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"term" - 663 õppematerjali

term –  avalikud saunad, mis olid avatud ka vaestele roomlastele ning pakkusid  lisaks massaaži ja erootilisi teenuseid ning neis leidus isegi raamatukogusid ja  lugemisruume.


Termodünaamika -Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Termodünaamika -Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Termodünaamika -Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Kasutaja: term

Faile: 0

Indigenous people in australia

...................................................................................... 5 9. Used links.........................................................................................................6 Indigenous peoples: an overview Indigenous Australians are the original inhabitants of the Australian continent and nearby islands. The Aboriginal Indigenous Australians migrated from the African continent around 70,000 years ago, and arrived in Australia around 50,000 years ago. The term "Aboriginal" has traditionally been applied to indigenous inhabitants of mainland Australia, Tasmania, and some of the other adjacent islands. There is a great diversity among different Indigenous communities and societies in Australia, each with its own unique mixture of cultures, customs and languages. In present day Australia these groups are further divided into local communities. [infoplease] Language Before Europeans arrived in Australia, about 250 diverse Indigenous languages were spoken

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Lennart Meri esitlus

international scene. In 1992, Lennart Meri left his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was the Estonian Ambassador to Finland for a short period of time. In the autumn of the same year he was nominated for president of Estonia. He lost in the first round big to Arnold Rüütel, but got a second round, and he turned out to be elected. On September 20, 1996, Lennart Meri was elected the President of the Republic of Estonia for the second term of office. As President, he made a lot to introduce Estonia and helped to establish a stable democracy in the country. Lennart Meri was chosen the European of the Year in 1998 by French newspaper La Vie. During his work as a writer and a politician, Lennart Meri was elected a Foreign Member of the Kalevala Society, a Corresponding Member of the Finnish Literary Society; he was also a Member of the Board of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

How well do you know London part 2 - student

twin towers, the high-level walkways and the Victorian engine rooms You visited The Tower, now crossed the Tower Bridge. Do you have to turn left or right to reach the Globe Theatre? right Destination 8: The Globe Theatre Why is this particular theatre that important? Shakespear's home teather, Shakespeare globe When was it built? 1599 Why was it closed already in 1642? closed down by the Puritans in 1642 - puhtusevennad The term "box office" (kassa) is said to originate from the Elizabethan theatre. What did it mean and look like at that time? See for help. Congratulations! You are now leaving London to explore England even further. Your last stop will be at Greenwich Observatory You can stand on Longitude 0° in the Observatory. What is it? Prime meridian The Royal Observatory is also the home to the common abbreviation GMT. What does it stand for

Keeled → British culture (briti...
2 allalaadimist

Riigi uurimise arvutitöö Kanadast

Riigi uurimine arvutitöö 10.klassile nr.1 Riigi nimi: Kanada Lisa kõigile andmetele järele, millisest allikast on andmed saadud. Arvuliste andmete puhul lisa ka aastaarv, millal andmed on kogutud. 1.Iseloomusta valitud riigi üldandmeid a) pindala: 9 984 670 ruutkilomeetrit b) rahvaarv: 34 834 841 inimest (Juuli 2014) c) pealinn: Ottawa d) pealinna elanike arv: 1,208 miljonit e) keel: inglise keel (58,7%), prantsuse keel (22%) f) rahaühik: Kanada dollar (CAD) (Kõik andmed leheküljelt 2.Iseloomusta valitud riigi geograafilist asendit a) manner: Põhja-Ameerika b) maailmajagu: Ameerika c) ümbritsevad veekogud (lisa juurde ilmakaared): Atlandi ookean idas, Vaikne ookean läänes, Põhja-Jäämeri põhjas. (Siiani kõik andmed leheküljelt d) naaberriigid (lisa juurde ilmakaared, kui võimalik siis ka kui pikk on ühine piir ja kust ta kü...

Geograafia → Maailma majandus- ja...
3 allalaadimist

Lennart Meri

international scene. In 1992, Lennart Meri left his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was for a short period of time the Estonian Ambassador to Finland. In the autumn of the same year she was nominated for president of Estonia. She lost in the first round of the big Arnold Rüütel, but got a second round, and it turned out to be elected. On September 20, 1996, Lennart Meri was elected the President of the Republic of Estonia for the second term of office. As President, he made very much to introduce Estonia and helped to establish a stable democracy in the country. Lennart Meri was chosen the European of the Year in 1998 by French newspaper La Vie. During his work as a writer and a politician, Lennart Meri was elected a Foreign Member of the Kalevala Society, a Corresponding Member of the Finnish Literary Society; he was also a Member of the Board of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Keskmine netopalk töötaja kohta põhitegevusala järgi aastatel 2012-2016

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut KESKMINE NETOPALK TÖÖTAJA KOHTA PÕHITEGEVUSALA JÄRGI AASTATEL 2012-2016 iseseisev töö Koostas: Eva-Mai Männiste Keskkonnakaitse I kursus Tartu 2017 Sisukord: SISSEJUHATUS 3 TERMINID NING SELGITUSED 3 KESKMINE NETOPALK TÖÖTAJA KOHTA KÕIKIDES TEGEVUSALADES 2012-2016 AASTAL 4 2012 JA 2016 AASTA KESKMISE NETOPALGA VÕRDLUS TÖÖTAJA KOHTA ERINEVATEL TEGEVUSALADEL 5 KASUTATUD ALLIKAD 7 2 SISSEJUHATUS Minu töö teemaks on "Keskmine netopalk töötaja kohta põhitegevusala järgi aasta...

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledz Ettevõtluse ja projektijuhtimise osakond Mikk Nigu ERIALASED MÕISTED JA TERMINID Uurimistöö Juhendaja: lektor Diana Maisla Pärnu 2008 SISUKORD SELGITUSEKS Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli leida segaseid, või paljudele ebaselgeid väljendeid erialaõpingute materjalidest. Kuna ma olen Ettevõtluse ja Projektijuhtimise erialal, õppiv tudeng, on minu leitud sõnad enamasti seotud finants maailmaga. Sõnade leidmiseks lugesin õppejõudude poolt jagatud loengukonspekte, ning lugesin ajalehe Äripäev internet versiooni. Samuti olen leidnud sõnu otsides teistele sõnadele selgitusi veebilehelt Sellel interneti leheküljel leidub kergemamõõduline finantsväljendite seletus sõnastik. Lisaks sellele on selgitusi leitud ka Algis Perensi raamatust Projektijuhtmine. Uurimistöö vormiks on v...

Majandus → Majandusteadus
139 allalaadimist

British test 2 questions

legislation- when a bill has been passed by Parliament, it goes to her for Royal Assent before coming a law.She appoints the Prime Minister and other government ministers,judges,officers in the armed forcex,governors,diplomats,bishops .Shes the Head of the established Church of England,Head of the Navy,Army and Air Force. 17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of constitutional monarchy? In advantages of monarchy they don't have to elect new person for a new term which reduce a heavy amount of expenditures in election. The king or queen represents a historical authority. Disadvantages are that a single person rules in a state for a long time (mostly for life time) so people have no chance to remove him if he or she is not functioning properly or according to the will of people 18. What is the attitude of British people towards their royal family? Today many people show less respect for the royal family than before, but the

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Constructivism theory

learning is an active, contextualized process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring it. Knowledge is constructed based on personal experiences and hypotheses of the environment. Learners continuously test these hypotheses through social negotiation. Each person has a different interpretation and construction of knowledge process. The learner is not a blank slate (tabula rasa) but brings past experiences and cultural factors to a situation The term ,,Constructivism" was first introduced to IR theory in 1989 by Nicholas Onuf. It was first considered as an interpretive meta-theory, a reflectivist approach. It emphasizes the social construction of world affairs as opposed to the claim of (neo)realists that international politics is shaped by the rational-choice behaviour/decisions of egoist actors who pursue their interests by making utilitarian calculations to maximize their benefits and minimize their

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Mass Media topic

Mass Media Mass media is a term used to describe those means of communication which can reach large or mass audiences. The most important are probably Television, Radio, the Press and the Internet. Britain and America invented a lot of the technology used by the various modern communications media. In 1829, the typewriter was invented in America. In 1837, the telegraph was invented in Britain. In 18 76, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in America

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Erinevate riikide rahvustoidud

It can be light or dark in color, depending on the type of flour used and the addition of coloring agents, and is typically denser than bread made from wheat flour. It is higher in fiber than many common types of bread and is often darker in color and stronger in flavor. Turkey Doner kebab There are many variants in the composition of the meat and the ways of serving it. Derived dishes include shawarma in Arabic and gyros in Greek, although ingredients and sauces differ. The term kebab in some countries refers specifically to doner kebab. Before taking its modern aspect as mentioned in Ottoman Travelbooks of the 18th century, the doner used to be a horizontal stack of meat rather than vertical, probably sharing common ancestors with the Cað Kebabý of the Eastern Turkish province of Erzurum. Ramadan

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Eesti Mereakadeemia Merendusteaduskond LAINEENERGIA VARIEERUMINE UURINGUALAL Diplomitöö Juhendaja: Tallinn 2014 SISUKORD SUMMARY................................................................................................................... 2 SISSEJUHATUS............................................................................................................. 4 1.PAKAAJALINE LAINETE KESKMINE VÕIMSUS.............................................................5 2.LAINEENERGIA VOO KESKMISED VÄÄRTUSED.......................................................6 3.VÕRDLEMINE..................................................................................................... 7 KOKKUVÕTE........................................................................

Merendus → Merendus
8 allalaadimist

Vana- Rooma

esines avalikel mängudel ,,jaga ja valitse" erinevad lepingud, et ei saaks üles tõusta Rooma vastu latifundium suurmaavaldus 11. Avalikud mängud. 12. Ehitised- Colosseum- kõige kuulsaim amfiteater. Toimusid gladiaatorite võitlused omavahel ja loomadega ning merelahingud Circus Maximus- Neljahobuse kaarikute võiduajamise koht. Kõige kuulsam Circus Maximus ehk "Suur ring" Termid- avalikud saunad. Caracalla term neist kõige kuulsam. akveduktid- Veejuhtmed, Kuulsaim Pont du Gard 13. Tähtsamad jumalad. Roomlaste tähtsamad jumalad olid Mars(sõjajumal) ja Vesta(kodukolde jumalanna), austati esivanemaid ,ennustati ohvriloomade järgi. Ka keisreid austati jumalatena. 14. Kes olid- Cicero- Oraator. (Lõi klassikalise ladina keele proosastiili.) Maecenas- Augustuse rikas sõber,kes kutsus oma lähikonda andekaid

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
19 allalaadimist

Law-makers breaking the law: torture as a justified interrogation technique?

complete justification. Torture is illegal but if human lives can be saved, it is worth it. This disregards the act itself and only looks at the result (Driver, 2014). Hedonism supposes that a decision is ethically correct if the consequence brings maximal satisfaction to the individual. Eudemonism replaces the word satisfaction by happiness. The difference between the two words is that satisfaction usually is short- term and focuses more on the senses. Happiness is something long-term and is more 'part' of a person than an experience its senses undergo. Utilitarianism believes a certain action should result in maximum happiness for the biggest group of people. The government should always think of the interests of the population. Eudemonism and hedonism are however more focused on the individual. Here, classical utilitarianism 1 justifications will be discussed (Ibid.).

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
6 allalaadimist


brought into being by God's sheer command, ,,Be and so it is," and that the purpose of existence is to worship God. He is known as a personal God who responds whenever a person in need or distress calls him. There are no intermediaries, such as clregy, to contact God who states, I am nearer to him than jugular vein." The reciprocal nature is mentioned in the hadith qudsi, ,,I am as My servant thinks I am." Allah is the term with no plural or gender used by Muslims and Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews to reference God, while 'ilah is the term used for a deity or a god in general. Some other non-Arab Muslims might use different names as much as Allah, for instance ,,Tanri" in Turkish, ,,Khoda" in Persian or ,,Khuda" in Urdu. Is it said that belief in angels is fundamental to the faith of Islam. The arabic word for angel, malak, means ,,messenger", like its counterparts in Hebrew(malakh) and Greek(angelos).

Teoloogia → Religioon
1 allalaadimist

Ärialane suhtus ing. keeles

Intercultural communication What is business English? Loosely defined, BE refers to the Engl lg used in international trade or business. Loosely defined, BE refers to the Engl lg used in international trade or business. It is a specialized area of the Engl lg learning and teaching largely attributed to non-native English speakers Aim to enhance their chances of doing business with companies from English speaking countries. BE can refer to the study of business Engl voc used in the fields of trade, business, finance, or international relations. If the study focuses on techniques on business presentations, negotiations, correspondence, writing and other skills needed for business communications, then it can be classified as the study of Business English communication skills in the workplace. Both are important and used usually together. Culture. Barriers to Intercultural communication Synergy (from Greek for "working together") means ...

Majandus → Ärialane suhtlemine...
19 allalaadimist

Styles in interior design

include Donald Judd, John McLaughlin, Agnes Martin, Dan Flavin, Robert Morris, Anne Truitt, and Frank Stella. It is rooted in the reductive aspects of Modernism, and is often interpreted as a reaction against Abstract expressionism and a bridge to Postmodern art practices. The terms have expanded to encompass a movement in music which features repetition and iteration, as in the compositions of La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, and John Adams. (See also Postminimalism). The term "minimalist" is often applied colloquially to designate anything which is spare or stripped to its essentials. It has also been used to describe the plays and novels of Samuel Beckett, the films of Robert Bresson, the stories of Raymond Carver, and even the automobile designs of Colin Chapman. The word was first used in English in the early 20th century to describe the Mensheviks. Minimalist design The reconstruction of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's German Pavilion in Barcelona

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

meaningful consumption and wider insights into how ongoing mobility can lead to different ways of understanding identities and relating to place. Keywords: lifestyle consumption; backpacker; mobility; drifter; identity INTRODUCTION Within the social world of backpacking, there exist a small proportion of tourists who travel as a lifestyle for years on end. Reminiscent of Cohen’s (1972) seminal ‘drifter tourists’, but subverting connotations of aimlessness implicit in this term, these extreme tourists, who I reconceptualise as ‘lifestyle travellers’, move beyond an episodic consumption of backpacking. Backpacking is instead extended to an ongoing lifestyle practice that on a micro level provides both a unique sense of self to its practitioners and on a macro level comprises a distinct and recognisable social identity. Lifestyle travel in a broader sense can take on different forms, whether, for instance, through backpacking, ocean yacht cruising (Macbeth,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eestlased vs ristisõdijad

emergencies *Maret Maripuu ­ Sotsiaalminister ­ secures the financial subsistence and a good job, secures social subsistence and sevelopment *Urmas Paet ­ Välisminister ­ is responsible for the relations between Estonia and foreign states, safeguards Estonia's security and welfare Parlament: it is a permanently functioning unicameral legislative body consisting of 101 members, the Parlament sits in Toompea Castle, members of the Parlament are elected for a 4- year term by private ballot in free elections. Government: it wields executive power, it issues orders and regulations, submits bills to the Parlament for passage into law and foreign treaties for ratifications, drafts the state budget for submission to the Parlament abd effects it after adoption. The President nominates a minister candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Court system: it is a 3-tier system. The chancellor of justice examines all new laws, regulations

Ajalugu → Eesti maalugu
7 allalaadimist

Ajalugu - Rooma

KONTROLLTÖÖ KORDAMINE 1) Rooma riigi ajaloo kronoloogia ja lühike iseloomustus?- a)Kuningate aeg (753-509 a. eKr) etruskite hiilgeaeg, esimene kuningas Romulus, 7 kuningat valitses üksteise järel. b)Varane vabariik (509-265 a. eKr) riigi eesotsas seisis senat, oli võimsaim riik Latiumi maakonnas Itaalias, sõjad etruskitega, Rooma laiendas oma võimu Itaalias, 265. aastaks eKr oli Itaalia Rooma võimu all. c)Rooma tõuseb Vahemere maade suurvõimuks(264-133 a. eKr) Peale Itaalia vallutamis sattus konflikti Kartaago riigiga, pidasid omavahel 3 sõda, mis on tuntud kui Puunia sõdadena, roomlaste liitmine Makedoonia ja Kreekaga. d)Kodusõdade periood ja vabariigi langus(133-30 a. eKr) rooma armee kujundati ümber, kodusõjad, senati võim vähenes, Pompeius ja Caesar-võimsad väepealikud, Caesar tõusis ainuvalitsejaks, Antonius ja Octavius- Caesari pooldajad ja jagasid riigi omavahel, 30 a. eKr- Rooma lõpp. e) Varane keisririik( 30 eKr...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
9 allalaadimist

Vana-Rooma arhitektuur

kallimaid materjale. Termide kesküttesüsteemis lasti kuum õhk põrandaplaatide alla ning seinte ja võlvide vooderduse taha. Suured termid mahutasid korraga ligi 3000 inimest. Caracalla term tänapäeval Näiteks Caracalla termide kogupindala oli 12 ha. Caracalla termid Ehitati 206-216 aastail. Sauna peahoone mõõtmed olid 216x112. Ruumid olid võlvitud. Ehitusmaterjaliks tellis. Viimistlusmaterjalina kasutati marmorit ja kullatud pronksi. Viimistlustehnikana kasutati palju mosaiiki. Termide aknad olid klaasitud (klaas oli ehitusmaterjalina kasutusel alates 1. sajandist). Rekonstruktsioon Oli lahtiste sammaskäikudePõhiplaan

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
47 allalaadimist

Suguhormoonide ala- ja ületalitluse etiopatogenees

• • Approach to the patient with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. • • Endocrine consequences of anorexia nervosa. • • Autoimmune primary ovarian insufficiency. • • Effects of physical exercise on the female reproductive system. • • Long term consequences of the female athlete triad. • • Kasvukõverad • • Anaboolsed steroidid • Õlu ja rinnad meestel • Muuta ettekande järjestust • Üldine telg • Seotud hormoonid • Hormoonid läbi elu • Täiskasvanu • Puberteet • Meno ja andopaus • Kasvukõverad ja kasvukiirus

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
14 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

of which contain a reference to the single original complex object. Any operations performed on the proxies are forwarded to the original object. Once all instances of the proxy are out of scope, the complex object's memory may be de allocated. 6. Antipatterns In software engineering, an anti-pattern (or antipattern) is a design pattern that appears obvious but is ineffective or far from optimal in practice.[1][2] The term was coined in 1995 by Andrew Koenig,[3] inspired by Gang of Four's book Design Patterns, which developed the concept of design patterns in the software field. The term was widely popularized three years later by the book AntiPatterns, which extended the use of the term beyond the field of software design and into general social interaction. According to the authors of the latter, there must be at least two key elements present to formally distinguish an actual anti-

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

Majandusmõistete seletus eesti ja vene keeles

3) : Arvelduskonto, bank account ­ jooksev konto, millelt võib iga ­ , hetk võtta raha Säästu- või kogumiskonto, saving account ­ iga hetk päris vabalt ­ raha võtta ei saa Tähtajaline hoius, fixed term account ­ ei saa lepingut - katkestamata raha võtta Investeerimishoius, investment account - võimaldab saada osa - aktsiaturgude tootlusest Võlakirjad, bonds ­ väärtpaber, mis tõendab, et võlakirja ­ ,

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist


HAAPSALU KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS Arvutiteenindus 1b Viljo Kozlovski ,,BIOS" Referaat Juhendaja:Argo Mirk Uuemõisa 2007 Sisukord Sissejuhatus..........................................................................................................................3 ..............................................................................................................................................6 Erinevad sätted ja valikud....................................................................................................7 ..............................................................................................................................................9 Kokkuvõte.............................................................

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
39 allalaadimist


Fiji covers a total area of some 194,000 square kilometres (75,000 sq mi) of which around 10% is land. Fiji is the hub of the South West Pacific, midway between Vanuatu and the Kingdom of Tonga. The archipelago is located between 176° 53 east and 178° 12 west. The 180° meridian runs through Taveuni but the International Dateline is bent to give uniform time to all of the Fiji group. With the exception of Rotuma, the Fiji group lies between 15° 42 and 20° 02 south. Rotuma is located 400 kilometres north of the group, 670 km from Suva, 12° 30 south of the equator. Fiji consists of 322 islands (of which 106 are inhabited) and 522 smaller islets. The two most important islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. The islands are mountainous, with peaks up to 1,300 metres (4,250 ft), and covered with thick tropical forests. Viti Levu hosts the capital city of Suva, and is home to nearly three quarters of the population. Other important towns incl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Vana-Rooma mõisted, isikud

Vana-Rooma 1)Mõisted: a) Foorum-Koosoleku- ja turuplats. Küngastevahelistes orgudes b) Nobiliteet-Patriitsid ja jõukad ning tuntud plebeid, suursugustest inimestest koosnev üsna kitsas ring, millest pärines põlvest põlve enamik riigiametnikke ja senaatoreid c) Latifundium-Suurmaavaldused Rooma lääneprovintsides ja ka Itaalias, kus kasutati orjatööd d) Proletaar-Inimene, kes oli ühiskonna madalamast kihist, kuid siiski Rooma kodanik (käsitöölised, vabad talupojad ja rentnikud e) Tooga-Meeste pidulik pealisrõvas. Suur valge poolringikujuline riidetükk mähiti ümber keha nii, et parem äsi jäi vabaks f) Akvedukt-Lähedastest järvedest ja allikatest linna varustavad veejuhtmed g) Term-Avalik saun roomas. Nendest kujunesid puhkeasutused, ka vaestele. h) Metseen-Rikas isik, kes toetas Vana-Roomas kultuuri i) Pontifex Maximu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
46 allalaadimist

Electrical drives and power electronics

· Which ac/ac converters change the voltage only voltage regulators · What is obtained as a result of frequency converting new frequency · How does the connected thyristors assemble a three-phase voltage regulator reverse- parallel · For a single-phase cycloconverter, what kind of dependence exists between the output frequency and the input frequency output input · How many thyristors are required for the cycloconverter with the three-phase output 18 · What does the term "a direct ac converter" mean without rectifying without energy storage · What is the most obvious use of the cycloconverter low-frequency · Why does a matrix converter need full controlled devices to change current · Why a device is called as "dc link converter" internal dc circuit · What does the dc link converter consist of rectifier inverter capacitor · What are the applications fields of cycloconverters rolling mills · What does a continuous current means non-pulsing

Elektroonika → Elektriajamid
38 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency L-O

LIMIT Ex1. 1. Searching 2. Commit 3. Lose 4. Jog 5. Ex1. 1. Set 2. Lowered 3. Exceed 4. Reached 5. Bring back 6. Blot out 7. Etched 8. Put..behind Impose 6. Test 7. Know Ex2. 1. Terrible 2. Fond 3. Hazy 4.earliest 5. Ex2. 1. Spending limits 2. Speed limit 3. Time Living 6. Distant 7. Painful 8. Short- term limit 4. Age limit 5. Credit limit 6. City limits Ex3. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A Ex3. 1. F 2. H 3. A 5. D 6. G 7. E 8. C METHOD LOOK Ex1. 1. Adopt 2. Work 3. Used 4. Fails 5. Devised Ex1. 1. Seen 2. Gave 3. Tell 4. Spoil 5. Like 6. 6. Recommend Has Ex2. 1. Traditional 2. infallible 3. Popular 4. Ex2. 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. F 5. G 6. A 7. C 8. H Reliable 5. Unorthodox 6

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Essee teemal Tiibet

Himalayan languages can be unclear. Geography Traditionally, Western (European and American) sources have regarded Tibet as part of Central Asia; today's maps show a trend toward considering all of modern China, including Tibet, to be part of East Asia. Some academic institutions also include Tibet in their South Asia studies programs.Tibet is west of China proper, and within China, Tibet is regarded as part of (Xbù), a term usually translated by Chinese media as "the Western section", meaning "Western China". Tibet has some of the world's tallest mountains, with several of them making the top ten list. Mount Everest, at 8,848 metres, is the highest mountain on Earth, located on the border with Nepal. Several major rivers have their source in the Tibetan Plateau . The atmosphere is severely dry nine months of the year, and average annual snowfall is only

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
21 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu 16-20. sajand

16th century (Tudors) 1. Henry VII - avoided wars, careful with money, didnt have expensive parties, was a rather shadowy figure 2. Henry VIII- brilliant scholar, excellent knight, good-looking, ambitious, self- centered, loved expensive clothes and parties. Wasted his fathers money very quickly and had 6 wives. His first wife couldnt give birth to a baby boy and they only had a daughter. His next wife only gave birth to a girl too. His next wife gave birth to a boy but died after the labor. He didnt like his 4th wife so he sent her back. His fifth wife was young and beautiful but had many lovers and Henry didnt like it so she was sent to the Tower and was beheaded. HIs 6th wife survived. 3. Edward- was sickly and ruled only for a few years and then he died 4. Mary Tudor/Bloody Mary- was catholic and killed many protesntants. Ruled only f...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

Referaat "Pärilikkuse alused"

Kihelkonna Kool PÄRILIKKUSE ALUSED Referaat Grete Reinsoo 9 . klass Kihelkonna 2011 SISUKORD SISUKORD......................................................................................................2 SISSEJUHATUS..................................................................................................... 3 1 MILLEST GEEN KOOSNEB?............................................................................ 4 1.1Geeni ülesanded..............................................................................................4 1.2 Geeniuuringud ...............................................................................................4 1.3 Eugeenika.......................................................................................................5 2 DNA............................

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
17 allalaadimist

United Kingdom

of connected wars, which led to the temporary overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the short-lived unitary republic of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. Acts of Union • On 1 May 1707, the united Kingdom of Great Britain came into being, the result of Acts of Union being passed by the parliaments of England and Scotland to ratify the 1706 Treaty of Union and so unite the two kingdoms • The term "United Kingdom" became official in 1801 when the parliaments of Britain and Ireland each passed an Act of Union, uniting the two kingdoms and creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Late history • After the defeat of France at the end of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792–1815), the UK emerged as the principal naval and imperial power of the 19th century • UK had the industrial monopoly

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Dioxins and furans in the atmosphere

D i ox i n s a n d f u r a n s i n t h e atmosphere. Their impact on humans and nature. Emission sources What are dioxines and furans? The term Dioxin is commonly used to refer to a family of toxic chemicals that all share a similar chemical structure and a common mechanism of toxic action. Most dioxins and furans are not manmade or produced intentionally, but are created when other chemicals or products are made. This family includes: seven of the polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins (PCDDs), ten of the polychlorinated dibenzo furans (PCDFs) and twelve of the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). · PCDD · 2,3,7,8TCDD

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Majandusgeograafia arvestuse küsimused&vastused

TTK0030 Majandusgeograafia Kordamisküsimused 2011/2012.õa. Sissejuhatus 1. Geograafia kui kommertsteadus. Positivism geograafias: Pärast Teist maailmasõda, kvantitatiivne geograafia, mille eelduseks oli: · Kogunenud oli piisav hulk andmeid · Tekkis vajadus andmete süstematiseerimise järele · Hakati kasutama arvuteid · Kogu protsessi jaoks oli olemas teaduslik alus ­ positivistlik teadusfilosoofia- ja metodoloogia. Positivistlik teadusfilosoofia ja metodoloogia. · Positivismi keskne väide on teaduse määratletus empiiriliste küsimustega. · Tõeline teadmine põhineb ainult vaadeldavatel ja mõõdetavatel faktidel ning nende võrdlemisel. · P-i kohaselt on puhas teadus väärtushinnangutest vaba, neutraalne ja objektiivne. · Positivistlik teadusfilosoofia rõhutas loodus-ja ühiskonnateaduste ühtsust ning seadis teaduse eesmärgiks seletamise ja ennustamise. · Geograafide ülesandeks sai ruumiliste s...

Majandus → Majandusgeograafia
230 allalaadimist

Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector

idea is to motivate civil servants to perform better through monetary rewards. The problem is that this may reduce intrinsic motivation, the connection with the organisation and with the task is now based on money, not on public interest. Some workers may be concerned about the level of job security (the fear that if they perform badly they will be dismissed). But the irony lies in traditional model of governmental jobs, that was meant to be long term and stable. If motivation lies on monetary incentives it may give base for corruption. Another negative side with pay-for performance is that it causes competition between employees. This in turn, reduces cooperation, unity and solidarity. It may affect other tasks and bigger projects where everyone has to work together for a same goal. Differences and disagreements may cause more harm than pay-for performance can bring. And it may ruin the working culture for a long time period

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Tallinna Inglise Kolledz Geograafia Robert Paal 9a klass EESTI VÄLISMAJANDUSIDEMED - EESTI EKSPORT Referaat Juhendaja: Kersti Lepasaar Tallinn 2011 SISSEJUHATUS Autori hinnangul on Eesti välismajandussuhted ning kõik sellega seostuv hetkeseisuga väga aktuaalne teema, seda eriti ajal, mil räägitakse Eesti integratsioonist teiste Euroopa riikidega. Inimesed peaksid olema teadlikumad nimetatud suhetest ning nendega kaasnevatest protsessidest, sest kõigil meil on praegusel ajahetkel või tulevikus väga suur roll nimetatud protsessides. Teema piiratud mahu ja limiteeritud aja tõttu on käesolevas referaadis täpsema uurimise all üksnes riigid, kes Eesti Vabariigi välismajandussuhetes on kõrgelt hinnatud ning peamised koostööpartnerid. Väl...

Geograafia → Geograafia
44 allalaadimist

Street Art

4.7. Wood blocking Artwork painted on a small portion of plywood or similar inexpensive material and attached to street signs with bolts. Often the bolts are bent at the back to prevent removal. It has become a form of graffiti used to cover a sign, poster, or any piece of advertisement that stands or hangs. 4.8. Flash mobbing A large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse. The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social networking, and viral emails. The term is generally not applied to events organized by public relations firms or as publicity stunts. This can also be considered mass public performance art. 4.9. Yarn bombing Yarn Bombing is a type of street art that employs colourful displays of knitted or crocheted cloth rather than paint or chalk. The practice is believed to have originated in the U.S

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Raha ja rahasüsteemid (õpik lk 11-48)

Raha ja rahasusteemid (opik lk 11-48) 1. Rahanduse moiste o Rahandus on rahaliste fondide moodustamise, jaotamise ja kasutamise protsess ning selle käigus fondide vahel kujunevate suhete kompleks. 2. Raha pohifunktsioonid : o Arvutusühik o Maksevahend o Rikkuse akumulatsioonivahend ( väärtuste säilitamine) o Majanduslike eesmärkide saavutamise vahend 3. Raha liigid (kaupraha, metallraha, paberraha, krediitraha) o Kaupraha- bartertehingud (asjade vahetamine) , metallraha, metallmündid o Kaupraha-kaup, millel on väärtust ka siis, kui seda ei kasutata rahana o Kaupa esindav raha- odavast metallist metallraha, paberraha o Krediitraha- raha, mis pohineb usaldusel, ökonoomsem kui raha, sest kulla jaoks vaja tehnikat jne 4. Raha omadused o Raha peab olema üldtunnustatud ja stabiilne o Raha peab olema kergesti äratuntav ja raskesti järele tehtav o Raha peab olema kerge kaasas ...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
9 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

in Conan Doyle's story "The Final Problem."1) The following set of state- ments is inconsistent (that is, on pain of logical contradiction, the statements cannot all be true): J1 (1) is meaningful (significant, not meaningless). J2 (1) is a subject­predicate sentence. J3 A meaningful subject­predicate sentence is meaningful (only) in virtue of its picking out some individual thing and ascribing some property to that thing. J4 (1)'s subject term fails to pick out or denote anything that exists. J5 If (1) is meaningful only in virtue of picking out a thing and ascribing a property to that thing (J1, J2, J3), and if (1)'s subject term fails to pick out anything that exists (J4), then either (1) is not meaningful after all (contrary to J1) or (1) picks out a thing that does not exist. But: J6 There is no such thing as a "nonexistent thing." The rub is that every one of J1­J6 seems true.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

Twenties. But the Weberian system has actually (been) adapted to them very successfully, as Continental PA always has. Both to characterize these and to denote a post-post-NPM, synergetic system of PA, perhaps a specifically European one that is not a NPM "laggard" but the opposite, Pollitt and Bouckaert, in what is now the standard book on Public Management Reform, have coined in the second edition (September 2004) the term "Neo-Weberian State" or NWS. I think it is wise to accept that label for the sake of clarity and uniformity, even if I do not agree completely with all details (for my earlier thought on the matter, see Drechsler 2003, 2005a, upon which much of the current article is based), and even though the Weber label might not be "cool" enough for the consultancy circuit. The respective outline of the NWS will be quoted here in full, rather than paraphrased: `Weberian' Elements

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Cashflow Quadrant

Katre Semjonov Cashflow Quadrant I chose a book named "Cashflow Quadrant" written by Robert T. Kiyosaki. This book is written for people who are ready to change quadrants. This book is especially for individuals who are employees or self-employed and are contemplating becoming business owners or investors. It is for people who are ready to move beyond job security and begin to achieve financial security. It is not an easy life's path but the prize at the end of the journey is worth the journey. It is the journey to financial freedom. WHICH QUADRANT ARE YOU IN? IS IT THE RIGHT ONE FOR YOU? Are you financially free? The CASHFLOW Quadrant was written for you if your life has come to a financial fork in the road. If you want to take control of what yo...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
15 allalaadimist

"The case for socialism"

an uncontrollable financial panic. In either case there would be a breakdown in the normal processes of peaceful goverment. 3. On the other hand it is equally essential that the programme of the Labour Party should retain the loyality of a very large proportion of its followers. A strong and united party organisation is essential for the execution of a complex programme. The importance of planning The term is used in current speech to describe widely different types of economic reforms. It is necessary to distinguish between: a) Planning, meaning simply the intervention of the Government in a particulat industry at a time when the greater part of the economy still remains in private hands, and b) Planning which results in the general supersession of individual enterprise as the source of economic decisions. Summary

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Theatres in Tallinn

School name THEATRES IN TALLINN Term Paper Compiler: Tallinn 2013 Introduction Tallinn is the capital city of Estonia. In Estonia there are many theatres. Tallinn has 8 theatres. Most of them are located in the Old Town or near the Old Town. These 8 theatres are: Estonian National Opera, Tallinn City Theatre, Estonian Drama Theatre, Estonian State Puppet & Youth Theatre, Russian Drama Theatre, VAT Theatre, Theatre NO99 and Von Krahl Theatre. Estonian National Opera The song and drama society `'Estonia'' was founded in 1865. Play-acting started in 1871. The following theatre activites were relatively haphazard, theatre as a tradition really came into being since 1895, when the society began to direct song plays, folk plays and comedies, usually with singing and dancing; in the start of the XX century already saw more serious drama on the stage. In year 1906 Paul Pinna a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Cinema is the most restricitve medium

The reason being, we get uncomfortable sitting long period of time. If the movies would be longer, we would lose interest and start doing something else. We would simply get uncomfortable sitting on a chair and the whole cinema experience would become agony. Furthermore, producing films can be expensive, especially longer films. All human resources want to be paid an hour wage, renting and building sets cost money etc. So, in the long term, making longer films more than 3 hours is not that good idea. Longer films would start losing money. Films in ordinary cinema are not long. Because of that, filmmakers have to make compromises, all the time and everywhere. Starting with the writer. If they come with an original idea, easier for them. They don’t have to go that deep into the background of the characters to tell the story because there would be enough time in the film to show it, so they can write less but better

Filmikunst → Film
8 allalaadimist

Priorities of Estonian History

themselves from their own passions and narrow outlooks to see things the way his or her subjects saw them, consider what biases he or she was subject to, what his or her motivations and aims were. In Estonian historiography, for example, records refer to Soviet control over Estonia as either "liberation" or occupation." As historians, it is our imperative duty to consider both sides, and in our writing to refer to this Soviet control as just that, Soviet control. Such a term lacks negative or positive connotations. In fact, it lacks connotations entirely. Another way historians might address this issue would be to say or write something like, 3 Siobhan Kattago, "Memory, Pluralism and the Agony of Politics," Journal of Baltic Studies, vol. 41, no. 3 (2010). "In 1940, the Soviet Union took control of Estonian territory. Many Estonians and others viewed and view this event as illegal occupation, while many

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

How to produce bioenergy from agricultural resources without harming the environment

How to produce bioenergy from agricultural resources without harming the environment Jürgen Aosaar Jaak-Albert Metsoja Ahto Oja BOVA cource on biogas from biomass March 3-7 2008 Tartu Deciduous tree species on abandoned agricultural land Current situation • The long term development plan of the Estonian energy industry foresees a reduction in the use of fossil fuels and an increase in the share of biofuels: by the year 2010 renewable energy must account for 5.1% of total energy consumption Current situation (2) • In Estonia we have abandoned arable land about 400 000 ha, part of it is overgrowing naturally, and another part has been afforested • For short-rotation forestry in Estonia, ecologically and economically the most

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Report: estonian ecnomy

country’s domestic and foreign policy, shaped by parliament. It directs and coordinates the work of government institutions and bears full responsibility for everything occuring within the authority of executive power. The government thus represents the political leadership of the country and makes decisions in the name of the whole executive power. Riigikogu or the Parliament is the single-chamber parliament of Estonia. The Parliament of Estonia is elected by people for a four-year term by proportional representation. The Estonian parliament has 101 members and influences the governing of the state primarily by determining the income and the expenses of the state. The Parliament of Estonia’s duties are as follows: approve legislations; appoint high officials, including the Prime Minister and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; elect the President; ratify significiant foreign treaties that

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
6 allalaadimist

Финансовый учёт II

II 1. : · ; · ; · ; · ; · . 2. (, , ) . 3. . , , , . 4. - (01.01.2003) , . , , , , . 5. , , , : · () () · () · ( ) , . : · · , · · 6. - , , , . : (a) , , ( ); (b) , ( ). 3. , , . 4. . , . 7. 1. , . « , : () ; - . - - - - ; - . , .. 8. , ? . , , . , , , . . 9. . 1. ­ , (, ) , . 2. : - . ; - ; - : . 3. . , . ...

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
13 allalaadimist

Acid Rain

Acid Rain Acid rain is any precipitation that is unusually acidic. It possesses elevated levels of hydrogen ions(it has low pH level). Acid rain is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which react with water molecules. Distilled water(doesn't contain CO 2), has pH level 7. Liquids with pH level less than 7 are acidic, liquids with pH level greater than 7 are alkaline. Unpolluted rain has a pH level over 5.7, so it is slightly acidic. Affected areas Places significantly impacted by acid rain around the globe include most of eastern Europe from Poland northward into Scandinavia, the eastern third of the United States and southeastern Canada. Other affected areas include the southeastern coast of China and Taiwan Causes · It is caused when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. In the atmosphere they re...

Keemia → Keemia
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun