui vaja kaks pilti kõrvuti ja mõlemale pealdist =>

Informaatika → Informaatika
23 allalaadimist


Kiindumusteooria sai populaarseks pärast ettekannet Maailma tervishoiu organisatsioonist, 1951. aastal, millal John Bowlby pakkus: "What is believed to be essential for mental health is that the infant and young child should experience a warm, intimate and continuous relationship with his mother... The long period of helpless infancy of the human species entails serious risks, so it is of crucial importance to survival, that the child and its mother should become attached." See tähendab, et laps peab tundma sooja ja jätkuvat suhet emaga. Vastasel juhul, toob see tõsisemaid probleeme lapse arengus. Kiindumus, seotus (attachment) - emotsionaalne side kahe isiku vahel, ema ja lapse suhte kvaliteedi näitaja · Emotsionaalne kohalolek · Soojuse väljendamine · Tundlikkus, reageerimine lapse vajadustele · Aktsepteerimine John Bowlby tööd 1950. aastate jooksul, olid alguses...

Psühholoogia → Enesejuhtimine
38 allalaadimist

Arvuti õpetuse test 2

1. Töölaua häälestamisel kasutatava ekraanisäästja ingliskeelseks vasteks on (1) Desktop Screen Saver Themes 2. Mis võib olla põhjuseks, kui klaviatuurilt teksti sisestades sisestusväljale midagi ei ilmu? sisestusväljaga aken pole aktiivne klaviatuur on suurtähtede reziimis sisestusväli pole aktiivne 3. Milliseid järgmistest operatsioonisüsteemidest on kasutusel laua- ja sülearvutites? Windows Android Linux 4. Mitu valikunuppu on võimalik korraga sisse lülitada? üks kaks suvaline arv 5. Mida saab muuta töökeskkonna kujunduses? kasutatavaid fonte töölaua taustavärvust ikoonide paigutust töölaual ekraanisäästja valikut 6. Akent saab teise kohta vedada, kui hiirega hoida kinni... tegumiribast tiitliribast kerimisribast 7. Kuidas näitab üles-alla suunalise kerimisnupu suurus aknas osaliselt näha oleva tekstifaili suurust? mida suurem on kerimisnu...

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
19 allalaadimist

The New Beginning II

She wanted to protest ­ this is how she was raised, but...something in this man's eyes moved her heart. And as a matter of fact she was moved so deeply that her raised hand fell lower every second until she was totally in his arms. "Your dear Eliza...I really must to go now!" he whispered sadly. "No!" she cried, but Edward turned fast away and in a few moments was gone. The princess looked at the big oval mirror that was standing by the window and seemed surprised of her own temper. She looked still confused when her mother, the beloved queen Alice of the Scots, entered the main hall. "Well, well, well..." the old woman said looking at her pale daughter, "May I at least know whom this lucky man is?" Eliza was staring in bold air ­ not noticing even the loud question. The queen laughed and walked to the library. "A baby..." whispered the young lady suddenly. Alice stopped and seemed very surprised. "Yes, my dear?" she said, "What baby

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

10 Most Amazing Buildings of the World

This fantastical place is like a journey into the world of Alice and Wonderland. Designed by a woman artist who hangs around the grounds, it is one of wonder. The house is owned by the daughter of the ex-president of Vietnam, who studied architecture in Moscow. It does not comply with any convention about house building, has unexpected twists and turns, roofs and rooms. It looks like a fairy tale castle, it has enormous “animals” like a giraffe and a spider, no window is rectangular or round, and it can be visited like a museum. Dancing Building (Prague, Czech Republic) Designed by: Architect Vlado Milunić in co-operation with Canadian architect Frank Gehry on a vacant riverfront plot. The building was designed in 1992 and completed in 1996. A modern, glass building surrounded by historic architecture. The top floor of Dancing House is home to one of the city's leading restaurants, Celeste Restaurant.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Juurdepääs arvutivõrku aruanne

11.12.2016 Side labor 5 aruanne TCP A. Milliste protokollide päiseid saadud paketid sisaldavad? IPV, DSF, lenght, identification, flags, fragment offset, TTL, protocol, checksum, source, destination, B. Kui pikk on TCP päis? 32 baiti C. Millised väljad sisalduvad TCP päises? source port, destination port, sequence number, header, lenght, flags, window size value, checksum, urgent pointer, options D. Kuidas TCP ühendust alustatakse (3 esimest paketti - milline arvuti millisele saadab ja millised TCP lipud on aktiveeritud)? arvuti SYN, arvuti SYN, server SYN + ACK E. Kuidas TCP ühendust lõpetatakse (4 viimast paketti - milline arvuti millisele saadab ja millised TCP lipud on aktiveeritud)? arvuti ACK, server ACK, server ACK + push, arvuti ACK Lisada Wiresharki ekraanipilt ühest paketist, kus keskmises aknas on TCP osa lahti.

Informaatika → Informaatika
33 allalaadimist

Teemakaardi koostamine

Eesti Maaülikool Teemakaardi koostamine KJ II Koostas: Monika Lõuna Juhendaja: Anne Kull 2016 Laadisin maakonna piiride andmed alla maa-ameti kodulehelt, Maakond MAP-Mapinfos kasutamiseks. Pakkisin zip faili lahti ja avasin maakondade kihi, kihi avasin nii et lohistasin faili MapInfo aknasse. Sisestasin andmed MapInfo programmis. Selleks lõin maakondade kihile uue veeru nimega „Regioon”, kuhu kirjutasin regioone nime, selleks valisin Table/ Table/ Modify Structure/ Add Field. Veeru tüübiks valisin Character ja tähemärkide arvuks 25.Selleks, et ära kaotada väljundkihil maakondade piirid ja tekitaks uued piirid, kirjutasin veergu „Regioonid” regioonide nimed, mille sain grupitöö andmete lehelt. Seejärel kasutasin töövahendit Spatial/ Combine/Combine Objects using Column, mis liitis objektid (polügonid)atribuutide alusel. Valisin Group Objects By Colum...

Geograafia → Geoinformaatika
35 allalaadimist

Tabel (1. osa) - MS Word 2003

Tabel (1. osa) – MS Word 2003 Jüri Kormik Tabel (1. osa) Tabel on konteiner, mida kasutatakse teksti, andmete või piltide organiseerimiseks. Tabel koosneb kastikestest, mida kutsutakse lahtriteks (ingl. Cell). Vertikaalsete lahtrite gruppi (ülevalt alla) kutsutakse veeruks (ingl. Column). Horisontaalsete lahtrite gruppi (vasakult paremale) kutsutakse reaks (ingl. Row). Kõik tabeliga seotud toimingud asuvad menüükäsu Tabel (ingl. Table) all. Tabeli lisamine/kustutamine Tabelit on kõige mugavam teha prindi- ehk küljendivaates (tavaliselt sul juba valitud). Kui tabelis on palju veerge, on parem ta leheküljele paigutada rõhtsalt (tavapärase püstise asemel; seda saab teha menüükäsuga Fail > Lehekülje häälestus… (ingl. File > Page Setup…) ava- nevas dialoogiaknas). Tabeli loomiseks kas  klõpsata standardriba tabelinupul ,  valida menüükäsk Tabel > Lisa > Tabel… (...

Informaatika → Tekstitöötlus
3 allalaadimist

Past simple and continious

Were you/we/they playing? When to use the Past Continuous Past Continuous (Progressive) generally refers to: • Actions in progress (often interrupted by events) I was drinking my coffee at the time. While I was opening the letter, the phone rang. • Background description in narratives I entered the office and looked around. Most people were working at their desks, but Jane was staring out the window and pretending to write something at the same time. • Changing states The car was getting worse all the time. One of the headlights was gradually falling off, and the engine was making more and more funny noises. • Repeated actions - criticism With a frequency adverb, this use is similar to the use of Present Continuous to express annoyance. When Jane was at school, she was always losing things.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Giidindus: Vanalinna mõned tähtsamad kohad

Belonged to Tallinn's Suurgildile, where were the town's most powerful and richest merchants. Hoone Ehitus kestis 1407­1410, siseviimistlus lõpetati 1417. 8. Holy ghost church - 14. Century. One of Tallinn's oldest churches, and the only sacred building that preserved its original form.and still retains its original exterior, except for the Baroque spire. The clock in northern side is one of the oldest in Tallinn and though it has been blanched with rain and window, the clock strick the time exactly. It has a Baroque wooden carvings, made by Christian Ackermann. 9. Saiakäik (White Bread passage) suubub raekoja platsile Raekoda mainitakse esimest korda 1322, säilinud hoone valmis 1404. Raeapteek- mainitakse 1. korda 1422. Raekoja platsile suubuvad tänavad: Vanaturu kael, Kullassepa, Dunkri, Voorimehe, Kinga, Mündi, Saiakäik, Apteegi. Raekoja torn ehitati koos raekojaga aastatel 1402-1404. 1530

Turism → Giidindus
19 allalaadimist

Andmebaaside struktuur, andmehalduskeskkonnad, tabelid, andmetüübid ja avaldised

– Kirjed (Record) – Indeksid (Index) ehk järjestused Andmebaasihaldus- ja rakenduste koostamise keskkond Visual FoxPro Tabelite struktuur, andmetüübid ja avaldised Ülevaade Käsuaken Menüüd Tabelivaade Inforiba Andmehalduse ja -keskkonna kiirülevaade ja seadistamine (andmehaldur) Käsuakna ka andmehalduri saate alati tellida Window menüüst Oma masinas saate kasutada FoxPro keskkonna simulaatorit MOODLEst. Peale FoxPro käivitamist on soovitav töökeskkond kohandada vastavalt oma harjumustele SET käskudega: Vaikimisi kaust tulemustele käsuga Set default to SET DEFAULT TO SET DEFAULT TO x:foxkursus SET DEFAULT TO GETDIR() Kuupäevakuva vormistuse määramine SET DATE GERMAN SET CENTURY ON Tabelid Visual FoxPros • Andmebaasina (Database)

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
4 allalaadimist

KT 7. klassile

4) Me tellisime kala friikartulitega ja õunavormi. We ordered fish and chips and apple pie. 5) Kas sulle meeldib kartulipüree? Do you like mashed potatoes? 6) Millestki koosnema. consist of something 2. Complete the text. (lõpeta tekst). A lot of , any , anything , some , something Jack realised he needed something to get Jill out of the car. They didn't have any time to lose. He knew he didn't have anything in his caravan to break the window. ,,We've had a lot of great moments together," he thought. At first he couldn't see anything in the darkness but after some time his eyes got used to it and he found a spade under the table. Suddnely he felt something moving around his leg. He thought it was his dog, who had been sleeping in the caravan, but then he understood that ot was ?something? more frightening. There were some snakes in the caravan and one of them was going to bite him. ( lünkades olev sõna ) 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
112 allalaadimist

Paul McCartney

After the Beatles broke up, Paul immediately began a solo career, literally driving around Britain in a van, looking for somewhere to perform with his makeshift new band. That band developed into Wings and produced a number of notable singles, including "Maybe I'm Amazed", "Band on the Run," "Uncle Albert," "Live and Let Die," and "Listen To What The Man Said". Paul and his wife became outspoken vegetarians and animal-rights activists after owning cattle and watching them outside the window as they cooked and ate meat; in 1991, Linda introduced her own line of vegetarian meals to the general market. On March 11, 1997, Paul, suddenly Sir Paul McCartney, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and in 1999 was inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a solo artist (he was inducted with the rest of the Beatles in 1988). Paul and Linda had three children - one, Stella McCartney, is an award winning fashion designer and animal rights activist.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
14 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrgud. Väga põhjalik eksamimaterjal

kinnituse saanud. Paketid vahemikus [base;nextseqnum-1] on paketid, mis on saadetud, aga pole kinnitust saanud. Paketid vahemikus [nextseqnum;base+N-1] on pakettide arv, mis on veel lisaks saadetud pakettidele võimalik teele panna ilma kinnitust saamata. Paketid, mis tulevad peale base+N paketti on need paketid, mida ei saa veel teele panna enne kui ühtegi ACK'i pole juba saadetud paketi kohta tulnud. Kui base'i kohta tuleb ACK nihkub window size edasi ja uus window size on vahemikus [base+1;base+N], mis võimaldab omakorda panna ühe uue paketi teele. Taimerit kasutatakse antud juhul ainult base'i jaoks. Kui timeout tuleb, siis hakatakse saatma kõiki pakette uuesti alates base'st. Tähtis on ära märkida, et saatja võtab ülemiselt kihilt vastu andmeid ainult siis kui aken ei ole täis (s.t ei sisalda N paketti). Kui vastuvõtja saab paketi korralikult kätte, siis saadab ta vastu ACKi selle järjekorranumbriga

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
381 allalaadimist


Suzan, who had short, red hair and big, deep blue eyes just like Creasha, put on a white knee-length dress, while black-haired sister chose a black dress and a shiny golden bracelet. "Why that?" Suzan asked her, yet the twin only smiled. They were similar, but thought very differently ­ especially Creasha, who considered herself a mighty bounty hunter as well, just as Denis was is the eyes of the society. "Let's check that noise out," said Creasha and jumped from the open window to the slippery rooftop. "Are you crazy? You'll get killed there!" "Come and help me then!" "You idiot!" But Creasha only smiled as an answer. Soon the both girls were climbing on the roof. "Wait," said Creasha, the oldest. "What is it?" "What do you mean, can't you hear that?" "Hear what?" "This...I don't know how to describe it,,, It's like a clock's ticking or something!" "Maybe it's a bomb?" asked Suzan with an irony in her voice, her imagination was very rich.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Oliver twist - kokkuvõte

to give them a ride as far as he is going, and Mr. Sikes agrees. They are dropped off in the town they indicated and walk towards an ugly unoccupied looking building. Mr. Sikes opened the door, and they walked inside. Chapter 22: Two of Mr. Sikes cohorts are waiting inside, Toby Crackit and Barney. They eat dinner and go to sleep for a time. At one they wake up and set out to rob the house they planned. Mr. Sikes threatens Oliver more and they explain to him his job of going through the small window and opening the door. Once Oliver realizes that he is going to be stealing, he begs and pleads to be set free to die in the fields. Sikes puts a gun to his head and is ready to pull the trigger when Toby grabs Oliver and says it would be quieter to break his neck. Sikes instructs the boy to do his job, pushes him through the cellar window, and hands him a lantern. Just as Oliver is about to run through the house and wake the family, two men burst in on him and fire a gun

Keeled → Inglise keel
312 allalaadimist

Lexical and syntactic stylistic devices

original; types: context ("opened roundabout way to (individual); syntactical (aN+of+aN), people ("Shakespeare chap") simple (based on a single phrase, sentence, string; window & heart") name objects ("one's image) ­ sustained (developed). semantically classified: better half" = wife) 2. ALLUSION 2. METONYMY metaphorical ("soft smile") 2. PUN 2. SIMILE

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
31 allalaadimist


whose parents were murdered right in front of his eyes, took it upon himself to wage war on crime in Gotham city. He spent his life pursuing mental and physical perfection. However, he realized that pure strength and intelligence is not enough to fight the forces in Gotham. Figuring criminals are superstitious and cowardly, he decided that he would need a disguise that would strike fear into their hearts. At that moment, a bat flew in his window, inspiring him. This is how he became Batman, the Dark Knight, the hero of Gotham and the city's last hope against evil. But Batman did not only have to fight petty crime in Gotham City ­ soon many super villains raised their ugly heads. The first one Batman had to go against was the Joker, who became the archenemy of Wayne. Joker has been presented as both a violent sociopath, who kills people for fun and as a somewhat goofy trickster and a thief

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Moulin Rouge ingliskeelne kokkuvõte

pointing out that the song and the whole play is really about Satine, Christian and the Duke. Duke gets mad and tells Zidler to change the ending, so the courtisan will choose maharajah. Satine insists that she spends the night with the Duke to discuss that decition. Her real plan is to sleep with the Duke so the play's ending would stay the same. That night the Duke offers Satine everything she has ever dreamed of but when she looks out of the window she sees Christian and she cannot go through with her plan to sleep with the Duke. The Duke tries to rape Satine but another actor saves her. Christian and Satine wanted to run away together from Moulin Rouge. Zidler finds Satine getting ready and tells her that the Duke will kill Christian if they leave. The next day Satine goes to Christian and tells him that she had chosen the Duke. Christian is forces to leave Moulin Rouge.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


1. Kes on viikingid? Viikingid olid Skandinaavia meresõitjad, kes olid pärit põhjamaadest ­ Taanist, Rootsist või Norrast. Umbes 1200 aastat tagasi (8.-11. sajandil) sõitsid nad Lääne- ja Põhjamerel oma purjelaevadega ja olid Euroopa kõige vägevam rahvas. Nad käisid kauba- ja röövretkedel Euroopas ja isegi Põhja-Ameerikas. Lääne-Euroopas kutsuti viikingeid normannideks (põhjamaa meesteks), Venemaal varjaagideks (sõdalasteks). Rohkem kui 250 aastat tundsid nende ees hirmu paljude maade rannikuelanikud. tml 1. Kuidas viikingid elasid? Viikingipered elasid Põhjamaades rannikukülades. Nad harisid põldu, kasvatasid karja, pü...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
12 allalaadimist

Võrguprotokollide esitus

internetiutiliit failide edastamiseks aastast 1980. Seda on lihtsam kasutada kui FTP'd, kuid mis on ka väiksemate võimalustega (ei saa kasutada mitmest paketist koosnevate andmeüksuste edastamiseks). TFTP(5) Kuna TFTP protokollis puuduvad autentimis ja krüpteerimismehhanismid, siis on selle kasutamine avalikus Internetis ebaturvaline ja see leiab tänapäeval kasutust peamiselt privaatvõrkudes, näiteks W Window System'i terminalide või muude kõhnade klientide buutimiseks võrguhostilt või ­serverilt

Informaatika → Informaatika
8 allalaadimist

Esitlus Iron Maiden'ist

Third level Fourth level Fifth level Lyrics There are times when I've wondered And times when I've cried When my prayers they were answered At times when I've lied But if you asked me a question Would I tell you truth Now there's something to bet on You've got nothing to lose When I've sat by the window And gazed at the rain With an ache in my heart But never feeling the pain And if you would tell me Just what my life means Walking a long road Never reaching the end God give me the answer to my life God give me the answer to my dreams God give me the answer to my prayers God give me the answer to my being `'Fear of the Dark" One of the most famous songs of Iron Maiden. Click to edit Master text styles Second level

Biograafia → Kuulsused
2 allalaadimist

Arvuti ABC

Botnetiks ehk robotvõrguks (robot network) nimetatakse küberkurjategijate kontrollitavat arvutikogumit, mis, samal ajal kui arvutite omanikud mängivad, surfavad või muid igapäevaseid toimetusi teevad, pommitab mõnd veebiserverit tühiste päringutega, serveerib porno- või piraattarkvarakollektsiooni,nakatab uusi arvuteid ja saadab laiali spämmi. Denial of Service ehk DoS-rünnakuga koormatakse ettevõtte internetiliiklust korraldav seade, kas server või ruuter, üle suure hulga päringutega, milleks tavaliselt on võrguliikluse standardne ping-päring. Eraldi brauseriaken (popup window), mis hüppab lahti siis, kui külastate teatud veebilehekülgi, ja üritab reklaami näidata.Hüpikakende eesmärgiks on pikendada konkreetsel leheküljel viibimise aega (mõnikord kasutatakse selleks brauseri põhiakna all avanevat akent, mida kasutaja märkab alles siis, kui pealmise akna kinni paneb) ning teenida rohkem reklaamitulu. Klahvinuhk (keylogger) on nuhkvara, ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
23 allalaadimist

The Domician Monastery

Their carvings were in demand in Finland and other countries. The profession was highly organized. The masters constituted an exclusive guild. Boys served a three-year apprenticeship during which they were bound to a patricular master. If an apprentice ran away no other master could employ him. The next stage was that of journeyman. Its duration varied, but it came to an end when the candidate produced a master-work a small door, or window pillar, or circular wash-basin-which won the approval of 6-8 masters, Arent Passer a master mason from the Netherlands, exercised great influence on the local school of stone carving. During the reconstruction of the gate in the early 16th century, the cannon tower Fat Margaret was added. The round tower, with 155 loopholes, a diameter of 25 meters, and a height of about 20 meters, was built to protect the harbour. It got its name from the fact

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Android os

Ehkki Android on avatud lähtekoodiga, ei saa seadmete tootjad kasutada Google Android'i kaubamärki enne, kui Google ei ole tõendanud, et seade järgib nende sobivust määratlevat dokumenti ehk Compatibility Definition Document'i (CDD). Versioonid Kavand Androidi tuum on arendatud Linuxi tuumast ja seal on Google teinud ka arhitektuurilisi edasiarendusi, mis on väljaspool tavapärast Linuxi tuuma arenduse tsüklit. Androidil ei ole algupärast X Window Süsteemi ja ei toeta ka täit GNU standardset andmekogu. Seetõttu on raske olemasolevaid Linuxi rakendusi ja andmekogusid Androidi paigaldada. Nõuded riistvarale Funktsioonid Telefoni paigutus Tegevusprogramm on kohandatav suurematele VGA, 2D andmekogule ja 3D andmekogudele, mis põhineb OpenGL ES 2.0 spetsifikatsioonidel, kui ka tavalisele nutitelefonide paigutusele. Salvestamine

Informaatika → Informaatika
14 allalaadimist

Tallinn-London reis

and availability before booking for real, but here's how it's done: · Step 1, book the Paris-Berlin sleeper train. Go to, which is the German Railways official sleeper train website. Select 'English' top right, then click through to the online booking system. Or if the English button has disappeared again (!) you can click 'buchung' on the left, then 'fahrkarten buchung', then 'buchen sie jetzt ihre nachtzugreise', and a booking window then appears which has an English language button. · Book from Paris to Berlin Hbf and back by the overnight sleeper train. Availability of both cheap 'sparnight' special fares and fully-flexible full fares will be shown, for each type of seat, couchette & sleeper. You pay by credit card and print out your own tickets in .pdf format. Easy! Note that the prices shown on are in euros, and are the total cost for all

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Tähe seltskond

dreaming of how wonderful it would be to have a star for company. The next morning the little old man climbed down the mountain. (cut from 11 to 12) He waited until the sun went down, the moon came up and the stars appeared in the sky. But this time he didn't look up. Instead he looked straight ahead. And he saw the star! He walked down a path. (cut from 12 to 13) He came to a small house (cut from 13 to 14 to 15) and inside the window of the house he saw a star. The little old man knocked on the door. "How lucky you are to have a star to keep you company!" he said to the woman who opened the door. The woman invited the little old man inside to meet her family and to drink a cup of Christmas cider. The little old man shared the company of the family and the star for many hours. And would you like to see where the star was? (open paper) It was on top of the family's Christmas tree!

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kirjandeid

A world government is both desirable and necessary. A world government is both desirable and necessary. What is there to gain from a world government? Are there any downsides to such world order? A lot of people believe that a world government is the only way in future. It would unite countries and people, eliminating differences. What would help to preserve peace in the world. Also a world government would help to rationalize recourses. As there would not be any duplicating, allowing much faster development of new technologies and faster production. In addition recourses would not pile up in one place because they would be diverted to places where the need is greatest. But there is a downside to a world government. Through unification of people and countries, smaller nations would lose their identity. It means smaller nationalities would simply fade away, they would be dissolved. Because the influence ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting

hunting in any way. These types of organizations have been left out from this report. Below are listed some organizations, their goals and views on hunting. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is largest and most known animal rights organization in the world. They mostly concentrate their attention on factory farms, clothing trade, animal testing and entertainment industry. When going to PETA webpage first thing to see was pop up window about stopping seal hunt in Canada. They are especially concerned about killing animals because they are considered pests. Such animals would be beavers, bats, geese, deer, pigeons, mice, raccoons, snakes, chipmunks, squirrels, bears, coyotes, ducks, foxes, mountain lions, prairie dogs, rabbits, and even wolves. So their view on hunting is negative. [9] Animal Aid is animal rights organization in United Kingdom, founded in 1977. They do campaigns against all forms of cruelty against animals

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

Check and if necessary adjust the idle speed and Lubricate all hinges, door locks, check straps and the mixture settings (Section 10) bonnet release mechanism (Section 31) Clean the distributor cap, coil tower and HT leads and Check the operation of all door, tailgate, bonnet release check for tracking (Section 11) and window regulator components (Section 31) On contact breaker point distributors lubricate the Carry out a road test (Section 32) distributor shaft and cam (Section 12) On contact breaker point distributors check and if necessary adjust the points gap (dwell angle), then Every 24 000 miles (40 000 km) or check the ignition timing (Sections 13 and 14) On RS Turbo models renew the spark plugs (Section 15)

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

WL Messenger

võimaldab. See eest on Facebook'is olemas kohad, kuhu saab üleslaadida oma pildid, videod ja palju muudki. 7. KOKKUVÕTE Windows Live Messenger on kindlasti vaieldamatu turuliider, selle põhjuseks on selle tarkvara lihtsus ja see, et seal on rohkelt kasutamiseks erinevaid võimalusi. Kuna antud teenus on kättesaadav kõigile, siis autori teada on see keelatud paljudes ettevõtetes, kus seda ei ole vaja kasutada tööpõhiselt. Window Live on eelkõige suhtlusvahend ja meelelahutuskeskkond, siis leitakse, et tööajal selle kasutamine ei ole õigustatud. Siiski leian, et aina uuenev teenus, mille tulemusena lisatakse aga uusi võimalusi juurde, võib lõpuks WL Messenger'i keeruliseks muuta ning tuua kaasa selle, et hakatakse leidma alternatiivseid lahendusi lihtsamaks suhtlemiseks. See põhineb täiesti minu arvamusel, sest ka olles ise usin WL Messengeri kasutaja, leian, et paljud võimalused,

Informaatika → Majandusinfosüsteemid
14 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

Resistance Level ­ vastupanu tase Return ­ intressikasum V Rights Issue ­ uusemissioon Valuation ­ hindamine RiskAverse, RiskNeutral, RiskTaking ­ riskivastane, riskivaba, riskeeriv S W Senior Bond ­ vanem väärtpaber Warrant ­ garantii Window Dressing ­ vaateakna väljapanek Short Hedge ­ puudulik ettevaatusabinõu Settlement ­ arveldus Y Short Position ­ lühike positsioon Yield (Internal rate of Return) ­ Short Selling ­ tühjaksmüük intressikasum Speculation ­ arutlus Yield to Maturity ­ launuaja intressikasum Stock Splits ­ aktsialõhed Subordinated Bond ­ kõrvaltagatis Z

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist


kasutajatele mingisuguse ligipääsu andmetele jms. (veebrouser), kasutab esitluskihi teeneid AP PR SE Tarkvaraline TR VR AL Riistvaraline FÜ TCP/IP- TCP (transmissioon control protocol-edastusohje protokoll)- tegeleb teate kokkupanemisega, transpordi ettevalmistamisega ja kontrollimisega, TCP päises on kirjas (Source port, Destination port, Sequence number(järjekorranumber), Acknowledgment number(genereeritud numbripakett),CWR,ECE,URG,ACK,PSH,RST,SYN,FIN, Window Size, Checksum) pordi numbrid: 20(ftp andmed)ja 21(ftp kontroll)-FTP(faili transpordi protokoll), 80-HTTP , 110-POP3(meili protokoll), 443-HTTPS, 546-(DHCP klient) ja 547(DHCP server)-jagab IP protokolle, 569-MSN Pordid-tarkvaralised ,,väravad" on nummerdatud 1-56..., erinevad aplikatsioonid kuulavad erinevaid porte, HTTP-aplikatsiooni kihi protokoll, pordi number 80, 1-1023 teada tuntud pordid IP protokol- Interneti protokoll, teate edasi saatmine keerukates võrkudes, tarkvaraline

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
58 allalaadimist

3 Energy Dividends You Can Still Trust

comfortably maintain its dividend despite the persistent weakness in oil and gas prices. Chuck Saletta ExxonMobil (NYSE:XOM) is well positioned to protect its dividend, even with oil prices below $40 a barrel. There are at least three key reasons why. 1. ExxonMobil has had a history of increasing its dividend for more than 30 years. While past performance is no guarantee of future results, it's informative to note that the trend window includes a reasonably long stretch of time when oil prices were largely below $20 a barrel. That history showcases that the company has a good record of surviving and rewarding shareholders during some pretty tough times in the oil patch. 2. ExxonMobil's dividends are still very well covered by its operating cash flow. It generated nearly $9.2 billion in cash from operations in the quarter ending Sept. 30, 2015, and only around $3

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Shops and Shopping

e) Why don't we go to the new shopping 5) store in the town centre. f) Quite late at night the little corner 6) shop down the road is still open. g) It would be much better to buy an economy 7) assistant in a shoe shop. h) Don't forget that we have to stop at the filling 8) list before we go to the market tomorrow. i) There's a very nice suit on display in the window 9) station to get some petrol. j) Mary has just started work as a shop 10) hunting in the old part of the city. Task 5. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. a) I bought these jeans very cheaply in the f) The shop opposite my house sells a variety of C. ......

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Total station problems

ones with optically read instruments were called theodolites. Earlier theodolites used to have verniers and micrometer microscopes for reading angles, then they were manufactured with optical systems with witch the user could read both horizontal and vertical angles through an eyepiece located near the telescope. The newest theodolites showed the horizontal and vertical angles digitally in a display window. Now, actually, transits and theodolites are almost obsolete in American surveying practice. The textbook author (textbook pages were in moodle) refers to transits as being the American-style instruments, they have four levelling screws and silver horizontal and vertical scales and they are usually equipped with plumb bobs for cantering over points. Theodolite is used to refer to the instruments with

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

Wordi kasutusjuhend

See käsk on File menüü lõpus. Peale selle saab programmi töö lõpetada selle programmi akna sulgemisega akna parempoolsest ülaservast. Kui avatud dokumendi muudatused on salvestamata, annab programm sellest märku. Saate valikuaknal valida, kas soovite viimased muudatused salvestada või mitte. Word-i programmiaken Nimeriba Microsoft Word Menüüriba FILE EDIT VIEW INSERT FORMAT TOOLS TABLE WINDOW HELP Igas menüüs on terve rida käske. Mingi käsu valimiseks klõpsutage hiirega kõigepealt menüü nimel ja seejärel avanenud rippmenüüs soovitud käsu nimel. FILE ­ korraldused kogu dokumendile New - avab uue dokumendi 3 MS Word

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
232 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö/uurimustöö "Digitahvel õpetaja abivahendina", Promethean digitahvel, Paide Gümnaasium

Powerpoint as Images Powerpoint piltidena Powerpoint as Objects Powerpoint objektidena SMART Notebook File SMART märkmiku fail Import from PDF Impordi PDF-st Area Snapshot Ala pildistamine Freehand Snapshot Vabakäe pildistamine Pilt Töönupu nimi inglise keeles Töönupu nimi eesti keeles Window Snapshot Akna pildistamine Fullscreen Snapshot Täisekraani pildistamine Handwriting Recognition Käekirja äratundmine Shape Recognition Kujundi äratundmine Ruler Joonlaud Set Square Paiguta täisnurk Protractor Mall Compass Kompass

Muu → Ainetöö
8 allalaadimist

I Love English 6 Workbook e-õpik lk. 1-27

2 If you need somewhere to stay overnight, surf the Internet. Cheap hostels are easy to find. 3 After the last lesson we were ... to go, but we all stayed to discuss the trip. 4 The children looked annoyed so the teacher repeated the question. 5 If you don't need the gloves immediately, it's ... to wait until the sales start. 6 It's wise to remember the birthdays of your family and friends. 7 Gina's mum was puzzled to hear about the broken window. 8 I was ... to have a matchbox on me, so we could light a candle. 6. Translate. 1 Ma asun teele. Kohtumiseni homme! I'm off, see you at home! 2 Võta aega ja mõtle see läbi enne, kui vastad. Take your time and thing it through, before you answear. 3 Mis lahti? Kas te kaklesite? What's up? Fighted you? 4 Mul tuli hea mõte. Miks me ei võiks üllatuspidu teha? I hit upon an idea, why couldn't we do the sürpriise party? 5 Eddie ja Lara vahel tekkis pinge.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


as much as the one who has no more to give! So many languages in the world, and a smile speaks them all. "A laugh is a smile that bursts." "A smile is the curve that sets all things straight" The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. "All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile." "A smile is just a frown upside-down." I smile and everyone loves me. I cry and find out who my true friends are. A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is home. A smile is as nice to give as it is to receive. It takes a lot of work from the face to let out a smile, but just think what good smiling can bring to the most important muscle of the body...the heart. A Smile is Worth A Thousand Words "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance." or another version: "A cheerful heart brings a SMILE to your face! Your SMILE makes my day! If you don't have anything nice to say, just SMILE!

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
88 allalaadimist

Topic - Libraries

open cabin door. Soon it is discovered that Simon and Jacqueline have worked together all along. The original shooting was staged, leaving a bullet stuck in the leg of a table. As soon as Simon was left alone, he picked up the pistol, ran to Linnet's cabin and shot her adding the letter ,J' on the wall. He returned, shot himself in the leg using the handkerchief to muffle the second shot and incapable of moving, threw the pistol out the window in order to get rid of it and just in time to be discovered by Dr. Bessner with a real injury. Jacqueline was forced to commit the second and third murders in an attempt to cover up their tracks. When Simon informed Jacqueline that Louise is blackmailing him, she killed her with one of Dr. Bessner's surgical knives, thus, framing the doctor. Then it is revealed that Simon had married Linnet in order to inherit her money

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

10 päeva päevik

Grade:10b Haapsalu 2008 First snow in 2008-23 november On 23 November the first snow of year 2008 was falling down from the sky all day long. Snowdrift was caused by strong wind, and it was very interesting to look how everything was going white.It had been a long time since I saw snow, so I was looking forward to see it.But I didn't expect it to come down in such huge quantity. I could sit behind the window for hours, observing the power of nature.It made me forget everything negative I felt that time and gave me an unforgetable memorial. Travel to Riga on 26 October I woke up 15minutes later than my father.My eyes were still closed and I couldn't open them before I got a cup of hot coffee.At 8 o'clock we started driving to Riga.We also had GPS in our car, so it wasn't so boring, because it had some voice commands on and it

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline turundus

Rahvusvaheline turundus Toodete rahvusvahelise turustamise vajadust põhjustavad tegurid · maailmaturu potentsiaal, mis võimaldab ületada koduturu ostuvõime piiratuse; · võimalus rakendada ettevõtte kasutamata tootmisvõimsusi; · mastaabisäästu saavutamine tootmises ­ müües välisturule suures koguses oma kaupu, saab suurendada tootmismahtu ja vähendada toote ühiku valmistamiseks vajalikke kulutusi; · välisturgudelt võib saada häid ideid oma toote või teenuse täiustamiseks või hoopis uute toodete arendamiseks. Mõned kodumaise ja rahvusvaheline turunduse erinevused Kodumaine turundus Rahvusvaheline turundus üks keel ja rahvus erinevad keeled ja kultuurid suhteliselt ühtne turg erinevad turud andmed tarbijate kohta kättesaadavad ja andmete kogumine tarbijate kohta kogumine lihtne ...

Majandus → Majandus
27 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

limit allowed tax deductions to a fixed net interest expense/EBITDA ratio is a promising way forward. Even with its drawbacks and potential for countries to opt out from applying these new rules to their full effect, the possibilities for multinationals to minimize payable taxes can be restricted. Furthermore, the work on transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions is undertaken during 2016 and 2017, closing another window of tax avoiding opportunity. Still, the BEPS project will be tested by its implementation, and first results can only be measured in 2020 when the effectiveness of Actions will be reviewed.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Somerset Maugham "French Joe" kokkuvõte!!

presently come to a two-storey building, which was a hotel. The boat pushed off. He didn't like the idea of sleeping on hard stones on a jetty. So he started walking towards the hotel. He seemed to walk much more than a few hundred yards which it should be, but a little bit later he saw a building. No light showed, but his eyes were used to the darkness, so he found a door. There was no door bell, he knocked with his stick as loudly as he could, then a window was opened and there was a woman. She came down and greeted him warmly, then took him upstairs and showed him a room. The woman was in a red flannel dressing-gown, her hair was a little bit over her shoulders in long black wisps. She was a little stoutish with keen eyes and a red nose. She was holding a paraffin lamp. She said that she would make up the bed before he could say „Jack Robinson“, and asked if

Keeled → British literature
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun