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"sugar" - 227 õppematerjali

sugar - free meat products, such as roast ham have certain health benefits and have been and sausages, have been developed in Japan licensed to bear a label claiming that a person (Fig. 24.1). In addition to these “free” and

Kasutaja: sugar

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Toiduainete õpetuse konspekt

3. Peetide pesemine. 4. Peetide lõikamine laastudeks. 5. Difusioon- uhutakse 70-90ºC veega läbi, saame suhkruvedeliku 6. Suhkru mahla puhastamine- sisaldab 15% suhkrut. 7. Vedela mahla paksendamine- toimub aurutamise teel- sisaldab 70% suhkrut 8. Kristalliseerumine 9. Tsentrifugeerimine 10. Melass- selle lisamisel saame fariini. 10 Kodune töö- Suhkruliigid 1. Caster- Briti caster või castor sugar on eriti peene teraga valge kristallsuhkur. 2. Coarse sugar- Coarse sugar on jämedateraline kristallsuhkur. See suhkur käitub kõrgetel temperatuuridel teisiti kui peensuhkur, olles vastupidavam fruktoosiks ja glükoosiks jagunemisele, ka karamelliseeru ta nii kiiresti kui tavaline suhkur. Seetõttu eelistatakse seda suhkrut kodukommide valmistamisel, tööstuses aga likööride ja maiustuste tootmisel. 3

Toit → Toiduainete õpetus
58 allalaadimist

Haljastuses kasutavate taksonite määramine sugukonnas liblikõielised

Haljastuses kasutavate taksonite määramine sugukonnas liblikõielised Luua 2012 Liblikõieliste sugukonna nimi eesti ja ladina keeles Liblikõieliste sugukond kuulub taimede Plantae alaliiki. Hõimkonna järgi liigitub katteseemnetaimeks Magnoliophyta. Klassi kuuluvus on kaheiduliste Magnoliopsida klass. Kuulub oalaadsete Fabales seltsi. Sugukonna nimi eesti keeles on liblikõielised ja ladina keelne nimetus on Fabaceae. On oalaadsete seltsi arvatud sugukond taimi. Oalaadsed Fabales on õistaimede selts kaheiduleheliste klassist. Sugukonna üldine iseloomustus Liblikõielised on liikide arvu poolest maailmas õistaimede seas kolmas sugukond (esimesed kaks on käpalised ja korvõielised). Liblikõieliste sugukonda kuulub 430 perekonda ligi 9000 liigiga. Pildil Harilik hernes Pisum sativum Sugukonna eelistused Sugukonna esindaja eelistab kuiva ja sooja kasvukohta, esineb ka mõõduka, külma...

Bioloogia → Botaanika
8 allalaadimist

Kuuba trantsport ja turism

) Turismimagnetid 1. Morro lossi kindlus Legendaarne Castillo de El Morro on üks ilus koht Santiago de Cuba Kariibi linnas. "Morro" hispaania keeles tähendab kivi. 2. Vinales org Kõige muljetavaldav osa Pinar del Rio provintsist Vinales org asub umbes 200 km läände Havana linnast. Vuelta Abajo piirkond on tuntud kasvatamiseks kvaliteetset tubakat, seda Kuuba tubakat peetakse maailma parimaks. Vaatamata rohkete turistide külastusele on maastik siiski loomulik. 3. Sugar Mills org Valle de los Ingenios (Valley of Sugar Mills) asub linnas nimega Trinidad Lõuna-ja Kesk- Kuubas. See hõlmab 104 miil maad kuhu kuulub ka kolm orgu: San Luis, Santa Rosa ja Meyer, piirkonnas, kus algas erakorraline areng Kuuba suhkrutööstuses 18. sajandil. Selles orus on endiselt varemetes arvukad suhkrutööstuseid. 4. Cayo Coco rand Cayo Coco rand on üks kõige paradiislikumaid kohti Kuubal. See asub Ciego de Ávila provintsi põja osas. 5. Che Guevara Mausoleum

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

What is a plant

1. What is a plant? Plant is a living organism. It is made up of different parts, each of whitch has specialized function. 2. Name the parts of a shoot system. The shoot system above the ground consists of the stem, the leaves, flowers and fruit. 3. What are the main functions of a shoot system? Main functions of a shoot system are: * Stem- to support the plant, to transport water, minerals and sugar * Leaves- to make food by photosynthesis, to absorb water from air * Flower- to contain reproductive organs, the reproductive function *Fruit- to enclode the seeds, to protect seeds 4. What are the main functions of a root system? Main functions of a root system are to take in, absorb water and minerals, to hold the plant firmly in the soil. 5. What happens in the process of photosynthesis? For the process of the photosynthesis is sunlight necessary. Water from the soil and

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kontserdi arvustus - ABBA

a. tuli esimene võit ,,Laulukarusell" lauluvõistluselt, 1997. a. võitis Gerli lauluvõistluse ,,Kaks takti ette". Ta on osalenud erinevates soolobrojektides ja muusikaligaaladel. Gerli on saanud erinevaid auhinnalisi kohti rahvusvahelistel konkursittel. 2007 valiti Gerli Eestit esindama Eurovisiooni lauluvõistlusellauluga ,,Partners in Crime". Ta on rockbändi ,,glive" solist. Tema rolle: Jonni-Punn ,,Vankumatu tinasõdur", Gerda ,,Lumekuninganna", Sally Bowles ,,Cabaret", Florence ,,Chess", Sugar Kane ,,Sugar" ja Lotte ,,Detektiiv Lotte". Tanja Mihhailova lõpetas 2004 Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia tantsukunsti erialal. 1996 saavutas ta laste lauluvõistlusel ,, Kuldne hääl" Grand Prix'. Tanja on osalenud väga paljudel laulufestivalidel ja võistlustel: 1998 ,,Hommikutäht", 2000 ,,Laul", 2001 ,,Slovjanski Bazar", 2005 ,,Uus laine". Ta on ka õpetanud projektides ,,Eesti otsib superstaari" ja ,,Laulud tähtedega" lavaliikumist. Ta on

Muusika → Muusika
21 allalaadimist

Suhkruroo tootmisprotsess

Suhkru tootmisprotsess Ettevõte: THE FIJI SUGAR CORPORATION Ülesanne Leidke mingi tootmisprotsess (kaasaegne või ajalooline), mille juurutamise ohta konkreetses ettevõttes te suudate leida piisavalt andmeid. Hinnake tööstusökoloogia seisukohast protsessi tugevaid ja nõrku külgi. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Transport Fifth level Alkoholi jatööstusliku Siirupi jäägid piirituse valmistamiseks Kariloomadele toiduks Suhkru tootmise tugevad küljed Varustajateks kohalikud farmerid, se...

Kategooriata → Ökodisain
11 allalaadimist


with the question, "Trick or treat?" The word "trick" refers to a "threat" to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given .Halloween costumes are traditionally modeled after supernatural figures such as monsters, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils.Because the holiday comes in the wake of the annual apple harvest, candy apples, caramel or taffy apples are common Halloween treats made by rolling whole apples in a sticky sugar syrup, sometimes followed by rolling them in nuts.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist


Julia Shashkina Area: 8.514.215,3 km2 Population : 190,732,694 Official language: Portuguese The capital city: Brasilia The Christmas tree o The annual firework o 82 meters o It consists of 2.8 million multi-coloured bulbs PãO de açúCar o Natural wonder o The main tourist attraction o Cable car ride to the top of Sugar Loaf o Statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro o Soapstone and concrete o 39.6 meters o 635 tonnes o 2007 - New Seven Wonders of the world Copacabana's beach IPANEMA'S Beach Favela o Built for homeless people o Dirty and poor o No work, food and electricity o A lot of diseases o The major problems are drug traffics and criminals o Shooting between drugdealers o Police have little control in favelas The Carnival of Brazil oHuge parades

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

A formal letter

Est onia Ida-Virumaa Kiviõli Lõuna 7 07.03.2011 Dear Sir/Madam My family does not eat very healthy. I try to eat more vegetables and low fat products. We do not eat much sugar and sweets. In my family people drink alcohol only on birthdays or other celebratings like New Year. In my family all but grandfather smoke . I am the only one who does some kind of sport. In winter i often go swimming with my best friend , two times a week. In autumn and summer i go cycling or jogging. I like to keep me fit. Sad that other people in my family do not play sports at all. I like to eat the food that my granny makes for me. But i try not to eat much and unhealthy.

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Inglise keele test

9. lift weights. 10. swimming 2. aerobics karate ice skating the high jump cross-country skiing yoga the long jump volleyball 3. translate 1) How do you keep fit? 2) I have PE lesson twice a week. 3) Mirjam came first in the 100-metre race. 4) Who coaches your school football team? 5) I think you should change your eating habits. 6) If you eat too much fat and sugar, it has bad influence on your health. 4. do / doing 1)jogging 2)cycling 3)working/digging 4)reading 5)to play 6)to leave 7)laughing 8)walking 5. questions 1. Where were the first Olympic Games held? 2. When was the Olympic flag first flown? 3. What are the winners awarded after each Olympic event? 4. How many topp athletes were tested for drugs durning the Beijing games? 5. Why was Jake injured durning the last football match?

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Popsicle and lollipop

syrup on a stick ● intended for licking History ● George Smith is claimed to be the first to invent the modern lollipop in 1908 ● related to the Rome tradition of selling toffee apples on a stick ● the invention is still something of a mysery Types ● available in numerous flavors and colors ● dozens of different shapes ● some contain filling (bubble gum) ● flavored lollipops containing medicine How to make ● ● sugar, water, flavoring oil, food coloring Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Unusual animals

Unusual animals  Thea Nigol 9.r Kangaroos  Second most  recognisable icons  Shortly called ‘Roos’  Can be found all around Australia  Joey – a baby kangaroo  Only eat plants Koala   Best known, tourist icon  Found all over Australia  Koala bear?  Feed on eucalyptis leaves  Are active about 2 h of the day The Thorny Devil Lizard   Dragon lizards  Found in the outback  One of the least agressive reptiles  Need sunlight to warm up  Only grow about 20 cm  Live up to 20 years Lumholtz Tree Kangaroo   Only found in Queensland  Stay on trees the majority of their life  Can leap up to 15 m  Feed on leaves, fruits  Cushioned feet Sugar Glider   Native to Australia  Found along eastern and northen Australia  40 cm long from nose to tail, weigh 150 grams  Fee...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Making Wine - questions and answers

and answer the following questions: 1. Where does red wine get its colour? Skin fermentation 2. What is must and what does it contain? Freshly prest grape juice 3. What is the proper time to pick the grapes? Acid and sugar level are on peack levels 4. How do under and over ripe grapes affect the final product? They affect flavor, color and acid levels 5. Why is sulfite added in minute amounts immediately after crushing? To prevent fermentation prematureli 6. What is maceration and what happens during this period? It gives wine it´sbody and color. 7. What is malic acid converted into during the final stage of primary fermentation and how does it affect the wine

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist


Apple juice drinks are widely available in Himachal Pradesh. Coconut milk, straight from the young coconut, is a popular street-side drink. Finally there is the Lassi, it is refreshing and delicious iced curd drink. Lassi is a popular and traditional yogurt-based drink of India. It is made by blending yogurt with water or milk and Indian spices. Traditional lassi is sometimes flavored with ground roasted cumin. Sweet lassi is a form of lassi flavored with sugar, rosewater and/or lemon, strawberry or other fruit juices. Saffron lassis, which are particularly rich, are also very popular. Sharbat is a cold sweet beverage that is prepared from fruits or flower petals. · Beers in India are either lagers or strong lagers. The most notable Indian brewer is United Breweries, even though there are several other popular ones including the foreign brewers. And other alcoholic drinks are Hadia, Fenny, Sonti, Chuak, Khallu.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Greec wedding traditions

them between the bride and groom three times. The exchange reminds the couple that in married life the weaknesses of one should be compensated by the strengths of the other, and the perfections of one should compensate for the imperfections in the other. Traditionally, the Greek bride wears the wedding ring on her left hand until the ceremony and then it is moved to her right hand. And it is said that if you want to be sure of a sweet life, then you should carry a lump of sugar in your glove on your wedding day. After the ceremony the bride goes to the groom's house where the wedding flag is raised again. Then she throws a piece of old iron onto the roof to symbolize the strength of her new home. Then there is the reception. It is a Greek tradition to dance the Kalamantiano, the Circle Dance at the reception. It is danced by all the family and it is the first dance that these two families dance together as one. During the reception a traditional plate

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Investment Plan For Valentino Chocolates Marketing

In addition to the all time favorites, Valentino specializes in new creations which have been recognized and prized all over the world. Each month, Valentino presents a new chocolate, based on an exclusive design or an original taste, using origin covertures from Ecuador, Togo or Sao Thomé. The assortment is completed by a wide variety of chocolate specialties such as mendicants, truffles, orangettes, cerisettes, chocolate bars, sugar free pralines, liquor pralines, easter eggs and figurines. Valentino has become one of Europe's leading manufacturers of luxury chocolates and has won many international awards. For the past ten years, Valentino has expanded rapidly and now has almost 300 employees, 75 company-owned shops and a turnover of £90 million. However, in the last two years, sales growth has slowed down and costs have risen

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

How energy drinks affect our bodies?

How energy drinks affect our bodies? Energy drinks 1997 debut of Red Bull Caffeine, taurine, vitamins, herbal supplements, and sugar or sweeteners Marketed to improve energy, weight loss, athletic performance 30 to 60 minutes after consumption Targeted to 18 to 35 year old consumer Stimulative ingredients Caffeine Taurine Guarana Popular brands Hundreds of different brands Most popular brands: Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Burn Effects on central nervous system Chronic daily headaches Agitation Irritation Psychosis Changes in mental condition Insomnia Hallucinations

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Praktika aruanne - Sõpruse Rimi Hüpermarket

Rimi: Suhkur- Iseloomulikud tunnused: Valge. Kasutamine kulinaarias: Mooside, hoidiste, magustoitude, jookide jne. magustamiseks. Suhkur Rimi- Iseloomulikud tunnused: Valge Kasutamine kulinaarias: Mooside, hoidiste, magustoitude, jookide jne. magustamiseks. 25 Sören Sakkeus Sõpruse Rimi Hüpermarket Brillington's: Demerara Sugar ­ Iseloomulikud tunnused: Rafineerimata roosuhkur.Rikkaliku aroomi, krõmpsuva tekstuuri ning kuldse värvusega. Kasutamine kulinaarias: Sobib kasutada kohvis, hommikusöögi helvestel, küpsistes ja kookides.Erilise maitse annab pudrule või grillitud greibile. Golden Granulated Sugar ­ Iseloomulikud tunnused: Rafineerimata roosuhkur. Hea alternatiiv igapäevasele valgele rafineeritud suhkrule. Kasutamine kulinaarias: Sobib kasutada kohvis, magustoitudes, puuviljadel ning kõikjal kus

Majandus → Müügitöö alused
215 allalaadimist

The Irish Problem

1652 "Cromwellian Settlement" in Munster and and Leinster Was a cruel man: claimed to be acting on God's behalf and expelled about 1000 Catholic priests from Ireland The main reason for this was Cromwell's belief in fundamental Protestantism and hatred of Catholicism A church ­ place for religious people to meet each other Oliver Cromwell Attempts to 'solve' the Irish problem New Model Army Coerce the Irish into obedience export children from Ireland to the sugar plantations in the West Indies, so that Ireland would suffer from a long term population loss Extreme poverty Dissolving of the problem In 1660, Cromwell died and was buried in state in Westminster Abbey Parliament reinstated the monarchy with Charles 2nd Charles relaxed the anti-Catholic laws that Cromwell had introduced Charles 2nd Charles 2nd No attempt to reverse the land confiscations that had taken place over that period in Ireland

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Healthy lifestyle ( slaidid )

getting asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. Alcohol.. It causes addiction and it affects the brain cells. It is poison for the nervous system,consuming alcohol is a risk to get heart disease. It shortens a persons lifetime,however,many people still consume it. Junk food Lollies, chips and fast food are called 'junk food'. This kind of food has too much fat in it. It has too much salt in it too. And it has too much sugar. It's OK to eat a little bit, but too much is not good. Healthy food Start your day with healthy food.. Health foods are not necessarily organic foods. Health food is used to describe any food that is considered to be healthy Sleeping.. Sleeping is very important person who is 15-19 of age needs to sleep for 9 hours Children who are 12-14 need to sleep more but an adult needs to

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Food(junk food)

Food junk food Junk food is a kind of food that people around the word eat because it`s cheap ja tasty.but they don`t know that it is not good for them, some know and eat it anyway because it tastes so good. Junk food is usually a kind of food that is allready packed and ready to use (eat) and peolpe are glad for it because they are to lazy to make food by themselves.all around the word peole are getting fater and fater everyday. Junk food is available almost in every street corner in the bigger cities around the world. It is a good business because everyone eats it. Because of its good taste it is brought by everyone,major buyers are mostly children.Junk food contains so much chemicals that it is bad for you.Chocolates,burgers,chips,pizzas nd fries are the most spoiled junk foods,they are so full of oil,fat,sugar. But there are some good thin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

John Harvey Kellogg

moved to Battle Creek, Michigan, where his father set up a broom factory. John later worked as a printer's devil in a Battle Creek publishing house. With his brother, Will Keith Kellogg, they started the Sanitas Food Company to produce their whole grain cereals around 1897, a time when the standard breakfast for the wealthy was eggs and meat, while the poor ate porridge, farina, gruel, and other boiled grains. John and Will later argued over the recipe for the cereals (Will wanted to add sugar to the flakes), so in 1906 Will started his own company, the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company, which eventually became the Kellogg Company, triggering a decades-long feud. John then formed the Battle Creek Food Company to develop and market soy products. (John did not invent the concept of the dry breakfast cereal. That honor belongs to Dr. James Caleb Jackson who created the first dry breakfast cereal in 1863, which he called Granula. A

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

A diet for sportsman

future for your body. Nutrition for sportsman is different from normal people. It depends on the type of sport that sportsman in involved in. Each sport trains different parts of the body and requires energy. For snacking, you can eat pasta, macaroni, spaghetti, noodles. It all depends on sportsman, it is up to you, or if you like rice, you have to be careful with sauce, it must be low in fat and not spicy. Eating cereals, you must avoid eating cereals which have high sugar level in it. After trainings, in the evenings, you can also eat soup, if you like, but it must be low in fat. It is not good to eat fat milk products before your game, training or competition starts. One of my friends is bodybuilder and he has given me some good advice also. He said that, it is good to eat jellybeans or something like that which gives you lots of carbohydrates. Then you are full of energy and you are ready to compete.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Pros and cons of keeping fit

You can also improve your physical appearance. Being fit helps you to look good. Physical exercises help to burn fat and tone muscles. You can look nice and feel confident. There are also some cons of keeping fit. If you do too much exercise it may affect you organism badly and your body will feel exhausted. This can lead to hard health problems. So it is important not to burden your body. You have to watch intensively what do you eat. You can not eat food that are full of sugar and calories, can not eat much sweet things. You have to watch carefully labels to see what the food consists of. You can not eat what you want unless Staying physically fit is not just practicing daily exercises for an hour, its more about adding more physical activity in your whole daily routine, like taking your dog for a walk, taking stairs. Keeping fit will make you happier ­ you can feel and look good.

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

The Bahamas

Sunshine approximately 310 days per year Two seasons: · Summer from May thru September, 29° 35°C · Winter from October thru April,16° 19°C In 1492, Christopher Columbus made his first landfall in the Western Hemisphere in The Bahamas Once a paradise for pirates, now for tourists Transatlantic slave trade · From Europe to Africa ­ guns, textiles · From Africa to Europe ­ gold, spices, ivory · From New World to Europe ­ cotton, sugar, tobacco, rum · Africa to Bahamas ­ slaves Obeah ­ phenomenon of the supernatural, something mystical they believe in Average price for a house is 14,000,000$ Junkanoo music and street carnival National flower ­ the yellow elder The yellow elder Districts Junkanoo festival The Bahamas Atlantis Mayan temple water slide Shipwreck in the Bahamas

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Essay I am going to talk about our exciting school day. Today it was different than usually. Different lectures started after the sixth lesson.There were more lectures, but unfortunately I couldn't attend them all. The themes of lectures were very interesting. Firstly, the lecture that was carried out by our local general practitioner. She talked about health in general and about the right diet. They showed us how to measure blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. For me it was hard to focus on the lecture, because all the activities caused a lot of noise and it was hard to listen to the doctor. In my opinion the lecture was very instructive and educational. Secondly, the lecture that was carried out by Tallinn Genetic Engineering Institute's director. The subject of the lecture was very difficult. He discussed genetics in general, the history of DNA and genetic engineering's development. Genetics is a science of heredity

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Chocolate addiction

humorously to describe a person who is inordinately fond of chocolate. The chocolate addiction happens mostly with women because they eat more emotionally than men. Why do people get addicted to it The essential components of addiction are intense craving for something, loss of control over the use of it, and continued use despite negative consequences. Studies have shown that people can exhibit all three of these components in relation to food, particularly food that contains sugar or fat. Since chocolate contains both, it is often used in studies of food addiction. Why it's bad Eating too much chocolate is bad because it's not healthy food it's bad for you teeth you will get fat How can you break it To stop your chocolate addiction you have to convince yourself to eat less. Learn to differentiate between need and want. We need certain amounts of different foods but often we want more. Before you buy, think: 'Do I need it?' This may be hard but you can do it

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Holidays in the UK

Toasts and speeches Valentine's Day 14. February Small tokens are exchanged Young men and women show their interest in each other Valentine cards Superstitions Pancake Day Shrove Tuesday On that day, people used to confess their sins Pancakes are eaten because they contain fat, butter, eggs. Pancake is a thin, flat cake, with caster sugar sprinkled on the top and a drop of lemon juice also added. Ash Wednesday The beginning of Lent Ash is the symbol of being sorry Ash is rubbed on your forehead to show your regret St. David's Day 1. March Big parades, concerts Leek and daffodil St. David's Cross Traditional Welsh costumes St. Patrick's Day 17. March Attending Mass Parades Wearing shamrocks Wearing green

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

My Breakfast

I don't practically eat butter; I prefer soft margarine made of vegetable fat, which is not heavy and creamy. I don't eat jam at breakfast, I eat marmalade which is not sweet, there is slight bitterness; it's rather pleasant for my taste. I usually don't have substantial breakfast on weekdays; I do it on weekends when I get up late. Very often I have just some tea or coffee with sandwiches. Tea is usually taken by me with milk. I also like very strong tea without sugar. Sometimes, when I am in a hurry, I don't have time to have proper breakfast and I go to school being hungry. In such case I usually buy something like "Snickers" or "Mars" on my way to school. But I keep in mind that breakfast helps learning, as you are better able to pay attention and are more interested in learning. So I try not to skip breakfast too often.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Ooper, operett, muusikal, balett

leetlev leedi. MUUSIKAL ­ ameerika, new york, broadway 20. saj, eelkäijad: prantsuse vodevill, prantsuse muusika lavastused, operett, koomilised ooperid, ühendab: laul, muusika, tants, mood, kirjandus, heliloojad: richard rodgers ­ helisen muusika, lionel bart ­ oliver, andrew lloyd webber ­ kassid, olav ehala ­ nukitsamees, sabata krokodill, buratino, muusikalid praegu: keskkooli muusikal, evita, ämblik naise suudlus, nukitsamees, sugar, ( impressionism: claude debussy ­ fauni pärastlõuna ). BALLETT ­ prantsusmaa 17. saj, eelkäijad: prantsuse kuningate ( louis XIV ) peod, keskaja rändmuusikute ja zonglööride tantsuvormid, renessansiajastu õukonnaetendused, ühendab: tants, muusika, kirjandus, kujutav kunst ­ lavakujundus, helioojad: eduard tubin ­ kratt, pjotr tsaikovski ­ luikede järv, adolphe adam ­ giselle, bela bartok ­ võlumandariin, sergei prokofjev ­ romeo ja julia

Muusika → Muusika
112 allalaadimist

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Current members  Anthony Kiedis – lead vocals (1983–present)  Josh Klinghoffer – guitar, keyboards, backing vocals (2009–present, touring member 2007)  Michael "Flea" Balzary – bass, piano, trumpet, backing vocals (1983–present)  Chad Smith – drums (1988–present) Studio albums  The Red Hot Chili Peppers (1984)  Freaky Styley (1985)  The Uplift Mofo Party Plan (1987)  Mother's Milk (1989)  Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991)  One Hot Minute (1995)  Californication (1999)  By the Way (2002)  Stadium Arcadium (2006)  I'm with You (2011) Anthony Kiedis  Born in 1962  Has had many relationships with different women  Heavy drug abuser.  His style consists of rapping and singing  Has a son named Everly. Michael „Flea“ Balzary  Born in 1962  Married to a model Frankie Ryder  Has a son named Sunny Bebop and a

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


danival korme, and the signature rice which is particular to Asian cultures. The traditional wazwan feast involves cooking meat or vegetables, usually mutton, in several different ways. Alcohol is strictly prohibited in most places. There are two styles of making tea in the region: Noon Chai, or salt tea, which is pink in colour (known as chinen posh rang or peach flower colour) and popular with locals; and kahwah, a tea for festive occasions, made with saffron and spices (cardamom, cinamon, sugar, noon chai leaves), and black tea. History of tourism in Kashmir The state of Jammu & Kashmir is a region of widely varying people and geography. In the south, Jammu is a transition zone from the Indian plains to the Himalayas. Nature has lavishly endowed Kashmir with certain distinctive features that are paralleled by few alpine regions in the world. It is the land of snow clad mountains that shares a common boundary with Afghanistan, China and Pakistan

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Jack Irons (Quit after Hillel's death) Current members Anthony Kiedis ­ lead vocals (1983­present) Josh Klinghoffer ­ guitar, keyboards, backing vocals (2009­present, touring member 2007) Michael "Flea" Balzary ­ bass, piano, trumpet, backing vocals (1983­present) Chad Smith ­ drums (1988­present) Studio albums The Red Hot Chili Peppers (1984) Freaky Styley (1985) The Uplift Mofo Party Plan (1987) Mother's Milk (1989) Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991) One Hot Minute (1995) Californication (1999) By the Way (2002) Stadium Arcadium (2006) I'm with You (2011) Anthony Kiedis Born in 1962 Has had many relationships with different women Heavy drug abuser. His style consists of rapping and singing Has a son named Everly. Michael ,,Flea" Balzary Born in 1962 Married to a model Frankie Ryder Has a son named Sunny Bebop and a daughter named Clara

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What methods should parents and governments use to tackle obesity in schoolchildren?

What methods should parents and governments use to tackle obesity in schoolchildren? At the beginning of 21st century obesity amongst has become a major issue in many highly developed countries such as Germany and United Kingdom. Kids are participating in less physical activities then before and food that has high sugar and fat content is easily accessible for them. Thanks to modern day society it does not seem like the rates are going down themselves any time soon. What could government and/or parents do to make youngsters lifestyle healthier? One approach that parents should consider is to influence their children to part-take in a heathy lifestyle. It is probably true to say that kids who are used to eating junk food and low physical activity are more likely to become overweight sooner or later

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


- koosneb: 2-kohaline tuba Spaa Tervis hotelli 1. või 2. majas, maitsev buffet hommiku- ja õhtusöök, Spa- ja saunakeskuse kastuamine 6:30 ­ 17:00, (soovi korral ka tasuta pääsmed ööklubisse Sugar) - toode on mõeldud üldiselt 18+ inimestele - Jah, spa- ja saunakeskuse kasutamises - Jah - Jah - Huvipakkuv on spa- ja saunakeskuse kasutamine, ning pääsmed ööklubisse Sugar. Kitsaskoht puudub. 3. Hea turisti meelespea! 1. Ei tee tuld väljaspool lõkkeplatse, vaid kasutame selleks ettenähtud kohti. 2. Ei jäta endast prahti maha, vaid panen selle prügikasti. 3. Jätan auto alati parklasse! 4. Ei sisene eravaldusesse ilma omaniku loata. 5. Ei telgi väljaspool selleks ettenähtud kohti. 6. Puhkan ja lasen teistel ka puhata. (st. ei lärma) 7. Laudradadel rabades liiklen mööda neid, mitte ei astu kõrvale. 8

Majandus → Majandus
12 allalaadimist


Me ei peaks olema üllatunud, lugedes McCollumi raamatu "A History of Nutrition" (toitainete ajalugu) sissejuhatusest: "Raamat on avaldatud The Nutrition Foundation, Inc. toetusel, kes aitas katta suure osa avaldamisega seotud kulutustest". Võite küsida, mis laadi organisatsioon on "The Nutrition Foundation, Inc."? Autor ja kirjastaja ei vasta sellele. Tuleb välja, et see ühendab selliseid juhtivaid suhkruturustamise konglomeraate nagu American Sugar Refining Company, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Curtis Candy Co., General Foods, General Mills, Milk Co. ja Sunshine Biscuits kokku umbes 45 sellist kompaniid. Kui uurijad hammustasid enda toitjate kätt ja uudised levima hakkasid, siis oli see kõigile piinlik. 1958. aastal teatas ajakiri Time, et Harvardi biokeemik ja tema assistendid olid teinud rohkem kui kümme aastat tohutul hulgal katseid hiirtega Sugar Research Foundation, Inc.-i rahastatuna 57 000 dollari eest

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
33 allalaadimist

Museums and art galleries of London

Museums and art galleries of London London is very rich in museums and art galleries. If you are fond of painting you'll go to the Tate Gallery. A rich sugar manufacturer Henry Tate founded it in 1897. There are about 300 oils and 19000 watercolours and drawings. There are many works by the English painter William Turner there. Most of his paintings are connected with the sea theme. There are a lot of paintings by the 16-th century English artists and paintings by foreign artists of the 19-20- th centuries. There are some paintings by impressionists there. You can see works by modern painters: Pablo Picasso among them. There are many interesting sculptures there. Henry Moor's can be seen there. He was a famous British sculptor. The National Gallery is one of the most important picture galleries in the world. The Tate Gallery is the most necessary compliment to the National Gallery as it contains contemporary works particularly by Engl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Gooti kunst

Prantml)- ületavad isegi Giza püramiidide Kirikute ehit võttis sadakond aastat. Läänefassaadi tornide ehitamine ohtlik, lõpuni ehitamata. GOOTI KIRIK - kõrgpunkt vastupidises kohas - P.Pr 2 läänefassaadi torni - teravkaar akende ja uste kohal - suuremad aknad - põhiplaaniks ladina rist - mitme lööviline transept Suuremad kirikud, sest: - jumalale lähemal - rikkalikumalt kaunistatud - suuremad akna pinnad - hästi valgustatud Gooti arhitektuuri looja abt Sugar (Saint-Denis) - I korda terav kaar ja roid võlvid Võeti kasutusele roidvõlv, mis võimaldas kõrgemaid torne ehitada - ristvõlv, mida on täiendatud 2 võlviga. - roiete peale laoti vähem kive- mitte nii massiivne mulje tugi piilarid- toetasid seinu väljast, kuigi seinad ei olnud enam nii massiivsed. Fiaal- väikesed(5-6m) dekoratiivsed tornid katusel. Püha Peetri irikus 100 Vitraazkunsti õitseaeg

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
65 allalaadimist


00 Chocolate Chip $1.50 Chocolate Chip $1.50 Chocolate Chip $7.50 Chocolate Chip $14.00 Oatmeal Raisin $14.00 Peanut Butter $7.50 Snickerdoodle $1.50 Snickerdoodle $14.00 Butter Pecan $1.50 Butter Pecan $14.00 Lemon Sugar $14.00 Butterscotch $1.50 Cranberry Walnut $19.00 Cranberry Walnut $19.00 White Chocolate Macademia Nut $10.50 White Chocolate Macademia Nut $19.00 Fudge Brownie $2.00 Fudge Brownie $2.00 Fudge Brownie $19.00 Fudge Brownie $19.00

Informaatika → Infotöötlus
4 allalaadimist

The Commonwealth of Australia

from warm to subtropical and tropical. There are five big cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane. Each city is the capital of the state in which it is situated. Most of the factories are concentrated in or around the big cities. They produce goods for the motor-car, machine-building, clothing and food industries. Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth are the country's main ports. Agriculture is the main occupation in Australia. Wheat and sugar are the main agricultural crops, fruit-growing is also highly developed. Australia is famous for its sheep. The great sheep-farms, called sheep-stations are found in many parts of the country. Today there are about fifteen million people in Australia, most of them are of British origin. There are now only 40000 full aborigines in the country. The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing federal state. Formally the head of the state

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sibyl Vane Haapsalus

Sibyl Vane Haapsalus Sibyl Vane on värske tuul Eesti muusikamaastikul. Kollektiiv oli seni laiemale avalikkusele tundmatu, sest alustas aktiivset esinemist 2011. aasta alguses, samal aastal võideti ka Noortebänd 2011. 31.märtsil astus bänd üles Haapsalus Ehte kohvikus koos mitmete kohalike noortebändidega Loominguliste Noorte Kokkusaamise ürituse raames. Üritus algas 19.00, kus enne Sibyl Vane'i astusid üles kohalikud noored. Õhtu peaesinejaks oli siiski tuntud noortebänd, kes oli ekstra noorte jaoks Tallin Music Week-lt tunnikeseks kohale sõitnud. Kogu rahvas oli suures ootusärevuses ning lõpuks alustas bänd lauluga ,,What's my name". Kuna see on nende kõige tuntuim laul, siis suurem osa laulis seda kaasa ning mul oli hea meel, et mu kodulinna bänd on tuntud ka teistes Eestimaa linnades. Rahvas elas bändile kogu hingest kaasa. Kõlasid vanemad laulud kui ka uuemad lood, nagu: ,, Diamond dust", ,,...

Muusika → Muusika
9 allalaadimist

Columbuse kronoloogia

· Written sources in Spain, Italy, France and United States · Born in 1451 · Birthplace: Genoa · Parents: Domenico Colombo ( worked as a master wool weaver, he also kept a tavern, dabbled in real estate and was a partisan for the mighty Fregoso family, who gave Domenico a gatekeeper's job.) and Susanna Fontanarossa · Christopher helped his father from work, he learned to trade · Learned to write in young age · In 1479- a lawsuit over a sugar, where Columbus was a Genoese agent in transaction with Portugal · In 1470- Columbus starts as a seafarer (merchant). Also he predicted storms, winds. He developed in sea area (reading charts, calculating complex time-speed-distance equation). · He was interested in Galaxy ( Zodiac signs, planets etc) · In 1476, Columbus almost had drown when the pirate ship attacked their ship. · In 1477, Columbus travelled a 100 leagues beyond Tile (Thule), where he noted the

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
9 allalaadimist

Fast food

Fifth level Why is it so popular? You can buy fast food just about anywhere that sells food and snacks. Vending machines, drive- thru restaurants, and 24 hour convenience stores are probably the most common places to find fast food. It's so popular because for under $5.00 you can usually get a filling meal. However, fast food is inexpensive because it is usually made with cheaper ingredients such as high fat meat, refined grains, and added sugar and fats, instead of nutritious foods such as lean meats, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Is fast food bad? There is no such thing as a "bad" food. All foods can fit into a healthy meal plan. It's true that fast food is usually high in fat, calories, cholesterol and sodium, but eating fast food every once in a while is not going to cause you problems. If you eat too much fast food over a long period of time, though, it can lead to health problems like high blood pressure,

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Iirimaa iseloomustus

Kuulus alates 14. sajandi lõpust Butlerite perekonnale Joonis 6: Kilkenny Castle Iirimaal Allikas: s/Langtons_Castle_kitchen.jpg Huvitavat Powerscourt Estate Loss ise hävis tulekahjus Taastatud on vaid paar ruumi Park ning vaade üle oru Great Sugar Loafi mäele on ilus Joonis 7: Powerscout Estate, vaade lossile Allikas: s/Langtons_Castle_kitchen.jpg Kasutatud kirjandus /commons/thumb/2/2a/ EU-Ireland.svg/1218px-EU-Ireland

Geograafia → Maateadused
6 allalaadimist

Helgi Sallo elulugu

Sissejuhatus Mina valisin oma referaadi teemaks eesti näitleja ja laulja Helgi Sallo. Ma valisin Helgi, sest ta on huvitav ja eakas, aga sellegipoolest väga humoorikas näitleja. Ma loodan saada teada rohkem infot Helgi Sallo ja tema töö kohta, sest praegu tean tema kohta väga vähe ja tunnen teda ainult teleserjaali "Õnne 13" Alma osatäitjana. Samuti arvan ma, et ta laulab väga hästi ja sellepärast tahan ma saada rohkem teada ka tema laulukarjäärist. Hetkel tean ma vaid, et Helgi on olnud Rahvusooper Estonia solist. Elulugu Helgi Sallo on sündinud 10. augustil 1941. aastal Tallinnas. Ta lõpetas Tallinna 17. Keskkooli ja asus õppima kokaks. Hiljem õppis ta näitlemist Teatriühingu lavakunstistuudios, mille lõpetas aastal 1965 ja laulmist 1967.­69. aastal Tallinna Riiklikus Konservatooriumis lauljate ettevalmistusosakonnas. Ta oli Estonia solist aastate...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
4 allalaadimist


other professionals. Any time during the hours specified for teas, receptions, and cocktail parties. A few minutes early: for public meetings, plays, concerts, movies, sporting events, classes, church services, and weddings. Eating etiquette 1. Never lick or put your knife in your mouth. 2. Never take food from your neighbours plate. 3. It is impolite to have your elbows on the table while you are eating. 4. It is ok to put milk and sugar in your tea and coffee or to drink them both without either. 5. If you've accidentally taken too much food and you cannot possibly eat it all you should say :"I'm sorry, but it seems that 'my eyes are bigger than my stomach." English literature Old English Renaissance literature Elizabethan Era Jacobean literature Caroline and Cromwellian literature Restoration literature Augustan literature Romanticism Sports

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks

No, there wasn't no, there weren't a/an, some/any + countable uncountable we need an apple some butter some apples some milk - We don't need a tomato any rice Any tomatoes any sugar ? Do we need a tomato? any rice? any tomatoes? any sugar? Past Simple irregular verbs Infinitive past+ past- Go went didn't go Have had didn't have Get got didn't get Buy bought didn't buy

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
131 allalaadimist


27 per cent under rough grazing, and the remainder under crops or lying fallow. Over half of all full-time farms are devoted to dairy or beef farming, or sheep. Cattle and sheep contribute more than 40 per cent of the value of gross agricultural output. Arable farming is concentrated mainly in eastern and south-central England and in eastern Scotland. The main crops grown are wheat, barley, oilseed rape, sugar beet, potatoes and oats. There is also a significant horticultural industry producing a variety of vegetables, orchard and soft fruits, and bulbs and flowers. The high productivity of the arable sector has been achieved by the removal of hedgerows to create larger fields, by mechanization, and by the intensive use of fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides. As with the issue of animal treatment, these trends in arable agriculture have provoked public concern. Combined, these concerns

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Eesti konverentsituru konverentsikeskused

Eesti konverentsi turg Rahvusraamatukogu konverentsikeskus - tänu heale asukohale Tallinna kesklinnas ning laiale konverentsiruumide ja teenuste valikule on see üks originaalsemaid ehitisi ürituste korraldamiseks. Pakutakse mugavaid ja stiilseid konverentsi- ja seminariruume, tänapäevaseid tehnilisi vahendeid ning paindlikku teenustepaketti. Konverentsikeskus paikneb raamatukogu põhikorrusel seotuna avara fuajee ja toitlustuskompleksiga. Fuajees on külalistele avatud garderoob, raamatukauplus ning näitusesaal. Hotell Pärnu Konverentsikeskus-parim koht konverentside ja koolituste korraldamiseks otse suvepealinna südames!Hotellis on kaks konverentsiruumi, saunaga saal rühmatööks ja nõupidamistesviit. Konverentsilõunaid ja -õhtusööke pakutakse restoranis Embecke. Konverentside afterparty'de jaoks sobivad läheduses asuvad ööklubid Mirage, Sugar ja Bravo. Hotell Pärnu professionaalne teenindus ja mugav keskkon...

Haldus → Seminari korraldus
11 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

predicted to increase, more fuel needs to be dedicated to transport (Karp, 2011. There are many reasons why biofuels are necessary, but at the same time, they are controversial for a number of reasons. 2.2. Biofuels' feedstock and future projections There are mainly two types of liquid biofuels, which have significantly grown in the last decade: that is bioethanol and biodiesel. Bioethanol is based on sugar, extracted from sugarcane and beet, or starch, which mainly comes from maize, wheat or cassava. Starch- based crops must be first converted into sugars in the saccarification process, which requires substantial volumes of enzymes to turn starch into sugars (Soetaert, W. 2008). The starchy products represent only a small percentage of the total plant mass. Other plants' building blocks like cellulose and lignin are currently not being used to make biofuels as there is not a

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun