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"survey" - 258 õppematerjali

survey - tüüpi uurimus (kaardistus): ­Uurija on passiivne andmete koguja ­Püütakse selgitada tegelikkuses valitsevaid tingimusi  ja asjaolusid ­Uurimiseesmärk on kirjeldav või võrdlev ­Võimalus välja selgitada valitsevaid arvamusi,  hoiakuid, hinnanguid, harjumusi 

Sotsioloogia vaheeksam

SOTSIOLOOGIA KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED 1. Mis on sotsioloogia? Sotsioloogia on teadus ühiskonnast, süsteemne ühiskonna uurimine. Uurib sotsiaalsete gruppide, inimese ja ühiskonna vahelisi seoseid. Sotsioloogia püüab üksikasjades näidata üldist ja osutab sellele, kuidas inimese käitumist mõjutab lisaks tema enda isikuomadustele ja otsustele ka ühiskond. Teadus, mis süstemaatiliselt uurib inimühiskonda, inimeste käitumist grupis hõlmates nii kollektiivseid jõude kui ka viisi, kuidas inimene iseseisvalt mõtestab oma kogemusi 2. Mis iseloomustab sotsioloogilist perspektiivi? Ühiskonna osa tähtsustava vaatenurga üldnimetuseks on sotsioloogiline perspektiiv. Erinevus tõest ja tõekspidamistest. Seda iseloomustab: · näha üldist üksikasjas · näha ebatavalist igapäevases · Näha individuaalsust sotsiaalses kontekstis: ühiskond meie igapäevastes valikutes 3. Anna sotsioloogiline seletus sellele, miks sotsioloogia tekkis sellises paigas ning ...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
90 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelsete sõnade ja väljendite kastamine eesti keeles

to read and that is why their vocabulary is not very wide. Doing my research work I learned that almost every student of Oskar Luts Palamuse Gymnasium forms 8.-12. uses English words and phrases while speaking Estonian. Only one person speaks his native language without any English words. It was also found out that the students questioned understand the influence of using a foreign language on their mother tongue. To gather the necessary data a survey was carried out among Oskar Luts Palamuse Gymnasium 8th to 12th grade students. The students´ answers to the questionnaire were almost as expected, so the author of the paper is pleased with the results and learned to analyse information gathered via a questionnaire. 17 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Erelt T., Need rasked võõrsõnad, URL:

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
7 allalaadimist

Levinumad arusaamad hüpnoosist

2. People’s negative attitude towards hypnosis is based on negative reports in the media. The data was collected by using questionnaires, comprising of 8 questions concerning people’s basic data (gender, age), knowledge and attitude towards hypnosis, and which source they have got the information from. Respondents were also required to assess the veracity of the various statements, and to name the most common use ranges of hypnosis. The conducted survey revealed that people’s knowledge of hypnosis is quite modest. The identification of hypnosis as a dreamlike state is still widely spread. The survey has showed that hypnosis was given positive and negative reviews equally. People brought out the dangerous aspects of hypnosis, such as the weakening of the subconsciousness or person’s total obedience to the hypnotiser’s impact. Meanwhile there were people who thought that hypnosis is an interesting and wicked topic. Some

Psühholoogia → Mõjustamisepsühholoogia
18 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

1.4. Building Information Modeling in The United States Although BIM has been on the market for a number of years, it has not been adopted industry-wide to its full capacity. As of 2009, approximately half of industry 10 representatives were not using any BIM software on projects in the U.S (McGraw Hill 2009). A survey conducted in 2008 by the Structural Engineering Institute’s (SEI) BIM committee, revealed that out of 15,000 SEI members surveyed, approximately 65% said that they will have to use BIM to meet clients’ needs within the next two years; almost 80% said within the next five years. A survey of architects conducted from Dec. 3, 2005, to Jan. 6, 2006 by the American Institute of Architects showed that 74% of the respondents use some level of 3D digital modeling

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

thirteenth century. In the 11th century, the crusaders reached Estonia and it was dedicated to Virgin Mary. The main religion in Estonia is Lutheranism. During an all-European poll in 2005, 16% of Estonians responded that "they believe there is a god", whereas 54% answered that "they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force" and 26% that "they do not believe there is any sort of spirit, god, or life force". According to the survey, it would have made Estonians the most non- religious people in the then 25-member EU. 12. Economy Estonia is not rich in mineral resources. The main natural resources are: building materials (such as clay, sand, gravel and dolomite), oil shale, phosphorite and peat. Oil shale is mined in Kohtla-Järve and it is used as fuel in thermal power stations. Peat is also used as fuel. Dolomite is found in Saaremaa. Economy is primarily based on light industry and the service sector i.e

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Mis on veeringe?

üsna ruttu pinnaveekogudesse pääseda või maapinna ja taimede kaudu auruda (evapotranspiratsioon). Osa maasseimbunud veest vajub sügavamale maasse ning täiendab põhjaveekihtide (veega küllastunud kivimite) mageveevaru pikaks ajaks. Ka see vesi liigub ja võib leida mageveeallikatena tee maapinnale ning lõpuks tagasi ookeani jõuda, kus veeringe "lõpeb" ... ja algab uuesti. Veeringe osad USA Geoloogiatalitus (U.S. Geological Survey, USGS) jagab veeringe kuueteistkümneks osaks: Mereveevaru Aurumine Evapotranspiratsioon Sublimatsioon Veevaru atmosfääris Kondensatsioon Sademed Veevaru jääs ja lumes Sulaveeäravool jõgedesse Pindmine äravool Jõeäravool Mageveevaru; Maasseimbumine Põhjaveevaru Põhjaveeäravool Allikad Mereveevaru Ookean on veeladu Ookeanides on

Geograafia → Geograafia
21 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö: 2011. aastal avaldatud pressifotode analüüs

This is the press, carried out by means of photographs and cameras. Ethics is the largest importance in press photography. 2011th in the press photos that were found to be the 2011th Press photos of the contest a success, they were all very good and worth their premium. Most of the pictures depict men as well as photographs of a large proportion of the emotional aspect that made them memorable photographs. Knowledge of press photography in young people is not great. More than half of survey respondents had not heard the news and photo exhibition was also visited. Although they find that all important that the articles in magazines and newspapers would be next to the photos. The author got to know over the course of research about press photography and press photographers. Also, she studied to analyze the photos. ALLIKMATERJALID Porri, A. (2012). Pressifoto - kas sampanjalõhnaline pillerkaar või kriitiline analüüs? Sirp, 5. aprill, URL (kasutatud aprill 2012) http://www

Meedia → Meedia
23 allalaadimist

Kaheksakanna kui populaarse ornamendi tähendus Eestis läbi aegade

Research paper 2010 Number of pages: 15 The current research paper focuses on the changes that have taken place in the minds of Estonian people about the importance and meanings of folk art. Mostly the paper focuses on «kaheksakand», which is one of the most popular ornaments in Estonia and also in the world. Information about past I got from trade literature: mainly books, but also from another research paper. To get information about modern people thoughts I carried out a survey on Internet, which got 127 answers from people aged 13-43. In addition, I interviewed one artist by e-mail. Also I used articles from newspapers and journals. The paper falls into two main chpaters. Both focus on comparing modern meanings to the old ones. First chapter talks about folk art and handicraft in general and is divided into two subchapters. First subchapter talks about the meaning of handicraft in past. Handicraft in past

Ajalugu → Käsitöö
12 allalaadimist


Juhendaja: Mailis Sults Allkiri Säilitamise koht: Tapa Gümnaasium ANNOTATION Tapa Gümnaasium Class: 11 Title: Sleep disorders among the teachers of Tapa Gümnaasium Field of study: Psychology Allowed to defend: Number of pages: 26 Abstract This research talks about insomnia and sleep disorders among the teachers of Tapa Gümnaasium. Purpose of this research is to survey the different causes for insomnia and sleeplessness. I also give an overview of how to avoid insomnia. To find out whether insomia is a probleem among the teachers and how it is preventedand, I prepared a questionnaire and administered it among the teachers of Tapa Gümnasium. Books available to me were the main source of this work. The outcome of the research was that many teachers in Tapa Gümnaasium have problems with sleeplessness, but it doesn´t cause them serious harm.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
35 allalaadimist


aastal. Selle raames hinnati kokku 1928 taksonit, mis haarab kõik pärismaise floora liigid, naturaliseerunud liigid ja suure osa tulnuktaksoneid. Siseriiklikult ei ole ligikaudu veerand nii kriitiliselt ohustatud, ohustatud kui ka ohualtidest soontaimeliikidest praegu seadusega kaitstud. 10 Kasutatud kirjandus Abbet, C., Mayor, R., Roguet, D., Spichiger, R., Hamburger, M., & Potterat, O. (2014). Ethnobotanical survey on wild alpine food plants in Lower and Central Valais (Switzerland). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 151(1), 624­634. Al-Hawija, B. N., Partzsch, M., & Hensen, I. (2012). Effects of temperature, salinity and cold stratification on seed germination in halophytes. Nordic Journal of Botany, 30(5), 627­634. Anto, S., & Denisow, B. (2014)

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
1 allalaadimist

BARRIERS TO DISTRICT HEATING DEVELOPMENT IN SOME EUROPEAN COUNTRIES [5] SEI, Energy in Ireland: Key Statistics, Sustainable Energy Ireland, Dublin (2008) atistics/Energy_in_Ireland_Key_Statistics_Final.pdf [6] P. Cousinat, District Heating: A Tool for Rational Heat Management, Master thesis 2006:21, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chalmers, Gothenburg (2006). [7] Euroheat, District heating and Cooling country by country 2007 survey, Euroheat, Brussels (2007). [8] J. Zeman and S. Werner, District Heating System Ownership Guide, DHCAN project, BRE, Watford (2004) [9] SNCU, Les réseaux de chaleur et de froid: l'énergie citoyenne, SNCU, Paris (2004) [10] T. Zenaty, CHP/DH sector in the Czech Republic: situation / problems / wishes, Energy

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hälbiva käitumise sotsioloogia (TLÜ) konspekt 2012

· Mõlemast soost noored on olnud ise vägivalla ohvrid. - Soolised erinevused ilmnevad vaid käitumise sageduses, mitte käitumise liikide osas. · Tüdrukud on osalenud kriminaalsetes tegevustes 1-3 korda harvemini kui poisid. · Tüdrukud on langenud ohvriks 2-5 korda harvemini kui poisid. Esbensen, F-A., Deschenes, E. P., Winfree Jr, L. T. (1999). Differences between Gang Girls and Gang Boys: Results from a Multisite Survey. Youth & Society, 31, 27-53. Mudel sooerinevuste seletamiseks - Sotsiaalne sugu (normid, identiteet) · Soonormid · Sotsiaalne kontroll - Kontekst (põhjused ja taust) · Kuriteo motiiv · Vigastuste tekitamine - Bioloogilised faktorid (füüsiline jõud, agressiivsus) - Võimalused (prostitutsioon, emadus) Steffensmeier, D., Allan, E. (1996). Gender and Crime: Toward a Gendered Theory of Female Offending. Annual Review of

Psühholoogia → Hälbiva käitumise...
97 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

John Staley was the first publishing professional to recognize the project's potential. Jim Sherman, Al Goethals, John Keating, Dan Wagner, Dalmas Taylor, Wendy Wood, and David Wat- son provided early, positive reviews that encouraged author and editors alike. My editors at Allyn and Bacon, Michelle Limoges and Liz Napolitano, were consistently congenial, helpful, and insightful. I would like to thank the following users of the book for their feedback during a telephone survey: Emory Griffin, Wheaton Col- lege; Robert Levine, California State, Fresno; Jeffrey Lewin, Georgia State Univer- sity; David Miller, Daytona Beach Community College; Lois Mohr, Georgia State University; and Richard Rogers, Daytona Beach Community College. The past edi- tions benefited substantially from the reviews of Assaad Azzi, Yale University; Robert M. Brady, University of Arkansas; Brian M. Cohen, University of Texas at San Antonio; Christian B

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö alused

Pealkiri: UURIMISTÖÖ ALUSED JA METOODIKA 2 SISUKORD 1.TEADUSTÖÖ ALUSED............................................................................................4 1.1Teadustöö põhimõisted..........................................................................................4 1.2Teaduskraadid ja nimetused.................................................................................. 8 1.3Teaduslik tunnetus.................................................................................................9 1.4Teaduslik tunnetus realiseerub teadustöö kaudu.................................................12 1.5Teadustöö tingimused..........................................................................................12 1.6Uurimuse kolm huvi............................................................................................13 1.7Mitmesugused...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused ja...
1063 allalaadimist

Mesilaste haigus - CCD

ca/users/news_view.asp? FolderID=3219&NewsID=1146. 21.11.2010 41. Barrionuevo A. (2007) "Honeybees, Gone With the Wind, Leave Crops and Keepers in Peril". New York Times. res=F10B1FF8355A0C748EDDAB0894DF404482. 20.11.2010 42. Bromenshenk, J.J., Henderson, C.B., Wick, C.H., Stanford, M.F., Zulich, A.W., Jabbour, R.E., (2010) Iridovirus and micrsporidian linked to honey bee colony decline. A Metagenomic Survey of Microbes in Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder -- Cox-Foster et al. 318 (5848): 283 -- Science 21.11.2010 19

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
28 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

Page 5 of 9 details. You may want to include a line drawing (generally better than a photo) of any experimental setup and apparatus that you used for testing. The full description of the evaluation test will be in an appendix. Remember that evaluation methods are not restricted to laboratory experiments. They can be a computer simulation, hand analysis, or a user survey. You can include a description of additional tests that should be performed either in this section or in the Next Steps section, wherever it fits best. This section is written in past tense because the tests were in the past. Assessment This is the brutally honest section where you assess the strengths and weaknesses of your design. Be enthusiastic, but candid. Do not oversell or undersell your solution. The

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

STYLISTICS 1. Style, stylistics, a survey of stylistic studies The term ,,style" is polysemantic. Latin ,,stilus"--a writing instrument used by the ancients for writing on waxed tablets. Soon, the meaning was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. Jonathan Swift said: ,, Style is proper words in proper places" Present day--half a dozen meanings: · the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his ideas (Style of Byron)

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist

Ratsaspordispetsialistide hinnang harrastusspordile

Dissertation. Tallinn University, 2013. The purpose of this paper is to research the valuation of amateur sports by equestrian experts. The work will give a overview of amateur sports in Estonia and the opinions and suggestions of equestrian experts. This paper has been a joint effort between the writer and the manager of the equestrian amateur sports Tatjana Kiilo, that’s why the outcome of this paper is very important for the development of amateur sports. A survey with open answers was sent to certified coaches. The initial selection consisted of 64 certified coaches, from which 15 answered the survey. The research showed, that amateur equestrians are mainly people with good financial state and who practices equestrian sport beside their main work and not for the money earning reasons. The amateur equestrians are potential sponsors for the sport. Amateur athletes are willing to

Sport → Sport
6 allalaadimist


human carcinogen, under conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure. The National Toxicology Program, an interagency program of the Department of Health and Human Services, named formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen in its 12th Report on Carcinogens (2011). Toxicity for Reproduction Studies in Humans No increased risk of spontaneous abortion was seen after maternal or paternal exposure to formaldehyde based upon survey questionnaire. In one study of cosmetologists who used formaldehyde based disinfectant products as well as other chemicals a slight excess of spontaneous abortions is reported, but that finding could not be linked to any chemical exposure. Formaldehyde exposure levels were not reported in these studies. Low birth weight was not statistically significant associated with formaldehyde exposure in a population-based epidemiological study. No effects on

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Linna kompaktsus ja laialivalgumine

10. Metspalu, P. (2005) Uuselamuehitus ja planeerimispraktika areng Harjumaa näitel. Magistritöö inimgeograafias. Tartu Ülikool, geograafia instituut. 11. Neuman, M. The Compact City Fallacy. (2005) Journal of Planning Education and Research, 25:11-26. 12. Newman, P. and Kenworthy, J. (1989a) Cities and Automobile Dependence. Aldershot: Gower. 13. Newman, P. and Kenworthy, J. (1989b) Gasoline consumption and cities: a comparison of US cities with a global survey. Journal of the American Planning Association, 55, pp. 24­37. 14. Spit, T. J. M. and Kreukels, A. M. J. (1991) Financing Urban Development and Urban Renewal; the Dutch Case, paper presented at the International Symposium on the Finance of Urban Development, Munich. 15. Zagorskas, J., Burinskien, M., Zavadskas, E., Turskis, Z. (2007) Urbanistic assessment of city compactness on the basis of GIS applying the COPRAS method, Ekologija 2007, pp 55-56. Lühikokkuvõte

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö "Veganiks pöördumise põhjused"

omnivors life. Few of the students said they are vegans, most of them do not live vegan lifestyle. Main reason can be poor knowledge about veganism. They expressed strongly their negative opinion about it in answers they gave. In this research I presented two main questionswhich strongly support the research problem. First question was whether and under what conditions would students be prepared to return to the omnivorous community. The survey shows that students would turn back to eating meat if the quality of producing meat products would be better. Perhaps better machines, cleaner slaughterhouses, employees know about hygiene etc. Second thing what students bring out was if someone could prove that vegan food is somehow unhealthy and doesn't do good for your body. When they get a solid assurance from scientists and doctors who say "Yes, veganism and vegan diet are bad for your health", they will return to omnivorous lifestyle

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Organisatsioonipsühooloogia loengud

SISUKORD Organisatsiooni psühholoogia...........................................................................................5 ORGANISATSIOONIPSÜHHOLOOGIA PÕHIKÜSIMUSED..................................5 ORGANISATSIOONIPSÜHHOLOOGIA JA TÖÖTAJATE HEAOLU APA..............6 uurimused töötajate heaolust USA-s 2013....................................................................6 1500 töötaja küsitlus 9.-12.01.2013...............................................................................6 Stress ja tervis......................................................................................... 6 Töö vs eraelu............................................................................................ 7 Organisatsioonipsühholoogia rõhutab:..........................................................................7 Organisatsioonipsühholoogia alavaldkonnad.......................................................

Psühholoogia → Organisatsioonipsühholoogia
77 allalaadimist

Mähkmedermatiit imikutel ja väikelastel (lõputöö)

Candidiasis. Mycopathologia 175: 249-254. doi: 10.1007/s11046-013-9642-3 (20.04.2017) Coughlin, C. C., Frieden, I. J., Eichenfield, L. F. (2014). Clinical Approaches to Skin Cleansing of the Diaper Area: Practice and Challenges. Pediatric Dermatology 31. doi: 10.1111/pde.12461 (01.05.2017) Dai, Y. H., Zhu, Z. H., Li, C. H. (2012). Diaper Dermatitis: A Survey of Risk Factors for Children Aged 1-24 Months in China. Journal of International Medical Research; 1752- 1760. doi: 10.1177/030006051204000514 (28.02.2017) Diaper Rash Evaluation Guide. (2015). Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. (22.04.2017) Erasala, G. N., Romain, C., Merlay, I. (2011). Diaper Area and Disposable Diapers.

Meditsiin → Nahahaigused
23 allalaadimist


K: Davis & Panksepp (2011). The brain's emotional foundations of human personality and the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35, 1946- 1958 S: DeYoung, C.G. (2010). Personality neuroscience and the biology of traits. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4/12: 1165-1180. 5. ENESEKOHASED TEADMISED ISIKSUSE KOHTA JA KÜSIMUSTIKELE VASTAMINE Kirjandus K: Sudman, K., Bradburn, N. B., & Schwarz, N. (1996). Answering a survey question: cognitive and communicative processes. In K. Sudman, N.B. Bradburn & N. Schwarz (1996), Thinking about answers. The application of cognitive processes to survey methodology (Chapter 3, pp. 55-79). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. S: Bradburn, N. B., Sudman, K., & Wansink, B. (2004). The social context of asking questions. (Chapter 1, "The social context of question asking", pp. 3-34). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. S: Grice, P. (1989). Logic of conversation. In P

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooniõpetuse konspekt

 Tagasiside inimeselt  Iseseisvus  Läbikäimise määr o Töölaiendamine o Autonoomsete töögruppide meetod (töö jagamine ja vastutus täitumise ning tasustamise eest väikestel gruppidel ehk allüksustel)  Organisatsiooni o Organisatsioonide arendamine  Team building – sensitiivsustreening väikestes gruppides  Survey feedback – küsitlus organisatsiooni käesoleva seisundi kohta  Grind (kestvus 3-5 aastat), mis koosneb järgmistest eteppidest  Treening meeskonnale  Treening meeskondadele  Ideaalse organisatsiooni mudeli väljatöötamine  Ideaalse strateegia väljatöötamine organisatsioonile

Haldus → Organisatsiooniõpetus
97 allalaadimist

Business Plan

“Your Fitness” Business Plan Prepared May 2012 Contact Information name email phone Your Fitness Business Plan Executive Summary “Your Fitness” it is envisaged, will be the third extension of “The Muscle Shop” company’s development strategy.  Extensive research over the last two years has gleaned information to suggest this project would be successful project. The new gym will create a personalized environment for both females and males, for all fitness levels, to pursue  their   sporting, competition and personal fitness goals. A special focus will be paid by creating heavy weight lifting capabilities  and equipment for professional body builders. This new gym facility will serve people in Dublin ……. area which include …………., …………… and …………...  The area has a some sports and fitness clubs, however ,”Your Fitness” has the unique ability to cater to all the fitness level form, amateur to professional body bu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Õpilaste väärtushinnangud

Kehra Gümnaasium 11.A Klass, reaalsuund Taago Köster ÕPILASTE VÄÄRTUSHINNANGUD Uurimistöö Juhendaja: Rain Rannaääre Kehra 2009 Sisukord EESSÕNA...................................................................................................................................3 SISSEJUHATUS.........................................................................................................................4 1.Arutlus.....................................................................................................................................5 1.1. Mis teeb eestlase õnnelikuks?........................................................................................5 1.2. Kui õnnelikud on inimesed Eestis?................................................................................9 1.3. Miks on see nii?...................................

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
120 allalaadimist


The target of current thesis was to create such a methodical material for kindergarten teachers for teaching sustainability and the principes of community to 6-7-year old children. The thesis was based mainly on the theoretical works of: Lovelock (1979), Sahtouris (1999), Timoštšuk (2005, 2010), Cohen (1985), Delanty (2009), Bauman (2001), Brügge, Glanz & Sandell (2008). In order to find ideas for methodical material, an empirical survey I using the method of participateory observation and unstructured interview was conducted in 3 biggest European ecovillages (Damanhur, Sieben Linden ja Tamera) and their kindergartens and in 3 comparable organisations in Estonia (Community of Lilleoru, Rosma waldorfkindergarten and in 1 municipal kindergarten „Pallipõnn” in Tallinn). Empirical suvery I was carried out from february to march 2010-2012. As a result of this survey, it was concluded that 1) in order to learn sustainability and

Pedagoogika → Eelkoolipedagoogika
27 allalaadimist

Inimkaubandus Euroopa Liidus

INIMKAUBANDUS EUROOPA LIIDUS Mis on inimkaubandus? Karistusseadustik § 133 käsitleb inimkaubandusena: inimese asetamist olukorda, kus ta on sunnitud töötama tavapäratutel tingimustel, tegelema prostitutsiooniga, kerjama, panema toime kuriteo või täitma muud vastumeelset kohustust, samuti inimese sellises olukorras hoidmist, kui tegu on toime pandud vabaduse võtmise, vägivalla, pettuse, kahju tekitamisega ähvardamise, teisest isikust sõltuvuse, abitu seisundi või haavatava seisundi ärakasutamisega. Haavatava seisundina käsitletakse olukorda, kus inimesel puudub tegelik või vastuvõetav võimalus mitte täita mõnda nimetatud kohustust. ÜRO definitsiooni järgi on inimkaubandus on inimeste värbamine, transportimine, ümber asustamine, neile varjupaiga andmine või majutamine jõudu kasutades või sellega ähvardades. Samuti hõlmab inimeste smugeldamine röövimist, pettust, kelmust, jõu kasutamist või isiku kaitsetu või abitu seisundi ära kasutam...

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu poliitikad
11 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö: Curling

inerview and theory. Harri Lill is the Secretary-General of Estonian Curling Association. The research hypothesis is that Tallinn Secondary School No.32 students do not know much about curling. The research paper falls into three chapters. Chapter one provides information about curling history, the game of curling, curling abroad and curling in Estonia. Chapter two presents how, where and when the reaserch was carried out. The last chapter draws the conclusion of results which are based on the survey, theory of curling and the interview. The results showed that the students know a lot and a little at the same time about curling. People know what game it is and how it more or less works, but it is not known how it is developed and how much people deal with it. The Secretary General of the Estonian Curling Association interview coincided with the theory, but the students knowledge was at times wrong. LISAD Lisa1. Küsitlusleht Küsitlus curlingust Hea vastaja

Sport → Atleetvõimlemine
9 allalaadimist

Kasutatud rehvide taaskasutamisvõimalused Eestis

Sisukord 1.Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................... 5 2. Rehvidest üldiselt.......................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Rehvi ehitus ja koostis.............................................................................................7 2.2 Rehvide mõju keskkonnale......................................................................................8 2.2.1 Autorehvide utiliseerimise riskid......................................................................8 2.2.2 Rehvide põlengud.............................................................................................8 3. Kasutatud rehvide kogumist ja käitlemist reguleeriv seadusandlik taust....................10 4. Kasutatud rehvide kogumissüsteem Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikides........................... 11 ...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse
77 allalaadimist

Filosoofia ja ühiskonna arengu paralleelid tööstuslikust revolutsioonist vesinikpommini

22 Kasutatud kirjandus · Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Hackett Publishing Company 1985 · Bentham, J. The Book of Fallacies. London: Hunt, 1824 · Borges, Jorge Luis ja Adolfo Bioy Casares. ,,Of Exactitude in Science". -- (05.06.2006) · Deely, John 2001. Four ages of understanding. The first postmodern survey of philosophy from ancient times to the turn of the Twenty-first century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. · Foucault, Michel. Diskursuse kord. Varrak 2005 · Foucault, Michel. Seksuaalsuse ajalugu 1. Teadmistahe. Valgus 2005 · Freud, Sigmund. Ahistus kultuuris. Sealpool mõnuprintsiipi. Vagabund 2000 · Freud, Sigmund. Inimhinge anatoomiast. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus 1999 · Freud, Sigmund. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. BasicBooks 1975

Semiootika → Semiootika
18 allalaadimist

Uimastite kahjulikkus inimese tervisele ja perekonnasuhetele.

The work is divided into four chapters. The first part is the drugs in general. Teisesosas is carried by all types of psychotropic substances and the effects on the human body and the body. The third part is the study of people 14-30 years of age on the use of psychotropic substances. The fourth part is the author of Paths to a close as it was. Next of kin died in alcohol-alkoholisurma and started at a very early stage. Obtained from the survey to know what problems may occur when taking intoxicating substances. Problems that arose in many families: Problems with parents Problems with the police Squabbles with friends Apartment ejection Home väljakolimine Drug use has ceased to become someone or hide the murder. Problems that arose was the police as well as a number of: For most young people were sober, or to the language of young people into the cold.

Muu → Teadus tööde alused (tta)
260 allalaadimist

Sotsiaaltöö teooriad

15–16-aastaste kooliõpilaste osakaal kasvanud. 1995. aastal oli see näitaja 7%, 1999. aastal 15%, 2003. aastal 24%, 2007. aastal 30% ja viimasel (2011.) uuringuaastal 32%. (Kobin, et al., 2012) Eesti noorte uimastisõltuvust on uuritud erinevate uuringutega. Noorte uimasti tarvitamist on Eestis uuritud korduvalt. Uuringutest ulatuslikem on 15–16- aastaste koolinoorte „Euroopa kooliõpilaste alkoholi ja narkootikumide kasutamise küsitlusuuring” ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs). Seda on Eestis korraldatud viiel korral – aastatel 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007 ja 2011 (Uimastite tarvitamine koolinoorte seas 2012). ESPAD käsitleb nii uimastite tarvitamist kui ka sellega seonduvaid tegureid. Kuna uuringut tehakse üleeuroopaliselt, on kättesaadavad võrdlusandmed ka teiste riikidega (Hibell jt 2012).(Kull, Saat, Kiive, & Põiklik, 2015).

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö
38 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia materjal eksamiks

Maslow vajaduste teooriast. Abraham Maslow – baasiliste vajaduste hierarhia. - bioloogilised vajadused - turvalisuse vajadus - sotsiaalse kuuluvuse vajadus - tunnustatuse vajadus - eneseteostuse vajadus Iga järgneva tasandi vajaduse teke eeldab üldjuhul elementaarsemate vajaduste rahuldamist, kuigi erandjuhul võib inimene keskenduda ka mõne kõrgema vajaduse rahuldamisele enne kui elementaarsem vajadus on rahuldatud. Inglehart on oma suures uuringus World Values Survey leidnud, et jõukates kapitalismimaades domineerivad inimeste seas postmaterialistlikud väärtused (ilmselt seetõttu, et seal on inimeste bioloogilised vajadused kõik rahuldatud ja need ei tundu seetõttu tähtsad); vaesemates riikides on inimesed aga materialistlikumad. Kultuuri vormid Rahvuskultuur – kultuur mida jagavad sama keelt kõnelevad inimesed Massikultuur – laiade masside seas levinud ja/või massimeedia kaudu leviv kultuur Eliitkultuur e

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
82 allalaadimist

ArcGIS juhendmaterjal EESTI KEELES

ESRI® ArcGIS Desktop Juhendmaterjal ©ALPHAGIS 2007 Sisukord SISSEJUHATUS 3 1.1 A RCGIS KASUTAJALIIDES 3 1.1.1 ArcMap 4 1.1.2 ArcCatalog 4 1.1.3 ArcToolbox 5 1.1.4 Command Line 6 1.1.5 ArcGISi töövahendid 6 2 ANDMETE KUVAMINE JA NAVIGEERIMINE ARCMAP`IS 8 2.1 K AARDIKIHT 10 2.2 A NDMEFREIM 10 2.3 K AARDIKIHTIDE JA ANDMEFREIMIDE HALDAMINE ­ KIHIHALDUR (TOC) 11 2.4 K AARDIDOKUMENDI ...

Geograafia → Geoinformaatika
198 allalaadimist


boniteediklass on alates (Ia)I kuni II. Puidutagavara võib ületada 600 tihumeetrit hektarilt. Such species as bracken, reed grass, lily of the valley etc are added to the ground vegetation. Sellised liigid nagu kilpjalg, metskastik, maikelluke jne on lisandunud alustaimestikku. The bilberry (Myrtillus) site type is the most widespread type in Estonia. Mustika (Myrtillus) kasvukohatüüp on kõige enamlevinud Eestis. As the soil conditions and stand vary greatly, in the course of forest survey this site type shall be divided into three subtypes. Kuna mullatingimused ja puistud varieeruvad 5 suuresti, jagatakse metsakorralduse käigus see metsatüüp kolmeks osatüübiks. (3-e osatüüpi). The typical bilberry subtype occurs on gleyed ordinary podzolic soils or podzolic soils containing humus, with a degree of podzolization from moderate to high and with a litter horizon 5...

Keeled → Inglise keel
92 allalaadimist

Tehniline aruanne

Polügonomeetria mõõtmisandmed salvestati elektrontahhümeetrites järgmiselt: NIKON DTM-750, NIKON DTM-851 PCMCIA kaardile mõõtmisprogrammi MM700 versioon 2.5 (3D ­ system Oy) failiformaadis; LEICA TC1800 Instrumendi mälukaardile *.gsi faili- formaadis TRIMBLE 5601 DR Väliarvutis Trimble Survey Controller tarkvara versiooni 11.21 (Trimble Navigation Limited) failiformaadis. Igas jaamapunktis määrati õhurõhu ja temperatuuri väärtused ning salvestati need tahhümeetri mõõtmisandmete faili. Temperatuuri, õhurõhu, Maa kumeruse ja ref- raktsiooni parandeid mõõtmiste käigus ei arvestatud ­ vastavad reziimid lülitati elektrontahhümeetri programmis välja

Geograafia → Geodeesia
52 allalaadimist

Kahe inimese kooselu

SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................................2 1.TRADITSIOONILINE ABIELU............................................................................................4 Abielu definitsioon.................................................................................................................4 1.1 Abielu reguleerimine Eestis perekonnaseaduse kaudu.....................................................4 1.2 Abiellumise ajalugu Eestis...............................................................................................5 1.3 Abielu traditsioonid ja pulmatavad Eestis........................................................................7 1.4 Abielutüübid...................................................................................................................10 1.5 Hoiakud abielu suhtes..................................

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
19 allalaadimist


Kriminoloogia​on teadmiste kogum õigusrikkumistest ja kuritegevusest kui sotsiaalsest nähtusest. See teadmiste kogum hõlmab oma raamides seaduste loomise, seaduserikkumiste ja seadusterikkumistele reageerimise protsesse” Edwin H. Sutherland n​ Kuriteo mõiste on tihedalt seotud sotsiaalse normi mõistega. n​ Tuletame meelde, et ​sotsiaalsed normid​on käitumisreeglid, mis määratlevad, milline käitumine on sobilik antud sotsiaalses kontekstis. Norm kas ütleb, kuidas tuleb käituda või keelab teatud käitumisviisi. Võib eristada: n​ Normidest kinnipidamine (konformne käitumine) n​ Hälbiv käitumine n​ Kuritegu Hälbiv käitumine vs normidest kinnipidamine Nt, Kas inimeselt elu võtmine on alati kuritegu? nSee, mida peetakse hälbivuseks ühes ühiskonnas ühel ajal, võib teises ühiskonnas või samas ühiskonnas teisel ajal olla normaalsuseks. Hälbiv käitumine Hälbiv...

Õigus → Kriminoloogia
41 allalaadimist


The theme is very important because the company analyzed has to apply the strategic service concept in order to keep the competitive edge and to develop in the future. The objective of the thesis is to analyze how the activity of the company responds with the strategic service concept. The analysis is based on Esmofon Ltd, a company that provides service and deals with retail business in the Estonian telecommunication market. The following tasks are set up to achieve the objectives of the survey: - To provide an overview of the theory behind the strategic service concept; - To analyze the activities of Esmofon Ltd concordant to the model of the strategic service concept principles; - To define and to pin-point the potential problematic areas aka ‘bottlenecks’ in the activities of Esmofon Ltd and to analyze the reasons of the possible problems;

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
30 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaatiivne uurimustöö

STATISTIKA Alkoholi tarbimine · Kuigi suurem osa täiskasvanuid tunnistasid, et olid joonud alkoholi enne NHS (National Health Surveys) intervjuud (62%), umbes üks kaheksa täiskasvanu kohta jõi kõrge tasemega. See näitab umbes 13% kõikidest täiskasvanutest ehk ~2.0 miljonit inimest 2004-2005 aastal. · 78% inimestest, kes jõid enne intervjuud, tegid seda madalal tasemel. · Osakaal kõrge tasemega joojatest on tõusnud viimase kolme intervjuu, mis National Healt Survey on teinud (8,2% 1995a. 10,8% 2001a. 13,4% 2004-2005a) Alkoholi tarbimijate vanus ning sugu · Aastal 2004-2005, 15% täiskasvanud meestest ning 12% täiskasvanud naistest tunnistavad, et joovad kõrgel tasemel, mil 55% meestest ning 43% naistest joovad madalal tasemel. · Tõus, kõrgema taseme joomisel, on olnud suurem naistel kui meestel, alates 1995. aastas. Kolme küsitluse aruandest, alates 1995. aastast, on kõrge taseme joomise protsent kasvanud 6

Geograafia → Geograafia
217 allalaadimist

Capillary electrophoresis i.k.

Tallinn University  Natural and exact sciences  Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology                  Maria Gnidenko     Capillary electrophoresis     Essay                   Supervisor: Kert Martma                 Tallinn  2015    Table of contents Acronyms and symbols used  Introduction  History and development  Physical basis and principle of separation  Elektrophoresis  Electroosmotic flow  Separation process  Electrodispersion  Various methods of separation  Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)  ...

Keemia → Instrumentaalanalüüs
6 allalaadimist

Tarkvara testimist käsitlev juhendmaterjal

htm [AN+] Andrews, M., Whittaker, J.A. (2006). How to break software: Functional and Security Testing of Web Applications and Web Services. Addison-Wesley Professional [BE+]Berry, D.M., Kamsties, E., Krieger, M.M. (2003). From Contract Drafting to Software Specification: Linguistic Sources of Ambiguity--A Handbook, manuscript. [BZ] Bugzilla. Http:// Veahaldussüsteem [ED] Edvardsson, J. A survey on Automatic Test data Generation. [FE+]Fewster, M., Graham, D. (1999). Software test automation: effective use of test execution tools. Addison-Wesley [GN] GNOME Human Interface Guidlines [HU+] Hull, E., Jackson, K., Dick, J. (2004). Requirements Engineering 2nd edition. Springer [IT] Itracker. Vabavaraline veahaldussüsteem [KA+] Kaner,C., Bach, J., Pettichord, B. (2001)

Informaatika → Informaatika
9 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

Maes M., Song C., Lin A., De Jongh R., Van Gastel A., Kenis G., Bosmans E., De Meester I., Benoy Ina, Neels H., Demedts P., Janca A., Scharpe S., Smith R. S. (1998) The effects of psychological stress on humans; Increased production of proinflammatory cytokines and a Th0 like response in stress induced anxiety. Academic Press Limited Maier W.,Gansicke M.,Gater R., Rezaki M., Tiemens B.,Urzua R.F. (1999).Gender differences in the prevalence of depression: a survey in primary care. Journal of affective disorders, 53; 241­252. Maier S. F., & Watkins L. R. (1998) Cytokines for psychologists: Implications of bi-directional immune-to-brain communication for understanding behaviour, mood, and cognition. Psychological Review 105: 83­107. 3 Marsland A. L., Prather A. A., Petersen K. L., Cohen S., Manuck S. B ( 2008) Antagonistic

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist

Venoosse trombembolismi seos pahaloomulise kasvajaga

individual. The first sub-goal is to describe the temporal relationship between the diagnosis of VTE and malignant tumors in the patients of East-Tallinn Central Hospital. The second sub-goal is to describe various tumor localizations in patients with venous thromboembolism. The paper largely draws its statistics from the database of the hospital. For a coherent analysis several statistical methods were used. The results of the survey seem to confirm that patients with cancer are at significantly higher risk of developing, and dying from venous thromboembolism (VTE). This requires careful consideration of the interplay between the patient's cancer and treatment course, with their underlying comorbidities. Recognizing the increased risk for VTE in cancer patients is the first step in preventing the occurrence of VTE and promptly identifying VTE in these patients

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
3 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

construction industry. 2.3 Empirical studies: Summary of research conducted among the main contracting companies in Estonia The non-profit organization Estonian Group for Lean Construction (EstGLC 3), established May 20, 2009, and the author of this thesis conducted research among the 11 biggest Estonian GCs to determine the principle problems, their causes, and their consequences. For this study, the author of this thesis created an interactive survey in a web-based environment at the following address: 3 Estonian Group for Lean Construction (EstGLC) establised 20. May of 2009, member of IGLC and European Group for Lean Construction, further information: 20 Approximately 150 people were questioned and we received 78 acceptable answers

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist


Kinnisvaraturu tsüklite määratlemiseks on empiirilistes uuringutes kõige sagedamini kasutatud kinnisvarahinna indeksit. Kinnisvaraturu tsüklite tekkepõhjuste uurimisel on leitud seoseid makromajanduslike teguritega ning finantssektorist tulenevate näitajatega. Kinnisvara hindade ja tsüklite kujunemisel ei ole vähemolulised ka käitumuslikud aspektid, mistõttu on kinnisvara hindade kujunemise 1 KPMG (2012) „CEE Property Lending Barometer 2012“ A survey of banks on the prospects for real estate sector lending in CEE. 4 selgitamiseks kasutatud samuti käitumisökonoomikast tulenevat lähenemist, mis sisaldab psühholoogia elemente. Käitumisökonoomika aitab mõista, kuidas langetavad inimesed majanduslikke otsuseid. Käitumisökonoomika selgitab hästi mullide teket, mille parimaks mõõdikuks on kinnisvara ostu-müügitehingute hüppeline kasv. Kui

Majandus → Maailma majandus
4 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

Annual surveys and disclosure Administrative integration To examine the relationships between reports, and financial data and intensity a hospital's structural clinical integration and average total discharge cost per patient Questionnaire survey for managers Clinical and administrative To measure perceived levels of clinical and clinical leaders integration and administrative integration, along with perceived effectiveness of these activities Qualitative interviews with Organisational and normative To examine the degree to which the

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Tallinna Reaalkooli 131. lennu õpilaste teadlikkus filmimuusikast ja selle funktsioonidest filmides

ega väärtustataks. Igaühel on oma arusaam sellest, mida muusika filmile juurde annab ja mis selle eesmärk on. Abstract The title of this research is ,,The awareness of film music and its functions in film among the students of year 2016 of Tallinn Secondary Science school". People watch movies very often nowadays and music plays an important part in them. That is why it would be interesting to find out, how much people know about film music. A survey was carried out among the students of Year 2016. They had to answer questions about film music, its functions, how much attention they turn to film music while watching a movie and how often they watch movies. As a result the author found out that the awareness of film music and its functions among the students is small, however they turn alot of attention to music while watching movies and also watch movies quite often. Attention might be turned to music

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
6 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun