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"sugar" - 227 õppematerjali

sugar - free meat products, such as roast ham have certain health benefits and have been and sausages, have been developed in Japan licensed to bear a label claiming that a person (Fig. 24.1). In addition to these “free” and

Kasutaja: sugar

Faile: 0


SUHKRUD Sisukord Suhkrud.................................................................................................................................................3 Coarse sugar....................................................................................................................................3 Confectioners e. Powdered sugar....................................................................................................3 Demerara suhkur.............................................................................................................................3 Hele Muscovado suhkur.................................................................................................................3 Hoidisesuhkur...................................................................................................

Toit → Pagar-kondiiter
45 allalaadimist

"Sugar ehk džässis ainult tüdrukud" muusikali arvustus

Padar, ,,Räpp, otsige,otsige otsige..'' - esitasid Jaan Willem Sibul ja tema: kaaslased, ,,Ilu, mis ajab mehed hulluks'' - esitas Merle Jääger, "Me võiksime olla lähedased'' ja ,,Nii ikka läeb". Teises vaatuses toimusid sündmused Floridas, kus Joe ja Jerry üritavad naistebändi sisse sulada, et ellu jääda. Esitati laule nagu "Päike mu näol", "Novembrikuu laul", "Kõik sugari heaks", ,,Mis anda võiksid sa mehele'', ,,Hei, miks mitte olla Sugar Shell", ,,Sisemine ilu", ,,Võlulood'' ning ,,Kui kohtad meest Chicagos". "Sugar" oli üks minu esimesi muusikale ja see meeldis mulle väga. Poleks osanud arvatagi, et see muusikal võib olla nii huvitav. Omamoodi kogemus oli ka esireas istumine, kust sai lähedalt jälgida dirigenti ja orkestrit. Ma soovitaksin kõigil seda muusikali vaatama minna.

Muusika → Muusika
68 allalaadimist

Retsensioon: "SUGAR ehk Džässis ainult tüdrukud"

Paide Gümnaasium 10.r klass SUGAR ehk Dzässis ainult tüdrukud Retsensioon 1.detsembril toimus Tartus, Vanemuise suures majas Jule Styne'i kuulus muusikal ,,Sugar". 1 Muusikali tegevus toimub nagu parimas seebiooperis ­ kunagi ei tea, kes on tegelikult kes ning millega kogu see lugu lõpeb. Ka kõige esinduslikumas bändis võib tegutseda FBI agent

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

SUGAR ehk džässis ainult tüdrukud

SUGAR ehk Dzässis ainult tüdrukud Retsensioon Käisin vaatamas muusikali nimega "SUGAR ehk Dzässis ainult tüdrukud". Etendus toimus Tartus, Vanemuise teatri suures majas 1. detsembril aastal 2009. Muusikali heliloojaks on Jule Styne, kes elas aastatel 1905-1994 ning oli sündinud Inglismaal. Kaheksa aastaselt kolis ta oma perekonnaga Ameerika Ühendriikidesse, Chicagosse, kus ta võttis varasest east saadik klaveritunde. Hiljem sai ta väga kuulsaks heliloojaks Broadway'l. Tema on kirjutanud ka Marilyn Monroe poolt kuulsaks lauldud laulu nimega "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" ja kuulsa jõululaulu "Let It Snow!". Tema lavastas veel ka tuntud muusikali nimega "Gypsy". "SUGAR ehk Dzässis ainult tüdrukud" libreto, mis tähendab mõne vokaalmuusikalise lavateose kirjanduslikku alust, kirjutas Peter Stone Robert Thoereni jutustuse ning Billy Wilderi ja I.A.L. Diamondi filmi ,,Some like it Hot" järgi. Selles 1959. aasta kuulsas ko...

Muusika → Muusika
14 allalaadimist

Sugar ehk Džässis ainult tüdrukud

Muusikali lavastaja on Mare Toomingas ja autor Jule Styne. "Sugar" jutustab loo kahest muusikust, Joes'st ja Jerry'st, kes juhtusid nägema mõrva, mida nad ei oleks tohtinud näha. Nad põgenevad gängsterite eest Chicagosse. Seal nad teevad ennast naisteks, et neid ära ei tuntaks ja panevad üksteistele nimeks Josephine ja Geraldine. Nad lähevad tüdrukute tantsugruppi koosseisu ja sõidavad rongiga Floridasse. Reisi ajal kohtavad nad Sugarit. Jerry ja Sugar jäävad kokku igasugustest probleemidest olenemata. Joe ohverdab ennast armastuse nimel ja laseb Sugaril olla õnnelik koos Jerryga. Ta leiab miljonäri, kellega kavatseb ta abielluda. Tegelikult ei ole too rikkur mitte mees vaid naine ning ka Josephine on kehastatud meheks, sellepärast ei ole laste saamine nendele probleemiks. Sugarit kehastab Gerli Padar, keda tuntakse rohkem lauljana, kuid ka muusikalide näitlejana

Muusika → Muusika
22 allalaadimist

Retsentsioon. Suga ehk dšassis ainult tüdrukud

Britt Treial 10A Retsentsioon ,,Sugar ehk Dzassis ainult tüdrukud" Muusikali Sugar aluseks on 1959.aastal Hollywoodis vändatud komöödia Some like it Hot, peaosades Marilyn Monroe,Tony Curtis ja Jack Lemmon. Eestis on Sugarit lavastatud Vanemuise teatris aastal 1988 ning rahvusooperis Estonia 2000. aastal. Etendused toimuvad eesti keeles ingliskeelsete subtiitritega. Laulusõnade autor on Bob Merrill, lavastaja Mare Tommingas, muusikajuht Tarmo Leinatamm. Filmi Rezissöör aga Andres Tenusaar. Muusikali osades aga Gerli Padar-solist, Veikko Täär-Jerry,Andero Ermel-Joe, jpt

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
12 allalaadimist

Apple cake

Apple cake Ingredients: 200g Butter 4 Eggs ½ glass Sugar 2 glasses Flour 1 teaspoon Baking powder 5-10 apples 1 teaspoon cinnamon __________________________________________________________________________ 1.Melt the butter and let it cool 2.Whisk eggs with sugar and salt, mix and melt with margarine 3.Add flour with baking powder and mix with the dough evenly 4.Pad the apples and cut into thicker slices 5.Raise the dough in a greased plate, smooth 1cm thick layer. 6.Spread apple slices in the batter and gently push. Sprinkle cinnamon over apples. 7.Bake the cake in a medium oven.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Arvustus "Sugar ehk džässis ainult tüdrukud"

Elu nagu parimas seebiooperis Muusikalavastus, mida ma vaatamas käisin oli ,,Sugar ehk Dzässis ainult tüdrukud". See toimus 16. märtsil Vanemuise suures majas. Kireva muusikali osatäitjad olid Gerli Padar (Sugar Kane Kowalczyk), Andero Elmer (Joe/Josephine), Veikko Täär (Jerry/Daphne), Merle Jääger (Osgood Fielding III) ja Marika Barabanstsikova (Sweet Sue), Jaan Willem Sibul, Tõnu Kattai, Alo Kurvits ja Aivar Kallaste. Etenduse lavastas Mare Tommingas, muusikajuht ja dirigent oli Tarmo Leinatamm ning näitejuht Aivar Tommingas. Osalesid ka Vanemuise sümfooniaorkester, ooperikoor ja balletitrupp. Muusikali vaadates oli üldmeeleolu oli väga hea, sest etenduse sisu oli huvitav ja laulud meeleolukad. Muusikal räägib kahest sõbrast Joe'st ja Jerry'st, kes on tunnistajaks suure maffiabossi verisele teole. Olles sunnitud elu eest põgenema, nihverdavad nad end osavalt Sweet Sue juhitud tantsu- ja l...

Muusika → Muusika
11 allalaadimist


Cottage pie contains meat and fisherman's pie contains fish and other seafood. PUDDING: Lot of different puddings such as bread and butter pudding, Eccles cake, Eton mess, rhubarb crumble, apple pie, treacle tart, summer pudding, Bakewell tart, Christmas pudding and trifle. These dishes are simple and traditional. Puddings are often served with custard(English sauce), it is a cooked mixture of milk and egg yolk , also it includes sugar and vanilla. HOT DRINK S: Tea is very popular in England, and they usually drink black tea with milk. Strong tea served with lots of milk and often two teaspoons of sugar. Coffee is a less popular than in continental Europe, but is still drunk by many, often with milk. Also the hot chocolate are fairly popular. ALCOHOL: Beer was the first alcoholic drink to be produced in England. Any kind of beer may accompany a meal in pub.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


How sugar made it to Europe. Sweetness in older than sugar. Europeans and others have respected sugar for thousands of years. Prior to knowing sugar, our ancestors used honey and other sweet ingredients which were used as sweeteners. We know all that thanks to Mediterranean antique culture writings and bareljeefs . Oldest known sweetener is honey. In Arãna caves there are 12000 years old murals where are depicted woman honey collectors. As nowadays, womans used honey to make food, heal wounds and to make

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

100 kuulsamat kokteili

Acapulco B52 · 6 cl rum · 2 cl Kahlua · 1,5 cl Cointreau · 2 cl Baileys · 1,5 cl lime juice · 2 cl Grand Marnier · 1 tea spoon powdered sugar Preparation : Pour softly in a liqueur glass the · 1 egg's white ingredients in the order above, in order to make each "float" above the previous. Alabama Slammer · 3 cl Amaretto B and B · 3 cl Southern Comfort · 4 cl cognac

Toit → Kokandus
143 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö Sugarclub

negatiivse kvaliteedikogemusega. Seega on teeninduses väga tähtis nii kogu organisatsiooni kui ka iga töötaja võimekus koheselt hästi teenindada ning vigu ennetada. Teenindamise kvaliteet sõltub eelkõige sellest, kuidas töötajad on omandanud teenindusmõttelaadile tuginevad valmisolekud klientide teenindamiseks ja kas organisatsioonis eksisteerib kvaliteedi loomist võimaldav teeninduskultuur. (Heli Tooman: 9) 1.2. Sugarclub tutvustus ja taust Ööklubi Sugar näol on tegemist Pärnu kesklinnas asuva öölokaaliga, mis avati 2007. aasta detsembrikuus. Programmi- ja reklaamijuhiks oli siis Reio Tilk. (Tarbija 24) 2009. aastal vahetas klubi omanikku ja programmijuhti. Omanikuks sai LIS Investeeringute OÜ ning programmijuhiks Eestis tunnustatud DJ Kert Klaus. (Postimees) Eesti keele sõnaraamat pakub ööklubi definitsiooniks hilja õhtust hilisööni või varahommikuni töötavat lõbustusasutus, kus saab tantsida. Sugar vastab

Majandus → Ettevõtluskeskkond
75 allalaadimist

Suhkru mõju inimesele

Sugar love 11.class Causes of obesity Surfeit Unhealthy food Lack of exercises Excessive eating sweet Mosques of marzipan The beginning, on the island of New Guinea, where sugarcane was domesticated some 10.000 years ago People picked cane and ate it raw It is used medically The problem with fructose The glucose in sugar is metabolized throughout the body The resulting risks: Obesity Hypertension Insulin resistance Type 2 diabetes Candy Particularly to Americans, who spent 32 billion on sweets Formerly a luxury item for the rich The world itself comes from candy: Arabic for a sugar confection The culprit As far back as 1675, when western Europe was experiencing its first sugar boom As a result, fat makes up a smaller portion

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Suhkur looduses ja suhkruliigid

Laktoos käärib piima hapendamisel osaliselt piimhappeks, mistõttu hapendatud piimatoodetes on laktoosi 3­3,5%. Maltoos ehk linnasesuhkur koosneb kahest glükoosijäägist. Maltoos tekib odraterade idanemisel terades olevast tärklisest. Tärklis on liitsuhkur, mis koosneb glükoosijääkidest ja mis laguneb tera idanemisel tekkivate ensüümide toimel väiksemateks osadeks. Linnaseekstrakt on tuntud ka maltoosa nime all. Suhkruliigid Caster- Briti caster või castor sugar on eriti peene teraga valge kristallsuhkur. Coarse sugar- Coarse sugar on jämedateraline kristallsuhkur. See suhkur käitub kõrgetel temperatuuridel teisiti kui peensuhkur, olles vastupidavam fruktoosiks ja glükoosiks jagunemisele, ka karamelliseeru ta nii kiiresti kui tavaline suhkur. Seetõttu eelistatakse seda suhkrut kodukommide valmistamisel, tööstuses aga likööride ja maiustuste tootmisel. Confectioneres- Confectioners või powdered sugar on tolmsuhkur, mida USA-s on olemas

Toit → Toiduainete loomne toore
19 allalaadimist

Searching for sugarman retsensioon

“Searching for sugar man” 14. mail 2014. aastal kell 13.00 käisin kinos vaatamas filmi nimega “Searching for sugar man” mille lavastasid Malik Bendjelloul ja Simon Chinn. See dokumentaalfilm oli põhiliselt suunatud nii noortele kui ka vanema põlvkonna esindajatele. Kuna tegemist oli minu esimese filmiga, mis rääkis muusikust Sixto Rodriguezest, siis jättis see mulle väga hea mulje ja kindlasti võib seda pidada ka kõige meeldejäävamaks kinokülastuseks võrreldes varasema kinokogemusega. Fenomenaalne ja uskumatu lugu geniaalsest muusikust Sixto Rodriguezest räägib sellest kuidas

Muusika → Muusika
2 allalaadimist

Brazil's national drinks

Brazil's national drinks Caipirinha Caipirinha is Brazil's national cocktail, made with cachaça, sugar and lime. Cachaça is Brazil's most common distilled alcoholic beverage. While both rum and cachaça are made from sugarcane-derived products, most rum is made from molasses. Specifically with cachaça, the alcohol results from the fermentation of sugarcane juice that is afterwards distilled. The caipirinha is a national cocktail of Brazil, and is enjoyed in restaurants, bars, and many households throughout the country. Once almost unknown outside Brazil, the drink has become

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Artikkel 1.Artikli kasuamine loendamatu nimisõnaga. Snow, sugar, love, water, glass *Üldiselt loendamatu nimisõna ette artikkel ei käi. _ snow in white.artiklit ei tule This plate is made of _ glass. Artiklit ei tule *A/an ei kasutada loendamatu nimsõna ees mittekunagi. *"The" on võimalik kasutada loendamat nimisõna ees siis, kui see on väga täpselt määratletud. 1. The snow in our street is dirty. 2. The water in the River kunda is (hopefully) not polluted. 3.I like _ sugar. The sugar in this bowl is too yellow. 4.A bowl of sugar. 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Carbonated beverages presentation

What is carbonated beverages? Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Composition of carbonated drinks Sweetners Carbonated water Acids Caffeine Sweetener Effect · cane sugar · help combat the sour flavor · high fructose corn syrup · lead to a number of health · form of sugar substitute concerns Carbonated water Effects · Combination of water and · produces the effervescence carbon dioxide gas produces the effervescence Acids Effect · citric acid · preserving agent · acting as a buffering agent to

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Individual Sugars, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary FiberContents of 70 High Consumption Foods.

Report Individual Sugars, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary Fiber Contents of 70 High Consumption Foods. Introduction Glucose is a simple sugar and an important carbohydrate in biology. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and it also starts cellular respiration. But do you know how many saccharide our food contains? Main body At the beginning different products were analyzed such as baked products, cereal grains and pasta, fruits, legumes and vegetables were purchased for analysis. This kind of method is named sampling. One of the important methods of analysis is sample preparation. Non-edible parts of fruits

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


island economies, though still with a large subsistence sector. Natural resources include timber, fish, gold, copper, offshore oil potential, hydropower. Fiji experienced a period of rapid growth in the 1960s and 1970s but stagnated in the 1980s. The coup of 1987 caused further contraction. Economic liberalization in the years following the coup created a boom in the garment industry and a steady growth rate despite growing uncertainty of land tenure in the sugar industry. The expiration of leases for sugar cane farmers (along with reduced farm and factory efficiency) has led to a decline in sugar production despite a subsidized price. Subsidies for sugar have been provided by the EU and Fiji has been the second largest beneficiary after Mauritius. Urbanization and expansion in the service sector have contributed to recent GDP growth. Sugar exports and a rapidly growing tourist industry -- with 430,800 tourists in 2003[24] and increasing

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kontserti retsensioon "Jazzis ainult tüdrukud"

Tartu Forseliuse Gümnaasium Kontserti retsensioon Sugar ehk jazzis ainult tüdrukud Koostas: Sigmar Naudi 12.02.12 Umbes aasta või paar tagasi käisin Vanemuise teatri väikeses majas vaatamas muusikali ,,Sugar ehk jazzis ainult tüdrukud". See on loodud menufilmi "Some like it hot" ehk "Jazzis ainult tüdrukud" järgi. Aga vanemuise laval lavastaja Mare Toomingase käe läbib sünnib oopis midagi uudsemat ja omaette uus teos. Mis paneb õhetama ka kõige kinnisema eestlase ja laksutab naerma kõik, kes vähegi sünnivad teost vaatama minna. Lavastaja Mare Toomingase omaenda sõnad on:" Selle loo ('Jazzis ainult tüdrukud') puhul ei köitnud mind mitte miski, ma ei tahtnud seda lugu üldse teha. Aga kuna tehti pakkumine, siis mingil määral see intrigeeris, et võiks ju proovida, kuidas saaks selle loo ära rikkuda ja teistmoodi teha." ...

Muusika → Muusika
16 allalaadimist

Orange cake

Orange cake Ingredients : · 3 eggs · 1 cup flour · ½ cups sugar · ½ cup fresh orange juice · 2 teaspoons baking powder · 100 g chocolate · 150 g margarine Beat together eggs and sugar Squeeze the orange juice Add juice, melted margarine and baking powder Add flour and mix everything together Pour into pan and put the cake into the oven for 15 minutes Melt the chocolate and put it onto the cake

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Swiss roll Ingredients  4 eggs  4 tablespoonful of sugar  1 tablespoonful of potato starch  4 tablespoonful flour  Salt  Double cream  Jam  Curd Swip eggs Add flour, salt and potatoe starch Put into oven on 200 degrees for 20 minutes Swip double cream with sugar Add curd into double cream Add jam Melt chocolate Put the mixture on the Swiss roll and curl it Decorate it with melt chocolate and sprinkles And it’s done

Toit → Kokandus
3 allalaadimist

Can food really affect our mental well-being?

"Can food really affect our mental well-being?" Food can affect our mental being, it also can affect our Physical ,Spiritual,Emotional,Social Health , it only depends what people eat. Food powers our life. It fuels all our body processes that enable us to move, think and breathe. There is no aspect that is not influenced by what people eat. Fueling our body with processed food, fast food, sugar, fat and calories food affects who we are. Food supplies the source of power for our brain as well as our body, and has a direct relationship to mental and emotional health and stability. Learning and memory, illnesses such as depression, reduced calorie diet that includes fruits,vegetables and fish. What people eat determines how they tackle their daily physical activities, including housework, job, school, homework, shopping, caring for a family and exercise. Eating healthy enables body

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

AS Kalev Chcolate Factory

AS Kalev Chocolate Factory Kristiina Saagpakk LM08 KALEV Started its activities in Tallinn in 1806 The main activity of the company has been producing of chocolate, sugar confections and sales of chocolate, sugar- and flour confectionery products. KALEV Maiasmokk, that is a subsidiary of the Kalev chocolate factory, is the oldest café, which is functioning non-stop as a café in the old town Tallinn and offering a wide variety of locally made pastry and hand-made candies. KALEV Kalev the chocolate factory produces sweets in Põrguvälja, Rae rural municipality, Harjumaa County.

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Pasta bolognese

Pasta bolognese It is a main course and it called pasta bolognese. I like it, because it`s tasty and easy to make. Ingredients 500g Spaghetti 2 tsp oil 100g smoked baco 1 pc Onion 2 cloves of garlic 400g minced beef 500 g of tomato puree 1 tablespoon of oregano (dried) salt Black pepper 1 teaspoon sugar From 1 to 2 dl of bouillon AFTER 50 g (grated) Parmesan teaspoon Prepared Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add the chopped bacon, onion and garlic and cook for a few minutes. Add the minced meat and continue frying for 5 minutes. Finally, extra tomato sauce, broth and oregano. Simmer over a low fire under the lid for 50 minutes, stirring occasionally. Season with sugar, salt and pepper. Cook the spaghetti in salted water until tender, drain and mix with the sauce.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eating fast food

And why not? It's delicious, it's filling, is really affordable, and available just any time of the day, being only a phone call away. What more can you ask for when you are living life in the fast lane? Well, plenty ­ fast food is all good tasting, except that it is not nutritionally balanced and, therefore, unhealthy in the long run if consumed on a regular basis. Fast food is loaded with calories from refined sugar and fats .It is also very high in sodium, coming from common salt and other additives. On top of all this, fast food is deficient in dietary fiber and essential micro-nutrients like vitamins and minerals. To make matters worse, heaps of fast food are normally guzzled down with gallons of sugar- rich colas ­ which many fast-food restaurants serve free with food as an incentive. To make a long story short, all this results in piling up of unused empty calories in the body,

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
35 allalaadimist

Unusual animals

They do venture to the ground to find another tree to inhabit. The Tree Kangaroo can leap up to 15 metres to another tree. They feeds on leaves, fruits and other such food sources. They have the ability to jump from tree to tree, and stick to trees very well with the help of their cushioned feet. VI slaid These amazing little animals are native to Australia, and have taken their name from their ability to glide through the air and their love of sweet things such as sugar. These creatures are found along eastern and northern Australia. The Sugar Gliders are small creatures with a shiny grey-silver coat. They are around 40 cm's long from nose to tail, and weigh just 150 grams. They feed at night. Sugar Gliders can glide through the air for up to 100 metres. When they glide, they spread their arms and legs out and float down to their landing. They use their long tail to help steer when gliding through the air.Sugar Glider's nest in a hollow of a tree, or in a nest

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


ITALY Pizza When we think of Italian cuisine, the first thought that comes to mind is Pizza. Yes, Italian Pizza is renowned the world over. 1 tsp yeast (fresh or dried) 6 tbsp lukewarm water ½ tsp sugar 1 tbsp olive oil 1 cup plain flour 1 tsp salt Mix together the yeast, water and sugar in a clean and dry bowl. If you are using dried yeast, sprinkle over the water and sugar solution and mix till dissolved. Leave this bowl in a warm place until a froth forms on the top. Then stir in the olive oil. In the meanwhile, sift together the flour and salt in a large bowl, mix these two dry ingredients well. Now, if your yeast mix is ready, make a well in the centre of the flour salt mix and pour the mixture in. Preferably with the hands, mix together and knead to make smooth dough. Remember to knead for at least five

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Meals and cooking

Meals and Cooking When we cook, we boil, roast, fry or stew our food. We boil eggs, meat, chicken, fish, milk, water and vegetables. We fry eggs, fish and vegetables. We stew fish, meat, vegetables or fruit. We roast meat or chicken. We put salt, sugar, pepper, vinegar and mustard into our food to make it salted, sweet, sour or simply tasty. Our food may taste good or bad or it may be tasteless. The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner or, in simpler houses, breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. For breakfast English people mostly have porridge or cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, marmalade with buttered toast and tea or coffee

Keeled → Inglise keel
62 allalaadimist


togeather. · Eat two, three or more times but roughly the same times each day. Watch your portions, think twice before having second helpings. · Try to have five portions of vegatables and fruits a day ( 1 portion is about 80g). · Cut fat off meat. Eat salt reasonably, its not really good for youre health. · If youre hungry between meals, eat healthier snacks like fruits, yogurts. · Very important is to look at food labels ­ choose food with less fat, sugar and salt. · Do not eat at the same time you look television, you wount regonize when you are full. · Eating at the table will help you focus on the amount of food you eat. Eat slowly, because it takes time for your body to register how much food youve eaten and how full you are. · Dont drink alcohol ­ its calorie bomb, drink al lot of water, and dont drink anything with a lot of sugar. · Dont take vitamines ­ if you eat healthy things, youll get every vitamine you need.

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist


Venables captured it; it was formally ceded to England in 1670, but the local European population obtained a degree of autonomy. Jamaica prospered from the wealth brought by buccaneers, notably Sir Henry Morgan, to Port Royal, the capital; in 1692, however, much of the city sank into the sea during an earthquake, and Spanish Town became the new capital. A huge, mostly African, slave population grew up around the sugarcane plantations in the 18th cent., when Jamaica was a leading world sugar producer. Freed and escaped slaves, sometimes aided by the maroons (slaves who had escaped to remote areas after Spain lost 3 control of Jamaica), succeeded in organizing frequent uprisings against the European landowners. The sugar industry declined in the 19th cent., partly because of the abolition of slavery in 1833 (effective 1838) and partly because of the elimination in 1846 of the imperial

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Taastuvenergiaallikate tehnoloogiad - 1. Kontrollküsimused vastustega

1. ENERGIAALLIKAD JA KÜTUSED Kontrollküsimused 1. Energiatarbimise ajaloo etapid. - Homo habilis (oskav inimene) - umbes 3 miljonit aastat tagasi Ida-Aafrikas – esimesi primitiivseid töövahendeid (kivid, kaikad, puuoksad) tundev inimene. Kasutas töövahendeid peamiselt käte löögijõu suurendamiseks (konnakarpide, pähklite ja loomaluude purustamiseks. Kaikaid ja puuoksi sai kasutada ka kangina nt söödavate taimejuurikate korjamisel). Homo habilis oskas end kohandada keskkonna energiailmingutele ning sihipärasemalt kasutada oma lihaste jõudu. - Homo erectus (püstine inimene) - Umbes 2 miljonit aastat tagasi. - Umbes 1,5 miljonit aastat tagasi – õpiti kasutama TULD. See oskus tegi võimalikuks inimese edukama edasisiirdumise aladele, millel soojad aastaajad vaheldusid külmadega (sealhulgas Euroopasse) ning võimaldas toortoidu asemel hakata valmistama keedetud või küpsetatud, kergemini seeditavat toitu. Selle tulemusena hakkas seedimiseks...

Energeetika → Taastuvenergiaallikate...
19 allalaadimist

Urban Forestry

Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Natural park Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Man made Popular species The composition of urban forests often reflects the popularity of certain species. In the East and Midwest ­ American elm Northeast ­ Sugar maples South ­ Mimosa West ­ Modesto ash Other currently popular species ­ honeylocusts, pin oaks, sweetgums and red maples. American elm Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Sugar maple Mimosa Benefits Ø

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Suhkrud (toidukaup)

Suhkrud Suhkruasendaja Diamant Koostis: kunstlik magusaine tsüklamaat, naatrium- karbonaat, happesuse reguleerija viinhape, kunstlik magusaine sahhariin, laktoos Tootja:Krüger GmbH & CO. Tootjamaa: Saksamaa Puuviljasuhkur Namora Koostis: fruktoos ja dekstroos Tootja: Namora Tootjamaa: Iisrael Skaneja glükoos Koostis: glükoos Tootja: Skaneja Tootjamaa: Leedu Suhkur Optima Linja Koostis: suhkur Tootja: Optima Linja Tootjamaa: Leedu DanSukker Demerara Koostis: suhkruroost erikvaliteediga toorsuhkur Tootja: Nordic Sugar Tootjamaa: Taani

Toit → Toiduainete õpetus
7 allalaadimist

Tervislik toitumine referaat

kodust võetud toiduained 5 KASUTATUD MATERJALID 1. Tervise Arengu Instituut. (2015a). Kuidas tervislikult toituda. Retrieved from 2. Tervise Arengu Instituut. (2015b). Süsivesikud sh kiudained. Retrieved from kiudained 3. Sugar cravings – why we crave sweets and how to stop it. (2019). Retrieved from 4. Tervise Arengu Instituut. (2015c). Valgud. Retrieved from ja-toitainete-vajadused/pohitoitained/valgud 5. TERVISLIKTOITUMINE.EE. (2015). Head rasvad ja kust neid saada. Retrieved from 6. Tamme, I. (2019). Miks me vajame vitamiine ja kust neid saada? Retrieved from

Loodus → Eesti keskkonnakaitse...
6 allalaadimist

Ettekanne System of a Down'ist

kutsuti bändi manageriks. Aga ta otsustas hakata hoopis bassi mängima, niisiis sai temast bändi bassist. Just enne läbimurret valitiJohn Dolmayan trummariks tänu Rick Rubinile. Rick Rubin, kes on produtseerunud artiste nagu Slayer, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Danzig, Johnny Cash ja the Beastie Boys, oli väga innustatud Systemi muusikast, et ta sai neile plaadifirma lepingu American Recordings'is ja produtseeris neile esimese albumi. Nende tuntus algas esimestelt singlitelt Sugar ja Spiders debüütalbumilt System of a Down. Kuid nende esimene suurem läbimurre algas nende teise albumiga Toxicity, mis oli number 1 Ameerikas ja Kanadas. Lõpuks läks see multi plaatinumiks. See toimus täpselt siis, kui World Trade Centre kaksiktornid varisesid kokku. Systemi kõige esimene hitt sündis 2001. aasta suve lõpus ning selleks oli Chop Suey!. See laul tuleb Father Armeni poeemist, mis jutustas Armeenia Holokaustist, kus suri üle miljoni armeenlase. Ta küsis Jumalalt: "Why

Muusika → Muusika
18 allalaadimist

Jamaica - inglisekeelne esitlus

Jamaica Capital : Kingston Area : 10,991sq km Population : 2.6 million Language : English People Tourism Growing: Bananas Sugar cane Cocunats Oranges Coffe Kingston (town) Capital and the largest city Locaiton :Southeastern coast of island natural harbour Port Royal / N. M. International Airport English-speaking city Big city Culture Christian faith Most loved music: Reggae (Bob Marley) Dance to reggae music Writers (Dereck Walcott,Mikey Smith Films (Shottas,The Harder They Come) Sports (football,dominos,gymnastics) Thank You for watching By Manfred-M. Tikenberg

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Australia/ Austraalia

Australia aren't found anywhere else. Agriculture. Australia's farms are highly mechanized and therefore require the minimum of human labour. Only about 5 per cent of the country's workers are farmers. Farmland covers about 65 per cent of Australia. However, most of this land is dry grazing land. Crops are grown on only 5 per cent of the farmland. About 10 per cent of the cropland is irrigated. Australia's leading farm products are cattle, calves, wheat and wool. Also fruit and sugar cane. Australia is a leading producer and exporter of beef, sugar and wheat. Other major farm products include barley, chicken and eggs, cotton, oats, rice, potatoes, sheep and vegetables. Sheep and cattle are raised in all the Australian states. Victoria is the leading producer of dairy products. Wheat is grown in all areas that have medium rainfall and moderate temperatures. Such fruits as apples and pears are grown in all the states

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Inglise keele test 13, 8 kl.

3 ül. How do you keep fit? I think you should change you eating habits. If you eat to much fat and sugar, it has a harmful influence on your health. Miriam came first in the 100-metre race. I have PE lessons twice a week. Who coaches your school' s football team? 4 ül. goes jogging, perfers cycling doesn't mind walking the dog stop laughing- you promised to be quiet decided to leave learned to play the guitar brother loves to read/ reading adventure stories don't enjoy working but I'll finish digging

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
56 allalaadimist


Culturally it is more associated with the Caribbean than with Latin America and is the only English speaking country in South America. Guyana is an Amerindian word meaning "Land of many waters" beacause of its rain forests dissected by numerous rivers, creeks and waterfalls, including the famous Kaieteur Falls. The country enjoys a diverse, multicultural society, high floral and faunal biodiversity, prize-winning rum, and Demerara sugar. Guyana is a major breeding area for sea turtles and other wildlife. The local climate is tropical and generally hot and humid. The major religions in Guyana are Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and other minor different faiths. Most Guyanese Christians are Protestants and include a mix of all races. Hinduism is dominated by the Indians who came to the country in the early 1800s, while Islam varies between Afro-Guyanese and Indian-Guyanese.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Hotellimajanduse erialased inglise keelsed sõnad

1. a constant standard- pidev standard 2. a cruet- maitseainetops 3. a disposable filter- ühekordne filter 4. a fine powder- (peen) pulber 5. a glass container with a lip- tilaga klaasanum 6. a goblet- pokaal 7. a heaped teaspoonful- kuhjaga teelusikatäis 8. a jug of cream- koorekann 9. a level dessertspoonful- triiki magustoidulusikatäis 10. a napkin- riidest salvrätik 11. a new brew of coffee- uus kohvilaar 12. a party of six guests- 6 külaliseline seltskond 13. a sugar basin- suhkrutoos 14. a thin layer- õhuke kiht 15. added to taste- maitse järgi lisatud 16. an ashtray- tuhatoos 17. approximately- ligikaudu 18. at right angles- täisnurga all 19. at the correct serving temperature- õigel serveerimistemperatuuril 20. at the top right-hand corner- üleval paremas nurgas 21. breakages are frequent- purunemised on sagedased 22. by means of a spirit lamp- piirituslambi abil 23. cloth on the palm- rätt peopesal 24

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

National food presentation - Rijsttafel

Ingredients · Egg rolls · Sambals · Satay · Fish · Fruit · Vegetables · Pickles · Nuts Recipe · 1 cup cooked rice (preferably overnight) · 2 large eggs · 400g raw shrimps, shell removed · Salt according to taste · 6 tablespoons cooking oil · 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic · 1 onion, finely chopped · 2 red chillies, seed removed and sliced finely · 1 teaspoon coriander seeds · 1/2 teaspoon sugar · 200g finely sliced steak · 2 teaspoons sweet soy sauce · 1 tablespoons soy sauce or according to taste · 4 finely chopped onions Sources · ·

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Weird Food(s)

wine or grain alcohol.  Varieties Steeped: A large toxic snake can be placed into a glass jar of rice wine and left to steep for many months. Mixed: The body fluids of the snake are mixed into wine and consumed immediately in the form of a shot. Fried Spiders  These little chaps are tarantulas, served with a lime and black pepper dip. Recipe The spiders are tossed in a mixture of MSG, sugar, and salt; crushed garlicis fried in oil until fragrant, then the spiders are added and fried alongside the garlic until "the legs are almost completely stiff”, by which time the contents of the abdomen are not so runny.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Understanding Health

CHAPTER 6.NUTRITION AND WEIGHT CONTROL WILLIAM M. KANE Introduction ◦ Name: Mairis Õispuu ◦ Studying: Food Engineering and Product Development ◦ Topic: Nutrition and Weight Control ◦ Importance of this topic Section 1. The Basics of Nutrition ◦ Carbohydrates ◦ Fats ◦ Proteins ◦ Vitamins ◦ Minerals ◦ Water ◦ Fibre Section 2. A Balanced Diet ◦ The Food Groups ◦ Milk and milk products ◦ Fruits and vegetables ◦ Breads and cereals ◦ Sugar, refined fats, and oils ◦ Meat group ◦ Vegetarianism ◦ Dietary Guidelines Section 3. Weight Problems ◦ What is the right weight for you? ◦ Body composition ◦ Two types of obesity ◦ Causes of weight problems ◦ Psychological reasons of eating ◦ Lack of exercise ◦ Speed of eating ◦ Junk food Section 4. Methods of Weight Control ◦ Planning a weight-control program ◦ The need of exercise ◦ Changing your eating habits ◦ Fad diets ◦ Sweating ◦ Commercial groups

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Coca-cola - tootepresentatsioon

COCACOLA TOPICS CocaCola? The recipe Market share Being the best Conclusion COCACOLA ­ WHAT IS IT? Carbonated soft drink Originally intended as a patent medicine Sold in more than 200 countries Produced by The Coca Cola Company of Atlanta, Georgia Invented by John Pemberton Asa Griggs Candler RECIPE It contains sugar or high fructose corn syrup caramel color Caffeine phosphoric acid coca extract kola nut extract lime extract vanilla and glycerin. MARKET SHARE All over the world ­ over 40% MARKET SHARE IN USA WHY IS IT SO SUCCESFULL? It's addicting Familiar to everyone The CocaCola Company also sells concentrate for soda fountains to major restaurants and food service distributors. WHICH COUNTRY LOVES COCA COLA THE MOST? INDIA! CONCLUSION

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Tööseadusandluse praktiline rakendamine

Margarine Margariin -7.5 Corn Oil Maisiõli -6.5 Butter Või -3.9 Magusained Kunstlikud magusained Artificial Sweetners -26.5 (suhkruasendajad) Chocolate .okolaad -24.6 White Sugar Rafineeritud suhkur, valge -17.6 Beet Sugar Suhkrupeet -15.1 Molasses Melass -14.6 Dr. Bronner's Barley Malt Dr. Bronner'i odra linnaseekstrakt -9.8 Sweetner Dried Sugar Cane Juice Toor-roosuhkru mahl -9.6 (Sucanat) Demerara suhkur (pruun suhkururoo

Õigus → Tööõigus
5 allalaadimist

Toiduga seotud sõnad

Lemonade ­ limonaad ginger beer ­ alkoholivaba õlu coke ­ koka salt - sool diet-toitumine, toit chew-närima beetroot-punapeet vegetable swallow-neelama spaghetti macaroni dish-toit, roog; corn flakes porridge-puder flour-jahu trout-forell salmon-lõhe herring-heeringas pork-sealiha minced meat-hakkliha beef-veiseliha bacon-peekon veal-vasikaliha jelly-tarretis indigestion-seedehäire oven-ahi chest-kummut drinkable-joodav edible-söödav tasty-maitsev appetizing-isuäratav lard-pekk buttermilk-hapupiim, kefir portion-osa helping-portsion spread-võileivakate mashed-püreestatud a loaf of bread-leivapäts mustard-sinep jug-kann gas cooker-gaasipliit recipe-retsept yeast-pärm cinnamon-kaneel greasy-rasvane sourkraut-hapukapapsas braise-hautama lumf of sugar-suhkrutükk spice-vürts vinegar-äädikas fry-praadima bake-küpsetama boil-keetma cook-küpsetama soluble-lahustuv ladle-kulp fork-kahvel sieve-sõel French bean-aeduba dough-tainas clove-nel...

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

The Theory of Human Motivation

Behaviorism (behavior can be studied and explained) Humanism (the human dimension of psychology) Transpersonal psychology (hippie psychology) Hierarchy of human needs's_hierarchy_of_needs D-needs and B-needs Basic needs (D = deficit) physiological safety beloning esteem Higher need (B = being) self actualization What a man can be, he must be! Physiological needs Homeostasis oxygen water protein salt, sugar, calcium ... In Maoist China the most basic need was belonging Safety, love and esteem Stability, structure, order Community, affection Status, dignity, reputation Once the D-needs are satisfied they are no longer motivating. Beyond basic needs What a man can be, he must be! Self-actualization, being need Depends on the satisfication of D-needs Never fully satisfied Thank you! Questions?

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Toiduaine õpetuse

3. Peetide pesemine. 4. Peetide lõikamine laastudeks. 5. Difusioon- uhutakse 70-90ºC veega läbi, saame suhkruvedeliku 6. Suhkru mahla puhastamine- sisaldab 15% suhkrut. 7. Vedela mahla paksendamine- toimub aurutamise teel- sisaldab 70% suhkrut 8. Kristalliseerumine 9. Tsentrifugeerimine 10. Melass- selle lisamisel saame fariini. 9 Kodune töö- Suhkruliigid 1. Caster- Briti caster või castor sugar on eriti peene teraga valge kristallsuhkur. 2. Coarse sugar- Coarse sugar on jämedateraline kristallsuhkur. See suhkur käitub kõrgetel temperatuuridel teisiti kui peensuhkur, olles vastupidavam fruktoosiks ja glükoosiks jagunemisele, ka karamelliseeru ta nii kiiresti kui tavaline suhkur. Seetõttu eelistatakse seda suhkrut kodukommide valmistamisel, tööstuses aga likööride ja maiustuste tootmisel. 3

Toit → Kokandus
107 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun