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Entry ticket week 39 - Ave Nurmeots

difference. 5. Explain which types of innovation would be relevant to include in your MA1 project – and why?  Network: the main function of the platform is dependent on the interaction of the customers (customers are the creators and users of the content on the platform)  Product system: future opportunities (e.g. access to audio books, finding tutors)  Service: people should trust the information on our platform, therefore we need to make sure how to make it trustworthy  Customer engagement: since the platform is based on interaction between two different types of customers (the ones looking for information, and the ones uploading information), we need to make sure that the customer journey on the platform is user friendly for both sides and also that it will be trustworthy.  Profit model: because the ideal platform we imagine is something that

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Walking for meetings - analysis of a Nilofer Merchant presentation

when having a meeting and therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to get to know a bit more about something that I already know about. Also, I think that in the future, it pays off to know some easy tricks about how to make your meetings more interesting, more memorable and more healthier. Last thing mentioned in the previous paragraph is nowadays in my opinion, one of the hottest topics and we can see it in the headlines on a daily basis. I am quite sure that people understand how important it is to take care of your health, but I in my opinion the methods offered in the media are not simple enough for people to start using them. By that I mean the ways are not that common to us and they would work better if we did not have to put so much effort into picking it up. And that is the part where comes Ms Merchant and gives us easy tips that we can use every day. The stage is empty and suddenly the lights are turned on. There she is – Nilofer

Meedia → Suuline ja kirjalik...
1 allalaadimist


rules to prevent the unintentional killing and disposal of fish, crustaceans (koorikloomad) and other oceanic life not part of the target catch or landed. WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP?  Protection of pristine and important habitats (elupaigad)  The key parts in ecosystems need full protection from destructive fisheries  Monitoring (seire) and enforcement (kehtestamine)  A monitoring system to make sure fishermen do not land more than they are allowed to, do not fish in closed areas and cheat as less as possible WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP?  Be informed  Read up a bit on the issues of overfishing, have a look at some articles on this site, see if you can find some information regarding your local situation.  Know what you eat  If you eat fish make sure you know what

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Second language learning

.. and scenes in the documentary offer clear KING evidence of our (5) ... . The focus of the film is on Fifi and SIMILAR we first see her as a (6) ... five-year-old who spends all her PLAY time annoying her younger brother. Meanwhile, the older male chimps seem to be involved in an endless fight for (7) ... . And it SUPREME is no suprise to learn that while all this is taking place the females are left to deal with the day-to-day (8) ... matters. ORGANISE Make sure you set aside an hour to watch this. The (9) ... GEOGRAPHY splendour of the location makes this programme worthwhile viewing, although our (10) ... to these animals will make you LIKE think. Choose one word to fill in all three gaps Q1 The council have commissioned a local artist to create a statue in ........ of the late Prime Minister. This computer is so much faster since we added extra .........

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Art of Healing: present and future

destroyed and that there was only one beautiful island left where only chosen people were sent. When the famous person from the real world got madly hurt his clone was told that he would go to the island. In reality they took the clones organs that were inserted to the hurt celebrity. My opinion is that this may be possible to do this kind of things in the year of 2018 but I don't think they really will use anything similar to this method. It was very cruel and I'm sure the humankind would immediately protest against this thing. At the moment it is not allowed to clone people, I think it's unrealistic that in 15 years' time things would really change so much. Organs from dead people can be donated to people who need them to survive. The problem is that it is hard to find a suitable organ. I think that in the future they find a solution how to fit the organs into the patient's body or the doctors are able to

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Informal Letter Inglise keel

The first few days were like a cakewalk and being home was awesome but later on we all get tense and want our personal space more than before. We are lucky to have a big house, yard and field so when we really want to be away from one another, we can. Apart from the fact that I now have a lot of free time in my hands, I also have a lot of homework to do. I discovered that I’m really lacking the studying skill and despite my hatred towards school I really need it to make sure I understand the topics. The hardest part of home schooling is that I need to discipline myself and make sure all my homework is completed and sent to teachers. I have never liked studying from home and now with days passing and me still in home it feels like a prison. Luckily I still somehow manage to deal with the stress that comes from studying and all those due dates that I have now. This virus is slowly breaking my spirit. I realized that today when I just didn’t care about

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Future forms(4)

begins on the 1st of 3. kohvikus tellimine September next year. E.g. I´ll have a cup of coffee. 4. sõnadega probably, evidently, think, hope, I´m sure, believe E.g. I think I will go home. 5. tingiva kõneviisi I tüüp I´ll buy a car, if I have some money. 6. ettepanek

Keeled → Inglise keel
79 allalaadimist

Sales letter

Dear Sirs/Madam Every firm needs to update their computers software and hardware. Thats where our firm comes in! We have the best quality hackers and tools to make your system work properly. You can choose many different updates whats best for your system.. Nowadays your system is most vulnerable by the viruses and unqualified workers . Who would not want that their system to be secure and to work properly? After you read the enclosed brochure with detailed information about every update, I'm sure that you will find suitable for you. If you are interested in something particular, you can contact us in our office or call on 555-800-2534. Looking forward to making your system hacker-proof and more convenient. Yours sincerely Ardi Harakas Managing Director

Keeled → Inglise keel
50 allalaadimist


company for the injuries she received. Cause of accident When Mary ran down the stairs, then stumbled and fell down. Result of the accident Mary broke his arm falling from a result of the, and then fainted. Injuries incurred Mary could not speak and move, because it was a great shock. tablets and injections to reduce Mary pain. Mery was taken to hospital where she underwent immediate surgery. Conclusion Going down the stairs to be sure to keep in mind that you might fall. Yu should never rush into a!

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Letter of apology

I am writing to apologise for the delivery time and for sending you the cracked figure. I think it had cracked by the time of delivery. I absolutely understand that when the figure arrived three weeks from ordering, was too late for You and I sincerely apologise for that. Our company must also apologise for the misunderstanding about the message You had chosen to be engraved on the gold plaque. By accident we sent You a wrong figure, but You can be sure that it will never happen again. I hope that this incident will not deter You from using our mail order company in the future. To make up the inconvenience caused, we are sending You a new china figure and giving you a full refund. Yours faithfully, John Jones John Jones Director of the China Figures Company

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Letter about my recent health problem

3 March 2012 Dear Jane, How are you? I haven't heard from you in a while. I am writing to tell you about my recent health problem I had food poisoning. I got it when I visited Mexico. I ate something that probably caused it. I am not really sure what it was. I had to drink plenty of fluids and rest a lot. I was down with that poisioning for two days. On the third day I could finally turn back to my normal life and start eating again. That poisoning was very terrible. I felt extremely bad and mostly I was sad about ruining my vacation. For at least two days I couldn't enjoy Mexico. That is all for now. Let me know if your health is okay. I hope I'll hear from you soon. Love, Mari

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kimalane (Bombus)

· Kiletiivaliste seltsi kuuluv mesilane. · Kumalane, maamesilane, metsmesilane. · Tuntuimad: mustad, erekollased või punaste triipudega kimalased. Palju on ka vesihalle ja pruune. · Umbes 200 liiki · Kesk-ja Põhja-Euroopa maades elab 25-30 · Eestis alla 25 · Sagedamini võib neist kohata viitteist liiki, alati ja igal pool üheksat. Teised on haruldasemad. Mürgiastel · Ohu korral ründavad raevukalt · Kimalased pärast nõelamist ei sure ja võivad end teinegi kord kaitsta · Astlaga varustatud vaid ema- ja töökimalased · Töölised on emasloomad · Isakimalased on täiesti relvitud ja ohutud · Kirev rüü kaitseb neid võimalike vaenlaste eest Pere elutsükkel · Emakimalane erineb töökimalasest ainult suuruse poolest · Suuremad töökimalased kipuvad võimu haarama, nemadki tahavad muneda. · Emakimalased elavad kõige kauem · Järglaste üleskasvatamine võtam emakimalaste

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
6 allalaadimist

Eia Uus "Kuu külm kuma"

Kuu külm kuma Mõnele näib, et Mionel pole midagi, ent ta on rahul. Mõnele, et tal pole midagi ja ta pole ka rahul. Mõnele, et tal on kõik ja ta on rahul. Ning mõnele, et tal on kõik ja ta ei ole ikka rahul. Aga see, mida sul pole või kes sa oled, ei ole oluline, kui sa oled katki. Valikuid tuleb teha pidevalt. Suhetes, tuleviku otsinguis, elamises, suremises. Kuna õige tee on kõige kitsam, on meeletult lihtne valesti valida. Ja igal otsusel on tagajärg. Ela sellega! Või siis sure sellega. 2004. aasta romaanivõistlusel ära märgitud raamatu keskmes on Tai elitaarses koolis õppiv eestlasest vahetusõpilane Mione. Tegemist on ühelt poolt väga andeka ja kütkestava neiuga, teiselt poolt aga vaevab teda pidev depressioon ja hirm tuleviku ees. Tal tekib armulugu õpetajaga ning ka sellega seoses tuleb tal vastu võtta raskeid otsuseid. Loole lisab värvi huvitavalt edasi antud Tai olustik. Noore inimese kirjutatud raamat noortest inimestest ning sellena ehe ja usutav

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
20 allalaadimist

My future family

My future family I hope that I'm going to live in detached house with my family. I'd like to have many children, because I grew up in big family. I think it's everybody's dream to have a nice house with a dog, who protects your home, and a loving husband and children. Well, it's mine too. I want my house to look like mansion, just not so big. We should have a cottage too, where we can rest at summers. But at one thing I'm sure. I want to have a job. I don't want to stay at home. Of course I'm going to be at home when my kinds are young, but after that I want to have a job. My dream is to own my own restaurant. If that all happens some day, I'll be very happy wife, mother, co-worker, friend and so on. I hope this will come true. Meelike Loit K109

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Future Simple

Future Simple We use will + infinitive To predict events, for example to say what we think will happen in the future, using the verbs think, believe etc, the expressions be sure, be afraid etc, and the adverbs probably, possibly, perhaps, certainly etc.  Flora will win on Saturday.  I don’t think the test will be very difficult.  Ask her again. Perhaps she’ll change her mind. To make an offer and a request (ask somebody to do something).  Wait, i’ll carry the bag for you.  Will you hold the dooropen for me, please? To make a decision at the moment of speaking and make a promise.  It’s cool in here

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Ekspressionism Eesti kirjanduses

stiilis kirjutajateks rühmituse “Tarapita” kirjanikud, näiteks Johannes Vares- Barbarus, Marie Under ja Friedebert Tuglas. J. Vares “Katastroof 1” Lääb hukka kõik... planeet, kui haisev pomm, täis raipeid, nagu viirastus veel kõigub kesk laotust ahastuses päästjat appi hõigub... Ent lõhkeb siis, kui vahust seebimull, maast, merest - kaos, jääb järgi minust null, Lääb hukka kõik... planeet, kui haisev pomm. “Katastroof 2” Ei ilma vereta ei miski sünni, sure, kõik meie elu, see on verimärk, Ja veres leotet nüüd, kõik meie rõõmud, mure, revolutsioone imed, mässe tulivärk, kõik võitud verega, kui sünnitaja särk.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
21 allalaadimist

Ametlik kiri - Formal letter

13 Wexford Grove Tamford. th 25 January, 2008 California Investments, Inc. 25 Sacramento Street San Francisco. Dear Mr. Weatherby, Thank you for taking the time to discuss the insurance broker position at California Investments, Inc., with me. After meeting with you and observing the company's operations, I am further convinced that my background and skills coincide well with your needs. I really appreciate that you took so much time to acquaint me with the company. It is no wonder that California Investments retains its employees for so long. I feel I could learn a great deal from you and would certainly enjoy working with you. In addition to my qualificatio...

Keeled → Inglise keel
432 allalaadimist


Claudius has killed Hamlet's father, the King of Denmark. Hamlet's mother married Claudius two months later because she didn't know. The guards of the castle see the ghost of Hamlet's father. And the ghost tells Hamlet that his uncle, Claudius killed him, so Hamlet went crazy. The King and Queen think that he is acting strange because he is in love with Ophelia. So they put him in a room with Ophelia to find out for sure. But Hamlet was mean to her, so his uncle thinks Hamlet knows he killed his father and that's why he's mad. Ophelia goes crazy because Hamlet says he doesn't love her and she drowns herself. Her brother blames Hamlet and challenges him to a duel. At the duel, Claudius puts poison in a glass of wine and on the swords because he wants to kill Hamlet. The Queen drinks the wine by mistake and dies. Hamlet and Ophelia's brother stab one another with the poison swords and they both die, but

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Washington DC US dollar (USD) population: 293,500,000 The first colony established in the US was Spanish 13 colonies: independence in 1776 as the United States of America Colonies: Spain, France, Britain English was spoken in government No official language 80% of people speak only English George Washington was deathly afraid of being buried alive. After he died, he wanted to be laid out for three days just to make sure he was really dead. James Carter was the first president born in a hospital (he was 39th president). In Los Angeles, there are fewer people than there are automobiles. One in every 4 Americans has appeared on television. Pictures from

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Career planning

planning your career.  Having goals can help you to deal with problems and can lead to sth worthwhile.  Before you make any decisions you should now which choices are available to you.  For example, if you want to work in photography, you firstly need to find out where you can do such a course.  Then you should compare the different programmes and decide which ones to apply to.  Definately make sure you have enogh information to make a good decision.  You should also think about wheter you want to work outdoors or indoors, with people or with computers, work with your hand or with mind and so on  In my opinion the best job is a job where you can relate your intrests and work together.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

My dream trip

If I had a chance to travel, I would definitely love to go to Paris. It is a fashionable city.I`d like to fashion show and buy some beatiful clothes and also enjoy the beauty of this wonderful place. I was inspired by some of the movies I used to watch when I was little. There is always a scene where there is romance or happiness and that scene will definitely take place in the beatiful capital of France,Paris. I would love to see the amazing Eiffel Tower . I wanted to visit some shop there. I`m sure any place where I go in Paris is very intresting. Paris, there are a lot of wonderful museums and buildings, for example Louvre Museum, the triumphal Arc and so on especially the painting everyone wants to have a look at her secret smile. Also enjoy the beauty of this wonderful place.But I`dont like to live in Paris, because I like to live in Estonia because this is still my homeland.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Supermarket vs cornershop

Supermarket vs Corner shop Most people are under the impression that they like supermarkets. However, there are big vairety of those, who love to shop in corner shops. Both shops have their pros and cons. So which shop should we perfer to? Firstly, supermarket's main advantage is big vairety of all kinds of products. There are all kinds of different sorts and you can be sure to find different discounts too. Many discounts are with shopping carts, so it is important to have one. On the other hand, there are bigger queues than corner shops and can be more difficulties to find products, because area is much bigger. Secondly, corner shops main advantage is location. They are closer to home and there are short queues too. Also there are some products that you won't find in supermarkets and also fresh bakery products. On the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sustainable forest management

Scope of history · Trees carry information from centuries. By: Jaymi Heimbuch Scope of developmement · GMO ­ genetically modified organism Author: John Gress A new perspective at sustainability · We have found law-like behaviours in ecosystems From: (2011) Conclusion · Test, before using · Is it historic tree or usual · Before cuting down, make sure what tree it is Thank you for listening! Kasutatud kirjandus · K. von Gadow, T. Pukkala, M. Tomé ­ Sustainable Forest Management · · 800wi · trees_x.htm · Forest.jpg · http://media

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

My ideal school

My ideal school I am sure everyone has their own idea of what an ideal school is.It is a place where you can feel comfortable to learn in. My ideal school would be situated in the middle of a city so it is near to shops, cinemas and theatres. Around the school would create running tracks, football places and facilities for every sport you could think of. There would also be a huge park for the pupils and public to enjoy together. Each classroom would be fitted with the most modern computers

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Informal letter

It's been a while since we last wrote, so I thought I'd drop you a line to bring you up to date with what's been happening here. Actually, right now I'm laying under the palm tree and having a nice vacation at Bahama Island. I've been here for a week already and the time is just flowing by. I'm planning to relax and enjoy my vacation for another 2 weeks. Then I have to fly back home and start to work hard. But as a matter of fact I'm already thinking about my summer plans. I'm kind a sure that it wont be that relaxing at all, because I've thought about some money collecting. So my plans are that the first 2 months I'll mostly spend working. And for the last month I've made some plans where you fit into perfectly. I have a thought on my mind to go to England and spend there a nice weekend with some friends. Wouldn't that be great? I'm looking forward to your letter and the opinion what you think about my ideas. Write back as soon as possible.

Keeled → Inglise keel
393 allalaadimist

Letter of enquiry

business arrangement. The main concern is about your price range. We would be very grateful when you could send us the price list. In addition, it would be nice, when you could add the list of products and their qualities. Our company has eight stores in France, so our orders could be quite big. Thus we would appreciate if you could advise us of your terms of payment and any discount available. The last thing we are interested in is your delivery policy. We need to be sure that you can deliver our order in two months time. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, SIGNATURE J.F.Morreau

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Leicester Square

hard day's work in the city. In the middle of the garden is a beautiful statue of William Shakespeare. In 1981 a lifesize statue of Charlie Chaplin was added. You can buy halfprice theatre tickets at the building with a sign 'tkts'. 'tkts' is London's most famous and popular theatre ticket shop. Based in the Clocktower Building in Leicester Square, tkts is an essential part of a visit to London. Make sure you join the right queue as tickets for afternoon and evening shows are sold from different windows. Near the square you can also find the beautiful entrance to London's Chinatown.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Mount Rushmore and the Statue of Liberty

MOUNT RUSHMORE. Mount Rushmore is a sculpture, of the heads of former United States presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. It is located near Keystone, South Dakota, in the United States. The entire memorial covers 517 km2 and is 1745 m above sea level. It is sculpted by Gutzon Borglum and later by his son Lincoln Borglum. The carving started in 1927, and ended in 1941 with some injuries and no fatalities. The project of carving Rushmore was started to increase tourism in the Black Hills region of South Dakota. THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. The statue of liberty is on Liberty island. It was the work of a French sculptor, and it was a gift from the French people to the people of the United States. It is maded of many parts. In 1884, all the parts were put together at the first time in paris to make sure they were the right size. They were, so the whole statue, witch weighed over 200 tonnes, was...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

Through the Looking-Glass

The Gnat soon left her and poor Alice had to face the next wood all by her self ­ the wood where things have no names. Just like that when she had entered the wood she couldn't tell her own name but for her delight when she exited the name came right back to her. Alice had then reached the Fourth Square and met TWEEDLEDUM and TWEEDLEDEE. Alice knew them from a short rhyme. Before acting just like the rhyme had said they managed to tell Alice about the sleeping Red King. DUM and DEE were quite sure of themselves that Alice was only a dream of the King and if he woke up Alice would disappear. It was time for Alice to move on if she wanted to reach the Eighth Square before dark. She suddenly met the White Queen who then turned into a sheep, who was a shopkeeper and the shop and everything turned into a boat. Alice had reached the Fifth Square- here she only had to oar a bit and was then given a chance to buy an egg. She bought the egg that turned out to

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

The New Beginning II

know whom this lucky man is?" Eliza was staring in bold air ­ not noticing even the loud question. The queen laughed and walked to the library. "A baby..." whispered the young lady suddenly. Alice stopped and seemed very surprised. "Yes, my dear?" she said, "What baby?" Eliza waved dreamy her hand and left for the Royal Garden, where the soldiers were situated. The old queen got really curious: what on earth Eliza was talking about? But she was a smart woman so she thought, "I'm sure she'll tell me one nice day what is happening here ­ after all, we are all young only once..." And she left, letting her 17-year-old daughter decide her own fate ­ Eliza's life would soon have a new meaning, a new beginning ­ this was something she was sure of.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Backyard Pond

Figure 2 below shows a profile view of the step in the side wall. You create this step by leaving the original dirt in place as you dig. This will make the step as solid as possible. The depth of this step is approximately half of the depth of your pond. This depth is also determined by the potted plants you plan on placing in the pond. Figure 1 represents digging out the pond using a 2x4 board with level on top to make sure the outside edge is level all around the perimeter. You need to raise low areas so the entire perimeter is the same height. Check the depth as you dig to make sure the bottom is level as well. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Step 3. Figure 3 shows how to measure your pond to get the right sized liner. The big

Infoteadus → Asjaajamine
3 allalaadimist

English Lexicology

Some difficulties with translation of idioms For me, translation is art based on knowledge. Of course, an interpreter must have a good knowledge of the idioms of the two languages as well as take decisions to the best of his (her) knowledge and taste. Suppose one has to interpret the idiom " ( -. )" which is rather frequently used in the Russian press. The interpreter who wants to make his translation idiomatic has to look up a dictionary of Russian idioms to be sure of the idiom's meaning, and then to find in a dictionary of English idioms an adequate English idiom. important Idioms are in such great use by society in general that the ability to understand idioms is essential to being able to comprehend the meaning of what is being communicated. My suggestion how to learn idioms: Get a copy of Scholastic's Dictionary of Idioms by Marvin Terban. It explains more than 600 phrases, sayings, and

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Alber Camus "Katk"

Ramberti põenemisplaan Katk hakkas taanduma Hinnang Katk ja sõda hävitavad inimesi Hirm ja lähedaste surm Hinnatakse väärtusi, mis enne ei olnud olulised Katkupisik ei kao iialgi Tsitaadid "Ikka ja jälle tuleb ajaloos hetk, kus neid, kes julgevad ütelda, et kaks korda kaks on neli, karistatakse surmaga" "Igaüks meist kannab endas katku, sest mitte keegi maailmas pole immuunne" "See, et võidud on ajutised, ei anna põhjust võitlusest loobuda" "Katkupisik ei sure ega kao iialgi... ta võib kümneid aastaid magada mööblis ja voodipesus... ta ootab kannatlikult tubades ja keldrites, kohvrites, taskurätikutes, paberipahnas, ja tuleb võibolla päev, kus katk inimeste õnnetuseks ja õpetuseks oma rotid üles äratab ja saadab nad surema mõnda õnnelikku linna" Kasutatud allikad Täname kuulamast!

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
50 allalaadimist

People whould have the rights to design their own babies

But is it moral? First of all, if parents could design their own baby everyone would be perfect. What is more there would not be any babies born with illnesses or disabilities, both mental and physical. This is good news both to parents and children because living together with a handicap or being one is a very hard and sad thing. Another major point is, how far would people go designing their babies. One thing is to make sure that your baby is healthy but to design your child's appearance is superficial, what is more, it is morally wrong. In addition the way one person looks is not as important as the personality. To sum people should not have the right to design their own children. The only thing parents should have the right to control is whether their child is going to be healthy and free from diseases.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Having children while young

Having children while young Some people say that having childern while young is the best time of your life. However, being a child has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, you will still remember what's like to be a kid. Sure you will remember that in your 30s and 40s, but the more younger you are the more likely you are able to truly understand and relate to your child. All in all It's difficult to be sympathetic to someones problems when you dont know what they are going throught. However, for every plus side there is a minus. For one thing, you have to spend all day with your kid and can't go out when ever you want to. Sometimes when

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Choices after secondary school

Many young people decide to go to university, while others think that going to work is a better decision. In my opinion, everyone should think about what he wants to do in future. On the one hand going to the university is very interesting way for student and this means, that you would have lively life, travel and meet people. Moreover, you get a lot of knowledge. However, in the other hand going to university implies that you study there 4-6 years more. In addition you can not be sure that you find after graduating from university a highly paid job. The other option for a high-school graduate is to get a job. There are people who think that big positive side is that you must not study boring theories and formulas. What is more you get salary. Despite these facts there will be very little possibilities for further development. You can not develop in future and find a highly paid job is very difficult. To conclusion, both ways are very popular nowadays

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


The movie gives us an opportunity to see every side of our planet. It makes me want to go and see every part of it. Samsara is a kind of movie that, at first, makes you want to change the channel. However, it gets much better the longer you watch it. There is just so much to see. It makes us wonder how is it possible that something that breathtaking even exists. On the other hand, it might be a hard movie to watch for some people, because it is slow and just drags on in places. I am more than sure that there are some who would rather watch paint dry. In addition, there is no one talking in the movie. In conclusion, I would like to say that Samsara is undoubtedly an amazing movie when it comes to showing the planet we live on. However, it is not a movie for everyone. A lot of people can get bored with it, whereas there are people like me, who for example love travelling and enjoy world’s beauty. It provides an uplifting experience.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kõne "Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character"

Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character When I was choosing a topic what I'm going to talk about, I read: Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character, and I momentarily knew that this is a topic what I really like. First of all: What I think, which one is more important ? To be smart or individual ? And I have to say that I am absolutely sure that there is nothing better to be clever and intelligent. Like our headmaster said on September 1st, that when you are smart, you will be rich and powerful also. Education and knowledge are foundations of our life. Some people think, that it doesn't matter how educated you are. Important is how unique you are, how good impression you left, how beautiful or original you are. I don't want to say that it's a bad thing, but what they gonna do when their personality doesn't help them

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
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Kirja kirjutamise näide

Estonia 13/03/10 Dear Aunt Annette Great thanks for the letter and the invitation too! I'm already waiting exitedly to visit you in your new home. I hope that my mum will let me there, but I'm not really sure, because, you know, she's so over protecting and London is far form Estonia and so also far from her. But she knows that I'm counting on her.So that's why I hope that she allows me to come. Until here, I have done really well at school. I have some few bad marks and lots of good marks. Teachers are usually satisfied with my results. Ofcourse my mother still ,,knows" that I could do better

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

"Wealth does not bring happiness"

Wealth does not bring happiness Wealth does not make people happy. People often think that if they were rich, everything would be fine. That is true that life would be easier and also we cannot live without money. But if we think about it seriously, wealth does not make us happy.Friends, family and relationships in your life make you happy.All that wealth can get you is material goods. First of all wealth does not get you real friends,it gets you people who like you for your money.I am also sure that it does not make your realtionships better with your family or old friends. So wealth can make you lose the most important things in life. Being wealthy is not only a bad thing.It can make you happy, but it is mostly temporary. With money you can to a lot of travel, also you can buy what you like despite the price. I think the best thing about being wealthy is to get to do what you like. To conclude wealth can ruin realtionships but it also lets you do things you like. So wealth

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Anxiety is often overlooked by adults and does not seem as big of a problem as other mental issues like depression. The truth is, anxiety can affect teenagers lives just as much and should be dealt with immediately. I also have anxiety at times, but I have found many ways to help myself. The first thing to do when having anxiety is to make sure that our body is taken care of. Enough sleep can reduce anxiety and stress very effectively. It is also crucial to have a healthy diet and well-balanced meals. Caffeine and alcohol are most certainly not recommended, since they can trigger panic attacks and aggravate anxiety. It has also been said that daily exercise can help people feel happy and maintain their health. When feeling anxious, it is important to pay notice to our breathing. Breathing

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Presentation vocabulary

continuous present perfect the boss has said it has been said past simple John called a meeting a meeting was called future I will refer to this later this will be referred to later Personal pronouns Active verbs use more personal pronouns: I think ... We are working on ... Be careful not to overuse I. We is a good alternative for talking about companies: We will launch the product in June. Reference to the audience As I'm sure you know ... We have all experienced ... You may remember ... As I'm sure we'd all agree ... Everyday language Using slang and everyday expressions can make an impact on the audience and add drama: Where's the caring side of employment gone? I'll tell you where. It's hiding behind a damned set of targets and objectives that's where it is! You need to know your audience very well to use this kind of language. Emphasising and minimising Emphasising

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Hamlet’s View on Life and Death

Hamlet's View on Life and Death Hamlet has a everlasting dilemma " to be or not to be" he is dissatisfied with life and lists many things that trouble him but he is not sure what death will bring him. He is thinking that the experience of death itself maybe worse than life itself Hamlet is a melancholic, always thinking about the dark things in life (he always dresses in black, he's fascinated when he finds the old clown's skull, etc.) I think that Hamlet does not really value his life so much because he is so consumed with his desire to kill Claudius that he doesn't have time for real life.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
12 allalaadimist

Tonque twisters - improving pronounciation

If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter that would make my batter better." So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter. Sea Shells by the Sea Shore She sells sea shells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells. A Flea and a Fly A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue. Woodchuck How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Peter Piper Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

What Makes a Successful Manager?

What Makes a Successful Manager? A manager is a person who is responsible for everything that happens in the company. He gives out orders to subordinates so that everything would function fluently and makes sure that those are fulfilled. A successful manager often is not a successful business owner because those are two totally different positions and demand for different qualities and personality traits. What makes a successful manager? Firstly, in my opinion the manager should be an excellent communicator and more important I find being a good motivator as employees normally quite often have ups and downs or loss of

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Dear John Price

inconvenience you suffered. I have looked into the matter and talked to the airline staff. They didint know nothing about your lost luggage. However, they said that airline staff didnt found your luggage and they need these receipts. I showed them your letter and explained how upset you were. They now regeret that they did not take the control the situation. They had found your lost luggage and they want to offer you their sincere apologies. I am sure that they will learn from the inicident and know how to deal with such behavior in future. I hope that that the unpleasant memories will soon disspear. To compensate for the inconveniece caused to you, I would like to offer you one free night in our hotel. Please let me know when you want to come and alone or with your partner. Once again, please accept our apologies the difficulties you encountered. Thank you very much for bringing this matter to my attention

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?

hate those who tell lies for any reason. Other people accept "white lies" when situation insists it, even if they usually do not like lying. Dispite their acceptance of white lies, lying is not a good policy. I agree that honesty is the the best policy in a relationship. Children are teached early at school and home that lies are bad and they should not do it. Despite this, I believe that without very small lies, we can not cope with life. I am quite sure that there are no such people who never lies. I do not agree with large lies, which can harm someone. I agree that honesty is good, but often it remains unpaid. For example, few weeks ago I found phone on the stairs at school. I decided to bring it to teacher. The result was that I was not thanked by the teacher and was I late in physics lesson . After that, I was not particularly happy that I did a favor to somebody.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


tähtsamad olid Harappa ja Mohenjo Daro. • Majad olid telliskividest. • Tööristad valmistati vasest ja pronksist. Harappa linn kunagi. Aarjalased • Aarjalased olid indoeurooplaste hõimud. • Aarjalaste hõime juhtisid radzad. • Aarjalased elasid esialgu maal külades. India kultuur • Veeda tähendab sanskriti keeles teadmist. • Jumalate austamiseks tehti kombetalitusi. • Hindudel oli usk, et inimese hing ei sure, vaid sünnib uutes kehades üha uuesti. • Askeedid treenisid ennast, et nad võimalikult vähesega hakkama saaks. Jumalad • Tähtsaim jumal oli Indra, kelle relvadeks olid piksenooled. • Hiljem muutusid tähtsamaks jumalad Visnu ja Siva. • Indra: tormi-, vihma- ja sõjajumal • Visnu: maailma looja • Krisna: austatuim jumal, jumaliku

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuriajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Mysterious place Moeraki Boulders (esitlus inglise keeles)

Mysterious place Moeraki Boulders Hanka Merila MY15 Moeraki Boulders ★ The Moeraki Boulders are unusually large and spherical boulders lying along a stretch of Koekohe Beach on the wave-cut Otago coast of New Zealand between Moeraki and Hampden. Where is it located? ★ Koekohe Beach on the wave-cut Otago coast of New Zealand between Moeraki and Hampden. What is it famous for? What is mysterious about it? ★ The most striking aspect of the boulders is their unusually large size and spherical shape, with a distinct bimodal size distribution. Most are spherical or almost spherical. What are the theories explaining the mystery? ★ A Maori Legend: The boulders are remains of calabash (a gourd bearing tree), kumara (a sweet ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Organismidevahelised suhted

Jääkarud on omnivoorid – söövad nii loomi kui taimi. Konkurents • Organismide jagunemine: taimed on tootjad (fotosüntees) ja seened ja loomad on tarbijad. • Tarbijad jagunevad omakorda taimtoidulisteks ja kiskjateks ehk loomtoidulisteks. Kiskja ja saaklooma arvukus sõltub üksteisest, tekivad populatsioonilained. Parasitism • Organismidevahelise suhe, mis on ühele osapoolele kahjulik, teisele kasulik. • Peremeesorganism enamasti ei sure kiirelt, sest parasiidil on teda vaja, et paljuneda ja toituda. • Parasiidid: viirused, bakterid, protistid (algloomad), seened, ussid, putukad jne. • Parasiitide arvukus sõltub peremeesorganismide arvukusest. Sümbioos • Liikidevaheline kooselu, mis on kasulik kas ühele või mõlemale osapoolele. • Mõlemale kasulikku kooselu nimetatakse mutualismiks. Mükoriisa, taimtoidulised imetajad ja nende soolestikubakterid jne (liigid võivad ka lahus elada).

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
10 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun