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"term" - 663 õppematerjali

term –  avalikud saunad, mis olid avatud ka vaestele roomlastele ning pakkusid  lisaks massaaži ja erootilisi teenuseid ning neis leidus isegi raamatukogusid ja  lugemisruume.


Termodünaamika -Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Termodünaamika -Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Termodünaamika -Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Kasutaja: term

Faile: 0

Välisesindused Eestis

Välisesindused Eestis Eestis on 67 välisesindust. Kõik on saatkonnad, konsulaadid ja aukonsulid. Eestis asuvad USA, Austria, Belgia, Brasiilia, Bulgaaria, Costa Rica, Filipiinid, Gruusia, Hiina, Hiina Majandus- ja Kommertsbüroo, Hispaania, Hollandi, Iiri, Israeli, India, Indoneesia, Islandi, Itaalia, Jaapani, Kanada, Korea Vabariigi, Kreeka, Läti, Leedu, Luksemburgi, Makedoonia, Malta, Maroko, Moldova, Monaco, Norra, Peruu, Poola, Portugali, Prantsusmaa, Rootsi, Rumeenia, Saksamaa, Slovakkia, Soome, Sri Lanka, Suurbritannia, Sveitsi, Taani, Tsehhi, Tsiili, Türgi, Ukraina, Ungari, Uruguay, Uus-Meremaa, Valgevene, Vene Föderatsioon. Suurem osa inimesi tulevad Eestisse turismi ja puhkuse pärast. Eestis on väga palju vaatamisväärsusi. Tallinnas eriti. Tallinnas turistid külastavad rohkem Vanalinna, Balti Jaama, Kadrioru parki, Kadrioru lossi, KUMU ning palju muid vaatamisvärsusi. Paljud välismaalased t...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
9 allalaadimist

"Northern Europe’s seas. Norther Europe’s environment"

When they sink to the bottom and stay strapped there, they may become toxic to the organisms in the area and also, for people, birds and animals who eat the contaminated water organisms. Last but not least, oil and oil products are also playing a big role in marine pollution. In the authors opinion the most dramatic inputs of oil result from accidents. Aniansson points out that such incidents cause widespread damage because wind and currents carry the oil away from the scene in a short term. Oil and oil products that are not completely insoluble in water cause serious damage to birds as the become oiled, making their plumage usless as thermal insulation and causing hypothermia which leads to death.

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Pros and cons of sports

Pros and cons of sports I'm going to talk about advantages and disadvantages of sports. There are several really good reasons why to do sports but always there is something negative in every good thing you have to take into account. On the one hand, sports are really good for your health. Sporting keeps you fit and gives you dicipline. People who do not sport regularly have more illnesses and tend to be overweight. Also, doing sports even extends life and help reduce the feelings of sadness and depression. In addition to that, sporting keeps children busy. Nowadays a lot of kids tend to stupid things at their spare time so when they are doing anykind of sports it keeps them out of trouble and even away from TV and video games, that have really bad influence on their eyes, student achievement and may make them violent. Sport boosts their self confident, motivation and responsibility as well. If childern ar...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Kristel Metsla G1L Juhendaja: Tiiu Saava Nõelravi Mis on nõelravi? Nõelravi ehk akupunktuur on Hiina rahvameditsiinist pärit alternatiivmeditsiini meetod, mis püüab patsiendi seisundit parandada, torgates tema kehal teatud punktidesse peenikesi väärismetallist nõelu. Ajalugu Ulatub aastatuhandete taha Huan Ti Nei Ching esimene raamat nõelravi põhiprintsiipidest (206 eKr ­ 220 pKr) Autoriks Kollane Imperaator Huang Ti Aluseks 3 suunda Daoõpetus YangYin'i õpetus Viieelemendi õpetus Meridiaanid Inimese organismil on eriline süsteem, mis ühendab keha ülemist ja alumist osa ning ühendab kõiki "õõnsaid" ja "mitteõõnsaid" elundeid. Eristatakse 12 põhilist meridiaani: 6 Yang meridiaani õõnsad elundid 6 Yin meridiaani mitteõõnsad elundid Haiguste põhjuseks peetakse organismis tekkinud Yang-Yin tasakaaluhäiret- keha Y...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
9 allalaadimist


HÕIMUPÄEVAD 2014 HÕIMUPÄEVADEST • Kaunis tava tutvustada oktoobrikuu kolmandal nädalal hõimurahvaid ja nende kultuure sai alguse juba 1931. aastal, kuid katkes nõukogude ajal. • 1988. aastal traditsioon taaselustati ning 2011. aasta märtsis võeti Riigikogus vastu otsus tähistada hõimupäeva oktoobrikuu kolmandal laupäeval riikliku tähtpäevana, mil heisatakse riigilipud. • Hõimupäevade põhiüritusteks on suured pärimusmuusikakontserdid Tartus, Tallinnas ja Viljandis, kuid eri soome-ugri piirkondadest külla saabunud folklooriansamblid reisivad üle kogu Eesti, esinedes koolides ja rahvamajades. UURALI RAHVAD • Uurali rahvad on samojeedi ja soome-ugri rahvad, mida seob omavahel keelesugulus. • Uurali rahvad räägivad uurali keeli, mis samuti jagunevad samojeedi ja soome-ugri keelteks. • Soomeugrilased on soome-ugri keeli kõnelevad rahvad. Soome-ugri rahvaste hulka kuuluvad un...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
6 allalaadimist


1. Jumalad: Jupiter-Zeus, Mars-Ares, Juno-Hera, Poseidon-Neptunus, Hades-Pluto, Ceres-Demeter, Prosepina-Persephone, Minerva- Athena, Apollo-Apollon, Diana-Artemis, Mercurius-Hermes, Venus- Aphrodite, Bacchus-Dionysos, Saturnus-Kronos, Vesta-Hestia. 2. Isikud: Peetrus ja Paulus- Kristluse levitajad, Peetrus oli esimene Rooma piiskop. Titus Livius- tuntuim ajaloolane Vergilius- kirjanik ``Aeneis`` Cicero- rooma üks silmapaistvamaid riigimehi, kõnemees Octavianus ehk Augustus- keiser Romulus- pärimuse järgi rooma linna rajaja. Romulus ja Remus Nero- keiser, julm Traianus- keiser, suurim ulatus Roomal Caesar ja Pompeius, Antonius, Lepidus, Crassus. Diocletianus- sisekorra ja piiride taastamine,, sõjaväe tugevdamine, senat kaotab tähtsuse, kristlaste tagakiusamine. Constatinus 306-337, pooldas ristiusku, 313 legaliseeriti ristiusk. 3. Mõisted: Puunia sõda- sõjad Rooma ja Kartaago vahel, 3 sõda. Patriits- suursuguse suguvõsa liige ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
25 allalaadimist

Vana-Rooma 10. klassi ajaloo konspekt

VanaRooma 1) Millal ja kuhu tekkis Rooma linn? Kirjelda Rooma linna tekkimisega seotud legendi! 10 saj eKr rajati asula Palatiumi künkale Tiberi vasakule kaldale. Teiste allikate alusel 21.04 753 eKr ja rajajaks Romulus. Legend räägib, et Romulus ja Remus visati korviga Tiberisse. Kaldale uhutud poisid sattusid emahundi hoole alla, kes neid imetas. Hiljem aga kasvatas nad üles kohalik karjus. Suureks saades kukutasid nad oma vanaisa võimult ja asusid uut linna rajama. 2) Iseloomusta lühidalt I, II ja III Puunia sõda! I Puunia sõda ­ 264-241 eKr. Tänu tugevale laevastusele ja merelahingute sportlastele saavutasid roomlased mitu võitu ja Kartaagol tuli oma valdusi roomlastele loovutada. II Puunia sõda ­ 218-201 eKr. Kartaagolaste väepealik Hannibal purustas küll Rooma väe Cannae lahingus kuid roomlased sundisid ta kodumaale taanduma ja Põhja- Aafrikas toimunud lahingus said kartaagolased lüüa. III Puunia sõda ­ 146 eKr. Tänu eelnevale k...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
61 allalaadimist

Juhtimise alused esitlus

Power distance scores are high for Latin, Asian and African countries and smaller for Germanic and Scandinavian countries. 51 Võimudistants 52 Lühiajaline vs pikaajaline suundumus This fifth dimension was found in a study among students in 23 countries around the world, using a questionnaire designed by Chinese scholars. It can be said to deal with Virtue regardless of Truth. Values associated with Long Term Orientation are thrift and perseverance; values associated with Short Term Orientation are respect for tradition, fulfilling social obligations, and protecting one's 'face'. Both the positively and the negatively rated values of this dimension are found in the teachings of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher who lived around 500 B.C.; however, the dimension also applies to countries without a Confucian heritage.

Psühholoogia → Juhtimispsühholoogia
20 allalaadimist

Arhitektuuri ajalugu sõnad

Aatriumelamu ­ tüüpiline rooma elamu, milles pearuum (aatrium) ülavalgustusega ja selle all asuva sisebasseiniga. Agoraa ­ peaväljak-turuplats ja rahvakoosolekute pidamise koht Antiik-Kreeka linnades, suurus tavaliselt 1,5-2,5 ha. Akropol ­ linnade kindlustatud osa Kreekas (Kr.keeles akropolis-kindlus, ülalinn) Akvedukt ­ rennikujuline veejuhe, mille abil varustati Rooma riigi linnu veega. Amfiteater ­ vaatemänguehitis, kus pealtvaatajate istmeread asetsevad ellipsi kujuliselt ümber ovaalse platsi (areeni). Amon ­ Egiptuse peajumal uue riigi ajal Arhitektoonika ­ ehituskunst, kandvateja kantavate osade seostus, mõõdusuhe ning vormirütm Basiilika ­ piklik täisnurkne, enamasti mitmelööviline hoone, algselt arvatavasti Roomlaste turu- või kohtuhoone. Dolmen ­ hauakamber, hauamärk Doodz ­ itaalia keeles doge ­ juht, riigipea nimetus veneetsias Etruskid ­ kõrge majandus- ning kultuuri tasemega Kesk-Itaaliasse sisserännanud teadmata päritolug...

Arhitektuur → Arhitektuur
90 allalaadimist

How to become successful?

How to become successful? Success as a rather abstract term has become the main goal that youngsters want to achieve nowadays when they are putting the things in their lives into perspective. Success is measured individually by each person based on their values, intrests and achievements. But what could be the gameplan when inching one's way towards success in my point of view? First of all, i believe that figuring out the path one wants to follow in life and being

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Idiomatic Language

In front of smth so they can't avoid it ­ before to be new or different that encourages u ­ be a breath of their very eyes fresh air to accept smth ­ face it to make someone leave a job cuz they are too old ­ put so to have a lot of things to do ­ be knee deep in out to grass smth to be in a situation when u may make so angry ­ be to not understand smth ­ not make a head or tail walking/skating on thin ice out of smth smth that happens that added to other problems , makes a to be angry or bored ­ fed up to the (back) teeth situastion impssible - the last straw to admit that u were wrong ­ eat humble pie a bad situation that affects other things ­ a vicious circle a place with an exiting mixture of cultures ­ a all over the world ­ to the 4 corners of the globe melti...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Royals and their favorite music

reception dance staples such as Dancing Queen at the post-royal wedding dinner dance in 2011. Prince Charles: Leonard Cohen You might suspect that Prince Charles has highbrow musical taste - he adores Bach - but he also once revealed in a TV interview that Leonard Cohen was "wonderful". Cohen appeared at a 1998 Prince's Trust concert.. Prince Harry: Skream Ollie 'Skream' Jones is a 'Dubstep' producer based in Croydon. His debut album Skream! was released in 2006 although he prefers the term ‘UK bass’ to 'Dubstep'. Prince Harry,  who sang a bit of Bob Marley in public on his tour of Jamaica in March 2012, has seen Skream close up - after he performed at a charity event at Buckingham Palace Princess Margaret: The Beatles Princess Margaret was part of the Swinging Sixties scene and had a soft spot for the music of the Beatles, whom she met at a Royal Variety Command Performance in 1963. Princess Margaret was also a fan of jazz and would sometimes visit

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia kultuurilugu
1 allalaadimist

Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon

ÜRO Koostaja : Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon ÜRO loomine Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon (ÜRO) on 26. juunil 1945. aastal San Franciscos loodud 51 riigi poolt moodustatud rahvusvaheline organisatsioon, mille eesmärk on rahvusvahelise rahu ja julgeoleku, inimõiguste ning rahvusvahelise koostöö tagamine ja majandusliku, sotsiaalse, kultuurilise ja humaanse iseloomuga rahvusvaheliste probleemide lahendamine. ÜRO lipp Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase ÜRO peasekretär ÜRO peasekretär juhib ÜRO sekretariaati, mis on üks olulisemaid ÜRO organeid. Alates 1. jaanuarist 2007 on ÜRO peasekretär Ban Ki-moon Lõuna-Koreast. ÜRO embleem Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Saksamaa: poliitiline jaotus

­ Legislature - the Bundestag and Bundesrat ­ passing laws ­ Executive (Chancellor and government): proposing and implementing laws · Single executive: President downgraded to ceremonial role ­ Federalism: distribution of responsibilities between central and regional government Bundesrat Bundestag · Four year fixed term Second Chamber (cf House of Lords) Represents German Länder (= devolved regions) in national politics · 656 members, half 16 Länder send delegations with voting weights in loose proportion elected from to population constituencies, half 69 members in total from regional party Can veto over 50% of laws (and require reconsideration of the rest)

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kreeka ja Rooma varane kunst

KREEKA EHITUSKUNST 1.)Arhailine e dooria 7.-6. eKr.*talastiku moodustasid kaniis, friis ja arhitraan *lihtrahvas templis ei käinud * ehituses kindlad: sammaste arv, kõrguse-laiuse suhe, tempel avaneb itta. 2.) klassikaline e joonia 5.-4. saj eKr * võrreldes dooriaga on sammas saledam ja enam kaunistatud + baas. 3.) hiline e hellenistlik eh korintose 3.-1. saj eKr.*pikim ja saledaim sammas jooniast erimeb kapiteeli poolest, pidulik , kaetud taimsete motiividega ning ülemine osa meenutab vaasi * enam ei pöörata tähelepanu templitele, vaid profaanarhitektuurile *liikide segamine, lossid, teatrid. KREETA-MÜKEENE KUNST- Kreeta-kult on kõrgel järjel, maalidel ei esine sõjastseene, on sanasusi Egiptusega, levinuim pisiskulptuur on jumalanna madudega. Mükeene-söjakas, linnadel paksud müürid, kõrgelt arenenenud tarbekunst. Sarnasus- Kreeta samma, alt kitsem, kui ülalt, sile, värvitud, pole baasi, ülal padjanadid; vaba voolav joon seinamaalidel. ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
57 allalaadimist


1 Valgamaa kutseõppekeskus Müüja Kristiina Leppik M12 MONITOR Referaat Priit Lomp Valga, 2013 2 Sisukord Tiitelleht 1 Sisukord 2 Monitorid 3 Kokkuvõte 4 Kasutatud materjal 5 3 Monitorid Monitoridel on 4 liiki Kineskoopmonitor- See monitor on algne monitor mis on suure kujuga ja see monitor on väidetavasti eluohtlik. Selle monitori sees on väga palju volte ja kui oma käsi taha kasti juude panna ja sealt on midagi kahjustatud võib saada surmava elektrilöögi. Kineskoopmonitoril külje pealt on raske ekraani näha ja kineskoopmonitor on eest suurem ja tagant läheb madalamaks kui eestpoolt. LCD monitor- LCD monitor on õhuke ja ke...

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
18 allalaadimist

Summary Education

Education The education system is a little bit different in the UK than ours. For example they have go to school 2 years earlier than us. Primary school is for pupils aged 5-11. Though schooling is only compulsory from age 5 in the UK, children most commonly enter Reception Class aged 4 in the academic year in which they will reach their 5th birthday. When pupils are aged 7 they sit Key Stage 1 [SATs]. Key Stage 2 SATs are taken when pupils are aged 11. Secondary school is for pupils aged 11-16. 11-13 years old pupils study a broad range of 10–15 subjects. No public examinations are taken during this time. Traditionally, at the age of 14 students start a programme that lasts for 2 years and during which time they study up to 11 subjects of their choice. After this students take GCSE state examinations After 16 attending at school isn't compulsory but pupils can stay at school, go to coll...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
1 allalaadimist

"The whole manager" referaat

You need to understand how others see you. As a start, you might ask during assessment or appraisal meetings to have the papers put aside for a moment and get an honest, off-the-record assessment of how you are perceived generally. Managing your time It is critical, therefore, that you devise a strategy for dealing with time. The first step is to commit to a specific plan for how you allot your time. This can cover a host of areas ­ short term or long term, personal or business. Although the above may seem obvious, it is still worth starting ­ without a conscious plan people tend to be reactive. Above all, being in a control of your time will lead to increased self-confidence and peace of mind ­ and, best of all, with a bit of self-discipline and thought it can be achieved by anyone. How you use your diary is clearly a key element in effective time management. If properly used, your diary can

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


But even the electric car is not all green because the electricity produced for nuclear, coal, oil shale and natural gas. These ways to get electricity pollutes nature, the only difference between lies in the fact that pollution is in the one place. Coal Electric power station Oil shale power station in Narva What is a electric car An electric car is a plug-in battery powered automobile which is propelled by electric motor. Electric cars are a variety of electric vehicle (EV); the term "electric vehicle" refers to any vehicle that uses electric motors for propulsion, while "electric car" generally refers to road-going automobiles powered by electricity. While an electric car's power source is not explicitly an on-board battery, electric cars with motors powered by other energy sources are generally referred to by a different name: an electric car powered by sunlight is a solar car, and an electric car powered by a gasoline generator is a form of hybrid car

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Services in Estonia (ettekanne)

● Intentionally commited crimes Compulsory military service ● All male Estonian citizens are required to serve in the defence forces ● Persons eligible to be drafted, conscripts and reserve personnel ● Not be called up for military service: ● Health reasons ● Has been in another country's military service ● Intentionally commited crimes ● Turned 28 years of age during the extension term Compulsory military service ● All male Estonian citizens are required to serve in the defence forces ● Persons eligible to be drafted, conscripts and reserve personnel ● Not be called up for military service: ● Health reasons ● Has been in another country's military service ● Intentionally commited crimes ● Turned 28 years of age during the extension term ● Lasts from 8 to 11 months, depending on the particular service

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Society and culture of english-speaking countries

approximately 350-400 million native speakers. Which place does English occupy in the world by its number of speakers?After which language? English occupies second place by its number of speakers after Mandarin Chinese. 3. What is the difference between English as a Second Language, English as a Foreign Language and English for Specific Purposes? Give examples of situations where they are used. English as a Second Language (ESL or TESL) is a traditional term for the use or study of the English language by non-native speakers in an English-speaking environment. That environment may be a country in which English is the mother tongue (e.g., Australia, the U.S.) or one in which English has an established role (e.g., India, Nigeria) English as a foreign language A traditional term for the use or study of the English language by non-native speakers in countries where English is generally not a local medium of communication.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

RS liides ja aeglased modemid - labor

s.o. vahetut liidest signaalide ülekandeks ning telefonikaabli abil signaalide ülekannet sidekanalis modemite vahendusel. 7. Kontrollküsimused a) Millist andmeedastusprotokolli toetas meie NOKIA modem laboris? Kaabliühendus COM2 port-is ja bittide saatmine/vastuvõtmine käis läbi terminali. Selleks uhendatakse kontaktvaljal signaalide TD ja RD signaalipunktid (TD ­ Transmit Data, RD ­ Receive Data) omavahel. Kasutasime programmi Tera Term Pro- sealt sai jälgida, kuidas ja kas kõik töötab õigesti. b) Tegemist on negatiivse loogikaga, st. ,,0" korral on kõrgepingenivoo. Seega eeldan, et kood tuleks järgmine: Tegemist on % märgiga 01010010011-start-bitt 01010010011- 7 järgmist bitti on ASCII kood (%-täht) 01010010011- paarsus bitt 01010010011-kaks stop-bitti 10101101

Informaatika → Side
116 allalaadimist

Rassism - essee

Racism in USA The term ''racism'' is used usually to dercribe the negative feeling of one group of ''people'',the qlimax of the history of racism came in the twentyeth century. Racism has been the problem in USA for many centurys.It is a kind of discrimination where people,who are black or another race,have not been treated according to normal human rights- they were not allowed to go normal schools and be part of the community.That made them develope their own society and became hostal to white people.

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Utoopia arhitektuuris

Architecture and cities in the future · The painting by Frank R. Paul · Cities made of steel, glass and plastic · Massive skyscrapers, roof-top aerodromes, wide pedestrian boulevards, metal roadways, urban space launch pads, noise regulations. · Cities must change radically to achieve long-term sustainability. · Energy, food and water sources, transportation systems and basic infrastructure, must all adapt to emerging pressures from climate change, dw...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
11 allalaadimist

Winston Churchill

first lord of the Admiralty. In May 1940, Neville Chamberlain resigned as prime minister and Churchill took his place. His refusal to surrender to Nazi Germany inspired the country. He worked tirelessly throughout the war, building strong relations with US President Roosevelt while maintaining a sometimes difficult alliance with the Soviet Union. Churchill lost power in the 1945 post-war election but remained leader of the opposition, voicing apprehensions about the Cold War (he popularised the term 'Iron Curtain') and encouraging European and trans-Atlantic unity. In 1951, he became prime minister again. He resigned in 1955, but remained an MP until shortly before his death. As well as his many political achievements, he left a legacy of an impressive number of publications and in 1953 won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Churchill died on 24 January 1965 and was given a state funeral.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Acid rains

sulfur which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids History Since the Industrial Revolution, emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides to the atmosphere have increased In 1852, Robert Angus Smith was the first to show the relationship between acid rain and atmospheric pollution in Manchester, England Though acidic rain was discovered in 1852, it was not until the late 1960s that scientists began widely observing and studying the phenomenon The term "acid rain" was generated in 1972 Canadian Harold Harvey was among the first to research a "dead" lake Public awareness of acid rain in the U.S increased in the 1970s after the New York Times promulgated reports from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire of the myriad deleterious environmental effects demonstrated to result from it Occasional pH readings in rain and fog water of well below 2.4 have been reported in industrialized areas

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Fast food

Fast Food Ainiki Niinelaid & Kätlin Kaera Fast food definitions Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. Fast food - inexpensive food (hamburgers or chicken or milkshakes) Fast food - A type of meal that is often standardized, pre-prepared ; A type of food that is quickly made, but of low nutritional value; junk food; Anything standardized, quickly available, and inexpensive, often, of low value . Fast food - Foods designed for ready availability, use or consumption and sold at eating establishments for quick availability or take-out.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

PP esitlus FBI

Overview established in 1908 current director, Robert S. Mueller, III On July 31, 2009, had a total of 32,709 employees. Headquarters in Washington, D.C. FBI budget $6.4 billion Legal personality: Governmental: Government agency 2 Director appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate term of each FBI Director is limited to ten years current Director, Robert S. Mueller, III confirmed as Director of the FBI by the Senate on August 2, 2001 took the oath of office on September 4, 2001 3 Jurisdictional structure Federal agency (Operations jurisdiction): · United States Legal jurisdiction · As per operations jurisdiction. Governing body · United States Congress

Informaatika → Informaatika
20 allalaadimist

Enviromental problems

Environmental Problems and Sustainability The environment is our physical surroundings. This includes both human (man- made), social and physical (natural) features. Natural features include soil, the atmosphere, vegetation and wildlife. Human features include things such as culture, language and political systems. Geographers are concerned about human action in the environment. Human interference with the environment causes problems such as soil erosion, global warming and acid. You may ask how we as individuals can have an impact on the environment. Our actions can help to increase the problems highlighted above. For example turning off lights that are not being used helps to reduce global warming. Until recently, concern about the environment revolved almost exclusively around local and national problems. Over the past two decades, however, scientists have increasingly focused attention on more far-reaching environmental threats,...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
34 allalaadimist


companions. Another great stressor for young people is school. There are countless reasons why. They have to fit in to their “pack “ and at the same time learn new imporant and lessimportant information and skills. It also reminds them that life is usually hard and tedious. There are many ways for living a less stressful life. The most popular and also the worst method is to change your bodies chemical composition with legal and illegal substances. That is only a short- term solution and makes the situation even worse, because you become dependant on these substances. But there are other better albeit slower solutions. For example breathing slower and meditating has been found beneficial for stressreilief. Even some foods have been shown to reduce the level of cortisol in our body. Cortisol is a stressinducing hormone that sends signals to the body, when your brain thinks it is in trouble. So the best cure

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Jamaica uuring

Riigi nimi - Jamaica a)pindala - 10,991 km2 b)rahvaarv - 2,889,187 (Juuli 2012 , Wikipedia) c)pealinn - Kingston d)pealinna - elanike arv 937,700 (2011 , Wikipedia) e)keel - Jamaica-Inglise f)rahaühik - Jamaica dollar a)manner: Tegemist on saareriigiga ehk ei asu mandril b)maailmajagu: Põhja-Ameerika c)ümbritsevad veekogud (lisa juurde ilmakaared): Ümbritsetud igast küljest Kariibi merega. d)naaberriigid (lisa juurde ilmakaared, kui võimalik siis ka kui pikk on ühine piir ja kust ta külgeb nt. mööda mäestikku, merd, jõge, järve jne): Ühised piirid naaberriikidega puuduvad , kuid naaberriikideks on põhjas Kuuba, läänes Caymani saared ning mandril Mehiko , idas Haiti ja Dominikaani vabariik ning lõunas Costa Rica ja Panama. Joonis1.Jamaica regionaalne kaart. Joonis 2. Jamaica maailmajao kaart. http://www...

Geograafia → Geograafia
21 allalaadimist

Finantsarvestuse kodutöö EBS

Varad/Assets = KOHUSTISED / LIABILITIES + OMAKAPITAL/OWNER'S EQUITY Pikaajalised Põhivara / kohustised / Kuupäev / ...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
46 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards

games, visit Now you are ready to start your first lesson. Your aim in this lesson is to learn the A and D major chords and to introduce yourself to reading guitar tablature. This lesson is very important, so I want you to really focus. Remember! It is more beneficial for you to practice several times during a week than to practice for one long session. This is because your brain processes information in chunks at a time and it can only hold a certain amount in short term storage. For example, with phone numbers, it is very difficult to remember any more than 7 digits at a time. Yet if you give yourself time between practicing, even if it is just 10 minutes, you'll find that your brain is much more efficient at turning your short term practice into long term knowledge. More information on effective learning is contained in Jamorama at Ok. That aside, let's get started on the lesson. To start with, I want you to

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist

Loogika konspekt 1-5

sisalduvat infot, tänu millele väljend ühe või teise objekti või objektide klassiga ühendusse viiakse. MÕISTE (ik concept, term) on mõtlemise vorm, mis peegeldab esemeid ja nähtusi terviklikena nende oluliste tunnuste kaudu. (Märkus: eesti keeles võib sõna mõiste osutada ka sõnale või sõnade rühmale, mida kasutatakse mõistest rääkimiseks. Inglise keeles aga on mõtlemise sfääri kuuluv mõiste pigem ikka concept ning term on kõnesfääri kuuluv sõna või sõnade rühm.) Tunnus (ik characteristic) on iseloomulik omadus, mille poolest asjad ja nähtused üksteisega sarnanevad või erinevad. Üksiktunnus (ik singular characteristic) on teatava objekti (eseme, nähtuse jne) mingi konkreetne iseloomulik tunnus. Oluline tunnus (ik essential characteristic) väljendab teatava objekti olemust. Juhuslik (ebaoluline) tunnus (ik accidental characteristic) on tunnus, mis mingil

Filosoofia → Loogika
335 allalaadimist

Estonian cuisine

Traditionally it has only been available outside of Estonia, though there are now a select number of places where it is available locally. Fast food Fast food (also known as Quick Service Restaurant or QSR within the industry itself) is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away. The term "fast food" was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam­Webster in 1951. Outlets may be stands or kiosks, which may provide no shelter or seating, or fast food restaurants (also known as quick service restaurants). Franchise operations which are part of

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Loogilise programmeerimise 1.kontrolltöö konspekt

1. Sissejuhatus: 1.1. Mis on loogiline programmeerimine? l Programmeerimise paradigma l loogiline (LP) l funktsionaalne (FP) l jt Fookus: MIDA ARVUTADA l LP ja FP on deklaratiivsed programmeerimisstiilid; l LP põhineb loogika printsiipidel ja kasutab automaattõestamise protseduure (resolutsioon, unifitseerimine); l LP keel on Prolog, kuid LP ≠ Prolog; 1.1. Mis on loogiline programmeerimine? (2) l LP sobib tehisintellekti rakenduste programmeerimiseks: l loomuliku keele analüüs ( DCG grammatikareeglid) l ekspertsüsteemid (otsingu- ja järeldusreeglid) l kujundituvastus (tuvastusreeglid) l kitsendustega planeerimine (logistika, marsruudi otsimine) l rekursiivsete funktsioonide püsipunkti arvutus l jne l LP ei sobi: l Kiired numbrilised arvutused (n. maatriksarvutused, võrrandid) l OOP (kuigi on toetatud mõnes prologis) l kasu...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
127 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia ajalugu

Funktsionalism - Under the influence of Darwin, the school of functionalism stressed the role of conciousness and behavoior in adapting to the enviroment. Pragmatism ­ tõe kriteerium on tegevuse/idee kasulikkus. Inimene ise saab enda elu/iseloomu/tuju muuta, vaba tahe, kuidas soovib käituda. Igasugused uskumused on kasulikud ja väärt, kui need on efektiivsed William James - oli pragmaatik kes... uskumine vabasse tahtesse teadvuse voog / stream of consciousness - teadvust ei saa elementideks jagada vaid on pidevalt muutuv ja personaalne - peegeldab indiviidi kogemusi, eesmärk on tagada kohanemine keskkonnaga. Teadvus on personaalne, ei saa jaotada, pidevalt muutuv, valiv, kohaneb keskkonnaga Rakenduspsy kujunemine. Uurimistehnikate laiendamine (kasuliku teabe leidmine inimese kohta). Learnes patterns of behaviour are habits. Habit makes society possible. Act in ways that are compatible wi...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia ajalugu
16 allalaadimist

Acid rains üldine kokkuvõte

Since the Industrial Revolution, emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides to the atmosphere have increased.[2][3] In 1852, Robert Angus Smith was the first to show the relationship between acid rain and atmospheric pollution in Manchester, England.[4] Though acidic rain was discovered in 1852, it was not until the late 1960s that scientists began widely observing and studying the phenomenon. The term "acid rain" was generated in 1972. [5] Canadian Harold Harvey was among the first to research a "dead" lake. Public awareness of acid rain in the U.S increased in the 1970s after the New York Times promulgated reports from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire of the myriad deleterious environmental effects demonstrated to result from it. Occasional pH readings in rain and fog water of well below 2.4 have been reported in industrialized areas

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


QUANTIFIERS 1.Fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers: much, many a. It seems to me that we've had ............................... assignments in English this term. b. How ........................................... material can we be expected to read in one week? c. ............................................................... books are not in the library. d. I've had ............................................................ headaches already because of stress. e. ....................................................depression can be attributed to being overworked. 2.Fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers: much, many, few, little, most

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Euroopa Liit ? Euroopa Liidu keeled Euroopa liiduga liitunud riigid Euroopa Liidu ühisraha Institutsioon, poliitiline süsteem Kodaniku Euroopa Eesti liitumise põhjused Euroopa Liit on põhiliselt Euroopa riike hõlmav majanduslik ja poliitiline ühendus. Liikmesriigid on Austria, Belgia, Bulgaaria, Eesti, Hispaania, Holland, Itaalia, Iirimaa, Kreeka, Küpros, Leedu, Luksemburg, Läti , Malta, Poola, Portugal, Prantsusmaa, Rootsi, Rumeenia, Saksamaa, Slovakkia, Sloveenia, Millel on 27 Soome, Suurbritannia, Taani, Tsehhi, Ungari . liikmesriiki EUROOPA LIIDU KEELED Euroopa Liidus on 23 ametlikku ja töökeelt. Need on: bulgaaria, eesti, hispaania, hollandi, iiri, inglise, itaalia, kreeka, leedu, läti, malta, poola, portugali, prants...

Geograafia → Geograafia
20 allalaadimist


cyber security and includes a staff of approximately 40 tallinnas HISTORY • In 2003, prior to the country’s official accession to NATO, Estonia proposed the creation of a "cyber excellence center". The 2006 Riga summit listed possible cyber attacks among the asymmetric threats to the common security and acknowledged the need for programs to protect information systems over the long term. The cyber attacks on Estonia in 2007 highlighted for the first time the potential vulnerability of any NATO countries, their institutions and societies, and even NATO itself to disruption or penetration of their information and communications systems. • Estonia’s proposals for a NATO cyber excellence center received strong support from the alliance’s Secretary-General "Jaap" de Hoop Scheffer. NATO completed an assessment of the situation, partly in

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
11 allalaadimist


valikut! 8. Nimetage kreeklaste kultuurilisi saavutusi järgmistes valdkondades, tooge näiteid: 1) teater 2) sport 3) filosoofia 4) matemaatika 5) ajalookirjutus 6) arhitektuur II. Vana-Rooma. 1. Mõisted: Kapitoolium, foorum, senat, konsul, vabariik, keisririik, patriits, plebei, rahvatribuun, veto, Piibel, Vana-Testament, Uus-Testament, Rooma õigus, leegion, triumf, gladiaator, term 2. Kes oli, mida tegi: Romulus, Hannibal, Caesar, Kleopatra, Augustus, Constantinus Suur, Jeesus, Peetrus, Paulus 3. Millist mõju avaldasid geograafilised olud Rooma ühiskonnale? 4. Selgitage ütlused: 1) Haned päästsid Rooma 2) Pyrrhose võit 3) Liisk on langenud 4) Tulin, nägin, võitsin 5) Ka sina, Brutus 6) Jaga ja valitse 5. Millal toimunud ja millisest sündmusest arvestasid roomlased aega? 6

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
28 allalaadimist

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking Siim Lääniste,Kert Karing KV13 Biography Was born 8. January 1942 in Oxford,England Began his schooling at the Byron House School In 1950 Hawking and his family moved to St Albans where he attended St Albans High School for Girls for a few months In March 1959 Hawking took the scholarship examinations with the aim of studying natural sciences at Oxford Why he is a unique person In early 1963 he spent two weeks having tests in hospital and motor neurone disease was diagnosed It's where the muscles and bones became less efficient as he aged, it stopped his jaw bones from working He speaks through a computer what is on his wheelchair His IQ is 160 His IQ score ranks up with Bill Gates and Benjamin Franklin! Quotes Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Life would be tragic if it weren't f...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

It is in accordance with the reality that countries are not in the position to agree to a benchmark value of a fixed ratio that would apply in every country to every type of entity. The proposed corridor from 10% to 30% has good arguments, but with exceptions and transition times allowed and some earnings or interest expenses excluded, this will create confusion among corporates and tax administers alike. It is important to ensure that no new ways to avoid the rules are created. In the long term that process would take us to the world of less base erosion and profit shifting but still with different fixed ratios, different group ratios (if any), targeted rules on top of these ratios to address earnings volatility or loss-making years of corporates. Furthermore, countries can not be forced to aim for lower fixed ratios if their economic policy is geared towards attracting international investments, and in

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

ICC müügileping

............................................................................................................................ 9 Art. 6 Interest in case of delayed payment ......................................................................................................................11 Art. 7 Retention of title....................................................................................................................................................11 Art. 8 Contractual term of delivery.................................................................................................................................11 Art. 9 Documents.............................................................................................................................................................11 Art. 10 Late-delivery, non-delivery and remedies therefor .............................................................................................11 Art

Majandus → Majandus
116 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

whereas an item like cordial is probably more literary (more likely to be written than spoken), whereas an item like cardiac is more scientific (and perhaps more technical as well). If you refer to your heart as your ticker, you have chosen a more colloquial or slangy term. 3. Native and foreign element. Native vocabulary. 3 strata: Indo-European words mother, father, night, foot, heart, bear (bore, born), see names of close relatives, names of natural objects, parts of the body, numerals Germanic words friend, bridge, ship, life, heaven, glass, death, make v, meet v

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

Business process reengineering

Does our mission need to be redefined? Are our strategic goals aligned with our mission? Who are our customers? ,,Often, no one is responsible for the overall performance of the entire process." ,,Reengineering maintains that optimizing the performance of subprocesses can result in some benefits, but cannot yield dramatic improvements if the process itself is fundamentally inefficient and outmoded." ,,For that reason, reengineering focuses on redesigning the process as a whole in order to achieve the greatest possible benefits to the organization and their customers." ,,BPR derives its existence from different disciplines, and four major areas can be identified as being subjected to change in BPR - organization, technology, strategy, and people - where a process view is used as common framework for considering these dimensions. The approach can be graphically depicted by a modification of "Leavitt's diamond".[8]" Early BPR literatu...

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide analüüs ja...
21 allalaadimist


Säilitusained Referaat HKHK September 2011 Säilitusaine on füüsiline või sünteetiline aine, mis lisatakse sellistele toodetele nagu toiduained, ravimid, värvid, bioloogilised proovid, puit vms. Säilivuse suurendamiseks lisatakse väikeses koguses antiseptikained, mis pikendavad toidu säilimisaega, kaitstes seda mikrobioloogilise riknemise eest või ebasoovitavate keemiliste muutuste eest,hallitus-ja pärmseente kasvu, parandada välimust, transpordil säilimist. Märgitakse pakendile E-koodiga või nimetusega (E 200- E 299) - see grupp on kõige laiem - ka suhteliselt lühikest aega säilivad tooted võivad sisaldada säilitusaineid - nt kui leib või sai säilib tavapäraselt värskena umbes 3 päeva, siis säilitusainetega on aega pikendatud kuni nädalani. Säilitusaineid leidub ka kõikides vorsti- ja singitoodetes, paljudes juustudes, jogurtites, kohupiimades, jäätistes, küpsistes, kuivatatud puuviljades...

Toit → Toiduhügieen
11 allalaadimist

Learn From Mistakes, Improve Your Intelligence

successful to learn anything in this life. My point is: it's better to fail than do everything right instantly, because when you miss your opportunity you can re-evaluate and do better next time. If you manage to achieve your goals without failure you'll stay in a routine, do the things all over again with same cause as before. To take a day job for example, if you come forth with a dilemma and solve it without any issues, you have done good, but in a long term when you see the same problem, you lose interest and get tired of your duty. Take the same problem and leave it unaccomplished, you think about it frequently and for that you'll not get bored with your job. Simple truth about getting over your sadness that may include in the quest to victory is, just ask yourself: ,,What sadness?" Keep calm and carry on! When you get overwhelmed by the failure, just take a break, deliberate it but whatever you do your trail of thoughts mustn't get affected by it

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Kooli nimi Referaat HISPAANIA Autor: .............................. Juhendaja: õp. ................. 2011 Sisukord: Üldandmed.......................................................................................................3 Asend...............................................................................................................4 Loodus.............................................................................................................4 Kliima...............................................................................................................4 Taimestik..........................................................................................................4 Loomastik.........................................................................................................4 Rahvast...

Geograafia → Geograafia
14 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun