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"study" - 846 õppematerjali

study on Larkin) is renamed as “Philip Larkin and Symbolism”. In the same book, Seamus Heaney also points out that “there is something Yeatsian in the way that Larkin, in High Windows, places his sun poem immediately opposite and in answer to his moon poem”. In Barbara Everett’s study (“Philip Larkin: After Symbolism”) one finds ample evidence for the influence of French symbolism upon Larkin.

Kasutaja: study

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Sotsiaalteaduste meetodid

SOTSIAALTEADUSTE MEETODID Sotsiaalteadused Teaduse all peetakse silmas: süstemaatiliste meetodite kasutamist andmete hankimiseks; andmete süstemaatilist analüüsi; tulemuste kriitiline hindamist. Sotsiaalteaduste uurimisobjektiks on inimene ja inimühiskond. Nimetage sotsiaalteadusi! Mida nad täpsemalt uurivad? Sotsiaalteadused on erilised: Ühe nähtuse seletamiseks on tihtipeale mitu võrdselt aktsepteeritud teooriat. Sotsiaalteaduslike uurimisobjektide kohta on inimestel tavaliselt olemas tavaarusaam. Te istute õhtul sõpradega teelauas. Mille üle te arutate järgmistel teemadel: Valgu biosüntees? Intelligentsus? Sotsiaalteaduste terminoloogiasse kuuluvatel sõnadel on tavaliselt ka argikeelne tähendus. PS Teadusliku keele kasutamine ei tähenda automaatselt, et info oleks teaduslik Inimese ja inimühiskonna kohta saame me teavet ka teadust mitte appi võttes (ja ni...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
23 allalaadimist

Fay Weldon, Powerpoint

Her parents divorced when she was five. She lived with her mother, sister and grandmother until she started college and, as a result, grew up believing "the world was peopled by females". This problably influenced her works too. § She returned to England with her mother and studied economics and psychology at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. § Her actual christened name was "Franklin Birkinshaw". which she feels contributed to her being accepted at St Andrews and permitted to study economics: the school assumed she was a male student applicant. Early life § In her early twenties she was briefly married to a man more than twenty years older than her. It is not clear whether she had her first son during this marriage or earlier. § Raising her son as a single mother, she looks back on her twenties as times fraught with "odd jobs and hard times." She worked on the problem page of

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Eluviisist põhjustatud tervisekaotus: mida me teeme valesti ja miks ?

ELUVIISIST PÕHJUSTATUD  TERVISEKAOTUS: MIDA ME  TEEME VALESTI JA MIKS ? Anželika Prohhožai V 13. rühm Termin “haiguskoormus” (burden of disease) ehk  “tervisekadu” ­ surmade tõttu kaotatud eluaastate ja  haigestumuse tõttu kaotatud täie tervise juures elatud  eluaastate summa.   Haiguskoormuse mõõtmise eesmärkid: a.  ülevaate andmine rahvastiku summaarsest  tervisekaost; b.  peamiste tervisekaotust põhjustavate haiguste  kindlakstegemine; c.  enim ohustatud vanuserühmade kindlaksmääramine; d.  terviseuuringute prioritiseerimine; e.  tervishoiupoliitika suunamine.  Esimene rahvusvaheline haiguskoormuse uuring – Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) –  1990. aastal;  Maailmapank, WHO ning Harvard School of Public  Health’i koostöö.  Eesmärgiks oli hinnata maailma rahvastiku tervise  kogukaotust ja tervisekaotuse erinevusi peamiste  regioonide vahel.  Kokku kaotati maailmas 1990. aastal haiguste ...

Meditsiin → Rahvatervis
6 allalaadimist

Backyard Pond

..The location of my pond should take into account such things as availability of electricity...will I have a waterfall...etc. We will describe how to install a flexible vinyl liner pond in this article. Flexible liners give you complete variety in the shape of your pond, and are extremely durable. Step 2. Locate the area in your yard for the pond. Determine how deep you want your pond to be. The depth of a back yard pond will usually be between 18-24", but you determine that after study and deciding the particulars about your pond. Mark the outline of the pond shape with string or garden hose on the lawn. Remove sod and start diggin ! The outside wall of the pond will have a step in it to hold potted plants just under the water. Figure 2 below shows a profile view of the step in the side wall. You create this step by leaving the original dirt in place as you dig. This will make the step as solid as possible.

Infoteadus → Asjaajamine
3 allalaadimist

Hypothetical situations practice

1.- Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence. a) If only Peter doesn't live / didn't live / wouldn't live so far away from the town centre. We'll have to take a taxi. b) I feel rather cold. I wish I brought / had brought my pullover with me. c) What a pity. I wish we don't have to / didn't have to / wouldn't have to leave. d) If only you tell / told / had told me about the test. I haven't done any revision. e) I wish the people next door hadn't made / wouldn't make / couldn't make so much noise. I can't hear myself think! f) Darling, I love you so much! I wish we are / had been / would be / could be together always! g) I'm sorry I missed your birthday party. I really wish I come / came / had come / would come. h) I like my new boss but I wish she gave / would give / could give me some more responsibility. i) Having a lovely time in Brighton. I wish you are / were / had been ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Institutsioonid ja rajasõltuvus

demokraatlikule üleminekut ja fragmenteeritud süsteemi väljavahetamist segmenteeritud süsteemi vastu (Sarapuu 2011). Iseseisvumine tähendas suuri ühiskondlikke ümberkorraldusi, mis üheltpoolt tähendasid uute organisatsioonide loomist, teisalt aga juba eksisteerivate organisatsioonide toimimise muutmist. Kasutatud kirjandus Trouvé, H., Couturier, Y., Etheridge, F., Saint-Jean, O. & Somme, D. (2010) ,,The path dependency theory: analytical framework to study institutional integration. The case of France" International Journal of Integrated Care, 10, 1-9. Dobusch, L. & Kapeller, J. (2013) ,,Breaking New Paths: Theory and Method in Path Dependence Research" Schmalenbach Business Review, 65, 288-311. Kuuse, E. (2010) Arengukoostöö adressaatidest doonoriteks: mõjurid ja loogika Eesti, Läti, Leedu päästeametite näitel. Kättesaadav: content/uploads/2012/12/thesis_Kuuse.pdf, 23

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
10 allalaadimist

English Lexicology

People have to communicate with each other. It is very important for them to understand foreigners and be understood by them. Goal of my research work Ø Goal of my research work is to prove that idioms in the English language are integral part of it, which make our speech more colorful and authentically native. Tasks I like to achieve the following tasks: 1. To classify idioms; 2. To study the problem of the translation of idioms; 3. To understand the aim of the modern usage of idioms; 4. To distinguish different kinds of idioms; 5. To analyze the frequency of idioms' usage referring to English. Hypothesis Ø My suggestions is the Second World War was the turning point in many areas in life, because after the war new interactive medium have changed the English language more to the American English direction. The object of the work

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Ülevaade loetud kirjandusest

kohta avaldas uuring kompleksse pildi, mis sobib hästi täiendama feministlike uurijate religiooni kohta kirjutatud uurimusi. Konteksksti loomiseks loetud artiklid: -Neitz, Mary Jo. 2014. Becoming Visible: Religion and Gender in Sociology. Sociology of Religion 2014, 75:4, 511-523 -McPhilips, Kathleen. 2016. Contested Feminisms: Women's Religious Leadership and the Politics of Contemporary Western Feminism. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion. 2016, Vol. 29 Issue 2, 134-149 2)Keshet, Yael; Simchai, Dalit. 2014. The `gender puzzle' of alternative medicine and holistic spirituality: A literature review. Social Science & Medicine 113 (2014), 77-86. Keshet ja Simchai võtavad oma artiklis vaatluse alla komplementaarse ja alternatiivse meditsiini (CAM) ja holistilise spirituaalsuse kasutajad nii tarbijad, nii praktikute kui

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

] In the 16th and 17th centuries, scientists, theologians, philosophers and mathematicians were engaged in a vigorous [ jõuline ] debate over the natural world. Not so much man, but Nature. After all, the Renaissance had refined the dignity of man as perhaps distinct from the human depravity that the Church had preached. Nature the new focus was Nature. But why was this a subject for examination? Why had Nature become the new object of study? The reasons for this are complicated but for now I will suggest that answer lay with the Christian matrix. More specifically, the new focus on Nature was a direct result of the collapse of the Christian matrix [ raamistik ], and this was the result of a combination of forces which produced intellectual change. To be brief, these forces were the Renaissance, Reformation, the Age of Exploration and the spirit of capitalism

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

I Vaimsed võimed ja bioloogilised tegurid

Keskmine vaimne vanus USA-s MA MA England 14.87 Belgium 12.79 Scotland 14.34 Ireland 12.32 Holland 14.32 Austria 12.27 Germany 13.88 Turkey 12.02 U.S. (White) 13.77 Greece 11.90 Denmark 13.69 Russia 11.34 Canada 13.66 Italy 11.01 Sweden 13.30 Poland 10.74 Norway 12.98 Brigham, C. A study of American Intelligence( 1923) C. Üliandekad lapsed Eksperthinnang IQ-le IQ Francis Galton 200 John Stuart Mill 190 Johann W. von Goethe 185 Voltaire 170 Walter Scott 150 Mozart 150 Victor Hugo 150 Lord Byron 150 Francis Bacon 145 James Watt 140

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
12 allalaadimist

Testide vastused 1-4

6 talked 7 catching 10 8 feeling 2b 9 is 3a 10 couldn’t 4a 5b 5 6b 2 come 7b 3 live 4 came 11 5 study 2 My pleasure. 6 like 3 I’m fine, thanks. 7 got 4 Lovely day today. 8 have 5 It doesn’t matter. 9 can 6 What’s the problem? 10 go 7 Same to you. 11 going 12 met 12

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist


Public libraries serve a wider range of people than other libraries. They may range from big city libraries to small village libraries. Big city libraries' materials are usually organized into subject areas, such as history, science, sports, fiction etc. There may be specials sections also for children. Almost every library has a special reading room with comfortable furniture for the readers and the students can work on independent study projects. School libraries. School libraries are part of the education system. It supports the curriculum as it helps the teachers and pupils to prepare for the lesson. Pupils can read extra materials there about the subjects they like. Everyone doesn't have a computer neither good encyclopedias at home so they can get the required information needed for their homework from the books or from the Internet. It is

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

I Vaimsed võimed ja bioloogilised tegurid

Keskmine vaimne vanus USA-s MA MA England 14.87 Belgium 12.79 Scotland 14.34 Ireland 12.32 Holland 14.32 Austria 12.27 Germany 13.88 Turkey 12.02 U.S. (White) 13.77 Greece 11.90 Denmark 13.69 Russia 11.34 Canada 13.66 Italy 11.01 Sweden 13.30 Poland 10.74 Norway 12.98 Brigham, C. A study of American Intelligence( 1923) C. Üliandekad lapsed Eksperthinnang IQ-le IQ Francis Galton 200 John Stuart Mill 190 Johann W. von Goethe 185 Voltaire 170 Walter Scott 150 Mozart 150 Victor Hugo 150 Lord Byron 150 Francis Bacon 145 James Watt 140

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
6 allalaadimist


SISSEJUHATUS Kogu maailmas sureb igal aastal liiklusõnnetuste tagajärjel 1,2 miljonit. Kuna liikluse maht iga aastaga tõuseb, siis on suur oht, et tõuseb nii liiklusõnnetustes hukkunute kui ka vigastanute arv. Seda kõike on võimalik vältida ning hukkunute arvu isegi vähendada, kui tõsta autojuhtide, teede ning sõidukite turvalisust. (Volvo trucks, 2013.) Antud referaadis on tuginetud enamjaolt kolmele erinevale teadusartiklile: European accident research and safety report (2013), Study of characteristics and evaluation of severity affecting factors associated with large-truck crashes (2013) ja Sleep, work schedules and accident risk in South African long-haul truck drivers (2002). Referaadis analüüsingi veokitega toimunud liiklusõnnetuste põhjuseid ning mida on võimalik ära teha selleks, et vähendada veokitega toimuvate liiklusõnnetuste arvu, muutes nii veoautojuhtide hoiakuid kui ka liiklusalaseid teadmisi.

Auto → Liiklusohutus
7 allalaadimist

Uurimisstrateegia valik

Sissejuhatus Uurimistöö olulisi osasid on kasutatav strateegia. Strateegia valitakse pärast uurimisküsimuse tõstatamist ning kõige olulisem selle juures, nagu ka iga teise uurimistöö osa juures, on töö aluseks oleva küsimuse toetamine. Flyvbjerg (2004, 428) sõnul põhineb hea töö uurimisküsimusel, mitte meetodil, ning koosneb meetoditest, mis on antud uurimise analüüsimiseks kõige sobilikumad. Strateegia on töö selgroog, millega pannakse paika ülesehitus ja edasine kulg. Saunders et al (2009, 136) toovad sisse plaani mõiste ning väidavad, et strateegia on plaan, mis määrab viisi, kuidas uurimisküsimusele kavatsetakse vastata. Valitud lähenemis- ja mõtteviis peab seega oleme läbimõeldud ning suunatud. 1 Uurimisprotsess Uurimisprotsess koosneb mitmetest eraldi käsitletavatest osadest. Enne strateegia valimist on vaja välja selgitada lähenemisviis. Saunders et al (2009, 138) kirjeldavad kogu protsessi uurimissibula abil. Nad nimetavad olul...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
78 allalaadimist


Raudsepa strip mine was re-opened. The archaeological specimens found were followed by archaeological excavations run by the archaeologists from the University of Tartu. The findings and excavated skeletons are stored at the Archeology Cabinet of the University of Tartu. Findings from the cemetery are typical for the period when the burials took place ­ brooches, belt details, but also jewelry (beads, rings) and tools (knives, needles). The present study is aiming to give a demographic overview of the human remains, altogether 101 skeletons. The study was mainly aimed at the learning of methods for determining different characteristics obtainable from the skeletal material. The condition of the skeletons is not good, because of sandy soil, unfavourable for preserving human remains. Still attempts were made to determine the age and sex of the buried, additional attention was paid to possible pathological finds.

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
5 allalaadimist

Health, Healthy habits and sports

day. Such popular activities are bicycling, jogging, swimming and even taking long walks. Rest and sleep help overcome fatigue and restore energy to the body. Everyone needs rest and health, but the amount required differs from each individual. Rest and relaxation are as important as sleep. After hard work or exercise, a person may need a period of total rest. At other times, only relaxation or a change of pace is necessary. Any activity that differs from the normal routine of work or study can be relaxing. Handling stress is essential for avoiding both mental and physical illness. Feelings of stress are the body's response to any threatening or unfamiliar situation. Stress can occur even in pleasant situations, such as watching a football game. If not handled properly, stress can lead to physical and emotional illness. No one can avoid stress, but a person can lessen the danger of becoming ill from it. Everyone should learn to relax by resting, taking a walk, meditating.

Keeled → Inglise keel
77 allalaadimist

Referaat teaduslikust artiklist

Referaat Liisi Pajula A83695 Torild Hammer, Axel West Pedersen ,,The Gender Gap in Subjective Poverty: A Comperative Study" The Open Social Science Journal, 2008, 1, 22-30 Artiklis tegeletakse üldiselt vaesuse probleemiga. Spetsiifilisemalt on tegu uurimusega, kuidas tajuvad erinevad sood vaesust ja majanduslikku pinget. Härrad Hammer ja Pedersen uurivad, kuidas individuaalsed ja kontekstilised faktorid mõjutavad abielus või kooselavate meeste ja naiste kogemust majanduslikust pingest. Nende peamine hüpotees on, et riikides, kus naiste osalus tööturul on väike, on kalduvus erinevusele selles, kuidas mõlemad sood tajuvad subjektiivset majanduslikku heaolu või pinget individuaalsesl tasemel, kusjuures naistele on see soovahe ebasoositavam. Teisisõnu, naised tajuvad individuaalsel tasemel suuremat majanduslikku survet ja väiksemat heaolu, kui nendega koos elavad (ja ehk ka abielus olevad) meessoost isikud. Hammer ja Pedersen esita...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
251 allalaadimist


. 2. / / (past)/ / /. 3. / (past)/ ,/ / / / / . 4. Roman/ (past)/ / / / / / / / . 5. 5:00/ / / / . · Hello! Where did you (p) arrive (fly) from? · From America. · Very good! Let's be acquainted, my name is Vladimir. I'm here to meet you. Where is your (p) teacher? · I'm the teacher. Nice to meet you, Vladimir. My name is Tom Johnson. I'm Russian language teacher. · How many years have you been teaching ()Russian language? · 20 years. · Where did you study Russian? · I graduated Moscow University. I studied in Moscow for 4 years. · You speak Russian very well. · Thank you. · You (p) will go to the hotel now. I will come at 6:00, and we will go to the concert. It was nice to meet you, Tom. · The same here. Have a good day, Vladimir. Part III: : . 1. Tanya got (received) a good grade. 2. I have been receiving letters from Moscow from ( ­ gen. c.)) my friend Natasha. 3. Kevin enrolled into a medical college. 4

Keeled → Vene keel
63 allalaadimist


majanduslikku heaolu. Samuti oli väga põnev lugeda, et mõnedes arenenumateski riikides on samal tasemel subjektiivne vaesus, kui majanduslikult mitte nii hästi arenenud Lõuna ja Ida- Euroopa maades. Huvitavana leidsin ka näiteks fakti, et Soomes peavad mehed endid vaesemateks kui naised. Artikkel oli üldiselt väga informatiivne ning tihe. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Hammer.T, Pedersen.A.W. The Gender Gap in Subjective Poverty: A Comperative Study. The Open Social Science Journal, 2008, 1, 22-30 . (20.12.2011)

Muu → Uurimistöö metoodika
11 allalaadimist

Ameeriklased hiinas (inglise keeles)

Chinese American food Technological innovation and entrepreneurship Introducing Chinese and East Asian culture to America, such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Kung fu 2001 survey of Americans' attitudes toward Asian Americans and Chinese Americans indicated that one fourth of the respondents had somewhat or very negative attitude toward Chinese Americans in general.[17] The study did find several positive perceptions of Chinese Americans: strong family values (91%); honesty as business people (77%); high value on education (67%).[16] Chinese immigrants to the United States brought many of their ideas, ideals and values with them. Some of these have continued to influence later generations The first Broadway show about Asian Americans was Flower Drum Song.[20]The Chinese American community is the

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Lennart Meri esitlus

Lennart Meri as a writer and a filmmaker Lennart Meri's first book was ,,Beavers and Mediterranean black widowes footseps" (Kobrade and karakurtide jälgedes), which tells of his trip to Central Asia in 1958. The film The Winds of the Milky Way (Estonian: Linnutee tuuled), shot in co-operation with Finland and Hungary, was banned in the Soviet Union, but won a silver medal at the New York Film Festival. In Finnish schools, his films and texts were used as study materials. His best known work is perhaps Hõbevalge, which translates into Silver White and was published in 1976. It reconstructs the history of Estonia and the Baltic Sea region. Lennart Meri as a politician In 1988, Meri became a founding member of the Estonian Popular Front, which cooperated with its counterparts in Latvia and Lithuania. During the ,,Augustputs", he was in Finland and he worked as hard as possible for the recognition of the Republic of Estonia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Assignment4 Risk assessment

you're looking at memes. Young love ..... Good luck, mate Well this one you can't really avoid. Love comes at the most unexpected times. But don't over-prioritize it. TASK 2 ­ WORKPLACE RISK ASSESSMENT a. Study carefully the job situation (a photo)! Butcher b. Try to name as many hazards you can think of while looking at the photo and the working situation! You can use the additional list getting some ideas, but it's more than welcome to create your own ideas about the hazards. c. Write down all the hazards what come in to your mind. There should be a lot more than just a couple! 1. Working area isn't clean 2. Minimal protection 3

Ergonoomika → Töökeskkond ja ergonoomika
4 allalaadimist

What is expected of a graduate of the 21st century

ambitious young high school graduate and some even don’t consider other possibilities. On the other hand, universities are getting a lot of critic because some say that the goal of universities are to produce as many diploma graduates as possible. I think that universities are places where young people who doesn’t know yet what they want from life, can use this time to discover their true interests. Im sure that many young high school graduates who start study in university are at first not very passionate about their speciality because they dont know what to expect and if their choice is right. There is no quarantee and this is where university comes in play – objective is not only to educate students about their chosen subject but to expand one’s horizon and to develop logical thinking. One could argue that there are too many graduates in some specialities but there can’t never be too much critically thinking people

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Degrees of comparison

thing and other people or things in the same group Helen is by far the most attractive girl in the beauty contest. comparative + and + comparative shows that something is increasing or decreasing. The climate in Estonia is getting warmer and warmer. the + comparative, the + comparative is used to say that a change in one thing goes with a change in another The sooner we leave, the sooner we’ll get there. The faster you drive, the better. The more you study, the more you know. So and such a So is followed by adjectives - be + so + adjective: The soup was so hot that I couldn’t eat it. You are so beautiful! 5 Such a(n) is followed by a noun or an adjective plus noun – be+ such + a(n) (+ Adjective) + noun: It was such an awful day! He is such a fool! With singular countable nouns such a(n) is used It was such a slow train that I arrived late for the meeting.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Lennart Meri

trip to Central Asia in 1958. The film The Winds of the Milky Way (Estonian: Linnutee tuuled), shot in co-operation with Finland and Hungary, was banned in the Soviet Union, but won a silver medal at the New York Film Festival. The film „Linnutee tuuled“ , shot in co- operation with Finland and Hungary, was banned in the Soviet Union, but won a silver medal at the New York Film Festival. In Finnish schools, his films and texts were used as study materials. His best known work is perhaps Hõbevalge, which translates into Silver White and was published in 1976. It reconstructs the history of Estonia and the Baltic Sea region. Lennart Meri as a politician In 1988, Meri became a founding member of the Estonian Popular Front, which cooperated with its counterparts in Latvia and Lithuania. During the „Augustputš“, he was in Finland and he worked as hard as possible for the recognition of the Republic of Estonia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Maailmausundite statistika 3 - prognoos

Phillip Connor prepared the migration input data, wrote descriptions of migration results and methods, and helped write the chapters on each religious group and geographic region. Noble Kuriakose was involved in nearly all stages of the project and helped draft the chapter on demographic factors and the Methodology. Former intern Joseph Naylor helped design maps, and David McClendon, another former intern, helped research global patterns of religious switching. The original concept for this study was developed by Luis Lugo, former director of the Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life project, with assistance from former senior researcher Brian J. Grim and visiting senior research fellow Mehtab Karim. Others at the Pew Research Center who provided editorial or research guidance include Michael Dimock, Claudia Deane, Scott Keeter, Jeffrey S. Passel and D’Vera Cohn. Communications support was provided by Katherine Ritchey and Russ Oates.

Teoloogia → Usundiõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism

symbolism, from the point of view of the numerous studies his being protagonist. Larkin was not one of the major essay writers in the history of British literature. He never wrote a text comparable with Wordsworth’s “Preface” to Lyrical Ballads, Shelley’s “A Defence of Poetry” or Eliot’s “Tradition and the Individual Talent”. This lack of a conceptualized theory, however, does not indicate a lack of principles. In the first part of this study I will offer an outline of Larkin’s poetics, based on the form and the style he used to use, to get in to a second part in which I will assess the way he presents and expresses his ideas. 1.CHAPTER I 1.1. LARKIN STUDIES POINTS OF VIEW: BIOGRAPHY AND POETRY In the collection of essays edited by Stephen Regan (Philip Larkin, 1997) we can find some underlying question as: are we discussing the poem or the poet? Or, in

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Pilveteenuse pakkuja sekundaarvastutus autoriõiguste rikkumise korral

kaks erinevat teooriat sekundaarvastutuse kohta ­ teisele isikule kanduv vastutus ja kaasaaitav 10 B. Szoka, A. Marcus. The Next Digital Decade: Essays On The Future Of The Internet. TechFreedom, Washington DC, 2010. Pp 393-394. 11 Direktiiv 2000/31/EÜ 12 K. Koelman, B. Hugenholtz. World Intellectual Property Organization Workshop on Service Provider Liability, Geneva, 1999, p 35 13 S.H. Song. (viide 9) p 12 14 EU study on the legal analysis of a Single Market for the Information Society - Liability of online intermediaries, p 34 9 rikkumine.15 Ka käesolevas töös on sekundaarvastutuse liikidena välja toodud Ameerika Ühendriikides levinud tüübid. Antud töös on sekundaarvastutuse liigitusest välja jäetud ajendav vastutus, mis on hiljuti taaselustatud Ameerika Ühendriikide Riigikohtu poolt Groksteri kaasuses, kuna seda tüüpi

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
3 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

SP maastik: eneseteadvus ja identiteet, sotsiaalne taju ja hoiakud, inimestevahelised suhted ja sotsiaalne mõju, suhtlemine, grupid ja grupiprotsessid ... • Gordon Allport (1954): “Social psychology is an attempt to understand and explain how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of other human beings”. • Tänapäeval: “SP is the study of the causes and concequences of interpersonal behaviour” (Schachter, Gilbert, Wegner, 2012) • SR = inimestevaheliste suhete ruum - seaduspärasused, seletused, mõõtmine, sekkumine … • Populaarne SP: sõprade leidmine ja suhete hoidmine, mõjutamine, juhtimine ja eestvedamine, suhtlemisõpetused, üksindus ja üksildus … • Teaduslik ja tarbepsühholoogia. • Meie - lai pilt SP-st - alus kitsamatele kursustele –

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Ely Whitney

Whitney Sr., a prosperous farmer. At age fourteen he operated a profitable nail manufacturing operation in his father's workshop during the Revolutionary War.[2] Because his stepmother opposed his wish to attend college, Whitney worked as a farm laborer and schoolteacher to save money. He prepared for Yale at Leicester Academy (now Becker College) and under the tutelage of Rev.Elizur Goodrich of Durham, Connecticut he entered the Class of 1789. Whitney expected to study law but, finding himself short of funds, accepted an offer to go to South Carolina as a private tutor. Instead of reaching his destination, he was convinced to visit Georgia. Georgia was a magnet for New Englanders seeking their fortunes. He invented the cotton gin, which was the beginning of his success. After he failed in his cotton gin business, Whitney worked with interchangeable parts. Whitney is most famous for two innovations which later divided the United States in the mid-

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Bullying In march 2000 an honour-roll student named Hamed Nastoh jumped off the Pattullo Bridge in New Westminster, B.C. Hamed, 14, left a seven-page note that said he was killing himself because his classmates tormented him with names like gay or faggot. He had never told his mother he was being bullied. A few months later, on November 10, another 14-year-old, Dawn-Marie Wesley of Mission, B.C., hanged herself with a dog leash in her bedroom. She too left a note for her family. It read: "If I try to get help, it will get worse. They are always looking for a new person to beat up, and they are the toughest girls.If I ratted, there would be no stopping them. I love you all so much!" Most Canadians remember the tragic 1997 murder of Reena Virk, a high-school student whose battered body was recovered from the Gorge Waterway, near Victoria. Her head and internal organs had been severely damaged by a ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Teacher's questions

I think that schools exams show the students' true abilities. Exams show that how educated we are. But sometimes some people can't make out with stress and nervousness. But it's still necessary. 4. If you could change something in the education system in Estonia, what would you do? I like sleep long. And because of this I would start the school later. Maybe 10 o'clock. I think that the schooldays are too long. Students have not enough free time. Even at home they must study. Because of that I would reduce lessons. Other things I wouldn't change. 5. If you could point out one positive feature of Estonian school, what would it be? I think that Estonian schools are quite normal. Estonians are educated. I think that it's quite positive that the lessons are in Estonia and basic education is nine years not less, because people need to be educated in order to cope with life.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Riskianalüüs reisijateveo logistikas

rohkem kättesaadavamaks kõikides logistika valdkondades, ei ole siiski võimalik riskist lõplikult lahti saada. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. Robert W. Poole, A Risk- based Airport Security Policy, Los Angeles, 2009, 2. G.Veselko, T. Bratkovic, Managing risks and threats in global logistics chains, Slovenia, 2008 3. Sheldon H. Jacobson, Julie L. Vitra, Jon M. Bowman, John E. Kobza, Modeling aviation baggage screening security systems: a case study, 2003 4. UNCTAD Trust Fund on Trade Facilitation Negotiations. Risk management in Customs procedures, 2008 5. Vikipeedia. September 11 attacks []. 7.04.2013 6. Vikipeedia. Risk Management []. 7.04.2013

Logistika → Logistika
83 allalaadimist


A cup of coffee. Head Over Heels: Dark Horse: Very excited and/or joyful, especially when in love. One who was previously unknown and is now prominent. Hit The Books: Kittycorner: To study, especially for a test or exam. Diagonally across. Sometimes called CattyCorner as well. High on the Hog: Let The Cat Out Of The Bag: Living in Luxury. To share a secret that wasn't suppose to be shared. High Five: Loose Cannon: Slapping palms above each others heads as celebration gesture

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Surm elamistoiminguna täiskasvanu eas

Eriksoni mudelil arengu tippu ning jõudnud teha kõik, mis soovitud ja plaanitud. 6 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Bailey, C., Murphy, R., Porock, D. (2011). Professional tears: developing emotional intelligence around death and dying in emergency work. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, 3364–3372. Efstathiou, N., Walker, W. (2014). Intensive care nurses’ experiences of providing end-of-life care after treatment withdrawal: a qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23, 3188– 3196. Maier, H.W. (1969). Three theories of child development : the contributions of Erik H. Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Robert R. Sears, and their applications. New York: Harper & Row. Neimeyer, R. A., Currier, J. M., Coleman, R., Tomer, A., Samuel, E. (2011). Confronting suffering and death at the end of life: the impact of religiosity, psychosocial factors, and life regret among hospice patients. Death Studies, 35: 777–800. Roper, N., Logan, W. W

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese õpetus
56 allalaadimist

Koduõppe liikumine

Üks peamisi vastuväiteid koduõppele on lapse sotsialiseerumine ­ see jääb justkui olemata, kui laps koolis ei käi. USA-s läbi viidud uuring, mille käigus küsitleti koduõppel olnud täiskasvanuid, näitas, et nemad ei näe sotsialiseerumises probleemi. 7 SLAID Koduõppe erinevad suunad School-at-Home kasutatakse kõige rohkem, imiteeritakse kooli mudelit. Lapsed õpivad laua taga ja lapsevanem juhedab tegevust. Kallis aga kindel ja turvaline struktuur Unit study keskendub sellele, mis last huvitab ja seob selle matemaatika, lugemise, õigekirja, looduteaduste, kunsti ja ajalooga Unschooling- lapsekeskne ja huvikeskne õpetamine, lapsed ei õpi formaalse õppekava järgi, vaid õpivad igapäevatoiminguid tehes (plussiks on see et laps võib saada spetsialistiks, sellel alal mis teda huvitav, miinus see et unarusse jäävad teised valdkonnad) Waldorf- pedagoogika Tähtis on harida last tervikuna:keha, mõistust, hinge. Lastele

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika alused
18 allalaadimist


......................................................6 3.VÕRDLEMINE..................................................................................................... 7 KOKKUVÕTE.......................................................................................................... 9 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS........................................................................................ 9 SUMMARY WAVE ENERGY VARIATION IN THE FIELD OF STUDY Kristina Samoshenkova Long-term average power of waves per unit length of one of the modeled shoreline varies significantly along the eastern Baltic Sea region (Figure 5). Lithuania and the Russian part of the Curonian Spit has been retained by a public body wave energy flux uniformly average of 1.5-2 kW / m. The same situation is also characterized by a wave of energy flow along the Lithuanian coast. Latvian coast is the southernmost part of the average values of 1-1.5 kW / m.

Merendus → Merendus
8 allalaadimist

SP1 Sotsiaalpsühholoogia kontspekt

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia · SP ­ osa psühholoogiateadusest. SP maastik: eneseteadvus ja identiteet, sotsiaalne taju ja hoiakud, inimestevahelised suhted ja sotsiaalne mõju, suhtlemine, grupid ja grupiprotsessid ... · Gordon Allport (1954): "Social psychology is an attempt to understand and explain how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of other human beings". · Tänapäeval: "SP is the study of the causes and concequences of interpersonal behaviour" (Schachter, Gilbert, Wegner, 2012) · SR = inimestevaheliste suhete ruum - seaduspärasused, seletused, mõõtmine, sekkumine ... Sotsiaalpsühholoogia · Populaarne SP: sõprade leidmine ja suhete hoidmine, mõjutamine, juhtimine ja eestvedamine, suhtlemisõpetused, üksindus ja üksildus ... · Teaduslik ja tarbepsühholoogia. · Meie - lai pilt SP-st - alus kitsamatele kursustele

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
63 allalaadimist

Konspekt epidemioloogia eksamiks

haigusjuhtude tekkimise kiirust rahvastikus (haigus diagnoositi 0.5. Sarnast põhimõtet kasutab ka teine testi omadusi kokkuvõttev esmakordselt) Mõõdetakse:· absoluutarvuga ­ uute haigusjuhtude statistik: nn tõepärasuhe. (new case) ehk haiguse esmasjuhtude (incident case) arv mingil Ajalise trendi uuring (time trend study, time series study). Trend ­ mingi Randomiseerimine-katses osalejate juhuslik jagamine rühmadesse-valikust ajavahemikul. · suhtarvuga ­ haigestumuskordaja IR ­ nähtuse (nt protsessi) pikaajalise muutumise põhisuund. Haigestumuse, tingitud nihke vältimiseks ja et tekitada kaks rühma, mis käituvad nagu haigestumustihedus (incidence rate) ­ mis väljendab haigusjuhtude suremuse, levimuse ja elulemuse trendid. Kirj

Meditsiin → Arstiteadus
65 allalaadimist

London - the capital of Great Britain

attractions in London. It is a 135 metres high observation wheel and it's at the moment the largest observation wheel in the world. It rotates at the rate of 1.6 kilometres per hour. It's built of 1700 tons of steel. That's the weight of 250 double- deckers. Up to 25 guests can enjoy the ride in one capsule. An adult must pay 12.5 pounds for the ride. It costs 6.5 pounds for a child. The British Museum is one of the world's finest museums. It has a large reading room where people can study. The British Museum holds in trust for the nation and the world a collection of art and antiquities from ancient and living cultures. Housed in one of Britain's architectural landmarks, the collection is one of the finest in existence, spanning two million years of human history. Access to the collections is completely free. The London Museum is also a nice museum and is worth visiting. It represents half a million years of history and over seven million modern Londoners. There are about 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci 14521519 Leonardo sündis Vinci külas 1452 aasta 15. aprillil vallaslapsena. Isa oli notar Ser Piero Vincida ja ema külatüdruk Caterina. Oli maalija, skulptor, Leonardo Da Vinci graafik, arhitekt, 1452-1519 teadlane-leidur, kirjanik, luuletaja, improvisaator jms. Oli rahutu, tujuka temperamendiga isik, keda huvitas peamiselt katsetamine ja uute võimaluste otsimine. Kirjutas paremalt vasakule. Tema maale on säilinud vähe ja neistki on mitmed kannatanud värvide halva kvaliteedi tõttu. Leonardo elu saab jagada viieks erinevaks perioodiks: Leonardo Da Vinci tema lapsepõlv ja noorus Firenzes , Itaalias ; 1452-1519 tema esimene Milanoperiood aastatel 14821499 ; teine Firenze ajajärk ja teine Milano ajajärk ning tema viimased kuus ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
32 allalaadimist

Gis kasutamine loodusressursside haldamisel ja kasutamise planeerimisel

informatsiooni ka kättesaadavamaks ja lihtsamini arusaadavaks suuremale hulgale inimestele. Nagu Paul Moore on ühes oma artiklis öelnud geoinfosüsteemi kohta: "GIS - Mine of information", ehk GIS ­ teadmiste kaevandus. 7 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS 1. Harahsheh, H. (2001). Development of Environmental GIS Database and its Application to Desertification Study in Middle East. Chiba: Chiba University 2. Satapathy, D. S. (2008) Application of geospatial technologies for environmental impact assessment: An Indian Scenario ologies_for_environmental_impact_assessment_An_Indian_Scenario (21.11.2016) 3. McKendry, J.E., Eastman, J.R. (1991). Applications of GIS in Forestry: A review.

Loodus → Looduse kaugseire
13 allalaadimist

Topics, step 8, kokkuvõtted mõnedest peatükkidest

ravages of nature only to fall victim to wanton destruction by ,,civilized" man. Like the huge stone statues of Easter Island and prehistoric cave paintings of Altamira and Lascaux, North American Indian rock art is surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery. Although examples of rock art exist at some 15000 sites in canyons, deserts, caves and river gorges. Nowadays, however, primitive rock art in the United States has become a new field of scientific study. Klaus F Wellmann wrote two books about rock art. He is a professor of medicine. Rock art represents the history of aboriginal Americans. In the most cases the art is an expression of ideas and way of life, ritual ceremonies, hunting, fighting. The pictures of people and animals are often strikingly lifelike and artistic. Many of these ancient relics have been destroyed by the ravages of nature and of man. Wind and water have worn away and continue to wear away, unprotected sites.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

Byron) · the manner of expressing ideas characteristic of a literary movement or period (symbolism, romanticism) · the use of lg. typical of a literary genre (comedy, drama, novel) · the selective use of lg that depends on spheres of human activity. These are called functional styles or registers (fiction, newspaper) Stylistics is the study of style. However, for some reason, English stylistics is less developed than French, German or Russian. The term ,,stylistics"came into more common use in English only some 35 years ago. It was recorded much earlier; in 1882 as "the study of literary style, the study of stylistic features" Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies principles of selecting different linguistic means for passing on thoughts and emotions. It studies:

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist


Vähene huvi valguse vastu. Jean Leon Gerome The Bath 1885. California Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco Omane akti kujutamine. Eeskuju antiigist. Huvitav tumedanahalise teenija kujutamine (ei kohta väga sageli). Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. Angelica. Study for the Roger Delivering Angelica. 1819. Oil on canvas. Louvre, Paris, France. Kujutatud on täielikku akti. Antud on tardunud ja teatraalne poos. Värv on tagaplaanil, meenutab pisut koloreeritud joonistust. Valguse-tumeduse mäng. Puudub liialdustega kaunidus (vastupidiselt rokokoole). Taust on täiesti teisejärguline. Kujutatud naisterahvas näib nagu kuhugi toetavat, kuid millele, ei ole maalil välja toodud

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
74 allalaadimist

Kliima kohta USAs *I also call on Congress to work with my administration to achieve the significant emission reductions made possible by implementing the clean energy technologies proposed in our energy plan. Our working group study has made it clear that we need to know a lot more. *The United States has spent $18 billion on climate research since 1990 -- three times as much as any other country, and more than Japan and all 15 nations of the EU combined. *Jeremy Symons, a former whistleblower at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), said that suppression of the report for four months was a further example of the White House trying to

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Australia/ Austraalia

Its population is around 20 million people and is a rich blend of various ethnic groups, with substantial populations from Italy, Greece, the Far East and Africa. There are about 40000 aborigines. The people of Australia speak English. Service industries provide about two-thirds of Australia's jobs. Australians are making a name for themselves in sports. They are especially well known for their swimming and tennis. Australia has become popular with European students for Study Holidays or exchange visits. Political System. The Commonwealth of Australia is a constitutional democracy based on a federal division of powers. The political system is a federation of six states (Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria). The capital city is Canberra in New South Wales. Australia is a parliamentary democracy. Queen Elizabeth II is formally head of state, but she is represented in Australia by a Governor General

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Freedom of speech

makes the homely feeling in me. When I was just a little girl, my mother died and everything in my life changed. My father separated me from my sister and brother. I had to go to live in his family and accept with a stepmother and their kids. To me was verboten to say my opinion about something. I knew only that, everyday there was a paper on my desk and there were jobs, what I had to do along this day. Sometimes they were too hard to me and I had to study late at night. In my opinion every person should feel them well and free at home. But with me it did not happened. What I am trying to say with that long story is, that if there is a freedom of speech, it is still limited with laws or from other humans. Limited freedom is understandable in state bust at home it still should be aloud. Talkeing about the school. There has it's own determined rules, what students by all means have to detain

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Humanistlik paradigma

Eksistentsiaalne lähenemine I Viktor E. Frankl (1905 -1997 ) · The Doctor and the Soul: From psychotherapy to logotherapy (1955) · Man's search for meaning: an introduction to logotherapy (1962) · The will to meaning (1969) Inimese kontseptsiooni kolm printsiipi: tahtevabadus (freedom of will) tähenduslikkus (will to meaning) elu mõte (meaning of life) II Rollo Reese May (1909 - 1994) · The springs of creative living: a study of human nature and god. (1940) · The meaning of anxiety. 1950/1977. · Man's search for himself. 1953. · Love and will. 1969. I. Eksistentsiaalsed terminid: · Dasein - isiksus ja tema maailm, siin ja praegu fenomenoloogia: tähendus, väärtused. Eksisteerimise kolm osist: umwelt - keskkond, suhe füüsilise, maailmaga mitwelt - interpersonaalsus, suhe teistega eigenwelt - teadvus, suhe endaga · Vabadus (potentsiaal) - valikuvabadus, dilemma, teadvus

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun