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"superior" - 232 õppematerjali

superior - Kaheinimesetuba, Double võiTwin

Kasutaja: superior

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Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

This breadth of talent is one reason for the OPEN Processes comprehensiveness and has resulted in a smorgasbord of development techniques from which to choose. The OPEN Process serious drawback: •Ineffectivemarketing. •Remember the illfated Object Modeling Language(OML) from the OPEN Consortium, the notation that ran against the Unified Modeling Language (UML) several years ago in the race to become the industry standard notation? •The OML was superior in many respects to the UML, but it unfortunately didn't garner the market mindshare that the UML did. •It is possible that once again the best candidate will be out marketed by the second best, which more often than not is the norm in our industry. 9. RUP— THE APPROACH The Spirit of the RUP – Essential Principles – Attack major risks early and continuously…or they will attack you – Ensure that you deliver value to your customer – Stay focused on executable software

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist


who were in the school and Blacks on their part also avoided the Africans because of their perception of a Tarzan with his monkey. Both groups despised and hated one another. They felt inferior and ashamed of one another. They despised their Blackness. They judged their beauty or ugliness by the standard of a Caucasian. When a Black man becomes successful, he shacks up with a Caucasian woman. African-Americans accused Africans of superior bearings, while Africans accused African-Americans of exclusionary tendencies, except when it suited them to be Africans. The brainwashing of the African was so intense that we even didn’t know when we were taught to despise our own people. I remember in grade school being taught to sing a song about the Ashanti people of Ghana, which went like this: Good morning, Mr. Johnson Good morning to you, sir I’ve just come to ask you About the Ashanti people

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Brandi ja konjak

· Armanjakkide seast võib leida ka kindla aastakäigu esindajaid, konjaki puhul tuleb seda imeharva ette. Kõige muu osas sarnaneb armanjaki tootmine konjakiga, ka markeeringule esitatavad nõuded ning vastav märgistus on üldjoontes samad. Konjakina kvalifitseeritud brändi etiketil olevaid märksõnu või nende algustähtedest koosnevaid lühendeid, mis tähendavad joogi iga, võib sarnaselt tõlgendada ka armanjaki puhul: 3­7 a very special ehk VS 4,5­12 a very superior old pale ehk VSOP 6­15 a Napoleon 6­40 a extra old ehk XO 6­50 a extra Brandy de Jerez Hispaanlaste tippbrändi on nimetatud sama Jerezi piirkonna järgi, kust tuleb ka kuulus kangestatud vein serri ehk herez, kuid brändi valmistamisel on viinamarjade kasvupiirkond ja -sort vähemolulised. Piisab, kui selle tooraine on Hispaania päritolu, näiteks La Manchast või Extremadurast. Võtmeküsimuseks on hoopis brändi baaspiirituse laagerdamise süsteem, nn

Toit → Joogiõpetus
48 allalaadimist

Ladina eesti alussõnastik

statua, ae f (raid)kuju praep. c. abl. ül(ev)al, peal; jooksul, ajal; statu, u, tum, ere asetama, paigutama; kohta, suhtes püstitama, rajama; määrama, otsustama superbia, ae f uhkus; kõrkus, ülbus status, s m seisund, olukord; seisus superbus, a, um uhke; kõrk, ülbe, jultunud; stern, strv, strtum, ere (laiali, välja, väljapaistev, suurepärane peale, üle) laotama; tasandama; rahustama, superior, ius (comp. sõnast superus) vaigistama; purustama, hävitama ülemine; möödunud, eelmine; ülekaalus stpendium, i n palk, tasu; (väe)teenistus olev, tugevam st, stet, statum, re (part. fut. sttrus) super, v, tum, re ületama, üle olema, seisma; olema; püsima; kindlaks jääma võitma stude, u, ­, re (millegagi) tegelema, supersum, fu, esse üle v järel olema, järele v

Keeled → Ladina keel
89 allalaadimist

Õiguse entsüklopeedia eksam

Kontinuiteedi printsiip – õigusaktide kehtivuse osas kehtib, õiguslik järjepidevus, Actus contrarius – õigusaktide kehtivuse printsiip, igat õigusakti võib tühistada või muuta see organ või isik, kellele õiguskord sellise võimaluse esimesena ette näeb. Promulgeerimine – õigusakti algatus, arutamine,otsustamine, jõustamine Ex tunc kehtetus – õigusakt on õigustühine algusest peale, ei ole jõustunudki; Ex nunc kehtetus – alates nüüdsest hetkest kehtetu Lex superior derogat legi inferiori – õigusaktide hierarhias kõrgema õigusjõuga õigusakt või –norm on ülimuslik madalama suhtes; Lex specialis derogat legi generali – erinorme eviv on ülimuslik üldnorme eviva suhtes; Lex posterior derogat legi priori – hilisem sama õigusjõuga õigusakt on ülimuslkum varasema suhtes; Lex posterior generalis non derogat legi priori speciali – hilisem sama õigusjõuga üldakt ei tühista, kui teisiti ei ole sätestatud, varasemat erinorme evivat üldakti

Õigus → Õiguse entsüklopeedia
565 allalaadimist

Tiimivarustus jalgpallis

adizero represents a designphilosophy, steeped in a hand crafted tradition of attention to the finest detail. Performance is about more than being light; every product focuses on a superior fit and feel which translates to energy efficiency, helping you run faster and further. formotion™ is 3d engineered to increase freedom of movement at every stage of the game from kick-off to final whistle

Sport → Sport
2 allalaadimist


peenemat jahvatust kui kannukohvi valmistamisel. 34 Kofeiinisisalduse alusel eristatakse kofeiinirikast (üle 2%), keskmise kofeiinisisaldusega (1,5...2%), kofeiinivaest (alla 0,2%) ja kofeiinita (alla 0,08%) kohvi. Kahel viimasel on kofeiin osaliselt või täielikult eraldatud. Kohvipakid erinevad segu koostise, röstimis- ja jahvatusviisi poolest. Kvaliteedi alusel eristatakse valiksorte ­ extra fancy, extra prime, prime, superior ja standardsorte. Kohvi kvaliteeti määratakse degusteerimisel. Naturaalse kohviga kohviasendajad valmistatakse kohviubadest, teraviljadest (oder, rukis, kaer), siguritest, tammetõrudest, sojast jm. toorainest, mis praetakse ja peenestatakse. Neid tehakse erinevate retseptuuridega ja erineva kohvioa sisaldusega. Sigurid sisaldavad inuliini ja glükosiide. Viimastest on tingitud mõrkjas maitse. Sigur mitmekesistab maitset ja aroomi ning annab tumedama värvuse. Lisatakse kõikidele

Toit → Toitumisõpetus
139 allalaadimist


alused, juhud ja korra; 2) rakendatakse põhimõtet lex specialis derogat legi generali - eriseadus tühistab üldseaduse (või sama õigusjõuga muu eriakt tühistab üldakti) ; 3) rakendatakse põhimõtet lex posterior derogat legi priori - hilisem seadus tühistab varasema (või sama õigusjõuga hilisem õigusakt tühistab varasema); 4) rakendatakse põhimõtet lex superior derogat legi inferiori - õigusaktide hierarhias kõrgema õigusjõuga seadus või muu õigusakt tühistab madalama õigusjõuga akti (vt eespool nii õigusaktide hierarhia kui ka legislatiiv- ning eksekutiivaktide suhe); 5) kui ühtegi muud pidepunkti ei ole, siis valib õiguse realiseerija oma juriidiliste mõtiskluste ning kaalutluste alusel (õiguslik motivatsioon) ja personaalse õigusteadvuse mõjul ühe kahest normist ning

Õigus → Õiguse alused
52 allalaadimist


Äripäeva kirjastus. 1998. 13. Rajades 21. sajandit. Ettekannete kogumik. Eesti Kvaliteediühing. Tallinn. 2000. 14. Roos, J. Roos, G..Dragonetti N.C, Edvinsson L.. Intellectual Capital. London. 1997. 15. Schuler, R.S., Jackson, S.E. Human Resource Management: positioning for the 21st century. 6th ed. New York: West Publishing Company, 1996. 780 p. 16. Sjöstrand, Sven-Erik. Organisaatioteoriat. Espoo. 1981. 17. Spencer L.M, Spencer S.M. Competence at Work. Models for Superior Performance. John Wiley&Sons, Inc. Canada. 1993. 18. Stewart, Thomas A. Intellectual Capital. London 1998. 19. Sveiby, Karl-Erik. Knowledge Management... The Karl Erik Sveiby way... Online learning module. 1998. 20. Sveiby, Karl-Erik. The Knowledge Organisation. The Library. 1994. 54 21. Vadi, M

Majandus → Juhtimine
32 allalaadimist


Japanese intercepts, which had long ago been given a collective codename, partly for security, partly for ease of reference, by a previous director of naval intelligence, Rear Admiral Walter S. Anderson. Inspired, no doubt, by the mysterious daily production of the information and by the aura of sorcery and the occult that has always enveloped cryptology, he called it MAGIC. When Bryant had finished, Kramer sent S.I.S. its seven copies, and at 8 o'clock took a copy to his superior, Captain Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far Eastern Section of the Office of Naval Intelligence. From: Tokyo To: Washington December 7, 1941 Purple (Urgent - Very Important) #907. To be handled in goverment code. Re: my #902a. Will the Ambaagador please submit to the United States Government (If possible to the Secretary of State) our reply to the United States at 1:00 p.m. on the 7th, your time.

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Konspekt 2

olemaski. Peale promulgeerimisreeglite eiramise võib esineda juhtum, mil uus seadus sätestab mingi käitumiseeskirja teisiti, kui varasem seadus seda tegi, samas aga ei sisalda varasemat seadust tühistavat sätet selge sõnaga (expressis verbis). See tähendab, et vastavad rakendussätted puuduvad. Üldtunnustatud on ülaltähendatud juhul rahvusvaheliselt levinud printsiipid ehk põhimõtted (vrdl PS § 3), mis omakorda on actus contrarius printsiibi sisuks: 1) lex superior derogat legi inferiori - õigusaktide hierarhias kõrgema õigusjõuga õigusakt või -norm on ülimuslik madalama suhtes ehk vastuolu puhul kõrgema ning madalama õigusjõuga õigusakti (-normi) vahel lähtutakse kõrgema õigusjõuga õigusaktist (-normist); 2) lex specialis derogat legi generali - erinorme eviv õigusakt on reeglina ülimuslik üldnorme eviva suhtes ehk vastuolu puhul erinorme (erandeid) ning üldnorme (reegleid)

Õigus → Õiguse entsüklopeedia
621 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

force, and the remoteness of many bridge sites hampered the use of sophisticated machinery or the shipping of large bridge parts over long distances. A spirited debate ensued between England and the former colony during the last quarter of the 19th century over which system was best: easily erected pin-connected trusses on the "American plan," or European-style riveted trusses. Even though the rigid riveted truss was of superior design, American bridges remained competitive in world bridge markets until the early 20th century because they were cheaper and swiftly erected. Figure 10 Gauntless Viaduct (1825) is the only fragment of the original Stockton & Darlington Railway. Fortunately, the ironwork was preserved and featured during the centenary celebration of the world's first railway in 1825. It was later displayed at the former rail museum at York, as shown in this photograph. In 1975, when the museum became the

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist

Õigusteaduse eksam

lahendamise alused, juhud ja korra; 2) rakendatakse põhimõtet lex specialis derogat legi generali - eriseadus tühistab üldseaduse (või sama õigusjõuga muu eriakt tühistab üldakti) ; 3) rakendatakse põhimõtet lex posterior derogat legi priori - hilisem seadus tühistab varasema (või sama õigusjõuga hilisem õigusakt tühistab varasema); 4) rakendatakse põhimõtet lex superior derogat legi inferiori - õigusaktide hierarhias kõrgema õigusjõuga seadus või muu õigusakt tühistab madalama õigusjõuga akti (vt eespool nii õigusaktide hierarhia kui ka legislatiiv- ning eksekutiivaktide suhe); 5) kui ühtegi muud pidepunkti ei ole, siis valib õiguse realiseerija oma juriidiliste mõtiskluste ning kaalutluste alusel (õiguslik motivatsioon) ja personaalse õigusteadvuse mõjul ühe kahest

Õigus → Õiguse alused
159 allalaadimist


IX. Välissuhted X. Riigikaitse XI. Riigikontroll XII. Õiguskantsler XIII. Kohus XIV. Kohalik omavalitsus XV. Põhiseaduse muutmine III - VI riigiorganid VII ­ X funktsioonid XI - XIV organid Õigusnormide hierarhia · Mida raskemini muudetav on norm, seda kõrgemal asub ta õigusnormi hierarhias. · Hierarhia õiguslik tagajärg on see, et lex superior degorat legi interiori ­ hierarhias kõrgemal tasandil olev norm, tema kehtivus murrab madalama normi kehtivuse konflikti korral. · EL õigus ei kuulu õigusnormi hierarhiasse. EL õiguse norm ei murra siseriikliku õigusnormi kehtivust, vaid tingib ainult siseriikliku normi kohaldamata jätmise konkreetsel juhul. · Kui EL saab föderatsiooniks, siis see olukord muutub. Kui pädevuse määramise pädevus

Õigus → Riigiõigus
96 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

important in society. The rebellion spred quickly and the houses of lords were attacked and documents of slavery and tax were burned. This is significant because these documents registered the rights of the serfs and obligations. King Richard promised them to easen theire situation but later declared the promises he made to be void. There were continued resistance, but the renewed confidence of the nobles proved to be too strong, especially when combined with superior military force. Consequently, the repression continued. *Richard II and Henry Bolingbroke ­ King Richard had an on-again, off-again relationship with his cousin Henry. Henry was one of the Lords Appellant and one of the Richard's advisor-favorites. However, the increasingly suspicious Richard banished him for ten years. Henry invaded England while Richard was on campaign in Ireland, usurping the throne from the king. Richard lacked support and was quickly captured by Henry IV. Richard was

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

Logistika konspekt

Seetõttu tuleb toote turustajal leida võimalusi, mis looks tootele kliendi jaoks täiendavat väärtust lisaks füüsifisest tootest loomulikult tulenevale väärtusele. Joonis kujutab füüsilist toodet tuumana ja sellele lisakasulikkust loovaid funktsioone ja teenuseid oreoolina. Väärtuse lisamine põhineb majandusteadlase Michael Porteri väga huvitaval ettevõtte konkurentsieelise teoorial (Competative Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Perfomance, The Free Press, 1985). Porteri teooria aluseks on väärtusahela kontseptsioon (value chain). Väärtusahel on jada omavahel seotud tegevusi, mis loovad väärtust. Tarnijad--> firrna--> klient. Väärtusahelat saab kasutada konkurentsieelise võimaluste leidmiseks ja mõistmiseks ning kuidas need võimalused mõjutavad väljamüügiväärtust. Väärtusahela kontseptsioon lubab vaadelda tegevusi, mis igas firmas aset leiavad ja kuidas need omavahel seotud on. Esimeste firmadena

Logistika → Logistika
445 allalaadimist

Heiki Vilep ja uusim lastekirjandus

The development of re-independence time Estonian children's literature is characterised by the domination of translated literature which introduced the market with badly translated and edited yet colourful books. It became evident that for a book's success it does not only have to be well written but also well designed. Modeled on colourful translated books of western origin Heiki Vilep's books for children have always had high quality colour illustrations. Publishing children's books with superior illustrations has always been one of his foremost aims. Heiki Vilep is also the first children's writer to open his own homepage on the Internet, a fact that has greatly increased his popularity among children of the Internet generation. In addition to these extraliterary features Heiki Vilep is also quite simply a talented children's writer. He has written prose and poetry; realistic and fantasy stories. His

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
69 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

Before the 3 remaining virtues, on the other hand, is set the task of providing and maintaining those things on which the practical business of life depends so that the relations of man to man in human society may be conserved, and that largeness and nobility of soul may be revealed not only in increasing one's resources and acquiring advantages for one's self and one's family but far more in rising superior to these very things. But orderly behaviour and consistency of demeanor and self- control and the like have their sphere in that department of things in which a certain amount of physical exertion, and not mental activity merely, is required. For if we bring a certain amount of propriety and order into the transactions of daily life, we shall be conserving moral rectitude and moral dignity. Now, of the 4 divisions which we have made of the essential

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist


Each station passes or repeats the special token frame around the ring to its nearest downstream neighbour. This token-passing process is used to arbitrate access to the shared ring media. Stations that have data frames to transmit must first acquire the token before they can transmit them. Token-Ring local area network (LAN) technology was developed and promoted by IBM in the early 1980s and standardised as IEEE 802.5. Token ring networks had significantly superior performance and reliability compared to early shared-media implementations of Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), and were widely adopted as a higher-performance alternative to shared-media Ethernet. However, with the development of switched Ethernet, token ring architectures lagged badly behind Ethernet in both performance and reliability. Token ring networks have since declined in usage and the standards activity has since come to a standstill as switched Ethernet has dominated the LAN/layer 2 networking

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

asked if they would be willing to give their phone numbers so they could be called upon to donate again in the future. Nearly all the students who were about to give a pint of blood as a result of the rejection-then-retreat technique agreed to donate again (84 percent), while less than half of the other students who appeared at the Chapter 2 RECIPROCATION blood center did so (43 percent). Even for future favors, the rejection-then-retreat strategy proved superior. The Sweet, Secret Side Effects Strangely enough, then, it seems that the rejection-then-retreat tactic not only spurs people to agree to a desired request but actually to carry out the request and, finally, to volunteer to perform further requests. What could there be about the technique that makes people who have been duped into compliance so likely to continue to comply? For an answer, we might look at a requester's act of conces- sion, which is the heart of the procedure

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

Wilson Jones DublLock® D-Ring Binders Hon Deluxe Fabric Upholstered Stacking Chairs, Rounded Back Serrated Blade or Curved Handle Hand Letter Openers Mead 1st Gear 2" Zipper Binder, Asst. Colors T18 Xerox 1947 Lexmark Z54se Color Inkjet Printer Universal Premium White Copier/Laser Paper (20Lb. and 87 Bright) 36X48 HARDFLOOR CHAIRMAT Avery 506 SAFCO Folding Chair Trolley 3M Organizer Strips Acme® Preferred Stainless Steel Scissors TDK 4.7GB DVD-R Spindle, 15/Pack Fellowes Premier Superior Surge Suppressor, 10-Outlet, With Phone and Remot Avery 506 Sanford Colorific Colored Pencils, 12/Box Maxell Pro 80 Minute CD-R, 10/Pack GBC Linen Binding Covers Avery 508 Multimedia Mailers 9-3/4 Diameter Round Wall Clock Accessory39 Accessory20 Imation 3.5" DS-HD Macintosh Formatted Diskettes, 10/Pack Boston 16701 Slimline Battery Pencil Sharpener Newell 310 TimeportP7382 Tyvek ® Top-Opening Peel & Seel Envelopes, Plain White

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

surpassed consumer price inflation, until 2008 quite frequently by more than 20 percentage points and never much below that. Such income growth was supported by the country's high export, especially steel, prices. Boosted by rapidly improving terms of trade, import volumes grew much faster than export volumes and the net growth impact of foreign trade was negative by some 5 percent annually. As imports were liberalized in the 1990s, consumers and investors alike preferred the superior quality, choice, and brands available from world markets. By the 2000s an increasing share of them could afford foreign goods. Cheap imports from Asian and other countries also became available. The trade balance has been consistently negative since 2005, and the current account has followed since 2006. Imports contribute to welfare, but for that to be sustainable, any country also has to be able to cover the import bill with exports, running down reserves, inward investment (direct or

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

· Principle III: The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law acted as Head of State or responsible Government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law. Important, because usually heads of state have immunity, status similar to the diplomatic one. · Principle IV: The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him. Execution of illegal order is not a defense, people who do it will be responsible. Furthermore, to prove their fault is much easier that the person who gave the order. · Principle V: Any person charged with a crime under international law has the right to a fair trial on the facts and law.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Füüsikaline maailmapilt

inner planets): Merkuur, Veenus, Maa, Marss. Asuvad seespool asteroidide vööd. Kaugplaneedid (ingl. outer planets): Jupiter, Saturn, Uraan, Neptuun, Pluuto. Asuvad väljaspool asteroidide vööd. · Asendi järgi Maa orbiidi suhtes: Siseplaneedid (ingl. inferior planets): Veenus ja Merkuur. Nende orbiit on seespool Maa orbiiti, neil on Maalt vaadeldavad muutuvad faasid nagu meie kaaslasel Kuul. Välisplaneedid (ingl. superior planets): Marss, Jupiter, Saturn, Uraan, Neptuun, Pluuto. Nende orbiit on väljaspool Maa orbiiti. Komeedid on Päikesesüsteemi väikekehadest kõige tuntumad. Nad ilmuvad enamikus ootamatult (korduvalt nähtud nn. perioodilisi komeete on teada vaid mõnikümmend) paistes teleskoobis ebakorrapärase liikuva udulaiguna, mis Päikesele lähenedes kasvab "sabatäheks" -- heleda uduse pea ning nõrgeneva sabaga moodustiseks. Hele komeet on

Füüsika → Füüsikaline maailmapilt
72 allalaadimist

Andekusest ja andekatest lastest

Treffinger, D. F. J., Sternberg, R. J. & Subotnik, R. F. (1992). Bringing out the giftedness in (Eds.). International Handbook of Gif- your child. Canada: John Wiley & tedness and Talent. Oxford: Elsevier, Sons. 499–523. Ericsson, K. A., Roring, R. W., Nan- Csikszentmihalyi, M. & Wolfe, R. dagopal, K. (2007). Giftdness and evi- (2000). New conceptions and research dence for reproducibly superior perfor- approaches to creativity: Implications mance: an accountbased on the expert of a systems perspective for creativity performance framework. High Ability Studies, 18 (1), 3–56. in education. In: Heller, K. A., Mönks, F. J., R., Sternberg J. & Subotnik, R. Feldhusen, J. F., & Jarvan, F. A. F. (Eds.). International Handbook of (2002). Identification of gifted and

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
112 allalaadimist

Õiguse üldteooria

legaalsuse ja egaalsuse põhimõtete tagamine nii igaühe kui ka üldistes huvides. Seega – õigusriik on ideaal, milles realiseeruvad täiuslikeimal kujul humanistliku moraali põhimõtted riikluse praktikas ning kehtivas õiguses. Õigusakti struktuur — näitab kuidas ning millistele unifitseeritud nõuetele vastavalt struktureeritakse õigusnormid õigusakti raames, kuidas on õigusakt üles ehitatud ning millised on õigusakti obligatoorsed ning fakultatiivsed rekvisiidid. lex superior derogat legi inferiori — õigusaktide hierarhias kõrgema õigusjõuga õigusakt või -norm on ülimuslik madalama suhtes ehk vastuolu puhul kõrgema ning madalama õigusjõuga õigusakti (-normi) vahel lähtutakse kõrgema õigusjõuga õigusaktist (-normist). lex specialis derogat legi generali — erinorme eviv õigusakt on reeglina ülimuslik üldnorme eviva suhtes ehk vastuolu puhul erinorme (erandeid) ning üldnorme (reegleid) eviva õigusakti

Õigus → Õigus
426 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

against their peers in "challenges" lose an average of 5.9 pounds more than those who do not compete. There is another phenomenon that makes groups an ideal environment for change: social comparison theory. In plain English, it means that, in a group, some people will do worse than you ("Sarah lost only one pound--good for me!") and others will do better ("Mike's nothing special. If he can do it, so can I."). Seeing inferior performers makes you proud of even minor progress, and superior performers in your peer group make greater results seem achievable. Looking at DailyBurn's data set, those who have three or more "motivators" in their peer group lose an average of 5.8 pounds more than those with fewer. Embrace peer pressure. It's not just for kids. 4. MAKE IT SMALL AND TEMPORARY That brings us to your most important next steps, detailed below. Questions and Actions Before you move on to another chapter, take (or in the case of #2, start) at least two of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Portugali põhjalik referaat

asukohas aastast 1894. Portos on mitu kõrgkooli, suurematest üks on riigi korraldatud University of Porto (Universidade do Porto), mis on suurim Portugali ülikool umbes 28.000 õpilast. Samuti on riigi hallatav Polütehniline Instituut, Instituto Politecnico do Porto (grupi tehnilised kõrgkoolid) ning eraomandis olevate institutsioonidega nagu Universidade Fernando Pessoa (UFP), Porto kõrghariduse Kunstide Kool (ESAP-Escola Superior Artística do Porto) ja Vatikani Riiklik Ülikool, Portugali Katoliiklik Ülikool Porto (Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto) ja Portucalense Ülikooli Porto (Universidade Portucalense - Infante D. Henrique). Välismaalastele, kes soovivad õppida Portugali linnas on mitmeid võimalusi. Porto ülikool SPORT Nagu enamikes Portugali linnades, jalgpall on kõige tähtsam sport Portos. On olemas kolm peamist meeskonda Portos. Esimene neist on line rajooni meister FC Porto

Geograafia → Geograafia
41 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Pearson. 1971. Lipid oxidation loss of low-voltage electrically stimulated and non- in meat and meat products: A review. Journal of the stimulated sheep’s muscle. Meat Science American Oil Chemists’ Society 48(10):547– 34(2):235–243. 549. Sebranek, J. G. 1980. Cryogenic freezing of ground beef MacDougall, D. B. 1974. The appearance of frozen meat patties shows superior organoleptic effects. Quick and its color stability during storage. In Meat Freezing: Freezing August:50–53. Why and How? Meat Research Institute Symposium, Sebranek, J. G., P. N. Sang, R. E. Rust, D. G. Topei, and No. 3, edited by C. L. Cutting. Langford, UK: Meat A. A. Kraft. 1978. Influence of liquid nitrogen, liquid Research Institute. carbon dioxide and mechanical freezing on sensory Maria, G. T., J. Abril, and A

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Erakorralise meditsiini tehniku käsiraamat

Jämesoolde jõudnud toitained imenduvad koos veega. 81  Jämesooles asuvatest peekerrakkudest lisatakse roojasse lima.  Käärimis- ja roiskumisfunktsioon: jämesooles asuvate kolibakterite abil hävitatakse toidu seedimatud osad.  Peristaltika: jämesoole lihaste liikumise tulemusena viiakse jämesoole sisu pärasoolde, kus see jääb väljutamist ootama. Soolestiku verevarustus Kogu soolestikku varustab arteriaalse verega põhiliselt a. mesenterica superior. Venoosne äravool toimub värativeeni kaudu. NB! Mesenteriaalinfarkti põhjuseks on sageli sooleveresoonte sulgus, tekib „äge kõht“ (→ ptk „Sündmuskoha ülevaatus, esmane hinnang ja patsiendi ülevaatus“). Soolestiku innervatsioon Soolestiku tööd stimuleerib parasümpaatiline närvisüsteem (X kraniaalnärv, n. vagus ehk uitnärv), sümpaatiline närvisüsteem (sisusenärv – nervus splanchnicus) seevastu pidurdab sooletegevust

Meditsiin → Esmaabi
312 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

50 THRESHOLD GUARDIAN However, our heroes are ambushed by three sentries and overcome them, taking their uniforms and weapons. Disguised as soldiers, they join the end of a col­ umn and march right into the castle. T h e y have turned an attack to their advantage by literally climbing into the skins of their opponents. Instead of uselessly trying to defeat a superior enemy, they have temporarily become the enemy. It's important for a hero to recognize and acknowledge these figures as T h r e s h o l d Guardians. In daily life, you have probably encountered resistance when you try to make a positive change in your life. People around you, even those who love you, are often reluctant to see you change. T h e y are used to your neuroses and have found ways to benefit from them. T h e idea o f your changing may threaten them

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Language: a Contemporary Introduction introduces the student to the main issues and theories in twentieth and twenty-first-century phi- losophy of language, focusing specifically on linguistic phenomena. Topics are structured in four parts in the book. Part I, Reference and Referring, includes topics such as Russell's Theory of Descriptions, Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal­historical theory. Part II, Theories of Meaning, surveys the competing theories of linguistic mean- ing and compares their various advantages and liabilities. Part III, Pragmatics and Speech Acts, introduces the basic concepts of linguistic pragmatics, includes a detailed discussion of the problem of indirect force and surveys approaches to metaphor. Part IV, new to this edition, examines the four theories of metaphor. Features...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun