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Sotsioloogia alused.

Haridus Mõned haridussotsioloogilised uurimisteemad - hariduslik ebavõrdsus, inimeste vahelised erinevused hariduslikes saavutustes - hariduse mõju ebavõrdsusele, hariduslike erinevuste mõju erinevustele teiste tunnuste osas - koolis toimuvad sotsiaalsed protsessid, õpilaste omavahelised suhted ja suhted õpetajatega, koolivägivald Hariduslik ebavõrdsus Haridusliku ebavõrdsuse mõõtmine Haridustase ­ milline on inimese hariduslik kvalifikatsioon. International Standard Classification of Education: 1. Alusharidus (0 tase) 2. Põhiharidus (I tase) 3. Keskharidus (II tase) 4. Kõrgharidus (III tase) Akadeemiline edukus ­ kui hästi õpilane teeb koolis seda mida ta peab seal tegema (õpib). Akadeemilist edukust näitavad: - koolihinded - standardiseeritud saavutustestid (näiteks: Sc...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
234 allalaadimist

The 4 oldest Churches in Tallinn

walls on three occasions. The unusually tall building was struck by lighting in 1625. The fire destroyed the tower and the spire, the bells and the entire interior. Although only the walls remained standing, the church was re-opened in three years. The church burned completely down again in 1820 within only four hourd. Only the St. Olaf's library was miraculously spared. The restoration took 20 years this time and received personal support of the Russian Emperors Alexander I and later Nicholas I. The presend altar by F.L. Von Maydell and J.G.Exner (1835) ad the altar painting by W. Von Kügelgen (1834) both date back to the period after that fire. The present height of the church spire, after the reconstruction, which followed the numerous fires, is seemingly insignificant 123 metres, compared to the previous figures, yet even so it is the second tallest building in Tallinn after the TV tower. It is noteworthy

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Othello opens in the stately city of Venice

Othello opens in the stately city of Venice, a worldwide hub for trade and commerce. The first characters introduced are Iago, an ensign denied promotion by Othello, and Roderigo, a jealous ex- suitor of Desdemona. The two are in route to describing to Senator Brabantio the elopement of Othello and Desdemona, Brabantio’s daughter. Quickly revealing Iago’s deceitful nature, the matter is breached to Brabantio and soon afterward brought before the Duke of Venice to be discussed. Othello and Desdemona plead their love to the Duke, refuting the Senator’s claims that Othello bewitched his daughter, and that their marriage was true. After Othello claims that he wooed her with his adventurous stories, Desdemona herself testifies that she fell honestly in love with the Moor and freely married him. Following their clearance of wrongdoing, Othello is immediately sent to defend against the Turks in Cyrpus. Taking Desdemona with him, Othello sets...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


EKSAMIKÜSIMUSED ORGANISATSIOONIKÄITUMISEST 1. Organisatsiooni mõiste. Organisatsioonikäitumise mõiste. Organisatsioon on teadlikult koordineeritud sotsiaalne ühendus, mis koosneb kahest või enamast inimesest ja funktsioneerib suhteliselt katkematult, et saavutada ühiseid eesmärke või neid püstitada. Organisatsiooniline käitumine on õpetus inimeste tegutsemisest organisatsioonis üksikisikute või rühmadena, mis püüab määrata efektiivsema tegutsemise teid. Õpetus haarab nii organisatsioonilise käitumise tundmaõppimist kui saadud teadmiste rakendamist. 2. Organisatsioon kui süsteem. 3 allsüsteemi, nende omavaheline seos. Organisatsiooni käsitletakse eelkõige inimrühmana. Kui inimesed ühinevad mingi eesmärgi nimel, tekib vajadus eestvedamise ja suunamise järele. Keegi rühma liikmetest kujuneb välja oma võimete põhjal liidriks või määratakse juhiks. Suurema rühma puhul tekib vajadus alljuhtide järele. Nii kujuneb välja org...

Muu → Organisatsiooniline käitumine
21 allalaadimist

Veebiteenused (kordamisküsimused ja vastused kontrolltööks)

Veebiteenus tähendab programmide omavahelist suhtlemist ja andmevahetust üle hariliku veebi.  Veebiteenus on üle veebi (http) välja kutsutav (käivitatav) meetod (protseduur või funktsioon).  Veebiteenust kutsutakse välja mingis kindlas formaadis sõnumiga (nt. SOAP) ja vastus saadakse samuti selles formaadis.  Sarnaselt tavaliste funktsioonidega saab ka veebiteenuse väljakutsel määrata sisendparameetreid.  A software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network  It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (WSDL)  Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP-messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards Veebiteenus

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
55 allalaadimist


of the nose and spread with increasing exposure time and concentrations to more distal locations in the nasal cavity. Dermal Repeated exposure studies in mice were performed using dermal application, mostly in the context of skin initiation promotion. None of these studies showed evidence of substance-specific systemic toxicity. Studies in Humans Because a variety of substances and conditions can cause histological changes in the nasal mucosa, the weight of scientific evidence does not support an association between formaldehyde exposure alone and histopathological changes in human nasal mucosa. Although several studies have found changes, these cannot be associated with formaldehyde exposure alone and are confounded by other air contaminants. Boysenet al.(1990) found no significant histopathology differences in nasal mucosa of 37 workers and 37 controls exposed to 0.5 ppm to over 2 ppm of formaldehyde. Mutagenicity

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


7) klappide pöördeseade. Liug laager Millest liuglaager valmistatakse miks Millest sõltub kuju Millistest osadest koosneb Mootori plokk Millest mootoriplokki valmistatakse miks Millest sõltub kuju Millistest osadest koosneb Hülss Millest hülss valmistatakse miks Millest sõltub kuju Millistest osadest hülss koosneb Kuidas toimub tihendamine Hülss Kuiv Sleeves: Dry sleeves are thinner in construction since structural support is provided by the engine block cylinder wall. Kuiv varrukad on õhem ehitus kuna struktuuriabi toetust antakse mootori plokk ballooni seina. The loads generated by combustion pressure are absorbed by the engine block and not the sleeve. Koormuste poolt tekitatud põletamine surve imenduvad mootori plokk ja mitte varrukas. Dry sleeves can be pressed into older engines to repair damaged cylinders. Kuiv varrukad saab pressitud vanemate mootorite remont kahjustatud balloone. Märg Sleeves:

Auto → Auto õpetus
178 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö "Veganiks pöördumise põhjused"

VÕÕRKEELNE RESÜMEE The problem in this research was the lack of knowledge among young people about lifestyle called vegan. Also to find out reasons what would bring youngsters back to omnivors life. Few of the students said they are vegans, most of them do not live vegan lifestyle. Main reason can be poor knowledge about veganism. They expressed strongly their negative opinion about it in answers they gave. In this research I presented two main questionswhich strongly support the research problem. First question was whether and under what conditions would students be prepared to return to the omnivorous community. The survey shows that students would turn back to eating meat if the quality of producing meat products would be better. Perhaps better machines, cleaner slaughterhouses, employees know about hygiene etc. Second thing what students bring out was if someone could prove that vegan food is somehow unhealthy and doesn't do good for your body

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

my mistake, and acknowledge my oversight. If no such arguments are to be found, I beseech those men, who have so much cried up this book, to consider, whether they do not give the world cause to suspect, that it is not the force of reason and argument, that makes them for absolute monarchy, but some other by interest, and therefore are resolved to applaud any author, that writes in favour of this doctrine, whether he support it with reason or no. But I hope they do not expect, that rational and indifferent men should be brought over to their opinion, because this their great doctor of it, in a discourse made on purpose, to set up the absolute monarchical power of Adam, in opposition to the natural freedom of mankind, has said so little to prove it, from whence it is rather naturally to be concluded, that there is little to be said. But that I might

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

programs. Many utilities around the country offer green pricing options that allow customers the choice to pay more for electricity that comes from renewable sources. Wind machines generate electricity in 28 different states in 2006. The states with the most wind production are Texas, California, Iowa, Minnesota, and Oklahoma. Most of the wind power plants in the world are located in Europe and in the United States where government programs have helped support wind power development. The United States ranks second in the world in wind power capacity, behind Germany and ahead of Spain and India. Denmark ranks number six in the world in wind power capacity but generates 20 percent of its electricity from wind. 9.6 Wind and the environment 34 In the 1970s, oil shortages pushed the development of alternative energy sources. In the

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

· I allikas - 15% kordusuuringud kinnitasid varasemaid tulemusi, 25% a topic;" osaliselt, 60% mitte. ,,In marketing, H&A find that only 15% of ­ Kui ei ole võimalik arendada konkureerivat hüpoteesi. ,,b) when it may not be feasible to develop extensions confirmed initial outcomes, 25% provided partial support, competing hypotheses;" ­ Kui on liialt kulukas testida alternatiive ,,c) when it may be too costly to test alternatives;" and 60% conflicted with their predecessors" ­ Kui eksisteerib ideede küllus ja paralleelsed uurimismeeskonnad. ,,d) when an efficient "market" for

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist


· Kiirdiagnostikas kasutatav · Edasiarendus: rakukiip (tulevikuteema) · kudede omadused muutuvad sügavusest ja suurendusest sõltuvalt (raku tase vs koe tase) · kallis · raskesti kvantifitseeritav · paljud antikehad parafiinlõikudel ei tööta 10. Rakukiibid new appliance to allow the screening of DNA molecules on droplets in cell chips. The aim is to cultivate series of eukaryote cells in drops, individually set on a support that will be engineered so as to carry out the screening of the DNA molecules and analyse the modifications of the transcriptome brought by the transfection. In the drops, the cell can adhere to the support or maintained in suspension kasutatakse rakkude "high-throughtput" testidena uurimaks geenifunktsioone pärast mõjutamist. Positsioonilised kiibid on tehnika kus kasutatakse võrdluseks kindlaid cDNA klastreid X,Y koordinaadistikus

Meditsiin → Molekulaardiagnostika
109 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse kontrolltöö teooria

· toodete tegemiseks ja jaotamiseks · teenuste planeerimiseks ja osutamiseks Seda tüüpi süsteemide alla kuuluvad: · transaktsioonide töötlussüsteemid (Transaction Processing Systems) · protsesside juhtimissüsteemid (Process Control Systems) · kontori automatiseerimissüsteemid (Office Automation Systems) või kontori infosüsteemid (Office Information Systems) · spetsiifilised (professionaalsed) tugisüsteemid (Professional Support Systems) Transaktsioonide (tehingute) töötlussüsteemid teenindavad operatiivse juhtimise taset võimaldades korduvalt ja rutiinselt salvestada ja töödelda nii organisatsioonis endas kui väljaspool seda toimuvaid sündmusi ja fakte · klientide tellimused · pakkumised hankijatele · müügifaktid · inventari liikumine · palgad · arved, maksed jne Kontori automatiseerimissüsteemid on (kontori)töötajate töö efektiivsuse tõstmiseks

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
329 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

frequently invoked a discourse of lifestyle in describing and justifying their mobilities. Resisting identification as a social deviant, Max (English, 40), who had been travelling for the last 17 years whilst working intermittently in hospitality in the UK and New Zealand, observed: Some would look at me as a bum; I would feel a little bit sorry for them if they look at me like that. What’s really developed is my real lifestyle, rather than what I have to do to support it. Indeed, the participants did not view their backpacking as casual drifting, but as movements imbued with purpose and meaning. This emic primacy given to the notion of lifestyle in their accounts adds empirical leverage to lifestyle travel as a distinct social identity. Several of the participants described being swept into a life tailored around travel. This was in contrast to their original intentions, like many backpackers, of treating their

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

1. Be ready to explain the terms (lecture 1): language, linguistics, synchronic approach to language, diachronic approach to language, linguistic competence, linguistic performance, what is grammar?, prescriptive grammar vs. descriptive grammar; phonology, phonetics, phone, allophone, phoneme; morphology, morphemes (types of morphemes), morphs, allomorphs, types of affixes, derivational affixes, inflectional affixes; open vs closed class words; syntax. Language: a systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. - human language at all levels is rule- or principle-governed. Linguistics: the scientific study of human natural language Synchronic approach to language: Diachronic approach to language: Linguistic competence: Linguistic performance: What is grammar?: "The sounds and sound patterns, the basic units of meaning, such as words, and the rules to combine them...

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia alused

Sotsioloogia alused I Loeng Paranormaalne sotsioloogia, vaimude väljakutsumine II Deviantsus ja kuritegevus · Deviantsus - hälbimine, kõrvale kaldumine nt sotsiaalsetest normidest. · Miks inimene käitub normidele vastaval? - 1. Inimene kalkuleerib kui normide rikkumisest saadav tulude, kulude suhe on väiksem kui normipärasest käitumisest saadav tulude/kulude suhe, siis inimene ei riku norme. 2. Või inimene on sotsiaalsed normid internaliseerinud, sotsiaalsed normid on saanud inimese osaks ja käitub nendele normidele vastavalt. Teisiti ta ei saagi käituda ja tekitaks temas psühholoogilisi piinu. Inimene allub sotsiaalsetele normidele ka siis, kui ta saab sellest kahju. · Miks inimene rikub sotsiaalseid norme? ­ 1. Normi rikkumisest saadav kasu on suurem kui normi täitmisest saadav kasu. Normi rikkumine on ratsionaalne. ...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
73 allalaadimist

Maailmausundite statistika 3 - prognoos

The original concept for this study was developed by Luis Lugo, former director of the Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life project, with assistance from former senior researcher Brian J. Grim and visiting senior research fellow Mehtab Karim. Others at the Pew Research Center who provided editorial or research guidance include Michael Dimock, Claudia Deane, Scott Keeter, Jeffrey S. Passel and D’Vera Cohn. Communications support was provided by Katherine Ritchey and Russ Oates. We also received very helpful advice and feedback on portions of this report from Nicholas Eberstadt, Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute; Roger Finke, Director of the Association of Religion Data Archives and Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies, The Pennsylvania State University; Carl Haub, Senior Demographer,

Teoloogia → Usundiõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Business Plan

“Your Fitness” Business Plan Prepared May 2012 Contact Information name email phone Your Fitness Business Plan Executive Summary “Your Fitness” it is envisaged, will be the third extension of “The Muscle Shop” company’s development strategy.  Extensive research over the last two years has gleaned information to suggest this project would be successful project. The new gym will create a personalized environment for both females and males, for all fitness levels, to pursue  their   sporting, competition and personal fitness goals. A special focus will be paid by creating heavy weight lifting capabilities  and equipment for professional body builders. This new gym facility will serve people in Dublin ……. area which include …………., …………… and …………...  The area has a some sports and fitness clubs, however ,”Your Fitness” has the unique ability to cater to all the fitness level form, amateur to professional body bu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism

We found in Larkin a peculiar mixture of fluid orality and very noticeable structure, whose maximum examples would be “Here” and “High Windows”, Brownjohn says that: Larkin has never written easily (...) But any sense of effort or contrivance is utterly absent: the diction of the poems, the beautifully judged selection of imagery, fit into frameworks which support and enhance them with immense metrical skill. (1975, 25) Here there is another one of the great challenges that consider Larkin in their writing: idiolect that creates and that it is put under that fiction of fluid phrase, of poetic voice (and never rather) that drags us in to his steps, although never without drawing up an clear structure, that can reach the exquisite subtlety of “As Bad as to Mile” or

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Aine sünökoloogia

nende levised (II) ja nende kättesaadavus maastikel See mis limiteerib liigirikkust sõltub produktiivsusest Data collected 4 years after sowing showed that plant invasion and diversity were seed limited in unproductive sites, but microsite limited in productive sites. Effects of sowing on plant diversity along the natural landscape gradient were paralleled by significant effects of sowing on measures of local plant production and community resilience to disturbance. 4 These results support the shifting limitations hypothesis (SLH) that landscape gradients in local plant diversity should reflect shifts in the major regulating factor, from species pools to local ecological processes, as one moves from sites of inherently low to inherently high productivity. 5 Our findings also indicate that diversity at the level of the available propagule pool acts to constrain ecosystem productivity and stability by mediating local community

Bioloogia → Sünökoloogia
22 allalaadimist

Õigusalane inglise keel

21. on the basis of a permanent residence permit ­ alalise elamisloa alusel 22. prior to the date ­ enne tähtaega 23. submitted ­ esitatud 24. the date of registration of the application ­ avalduse esitamise tähtaeg/aeg 25. in accordance with ­ kooskõlas millegagi 26. requirements established in § 8 ­ §-is 8 esitatud nõuded 27. have permanent lawful incoming ­ omab püsivat seaduslikku sissetulekut 28. sufficient to support himself ­ piisav elamiseks (sissetuleku kohta) 29. dependants ­ sõltuvad/ülalpeetavad 30. be loyal to the state ­ riigile lojaalne 31. take the following oath ­ annab järgneva vande 32. swear ­ vanduma 33. renounce any former citizenship ­ loobuma kõigist senistest/olemasolevatest kodakondsustest 34. simplified procedure ­ lihtsustatud protseduur 35. for special services rendered ­ vastutasuks osutatud eriliste teenete eest

Õigus → Õigus
249 allalaadimist


knowledge of the Martian system. Engineering interplanetary journeys is very complicated, so roughly two thirds of all spacecraft destined for Mars failed before completing their missions. But since 6 August 2012, there have been two scientific rovers on the surface of Mars beaming signals back to earth, and three orbiters currently surveying the planet. Mars is the only planet we know of that can currently feasibly support human life. MARS ONE, a private non-profit space company, made headlines in June 2012 when the company announced its mission to establish a human settlement on Mars. All the people in the world had the opportunity to be involved in the Mars One mission from the very beginning by participating in selecting the colonists. Mars One plans to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars in the 2020s. And searching for life on Mars will be part of the research these colonists will conduct

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

Hong Kong • Singapore • Tokyo • Cape Town • Sydney Acquisitions Editor: Michelle Limoges Editorial Assistant: Christina Manfroni Executive Marketing Manager: Wendy Gordon Production Supervisor: Liz Napolitano Editorial Production Service: Modern Graphics, Inc. Manufacturing Buyer: JoAnne Sweeney Electronic Composition: Modern Graphics, Inc. Interior Design: Modern Graphics, Inc. Photo Researcher: Rachel Lucas Cover Design: Joel Gendron For related titles and support materials, visit our online catalog at Copyright © 2009, 2001 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permiSSion from the copyright owner.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Russian philology

capture Ukraine, culminating in the Battle of Poltava on 27 June. The battle was a decisive defeat for the Swedish forces, ending Charles' campaign in Ukraine and forcing him south to seek refuge in the Ottoman Empire. Russia had defeated what was considered to be one of the world's best militaries, and the victory overturned the view that Russia was militarily incompetent. In Poland, Augustus II was restored as King. Peter, overestimating the support he would receive from his Balkan allies, attacked the Ottoman Empire, initiating the Russo-Turkish War of 1710. Peter's campaign in the Ottoman Empire was disastrous, and in the ensuing Treaty of the Pruth, Peter was forced to return the Black Sea ports he had seized in 1697. In return, the Sultan expelled Charles XII. Normally, the Boyar Duma would have exercised power during his absence. Peter, however, mistrusted the boyars; he instead abolished the Duma and created a Senate of ten members

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

2010018533 eISBN: 978-0-307-46365-4 All illustrations by Fred Haynes/Hadel Studio, unless otherwise noted in the Photo and Illustration Credits section Jacket front-flap photos: (top) (c) Mark Reifkind; (bottom) (c) Photos taken by Inge Cook, provided courtesy of Ellington Darden, PhD v3.1 For my parents, who taught a little hellion that marching to a different drummer was a good thing. I love you both and owe you everything. Mom, sorry about all the crazy experiments. Support good science-- 10% of all author royalties are donated to cure-driven research, including the excellent work of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS GROUND ZERO--GETTING STARTED AND SWARAJ Comparison of Methods for Estimating % Bodyfat Male Examples--Bodyfat Female Examples--Bodyfat Ramit Sethi's Betting Chart Weight Glide Path SUBTRACTING FAT Comparison of Dietary Fats and Oils Air Squats Wall Presses Chest Pulls

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Topic – Australia

and egglying mammals. Ordinary mammals live also in Australia and these mammals are mostly imported there. Marsupials are kangaroos, wombats, koalas, Tasmanian wolfs and Tasmanian devils. The Koala is found all along the eastern coast of Australia from near Adelaide to the southern part of Cape York Peninsula, and as far into the hinterland as there is enough rainfall to support suitable forests. They are the cutest and lovelies animals of Australia. Koala accepts humans but if you really disturb them, they become aggressive. The Koala lives almost entirely on eucalyptus leaves. Koala has very long arms and very well developed paws. It eats about 2 pounds leaves a day. The koalas never drink anything and even their name koala means "no water". They are very sleepy and their moves are slow. The baby koalas ride on their mother's backs.

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Arvutid II teooria eksam

Sardsüsteem: Piiratud väljendusvõime, mis põhineb hästi (suspended) kuni teise täitmine jõuab mingi Genereeritud C programmid ei ole alati valitud punktini efektiivsed arvutusmudelil: 38 Ei sobi hajusrakendustele · Peavad olema efektiivsed · Spetsifitseerida saab ainult valitud süsteeme Kontrolli-põhine sünkroniseerimine Ei ole programmilisi konstruktsioone Loodud mingi spetsiifilise ülesande jaoks. · Formaalne analüüs on võimalik Andmete põhine sünkroniseerimine Ei või...

Informaatika → Arvutid ii
86 allalaadimist

Eksamiküsimused vastustega

EKSAMIKÜSIMUSED ORGANISATSIOONIKÄITUMISEST I Ä ­I MT 2008/09 1. Organisatsiooni mõiste. Organisatsioonikäitumise mõiste. · Organisatsioon on teadlikult koordineeritud sotsiaalne ühendus, mis koosneb kahest või enamast inimesest ja funktsioneerib suhteliselt katkematult, et saavutada ühiseid eesmärke või neid püstitada. · Organisatsioonikäitumine on õpetus inimeste tegutsemisest organisatsioonis üksikisikute või rühmadena, mis püüab määrata efektiivsema tegutsemise teid. Õpetus haarab nii organisatsioonikäitumise tundmaõppimist kui ka saadud teadmiste rakendamist. · Organisatsioonikäitumine on pidevalt arenev teadusharu, mis tugineb hulgale uuringutele ning mille teadmistebaas ja seisukohad arenevad pidevalt edasi. Organisatsioonikäitumist võib pidada rakendusteaduseks, sest ühe organisatsiooni efektiivset kogemust saab kasutada pal...

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioonikäitumine
440 allalaadimist

Kanada ühiskond ja kultuur/Society and Culture of Canada

The Hudson's Bay Company is a Canadian retail business group. A fur trading business for much of its existence, today Hudson's Bay Company owns and operates retail stores throughout Canada and the United States. Established by Médart Chouart des Groseilliers and Pierre-Esprit Radisson. The two partners traveled far inland in search of furs. They were told about the great supply of beaver in the north near Hudson Bay. Failed to find French support, went to England and interested Prince Rupert, cousin of Charles II. It was given all the land whose rivers drained into the Hudson Bay, which became known as Rupert's Land. HBC was formed in 1670, and was given all the land whose rivers drained into the Hudson Bay, which became known as Rupert's Land. It was the only company allowed to trade fur, they had no competition. It was at one time the largest landowner in the world. 24

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Organisatsioonikäitumine eksamiküsimused ja vastused

EKSAMIKÜSIMUSED ORGANISATSIOONIKÄITUMISEST Tallinna Ülikool 1. Organisatsiooni mõiste. Organisatsioonikäitumise mõiste. Organisatsioon on teadlikult koordineeritud sotsiaalne ühendus, mis koosneb kahest või enamast inimesest ja funktsioneerib suhteliselt katkematult, et saavutada ühiseid eesmärke või neid püstitada. Organisatsioonikäitumine on õpetus inimeste tegutsemisest organisatsioonis üksikisikute või rühmadena, mis püüab määrata efektiivsema tegutsemise teid. Õpetus haarab nii organisatsioonikäitumise tundmaõppimist kui ka saadud teadmiste rakendamist. Organisatsioonikäitumine on pidevalt arenev teadusharu, mis tugineb hulgale uuringutele ning mille teadmistebaas ja seisukohad arenevad pidevalt edasi. Organisatsioonikäitumist võib pidada rakendusteaduseks, sest ühe organisatsiooni efektiivset kogemust sa...

Psühholoogia → Organisatsioonipsühholoogia
111 allalaadimist

Enesetestid teemadest 2-10

Küsimus 1 Läbipääsusüsteem sissepääsu ukse juures fikseerib, kes ja mis kell on tööle tulnud või töölt lahkunud. Millise süsteemiliikiga on tegemist? Vali üks: a. Expert System b. Decision Support System c. Management Information System d. Transaction Processing System Küsimus 2 Tegevus "Alternatiivide võrdlemine" on seotud järgmise SLDC etapiga: Vali üks: a. Süsteemi analüüs b. Süsteemi planeerimine ja valik c. Süsteemi teostus ja kasutamine d. Süsteemi disain Küsimus 3 Systems planeerimine ja valik on seotud järgmiste tegevustega: Vali üks või enam: a. Süsteemi piirete ja mahu määramine b. Parima lahenduse soovitamine c. Dokumentatsiooni koostamine d

Muu → Infosüsteemide analüüs ja...
57 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond ja kultuur, eksamiküsimused

The colonies were richer than most parts of Britain, and attracted a steady flow of immigrants, especially teenagers who arrived as indentured servants. The tobacco and rice plantations imported African slaves for labor from the British colonies in the West Indies, and by the 1770s African slaves comprised a fifth of the American population. The question of independence from Britain did not arise as long as the colonies needed British military support against the French and Spanish powers. Those threats were gone by 1765. 44. Flag. Great Seal. Motto. Anthem. The flag of the United States of America consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in upper left corner bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars. The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America, and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
13 allalaadimist

Uurimustööks vajalik teada

Whenever deviations in behavior or alterations in physiology arise, genetic determinists immediately attribute them to genetic defects or mutations. Proponents of genetic determinacy claim that our physiological and behavioral expressions are determined once the genes of the sperm and egg come together at the moment of conception. According to this mechanical view, maternal "nurturing" of the fetus is simply limited to providing appropriate metabolic support. This traditionalist dogma, which attributes little significance toward a pre- and perinatal "environmental impact" upon human development, has been radically challenged by recent advances in cell research. In contrast to the beliefs of genetic determinacy, it is becoming evident that organismal expression is dynamically and intimately intertwined with environmental cues. Genes in the nucleus do indeed represent blueprints for proteins, the molecules responsible for physical

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö metoodika
277 allalaadimist


He digs for worms down beside the stream and collects two tobacco tins full. When Jake goes back inside, Bill begins to joke about irony and pity. He encourages Jake to say only things that are ironic or pitiful. Bill says that Jake doesn't know about how popular irony and pity are because he is an expatriate. He teases that expatriates are drunks who are obsessed with sex and who write nothing worth publishing. Bill says that some people think women support Jake while others think that he is impotent. Jake replies that he is not impotent, that he had an accident. They trade jokes about another man who suffered an accident with similar consequences on horseback, although the story in America is that it was a bicycle accident. Bill declares that he is fonder of Jake than anyone on earth. He states that he could not make this claim in New York because he would sound like a "faggot." He makes an

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist


19. Erinevad SCSI liidesed ja nende erinevused SCSI-1: Kasutab 8-bit siini, toetab endme edastus kiirust 4 MBps. SCSI-2: Sama nagu SCSI-1, aga kasutab 50-pin ühendus pead 25-pin ühenduspea asemel, ja toetab mitut seda, et ühele kaablile. See on see mida inimesed tavaliselt pakuvad SCSI. Wide SCSI: kasutab laia kaablit (168 juhtme kiudu 68 pinni) toetab 16-bit siini. Fast SCSI: Kasutab 8-bit siini, but doubles the clock rate to support data rates of 10 MBps. Fast Wide SCSI: kasutab 16-bit siini ja toetab andmeedastuskiirust 20 MBps. Ultra SCSI: Kasutab 8-bit siini, toetab andmeedastus kiirust 20 MBps. SCSI-3: Kasutab 16-bit siini toetab andmeedastus kiirust 40 MBps. On ka kutsutud Ultra Wide SCSI. Ultra2 SCSI: Kasutab 8-bit siini ja toetab andmeedastus kiirust 40 MBps. Wide Ultra2 SCSI: Kasutab 16-bit siini ja toetab andmeedastus kiirust 80 MBps. Ultra 160 SCSI, 160MB/s

Informaatika → Informaatika
34 allalaadimist

The Witch Trials in Salem

People also became sceptical about so-called spectral evidence. Some supposed victims of witchcraft claimed they were being tormented by the 'spectres' of the people who bewitched them. That happened at Salem in 1692 but the authorities decided that spectral evidence was not enough to obtain a conviction. As a result the witch hunt collapsed.Some Protestant scholars also pointed out that 4 popular beliefs about witches had no support from the Bible. Many people believed witches existed but did not believe the more ludicrous stories about them. Furthermore most people also became sceptical about cases where witches were supposed to have used magic to kill people. Increasingly people realised that the deaths might have been due to natural causes and they required proof they that were not. People did not necessarily stop believing in

Keeled → British culture (briti...
6 allalaadimist

Tartu nähtavad linnastruktuurid. Kevin Lynch`i teooria rakendus

, Zipf, A., 2007. Realizing focus maps with landmark using openls services. Bonn Omer, I., Goldblatt, R., Or, U., 2005 .Virtual City Design Based on Urban Image Theory. The Cartographic Journal, Vol. 42, No.1. pp. 1–12 Pacione, M., 2005. Urban Geography: A Global Perspective. 368 – 387. London Strohecker, C., 1999. Toward a Developmental Image of the City: Design through Visual, Spatial, and Mathematical Reasoning. Sydney Vinson, N., G., 1999. Design Guidelines for Landmarks to Support Navigation in Virtual Environments. Proceedings of CHI. Ottawa Westwood, S., Williams, J., 1997. Imaging Cities: Scripts, Signs, Memory. London 38 LISAD 39 Lisa 1. 40 41 Lisa 3. Ehitusaasta Ehitusaasta1940- Ehitusaasta 1991- Ehitusaasta 2000- Maamärk -1940 1991 2000 2008

Geograafia → Inimgeograafia
13 allalaadimist


1 Arvutite komponendid ja arhitektuur Selle teema materjale läbi töötades saad teadmised arvuti riistvarakomponentidest, arvutite arhitektuurist ja protsessori tööpõhimõtetest. 1.1 Arvuti riistvarakomponendid Õpieesmärgid Selle alateema materjale läbi töötades õpid:  Määratlema arvutisüsteemi põhilised komponendid ja kirjeldada nende koostööd  Tooma välja lihtsa arvutisüsteemi peamised perifeeriaseadmed ja nende parameetrid  Eristama põhilisi mälutehnoloogiaid. 1.1.1 Arvutisüsteemi põhikomponendid Personaalarvuti (PC - Personal Computer edaspidi arvuti) on arvutusseade, mis koosneb erinevaid funktsioone täitvatest elektroonikaplokkidest, mis koos funktsioneerides teostavad mingit kasutaja poolt määratud ülesannet. Arvuti on ehituselt modulaarne ja see tähendab, et arvuti erinevaid funktsionaalseid plokke või mooduleid saab vastavalt soovitud kasutusotstarbele erinevalt kombineerida ning nii muuta arvuti funktsion...

Informaatika → Arvutite riistvara alused
35 allalaadimist


Nicknamed for losing part of the English lands in France. Иоанн Безземельный. to abide by sth – придерживаться чего-л., выполнять a law-abiding citizen – законопослушный гражданин 3. Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester ['lestə]. Симон де Монфор, граф Лестерский. 4. Edward I had wanted the support of the knightly class against the greater lords, and it was partly for this reason that he called on them to be represented in Parliament. The barons had twice challenged the Crown during the 13th century. 69 5. Later it became the Speaker’s job to communicate the decisions of the Commons to the king (to speak to him). As the king was often very displeased with what the Commons had decided, this was not a pleasant task. For this reason, nobody wanted the job

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

.......................................... 55 2 INTRODUCTION The current reading material focuses on the business peculiarities in Russia. *** The aim of the Traderun programme course "FUNDING PROJECTS IN RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES" is to provide the students with comprehensive and practical overview of the fundraising possibilities in EU and Estonia. The course gives an overview of EU structural support and regional implementing agencies, that are available for a businessman to apply for a fund. A successful student will be aware of and understand the EU fundraising possibilities in the frames of cooperation with Russian and Eastern Partnership countries, and able to define the financing criteria and priorities. The current reading material summarises the main aspects covered by lectures and structurises the information channels for the future.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

· Naturalists show man as a small figure in deterministic system which ignores him · Man is a huge machine · Lot of these novels end in tragedy · For 20 years naturalism remained dominant method. The beginning of the 1910 (modernism starts ) · American naturalists: frank Norris ,,The Octopus", Stephan Crane ,,Red badge of courage" · Jack London (1876-1916) · Grew up in extreme poverty. From early age had to support himself with dangerous manual jobs. Experienced the trouble of survival. Outlooks were eclectic (combination of various philosophies). Was influenced by socialism by Karl Marx, on the other hand the dark views of Nietzche. Believed in the trimph of working man (marx), but at the same the in the necessity of of the survival of the strongest. Was attracted to the Nietzches theory of the superman- the true aristocrats. The rest are the slaves.

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

required by regulation V/19 & V/27 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, by displaying selected information from a system electronic navigational chart (SENC) with positional information from navigation sensors to assist the mariner in route planning and route monitoring, and by displaying additional navigation-related information if required. ECDIS is a ship borne navigational device and as such it is the responsibility of IMO. It must support the whole range of navigational functions that make use of the characteristics of the chart data and their specific presentation. Moreover, to be an ECDIS the equipment must be shown to meet all the requirements of the IMO performance standards (IMO Resolution A.817(19)) and offer, besides the graphic presentation of chart data, additional information about the characteristics of the displayed features. Within the ECDIS, the ENC database stores the chart information in the form of

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Revision Questions

· 1979­81 ­ mostly from rural backgrounds, with limited education · Largest numbers in California and Texas (Westminster, California) · Rapid adaptation to American society · Low unemployment *They are the least successful among Asian Americans. Have very limited education, no skills, mostly have low-paid jobs that require no specific education. Low unemployment rate comes from the fact that they accept everything, even the lowest job positions in order to support their families. 18. Treatment of Japanese Americans by the US government during World War II. *World War II = Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ­ Dec. 7, 1941 ­ US entry into World War II · Near the end of World War II, the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945) · San Francisco Peace Treaty ­ signed on September 8, 1951, went into effect on April 28, 1952

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

lead to a selective use of the one (probably CPS) which would be language-inde- pendent. These topics, for the time being only introduced as open questions, may lead to subsequent additional research tasks aimed at confirming them empirical- ly or experimentally with the assistance of the application tool. The tasks may be grouped to provide more consistent research jobs. Regarding the use of the application as a teaching assistance tool, it can provide the lecturer with some quantitative support to the more intuitive "6 second rule" (updated in some universities already to a similar "5 second rule" for 2-liners of 35 characters each). The use of the rule is widespread, although there are situations where we lecturers just use it as a quality parameter (mainly related to the spotting phase) in sentences like "it does not fit" or "it can't be properly read", and then pro- pose the students to copy their subtitles into a commercial program (usually "Sub-

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused keskkonna ja säästva arengu ökonoomikast 2018

parameetreid (ökoloogilist tasakaalu). Ökoloogilise süsteemi elastsus (resilience) ,,Sustainability is a relationship between human economic system and larger dynamic, but normally slower-changing, ecological system in which 1)human life can continue indefinitely, 2)human individuals can flourish, and 3)human cultures can develop; but in which effects of human activities remain within bounds, so as not to destroy the diversity, complexity, and funvtion of the ecological life support system". 57. Millised on ökoloogilise jätkusuutlikkuse indikaatorid? · Kodumaiste liikide arvu (mitte arvukuse!) muutus · Metsa biomassi muutus (changes in standing crop biomass) · Mikrotoitainete (micronutrient) varude muutus · Muutused vedelikuringluse mehhanismides ja mahus 58. Milles seisneb jätkusuutlikkuse institutsionaalne kontseptsioon? Jätkusuutlik areng on konsensusi ehitav ja institutsionaalne areng. · Kontseptsiooni rõhutavad politoloogid ja sotsioloogid

Majandus → Keskkonnaökonoomika
119 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Possibility to make a reference, in national law you make a reference to the applicable IL treaty. Some topical question: Which one is more important, national or international law? Depends, there are different views. A certain view says that if there is a contradiction in national law to the IL, then national law should be changed. Also, many countries write it in their constitution that IL should prevail. However, some countries don't support this idea. Sometimes treaties and customs can overlap. Sometimes conventions put on paper some customs. Or some successful conventions can become customary norms. This is important because customary norms are legally binding for all, this way conventions can become binding on all. E.g. the convention of human rights, wasn't legally binding, now customary and legally binding. E.g. convention for chemical weapons has become a customary norm and the fact that

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


conflict. Rise of the caliphate (632­750) Muhammad began preaching Islam at Mecca before migrating to Medina, from where he united the tribes of Arabia into a singular Arab Muslim religious polity. With Muhammad's death in 632, disagreement broke out over who would succeed him as leader of the Muslim community. Umar ibn alKhattab, a prominent companion of Muhammad, nominated Abu Bakr, who was Muhammad's intimate friend and collaborator. Others added their support and Abu Bakr was made the first caliph. This choice was disputed by some of Muhammad's companions, who held that Ali ibn Abi Talib, his cousin and soninlaw, had been designated his successor. Abu Bakr's immediate task was to avenge a recent defeat by Byzantine (or Eastern Roman Empire) forces, although he first had to put down a rebellion by Arab tribes in an episode known as the Ridda wars, or "Wars of Apostasy".

Teoloogia → Religioon
50 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

2 promise find the name of the bank. I asked skill. 3 attempt whether he had looked online. He 5 She recorded the Great 4 resign said he couldn't because somebody Depression. 5 increase had stolen his laptop! 6 She was allowed to go to the 6 support combat zones in World War II. 3 1 I asked him how long he had 7 argument/fight 7 She knew where big news stories worked at the bank. 8 cut were going to happen.

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Pärsia impeerium

inimõiguste aktivist, kes 2003. aastal pälvis Nobeli rahupreemia demokraatia, inimõiguste, eriti naiste ja laste õiguste, kaitsmise eest. Ta on esimene iraanlane ja esimene mosleminaine, keda Nobeliga pärjatud. Ta asutas Iraani Lasteõiguste Toetamise Assotsiatsiooni (Children's Rights Support Association). Kokkuvõte Pärsia impeerium oli Keskaja alguseks eksisteerinud juba sajandeid. Pärsia taasühendati pärast Aleksander Suure impeeriumi lagunemist 4. sajandi paiku, e.Kr. Alates 3. sajandist võitlesid pärslased pidevalt roomlaste vastu. Pärsia impeerium ulatus Mesopotaamiast Indiani ja Kaspia merest Pärsia laheni, põhiliselt tänapäevaste Iraagi, Iraani ja Afganistaani aladel. Nad sõdisid

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
90 allalaadimist

Programmeerimine PHP

Näide 7.2.2 array( 'title' => 'Systems go for Sunday Shuttle Discovery launch', 'text' => 'Commander Lee Archambault is set to lead a crew of seven on the STS-119 mission, which is aimed at installing the fourth and final set of power-generating solar arrays to the ISS. The arrays will provide electricity to fully power science experiments and support the station's expanded crew in May.' ), 5 => array( 'title' => 'Facebook Announces Facebook Connect for iPhone', 'text' => 'Facebook has announced Facebook Connect for the iPhone, which enables users to take their Facebook friends, identity and privacy with them wherever they go.' ), 9 => array( 'title' => 'Forget the Fail Whale: Twitter Jumps the Shark',

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
54 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun