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"value" - 828 õppematerjali

value - väärtus, väärtustama, hindama 2. Invention- 3. Profit- kasu, kasu saama, tulu 4. Efficent- tõhus, jõudlusvõimeline, teovõimeline 5. Unsung- laulmata 6. Foremen- esitööline, meister 7. Inch up- toll

Füüsika praktikum nr.17 - arvutused

Arvutused: Katse nr m(g) f(gen), Hz f, Hz v, m/s v, m/s l d 1. 786 47 44.37 89 0.35 1 0.0004 2. 1600 67 63.30 127 0.50 m m 3. 2386 81 77.30 155 0.61 g S 4. 3208 87 89.63 179 0.71 9.818 1.26E-07 n 1 5. 5576 117 118.17 236 0.93 m/s2 m2 6. 786 95 88.73 ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
11 allalaadimist


Inimressursi juhtimine EKSAMI KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED: K 16 Jaanuar 9.30 ­ 10.30 1. Personalijuhtimise olemus ja kujunemine Personalijuhtimine kui tegevus, mis on seotud inimeste kui ühe olulisema ressursi juhtimisega pärineb ammustest aegadest. Tegevust hakati aga teadvustama üsna hiljuti, 19. sajandil. Erilise tähelepanu sai personali juhtimine ajal, mil tehnoloogilse revolutsiooni käigus uuendati kogu masinapark, mis aga vajas hulgaliselt personali masinapargi hooldamiseks. XX saj. algus ­ personalijuhtimine seisnes teatud soodustuste, teenuste osutamises töötajatele, näiteks lõunasöök tehase kulul; Mary Parker Folletti ja Elton Mayo 20-30-ndad ­ ilmnes personali administreerimine, värbamise ja baasõppe dokumentatsiooni haldamine ­ niinimetatud kaadriküsimustega tegelesid "valgekrae ohvitserid"; 40-50-ndad ­ kujunes välja personalijuhtimine kui iseseisev valdkond, algas sõjajärgne hoogne värbamine, testimine ja õpetamine. USA-s 19...

Haldus → Inimressursi juhtimine
256 allalaadimist

Physical hazards konspekt

excitation, the movement of an electron to a higher energy state (ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwave, radio waves, low frequency Luminance L cd/m2 RF and static fields) Luminous flux (Ф)- the total perceived power of Illuminance light emitted in all directions, measured in lm. It’s Illuminance (E) is the the value of radiant flux which contains those term given to the wavelenghts which are detectable by the human quanitify of luminous flux eye. falling on unit area of a Luminous intensity (I) is a measure of the surface. luminous flux over a solid angle (steradian (ω)) E = Ф/A emitted to a given direction (cd)

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
3 allalaadimist

Tunnitööde aruanne

Siinussignaali plokk Amplituud Alaliskomponent Sagedus, rad/s 1. 1,5 2 2 2. 1 0 0,6 1)Saadud mudeli skeem: Saadud skeem. 2)Kõikide plokkide (va matemaatilised tehted, ostsilloskoobid jms) olulised parameetrid; Step: Step time: 1 Initial value: 0 Final value: 1 Sample time: 0 Trasnfer function: k: 1 : 1 Rate limiter: Rising slew rate: 0,5 Falling slew rate: -1 Initial Condition: 0 Relay: Switch on point: 0,9 Switch off point: 0,15 Output when on: 0,9 Output when off: 0,15 Saturation: Upper limit: 3,1 Lower limit: -0,2 Sine wave1: Amplitude: 1,5 Bias: 2 Frequency: 2

Masinaehitus → Automaatjuhtimine
149 allalaadimist

EATI Valemid II kodutöö

Ülesanne. Andmed ja valemid Siia tehke või importige"kirjanurk". Tallinna tehnikaülikool Informaatikainstituut Töö Exceli töökeskond ja joonestusv Üliõpilane ÕppejõudAhti Lohk nurk". aülikool nstituut ja joonestusvahendid Õppemärkmik **0751 Õpperühm EATI** Ülesanded Arvavaldised Ruutvõrrandi lahendamine Rakendus "Detail" Detaili kujud Materjalid Värvid Ideaalne inimene Ajavalemid Sisestage siia matrikli viimane (a) ja eelviimaneviimane nr (b) number. Valemid annavad c väärtuse ja a funktsioonide numbrid 1 Funktsioonide väärtused a b x y z 3 3,75 ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
51 allalaadimist

Basic banking

regulations exept the initial capital requirement and reserve requirement based on the amount of the deposits kept with bank by its customers. 7 Max. Loans 44200 Bank Capital 5000 5.2.2.Bank Objectives and Financial Management As in all private companies in market economies banks seek to maximize their profits or more precisely, they are supposed to maximize their value. This is of course not the only objective the bank managers have to keep in their minds. As always with almost all managerial tasks, there are multiple and usually contradicting to each other objectives to follow. In the case of financial management such most fundamental objectives are, in addition to the value maximisation, the need to acquire liquid assets sufficient to meet the bank's obligations when required and the need to minimize risks to the acceptable level.

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
3 allalaadimist

Art and Aesthetics in Early Childhood Education

imagery as a semiotic process occurring in an interactive social environment that leads to pictorial behaviors that may engage single or multiple modalities of expression. This framework acknowledges psychobiological factors that found development of pictorial activity while emphasizing the role of culture in validating or deselecting specific pictorial systems. It constitutes an attempt to decolonize discourse about artistic development by pointing to the usefulness and value of pictorial repertoires that have remained outside of the acclaim of the Western art world and yet play a significant role in children's lives (Kindler, 1999). In addition to highlighting the dimension of pictorial choices and their relationship to specific purposes of pictorial behavior, the model proposed by Darras and Kindler recognizes frequent interplay of the gestural , vocal -verbal, and graphic actions in the emergence and development of pictorial systems

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Media Channels

On the other hand, grown-ups use it for reading news and their job might involve the Internet. From the Internet you can find information very quickly and easily. Furthermore, newspaper is the oldest media channel in last centuries. It is the only one that doesn't need electricity. Also, it is easily readable in public transport. Newspaper treats the news in greater depth. For example, long interviews, analyses. Many people value this when they can read something they hold in their hands. On the other hand, there are plenty of disadvantages using different media channels. Television's biggest disadvantages are commercials. They might last 15 minutes and they scream into your face. Unfortunately television producers do not want to know anything about laws and regulations that bear on commericials. Furthermore there are too much violence in television and it might be addictive. Also, radio has its disadvantages. Firstly,

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Everything in TV

one common thread: all the content is prepaid. So free television does not exist on these internet TV devices. Expressions 1) To sit on one's couch- ühe koha peal istuma 2) Be forced to sift- läbi vaatama/sõeluma 3) High definition- kõrgkvaliteediline 4) Widget-based system- vidinatel põhinev süsteem 5) Affected by the limits- piirangute poolt mõjutatud 6) One of the primary forces- üks juhtuvaid jõude 7) Tremendous success- tohutu edu 8) The true value of teamwork- koostöö tõeline eesmärk 9) To stay focused- keskenduma 10) In an unconscious effort- alateadlik püüe 11) Marvellous feat of engineering- imeline saavutus inseneriteaduses 12) Base in its own right- põhineb oma õigusel 13) Matter of dispute- vaidluse olulisus 14) The ability to type- võime trükkida 15) To pluck from the air- õhust välja noppima 16) Greatly expanded- suurelt laiendatud 17) Major technological breakthrough- peamine tehniline läbimurre

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


4) kasumiindeks (profitability index, PI) kui PI > 1, võib projekti vastu võtta, PI < 1, projekt tagasi lükata, 5) modifitseeritud kasumiindeks (modified profitability index, MPI), 6) arvestuslik rentaablus (accounting rate of return, ARR), keskmine tulumäär, investeeringu tulumäär (ROI) kui ARR > ROA(varade koguväärtus), siis võib projekti vastu võtta, ARR < ROA, siis tuleb projekt tagasi lükata, ARR = ROA, investeering on piiri peal, 7) nüüdispuhasväärtus (net present value, NPV) Silvia Kuusk kui NPV > 0, siis võib projekti vastu võtta, NPV < 0, siis tuleb projekt tagasi lükata, NPV = 0, siis põhimõtteliselt võib projektiga arvestada NPV väheneb, kui k (diskontomäär) suureneb ja suureneb, kui k väheneb. Mida suurem on diskontomäär, seda suurem on raha ajaväärtuse puhas nüüdisväärtus

Majandus → Majandus
435 allalaadimist

EXCEL - Funktsioonid

EXCEL – Funktsioonid 1 - 11 Sisukord 1 Matemaatilised ja trigonomeetrilised funktsioonid.....................................................................................................2 2 Kuupäeva ja kellaaja funktsioonid...............................................................................................................................2 3 Statistilised funktsioonid..............................................................................................................................................3 4 Tekstifunktsioonid.........................................................................................................................................................3 5 Loogilised funktsioonid....................

Informaatika → Funktsionaalsed materjalid
49 allalaadimist

Java programmeerimise konspekt

versioonides kasutatav klass Vector samade omadustega. Kujutis (map) koosneb paaridest "võti - väärtus". Kõige üldisemateks kujutisega seotud operatsioonideks on: boolean containsKey(Object key) Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key. boolean containsValue(Object value) Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value. Object get(Object key) Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key. boolean isEmpty() Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings. Set keySet() Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map. Object put(Object key, Object value)

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
283 allalaadimist

Test VIII - cumulative test

synchronous motor 2 = 0. Test IV What synchronous speeds of AC motors are wrong (at standard supply)? Everything is wrong except 3000, 1500, 1000, 750, 600, 500... Select the impossible values of the AC motor slip: none In the case of three-phase supply, how many phases does the replacement circuit describe? 1 What motor components does the replacement circuit present? stator, rotor What motor parameters does the replacement circuit present? resistance What slip has the maximal value? starting If the voltage drops, how the speed will change? drops (sync. speed will be the same) If the frequency drops, how the speed will change? drops If the slip drops, how will the speed change? increases If the counter-torque drops, how will the speed change? increases If the phase number drops, how will the speed change? no change (ei saa aru kuidas ta selle õigeks vastuseks pani), tegelikkuses peaks langema nagu ka voolutugevuse vähenedes. harril ka sama....

Masinaehitus → Sissejuhatus robotitehnikasse
36 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

Modulus Temperature Hoop stress Variation Ring Bending Strain Design Life Creep Toxicity & Taint Stiffness Abrasion Resistance Chemical Resistance Ultraviolet Resistance Modulus Published as Strain rate & loading 2200MPa at 20ºC changes modulus (instantaneous) values Resin properties Value determined change modulus values by ASTM test Modulus affects ­ Standard dog wavespeed in surge bone test events specimen Modulus important in ­ Fixed strain rate buried pipeline design Modulus is needed to Modulus values at determine deflection other temperatures and buckling from and design life are design loads required for design

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Majanduse areng ja stabiilsus

a. Tootmise (production) meetod 7. : b. Sissetulekute e. tulude (income) meetod a. c. Kulutuste, e. tarbimise (expenses) meetod b. 8. SKP tootmismeetodil, GDP by sector­ majandussektorites c. e. harudes loodud lisandväärtuse summa, SKP = VA 8. ­ 9. Lisandväärtus, value added = toote, kauba müügihind ­ vaheprodukt (tootmisdeks või müügiks sisse ostetud Müük, vahe- Lisand- 9. = ­ toodang, väärtus, VA ( ) senti/kg , -

Majandus → Majandus
20 allalaadimist

To swear or not to swear ?

Swearing has become a natural part of the society. It can be said that almost everybody uses swear words, particularly popular is it among youngsters and teenagers. In this paper I am going to discuss the positive and negative sides of swearing and why people swear. Firstly, people swear beacause it helps to relieve stress and blow off steam, like crying does for small children, to camouflage a person's fear or insecurity, establish a group identity, establish membership in a group and maintain the group's boundaries, express solidarity with other people or just to add humor, emphasis or "shock value" ( As can be seen, swearing has many reasons, but the first one is probably the most common. Using a swear word to emphasize something is often necessary as it shows how people really feel about things Secondly, swearing can be also quite beneficial. It can be a a useful substitute to physical...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Logical argument

They're probably warmer and more friendly, but they're often very loud and extrovert to go with it. So you prefer the British character? Likewise, strikes among teachers can severely disrupt the education of our children. So you don't think everybody should have the right to strike? 8.4 Strongly argued questions with "Why" Why have we got to create large institutional families? If people decide to have children, then they should value family life. Why should other people pay for the exhibition of junk which nobody wants? But you're already paying for the NHS through national insurance. Why should you have to insure yourself twice? Once the level of the benefit is higher than their take-home pay, why should they do a job? Why shouldn't those who cause air and noise pollution do something to reduce it? ..

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


They just enjoy life itself and try to inspire those who are too consistent. If the humanity would take some time and think about the idiotic things they whine about they would realize that they are way too overrating and that life is too short for it. Money is definitely one of the most vital sources of happiness. Also in this subject the lack of it which brings the unhappiness all over the world. We cannot deny the importance of it but we must value what we have and not cry over the things we do not. Some of us are rich and wealthy, some of us are not. Usually it is so that people who cannot afford everything and who have suffered more in life are living in reality with both feet on the ground. I admire them due to the fact that sometimes I get 10 feet off the ground and I do not want to come down. But I am bothered by those who can only complain, because then they miss the bright side of life. They will not even

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Young hacker Jonathan Joseph James paber

As hacking into these systems he was allowed to intercept over three thousand messages passing to and from DTRA employees. On June 29 and 30, 1999, this young hacker made a mess of NASA He gained access by breaking the password of a server belonging to the government agency located in Alabama. He was able to freely roam the network, and stole several files, including the source code of the International Space Station. According to NASA, the value of the documents stolen by James was estimated at around $1.7 million. James explained that he downloaded the code to supplement his studies on C programming, but contended, "The code itself was crappy. James was sentenced to six months house arrest and probation until the age of eighteen, and was required to write letters of apology to NASA and the Department of Defense. He was also banned from using computers for recreational purposes.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
3 allalaadimist

Gender equality in higher positions of companies

However, I do not agree with this requirement completely. Giving a certain percent of higher positions to women certainly is an easy solution but in my opinion it will bring even more sexism. It shows that women are somehow weaker, fragile and need help for everything. And this on the other hand, will cause a situation where females will receive less credit for their jobs, even if they do their work really well. Every person is unique and has their own set of skills. Companies have to value people's experience, qualification and education more than their gender, race, sexual orientation or other personal aspects. Those have nothing to do with the ability of someone doing the job or how this individual will bring profit to the company. So, no company should hire or even make a job interview with a woman just because she is a woman. Vice versa, if a woman is turned down by a company just because she is a woman, is already a serious discrimination

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
3 allalaadimist

Practical training- Praktika aruanne

I was in a practical training in AS Põltsamaa Felix. Its a food manufacturing company, which founded in 1993 and located in Põltsamaa in Jõgeva County. Põltsamaa Felix is Estonian's leading food manufacturers and the biggest employer in Jõgeva County. In the company works more than 170 employees. Põltsamaa Felix belongs to the international food industry Group Orkla Foods. That company is responsible for the marketing Orkla Group products in Estonia. Their main value is their trademarks. Põltsamaa Felix's mission is to make a delicious and healthy food and prepare joy to people every day. The vision is to be the leading food and drinks manufacturer in Estonia. I started my practical training period on 15th February and finished on 7th April. In the beginning of my practical training I haven't responsible tasks. I just watched what the other workers did. Towards the end of practice I had more responsibility and I operated alone.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


A person's name, occupation, style of dress, marriage partner and diet are all largely based on religion NB! Religion for Hindus is: A way of life A heritage A tradition A way of thinking A way to live in this life which insures the new incarnation. Culturally Rich Inventions ­ Did you know..? · The digit zero and the numbering system ( Aryabhatta) · Chess · Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus · The decimal system · The game of Snakes and Ladders · The value of How to eat Indian food · Indian food is often eaten with the hands · considered impolite to allow the food to pass the first joint of the fingers · fingers should never touch the mouth directly · only the right hand may be used in eating · spoon is provided for soup, but the bread may even be used to eat that · Meat may be eaten with a knife and fork, but it will more often be served pre-cut, so it may be easily managed by the fingers

Keeled → Business english
7 allalaadimist

Stephen Hawking

diagnosed It's where the muscles and bones became less efficient as he aged, it stopped his jaw bones from working He speaks through a computer what is on his wheelchair His IQ is 160 His IQ score ranks up with Bill Gates and Benjamin Franklin! Quotes Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Life would be tragic if it weren't funny. It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value. People who boast about their I.Q. are losers. My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all. Key events in his life 1977 he was appointed professor of gravitational physics at Cambridge. 1982 he was awarded a CBE by the Queen. 1989 he made a companion of honour. 1998 he publishes Stephen Hawking's Universe: The Cosmos Explained, a book about the basis of our existence and of everything

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Brands are...

your choice in the store. So it means that you do not always buy the required or desired object. Therefore, we can say that, this is not really you but "branded" you. It is very sad, but unfortunately, these days many people depend on brands. As for me, my attitude to brands is neutral. If I really like something, because of its quality, for example, I will buy it no matter how popular the brand is. If I have a choice between two similar things, I will buy the cheapest one, because I value money. And from my point of view, it is not necessary to have only brands in order to be attractive, and more importantly you should be yourself, because the real uniqueness is inside you. In conclusion I would like to say that we live in time of democracy and freedom of choice. Everyone can choose what to buy, what to wear and what mobile phone to use. It depends on our own financial capacity. So everyone decides for himself if brands are necessary for him or not.

Keeled → Business english
11 allalaadimist


Siin tähistatakse @algaastaga arv, millisest aastast alates sündinud laste nimesid tahetakse näha. string lause="SELECT eesnimi, synniaasta FROM lapsed "+ "WHERE synniaasta >= @algaasta"; Enne käskluse käivitamist tuleb siis parameetri kohta sobiv väärtus paigutada. Siin näites on kaks toimingut ühel real. Kõigepealt lisatakse käsklusele cm parameeter nimega @algaasta. Seejärel omistatakse loodud objekti omadusele Value väärtus 1997. Viimatine aastaarv on praegu küll kirjutatud lühiduse mõttes arvuna koodi, aga sinna saab paigutada kasutajalt tulnud väärtuse. cm.Parameters.Add("@algaasta", SqlDbType.Int).Value=1997; Vastuseks saame andmete loetelu nii nagu ikka. using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; class Baasiparameeter1{ public static void Main(string[] arg){ string constr="Data Source=RINDE\SQLEXPRESS;"+ "Initial Catalog=baas1; "+

Informaatika → Informaatika
32 allalaadimist

Old English Literature

3) The Verchelli Book 4) The Exeter Book 6.) Beowulf: who and when composed the epic?, when does the action take place?, who is the storyteller?(how do we know?), What kind of society is described in Beowulf?, when and by whom was Beowulf re-discovered?, who are the writers Beowulf has influenced=, how many parts does the epic have?, what is its format?, what are the main ideas the epic stresses? Describe the heroic code of the Anglo Saxons, how does it contradict the Christian value system? Beowulf was composed by an unknown Anglo-Saxon poet around 700 A.D The action of the poem takes place around 500 A.D The storyteller is a Christian poet, we know it, because he is often at pains to attribute Christian thoughts and motives to his characters, who frequently behave in un-Christian ways. Beowulf describes Saxon society. Beowulf was re-discovered in 19th century, when the interest in the poem was primarily historical. In 1936, Oxford scholar J.R.R

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
30 allalaadimist


" Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important." "Smile! If you can't lift the corners, let the middle sag." This is a quote from a dear old friend of mine, Leo Daniel: "Keep a smile on your face and let your personality be your autograph." "What's the use of worrying? It never was worth while, so pack up your troubles in your old kit- bag, and smile, smile, smile." SMILE, God loves you! Would you like to improve your face value? SMILE! It works every time! "No matter how small, a SMILE on your face tells all." "Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been." "Smile at someone and find something worth laughing about. As the laughter permeates your life, the spirit of celebration will take root in your heart." "A SMILE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND!" "A smile of encouragement at the right moment may act like sunlight on a closed-up flower; it may be the turning point for a struggling life."

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
88 allalaadimist

Economy of Estonia

considerable amount of raw material. Although just 1.2% of Estonia's workforce is engaged in forestry and the branch gives somewhat more than 1.7% of Estonia's production, it provides raw material for timber, paper and furniture industries, which make up another 8% of the overall production and which employ more than 7% of the workforce. The larger part of the output of Estonia's forestry and related industries goes for export, whereas Estonia increasingly exports goods of a higher value. The production and export of wooden construction details, wooden furniture and wooden houses has been going up consistently. The main export destinations are Finland, Sweden, Germany, Norway and Great Britain. Timber companies are located all over Estonia, a number of them in small towns or even in villages. The most important branch among processing industries in Estonia is timber, paper and furniture industry. Second comes the food processing

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Turundusplaani koostamine

about the market and knows a great deal about the needs of our most loyal customers. Toscana's management is both focused on repeat business as well as gaining new customers, who can then become part of Toscana's loyal customer family. Toscana customers share 3 main behavior factors: · Enjoy a high quality meal without the mess of making it themselves. · When ordering, health concerns in regard to foods are taken into account. · There is value attributed to the appearance or presentation of food. The market can be segmented into three target populations: · Individuals: people that dine in by themselves. · Families: a group of people, either friends or a group of relatives dining together. · Take out: people that prefer to eat Toscana's food in their home or at a different location than the actual restaurant. Toscana Gourmet seeks to fulfill the following market needs/benefits that are important to

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

In analyzing the different routes – interest expense versus debt as a base, the OECD proposes the former because it would be less complicated to control. Second, the OECD analyses different metrics to measure the economic activity and proposes using earnings (EBITDA, or EBIT – earnings before interest and taxes - if the country prefers the latter), but discusses also the benefits of using asset values as the base. It concludes that in many cases determining the market value of land, buildings, and e.g. intellectual property may become too complicated to arrive at reasonable results across different companies in different sectors, therefore preferring the earnings. There are some shortcomings to use earnings as a measure of economic activity – for example in case of a loss- making entity – but there are ways to overcome this by using targeted rules to carry forward (or back) the disallowed or unused interest expense. The definition of

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

W05 Homework3 Solutions

15-1/298.15)) = 25.5858 Calculate the Humidity Sensor resistance at relative humidity 70% See the above graphic for the standard resistance: Exercises - Solutions 3 R60% 25°C =33 kΩ, R70% 25°C =12 kΩ R70% 30°C=( R60% 30°C * R70% 25°C =)/ R60% 25°C =9.2 kΩ Or RH = 9.2 kΩ, give RT = 50 kΩ VO = RH/(RT+RH)*2.5V = 0.388 V Question 3 Given the following bridge circuit for a strain gauge, determine the value of the strain gauge resistance {RS}. Let: VIN = 5V R3 = 200 Ω R2 = 50 Ω R1 = 100 Ω a) Under no strain. b) When VOUT = 0.5 V {under strain}. Solution: a) Under no strain:  R1 R3   R1R4  R2 R3  VOUT     IN  V   VIN  R1  R2 R3  R 4   ( R1  R2 )( R3  R4 ) 

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
5 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

” Provide numeric values for all requirements. Numeric values can be binary for requirements that are best expressed in true/false form. The reason for having numeric values is that then it is easy to determine whether the design meets the requirements when the design is evaluated. Often it is helpful to present the key requirements, typically no more than six, in a table. The table would include the design requirement, importance, units, marginal value and ideal value. Page 3 of 9 For each entry, text describing the requirement, its source and why it is important should be in report body. One last thing to consider when setting design requirements is that they must be tested by you. If you do not (or cannot) test a requirement using a virtual prototype (computer model) or

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

Not checking the program may result in an unexpected operation. • Confirm that no adverse effect will occur in the system before attempting any of the following. Not doing so may result in an unexpected operation. • Changing the operating mode of the PC. • Force-setting/force-resetting any bit in memory. • Changing the present value of any word or any set value in memory. • Resume operation only after transferring to the new CPU Unit the contents of the DM and HR Areas required for resuming operation. Not doing so may result in an unexpected operation. • Do not pull on the cables or bend the cables beyond their natural limit. Doing either of these may break the cables.

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist


Britain is self-sufficient in 58 per cent of all types of food and animal feed. Large parts of Britain, notably in Scotland and Wales, are suitable only for grazing. Overall, in the first half of the 1990s about 39 per cent of agricultural land was under pasture, another 27 per cent under rough grazing, and the remainder under crops or lying fallow. Over half of all full-time farms are devoted to dairy or beef farming, or sheep. Cattle and sheep contribute more than 40 per cent of the value of gross agricultural output. Arable farming is concentrated mainly in eastern and south-central England and in eastern Scotland. The main crops grown are wheat, barley, oilseed rape, sugar beet, potatoes and oats. There is also a significant horticultural industry producing a variety of vegetables, orchard and soft fruits, and bulbs and flowers. The high productivity of the arable sector has been achieved by the removal of hedgerows to create larger fields, by mechanization, and by the

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Unit 5-6 sõnavara

Data- andmed, information or facts Control- to make something do what you want it to Transfer- ülekanne, to move something from one place to another Founds- amount of money Price- the amount of money for which something is sold or bought Open- first you need... an account Pay- to give money Account-konto Deposit-ettemaks Cheque-tsekk Debit- charge ­ arvele kandma Cash-raha Payment-maksmine Debit card Credit-krediit Transactions-tehing Balance-bilanss, jääk, saldo VAT- value added tax Corp ­ corporation i.e. - id est- that is N/A ­ not available / applicable Ltd- limited company AOB ­ any other business p.a. -per annum, yearly PAYE- pay as you earn asap -as soon as possible CEO ­ Chief executive officer e.g. ­egempligratia plc ­ public limited company

Keeled → Inglise keel
103 allalaadimist

European Union economic

European Union economic 9th May 1951, six Western-Europe countries (Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France and Germany) signed a treaty to run their heavy industries ­ coal and steel ­ under a common management. From this economic cooperation agreement, European Union has grown up. For today, the aim of this union has made 180º turn but the reason why more and more countries are joining it is still same ­ to rise the economy. So how does it work? European Union is functioning like an independent country. It collects taxes to reach its objectives. Taxes are collected mainly from member countries GDP (1,1% of countries budget) but as well the import duties on good bought into EU. Also, every member country is paying 0,1%-0,33% of their VAT (value added tax). It is the way how EU gets its budget which is about 120 billion per year. This money is spent mainly to improve agriculture (direct aid, export refunds, sto...

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Film review

· Personal opinion, recomnedations (Who for) 1. introductions 2. social system 3. when? (30 years ago) when filmed 4. mates` opinion Film review ,,Educating Rita" Some English lessons ago I saw a comedy about a teacher and a very memorable student. It was filmed abot 30 years ago by A young wife decides to complete her education and take her exams. She meets a professor who teaches her to value her own insights while still being able to beat the exams. Bored with teaching undergraduates English literature, Frank Bryant morosely reflects through a whisky glass on his failed marriage and his attempt at becoming a poet. His world is turned upside down by the arrival of Rita, a hairdresser who has decided to find herself by taking an Open University course. And then Rita crashes into Dr. Frank Bryant's life wanting an education, although she has no idea what it is that she's asking

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Floating Wind Turbines

Three main types of floating wind platforms Ballast stabilized Tension Leg Platforms Buoyancy Stabilized (Hywind) BUOYANCY STABILIZED Technology and advantages Access to previously inaccessible waters. Commissioned and assembled at the quayside. Foundations not necessary 1. Sea life disturbance minimized 2. Reduced geotechnical requirements Also 3. Considerably less noise and visual pollution 4. Greater energy/cost value Initiatives - Hywind Developed by Norwegian energy company Statoil ASA World's first full-scale floating wind turbine 10 km off the soutwest coast of Norway 100 meters beneath the sea's surface Can be employed at ocean depths of 120 to 700 meters Main objective is to test the impact of wind and waves on the structure over a two-year period Initiatives ­ Blue H Dutch company Blue H Technologies has devised a `Submerged Deepwater Platform' (SDP)

Loodus → Keskkonnatehnoloogia
7 allalaadimist

Vajalikud Exceli funktsioonid

Funktsioon COUNT Funktsioon COUNTA Funktsioon COUNTBLANK Funktsioon COUNTIF Funktsioon COUNTIFS Funktsioon MAX Funktsioon MEDIAN Funktsioon MIN Tekstifunktsioonid Funktsioon Funktsioon CONCATENATE Funktsioon FIND Funktsioon LEFT Funktsioon LEN Funktsioon LOWER Funktsioon MID Funktsioon PROPER Funktsioon REPLACE Funktsioon REPT Funktsioon RIGHT Funktsioon SEARCH Funktsioon SUBSTITUTE Funktsioon TEXT Funktsioon TRIM Funktsioon UPPER Funktsioon VALUE Kirjeldus Annab vastuseks valitud andmebaasikirjete keskmise. Loendab andmebaasi lahtrid, mis sisaldavad arve. Loendab andmebaasi lahtrid, mis pole tühjad. Annab vastuseks valitud andmebaasikirjete suurima väärtuse. Annab vastuseks valitud andmebaasikirjete väikseima väärtuse. Liidab arvud kriteeriumidele vastavasse andmebaasi kirjeteveergu.

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
54 allalaadimist

"Legal english vs everyday english" speech

can be used instead? Body 1: Firstly, we all like to follow traditions, right? So do most lawyers. You know Latin was and is important for English law, the practice of using Latin word versus in case names (for "against") still occurs daily. Why change something that has been used and appreciated for thousands of years? Law is known for it's conservatism and legalese might have maintained so well because many lawyers have learned it's value and feel special to be one of the few who can understand it. Secondly, legal language includes some very complex linguistic practices of an ancient profession, so maybe the best way to sound like a professional is to use as much legal vocabulary as possible. There are literally thousands of terms to choose from. No one will doubt that you are a real professional if you use the right expressions. Body 2:

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Unit 5 words

Unit5 Words Offer- pakkuma Lay- asetama, katma Layer- kiht Container- nõu, anum Cardborad- kartong, papp Tight- tihe, tugev, tugevasti seotud Drive-in sissesõidu Board- laud tahvel Yard- jard(0,9144m) Trashcan- prügikast Refill- uuesti täitma Store- hoiule panema Steak praad Fried chicken kanapraad Menu menüü Dessert- magustoit Pie pirukas To specialise in spetsialiseeruma Counter lett Lid kaas Customer klient Extracharge lisatasu To be broud of olema ühke millegi üles Task 67 „to go“ means to take away The menu in a drive in restaurants is displayed on a board Plastic knives and forks are thrown into a trashcan after a meal Americans usually tip waitresses 15% In a coffee shop you can have extra cups of coffee for no extra charge Americans have deep freezers to store food Macdonalds specializes in fast food Hot drinks are in plastic cups with tight lids Task 68 Deep freeze- a fridge or a room , in which food is stored for a long ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

VBA - graafika

Aeg max_aeg Putukaid püütud Kiirus 0,00 15 0 6 Putukate püüdmine Mängu alustamiseks tuleb vajutada nuppu "Start". Mängu alguses hakkab püüdja liikuma suvalises suunas vabalt valitud kiirusega. Maksimaalset aega saab samuti ise valida. Aja täitumisel mäng peatub. Mängu eesmärk on võimalikult palju putukaid püüda. Kui püüdja puutub putukat (või on selle peal), siis tuleb vajutada "Püüa" nuppu. Kõik püütud putukad lähevad kasti. Mängu lõppedes ütleb programm, mitu putukat püüdsite. Et mängu uuesti alustada, tuleb kõik putukad laiali uuesti ajada. Selleks tuleb kasutada nuppu "Laiali". See nupp töötab ainult siis, kui mäng on peatatud. Mängu saab peatada ka keset mängu nupuga "Peata", kuid samast kohast edasi mängida seda ei saa. Maksimaalset aega saab valida 15 kuni 60 sekundi vahel. Püüdja kiirus on vahemikus 4 kuni 10. Mida suurem on number püüdja kiirusel, seda kiiremini ta liigub. Putukai...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
67 allalaadimist

Hinnangud, hüpoteesid, regressioon

Hinnangud, hüpoteesid, regressioon Proovitükk nr. 6 Kolmas kodutöö õppeaines Metsandusliku andmetöötluse alused Lähteandmeteks on Teie proovitüki 1. rinde enamuspuuliigi keskmine diameeter (rühmitamata andmed). Kopeerige see tulp sellele samale töölehele. Punkthinnangud, vahemikhinnangud, valimi maht Eeldame, et teie proovitükil mõõdetud andmete põhjal tahame teha järeldusi samalaadse üldkogumi kohta Selleks arvuta järgmised statistikud oma proovitüki kohta 1) Leida 1. rinde enamuspuuliigi diameetri kohta (rühmitamata andmetest) järgmised suurused: keskväärtuse hinnang (aritmeetiline keskmine), 4.921 dispersioon, 7.352 standardhälve, 2.712 standardhälbe viga 0.183 ...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus alused
19 allalaadimist

Ostujuhtimise põhikursus

Täppisajastamine- Varude juhtimise süsteem, mis korraldab koosteks ja tootmiseks vajalike materjalide liikumist, koordineerides nõudlust ja tarneid nii, et soovitud materjalid saabuvad kohale siis, kui neid vajatakse. tarneahela juhtimine tarnevõrgu kavandamine- A supply chain is a network of organizations that are involved through upstream and downstream linkages in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate customer. SCM is the task of integrating organizational units along a supply chain and coordinating materials, information, and financial flows in order to fulfill the demands of the ultimate customer with the aim of improving competitiveness of a supply chain as a whole. SCE creates network structures, processes and establishments along the supply chain in a certain way. 2. Ostutsükkel

Majandus → Otsustusprotsessi alused
51 allalaadimist

Artikli kokkuvõte akadeemilises inglise keeles „Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)“

the effectiveness of production, helping to personalise retail. To meet the needs of customers, globalisation of business models is likely required, supporting collaboration of service providers and mobile operators worldwide. A new array of commercial models is becoming more important, like the B2B2C where the service is sold by another business with an end-user base. Customer charges are likely to be associated with service value instead of usage, making connectivity an element of the service, and therefore not being visible for the consumer. Mobile operators should avoid becoming mere merchandise by boosting the potential of their networks for value added services to become a part of a US$ 422.6 billion industry. One of the latest innovations is the ability to remote provisioning of IoT devices used in hazardous locations, by using an embedded sim which takes away the need to access the sim physically.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


Accordance- vastavuses Achieve- savutama Additional strengthening- tugevdus Adjust- regulerima Adjustable blades- reguleritavad labad Advantage- Eelis Adverse weather- alub ilm Affect- mõjumama Afterpeak- ahtripikk Aids- abi vahendit Allot- välja jägama Anchoring gear- ankru seade Anti-clockwise ­ vastu päev Anti-cyclone- anti tsüklon Anti-fouling paint- mürk värv Apply to ­ taotlema Approve- heaks kiitma Assess- hindama Auxiliary engine- abi masin Avoid- vältima Award- autosutama Axis- teelg Balance rudder- balanseerool Beam- põikitala Bearing- peiling Beathing- sildumine Bevel- kaldserv Bevel wheel- konushammas ratas Bhp-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The environment in realtion to mobility/transport in Europe

Many countries have green day weeks, when people don't use their cars, but they travel by buses or bicycles. Estonia has this week also. The 11tk edition of Green Week. The biggest annual conference on European environment policy, will be take place from 24 to 27 May 2011 in Brussels. This years theme is "Resources Efficiency- Using less, living better". Resources efficiency means using the Earth´s limited resources in a sustainable manner. It means producing more value with fewer inputs, lessening our impact on the environment. And consuming in a more intelligent fashion.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

The Republic of Estonia - referaat

Kerli Uue 10.r The Republic of Estonia Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic divided into 15 counties. The capital and largest city is Tallinn. Estonia's neighbours are Latvia, Russia and Finland. The parliment is named ,,The Riigikogu." The Estonian parliament has 101 members and influences the governing of the state primarily by determining the income and the expenses of the state. The Riigikogu elects and appoints several high officials of the state, including the President of the Republic. The Parliament of Estonia is elected by people for a four year term by proportional representation. The Government of Estonia is formed by the Prime Minister of Estonia, nominated by the president and approved by the parliament. The government exercises executive power pursuant to the Constitution of Estonia and the laws ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

procedures of a partners' general meeting, as well as its scope of authority shall be stipulated in accordance with the regulations identified in this Article. 5. Partners' meeting shall make decisions on the following issues: a) Types of production, commencement and cancellation of industrial activity; b) Approval of changes in the data of an application for registration and the Statute; c) Opening and liquidation of branch offices; d) Investments with the value of each or all of them exceeding 50% of the company assets in a fiscal year; e) Taking liabilities with the value of each or all of them exceeding 50% of the company assets; f) Guarantees for the liabilities that do not belong to a regular industrial activity and have a value which exceeds 50% of the value of the company assets; g) Issuance and cancellation of procurement; h) Approval of annual results; i) Selection of an audit; 12

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (andmete korrastamine)

a vabalt valitud väärtusele, klõpsa hiire paremat klahvi ja vali Sort-Sort Larges to Smallest. Märgista andmed A veerus, seejärel vajuta alla Ctrl klahv, märgista andmed F veerus, vali Insert menüüst käsud Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart-Pie. Sisesta pealkiri. Kustuta legend. Diagrammile väärtuste ja andmesiltide lisamiseks ning % näitamiseks klõpsa diagrammi parema kõrval olevat + märki ja vali Data Label-More Options. Märgista Category Name, eemalda märgistus Value eest, märgista Percentage ning vali Label Position-Outside End. NB! Varasemates versioonides vali siin ja edaspidi + märgi asemel käsud Table Tools menüü Layout sakilt. Muuda vajadusel hiirega tekstikastide asetust nii, et nendes olevaid andmeid oleks lihtsam jälgida. Office'I tugi diagrammiliikide kohta Office'I tugi andmete märgistamiseks diagrammi loomisel Office'I tugi diagrammi loomise kohta tekstiliselt (ka pealkiri, legend, trendijoon)

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun