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Book report/review "The Snow Child"

Before Jack and Mable were living in Alaska they were living in Pennsylvania. They moved to Alaska to get away from the family, because they had lost their first child. It was hard for Mabel to recover there, because there were children around all the time. In Alaska they were living a very isolated life - no neighbours, no friends. In addition, at that time there did not exist such things as food shops, so they had to hunt all their food. Life was quite hard in Alaska and I am not so sure that it had a good influence on Jack and Mable, however it changed their life in a positive way. I believe that the decision to move to Alaska brought the couple closer and made them stronger. One day they made a snow girl, they put a scarf around her neck and a pair of red mittens, which Mabel's sister had knitted. The next day the snow girl, which they had built in front of their house, was not there anymore. At first, Jack thought that some

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

Suitsetamine on sõltuvushaigus

Suitsetamine on sõltuvushaigus, mille üle inimene on kaotanud kontrolli. Tänapäeva maailmas, mis on tulvil infot kõikvõimlikel teemadel, teab ka iga koolijüts, et suitsetamine on kahjulik tervisele. Tubakas ja tervis Tubaka tervistkahjustav toime on teada juba ammu. Kuna tubaka mõju ei pruugi avalduda igaühel, siis ei mõtle noor inimene tavaliselt neile 25 haigusele, mida teadlased tänapäeval seostavad suitsetamisega. Siiski peaks teadma suitsetamise tegelikku mõju, peaks teadma, millega suitsetaja riskib. KÕIGE OLULISEMAD SUITSETAMISEGA SEOTUD HAIGUSGRUPID ON: vere ringeelundite haigused, sh aju veresoonte haigused; vähkkasvajad; hingamiselundite, sh kopsude kroonilised haigused. Enamik neist kulgeb organismis pöördumatute muutustega ning nende ravi on väheefektiivne. Nimetatud haiguste tekkerisk on suitsetajal oluliselt suurem kui mittesuitsetajal. On kindlaks tehtud, et 30% kõikides...

Meditsiin → Terviseõpetus
6 allalaadimist

Venezuela rahvastik

Venezuela rahvastik 1.Riigi rahvaarv Rahvaarv: 27 223 228 (Juuli 2010) Maailma mastaabis on see väikeriik. Rahvaarvult on maailmas Venezuela 45. kohal. Peaaegu samapalju inimesi elab : Nepalis (28 951 852) Malaysias ( 28 274 729) Uzbekistanis ( 27 865 738) 2. Rahvastiku paiknemine Rahvastiku keskmine tihedus on 30,40 inimest ruutkilomeetri kohta. Sarnane rahvastiku tihedus on Bahamal (30,70) ; Kongo Demokraatlikus Vabariigis (30,29) Venezuela on hõredalt asustatud riik Venezuela Density, 2000 Tihedamalt on asustatud Venezuela põhja, ida ja lääneosa, sest seal on maavarasid (nafta, maagaas, boksiit)ning paremad võimalused töötamiseks ja elamiseks. Hõredamalt on aga asustatud lõunaosa, kus on vihmametsad. 3.Rahvaarvu kasv Rahvaarv on iga aastaga suurenenud. Kui aastal 1950 oli rahvaarv ~5 miljonit ,siis aastaks 2010 oli see arv juba kasvanud ~27 miljonini. Prognoosi järgi ka...

Geograafia → Geograafia
18 allalaadimist

ADELE - Rolling in the deep - Akordid

G#(hold) A# And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep) Cm G Baby I have no story to be told, A# G A# But I've heard one of you and I'm gonna make your head burn. Cm G Think of me in the depths of your despair. A# G A# Making a home down there, as mine sure won't be shared. G# A# Gm The scars of your love, remind me of us. G# They keep me thinking that we almost had it all G# A# Gm The scars of your love, they leave me breathless G I can't help feeling... G Cm A# We could have had it all... (I wish you, never had met me)... G#(hold) A#

Muusika → Muusika
7 allalaadimist


maha. Pikselöögist tabatud puudes aurustub vesi momentaanselt, purustades sageli need suurteks tükkideks. Samuti võib tekkida äikesetormi tõttu tulekahjusid. Välk ohustab ka elusolendeid. 3.2. Pikselöögi mõju elusorganismile Tavaliselt, kui inimest tabab äike, siis tekivad kannatanud põletushaavad ja verevalumid. Tihedaks surmapõhjuseks on südame seiskumine. Teadlased avastasid hiljuti, et tavaliselt ei sure inimesed pikselöögi elektrilaengu tõttu, vaid hoopis pikselöögi ajal tekkiva magnetvälja tõttu. Kokkuvõte 6 Välgu näol on tegemist väga ohtliku ja võimsa loodusjõuga, mida ei tohi alavääristada. Välk võib-olla ilus ja äikesetormi ajal saab teha väga kunstilisi pilte, kuid sel on surmav võime ­ iga aasta sureb üle maailma üsna märkimisväärne arv, seetõttu peab olema ettevaatlik selle suhtes

Füüsika → Füüsika
16 allalaadimist

Class and social status in Pride and Prejudice

changes her opinion. "But my dearest love, tell me what dish Mr. Darcy is particularly fond of, that I may have it to-morrow." This illustrates that personality did not matter for the mother, all that counted was fortune and marriage itself. Every century and society has its norms and rules of behaviour. What people of the 21st century England think of class distinction is probably different from the inhabitants of the same region in the 19th century, but I believe that one thing is sure: social ranking is in no way a definitive proof of one's intelligence, manners or morals. [Type here]

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Joogiõpetus: kohv

saavutada laiust. Kohvi lehed on 10-15cm pikad, läikivalt tumerohelised heldama alapoolega. Kohvi marjad on kirsisuurused ning tumepunast värvi. Valmimine võtab aega 8 kuud. Kohvipuu hakkab õitsema 2-4 aastaselt. Kohvi saab koristada alates puu 5.eluaastast mitu kord aasta jooksul. 25. eluaastast alates muutub puu vanaks, kuid võib veel eksisteerida. Kohvipuu nõuab 19-25 kraadist temperatuuri. Ei kannata külma, kuid ei sure juhusliku külma öö tõttu. 3. Nimeta erinevaid kohvijooke. 7 tk Cappuccino, Caffè Latte, Caffè Macchiato, Espresso, Con Panna, Ristretto, Cafè au Lait. • Maitsestatud kohvijoogid 3 tk Almond Mocha, Vanilla Mocha, Mehhiko šokolaadikohvi kaneeliga • Alkoholiga kohvijoogid ja kirjelda lühidalt valmistamist serveerimist 5 tk Iiri kohv-soojendada klaas, valada viski, fariinisuhkur ja kuum kohv. Segatakse ning valatakse kohvi pinda puudutavalt teelusikalt joogile vahukoort.

Toit → Joogiõpetus
8 allalaadimist

Summary Britta Kase

collectively. EU has made our lives easier. Travelling in Europe is very easy because there are no longer any border controls between most European countries. The Schengen Agreement has made border controls between its member countries unnecessary. That’s how freedom of movement has created. Anyone can decide where they prefer to live, study or work. And if we fall ill or have an accident in other European country, we can be sure that we can get medical treatment with no fuss and at the same cost as people living in that country. These are very relevant points for all Europeans. EU is relevant to students and trainees too. EU’s Erasmus program provides students and trainees the financial and organizational support for a spell aboard or work placement. The program works in partnership with European universities, companies and institutions, it

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


oht nakkuda mõnda oportunistliku haigusesse, mille all on mõeldud haiguseid, mis immuunsüsteemi korrektsel toimisel inimesele tavaliselt ligi ei jõuaks. Tüüpiliseimad haigused, millesse nakkuda võib, on A-, B- ja C-hepatiit. Vaid siis kui nakatunu mõnda säärasesse haigusesse jääb, võib kutuda teda AIDSi haigeks. HI-viirusel ei ole täna ravi olemas, seega kui LAS-faasis vastavat ravikuuri algatatud ei ole, lõppeb HIV haige elu selles faasis. Siin tasub siis tõdeda, et mitte ei sure haigestunu HIV haigusesse, kuid mõnda, mis on nõrga immuunsüsteemi tõttu ligi pääsenud. Ainuke viis kuidas kindlaks teha, kas inimesel on HI-viirus, on minna testima. Testimise käigus võetakse patsiendilt verd ning kuna viirus ründab vereringlust, on muutust verelibledes lihtne märgata. Testimiskeskusi on Eestis mitmeid ning testimine ise on täiesti tasuta. Lisaks ei ole vaja vastuvõtule eelnevalt aega kinni panna, mis tähendab, et kui on kahtlus, siis testile minek on väga lihtne

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
1 allalaadimist

Leonardo Da Vinci

separate mechanisms: one for minutes and one for hours. Leonardo da Vinci is also believed to be the inventor of scuba gear. Many of his inventions didn´t became well-known until the famous Codex Atlanticus (which is a twelve-volume, bound set of drawings and writings (in Italian language) by Leonardo da Vinci). We chose Leonardo Da Vinci because he is so well-known and we thought that he was an interesting person. Also we were sure, that there would be a lot of information and research about him because of his fame.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Jason Marz - I'm yours

3 B¨ F Dm sure. There's no need to com - pli - cate our time is

Muusika → Muusika
2 allalaadimist

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg Snoop Lion (varasema artistinimega Snoop Dogg; pärisnimega Calvin Cordozar Broadus juunior; sündinud 20. oktoobril 1971) on USA räppar, plaadiprodutsent ja näitleja. Tema tuntum fraas on "fo' shizzle, ma nizzle", mis tähendab "for sure, my nigga". Sellise slängi stiili leiutajaks oli Frankie Smith ja The Gap Band varasemates kaheksakümnendates. Snoop tegi koostööd Tupaci, Notorius B.I.G.i ja Mac Drega enne nende surma. Ema pani talle lapsena hüüdnimeks "Snoopy" Calvini lemmikmultifilmi "Peanuts" tegelase järgi; lavanimeks võttis ta Snoop Doggy Dogg, kui alustas produtseerimist. Aastal 1996 muutis ta oma nime Snoop Dogg'iks, sest ta jättis oma plaadifirma Death Row Records ja ühines No Limit Recordsiga.

Muusika → Muusikud
1 allalaadimist

Motivation Letter

nutrition. Nowadays people try to improve their food excesses, however, they do this incorrectly. People restrict themselves in food, but in such a manner they are depriving themselves of the important components necessary for the efficiency of the body. Personally, I faced with such diseases and it was hard enough to deal with this by myself. In order to return a healthy appetite, I read a lot of literature but was not sure that I would find the correct way to restore health. That`s why, I want to study Nutrition and Food Science course. I desire to help people cope with eating diseases and find out more about healthy eating, explore the foundations of human nutrition, food science and safety. My favourite subjects at school are Chemistry and Biology. I study at science biased class, so I have supplementary courses like the Chemistry of Elements and Applied Biology. My Chemistry and Biology

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Summary In this summary I will analyse three articles on the topic of whether it is justified and morally right to use drone warfare in the tribal areas of Pakistan and in Gaza. To begin, we do not know if the drones have done more harm or good in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Most of the information about drone attacks is coming from dubious Pakistan media, which we cannot seriously rely on. Hence, we cannot be sure if the persons killed by drones were innocent civilians or extremists. (Fair, 2013) One the one hand, using drones can be more discriminate, because they hover over the enemy for hours and wait for the perfect moment to attack, when there are no innocent people who might get injured. (Beautmont, 2012) On the other hand, it means that after watching and killing their targets, they continue hovering over villages, which affects people’s psychology. (Owen, 2013)

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

How to avoi road accidents

Never put a child in a car or booster seat in the front passenger seat or other seat with airbags. Children should generally be 12 and older when sitting in the front passenger seat.6 6 Keep your car and its accessories in good condition. Keep the tires properly inflated, the brakes adjusted, and the windshields and windows clean. Replace windshield wiper blades when they begin to streak, and all make sure all the lights are working properly. 7 7 Use your signals properly. Always use your signal, even if you think no one is there. When changing lanes on the freeway, don't signal as an afterthought or during the lane change. Signal at least a couple of seconds in advance so others know what you're going to do before you do it. (Ever notice how most of the skid marks along the highway are just before an exit ramp? - this is where

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Future forms

FUTURE FORMS Future Simple (will +I) a) in predictions about the future usually with the verbs think, believe, expect, etc., the expressions be sure be afraid, etc., and the adverbs probably perhaps, certainly, etc I'm afraid we won't be on time for the meeting. b) for on-the-spot decisions. c) for promises (usually with the verbs promise, swear, guarantee, etc.), threats, warnings, requests, hopes (usually with the verb hope) and offers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Inglise keele arvustus sarjale Jeeves and Wooster

Claude and Eustace" and ,,Fixing It for Freddie". When Bertie returns to New York he orders a painting of his Aunt Agatha, which is painted by a woman whose Bertie is in love. Aunt wants to pack her wayward nephews Claude and Eustace Wooster off to Africa. Tuppy, Bertie's friend, tries to sell his Cock-A-Leekie soup recepie to a soupcompany ­ Slingsby of Slingsby's Soups. A Car accident take place and Wooster is conciliateing her friend and his wife. I'm sure that everyone recognise the man who was playing the character Wooster. Hugh is nowadays wellknown first and foremost on the medical drama ,,Dr House", what is very famous and good sequence right now. It's funny to see him acting two totaly different personality's. On Dr House , there he is willful,abstruse but smart doctor. In Jeeves and Wooster hi playes vigorous, correct and cheerful gentleman. For me less known man Jeeves otherwise Stephen did also great job

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 8. klassile (ILE 6) Unit 1

8 Mis lahti? Su silmad on pisaraid täis. What´s up? Your eyes are filled with tears. 2 Write the verbs in the suitable tense. 1 I booked the tickets and in two weeks I will be off to Mexico. (book;be) 2 Did your sister Victoria get engaged when she was eighteen? (get; be) 3 When Uncle George died, Aunt Mary wore black clothes for the rest of her life. (die; wear) 4 Have you received the invitation to Claire´s wedding? (receive) - No, not yet. But I am sure it will arrive today. (be; arrive) 5 Everybody was at home at seven o´clock last night. Dad was watching television, Kelly and Tom were arguing, and little Jamie was sleeping. (be; watch; argue; sleep) 6 How can you say such things to me? No one has ever hurt me like this before. (hurt) 7 Tom didn´t spend his holiday in the same seaside village every summer. He travelled arround the country with his friends and they usually stayed at different places. (not spend; travel; stay)

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
22 allalaadimist

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student

Life in Estonia through the eyes of an economics student I have been studying economics for a few months now and I would not say that my point of view on life in Estonia has changed. There are some things I recently started to look on differently but I am not sure is it because of TUT or not. Through my entire life I have seen Estonia as a strong and fast growing country which is also a fact because Estonian economy was one of the fastest growing in the world until 2006 with growth rates even exceeding 10% annually. I find it being quite impressive. There are some fields which Estonia can fill with supplies by itself. We are nearly energy independent country, supplying over 90% of our electricity need with locally mined oil shale.

Majandus → Akadeemiline kirjutamine
6 allalaadimist

Isa Goriot

Goriot' maailm puruneb - tema kõige uuematest lootustest kõige vanemate pettekujutlusteni. Goriot' ise sureb sedamööda, kuidas tema kujutluspilt endast kui kähe võluva tütre 267 õnnelikust isast vangub ja laguneb. Delphine'i ja Anastasie tüli, mis selle kujutluspildiga põrmugi ei sobinud ning mida ta meeleheitlikult lepitada - õigemini veel tagantjärele olematuks muuta - püüdis, põhjustab rabanduse. Kuid Goriot ei sure kõhe, vaid - nagu ütleb Horace Bianchon -elab ja kannatab veel tükk aega. Realistliku vaatlejana saab Balzac nõnda heita pilgu haiguste ja meditsiini maailma, kuid see on Goriot' agoonia juures üsna kõrvaline. Sellel agoonial on vähem meditsiinilisi põhjusi kui poeetilisi ülesandeid: anda GoriotTe ja ka Rastignacile piisavalt aega tema tütardes põhjalikult pettuda. Isa Goriot ei ole ,,üldinimlik" karakter, kogu tema loomus ning

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
12 allalaadimist


../ või muidu "Maal on veel austust, maal on meie arhva oled varas ja petis." tulevik." (II) "Kes saab meid takistada, kui me midagi tõesti "/.../ õpi rahaga ümber käima, sest isamaad ja tahame?" raha peab armastama." "Mees sureb, aga koht jääb, see ei sure." "/.../ õppige vaimustusega, õppige nagu hull /.../" "Kui inimesel on mõni viga, siis see viga teeb ta "Ilmas pole seda totrust, mida inimene poleks palju kangemaks /.../" uskunud." "Tohter on nagu kaval mustlaseit, tema kuulutab "/.../ uskuda võib, arvata ei või. /.../ Usk ei pruugi ikka head /.../"

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
347 allalaadimist

Luulekava Johannes Semperi ja Artur Adsoni luulest

Sa veerid ja veerid neid ridu ning silpideks kokku loed (1:85). Sa haarad, kuid enam sul pole pidet (1:85) ning kaks korda pimedam paistab tee (1:85). Nüüd endassegi piilu, vaata varju, mis kõnnib kõrval (1:91)! Ja mõõda oma viljasalve rikkust (1:91)! Aeg küps, et teeksid endale bilanssi (1:91). Kuid juba miski mus kaandus, miski mus tardus ja suri, tundsin end kivist kastis (1:106). Kõik kaugeneb ja unub, - ka see, mis kord meis helises ja voogas (1:132). On siiski üks, mis iialgi ei sure (1:132). See sfinks, mis hinge süües aina lisa küsib, on Mure (1:132). Ei kummardunud pea, vaid saatust trotsis. Ei murdnud lootusetus selle meelt, kes ennastunustavalt tõde otsis (1:160). Ta sirget käiku käis veel pimesigi (1:160). Kui juhtub vast, et vihmades ja vilus poolvargsi liginema kipub tusk, su väike naeratus kõik kortsud silub ning jälle headusesse kasvab usk (1:176). Kustumatuks jääb mu suule viimne suudlus panti, ka veel siis, kui juba tuulde

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
25 allalaadimist

Giving opinion

So in what ways are they superior? .. Well, obviously in size. Everything's bigger. People have always liked dressing up. People just won't continue to accept editorial lines... which don't match up with their experience. Without doubt, television has a lot to answer for. There's no doubt that these large monopolies have a great deal of power. If we let them finance important developments such as digital television, you can be sure that they'll market technical devices which can only receive their own TV broadcasts. Well, there's no doubt that a proper understanding of their problems is needed before we can go much further. Surely, there are immediate things like food aid to countries hit by drought or famine Surely, most of these resorts would have bus services. Surely, there's more to marriage than having children. 4.4 Expressing high probability

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist


Ing Present Simple Present Progressive/Continuous (lihtolevik) (kestev olevik) I vorm (play) am JAATAV he is I vorm+ing (playing) she I vorm+s (plays) are it do not I vorm (don't play) am EITAV he is not I vorm+ing she does not I vorm are (not playing) it (doesn't play) Do I vorm (Do ... play ... ?) KÜSILAUSE ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

Ladina keele tõlked

ajame nad segi, et me ei teaks. Ja et mitte keegi halb ei saaks kadestada Kui ta teaks, et suudlusi on nii palju. Odi et amo Vihkan ja armastan, mispärast ma seda teen, sa võibolla küsid. Ma ei tea, aga tunnen, et see toimub ja ma piinlen. Horatius Carmina: Ad Melpomenen Püstitasin monumendi vasest püsivama asendilt kõrgem kui kuninglikud püramiidid, mida ei suuda purustada hävitav vihm ega jõuetult märatsev põhjatuul ega loendamatu aastate jada ja aja kulg Ma ei sure tervikuna, suur osa minust väldib surmajumalannat: kuni ma üha kasvan uuena järelpõlve kiituses, kuni ülempreester tõuseb Kapitooliumile koos vaikiva neitsiga. Minust räägitakse, kui vali vastu mühiseb ja kus Daunus veevaeste põldude rahvast valitses, madalast võimsaks sain, esimesena kreeka laulu viisin Itaalia viisidele: tunnen uhkust, Melpomene, mis on saavutatud teenete eest ja pärga mu pea heatahtlikult Delfi loorberi pärjaga. Aeneis

Keeled → Ladina keel
5 allalaadimist

Reading task

casino. Indeed, had Columbus more time and a larger budget to really expand his vision, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief might have been the beginning of a fun and financially viable franchise. There is surely enough here to warrant revisiting the rest of Riordan's sprawling tale. Hopefully, the next time around, they will take their time and treat the material with the reverence - and sure sense of quip-less wonder -it deserves. Match the words in bold with their definitions · v- to have as parts or members, or to be those parts or members- · n- in Greek mythology, a creature with the head of a woman and the body of a bird- · adj- done or made in a hurried and careless way- · n- a feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something- · adv- away from the correct path or correct way of doing something-

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Mina ja Klassika arutlus

Viimane kujutis tekkis kuulates Bizet Carmen Arogonaise't. Ehk oleks kuulatavam, kui oleks ka mingi pilt ees, mille taustal romantismi kuulata. Üldiselt mulle klassika väga ei meeldi, kuid igas perioodis on mõni erand. Siiani pole kunagi vabal ajal veel klassikat kuulanud ning arvan, et see jääb nii veel väga pikaks ajaks. Kuid kindlalt on klassikalisel muusikal suures osas mõju tänapäevasele muusikale ja filmidele. Klassika ei sure, vaid see esineb lihtsalt uuendatud või peidetud kujul nüüdsetes kunstiteostes. Seda tuleb lihtsalt osata märgata. Geir Stint 11.ü 15.10.2014

Muusika → Klassikaline muusika
9 allalaadimist

Saussure ja strukturalism

välde on, üks silp lühemad. Kadus ära silp, andis oma rõhu eelnevale silbile – puudumine on oluline, mis oli Saussure mõte. Et kõik elemendid, mis pole süsteemis esindatud, on olulised. Keel ja kõne Saussure põhiline idee seisneb selles, et keeleteadus ei tegelenud keelega, kõige muuga, aga ei olnud uuritud keelt. Saussure jaotab keele valdkonda. Jaotub * keeleks ja * kõneks. Keel on abstraktne süsteem, mis on kõne aluseks. Keelt me ei õpi. Keel ei sure, keelega ei juhtu midagi. Kust läheb keelepiir, on poliitiline mitte lingvistiline otsus. Keel on dialekt, mis on varustatud armee ja laevastikuga. Kui ei, siis pole. Keelkonna piirid on suvalised, kui rääkides kõnedest (nt Valgevene dialekt võib kuuluda ka leedu keele dialekti alla vm). Et nendest raskustest üle saada, tuleb asetuda keele pinnale. Heli ja mõte, nendest vastavus võimalik ainult tänu sellele, et neid väljendab keelemärk. Keelemärk on abstraktne

Semiootika → Semiootika
29 allalaadimist

Wooden pallets

pallet. This standard pallet became the most common and widespread. Like Canadians, Europ also needed this standardization and the first to do so were European railways. It was taken on by other transport branches and by storage companies. With the success of EURo-pallets, many low quality pallets came into the market. This led to the creation of The European Pallet Association in 1991. Only certified companies are allowed to produce these types of pallets. SLAID 3 How to make sure what pallet you have? All the information is burnt on the pallet. Pallets produced in Northen-America have this kind of markings. It has a International Plant Protection Convention and Forestry Commission logo. Country code with manufactures code shows where it is made. Markings also have treatment code, this shows how this pallet is treated and with what sort of chemicals. Most common treatment codes are : [HT] = Heat treatment / [MB] = Methyl Bromide(pestiside to

Ehitus → Ehitus materjalid ja...
2 allalaadimist

Raputatudlapsesündroom hällisurm

Ennetamine: kuna sagedamini esineb probleemi noorte vanematega peredes, majanduslikes raskustes peredes, perevägivallaga peredes, vähemintelligentsete vanematega peredes, kus ei tunta õigeid lapse hooldus- ja toitmisvõtteid ning kus stress on suurem kui tavaperes, tuleks tegeleda riskiperede väljaselgitamise ja nõustamisega. „Tuleb levitada seda sõnumit, et nuttev laps ei ole probleem, nuttes teeb laps oma tööd ja selle kätte ta ei sure, küll aga võib ta surra raputamise tõttu,“ ütles Florida ülikooli professor Randell Alexander. Imiku äkksurma sündroom ehk hällisurm Seda peetakse küllalt sagedaseks surmapõhjuseks 1 kuu kuni 1 aasta vanuses. Tegemist on äkilise ja ootamatu surmaga, millele ei eelne haigussümptomeid ja mille põhjus ei selgu ka hilisema lahangu käigus. Uuringud on näidanud, et esinemissageduse tipp on 3.-4. elukuul,

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
2 allalaadimist

The Role of the Hippie Movement in 21st Century Britain

The Role of the Hippie Movement in 21st Century Britain The hippies’ primary belief was that life was about being happy, not about what others thought you should be. Their “if it feels good, do it” attitudes included little forethought nor concern for the consequences of their actions. Hippies were dissatisfied with what their parents had built for them. Hippies rejected middle class values, opposed nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. They embraced aspects of eastern philosophy and desired to find new meaning in life. Hippies were often vegetarian and believed in eco friendly environmental practices. They championed free love and sexual liberation, particularly for women. They also promoted the use of psychedelic drugs which they believed expanded their consciousness. Hippies participated in alternative arts and street theater and listened to folk music and psychedelic rock as part of their anti-establishment lifestyle.Some hippi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What Is Marriage

ring on the wrong finger?" The other replied, "Yes, I am. I married the wrong man. 27. Man is incomplete until he gets married, then he is finished. 28. It doesn't matter how often a married man changes his job, he still ends up with the same boss. 29. A man inserted an ad in the paper - WIFE WANTED. The next day he received a hundred letters and they all said the same thing - YOU CAN HAVE MINE. 30. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing - either the car is new or the wife is.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tõlkimine müügitöö

given together act as a coherent set of three hammer-blows that give a compelling message. Unistuste ja luupainajate closing Parima pakkumise closing Empaatiasüstimise closing Protsessi closing Joon alla closing Lisamüügi closing "Kui te ütlete jah" closing Konkurendi kliendi closing Pakilisuse closing Ukselingi closing Hinnajagamise closing Saa või sure closing Suvepuhkuse closing Vastupidine closing Surnud müügi closing

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid ja nende kasutamine

Ing Present Simple Present Progressive/Continuous (lihtolevik) (kestev olevik) I vorm (play) am JAATAV he is I vorm+ing (playing) she I vorm+s (plays) are it do not I vorm (don't play) am EITAV he is not I vorm+ing she does not I vorm are (not playing) it (doesn't play) Do I vorm (Do ... play ... ?) KÜSILAUSE ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 16

them, especially when it comes to homework. Kurt: I hate teachers wo try to be like their students. they´re just useless. I´m 14 and I go to school to learn and expect to be taught as well as possible. I think an ideal teacher for me si someone who is stict and does everything (s)he can to teach me. I don´t think my teacher should undestand me. The idea is that (s)he should stick to doing his/her job - I want him/her to teach me and be sure I undestand the subject. Andy: Teahcers shouldn´t judge us on the way we look - it´s not right. Teahcers shpuld do everything to get to know their students before making a decision about what they´re like. if a student doesn´t want to answer the teacher´s questions, that doesn´t mean thant (s)he dislikes studying. Perhaps (s)he is shy and needs more cofidence. Kevin: At school we get ready for real life. thus it is the time to learn how to communicate with other people

Keeled → Inglise keel
63 allalaadimist

Haigus epideemiad maailma ajaloos

eurooplasel. Veel umbes 6 miljonit inimest ei ole oma haigusest tõenäoliselt teadlikud. Järgmise 15 aasta jooksul kasvavad need arvud eeldatavasti kuni 30 protsenti. Haigus epideemiad võivad tabada meist igat ühte. Selle pärast on oluline ennast hoida, kasutada kaitsevahendeid, süstimisel kasutada uusi süstlaid ja kui tekib kahtlus, et mõni haigus on ka meid tabanud, siis tuleb pöörduda koheselt arsti juurde. Tulevikus jääb vaid loota, et haiguspuhangud vähenevad ja inimesed ei sure enam nendesse haigustesse. Maailm areneb ja arvatavasti leitakse ka kunagi vahendid nende ravimiseks.

Bioloogia → Ajaloolised sündmused
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid ja nende kasutamine

Ing Present Simple Present Progressive/Continuous (lihtolevik) (kestev olevik) I vorm (play) am JAATAV he is I vorm+ing (playing) she I vorm+s (plays) are it do not I vorm (don't play) am EITAV he is not I vorm+ing she does not I vorm are (not playing) it (doesn't play) Do I vorm (Do ... play ... ?) KÜSILAUSE ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

The Future of Work or How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Us in 20 years

hundred dollars. And if you rolled forward a thousand years, roughly the same is true. But in the last few hundred years, economic growth has taken off. Those economic pies have exploded in size. The value of those individual slices of the pie today, the're about 10,150 dollars. If economic growth continues at two percent our children will be twice as rich as us. By in large, we've solved the traditional economic problem. With that solved problem has arosed antoher one how to make sure that everbody gets a slice. Solving this problem won't be easy.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

"Career and Employment" Homereading

generally it's going well. Then there's the complete lack of stress. These days, I go home feeling relaxed. I haven't given up pharmacy altogether. One day a week I still work for Boots, who I locum for. I like keeping a toe in the water of pharmacy because it was never something I hated ­ just something I found I didn't want to do all the time." The 10 most popular second careers Plumber Many organisations offer short, intensive training courses. To make sure these are industry-recognised, contact your regional City & Guilds office with the course provider's details. Note that technical certificates do not prove that you are a qualified plumber, only the full NVQ Level 2 and 3 in mechanical engineering services: plumbing (domestic) do this. MET-UK, one of the UK's largest plumbing course providers, will be holding taster seminars at One Life Live. Teacher There are three training routes ­ undergraduate, postgraduate or training-on-the-job.

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

DIALOGUES inglisekeelsed dialoogid erinevatel teemadel

Our hotel has a star rating of 4 stars! And don't forget that breakfast is served from 7 till 10. Good night! You want to book a room in the hotel by phone. H: - Hello! I'd like to book a room in your hotel. J: - Hello! Good choice! We have a star rating of 4 stars! Would you like to be accommodated in a single or a double room? H: - What's the rate for a double room per day? J: - 1000 rubles. H: - Oh! That's good. I agree. And I want a double room with bathroom and balcony. J: - Sure! H: - And at what time I must leave your hotel? J: - You are expected to sign out at noon. H: - Good! And does your hotel runs laundry and a pressing ironing service? J: - Of course! Besides, we have a swimming-pool, a bar and a hairdressing saloon. H: - Great! And what about breakfast? J: - Breakfast is served from 7 till 10. H: - Perfect! Thank you! Good-bye! J: - Bye! See you! THE COST OF LIVING MRS. BROWN: Really, the cost of living seems to be going up all the time. MR

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Kaksteist olümplast ja titaanid !

ena m a sti on Ares vaid s õjas ü m b ol. Ares ei ole kindlapiirilen e isiksu s. Te m al ei olnud e elistatud linna. Märkige m , et tema lind oli rasakull. Koerat õu nim el e tegi kahju asjaolu, et se e loo m oli püh en d atud Ares el e . 13 Hephaistos (Vulcanus) Tuleju m al, kes m õn e d e allikate järgi on Zeusi ja Hera poe g . Väga ilusate sure m atute hulga s on Hephaisto s ainuke inetu. Peal e gi oli ta ve el lombka s. Hom er o s e m üütide s pole Hephaisto s el karta Olümp o s e lt min e m a aj a mi st; Hephaisto s on se al kõrg e aus se e kui sure m atute töö m e e s , nend e relvam ei st er ja se p p, kes valmistab tavalistele ela mi s a s e m e i d . Hephaisto s oli lahke rahuar m a stav jumal, kes oli populaarn e nii taeva s kui maa peal. Kui

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
20 allalaadimist

"Apteeker Melchior ja Rataskaevu viirastus" kokkuvõte

Bruys peab tundma valu süütu kannatuste pärast. Dorothea oli süütu ja süütu oli ka Johan. Ainult nii oli tema meelest õiglane! Goswinil oli suurepärane plaan ­ ta tahtis viia Johani Bruysi juurde, teda talle näidata ja öelda: ,,Võta nüüd see pistoda ja tee seda, mida ma palusin, kui sinu poeg tappis minu tütre. Nüüd saad sa uuesti valida, aga see valik on raskem. Lõika läbi oma poja kõri, vabasta ta piinadest ja sure teadmisega, et sa oled oma käega tapnud oma ainsa poja, või sure ise teadmisega, et sinu poeg jääb oma elu lõpuni minu keldrisse hullu sandina vaevlema" ABILISED: Annlin ­ Goswini virtin. Armastas Dorothead nagu oma last, kuna tema poja ja Dorothea sünni vahele jäi vaid mõni kuu ning Annlin oli olnud tüdrukule ammeks. Hainz ­ veidi kohtlane, kuid armastas väga oma naist Annlini ja tegi kõik, mis tema ja tema hea härra käskisid.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
905 allalaadimist

Kõik Inglise keele ajad

Shall I/we kasutatakse a) Pakkumisteks Shall I do the washing-up for you? b) Ettepanekuteks Shall we go out for dinner tonight? c) Küsimaks ettepanekuid, instruktsioone Where shall I put the vase? What shall we do tonight? 1. Ennustused, tavaliselt verbidega think, believe, expect ja väljenditega be sure, be afraid, adverbidega probably, perhaps, certainly She´ll probably move to London. 2. Hetkeotsused. It´s raining. I´ll go and bring the clothes in. 3. Lubadused, hoiatused, pakkumised, palved, lootused, ähvardused (sõnadega promise, expect, hope, believe etc I´ll write when I get there. Shall I help you? I´m sure he won´t phone us. 4. Sündmused, mida me ei saa kontrollida ja mis vältimatult toimuvad.

Keeled → Inglise keel
81 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola roll rahvusvahelises majanduspoliitikas

firmly that it is not possible to drop them so easily but only time will tell. References 1. Britannica, T. E. (2018, September 24). The Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved from (24.10.2018) 2. Coca-Cola Beverages & Products. World of Coca-Cola. (n.d.). Retrieved from (24.10.2018) 3. Coca-Cola's Growth Potential & Market Share. Sure Dividend. Retrieved from (24.10.2018) 4. How Realism, Liberalism, and Marxism Relate to the International Political Economy. The Political Philosopher. Retrieved from liberalism-and-marxism-relate-to-the-international-political-economy/ (25.10.2018) 5. Number of employees worldwide. (n.d.). Statista- Retrieved from https://www.statista

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
1 allalaadimist

Big grammar theory 2

might must must not need needn't ought to shall shan't should will won't would wouldn't Can and be able to: · Can you play the piano? · I'm not able to come to the game on Friday. Must and have to: · The tennis match must be over by now. (I'm sure it is). · I have to get up early tomorrow to catch the train to the office. 9. The passive voice: The Passive uses the SUBJECT + TO BE + PAST PARTICIPLE Subject verb `to be' past participle Simple present: The house is cleaned every day. Present continuous:

Keeled → Inglise keel
101 allalaadimist

Kas armastus võib tappa

Armastus on see, mis teeb paremaks inimeseks. Et kohe on helge. Ja tahaks olla hea. Ja teha head. Aga ­ mis siis, kui see toob meis inimestes välja just halvima? Et meil endal on küll hea, aga mina ise olen kõike muud kui hea? Mitte et ma tahaks olla halb, või teha halba aga ­ kas see saab siis ka olla armastus, kui see ja ainult see, et MUL oleks tore, saabki peamiseks, isegi ainsaks? Armastusele on kerge haiget teha, kuid võimatu on seda tappa. Armastus ei sure, vaid sul on tahe see tappa. Kui sooviksime, siis saaks armastust ka sinisest taevast... Kui mõõdetakse partneri igatsaamu, siis pole tegu armastusega. Pigem lihtsalt kadedus. Kadedus on kahe objekti vahel, tekitatud ühe objekti poolt ja suunatud teisele. Kadeduse ajendiks on hirm... Hirm kaotada seda, mis me arvame, et meil on. Inimene kardab kaotada objekti, keda ta ihaldab. Armastad, siis pole objekti. On vaid tunded, mis on suunatud teatud suunas

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
24 allalaadimist


Let me explain. Take a traditional Japanese song, for example. First of all, Britain is unique in its transport history. Why's that? Because of all the transport systems that have been developed in the last 300 years. Not at national or international level. Why not? Well, we can hardly keep politics out of the Eurovision song contest. How are we meant to keep it out of football, which has a far greater following? I'm not so sure about that. Why not? Because traditions are now under attack from mass production and mass marketing. 9.4 Clarification / Reiteration through reference to subject They are usually on the same side in war-time, yet they rarely speak well of one another on a personal level. Are we talking about a struggle for superiority? I'm talking about national institutions, centres of culture which represent the

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Sügavkülmutamine- referaat

igapäevasel söögitegemisel hõlpsam kasutada. · Suru külmutamispakendist õhk välja, sest lamedad pakendid külmuvad kiiremini ja võtavad vähem ruumi. · Sule pakendid võimalikult õhukindlalt, et ained ei kuivaks ega võtaks muid aroome külge. · Vedelikurohkete ainete külmutamisel arvesta, et külmas vedelik paisub ja vajab seega lisaruumi. · Ära unusta pakendile märkida infot pakendi sisu ja sügavkülmutamise alguskuupäeva kohta. · Toiduainete mikroorganismid ei sure külmutamisel, aga nende paljunemine on takistatud. Kui toit sulatatakse, muutuvad need uuesti aktiivseks, Külmutatud tooted ei hallita ega hapne. Sellepärast pole neile vaja konservante lisada. Kuuseriisikad õunapürees Retsepti allikas: Aia- ja metsasaaduste säilitamine Retsepti valmistamine: Tulised ahjuküpsed õunad suruda puulusika abil läbi sõela. 1 kg õunamassi kohta lisada 1 tl soola, 2-3 kuhjaga sl suhkrtu, 1 tl sidrunhapet,

Toit → Toidutehnoloogia
17 allalaadimist

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

agrees, because she dosen't wanna be old maid. Of course Elizabeth is mad, but she forgives her and soon after that she attends to their wedding. Accidentally Mr Darcy and Elizabeth meet at Lady Catherine's mansion (nearby to Collinses house) and they have to spend a lots of time toghter. Even though Elizabeth contempts him, Darcy finds her even more attractive. Hastily he asks her to marry him but her answer is straight no. Darcy has been insulting her family and she's guiet sure that it was his fault that Jane and Bingley broke up and she still also belives what Wickham said about him. Next morning Mr Darcy gives a letter to Elizabeth that explains everything and that changes her opinion about Sri Wickham and so about Mr Darcy. In the end of the summer Elizabeth goes to vacation with her uncle and aunt. They go to Darcys mansion in Pemblerly, they were told that the master isin't home so Elizabeth agreed to go there, but happened that he just got home. So Mr Darcy

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Structural loads

And for engineers, there is only one way of avoiding this dangerous overstress: one of the bridge´s ends must be allowed to move - to permit the thermal expansion. So while gravity loads must be fought by increasing the strength and stiffness of a structure, thermal loads must be avoided by making the structure less rigid. Secondly, we have settlement loads. It must be emphasized that most damage to buildings is caused by foundation problems. Engineers have to make sure that the soil under a building setlles evenly. For example, uneven settlements caused the leaning of the Tower of Pisa, which started when the tower was being built. The constructors thought that they had straightened the tower up by building its upper part vertically, in other words ­ with vertical support, but the 60m tower is still going over at the rate of about 2.5 cm every eight years. And its top is now out of plumb by 5 metres. Various measures are being studied to

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun