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Ela kiirelt, sure noorelt

Ela kiirelt, sure noorelt Võib öelda, et tänapäeva ühiskonnas elab kahte sorti noori inimesi. On neid, kes muretsevad oma tuleviku pärast, õpivad nii, kuidas jaksavad, et tagada endale hea elu. Ja on ka neid, kes oma tulevasest elust hetkel ei hooli, neile on oluline elada just nüüd ja täiega. Öeldakse ju küll, et kooli ajal tuleb hoolega õppida, küll pärast on aega lõbutseda. Aga kuidas siis noored peaksid käituma? Kas praegu pidutsema ja hiljem vaatama, mis neist saab, või teha hoopiski kõik selleks, et tagada endale hea tulevik, ja alles siis end lõdvaks laskma? Enamik tänapäeva noori elab oma elu mõtlematult. Kas just enamik, aga kõvasti üle poolte kindlasti. See vähemus, kes oma tulevikust hoolib, mõtleb oma tulevasele elule pidevalt. Nad õpivad hoolega, püstitavad endale eesmärke ja teevad kõik võimaliku, et lõpetaksid seal, millest unistanud on. Leidub aga ka selliseid, kes elavad üks päev korraga, lõbutsevad ja naudivad elu ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
26 allalaadimist

Ela kiirelt sure noorelt

Ela kiirelt sure noorelt Läbi alkoholi elades juhtub lühikese aja jooksul väga palju head ja halba mis ilma alkoholita kulgeksid stabiilselt elu jooksul. Alkoholi mõjuall olles võib juhtuda õnnetusi, haigestuda või leida ennast enesetapu küüsis mis on vale lõpp elule. Seltskond on üks kindlatest võimalustest kus tarvitatakse alkoholi ja selleläbi on inimesed palju avatumad ja hulljulgemad. Kogunetakse kokku, juuakse ja tehakse vastavalt tujule ning seltskonna ühtsetele soovidele midagi lõbusat. Peo õhtud kujunevad pikkadeks, alkoholi tarvitatakse rohkem ja mõistus tuhmub. Tihtipeale ei teadvusta inimene endale mis on õige ja mis vale, seetõttu tehakse valesid otsuseid mis alkoholi puudumisel paneb näiteks autoga sõitma ning kui juhtub õnnetus ja halvimal juhul saavad sinu kaasviibijad surma on sinu elu rikutud viibides pikki aastaid vanglas ja tunda tohutuid süümepiinasid enda südames, kuid aega t...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Queen Elizabeth I

Mary becomes Queen She sensed the danger from her younger sister, and imprisoned her in the Tower. Later Elizabeth was moved from the Tower to Woodstock, where she was to spend almost a year under house arrest. Elizabeth had survived finally as a Queen of England after news of Mary's death on November 17, 1558. Janeli Õim 11A Education Famous scholars ü William Grindal and Roger Asham Katherine Parr, Henry's sixth wife made sure that she was educated to the highest standards She was taught ü The art of public speaking ü Latin, Greek, Spanish, French ü History, philosophy, mathematics Janeli Õim 11A Five languages fluently The best educated woman of her generation Janeli Õim 11A Accomplishments The savior of the English people Elizabeth brought prosperity and growth to England despite threats from foreign

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

The effect of modern technology on our everyday life

The effect of modern technology on our everyday life In the nowadays world, we are living in the era of advanced technology. Almost every activity that we do in our daily life is somehow connected with technology usage. It plays a major role not only in our lives, but also helped in development of various industries, changed education, entertainment. We can not measure this process and it`s impact on society, but one thing we can say for sure – technology has become part of pupils lives. There are so many advantages connected with technology and how it affected our everyday life. To start with, development of mobile technology, computers and internet made life easier. We can find information in sites like Google in a couple of minutes instead of looking for required information in books for hours. In the older times, writing a letter, sending and bringing to a required person took minimum a

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Travelling - not so easy as it seems to be

Travelling has its drawback too. You will get new experiences and see different places of the world but all of this has its negative side too. On the one hand you can familiarize yourself with different cultures, see interesting places and sights. Also you can just relax and enjoy yourself or just stop thinking about your problems. On the other hand travelling needs a lot of money and free time. Also you have to know anything about that country where are you going. You have to be sure about your safety too if anything should happen to you. You can never be sure that the plain you are flying with doesn't cause plain crash. And there could be more dangers like bitten by a snake or getting hit by a rock. Anyway escaping from your problems doesn't solve anything. So there are a lot to think about. Despite all of this negative sides we still travel and the point of this article is to think before going somewhere. You need to make sure why, where and how. After this: good flight

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Opinion essay

movies and cartoons. They are not understanding the reality that is before them. That is why I agree that television promotes violence. In the first place, in the past couple of years the number of violent children has increased by ten percent. That is due to badly influencing shows that are being shown on the television. Children are not understanding the boundary between reality and imagination. That is the real problem with the younger generation. You always have to make sure that they watch movies and shows that are suitable for their age group. Secondly, all people from all ages get influenced by the television if they watch a lot of horror and action movies. It is proved, that if you constantly watch violent movies, your personality starts to change and you may become violent yourself. To sum up, television may promote violence and you always have to be sure not to watch too many thrillers or action movies

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Useful language

.. , if these proposals go ahead, would come from ... I dread to imagine what damage this will cause. May I respectfully suggest that you ... I was wondering if you had considered this alternative? Would it not be possible to ... ? Letters of complaint I am writing to complain about ... I am writing to tell you how disappointed/annoyed I feel about ... I was amazed/distressed/horrified to find that ... As you must realise, ... I am sure you know that ... I am sure you can imagine ... I am sure you will appreciate that ... It goes without saying that ... At the very least, I look forward to receiving ... Unless you ... , I am afraid that I will have to take this matter further. Letters of recommendation I am writing to you on behalf of ... I have known X for ... years. She / He has shown herself/himself to be extremely ... X would seem to fit the requirements of this job perfectly.

Keeled → Inglise keel
57 allalaadimist

How to Change a Tire

How to Change a Tire Sander Kitsing AL16 Find a flat, stable and safe place to change your tire. You should have a solid, level surface that will  restrict the car from rolling. If you are near a road, park as far from traffic as possible and turn on your  emergency flashers (hazard lights). Avoid soft ground and hills. Apply the parking brake and put car into "Park" position. If you have a standard transmission, put your  vehicle in first or reverse. Place a heavy object (e.g., rock, concrete, spare wheel, etc.) in front of the front and back tires. Take out the spare tire and the jack. Place the jack under the frame near the tire that you are going to  change. Ensure that the jack is in contact with the metal portion of your car's frame  Many cars have molded plastic ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What Pleases Me about Life in Estonia

our amazing country ­ the best example are the forests. In many European countries, the biggest forest you can find is the size if Hiiumaa, but half of our country is forests with many species of wild-animals. Thirdly, we have our own language. Estonian is one the most unique languages in the whole wide world. Sadly, many youngsters do not want to speak it and instead, they speak English and ohter languages, which seem more interesting. We are losing our native speakers fast and I am sure, that the grandchildren of our generation will not speak Estonian like we do now. Even though I just described some of the reasons to be a proud Estonian, I am sure, that one day I will leave again. I am not sure if I am going to come back as an 35-year-old or as a pensionier, but I shall return and try to make ou country an even better place to be.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

"The horse whisperer" raamatu kokkuvõte

husband. Tom Brooker learned a special skill with horses from his father and grandfather. He is called the horse whisperer. He helps horses that have problems with people. The book is about Grace and her horse Pilgrim. They are both badly injured in a riding accident where they crushed into a truck on an icy road. Her mother wants Grace to get better. She also wants to save the horses life because she is sure that the lives of her daughter and the horse are tied in a way she can't explain. So she hears about a man called the horse whisperer, who is probably the only man in the world who could help her, her daughter and the horse. Tom Broker comes to New York and sadly has to say that she can't do anything because the horse is never going to be okay. But Annie does not accept that and rides 2000 miles to Montana with Grace and Pilgrim to get help from Tom.

Keeled → Inglise keel
166 allalaadimist


KIMALASED TUNNUSED  Kimalase keha koosneb peast, rindmikust ja  tagakehast.   Rindmiku külge kinnituvad 6 liigestatud jalga.  Pikad lülilised tundlad, allasuunatud pea kahel  küljel läigivad aga suured liitsilmad.   Liitsilmade vahel paiknevad mustad täppsilmad.  Neli tiiba on seljal kokku pandud ja katavad  kitsa läikiva vöödina keskselga ja tagakeha  esimesi lülisid.  Nii nagu meemesilastel ja herilastel on ka kimalastel  mürgiastel, siiski ainult ema­ ja töökimalastel.  Erinevalt meemesilastest kimalased pärast nõelamist  ei sure.  Emakimalane erineb töökimalastest ainult suuruse  poolest. Sagedased on vahevormid, millest tõuseb  peres palju pahandust.  Kimalastega sarnased on kägukimalased, kes on  kimalaste pesaparasiidid. INTERVJUU­ KARUKIMALANE AEDKIMALANE KIVIKIMALANE TALUKIMALANE SAIN TEADA...  et isakimalastel pole astelt.  et peale nõelamist kimalased ei sure.  et algul ehitab noor em...

Bioloogia → Eesti putukad
3 allalaadimist

How to keep Estonians in Estonia - kirjand

drives Estonians away. I think that if everyone could get higher education for free they wouldn't have to get a student loan which they are not able to pay back after graduating. They have to get a well-paid job. But here in Estonia you can't get a great job unless you have a relative who's a top executive. Because of this many people go to a foreign country for a short time. At least that's what they say. Most of my friends and relatives who have gone abroad years ago are sure they are never coming back to live in Estonia. I'm not sure if it would help to keep Estonians in Estonia if kids would have a normal childhood but it really makes me angry that they have to be able to read at the age of 5. I think it wouldn't hurt to be able to read before school if the kid is interested in it. But to put pressure on them at such a young age is wrong. School is a place where kids are forced to do things they don't like but it shouln't be like that in kindergarten

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

How to write a manual

following the directions presented in the manual. Don't make the reader guess why an action might be necessary or wonder how it would be helpful. Doing so might cause her to skip a necessary step or avoid an entire process that could greatly simplify her life--and greatly increase her enthusiasm for your product. 5 Break the process down into small, easy-to-remember steps. Then present the steps in sequential order, from first to last, being sure that each step leads logically to the next. Be sure not to omit any important background information that will clarify the next step and place it into the proper context. 6 Write in plain, clear, simple language, and be sure the wording you use to write your manual is not ambiguous. If an instruction can be understood in more than one way, rewrite it until it becomes crystal clear precisely what you want the reader to do. 7 Test the manual on a sample group of subjects who fit the profile of the intended user group

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Sewing Machine safety

General Safety Rules for Sewing Machine DO 1. Always check that dials are set correctly. 2. Ensure that the needle is in the highest position before removing. 3. Keep hair tied up. 4. When the machine is working, there must be only one worker behind it. 5. Test stitch on a scrap of fabric. 6. Turn off the power when threading the needle and changing the bobbin. 7. Make sure foot pedal wiring is tidy and kept away from moving parts. 8. Turn off the sewing machine before removing the plug from socket. 9. Make sure the machine is switched off and the foot pedal is packed away when finished. DO NOT 1. Do not put your fingers near the needle when the machine is working. 2. Do not sew over pins placed in the fabric. 3. Do not leave needles loose on the table or on the floor when not using them. 4. Do not put pins or needles in your mouth. 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Rahastiku osa

Rahvaarvu muut.:kui in-d elatusid korilusest,küttimisest,oli rahvaarv enam-vähem muutumatu.Sõdade,näljahädade,epideemiate ajal sure.>sünd.Rahvaarv kasvav kui in-d jäid pakseteks,harisid põlde,kasvatasid koduloomi.Rahvastiku kasv kestis 150 a.Rahvastiku arv 6,7miljardit.2.Hiina,India,USA.Rahvastiku paik.:väga ebaühtlane,kõige rohkem in.elab soodsate loodusoludega aladel/arenenud maj.piirkondades,minevikus tihedamalt asustatud aladeks olid viljakate muldadega alad,kaubadus-suhtlemisvõimalus.Tihedalt asustatud:Ida-ja Lõ-Aasia suurte jõgede orud ja deltaalad,viljaka pinnasega Jaava saar,Jaapami rannikualad

Geograafia → Geograafia
16 allalaadimist

Pros and Cons of Technology

Althought it is good and comfortable for humans, it is not good for the air we breathe because of the exhaust fumes. This is the example to my belief that every technology have pros and cons at the same time. Year by year people are getting used to get their work done by or with technology, that is why i think we may get lazy and do not value what we have to do to get something done. Technology helps us to live longer. Our medicine is on whole next level than it was a century ago. I am sure that in future our average age will raise. Even thought we develop technology for better life quality, we have to be careful not to harm ourselves because i am sure that there is no good without bad.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele grammatika

First Conditional: A real possibility in the future A First Conditional sentence is for future actions dependent on the result of another future action or event, where there is a reasonable possibility of the conditions for the action being satisfied. Formation: if + present simple, + will For example: If she gets good grades, she will go to university. We are talking about the future, but we use a present tense for the condition and will for the result. In this case, the person is sure about going to university. We can use other modal verbs in the result part of the sentence. For example: I Condition Result Possibility F she gets good she will go to If the condition is met, then she definitely If grades, university. will go he gets good he may go to If He is not sure about going to university.

Keeled → Inglise keel
62 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks- Monologue

structures as appropriate. Your monologue can be structured as following: 1. Introduction: state the topic (the conviction held). Recite the task. 2. Developing arguments with appropriate openings, fillers and amplifications: - an account for such belief Here you are supposed to speculate about the reasons for holding the conviction: - It's difficult to say exactly why some people think so but I suppose it could be... - I'm not sure but they might think so... - It can/must be because... - student's own point of view (supporting statements to the opinion) At this point you are supposed to present your opinions and justify them. First state whether you agree or disagree with the conviction held: - I'd probably agree on that. - I think that's probably right. - That's absolutely right. - And that's exactly how I feel/what I think.

Keeled → Inglise keel
163 allalaadimist


● The bus arrives at 7.30 in the morning. ● I have test tomorrow. ● We’ll have party next friday. Me saame kasutada kestva oleviku plaanide või korralduste jaoks. ● I’m playing basketball today. ● They are coming to see us tomorrow. ● I’am celebrating my birthday next week. 2.Me kasutame will et rääkida tulevikust. Kui me teeme ennustusi. ● It will be hard day tomorrow. ● I think my brother will buy me a car. ● I’m sure my ex will be jealous about my new girlfriend. Mõeldes want to(olla) või be willing to (olla valmis ehk abivalmis) ● I hope you will help me at my project. ● Marika says he will help me Teha Offers(pakkumisi) ja promises(lubadusi). ● We’ll talk about this tommorow. ● I’ll send you message. Rääkida Offers(pakkumistest) ja promises(lubadustest). ● Marika will be at school next week. ● I will help you with homework. 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Premium B2 - Unit 5 vocabulary

Unit 5: vocabulary ­ Sports To score (v.) ­ to get a point in a game Referee (n.) ­ the person who makes sure players follow the rules Competitive (adj.) ­ eager to win Draw (n.) ­ Tie; A situation where both teams have equal amount of points in the end of a game Fencing (n.) ­ Sport in which an epee, foil or saber is used for defense and attack Permission (n.) ­ Permit; Consent To permit (v.) ­ to allow Prohibition (n.) ­ ban To prohibit (v.) ­ to ban Obligation (n.) ­ duty Obligatory (adj.) ­ mandatory; compulsory To be allowed to (v.) ­ to be permitted to To be required to (v

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards

Kit! It's got so, so much more. It'spacked with cutting edge material to help you fast track your guitar learning. You'll learn how to play almost any song you hear by ear. Click on the link below to see exactly how you can learn to play guitar like a professional! Now, let's get into todays lesson. Getting into Position Sitting Positions There are two sitting positions for holding the guitar; classical and casual. 1. Pick up the guitar and make sure that the guitar body is supported by your leg. 2. Position yourself at the edge of your chair. 3. Ensure that your back is relaxed but straight. 4. Lean the guitar back towards you slightly. Standing Position 1. Pick up the guitar and place the strap over your shoulder. Adjust the strap so that the guitar is positioned mid-body. 2. Use your left hand to support the neck of the guitar. 3. Rest your right hand over the bridge of the guitar. Hand Positions

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist

Agreeing & disagreeing

drama and that the purpose of the news is to report on what's wrong. 6.4 Disagreeing diplomatically (through doubt) The elderly are often confused by modern telephones and automatic switchboards. I wonder whether that's the case. Isn't it rather that they enjoy getting out and about instead of sitting next to a telephone? What I'm saying is that older people have been there before. They've had the problems and found the solutions. I'm not sure that it works like that. You see today's young live in a different age. If the songs are any good, then surely they'll survive. I'm not so sure about that. Why not? (Because traditions are now under attack from mass production and mass marketing.) Well, I'm not sure whether you can really separate language from culture 6.5 Disagreeing in part ( appeal to logic ) But surely, the canal system is much too slow for industry today.

Keeled → Inglise keel
78 allalaadimist

Welcome to Tallinn

You have probably already heard that Tallinn was chosen to be the Culture Capital of Europe during the year 2011. So, we have already done a great deal of work to make our town worthy of this status. Tallinn is worth visiting not only at the main tourist season, but also out of it. Attractions: · The Medieval Old Town · Kadriorg Park · Tallinn Zoo · Botanical Garden · Rusalka Monument · Marzipan Museum Make sure you build each of these into your programme, you won`t be upset. On the contrary, you`ll be amazed what you`ll see there! Practical information: If you decide to travel by yourself without any guides, you will need to know some helpful information about Tallinn: · We have a good transport system of buses, trams and trolleys, which connects all part of the city from 6 am to 11 pm. · It is cheaper to buy tickets from newsstands, than from drivers.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Houseworks in my family

was washing the tub And I didn't have no gloves thinking to myself So manny other thins that I could be doing I was washing the floor someone was knockin at my door say'n to myself So many other things that I could be doing housework makes me sick I'm so sure of it It's like I'm alrergic You have to admit it's like a punishment I was scrubbin a stain cursin out loud in vain say'n to myself So many other things that I could be doing Vacume vacuming My black carpet again Say'n to myself So many other things that I could be doing

Keeled → Inglise keel
57 allalaadimist

What is acid rains?

Install fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs. Try to reduce, reuse, and recycle as often as you can. Try not to burn a fire often. When you are going to work, you could walk, ride your bike, or take a bus. Car-pool to a place with someone else. Try to use alternate fuels, like: ethanol, propane, or natural gas. Take the train or a bus for long trips. L imit the amount of long trips you take in your car. M ake sure that your vehicle's air conditioning system isn't leaking. Try not to overflow the gas tank. M ake sure that you are traveling at high speeds only when you need to. People can help stop acid rain by not polluting the air. TH AN K YOU F OR ATTEN TION Info links : /82901.html /31520.html d-rain-essay.html Fotos and images are from google

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
5 allalaadimist

Stress in the lives of young people today

they all worry young people and impact their everyday life. One of the biggest stress factors are probably school, grades and future. Often students find themselves lacking knowledge to pass a subject or are too lazy to attend classes at all. This leads to a big amount of stress which they only have themselves to blame for. The best way to avoid this kind of stress would be studying hard and attending all classes. Young people also stress about the future a lot, they’re not sure where to study next or what to study. They’re also not sure whether they’re able to live an independent life or find a decent job. I think the second stress factor in the lives of young people today are relationships. Relationships may cause a lot of stress whether you’re losing a friend or you’re in a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend. This stress can severely disrupt a person’s everyday life. I think young people also stress too much about their appearance

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Lühike monoloog "Luck"

things happed without being planned. Some people say that they are lucky and others say that they are unlucky. In my opinion is not just people who might be lucky or unlucky- it can be single acts. When someone does not win a card game or misses a shot in basketball then they often think that they are unlucky. People who say that they have bad luck are negative. For example they woun´t even play bingo or take part in raffle. They think that because they are unlucky they can not be lucky. I am sure that if they wait something good will happen their lives. I like to wish people good luck, because i think it is a nice thing to say if someone has an interview or an exam. But people pass exams or interviews because they studied hard or spoke well, not because of luck. People who consider to be lucky just embrace that idea that they are lucky start approacing life a bit differently. And because they thing that they are lucky people take more risks haing more unplanned events

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of taking a cap year - essay

Advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year Many students take a gap year before going to university after graduating from high school to have a little longer holiday after being in school for twelve or more years. But, is it the best choice? What good or bad could that do? For sure one year makes a difference, it can make people lazier, but it can also give time to think about his/her future plans. There can be many reasons for a gap year: money, people go to work or some people go to the army for not taking a year for the army during studies in the university or just being tired of school. I think that a gap year is almost the only option for a young person to have a little rest,

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Letter to aunt Anette

Dear aunt Anette, Thank you for your letter. I hope you and uncle Joe are well and that you'll find a good place for living. At school is a very terrible time at the moment. I have to spend all my time to studing, because the exams are coming, as you know. I'm not very good at maths so I'm thinking about taking a private teacher. It's quite expensive, but I have to pass the exams, so It's OK. Thanks for the invitation to visit you at London. I've never been there but I'm sure It's great. I would love to see you after these years. I think you have not change at all. I'm glad that I can see uncle Joe for last! You have written so much about him. Did he bought a new car yet? If It's okay to you I'll visit you and uncle Joe in the middle of summer. It will be a very busy summer to me. When the exams are over, me and my family are going to a trip. We are not quite sure where, but we are thinking about going to Rome. My mother loves Italy

Keeled → Inglise keel
97 allalaadimist

Carbon capture and storage

The main cause of that is the burning of fossile fuels. This is leading to the global warming. People have discovered a way to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. It is possible to seperate the CO2 from the other gases by adding liquid which is very good at absorbing CO2. Then it can be pumped to underground. Scientist came up with this idea because methane gas has been down there for thousands of years and it has not come up. So they expect that the CO2 won't be coming up either. To be sure of that, they are coing to make a test and drill two wells to take purified CO2, inject it into the ground and monitor the physical changes that CO2 undergoes. This technology is really new and it is unknown to people. It has not been proven yet, so people are scared and concerned about it. The biggest fear is that carbon dioxide will leak out but we don't have to be worried about that, because CO2 is everywhere around us and it is not poisonous

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Hairstyles trends for 2012

Hairstyles trends for 2012 Koostja: Viktoria Pronina 11b Hairstyles 2012 Should you dare to be bold, you can choose multitonal hairstyle which is especially great on blondes. It's really very popular this year and attracts attention. The needed effect can be achieved by the right positioning of the dyed locks. If you are not sure about your knowledge in the sphere of dyeing, it would be better to visit some hairdresser's parlor. hair trends 2012: purple, fabulous red or vibrant shade. The many tones of red turned to be really very popular this year.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Why I came to study English essay

Why I came to study English Why I came to study English? Seems like a simple question, but it certainly made me think about it. Some of my friends have even said that majoring in English seems so boring and they constantly bombard me with questions about my future. That made me think about how exactly did I end up studying English? First of all, as a kid, I was so sure I would be a hairdresser or a teacher or a cook in the future. I am sure that almost every kid thinks the same, when all they have for inspiration are cartoons and toys to play with. When I started school, I was very interested in mathematics and other subjects that required logical thinking, because apparently I was smart in that area at the time. Up until 6th grade I was the best student in our class, winning mathematic competitions left and right and not only that. By that time I had also found out that I loved to

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Leap of faith

No more homeworks, teachers giving you bad grades, or days lasting up to 4 or 5 pm. Great. While it’s all party and stuff, people will tend to ask you one question all the time, as you start to finish your last year. I don’t know how many of you have suffered that pain already, but I have. People, friends and family more frequently, will ask you the following: ‘Hey. Soo… Who do you want to become in the future?’ First thing most of you will say is that: ‘Um, I’m not entirely sure, I’m yet to decide.’ The one who asks is confused: ‘It’s your last year of high school, you’re probably going to university next year or whatever, and you don’t know who you want to become?!?’ In our busy society where we live in, everything tends to move really fast. All the people around you seem to have a goal in their life, almost if they knew what they were destined to since they were born. As if you were the only one, who has no idea what’s going on in your future

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eesti, minu viimane kiri Sulle ja kodustele

Sõna „viimane" vihjab üldjuhul millelegi lõplikule. Silme ette tuleb sõdur kaevikus, kes enne eesootavat lahingut kodustega kirja teel hüvasti jätab. Kas eestlased on praegu nagu sõdurid kaevikus ning peaksid rahvusvahelist olukorda arvestades negatiivsete stsenaariumite peale mõtlema ja oma viimaseid kirju vorpima hakkama? Kindlasti mitte! Eesti Vabariik saab varsti 97-aastaseks. Inimesed elavad harva nii kaua. Samas pole riik inimene, ta ei sünni kellestki, ei sure ega saa jääda ka pensionile, et vanaduspõlve nautida. Kokkuvõttes taandub vastutus riigi heaolu eest ikkagi kodanikele, kellele see on justkui eluaegne projekt. Paljuski võib siinkohal piisada õigest suhtumisest ja sõnadest. Sõnal ja mõttel võib olla suurem jõud kui relval. Eelkõige selles valguses, et see võib ennetada relva kasutamist. Tänapäeval võivad kõik olla arvamusliidrid. Eks see kirjatükk ka omamoodi seda tõestab.

Eesti keel → Riiklikud tähtpäevad
3 allalaadimist

Letter travelling description

Kolkata is a city of fine streets. I liked the Chawranghee most of all. On one side it is lined by tall buildings and on the other by the maidan. The maidan is a great open park where large numbers of people assemble to spend their sweet evenings. In Kolkata there are many places worth-seeing. I saw the Government House, Fort William, the Museum, the Botanical Garden, the Zoo at Alipore, and the Birla Planetarium I had a very pleasant time in Kolkata. It is really a fine city in India. I am sure, my description of the city will tempt you to visit Calcutta very soon. My earnest regards for uncle and aunt with love. Yours ever, Name My dear Rashmi, I received your letter a week ago. I am sorry, I could not write to you earlier as I was but of station. During the winter break, I had a chance to visit Kolkata along with my uncle. I hope, my description of the visit of that great city will be a source of pleasure for you. It was my first visit to Kolkata

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Road safety (Liiklusohutus)

Road safety Cheremisinov Andrei 7.b Keep to a sidewalk Use pedestrian to cross the street You must be sure that the cars are stopping for you! Do not run and play on roads Cross streets with green traffic lights Turn left, turn right and cross the street

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
5 allalaadimist

Varakeskaeg Inglismaal

The early middle ages The Norman Conquest Since William was crowned king, there were many rebellions against the Normans. A small Norman army marched from village to village and destroyed the ones it couldn't control. The Normans took away the Saxon lords' land. Only a few Saxons who supported William could keep their land. Feudalism William gave parts of his conquered land to his captains around the country to avoid rebellions and uprisings. He also kept some land to himself to make sure his was much stronger than his nobles. Of all the farmland half went to his nobles, quarter to church and fifth he kept to himself. William organised the English kingdom according to feudal system. The main purpose of using that system was economic. King gave the land to "vassals" in return of army services and goods. When a noble dies, his son took over the estate. When there was no family, the land went back to king who could give it to another noble or just keep it for a few years.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist


sellele suremisprotsess. Akuutse surmameelse haiguse või keerulise operatsiooni tagajärjel võib surm saabuda paari päeva kuni paari nädala jooksul, aga võib ka suremisprotsess kesta mitmeid kuid ja isegi veel kauem................................................3 Ebaloomulik surm............................................................................................................3 Kõik inimesed ei sure loomulikku surma, osa sureb ka õnnetuste, vägivalla ja enesetappude tõttu......................................................................................................... 3 Kaotus ja leinamine............................................................................................................4 Kurbus............................................................................................................................ 4 Lein.........................................

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
21 allalaadimist

The Unique Girl

competition. Even though she actually shops a lot in her own secret places Lila doesn't have a decent pair of jeans or black pants. Or at least she is never seen in one. Her cupboard is full of big granny pullovers, black tights and all kinds of different dresses that she combines with her various cardigans. As you have probably noticed her appearance is very important to her. She wants to change her looks as often as possible which is why she colors her hair almost every month. Lila also makes sure that everyone knows that she cuts her own hair. When you happen to be a friend of a friend of Lila you'll love her. She is funny and friendly and always has a great story to tell about the previous weekend's crazy party where she got really drunk and argued with an annoying bitch. But when you happen to be a new person outside her clique, let's say just in the same workout group, you will probably find out about all your mistakes on the spot

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Steve Jobs Presentation

directors sided with Sculley and removed Jobs from his managerial duties as head of the Macintosh division. Jobs resigned from Apple five months later and founded NeXT Inc. the same year. In a speech Jobs gave at Stanford University in 2005, he said being fired from Apple was the best thing that could have happened to him; "The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life." And he added, "I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awfultasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.,, NeXT workstations were first released in 1990. The revised, secondgeneration NeXT cube was released in 1990, also. In 1996, Apple announced that it would buy NeXT. The deal was

Keeled → Inglise keel
48 allalaadimist

My Magna Carta.

My Magna Carta. When I first started my own Magna Carta, I thought what's the most near heart and important to me. I chose two main topics, what I find important and relevant. I'm sure that I'm not the onl one who thinks like that. The first thing I would do, is forbid bullying. What is bullying? Bullying is the use of force, threat or duress to abuse, terrorize or aggressively dominate others. There are different types of victims. One of those is the one that ignores all the hate and insulting what comes at him/her. The other one takes it all by heart and seriously. Words can hurt, a lot. Most of the people don't realize what are they causing the victim, when

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Top Gear

No time later we were handed a challange. We had to drive over 200 km to Cornwall. As James May was boasting about his motorhome, Richard couldn't really do the same. The noise the motorhome ,,parts" or ,,walls" made was just terrible. Putting that aside, according to Hammond the heating system of the Land Rover wasn't as good as he had hoped for as well, describing it as ,,quite chilly". My motorhome was of course doing fine. Apart from some wobbling everything was just aces. Just to be sure I wasn't a threat on the road I had James pull behind me to take a quick look. He wasn't of much help since he only laughed and nor was Richard up front for that matter. Finally I had to admit that I cocked up, but it was my time to laugh now as Richard's motorhome was falling apart. After screaming for twenty minutes straigh up we finally stopped to rebuild Hammonds shed. Over seven hours on the road and we finally got somewhere close to the campsite.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


tugevam on liikidevaheline konkurents. Taimed on koosluses tootjad, sest suudavad tänu fotosünteesile saada eluks vajaliku energia päikesevalgusest. Loomad ja seened pole võimelised fotosünteesima ja on seetõttu tarbijad, kes peavad eluks vajaliku energia saama toidust. Taimtoitlus ­ taimtoidulised organismid saavad energia ja orgaanlised ained taimedest ning sõlutvad oma elupiirkonna taimede tootlikkusest. Taimtoiduline loom sööb taimest ära ainult osa, mistõttu taim ei sure, vaid saab kasvu jätkata. Kisklus ­ kiskjad on loomad, kes toituvad teistest loomadest. Nirk toitub peamiselt uruhiirtest. Nirgi ja uruhiire populatsiooni arvukus sõltub teineteisest. Kui hiiri on palju, on nirgil ohtralt toitu ja ta paljuneb kiiresti ja populatsiooni arvukus kasvab. Hiirepopulatsioon aga väheneb, nirkide populatsioon kahaneb taas sest neil pole toitu. Tekivad populatsioonilained. Sümbioos ­ vastastikku kasulik kooseluvorm. (mükoriisa ­

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
13 allalaadimist

Letter, Dear Frank

Dear Frank, I’m very glad of your visit to Estonia in this July. I have planned many things we can do while you are here, so this week will be great. Unfortunately, my grandmother got seriously ill and has to stay with my family for this summer and because of that you cannot stay at my place. However, Mari has a spare room for whole summer where you can stay at the time while you are in Estonia. Mari is my friend from childhood and she is great, I’m sure you two will get along just well. Waiting forward to see you again, Tiiu

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Future vormid

it · Past from the point to the Future Perfect Continuous Will + HAVE + BEEN future +ing · When the question is "when" · If you're not sure · Is doing something Be-going-to future GOING + TO + BE · Proofs, evident (storm is going to hit soon) · Causes of time · Condition Present Simple · Express future ­

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

I’m pleased to meet you!

I'm pleased to meet you! I decided to tell you a story. I want to write it down, just in case you won't remember it in future. I tried to find my pen, but I haven't found. So I decided to write it down on my computer. I love to write stories down. After you read this, you can ask me some questions. I want you to read this very thoughtfully. Please don't tell anyone, that I wrote you a story. I don't sure if that story make you cry, but let the story begin. Today I realised that it's not impossible to eat a hamburger in 30 seconds. Especially if you need to create your essay. It was good to see you and I hope you like my story.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Netiquette Rasmus Leinasaar Audru School 7a Respect Other People Remember the world is a big place full of very different people. When you communicate with someone on the Internet,remember that other people's opinios may be different form yours. Try not to hurt their feelings. Respect other people's time When you send an email to someone, they need time to read it. So be sure that they don't have to spend too much time reading it. Keep your emails and online messages shot.Dont write in capital letters. It looks as if you're shouting and it is also difficul to read . Never send chain. Netiquette, a colloquial portmanteau of network etiquette or Internet etiquette, is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over networks, ranging from Usenet and mailing lists to blogs and forums.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kirjutis/writing, core values

Unit 1 Writing Our company's core values are to provide quality products at affordable prices and make sure that the ingredients in products are safe and natural. We recognize environmental issues and never knowingly create a product that is harmful to the environment, we don't use animal testing and our manufacturing supports wind power. Nature's Care aims to foster the staff's development. For the employees of Nature's Care we provide a pleasant working environment and supply training oppurtunities and perks. Customers are very important to us so we treat each customer as an individual and try

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


If a medical condition prevents you from wearing a respirator, you cannot protect yourself against breathing in harmful contaminants in the air. If you have facial hair, you may not be able to wear a respirator. The edge of a respirator must form a tight seal against your skin. If the edge of a respirator rests on facial hair, contaminants can leak into the respirator. You must shave off any facial hair that touches the edge of the respirator. HOW CAN I BE SURE THAT MY RESPIRATOR FITS PROPERLY? If your respirator does not fit correctly, it will not protect you from harmful contaminants. There are 2 ways to make sure that your respirator fits properly: · You should be fit-tested by a qualified person at least once a year. This will identify the respirator make, model, style, and size that is best for you. (Your employer is required by law to provide fit-testing.) · You should conduct a "seal check" every time you put on a respirator. This will

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Future forms(4)

begins on the 1st of 3. kohvikus tellimine September next year. E.g. I´ll have a cup of coffee. 4. sõnadega probably, evidently, think, hope, I´m sure, believe E.g. I think I will go home. 5. tingiva kõneviisi I tüüp I´ll buy a car, if I have some money. 6. ettepanek

Keeled → Inglise keel
79 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun