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Infotehnoloogiast ja suhtlusvõrgud

On the other side, the internet is the biggest brain that exists in the world. It has the most knowledge in it but people should be careful what are they using it for. The internet is the best and quickest way to learn about the things you want to know. It is very easy today to find the information you need. Google is the biggest search engine in the web and it was firstly known in 1996. Today, Google receives about a billions search requests per day. But it is sure that not all of the requests are not sent because the person wants exactly to learn something. One more big question lies on the e-system, which is for example largely used in Estonia. There is e-school, e-banking, e-election and so on. It is very honorable that everything has evolved here where we can be very comfortable to do our everydaythings at home but on the other hand, things are getting more invisible. It is

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


U 15 SB 2) 2C, 4A, 6D, 8B 3) How about i come ... ? School is off Hei s sure to know Due for tomorrow Tie in with sth Get a flight sorte get back to me 4) *Easter * her grandparents' birthday gift * the weather and the currency * Some doorways and doors * Layers and a camer * The view from the topp of Olaf's church tower, the secret passagesunder Swedish defences, the winding streets of old... the parliament buildinf, some museums, and art galleries. * Pancakes together with Hannah's mates * Tartu 5b) 1. Was ... marked- märgiti; is includes ­ on lisatud

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Maailma rahvaarv kasvab ohtlikult suureks

inimestel pole enam ranniku aladel elukohta ja nad peavad rändama uutesse elupaikadesse. Minu arvates võiksid inimesed pöörduda tagasi aega, kus palju asju tehti ise ja ilma masinate abita. Igasugused masinad on küll head töö efektiivsuse tõstmiseks, kuid samas kulutatakse nende tootmiseks palju loodusvarasid ­ enamik meid ümbritsevast plastist on toodetud ju naftast. Inimesed peaksid elama nii, et kui nende ümbert võetakse ära elekter ja nafta, siis nad saavad hakkama ja ei sure nälga. Maakera kandevõime on ületatud juba kolme kordselt. Meil siin Eestis on kõik hästi ja probleemiks pigem põldude ja niitude metsastumine ning negatiivne iive, kuid võib ka meil juba täheldada asiaatide juurdevoolu. html Maailma Ühiskonnageograafia gümnaasiumile töövihik

Geograafia → Geograafia
20 allalaadimist

Puppies for sale

Puppies for sale A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about Nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he Felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the Eyes of a little boy. Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies." "Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money." The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?" "Sure," said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle,"Here,Dol...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

If you are not in facebook, you don't exist

offer -a home among friends and shared applications like games, quizzes, personality-type "tests", awards and gifts, not to mention sharing laughs and creative feedback via photos, videos and more. I know that we live in a digital age, but maybe this new fancy disorder is a bit over a notch. All in all, I think that it's completely normal to have an account in Facebook, but we should keep some boundaries in case we don't want to mix up our virtual life with the real one. Sure I can communicate with my friends easily via Facebook chat, but seeing eye-to-eye is way better. And I don't mean that instead of chatting online we should chat via videocall- no no! We shouldn't spend our short and precious life wandering around in the dephtless expanses of the Internet because reality is so much better!

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

IASB kodutöö


Informaatika → Sissejuhatus andmeturbesse
7 allalaadimist

Essay about necessaty of zoos

around them is too small and as for polar bears, who need low temperature for existence it is impossible to turn zoo into so said natural habitat. In conclusion, zoos are necessary alternatives to a natural environment. Not only zoos can protect animals from being poached, but also can help research centers, that try to find the solution to rebuild original natural environment and help animals to reproduce. There are big organizations such as UNESCO and WAZA that are sure that zoos are irreplaceable. "African elephants brought to zoos in Japan are often unable to raise their offspring because many lost their parents to poaching by ivory hunters. But they are smart enough to learn from their keepers, said Osamu Shiina, who cares for the animals at a prefectural-run zoo on Shikoku. Shiina, 51, is in charge of a family of four African elephants at Tobe Zoological Park in the town of Tobe, Ehime Prefecture." Japan Times 16/12/2013

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Küsimused teose " Kevade " kohta.

Küsimused teose " Kevade " kohta. 1. Kust oli pärit Imelik? Tõukrest 2. Millest tegi Toots uiskudele raudu? Vikatiteradest 3. Jüri Kuslapi hüüdnimi? Tiuks 4. Mida käskisid tüdrukud Imelikul mängida? Reilenderit 5. Toots õpetas Kiirele konnasilma rohtu. Milline see oli? Pidi peale äikest aukliku kivi peale kogunenud vett võtma ja jalga määrima. 6. Mida ütles Toots Imelikule, kui ta Teelet tantsima rebis? Imelik, lase ruttu üks polka, ma lähen Tali pruudiga tantsima! 7. Miks sai köster Tootsi pingi alt kätte? Kiir näitas, et Toots laua all. Taga ajades jäi üks õpilane ette. 8. Mis puu see oli, mida Arno tihti silitas? Paju 9. Miks Arno Rajalt Teelega jumalaga jätmata lahkus? Rajal vaatavad Imelik ja Teele albumit. Tuleb Arno. Teele küsib üllatunult, et kuidas Arno sinna sattus. Palub Arnol istuda ja ulatab Imelikule kandle, et ta mängiks. Teelel ja Imelikul on seejuures väga lõbus. Äkki nad märkavad, et Arno kadunud. 10. Mis ametit...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
132 allalaadimist

Lapsevanema surma mõju

Kui ilmneb, et laps tunneb end süüdlasena või eriti hirmunult ning ärevalt, tuleks hirmust vabaneda (küsimuste esitamisega jne). Laps peaks aru saama, et vanema surm polnud tema süü ning, et lapse endaga ei juhtu seda sama. Neis teemades valesti aru saamine võib põhjustada seda, et laps on hirmul ja vihane, sest ta elu on kontrolli alt väljas. Kui aga laps tunneb, et tema eest hoolitsetakse, surm polnud tema süü ning ta ei sure nii pea, lepib ta ilmselt ning areneb normaalselt. On oluline meeles pidada, et lapse vanemaks saades, leinab ta oma kadunud vanemat uuesti ja uuesti, vastavalt arengukohastele arusaamistele. Tavalised stressirohked elumuutused, on vanema kaotanud lapse jaoks eriti rasked. Täiskasvanuks saamine, elus oleva vanema uuesti abiellumine, kodust lahkumine ja teiste lähedaste inimeste surm ­ can be tumultuous. Pole ebatavaline, kui täiskasvanu vanem sureb. Enamik vanemaid sureb enne oma lapsi

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
53 allalaadimist

Miks ma ei suitseta

kõhunäärmesse, emakasse - peaaegu kõikidesse elunditesse. Tubakasuitsu sissehingamisel mõjutavad organismi kõige enam nikotiin, vingugaas ja tõrv. Nikotiin on tubakataimes sisalduv tugev närvimürk. Suur annus nikotiini võib põhjustada inimesel hingamis- krampe, halvatuse ja surma. Näiteks on surmav suitsetada järjest kolm pakki sigarette (mis sisaldavad kokku 60 mg nikotiini). Põhjus, miks suitsetajas siiski kohe ei sure, on selles, et tavaliselt satub organismi korraga väike kogus nikotiini. Organism hakkab teda kohe töötlema ja välja viima. Algajal suitsetajal tekitab nikotiin iiveldust ning oksendamist, see on kaitsereaktsioon organismi sattunud mürgi vastu. Sissehingatud nikotiin satub kopsudest verre, mis kannab selle kogu organismis laiali. Nikotiin mõjub inimesele nii ärritajana kui pärssijana: ärritab limaskesti ja kesknärvisüsteemi, kiirendab südame löögisagedust,

Ühiskond → Perekonnaõpetus
19 allalaadimist

Kuidas jääda ellu ja olla kõige edukam?

enda oma kaitset( elupaikade puhul territoorium jne). 2.) võrdne ressursside jaotus, juurdepääs piiratud ressurssidele on piiramatul hulgal konkurentidel. Konkurentsiga saab siduda ka väga hästi lindude rännet. Linnud lendavad soojale maale, et saada omale toitu, mida külmemas kohas napib, vähendavad konkurentsi, et oleks lihtsam elada. Kõiki asjaolusid kokku võttes ja lisades sinna veel paljunemise, liigi tervete ja tugevate isendite vahel, saamegi liigid, mis ei sure välja, vaid täiustuvad aja jooksul, üritades kavaluse ja leidlikusega kompenseerida oma miinuseid. Seega liigi edukuse ja püsimajäämise aluseks võib lugeda tervete suguvõimeliste järglaste saamise, kohastumuse ja kavaluse. Rauno Savolainen 12a

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
21 allalaadimist


tulemusel.tähis:A ühik: J A=m*g*h A=q*E*s Laeng liigub madalama energia suunas(kokkuleppeliselt miinuselt plussile) Pinge-füs. suurus,mis näitab kui palju tööd peab tegema elektriväli,et viia ühikuline laeng ühest punktist teise. tähis: U ühik: V U=A/q U=E*s E=U/s Mahutavus sõltub mõõtmetest,vahekaugusest ja dielektrilisest läbitavusest. Mahtuvus -füs. suurus, mis näitab kui sure laengu viimisel ühelt kehalt teisele tekib nende vahel ühikuline pinge. tähis:C ühik F C=q/U C=*0*s/d(diameeter) kasutamine(raadio,mikrofon,klavituur) Jadamisi-1liikumisetee Rööbiti-laeng valib millist juhti mööda minna. Ckogu=(1/C1+1/C2+1/C3)-¹ Ckogu=C1+C2+C3 S1=S2=S3 S1+S2+S3 d1*d2*d3 Elektrivälja energia: Ee=CU²/2 Ee=q*U/2 q=n*

Füüsika → Füüsika
31 allalaadimist

Cover letter ja Europass CV

5th May 2009 Joole Kuljus-Triik Skype Technologies Vencesias square 23 Prague Czech Republic Dear Mr Kuljus-Triik I am writing to apply for the position which is advertised in Hyppelaud ( technologies-ou/if-kontrollitud%3C2,amet,-php-web-based-is-developer---d32849.html). My work has familiarised me with many of the challenges involved in PHP and Web-based IS developing today. I am sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and expectations in web developing, would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, as my grandmother is from Czech Republic, I am fluent in this language and would definitely enjoy working in a German-speaking environment. I was recently employed by a big computer software company called Microlink, but as I felt my intention is to work in a small, but actively developing company, I quit a few weeks ago

Keeled → Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist


tõugata, sest ritv imeb endasse surma vett. Teekond viib üle surnud vete Utnapisti juurde, kes pääses veeuputusest, kuna Ea, tarkusejumal, andis talle teada jumalate kavatsusest ja õpetas ehitama paati, kuhu koguda kõigist liikidest üks emas- ja isasloom-lind Nii jäigi Utnapisti oma naisega ellu ja ta tõsteti kahetsevate jumalate poolt taevariiki ja pandi valvama jõgede suudmesse, salajasse paika maailma äärel.Gilgames läheb tagasi koju ning mõistab, et ta ei sure täielikult, vaid temast jääb järele Uruki linn uhkete templite ja vägeva müüriga. Ta arvab, et need on igavesed. Minu arvates oli see lugulaul isegi huvitav. Raamatut lugedes, ei tahtnud seda isegi vahepeal käest ära panna, aga pidi, kuna kellaaeg kippus hiliseks minema. Enamus kohad tekstis tundusid väga ebareaalsed. Mõtle, kui inimesed oleksidki savist arvan, et maailm oleks väga ülerahvastatud. Mul tekkis ka teistes tekstiosades mõtteid

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Chat rooms

real world. The only difference is that in the Internet you have a greater deal of anonymity that you get in the real world. Can chat rooms be dangerous? Most definitely. Particularly channels that clearly are catering to younger children. Pedophiles go where the kids are, and that is just as true on the Internet as in the "real world". Does that mean you should avoid all chat channels? Not at all. Just be aware of what you are doing and saying, and if you have small children, be sure to monitor their activity on the Internet. There are several programs, as I recall, that allow parents to track what their children are seeing and doing while on-line. One of the biggest threats on chat rooms is the presence of pedophiles, online stalkers and other predators always looking to exploit the vulnerabilities of pre-teens and young teens. Chat room regulars can become easily disconnected from real-life activities and

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook

Fifth level Stages of Real Estate Development · Feasibility Study · Design · Financing · Construction · Marketing/Leasing · Operations and Management Refining Your Idea · Decisions ­ site, use, marketing strategy · Pro Forma statement · Feasibility study · Verifications and recalculations Capital · Make sure, how to finance your development · Approach several potential lenders · Remember that there are choices(pension/insurance funds, equity financing, private/public grants) · Lenders mediation ( Due Diligence Contract Data - is everything in order? Title Entitlement ­ rights and restrictions Adverse Conditions ­ How much is buildable? Presence of Utilities Project Goals ­ can you finish the project alltogether? Pre-application Hire all the necessary help in time

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Mitmekultuuriline maailm ja globaliseerumine

Globaliseerumise mõju Eesti ja teiste maailma kultuuridele Igal rahval on omad tavad ja tõekspidamised, kuid mida aeg edasi ja avatumaks erinevad inimühiskonnad muutuvad, seda enam kanduvad teatud riigile iseloomulikud rahvuskultuurid üle teisele. Sõna ,,avatumaks" all pean silmas eelkõige eelmise sajandiga võrreldes tunduvalt vabamat võimalust reisida ühest riigist teise, kuna viisanõuded ei ole enam nii ranged ja Euroopasiseselt saab reisida viisavabalt. Nagu igal nähtusel, võivad üleilmastumisel ja mitmekultuurilisusel olla omad head ja halvad küljed. Ida-Euroopas ja ka paljudes teistes maailmaosades võib üheks suurimaks probleemiks nimetada kindlasti eestlaste poolt tihti kasutatavat väljendit ,,ameerikastumine". See tähendab USAst pärit kommete laialikandumine üle terve maailma. Kõige rohkem paistab see välja kõnes, kus eesti sõnavarasse tekib viimasel ajal hulgaliselt Ameerikast pärit slänge ja väljende...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
39 allalaadimist

Estonian teen

friends who live in Norway, invited us to visit them. We agreed and went there in winter and spent Christmas and New Year there. That was one amazing vacation to remember too. When I was very young, my parents took me to Sweden many times, but I can't remember that at all. Lately we haven't taken a trip to a foreign country, but I am looking forward to our field trip to London in October. What is your ambition for the future? I haven't thought of that too much. Right now I'm not sure yet, but it could be related to music and technology - the two things I love the most.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

"The perfect man"

She also realizes that it's bad to lie. Positive aspects is for an example that you can learn a lot from this film. Like that there is no point in lying, because every lie grows bigger and bigger until it consumes everything and goes out of control. And every lie comes out in the future. The second thing is that you can't keep running from your mistakes. You have to face them if you want to get over them and make them dissapear. this film is also very well-written. I'm sure the director thought it through many times before he started making it. In fact, I really like one point in the movie: it's tjhat there is the perfect man for everyone. Sometimes you just have to look for him. And if you find hin, you can't let him go. On negative side I can point out that at some points it seemed a little unreal. Like in real life it's quite impossible that all the machines in the kitchen break at the

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

The Republic of Kenya

The Republic of Kenya The Republic of Kenya uesed to be British East Africa, but it game independent December 12, 1963 . It is a country in East Africa. It is bordered by Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to the northeast, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, and Sudan to the northwest, with the Indian Ocean running along the southeast border. Capital of Kenya is Nairobi, population is 31.6 million and density 59/km2. Kenya sure packs a lot in: mountains and deserts, colourful tribal culture, beaches and coral reefs, and some of Africa’s best wildlife attractions. In Kenya you can visit Nairobi-Nairobi is the city at the heart of Kenya and the primary gateway to the vast game reserves and national parks of East Africa, Amboseli- This park is one of the best places in Kenya to view large herds of elephant and buffalo as well as lion, cheetah, giraffe and plains game or if you want to meet with Kenya landscape then

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Kasutades pliist varjestust soovitakse doosikiirust vähendada 4 mGy/h-ni. Kui plii poolpaksus on 0,256 mm, siis mitme millimeetri paksust plii kihti on varjestuseks tarvis? 32 mGy/h / 4 mGy/h = 8 83 = 32 3 * 0,256 mm = 0,768 mm A. Kirjelda ioniseeriva kiirguse poolt tekitatud stohhastilisi bioloogilisi efekte. - Ilmnevad hiljem ning võimalus, et ei avaldu üldse. Nendeks võivad olla näiteks pärilikud haigused. Stohhastilised efektid ­ kiiritatud rakus tekivad mutatsioonid ning rakk ei sure. Mutatsioon võib edasi areneda ning areneb vähkkasvaja. Vähi iseloom ei sõltu saadud kiiritusdoosist ning vähi tekkimise tõenäosus on suurem, kui doos on suurem. Kui suure ekvivalentdoosi põhjustab 0,002 Gy gammakiirgus? Kui suur on sel juhul efektiivdoos maksale? Neeldunud doos 0,002 Gy HT= WR * DT HT=1*0,002=0,002 Sv (ekvivalentdoos) Efektiivdoos maksale: WT=0,05 E=WT*HT=0,005*0,002=1*10-4 Sv = 0,01 mSv

Füüsika → Kiirguskaitse
10 allalaadimist

Lessons for the future

party's name they have heard the most or who had the most beautiful advertisement on the wall of local mall or who coaxed them with most pens and pencil before the election day. The results of elections are much different if young people vote for politicians whose name is just popular or who gave them a dull coffee mug with his or her party's logo on it. In Estonia, young people often go with the flow of Reformierakond for example, because it seems to be ,,pretty normal" organisation. I am sure that if youngsters would find out for what one or another party stands for, they will discover that they voted for absolutely wrong party, for example a 18-year-old boy gave a vote to right-sided faction although his thoughts are the same with socialdemocratic principles. As it is come out in different studies, the level of Estonia's education is pretty good. Our children learn different languages, maths, history etc. at school which of course is very natural and welcome

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Kirjand: Oht sulanduda ühtseks keelekompotiks

Ain Kaalepi luuetuse ,,Tundmatutele inimestele" kohaselt samastub keel inimese ja inimestega. On kartusi, et eesti keel on välja suremas. Senini on keel püsinud, sest oleme seda kergelt devalveerides hoidnud ja armastanud. Silmapiiril tundub olevat oht üleilmastumisest keele tasandil. Kindlasti ei tohi unustada positiivset, vaadates eesti keelt tuleviku ja kontinuiteedi seisukohalt. Keele püsimisel on väga olulised reeglid ja nende pidevast muutmisest hoidumine. Loodetavasti ei sure eesti keel välja. Ain Kaalepi välja toodud hopi-indiaanlastega on muidugi raske ennast võrrelda, sest neid on tuhat korda vähem. Probleem on sarnane. Suurkeeled on ennast vaikselt sisse pressimas nii grammatika kui sõnavaraga. Samas on nad ka veel praktilise väärtusega. Näiteks õppides ülikoolis on suur osa erialasest kirjandusest kätte saadavad ainult kas vene või inglise keeles. Põhjuseks meie väike rahvaarv. Kõikidele

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
6 allalaadimist

England - Art and Culture

· Exeter's Vibraphonic · Nantwich Jazz & Blues Music Festival · Bath Music Festival · Harewood House Proms Spectacular in Leeds · Reading Festival Food festivals showcase the sheer wonders and varieties of foods that coexist in England, thanks to the many cultures that make up its unique population. The Manchester Food and Drink Festival, CAMRA Beer Festival and Chocolate Week in London are just some of the culinary features that are sure to provide a tasty extravaganza for young and old alike. Owing to its rich history, England's architecture is another important element of its culture; one that tells the tales of battles, victories, defeats, love, death and religion. Churches, stately homes, abbeys and ruins remain as remnants of the fascinating past that shaped the future. These include several World Heritage Sites, as deemed by UNESCO. Some of these include: · Durham Castle and Cathedral · Stonehenge

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Albert Einstein

" 2008. Biography Resource Center. Gale. School Lib., King of Prussia, PA. 12 Feb. 2008 . Famous Quotes • True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness. • Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler. • The truth of a theory is in your mind, not in your eyes. • Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe. • Only a life lived for others is a life worth while. All quotes- Death • Died on April 17, 1955. (Galenet) • Suffered from internal bleeding. (Galenet) • He was cremated and his ashes were scattered. (Galenet) • Before cremation, his brain was taken out by pathologist Thomas Stoltz Harvey to discover how Einstein was so smart in the future. (Van Delft, EBSCOHOST)

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Brussels entertainment

the UGC theatres in the city. Arenberg cinema For art films you can try the Arenberg cinema located inside the' Gallery St Hubert (Galerie de la Reine). This is where you will be able to catch those films that are not at the blockbusters! The tickets are relatively cheap (8 for adults) but there are limited numbers of shows so be sure to check the films playing in advance. Museums Brussels has amassed a wide and eclectic collection of museums. At the last count there are about 89 museums endorsed by the tourism information bureau and there are still more small `museums' to visit such as the Museum of Cocoa and Chocolate.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Upstream Proficiency Unit 3 part 2 key

It appears to have been put on a plane to Italy. You will be contacted as soon as its exact whereabouts has been discovered. EX 31 1 with, by 2 with 3 in 4 from 5 with 6 from 7 in EX 32 1 I resent my efforts being laughed at. 2 The editor's advice should be listened to. 3 In the `50s, interactive TV hadn't even been dreamt of. 4 The details must be taken care of. 5 Is the radio going to be paid for? EX 33 (your sentences may be different in content, but please make sure that you use the causative form in them; for details see Grammar Reference page 263) 2 He'll have to have it looked at/treated by a specialist. 3 Why don't you have it done by an accountant? 4 So who did he have his work checked by? 5 No wonder you had it stolen. 6 He has to have his ironing done for him. 7 You'll need to have the stains removed at the drycleaner's. 8 You should have had it cut by a hairdresser. EX 34 1 ...order to avoid being recognised/recognition ... 2 ..

Infoteadus → Tekstianalüüs
7 allalaadimist

"Vihurimäe" Catherine analüüs

on siiski üks peategelastest. Minu suhtumine tegelasse Arvan, et Catherine oli väga heasüdamlik ja hooliv inimene. Aga samas ka isekas. Catherine oli vihane nii Edgari, kes armukadetses, kui Heatcliffi peale. Ta ei söönud pikka aega, külmetas end lahtise akna juures ning jäigi haigeks, ja seda kõike kahe mehe pärast. ,,Oh, ma tahan surra," hüüatas ta, ,,keegi ei hooli minust. Ma poleks pidanud seda sööma. " ,,Ei, ma ei sure tal oleks hea meel ta ei armasta mind ta ei tunneks minust kunagi puudust! " ,,Kui ma olen valesti teinud, siis ma suren selle eest. Sellest piisab! Ka sina jätsid mu maha, kuid ma ei tee sulle etteheiteid. Ma andestan sulle. Andesta ka sina mulle!" (Catherine) Tänan kuulamast!

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
25 allalaadimist

Tõlkija ja toimetaja sümbioos

tõlkijat ilma toimetajata ega toimetajat tõlkijata (Tamm 2015). Kokkuvõte Pealtnäha kergete ametite taga peituvad ideaalis lõpmatult sügavad teadmised, mis on kogutud läbi pidevate õpingute. Hiigelsuur vaimuvara pagas on tõlkijate ja toimetajate rikkus, mis aitab ideaalse lõpptulemuseni jõuda. Toimetaja ja eriti tõlkija amet on väga paljude inimeste unistuste elukutse ning loodetavasti need veel niipea välja ei sure. Tahaks tõesti loota, et tehnoloogia areng ei võta võimust nendest kahest minu silmis romantilisest ametikohast. Kasutatud kirjandus 1 Tamm, Triinu. Keeletoimetaja kui üliinimene. ­ Sirp, 2. oktoober 2015. Vaadatud 01.11.2016 2 Tamm, Triinu 2013. Valgustuse postihobused. Tõlkijad ja toimetajad enne ja nüüd. ­ Keel ja Kirjandus 1, lk 5.

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
3 allalaadimist

What is nutritional therapy

Therapy can play a vital role improving the conditions. It is recognised as a complementary medicine. However, Nutritional Therapy is relevant for everyone, individuals with chronic conditions but also those of you looking to enhance your overall health and well-being. How does a Nutritional Therapist work? A Nutritional Therapist is somebody who has a recognised qualification in Nutritional Therapy. Hence, when you are looking for a Therapist make sure they have a certificate. You can find lots of nutritional advice on the Internet with often contradictory information, therefore for the best results get in touch with a certified Nutritional Therapist. They assess potential nutritional imbalances you may have and how these may contribute to a certain health issue. However, they also work with healthy individuals to prevent any potential disorders. They establish what improvements or changes you can make to your diet and

Toit → Toitumisõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Character sketch Georgie, Sasha

Sasha awakens a deep sexual desire in Orlando. Orlando liked Sasha as an individual because at first he didn’t know what gender Sasha was, because she wore clothes that were not appropriate for a female and also she was quite tall for a common woman. But Orlando couldn’t overcome her seductive nature and also what made it harder was the fact that she spoke fluent french. What made Sasha so mysterious was that she was foreigner and she had deceptive manners. Orlando could never be sure what was on her mind. Sashas used Oralndo to entertain her while they were in London but then she left Orlando and ran away with a Russian seaman, that broke Orlando’s heart. But Orlando can’t forget Sasha because her seductiveness and she will remain in Orlando’s heart as long as he lives. In my opinion Sasha was deceitful, maybe a little bit of hypocritical, definitely misleading and mostly untrustworthy due to the fact that he broke Orlando’s hearth and played with his feelings

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
1 allalaadimist


There are all kind of teenage girls. Well, for exempel the ones who think that being a teenage girl is all about boys, drugs and alcohol, then there are ofcourse those sissy girls and neards,plus there are the ones who live THE most boring life, by the school, home, school, home routine. I think I’m kind of a mix al of them exept the neards and boring rutine part, I don’t think I could never ever devote so much of my time to learn and learn and learn, I am 100% sure that I would find a million better things to do with my time, but no judging, right? Couse I almost forgot about the everything-in-this-life-is-bad-i-want-to-die kind of girls, who claim thay have a depression, but in reality, the biggest disorder they have is called teenage years. You have to be honest, it is actually pretty funny time to time. And now a little bit of teenage every day life. And just a little note to you about what I am going to talk about does not 100% include myself. But

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

We all have felt good about donating something.

I do not plan to ever get rid of any part of my body. Nor do I think I am being selfish, but giving an organ away just is not realistic. Moreover, donating an organ seems to me like giving a part of your life away. But circumstances and life can change us and our thinking. If a family member, relative or friend needed a transplant in order to stay alive, it would definitely be easier to donate an organ in that case. I am not sure that would I do it for a stranger. It really depends on who needs the organ. If someone I care about needs an organ to survive, I would gladly donate it. I would much rather go through a struggle with them rather than sit there, watching them suffer, and do nothing when I have the means to help. I do understand people who agree to donate their body parts in the event of their own death. You do not need your body anymore anyway, so why not? Thousands of lives are saved

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Speech on Fast developing technology

Good afternoon! My name is Egert and... ...Today I'm here to talk about advantages and disadvantages of fast development of modern technology. I think we all have noticed that almost every day there are new technology achievements at the stores. Whether we like it or not, it improves in every second, in every minute. New Apple iPhones, iPads and other i-devices are everywhere. Even tractors have a built-in computer in them. So, is it a blessing or a curse? I'm sure that most of you think it's a blessing. Do you? We like our comfortable lives, we like it when everything has been done for us already. We want to have the newest mobile phones and best cars to show off and be better than our friends. However, it can make people selfish and egoistic. They want more and more and more. In the past 10 years modern technology has improved so fast that it is clearly visible when we compare technology in the years 2002 and 2012. When I was a little boy, I

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Inimeste suguelundkond ja üldine areng

23. Loote arengut võivad kahjustada haigused, vale toitumine, suitsetamine, alkohool, valed ravimid, kõvad põrutused jne. 24. Vältida saab rasedust: 1. Kondoom, 85-95%, kaitseb haiguste eest 2. Naiste kondoom, 85-95%, kaitseb 3. Tuperõngas, 100%, ei kaitse 4. Pillid, 100%, ei kaitse 5. SOS-pillid, 95%, ei kaitse 25. Imikuiga, Lapseiga, Murdeiga, Noorukiiga, Küpsusiga, Elatanuiga, Vanuriiga 26. Kliinilises surmas inimene ei sure täielikult, rakud ja koed toimivad edasi kuid vajalikud organid on lakkanud töötamast, bioloogilises surmas on aga kogu elutegevus lakanud. 27. Noemaalseks elutalitluseks on vaja püsivat kehatemperatuuri, seda reguleerivad närvisüsteem ja hormoonid. 28. Kehatemperatuuri languse korral: karvapüstitaja lihased tõmbuvad kokku, algan energiarikaste toitainete lagundamine, veresooned ahenevad, lihased tõmbuvad ja lõtvuvad 29

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Tarmo Urbi soovitused, et olla õnnelik

ja iseenda ees. 5. See, mida sa oled, seda sa kiirgad enda ümber. Haige lehm annab haiget piima. Ja kui sa annad haiget piima, siis ükskõik kui head su kavatsused ka poleks, ikka sa annad haiget piima. 6. Lapsevanemad, ärge unustage seda, mida te oma vanemate juures vihkasite. Ärge tehke seda oma lastele. Siis see jääbki kestma. Täiskasvanud peaksid tegelema sellega, et mitte unustada, millised nad ise lastena olid. Sest see laps meis ei sure kunagi. Seni kuni see laps meis on elus, me oleme ise elus, seni on meil veel arengut, kui me veel liigume, kasvame ja meil on huvitav. Ühel päeval, kui me oleme lihtsalt mingid vinguvad pateetilised täiskavanud, siis me oleme igavad. Siis ei ole enam midagi teha. 7. Tuleb olla aktiivsem, selles osas, mida sa vajad. Tule kätte võtta ja see saavutada. Ei maksa üle hinnata teisi inimesi. Näiteks, et üks mees on nüüd kuskil minister, ta on ikka inimene.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
2 allalaadimist


neljakordne grammy auhinna võitja. Tema omanduses on plaadifirma Death Row Records, ning ta kuulus gangsta räpp bändi N.W.A.  tch?v=_CL6n0FJZpk Snoop Dogg  Snoop Lion (varasema artistinimega Snoop Dogg; pärisnimega Calvin Cordozar Broadus juunior; sündinud 20. oktoobril 1971) on USA räppar, plaadiprodutsent ja näitleja. Tema tuntum fraas on "fo' shizzle, ma nizzle", mis tähendab "for sure, my nigga". Sellise slängi stiili leiutajaks oli Frankie Smith ja The Gap Band varasemates kaheksakümnendates. Snoop tegi koostööd Tupaci, Notorius B.I.G.i ja Mac Drega enne nende surma.  v=j7EgJPW1nJA Cool D  Priit Kolsar (23. oktoober 1976) räpparinimega Cool D on Eesti räppar ja muusik. Ta sündis Tartu linnas. Coolil tekkis lähem huvi Hip-Hopi vastu, kui ta töötas Tartu

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist


15. sajandil oli kohv levinud Araabias, 16. sajandil ka Türgis. Euroopasse jõudis kohvijoomise komme 17. sajandil, Eestisse 17. sajandi lõpuks. Kasvutingimused. Kohvipuu on läikivate tumeroheliste lehtedega madal igihaljas troopiline taim. Kohvipuu ­ valgust ja soojust armastav taim, eelistab värsket, niisket õhku. Kohvipuu nõuab keskmist temperatuuri 19-25 kraadi sooja.Kohvipuu ei kannata külma, kuid ei sure juhusliku külma öö tõttu. Kohvipuu vajab palju vett, nõudes aastaseks sajuhulgaks 1500 millimeetrit. Kohviistandused asetsevad 300-2000 m kõrgusel ekvaatori ümbruses. Kohvi saab koristada alates puu 5. eluaastast mitu korda aasta jooksul. Kohvipuu kasvab 5-8 meetri kõrguseks, kuid istandustes lõigatakse kohvipuud tavaliselt 2-4 meetri kõrguseks, et oleks lihtsam vilju korjata. Kohvipuu õitseb ja kannab vilju mitu korda aastas. Lehekaenlaist ilmuvad valged

Geograafia → Geograafia
55 allalaadimist

Tartuffe ehk petis - Moliere

Tartuffe ehk petis Moliere Tegelased: Proua Pernelle ­ ema Orgon ­ Elmire mees Elmire ­ Orgoni naine Damis ­ poeg Mariane ­ tütar Valere ­ Mariane peika Cleante ­ Elmire vend Tartuffe ­ vagatseja Dorine ­ Toaneitsi Härra Loyal ­ kohtuteener Politseiametnik Filipote ­ Pernelle'i teenijanna Tegevustik: Pariis; Orgoni maja I VAATUS Proua Pernelle soovib kiirelt majast lahkuda ja teised takistavad. Kellelegi ei meeldi, et ta Tartuffe kuulab (petis). Pernelle ei usu neid ja lahkub. (I stseen) Cleante ja Dorine vestlus, arutavad kuidas Orgon & Pernelle petis Tartuffe müju all on (II stseen) Elmire teatab, et Orgon jõudis (III stseen) Damis määrib oma üde Valere'le pähe, tahab ise valere'i õde (IV stseen) Orgon saabus ja uuris, mis majas toimub; tegelikult huvitus ainult Tartuffe tegemistest (V stseen) ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
92 allalaadimist

Tallinn Old Town

The origins of Fat Margaret's name are a mystery. Some theories insist it was named for one of its larger cannons, while others hint at a cook called Margaret who once worked here. In any case, the tower has served a number of different functions throughout its history. It has been used a storehouse for gunpowder and weapons, and as a prison. Now it's home to the Estonian Maritime Museum, which provides a detailed look at the nation's seafaring past. Visitors should be sure to climb up to its rooftop viewing platform to get a lovely view of Old Town and the bay. #!p_174824 Song Celebrations and Song Festival traditions Song Celebrations and Song Festival traditions are among the best known trademarks of Estonia. No wonder, as the scale of our Song festivals is unique in the world.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

The euro in Estonia

Edgar Savisaar, the leader of Centre Party (Keskerakond), has brought out one main point in his article - progressive tax is getting closer. Somehow I'm not very happy about this one. It seems to me that it is a bit unfair. People, who have built their career up with hard work and patience shouldn't pay more taxes for it. Then again, less wealthy families shouldn't be obliged to pay as much as the rich ones do. This is a very complicated problem and I'm not even sure, which side I'm on. Kati-Liis Karu 03.01.2011 The leader of Criminal Police Bureau, Lenno Reimand, has brought attention to this very serious problem in his article - the counterfeiting of euros. "The euro offers new opportunities in criminal activity, which have not existed before," he says. By that he means the fact that euro is unknown for Estonians in cash and for criminals it's quite likely to act on this field.

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
13 allalaadimist


movement,which roots were in 17th century sience achievements.In 18th century this movement infected a lot the way rulers saw their duties concerning to the lower class,and the way base-born saw themselves and their rights in society. Enlighteners main valuation was human intelligence.The old discipline and world treatment found to be contrary to reason,future society had to form more rational. Rational world treatement became an idol.Beliving into the mind omnipotence,the enlghteners were sure that ideas can change the world.That is where the new grasp came from,that it is important to spread new ideas,but understanding new ideas needs knowleadge and education. Enlighteners were writers,who tried to educate bigger group of people with their piece of work(books).The ideas of the Enlightenment were spread through the writings of many Philosophes, through different intellectual gatherings, and through travelling.Some of their ideas dealt with Judicial and majority ideas. They

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


hiigelsuure nõudluse. Sel põhjusel veeti Ameerika Ühendriikidest hinnanguliselt välja üle kahe miljoni punatriip-kilpkonna. Vähesed neist jäid pidama kodudesse, kus neile tagati vastav hooldus. Nende omanikud tüdinesid loomadest kiiresti, kui märkasid, et kilpkonnad kasvavad liiga kiiresti ning käituvad lemmiklooma jaoks liiga isepäiselt. Nende kilpkonnade lõpp on sageli kurb: kui nad hoolitsuse puudumise tõttu ei sure, lastakse nad vabadusse ning jäetakse saatuse hooleks. Enamus neist hukkub seetõttu nälja ja külma tõttu. PUNATRIIP-KILPKONNA ISELOOMULIKUD OMADUSED Pea: Silmade kohal paiknevad iseloomulikud punast värvi laigud. Hambaid kilpkonnal praktiliselt pole, ent ala- ja ülalõualuu on hästi tugevad ning teravate servadega, seetõttu närib ta vaevata. Seljakilp (karapaks): Luustunud ja sarvplaadikestega kaetud. Põhivärvus ja mustrid erinevad.

Loodus → Loodusõpetus
5 allalaadimist

Geograafia 10. klassi konspekt

Miks on Singapuri globaliseerumisindeks kõrge? · Inglise keel on riigikeeleks · Tähelepanu pööratakse tehnoloogia arengule · Palju rahvusvaheliste ettevõtete peakortereid · Suurt tähelepanu pööratakse teadusuuringutele ja kõrghariduse omandamisele Miks Eesti globaliseerumisindeks on madal? · Tähelepanu teadusele ja kõrgharidusele(tõsta kvaliteeti) · Riik peaks looma veelgi soodsama ettevõtluskeskkonna(seaduste ja maksude kaudu) · Infrastruktuuri arendamine DEMOGRAAFILISE ÜLEMINEKU ETAPID Etapp Sündimu Suremu Loomulik Vanuselin Eluiga Näited s s iive e kosseis riikidest Traditsiooniline Suur(40%) Suur(40%) 0(või väike) lühike Lühike(42) Tsaad, Kon...

Geograafia → Geograafia
172 allalaadimist

How far can we go being tolerant?

This was not just race problem, it was also affected by cultural differences. Now people are more tolerate but still is seen that some people do not treat them as eqaul. There are so many different religions all over the world. Usually those religions do not bother us but for example islam and also jews are not tolerated in some parts of the world. For me it is quite hard to understand because first of all, we, Estonians and me myself also are mostly not deeply religious and I am not sure if I really know what religion means to them. Secondly, I think those people who have sometihng agains those relgions, do not know about them and their nature, what those religons belive in. People should be tolerate because religion is everyone's own choice. One thing that causes issues are abortions. Some religions do not accept it because for them it is killing a human. Other parts of the world tolerate it because for them it is not killing but and I think it sometimes is justified

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Crime & Punishment

Crime & Punishment The fight between good and evil is as old as the humankind itself. Even in society there are always black sheep and these people are called 'criminals'. Although we are part of the EU and tend to be as humane as possible, we have to deal with the problem of growing numbers of people admitted to penitentiaries. One in all we have to dwelve into the mind of a criminal and find out what makes a felon tick. What forces an individual to commit crimes against others? Are we too humane and lenient? When looking for the reasons why people commit crimes I can only say what I believe to be sure of, and it is that individuals go against laws because they choose so, as criminal behaviour is a matter of choice. Today, there are many excuses cloaked as reasons for criminal behaviour. The misguided nature of these assertions has a serious impact upon crime control strategies. The classical approach h...

Keeled → Inglise keel
73 allalaadimist


ITAALIA VABARIIK Itaalia vapp Itaalia lipp 1) Itaalia geograafiline asend: Itaalia maailmakaardil Itaalia asub Euraasia mandril, Euroopa maailmajao lõunaosas, 800 km Vahemerre ulatuval Apenniini poolsaarel. Põhjas moodustavad loodusliku piiri Alpid. Põhjas on Itaalial maismaapiir Austria (430 km), Prantsusmaa (488 km), Sloveenia (232 km) ja Sveitsiga (740 km). 2) Üldandmed: Keel ­ itaalia Riigipea on president Giorgio Napolitano Itaalia on unitaarne vabariik Pealinn ­ Rooma Pindala - 301 230 km² Rahvaarv - 58,126,212 (2009) Rahvastiku tihedus - 198,5 in/km² Rahaühik ­ euro (EUR) Usund ­ katoliiklus Kuulub Euroopa Liitu Itaalias on 20 maakonda, mis omakorda jagunevad 93 provintsiks 87% Itaalia elanikest identifitseerib end rooma-katoliiklastena Itaaliale kuul...

Geograafia → Geograafia
33 allalaadimist


work. 53. What's your impression ... our new teacher? 54. Our dog is very good ... carrying newspapers. 55. Monica became accustomed ... the life ... Italy. 56. The dogs reminded her ... her childhood ... home. 57. All the English ships ran ... ammunition. 58. My Father is ... holiday ... Eton. 59. Did you come ... train or ... foot? 60. Paul was jealous ... Mark who was very popular ... girls. 61. Our eyes slowly adapted ... the dark. 62. His arrival coincided ... our departure. 63. I'm not sure ... it but he seems ... be angry ... something. 64. You should be proud ... yourself and satisfied ... the results. 65. He was found guilty ... murder ... September. 66. Jonathan arrived ... the hotel ... the afternoon. 67. There's dust ... the picture. 68. I was angry ... Rudy, because he was responsible ... the mess. 69. The police accused Louis ... robbing the neighbours ... the money. 70. Jennifer was late ... school and had to explain the reason ... her teacher. 71. He will speak ..

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Aukartus elu ees

Arutati kõige üle, mis puutus kokku eluga ja selle elamisega. Kuid miks nad seda teemat just arutasid? Kas selle põhjuseks võis olla aukartus elu ees või hoopiski surma ees? Mida üldse tähendab aukartus elu ees? Iga päevaselt näeme, kuidas meie ümber rikutakse elu- tarvitatakse alkoholi, tubakat ja narkootikume. Tekib küsimus, et kuhu on kadunud inimeste seas austus elu vastu? Näiteks hipid, oli ju nende lipukirjaks "live fast, die young" (tõlge: ela kiiresti, sure noorelt). Pidevalt ringi rändavad, kanepit suitsetavad noored ei tundnud elu ees aukartust. Nende jaoks põhjendamatud reeglid olid ülearused, hipid tüdinesid eelkäijate alandlikkusest. Mitmed "lillelaste" iidolid - Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Sid Viciousm, Jim Morrison - võtsid enne "kuldsesse keskikka" jõudmist endalt elu või surid alkoholi ja narkootikumide tagajärjel. Tollal ja ka praegu peetakse neid legendaarseteks. Miks? Nad ei leppinud eluga, nad ei leppinud ühiskonna poolt

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
39 allalaadimist

Enterprise 3

intelligent understand difficult subjects quickly and easily secretive keeping one's thoughts and feelings to oneself, keeping feelings, knowledge, plans, etc. hidden decisive make decisions quickly caring thinking about what other people need or want and trying to help them unreliable not to be trusted self-confident sure of one's own power to succeed imaginative creative, can find out things outgoing openly friendly and responsive helpful willing to help or be useful rude strongly impolite and unpleasant easy-going doesn't worry much or get angry easily stubborn not willing to change mind cooperative Willing to work together selfish caring only about yourself and not about other people

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun