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"types" - 557 õppematerjali

types – siin saame XSD importida või kohapeal deklareerida  Messages – iga requesti ja response jaoks on siin üks sõnum  PortType – kirjeldab operatsioonid ja nende sisend ning väljund sõnumid.

Autoriõigused ja autoriõiguste kaitse

All other authors' works, principal views, also data from literature and other sources, which were used in preparing present course work, have been referred. The course work consists of three chapters. The first chapter speaks about the development of copyright in Estonia, about author's personal and proprietary rights. The author of the course work expatiates on protection of copyright. The second chapter speaks about the reasons why piracy arises and about types of piracy. Third chapter speaks about intellectual property using studies, fighting against piracy and responsibility associating with piracy. The content part of course work consists of twenty eight pages, plus the part of used literature sources on two pages. The necessity to study the subject of present course work and its actuality comes foremost from the fact, that many people are not conscious, that the theft of intellectual property is the same theft as, for example, stealing a car

Õigus → Õigus
128 allalaadimist


contempt: training in the dust; handling by executioners and men associated with black soot; Historically, it is possible to observe how the national flag, as in Britain, has continuously moved from the sacred to the mundane sphere. Before 1939, it was hardly ever displayed by individuals, as it was associated with an official and/or royal context. In contemporary Britain it is also used as decoration, for example on clothing. There are three main types of flags: Cross Flags (type 1), Tricolours (type 2), and Heraldic Flags displaying mainly heraldic devices (type 3). The symbolic origin for the `old' cross flags was religious. Cross Flags (Type 1) The oldest flags of Europe are those which display the Christian Cross. Many of them have their origin during the Crusades and the military campaigns undertaken in the name of Christianity. Others have been selected later in order to symbolise the role of Christianity in the formation of

Keeled → British culture (briti...
8 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 2 mõisted

among several branches (executive, legislative, judicial) — an attempt to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a small group of people. In such a system, the executive does not pass laws (the role of the legislature) or interpret them (the role of the judiciary). Instead, the executive enforces the law as written by the legislature and interpreted by the judiciary. The executive can be the source of certain types of law, such as a decree or executive order. Executive bureaucracies are commonly the source of regulations. The judiciary of the United Kingdom are the separate judiciaries of the three legal systems in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. However, the judges of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, Employment Tribunals, Employment Appeal Tribunal and the UK tribunals system do have a United Kingdom-wide jurisdiction.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Suusakuurort (L) Ökospaa (L) Lemmiklooma sõbralik kuurort (L) Mobiilne spaa (L) Luksuskuurort (L) Luksusspaa (L) Mudaravikuurort (R) Ravispaa (R) Mineraalveekuurort (R) Mineraalveespaa (R) Spaakuurort (L) Kuurortspaa (L) Kuurortlinn (L) Spaalinnak (L) Allikas: autori koostatud (ENE 1990: 258; Types... 2011; Resort 2011; Eesti... 2007; Scherriebi joonise, viidatud Haedrich et al 1998: 683 vahendusel; ja Põllula 2010 põhjal) Nagu kuurortide ja spaade liigitus, on segadusttekitav ja üksteisest läbipõimunud ka nendesse kuuluvate komponentide loetelu. Tabelisse 2 on koondatud kuurortide ja spaade võimalikud (mitte kohustuslikud) komponendid, mis on kohati väga sarnased ning tekitavad küsimuse, kas 21. sajandil on ,,kuurort" ja ,,spaa" veel kaks eraldiseisvat

Majandus → Turundus
54 allalaadimist

Harjutus 2

Without prejudice to Article 6, a safety and/or health sign which was already in use at work before the date referred to in Article 11 (1) first subparagraph must fulfil the minimum requirements set out in Annexes I to IX by no later than eighteen months after that date. Article 6 Exemptions 1. Taking account of the types of activity and/or size of the undertakings concerned, Member States may specify categories of undertakings allowed to replace totally, partially or temporarily the illuminated signs, and/or acoustic signals provided for in this Directive by alternative measures which afford the same level of protection. 2. Member States may derogate, after consulting both sides of industry,

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
170 allalaadimist

Merepraktika aruanne: Praktikakoht Victoria I

. Ergopod control option . Radar Interlay Display . User Mapping - linked to radar . Display of Chart Updates . Networking . Safety Checking and Warning . Complete Voyage Recording including past track . Fully Type Approved to IEC 61174 . Type Approved Autopilot Track Control 72 NIS 2002 MkII AIS This new generation Automatic Identification System (AIS) from Kelvin Hughes provides the optimal AIS solution for use on all types of ships. The NIS 2002 MkII is fully in compliance with international regulation and standards as well as with national and class requirements. The NIS 2002 MkII Transponder consists of a combined radio transceiver unit, GPS receiver, controller unit and a separate display (MKD) unit, complete with GPS and VHF antennas. The NIS 2002 MkII Transponder can easily be interfaced to the required sensors on the bridge e.g. Gyro and GNSS

Merendus → Merepraktika
295 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine kordamisküsimused

ON). x Acquisitions to buy customer relationships and to tie new customers closely to one's own operations (e.g. Tieto). x Acquisitions to speed up the development of capabilities and extend one's product portfolio (e.g. Cisco Systems). x Acquisitions to renew and reorganize a company's portfolio and to direct it to a new direction (e.g. Metso, ABB). Acquisitive Growth ­ The Challenges x There are numerous examples of different types of acquisition strategy failure (e.g. Conseco, Worldcom, AOL, ABB). x Academic research on acquisitions finds that the acquired company's shareholders tend to benefit while the wealth effects to acquirer's shareholders are either neutral or slightly negative. x Different potential drivers of value destruction have been identified o Problems of post-acquisition integration, cultural clashes o Managerial overconfidence

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
290 allalaadimist

Arengu uuringud, käsitlused, mõõdikud

Miks: firmad tugevamaks kui riigivõim. Riik lokaalne, äri globaalne. As state power has shrunk, the sphere of influence of business has widened. Kas CSR vaid suurte korporatsioonide teema? • Kuidas: Klaus Schwab Five core concepts--corporate governance, corporate philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, corporate social entrepreneurship, and global corporate citizenship--define the different types of business engagement. Juhtimine. Corporate governance is more than the way in which a company is run. It means that a company complies with local and international laws, transparency and accountability requirements, ethical norms, and environmental and social codes of conduct. More than 3,000 companies in about 120 countries have signed on to the UN Global Compact, a framework of ten core principles to guide business behavior in

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Exami materajal

järjestikuselt kujult paralleelsele kujule ja vastuidi. Reverssiivne - nihkeregister, mis suudab nihet nii paremale kui vasakule. Ilma nihketa ehk rööpregistrisse salvestatakse info rööpkoodis, n-kohalise arvu jaoks n-trigerit. · loendurid (Counter) In general, a counter is a device which stores (and sometimes displays) the number of times a particular event or process has occurred often in relationship to a clock. In practice, there are two types of counters: *up counters which increase (increment) in value *down counters which decrease (decrement) in value. kahend, kümnend, suvalise mooduliga, sünkroonne, asünkroonne, jne. Nim impulsside loendamiseks ettenähtud loogikalülitust. Loendur on register, millesse salvestatud arv sisendile antud signaali mõjul suureneb ühe võrra. Summeerivad-loendavad päripidi, Lahutavad-loendavad tagurpidi (reverssiivne), sõltuvalt info ülekandmise viisist jaot

Informaatika → Arvutid
220 allalaadimist


välismaailma nägemus: keskklassi kodanlik keskpärasus ja ameerika ainelisuse taunimine Religiooni mõju kasvab · Nn. Teine ärkamine 1830. Aastatel · Protestantismi uued voolud: metodistid (suurim kirik USA-s 1840. Aastatel) ja baptistid · Mormoonid (Joseph Smith 1830, hiljem Utah) · Iirlaste immigratsiooni mõju: kodusõja eelõhtul on roomakat. Kirik suurim konfessioon USA-s · Rändjutustajate suur mõju Suhtumine indiaanlastesse enne kodusõda · The types of mankind 1854: valge rass on ülirass ja indiaanlased ja neegrid kuuluvad vähemarenenud rasside hulka · Indiaanlased ühiskonna väline rass · Lõhestunud suhtumine: imetlus ja põlgus · Esialgu sooviti assimileerida, seejärel võeti kasutusele reservaadid 1830. Aastatel (Oklahoma) · Lääne väljarändajate jaoks indiaanlane oli vaenlane · Filosoofid, kirjanikud, ajaloolased tundsid huvi indiaanlaste vastu: romantika idealiseeriv looduslapse teooria:

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
52 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

Abstract This article looks at the advantages and disadvantages of using Java and Java 3D for games programming. It assumes the reader is familiar with Java, but presents short overviews of gaming, the low-level APIs OpenGL and DirectX, and Java 3D. No programming examples are included here, although links to online code are supplied. 1. Background to Gaming Giving a definition for `computer game' is problematic, due to the wide range of game types. For example, the ArcadePod site ( divides its hundreds of Java games into more than ten categories: 3D games, multiplayer, action, classic, indoor sports, board, outdoor sports, card, mind, casino, educational, and the useful `miscellaneous' catch-all. This makes it difficult to pin down the typical content of a game, and highlights the range of design and programming skills required to create one.

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

Metsatulekahjud Eestis

Agonum quadripunctatum (Coleoptera: Carabidae). ­ Annales Zoologici Feenici, lk 375-384. Summary In the current research there were studied and analyzed the economic impact of forest fires on the environment, the reasons of forest fires, the climatic effects on forest fires, and the efficiencies of the preventive methods of the forest fires. This work tries to give an overview about the kinds of the forest fires, the basic types of the fire extinguishers, and the safety standards, the genesis and what could happen to forest after fire. Years 1997 and 2007 were thoroughly analyzed, and the conclusion of those years confirmed the second analyze, where the forest fires were studied in the first Estonian Republic, and forest burnings in years 1998, 2006, 2008 and 2010, too. This research was conducted during the winters at 2010 and 2011, what was based on relevant literature and meteorological observations

Loodus → Keskkonnakaitse
36 allalaadimist

K24 mootor

Märt Reinhold HONDA K24A3 MOOTORI ÜMBEREHITUS SAAVUTAMAKS MOOTORIVÕIMSUST 200kW LÕPUTÖÖ Tallinn 2015 Märt Reinhold HONDA K24A3 MOOTORI ÜMBEREHITUS SAAVUTAMAKS MOOTORIVÕIMSUST 200kW LÕPUTÖÖ Transporditeaduskond Autotehnika Tallinn 2015 Mina Märt Reinhold tõendan, et lõputöö on minu kirjutatud. Töö koostamisel kasutatud teiste autorite, sh juhendaja teostele on viidatud õiguspäraselt. Kõik isiklikud ja varalised autoriõigused käesoleva lõputöö osas kuuluvad autori/te/le ainuisikuliselt ning need on kaitstud autoriõiguse seadusega. Lõputöö autor: ........................................................................................................................ Nimi, allkiri ja allkirjastamise kuupäev ...................................................................................................

Tehnika → Tehnikalugu
20 allalaadimist

Immunoloogia eksami kordamisküsimused

molekulidega CD4+ Th rakkudele esitlemiseks. Professional APCs specialize in presenting antigen to T cells. They are very efficient at internalizing antigens, either by phagocytosis (macrophages and dendritic cells) or by receptor-mediated endocytosis (B cells), processing the antigen into peptide fragments and then displaying those peptides, bound to a class II MHC molecule, on their membrane. Non-professional antigen presenting cells include all nucleated cell types in the body. They use an MHC class I molecule coupled to beta-2 microglobulin to display endogenous peptides on the cell membrane. 18. T rakkude areng. Positiivne ja negatiivne selektsioon tüümuses. AIRE. MHC restriktsioon. Rakkude populatsioonid tüümuses (FACS analüüs hiire tüümusest). T rakk (/) tunneb ära ainult lineaarseid peptiidseid epitoope, mis on seondunud MHCII või MHCI molekulidele. TCR-ist olenevalt esineb kahesuguseid T rakke: vôi . Inimese ja hiire

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia
57 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

Juhtumi valiku kriteeriumid · Juhtumi(te) valikul tuleb vastata küsimusele: kas (Silverman, 2002) · Teooriast lähtuv juhtumi valimine. ,,Choosing cases in terms of your theory" (105) seda juhtumit uurides on võimalik saada vastus ­ ,,choosing a kind of sample of particular ,,processes, types, categories or examples which are relevant to or appear within the wider universe ... examples of these would include single units püstitatud uurimusküsimustele · such as ,,an organization, allocation, a document ... [or] a conversation. (106)

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist


The study was divided into three sections, in first part author explored the term of nanotechnology, patenting in Europe and United States, also approaching in patent law etc. Next sections analyzed the problems of patenting nanotechnology, mainly regarding research area originality and into practice reaching patent law bottlenecks. In third part author tried to ascertain potential solutions how to accommodate nanotechnology into current patent framework. Mainly there are about four types of potential problems: (1) interdisciplinary problems created by the breath of the nanotechnology; (2) inoperability problems; (3) practical-utility and (4) upstream research problems. Nowadays patent law generally gives patent owner singular opportunity to exclude others from making, selling or using patent-like products. To receive that protection, invention has to pass certain procedure, hereby nanotechnological inventions

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Side teooria

15.1 ja 1942.a. ameerika tootab samas sagedusalas nagu WiFi. Lisaks Interference Ratio). andmesidekanalile · Multiuser detection and smart antennas can on voimalik kasutada ka kolme konekanalit. Igal be used to seadmel on oma increase capacity and coverage. unikaalne 48-bitine aadress. Uhendused voivad · Multiple types of handoff (or handover) olla nii between different kakspunkt- kui multipunktuhendused. cells including soft handoff, softer handoff Andmeedastuskiirus on 1 and hard Mbit/s (teise polvkonna seadmetel 2 Mbit/s). handoff. Sagedushupitamise · W-CDMA on üldiselt võttes kombineeritud

Informaatika → Side
241 allalaadimist

Füsioloogia kordamisküsimused 2014

the hormone. b. Epinephrine is a hormone that has a significant effect on the radius of blood vessels. Epinephrine is secreted by the adrenal medulla (an endocrine gland atop the kidneys) in response to sympathetic stimulation. Epinephrine enters the blood stream and travels to all part the body interacting with those cells having epinephrine receptors on their cell surface. c. There are two types of epinephrine receptors found in blood vessels, alpha receptors () and beta-2 receptors (). Epinephrine can cause either vasoconstiction or vasodilation of blood vessels depending on the type of receptor found in the smooth muscle of a particular vessel. d. The binding of epinephrine to  receptors leads to vasoconstriction. receptors are found in all arterioles. e

Bioloogia → Füsioloogia
40 allalaadimist


ETOLOOGIA II moodul Ürgema needus 14.nov R. Mänd Kõigepealt olid ainuraksed · Sigisid pooldumise teel (geneetiline materjal kahekordistub, seejärel rakk pooldub kaheks ­ tütarrakud saavad identsed DNA) Umbes miljon aastat tagasi hakati suguliselt sigima · DNA kahekordistub, liitub teistega, DNA saab olema varieeruvam, pole enam identne oma esivanematega · Geneetilise konkurentsi võitluses on oluline oma DNAd edasi anda. · Suguline sigimine levis väga kiiresti ­ tänaseks vähe järele jäänud vähe neid, kes enam ei sigi suguliselt. - Tegemist on nn evolutsioonilise paradoksiga ­ suguline sigimine kulukas ja pealegi päranduvad edasi vaid pooled geenid. + Paindlikum süsteem ­ kui keskkond peaks järsku muutuma, siis tänu suurele varieeruvusele on ellujäämisvõimalus vähemalt osadel olemas. Homoseksualism · Sigiti küll suguliselt, kuid organism polnud veel SU...

Bioloogia → Etoloogia
122 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

were doing agriculturally well,so romans wanted to get some food too In 54BC Caesar defeated Cassivelaunus Actual reasons why he made expeditions are unknown or wheteher he wanted to intend conquest The Roman Occupation 43-410 43 AD Emperor Claudius conquered Britain, it was easy, romans were more skilled and betetr equipped. Romans faced assaults of Picts, Scots, barbarians. 406-7 barbarians begin invasion Legacy- new types of animals, plants; miles, feet, inches-roman measurements;christianity; Roman basilica in curches; reading, writing; buildings, roads Christianity in Roman Britain Until 4th C christians were persecuted 313 AD Emperor Constantine legalised christianity 380 AD Emperor Theodosius I made it the official religion of the empire Paganism had been eclipsed but continued to pose a political, religious challenge Boudicca

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

principles of the hydraulics and mechanics component or connection and the adjacent in this Chapter entail the removal used on the K-Jetronic system are unchanged area. of fuel pipes and connections on the KE-Jetronic system. The main Place any removed components on a clean which may result in some fuel difference between the two types is that on the surface and cover them with plastic sheet or spillage. Before carrying out any operation KE-Jetronic system all mixture corrections are paper. Do not use fluffy rags for cleaning. on the fuel system refer to the precautions controlled electronically by an electromagnetic The system operates under pressure at all given in Safety First! at the beginning of

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

cific pieces of information that normally tell us when compliance with a re- quest is likely to be correct and beneficial. Each of these trigger features for compliance can be used like a weapon (of influence) to stimulate people to agree to requests. Study Questions Content Mastery 1. What are fixed-action patterns among animals? How are they similar to some types of human functioning? How are they different? 2.. What makes automatic responding in humans so attractive? So dangerous? STUDY QUESTIONS _ Critical Thinking 1. Suppose you were an attorney representing a woman who broke her leg in a depart- ment store and was suing the store for $100,000 in damages. Knowing only what you

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist


abuse and neglect, Estonian perspective was given, and (2) eas. including studies during past decade in Estonia an overview is Lapse väärkohtlemine, nagu ka teised perevägivalla given about two aspects of child abuse and neglect: (a) attitudes vormid, kuulub agressiivse käitumise kui üldmõiste alla, toward different types of child abuse and neglect among adults, kusjuures lapse väärkohtlemisel on teda teistest perevägivalla adolescents and children, and also among different deviant aduks, vormidest eristavad tunnusjooned, millele alljärgnevalt adolescents and children; (b) a prevalence of different types of keskendutakse. child abuses and neglect among different groups of children and Agressioon on ühe inimese poolne kahjustav või adolescents

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
166 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

11. Summary The main theme that emerged from the literature review of academic and industry publications is the importance of collaboration that is needed to facilitate the design and construction of a complex structure. Adopting BIM necessitates a closer form of collaboration (Eastman et al., 2008). The architectural firm has a two-way link in the collaboration. On the one side are the design consultants - structural, mechanical, etc. On the other side are the general contractor and many types of subcontractors and fabricators providing early input of constructability, so that there is a smooth transition from design intent into realization. Using the building model to facilitate this integrated team will allow earlier and more concurrent use of their knowledge in less linear and more 19 concurrent settings, thus addressing multiple factors beyond those of constructability. A

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Arvutid I eksami materjal

By selecting which inputs drive each AND gate, and which AND gates drive the OR gate, any Boolean function can be created. It can be shown that any Boolean function can be reduced to a sum of products, and can therefore be created by a sufficiently large PAL. A PAL is programmed by fitting it into a machine called a PAL programmer. PAL programmers are usually general-purpose machines that can program all types of PLD from all manufacturers. A PAL may be programmed only once. The PAL programmer must be supplied with a description of the PAL's desired configuration. This is usually in the form of a computer text file with a standard format defined by the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC). JEDEC files can be hand-typed by the design engineer or, more commonly, produced by a computer program similar to the language compilers used by software engineers.

Informaatika → Arvutid i
476 allalaadimist

Arvutid 1 eksam

By selecting which inputs drive each AND gate, and which AND gates drive the OR gate, any Boolean function can be created. It can be shown that any Boolean function can be reduced to a sum of products, and can therefore be created by a sufficiently large PAL. A PAL is programmed by fitting it into a machine called a PAL programmer. PAL programmers are usually general-purpose machines that can program all types of PLD from all manufacturers. A PAL may be programmed only once. The PAL programmer must be supplied with a description of the PAL's desired configuration. This is usually in the form of a computer text file with a standard format defined by the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC). JEDEC files can be hand-typed by the design engineer or, more commonly, produced by a computer program similar to the language compilers used by software engineers.

Informaatika → Arvutid i
587 allalaadimist

Tänapäeva sotsiaalprobleemid

 1960 aastatel seletati peresuhete ebastabiilsusega ära paljud negatiivsed nähtused. Tugev toetus seisukohale sotsiaaltöötajate poolt  Katsed psühholoogiliste meetodite kasutamisega sotsiaaltöös vaesust tõrjuda luhtusid. Need seisukohad kuulutati mitte teooriaks vaid ideoloogiaks. Mitte teadus, vaid usk.  Edaspidi asendati need teooriad erinevate kapitalide teooriatega. Esimene oli inimkapitali teooria (pärit A. Smith ´ilt, four types of fixed capital (1) useful machines, instruments of the trade; 2) buildings as the means of procuring revenue; 3) improvements of land and 4) human capital.  P.Bourdieu töös “The Forms of capital” nimetatakse majanduslikku, kultuurilist, sümboolset ja sotsiaalset kapitali.  Edasi muutusidki sotsiaalse kapitali jm teooriad populaarseks. Inimesed ei kasuta ära turu (tööjõuturu) võimalusi ja see on nende süü.

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
217 allalaadimist

Kirjandusteaduse alused

Erilise tähtsuse omistamine Metafoorne ja temaatiline ühtsus UUSKRIITIKA 49.Tekkepõhjused ja põhialused Tekkepõhjused 1940 - 1950ndad, alguse saanud 20. saj. alguses Toetub modernistlike luuletajate Ezra Poundi ja T. S. Elioti töödele, mõjutatud modernistlikust esteetikast laiemalt. J. C. Ransom The New Criticism (1941), I. A. Richards, Practical Criticism (1929); The Philosophy of Rhetoric (1936), W. Empson, Seven Types of Ambiguity (1930), C. Brooks & R. P. Warren Understanding Poetry (1938), Understanding Fiction (1943) Uuskriitika moto "The text itself" > tekstikesksus Põhiline uuritav zanr < luule Põhimõisted, alused Intentional fallacy ­ kavatsuslik eksitus Affective fallacy ­ tundmuslik eksitus Põhimeetod: lähilugemine e. eksplikatsioon (close reading), detailne ja nünssidele keskenduv teksti koostisosade analüüs, eriti fookuses teksti mitmetähenduslikkus (ambiguity)

Kirjandus → Kirjandusteadus
46 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

Hero's Journey. Book One, Mapping the Journey, is a quick survey of the territory. Chapter I is a revision of the "Practical Guide" and a concentrated presentation of the twelve-stage Hero's Journey. You might think of this as the m a p of a journey we are about to take together through the special world of story. Chapter 2 is an introduction to the archetypes, the dramatis personae of myth and story. It describes eight common character types or psychological functions found in all stories. xxxi THE WRITER'S JOURNEY ~ THIRD EDITION Christopher Vogler Book Two, Stages o f the Journey, is a more detailed examination of the twelve elements of the Hero's Journey. Each chapter is followed by suggestions for your further exploration, Questioning the Journey. An Epilogue, Looking Back

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist


of Estonia are used for the analysis and the different indexes of AS Even of different years are compared and representative calculations are made. In order to get a better overview, the indexes are concentrated in charts and a graphic presentation of data has been used. In the first part of the Bachelor's thesis the nature and the users of the analysis of solvency was studied. An overview of the sources of information of the analysis, the different types of the analysis, and the phases of the compilation of the analysis was given. It was found that the primary foundation material of the analysis comprises the financial statements of the enterprise including in the annual report of the enterprise and, in turn, composed of a balance sheet, a profit and loss statement, a statement of cash flows and annexes thereto. It was found that the statements had to be considered together, since they complement each

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
415 allalaadimist

Infosüsteemide ülalhoid - konspekt

Koosneb IT teenuseosutaja erinevate valdkondade, äripoole ja kolmandatest isikutest (tarnijate esindajad) CAB/EC – CAB Emergency Committee Erakorraliste muudatuste otsustamiseks CDB – Capacity Management Database Koosneb ühest või mitmest andmebaasist, mis teenindavad repository’dena , hoidmaks arvukalt andmetüüpe, mida alamprotsessid kasutavad? (A Capacity Management Database (CDB) consists of one or more databases that serve as a repository for holding multiple types of data used by its subprocesses.) CFIA – Component Failure Impact Analysis Tehnika, mis aitab määrata CI tõrke puhul selle mõju IT teenustele. Koostatakse mõjude maatriks (IT teenused ühel küljel ja teisel CI-d) -> kriitiliste CI-de ja haprate IT teenuste tuvastamiseks CI – Configuration Item Komponent, mida on vaja hallata IT teenuse osutamiseks. Tavaliselt IT teenused, riistvara, tarkvara, ehitused, inimesed ja ametlik dokumentatsioon. Neid haldab konfiguratsioonihaldus.

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide ülalhoid
80 allalaadimist


“standardontoloogiaid” ITK 2007, Kalev Pihl Sissejuhatus informaatikasse 33 Ontoloogiakeeled -OWL beer-ont, v.1.0 An ontology that models brewers and types of beer. ITK 2007, Kalev Pihl Sissejuhatus informaatikasse 34 Semantiline veeb ... ... ei veel valmis, aga areneb jõudsalt! ITK 2007, Kalev Pihl Sissejuhatus informaatikasse 35 Veebiteenused teisest vaatenurgast •Web Services ja SOA on selgelt saamas valdavaks tarkvara arhitektuuri mudeliks •SOA implementeerib parima senistest kogemustest: .Taaskasutus .Modulaarsus

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

Hispaania keel kirjapilt + audio allalaadimise lingid 53lk

stamps las estampillas to deposit depositar package el paquete account la cuenta 48 78. Conditional Tense The conditional tense expresses an idea dependent on a condition that is either expressed or understood. It can also refer to the past when it expresses probability. To form the present conditional, add these endings to the infinitive for all three types of verbs. Verbs that had irregular stems in the future tense, also use that stem for the conditional tense. -ía -íamos -ías -íais -ía -ían 79. Infinitives followed by Prepositions The following verbs require a, de, en or con when followed by another infinitive, although the preposition is not always translated into English.

Keeled → Hispaania keel
88 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

e. starting a process in sub-optimal conditions (see also previous chapter). 1. Quality costs 2. External quality costs 3. Lacking of constructability 4. Poor material management 5. Excess use of materials on site 6. Working time use for none-value adding activities 7. Lack of safety 8. Making-do According to the Construction Industry Institutes research on the topic "Lean Principles in Construction" (2005), they identified and named three types of activities. CII determined that transformation/conversion activities are activities that consume resources and add value (value adding activities VA) to the product. All other activities are waste, and though in general there are two types of waste: first, Non-Value Adding activities, but Required (NVAR) ­ material positioning, in-process inspections and temporary work and support activities; second, Non-Value Adding (NVA) activities

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

Arhitektuuri ajalugu konspekt 2017 eksamiks

Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Lloyd Wright [rait] (1867­1959), USA arhitekt, orgaanilise arhitektuuri rajajaid. Kaufmanni maja Falling Water, Wrighti eramu Taliesin West (Arizonas), Guggenheimi muuseum (New Yorgis). His work includes original and innovative examples of many building types, including offices, churches, schools, skyscrapers, hotels, and museums. Wright also designed many of the interior elements of his buildings, such as the furniture and stained glass. Wright wrote 20 books and many articles and was a popular lecturer in the United States and in Europe. His colorful personal life often made headlines,

Arhitektuur → Arhitektuuri ajalugu
20 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

80 seconds is the dose prescription. More is not better. Indeed, your greatest challenge will be resisting the temptation to do more. The MED not only delivers the most dramatic results, but it does so in the least time possible. Jones's words should echo in your head: "REMEMBER: it is impossible to evaluate, or even understand, anything that you cannot measure." 80 secs. of 20 lbs. 10:00 mins. of 54°F water 200 mg of allicin extract before bed These are the types of prescriptions you should seek, and these are the types of prescriptions I will offer. End of Chapter Notes 1. Credit is due to Dr. Doug McGuff, who's written extensively on this and who will reappear later. 2. In fancier and more accurate terms, neuroendocrine. RULES THAT CHANGE THE RULES Everything Popular Is Wrong Everything popular is wrong.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

unsuccessful - it gained a beachhead on the coast of Kent but achieved little else. The second was more successful, the Celts asked for truce. However it wasn't a victory he had imagined and Julius Caesar never returned to Britain after that. The island was left undisturbed for nearly a century. *The Roman occupation of Britain 43-410 and its legacy ­ Britain was conquered by Emperor Claudius, the Roman rule in England lasted up to 410. The Romans left behind a huge legacy: many types of animals and plants were brought to Britain in Roman times. Roman introduced theire measurements, Christianity, reading and writing. Also, many words in English and Welsh have been borrowed from the Latin language. An important legacy of the Romans was its roads, agriculture and cities. In the Roman times the land was dominated by rules and reguations. *Christianity in Roman Britain ­ The Roman authorities were suspicious of Christianity

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

American Literature

known as the Leatherstocking Tales. Among naval historians his works on early U.S. naval history have been widely received but were sometimes criticized by Cooper's contemporaries. Among his most famous works is the Romantic novel The Last of the Mohicans, often regarded as his masterpiece. Cooper's portrayal of Native Americans and the white settlers in The Leatherstocking Tales shows us a prime example of how acculturation operates in various types, steps, and on various levels. It is so comprehensive and credible that many see it as what had charmed the reading public at home and abroad and "determined how the world was to regard the American Indian" for a long time. By the time Cooper started writing The Leatherstocking Tales, the native population had been virtually eliminated from the upstate New York area, and "the frontier had been pushed across the Missouri

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

Remind the students to identify the another chance to watch it on Tuesday, Speaker 2 I'd love to see the back of topic of each paragraph, and the and I can't recommend it highly these malicious things, which cause function of each missing sentence. enough! so much damage. There are thousands · In a weaker class, work on the first Presenter Yes, I don't think it's of different types of them and they are gap together, identifying the topic an exaggeration to say that Egypt created for a variety of purposes. Some before and after the gap and looking Unwrapped has performed miracles of them are used to steal sensitive in the ratings, knocking even the most for clues as to what is missing.

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Riistvara ja tehniline dokumentatsioon

hoida registris CX ning iga kord käsuga JCXZ. kontrollida, kas on valmis. Koosta assembleris programm, mis prindib printerile 40 tärni ja väljastab seejärel pabe- ri. 67 Kirjandus [1] Ustus Agur. Huvitav informaatika II. Arvutimaailm eile, täna, homme. ENSV Riiklik Hari- duskomitee. Eesti NSV Vabariiklik Õpetajate Täiendusinstituut. Tallinn 1989. [2] Andries Brouwer. Partition types. [3] Ralf Brown. Ralf Brown's Interrupt List. [4] e-Teatmik: IT ja sidetehnika seletav sõnaraamat., artiklid 2006. ja 2007. aasta seisuga. [5] Margus Kanter, Jaak Kütt. Arvutikasutaja A ja B. AS Külim. Tallinn 1995. [6] Kaido Kikkas. Pingviiniaabits. Linux töölauaarvutis (Fedora Core 2 näitel). TPÜ Kirjastus. Tallinn 2005. [7] Linuxikasutaja käsiraamat. Kirjastus Ilo

Informaatika → Informaatika
94 allalaadimist

Kriminoloogia konspekt

puhul. USA-s pakuti välja valikuvõimalus - kas lubada kastreerimist või minna kinnipidamiskohta ja siis vabatahtlikult süüdimõistetud valisid neile sobiva kahjutukstegemise viisi. Püstitub küsimus inimõigustest. California was the first U.S. state to provide a legislative mandate for chemical castration. The 1996 California law mandated the use of chemical castration as a precondition for parole in the case of repeat sexual offenders of all types. In 1997, three other states passed similar laws so that a total of four states currently permit chemical castration. Research has shown that Depo Provera does reliably reduce sexual desire in men although it has no impact on sexual desire in women and therefore cannot be used in the case of female sex offenders. Chemical castration greatly reduces recidivism rates of paraphiliacs from over 90% to approximately 2%. This means that a chemically castrated parolee need not be

Õigus → Sissejuhatus õigusteadusesse
109 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ADR Address ADS Application Development Solutions [AT&T] + Application Development System + Automatic Distribution System ADSC Address Status Changed + Adobe Document Structuring Conventions ADSI Active Directory Service Interface [Microsoft] + Analog Display Services Interface ADSL (See DSL) ADSP AppleTalk Datastream Protocol ADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release ADT Abstract Data Type + Application Data Types ADU Automatic Dialing Unit AE Above or Equal AEB Analog Expansion Bus [Dialogic] AEC Architecture, Engineering, Construction AEM Asynchronous Event Mechanism .AERO Aviation Industry (Domain Name) [Internet] AES Advanced Encryption Standard AESA ATM End System Address AF Auxiliary carry Flag AFA Accelerated File Access AFC Antiferro-Magnetically Coupled (media) [IBM] + Automatic Font Change + Automatic Frequency Control AFD Automatic File Distribution

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist


encoding decoding 13605 Februar 5144 wenigen 13732 fest 5161 werden 13850 fmanzielle 5275 Anregung 13918 folgender 5376 Anwendung 17142 Frieden 5454 ar 17149 Friedenschluss 5569 auf 17166 fuhrung 5905 Krieg 17214 Ganz geheim 17388 Gebeit 4377 geheim 4458 Gemeinsame The solution of such a hybrid code stands midway in difficulty between the two pure types: harder than a one-part code but easier than a two-part. The large orderly segments considerably help the cryptanalyst, though his guesses are not as delimited as in a one-part code. For example, the cryptanalyst could not assume, as he could in a one-part solution, that a codegroup for Krieg will be higher in number than the codegroup for Februar. But if he knows that Februar is 13605 and finanzielle is 13850, he will know that the

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Eesti eluasemefondi puitkorterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga

16.4 The hygrothermal performance of internally insulated external walls The study on hygrothermal performance of internally insulated external walls that conducted on six wall and three thermal insulation solutions confirmed that:  the additional insulation of the internal sides of the external walls is highly risky in terms of hygrothermal performance (especially in case of high moisture load);  in the case of all of studied wall types, the internal insulation did not perform: water vapour condensed between the insulation and the log and mould growth was identified in the insulation;  the growth of mould as a result of additional internal thermal insulation was identified both visually and though air monitoring and materials evaluation;  the differences between different insulation materials (reed, mineral wool, cellulose) were small. 16.5 Sound insulation of wooden buildings

Ehitus → Ehitusfüüsika
66 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

Challenges of children`s “participation”: A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School Gerli Orumaa – 662974 9th of May 2014 Word Count: 8,800 `Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of B.A. International Relations` Table of Contents Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Chapter 1: Citizenship, Children`s Rights and Participation: from the UN to the UK 6 Chapter 2: Citizenship Education in Wales………………………………………………14 Active Citizenship in Cadle Primary School: A Case Study 20 Conclusion 29 Bibliography 32 Appendices Appendix 1: The United Convention of the Rights of the Child Appendix 2: Interview with Jamie Richards, the Head Teacher of Cadle Primary School 2 Abstract: Children inhe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


taught me about the great Pyramids of Egypt; nobody explained the great fight that the Ashantis put up against the British. Rather I was taught how to demean the accomplishments of these great people; nobody taught me the great Kingdoms of the Zimbabwe. I was taught about the Kings and Queens of England and Scotland; the Kings of France; the culture and history of the English and other Europeans. By the Third Grade, I could recite all the capitals of the European world, their types of government and their great men. But I was not taught anything about my own people, except how they were taken into slavery after being conquered. I was not taught anything about my own people, except how they were taken into slavery after being conquered. I was not taught about the great hospitality of my people who welcomed the Caucasians with open arms, but were stabbed in the back with the Bible and guns.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Windows vene keeles

WINDOWS OUTSIDE Версия 1.00 С пожеланиями обращайтесь по адресу [email protected]. © skruks, 2013 Каждый имеет право воспроизводить, распространять и/или вносить изменения в настоящий Документ в соответствии с условиями GNU Free Documentation License, Версией 1.3 или любой более поздней версией, опубликованной Free Software Foundation; данный Документ не содержит Неизменяемых разделов, не содержит Текста, помещаемого на первой странице обложки и не содежит Текста, помещаемого на последней страницы обложки. Копия лицензионного соглашения размещена по адресу: Неофициальный перевод данного соглашения на русский язык:Википедия:Текст_лицензии_GNU_Free_Docume ntation_License_1.3 О книге Красным шрифтом указана информация, которая является кандидатом на удаление в следующих версиях книги. Сокр...

Keeled → Vene keel
3 allalaadimist


ON tabel1.pikkus=tabel2.suurim Mati 1995 164 Ats 1996 165 Siim 1997 163 Harjutused (Alampäringud) Teata alampäringu abil kõik keskmisest vanemad autod Teata alampäringu abil markide kaupa kõik selle margi keskmisest vanemad autod Teata iga linna kohta selles linnas liikuva kõige vanema sõiduki mark/margid Lisavõimalused Andmetüüpide loomine Andmetüüpide loomiseks on vaja andmebaasi programmeerimisobjektide alt ülesse otsida TypesUse-defined Data Types ning lisada sinna uus: Andmetüübi loomisel saate ära määrata uue andmetüübi nime, süsteemse andmetüübi, millele uus andmetüüp baseerub, kas vaikimisi lubatakse määramata väärtusi või mitte ning milliseid reegleid rakendatakse. Reeglitest räägime pisut hiljem. Kogu selle töö saab ära teha ka lihtsa SQL Lausega: CREATE TYPE [dbo].[Aasta] FROM [smallint] NOT NULL Uue tabeli loomisel saame oma tehtud andmetüüpi kasutada nagu süsteemsetki. Kui soovime nüüd

Informaatika → Informaatika
32 allalaadimist

Kaitsealade külastuskoormuse hindamise juhend: seiremeetodite arendamine ja rakendamine

Relationship between trampling intensity and vegetation response. Journal of Applied Ecology 32, 203-214. Cole, D. N. 1995b. Experimental trampling of vegetation II. Predictors of resistance and resilience. Journal of Applied Ecology 32, 215-224. Cole, D. N., Bayfield, N. G. 1993. Recreational trampling of vegetation: Standard experimental procedures. Biological Conservation 63, 209-215. Cole, D. N. 1984. Recreation use effects on habitat types in western Montana (in press). Del Moral, R. 1979. Predicting human impact on high elevation ecosystems. Proceedings: recreational impact on wildlands. USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region, Seattle, Washington, pp. 292-303. Dillman, D.A. 1978. Mail and telephone surveys: the Total Design Method. New York (NY): John Wiley & Sons. Dixon, T. 2004. People in the Scottish countryside and automatic people counters (APC’s).

Loodus → Loodus
7 allalaadimist


Era of Estonian Republic. Pp. 150-188. Stockholm 1969, the Estonian Singers’ League in Sweden. of the plays of William Shakespeare (Othello, Romeo and Juliet among them). The Scandinavian playwrights, by their character, seem to have been closer to the taste of the theatre-goers (Ibsen, Aleksis Kivi and Strindberg), the dramas of Friedrich Schiller (Marie Stuart, Wilhelm Tell), French and Russian classics (Molière, Beaumarchais, Gogol) production with its colourful types and social accents received a warm welcome. The Republic was a time for the establishment and rise of professionalism. Eesti Näitlejate Liit (The Estonian Actors’ League) was reconstituted in 1934, and began publishing the monthly Teater (Theatre), an up to date forum discussing cultural and specific professional problems, which became very popular. In 1938 the State Theatre School was opened. There were several strong theatre companies, and some of

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun