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"status" - 573 õppematerjali

status – joonise terviklikkuse, joonestusviisi (Mudel- – või Paber-ruum) ja statistika määramine ja kuvamine – statistika joonise kohta, joonisest üleliigsete ehk kasutamata nimega objektide eemaldamine (näiteks kujundati mingi kirjapilt, kuid seda pole kordagi kasutatud või oli kujundatud mingi joonise kiht, millesse pole ka midagi joonestatud jne.);

Kasutaja: status

Faile: 0

Võrguprotokollide esitus

UNIX'i põhiste opsüsteemidega. Kasutada võib kõiki kaasaegseid PCtüüpi või muid arvuteid, aga ka vanu 486tüüpi arvuteid, mis leiavad praegu rakendust odavate faili, prindi ja varundusserveritena SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol Lihtne võrguhalduse protokoll SNMP(2) Loodud 1988 Praegu kasutusel SNMP kolmas versioon SNMP(3) parameetrid Memory Capacity Number of Processes Number of Users Snmp Status System Description System UpTime SNMP(4) Interneti protokollistandard STD 15, RFC 1157 sõlmede haldamiseks IP võrgus. SNMP ei piirdu ainult TCP/IP võrguga, seda saab kasutada ka igasuguste võrguga ühenduses olevate seadmete nagu arvutid, marsruuterid, jaoturid jms halduseks TELNET Telnet on TCP/IPil põhinev võrguprotokoll, mis pakub kahesuunalist interaktiivset suhtlusteenust TELNET(2)

Informaatika → Informaatika
8 allalaadimist


EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Metsandus- ja maaehitusinstituut Geomaatika osakond SATELLIITMÕÕDISTAMINE I Referaat MI.0909 Koostaja: Kristi Ruul Juhendaja: dotsent Aive Liibusk Tartu 2017 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS ................................................................................................................... 3 1. ÜLEVAADE EGNOST ................................................................................................. 4 2. EGNOS KOLM TEENUST ........................................................................................... 6 3. RAKENDUSED EGNOS .............................................................................................. 7 4. EESTIS ................................................................................................................

Maateadus → Maamõõtmise alused
16 allalaadimist

English portfolio

Between sessions of a Diet, the legislative power of the knighthoods belonged to the Council of the Diet. The towns were governed by the Town Councils, which supplemented their ranks from among the representatives of merchants and lawyers. The citizens and the inhabitants of a town did not coincide -- most of the population had no civic rights. The lower class mainly consisted of Estonians. While an special status secured the supremacy of the Baltic knighthood and the German upper classes in towns, it considerably aggravated the legal and social situation of Estonians. It can be said that the pre-nationhood Landesstaat, with its strict social structure, effectively prevented Estonians from becoming Germans. Considering their relatively small number, the beneficiaries of the Landesstaat were additionally protected by their disproportionally large representation amongst the Russian

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist


"Ikoonilise murrangu" ajastul kesksel kohal visuaalselt jälgitavad materialiseerunud sümbolid ja identiteedi konstrueerimise vastasmõjusuhe (nt eluasemeväljal: identiteedi konstrueerimine elamisviisi kujundamise protsessis ­ erinevatele eeldatavatele elamisviisidele orienteeruvad residentaalsed kinnisvara turud; infotehnoloogia väljal: tarbimine, tootmine ja brändimine) TARBIMISÜHISKOND Erinevad lähenemised Tarbija identiteet, elustiil ja status: Weber (1946) Materiaalsus ja tähistamine: Barthes (1957), Douglas ja Isherwood (1978) (Rõhutasid tähistamist ja materiaalsust. See mida me tarbimine, ütleb nii ühiskonna kui ka sinu enda kohta) Organisatsioon ja tarbimine (Mitte ainult üksikinimesed ei tarbi, vaid ka organisatsioonid/ettevõtted. Nt üksikisikul vaja ühte, maksimaalselt kolme wc potti, aga kui ehitatakse hotelli, siis vaja palju rohkem potte)

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika II

Barbarisms are words from other languages borrowed into English but no assimilated to the full extent. However, registered in dictionaries. E.g. vacuum, bizarre, stiletto Foreign words and phrases ­ are facts of other languages. They don't belong into English. E.g. mein Gott! Avanti (go ahead), soleil (sun), kummel (vodka). Appear in italics. The function: 1. to supply local colour writer is describing. E.g. spain and used Spanish. 2. suggest persons nationality 3. to suggest a social status 4. desire to be above the average 5. to sften the utterance by using less familiar foreign words. 6 7 Archaic words ­ words no longer used in everyday conversation are felt outdated and remind bygone times. E.g

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
21 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Also known as International Law, but called PIL to distinguish from private international law, i.e. solution for conflict of laws. Only intergovernmental organizations are also subject of PIL, non-governmental organizations are not. There can be specific cases of PIL, e.g. nations fighting for their independence. These can be considered to be subjects of PIL. Also, some exceptions: International Committee of Red Cross, formerly it wasn't covered by PIL, but due to its unique status (covered by Geneva conventions etc), then it is a subject of PIL. PIL directly regulates private persons, e.g. punishment of international crimes (crimes against peace=crime of aggression, genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes). This is if specific countries do not want to punish the criminals, specific international tribunals etc are created to do the job for them. Humanitarian doctrine ­ if a certain country violates human rights very severely and if other

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Londoni Referaat

boundaries; but since at least the 19th century, the name "London" has also referred to the whole metropolis that has developed around it. Today the bulk of this conurbation forms the London region of England and the Greater London administrative area, with its own elected mayor and assembly. London is one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centres and its influence in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts contributes to its status as a major global city.Central London is the headquarters of more than half of the UK's top 100 listed companies and over 100 of Europe's 500 largest companies. The city is a major tourist destination for both domestic and overseas visitors, with annual expenditure by tourists of around £15 billion. London hosted the 1908 and 1948 Summer Olympic Games and will host the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Samuel Johnson, author of the first complete dictionary, famously wrote about the

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


sugar mill and a seaport). The main towns on Vanua Levu are Labasa and Savusavu. Other islands and island groups include Taveuni and Kadavu (the third and fourth largest islands respectively), the Mamanuca Group (just outside Nadi) and Yasawa Group, which are popular tourist destinations, the Lomaiviti Group, outside of Suva, and the remote Lau Group. Rotuma, some 500 kilometres (310 mi) north of the archipelago, has a special administrative status in Fiji. Fiji's nearest neighbour is Tonga. The climate in Fiji is tropical and warm most of the year round. Fiji's culture is a rich mosaic of indigenous, Indian, Chinese and European traditions, comprising social polity, language, food (based mainly from the sea, casava, dalo & other vegetables), costume, belief systems, architecture, arts, craft, music, dance and sports. The indigenous culture is very much active and living, and is a part of everyday life for the majority of the population

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Arvutisõltuvus ja ohud

Tugevad, tahtejõulised isikud võivad veel proovida oma tähelepanu ümber lülitada millelegi muule, näiteks armuda või leida uus töö. Kolmas staadium on sotsiaalne desadaptsioon. Arvutisõltlane, kes enam ei saagi mõnu suhtlemisest Interneti kaudu, jätkab siiski pidevalt arvutis viibimist. Depressiooniseisund viib tõsiste konfliktideni tööl ja kodus. Üks uuemaid arvutisõltuvuse erijuhtumeid on nn staatusuuenduse ärevushäire (inglise keeles status update anxiety). See ilmneb meeleolumuutustes, kui ei ole võimalik võrku ühenduda ja pidevalt Facebooki või Twitteri kaudu oma tegemistest teada anda ning on põhjustatud vajadusest saada tunnustust ja tunda end mingisse kogukonda kuuluvana. 7 5. Arvuti kasutamisega seotud ohud Arvuti on saamas paljude inimeste lahutamatuks kaaslaseks ja asendamatuks töövahendiks.

Psühholoogia → Sõltuvuskäitumine
24 allalaadimist


radical agenda, with no presumption of balance or objectivity. Little note: Publishers, owners and other corporate executives, especially advertising sales executives, can try to use their powers over journalists to influence how news is reported and published. Journalists usually rely on top management to create and maintain a "firewall" between the news and other departments in a news organization to prevent undue influence on the news department. Legal status Governments have widely varying policies and practices towards journalists, which control what they can research and write, and what press organizations can publish. Some governments guarantee the freedom of the press; while other nations severely restrict what journalists can research and/or publish. Journalists in many nations have some privileges that members of the general public do not; including better access to public events, crime scenes and press conferences, and to extended.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Essey: How does the United States influence Estonia

Diana Ostrat Essey How does the United States influence Estonia? The United States of America with it's global economic and political superpower is one of the most influential countries in the world and therefore it’s influence can also be felt in Estonia. Fluctuations in Estonia’s status as an independent country have had significant impact on the amount of influence from other countries, whether it is the language, eating habits or lifestyle. But how has United States influenced Estonia after we gained our independence? Estonia is not economically dependent on the United States as they are not one of our most important trading partners, but as the economics of the United States has a great influence on the

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Edgar plays many different roles, starting out as a gullible fool easily tricked by his brother, then assuming a disguise as a mad beggar to evade his father’s men, then carrying his impersonation further to aid Lear and Gloucester, and finally appearing as an armored champion to avenge his brother’s treason. Edgar’s propensity for disguises and impersonations makes it difficult to characterize him effectively. Edmund - Gloucester’s younger, illegitimate son. Edmund resents his status as a bastard and schemes to usurp Gloucester’s title and possessions from Edgar. He is a formidable character, succeeding in almost all of his schemes and wreaking destruction upon virtually all of the other characters. Kent - A nobleman of the same rank as Gloucester who is loyal to King Lear. Kent spends most of the play disguised as a peasant, calling himself “Caius,” so that he can continue to serve Lear even after Lear banishes him

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Anglo-Norman period

· The evolution of Parliament · Originally, parliament was any meeting of the king and his vassals to talk (parley), usually over taxes · Negotiating taxes with each town and shire was difficult · Called the Model Parliament in 1295 · Representatives from all three estates Parliament · Parliament became important for a couple of reasons: · England being an island enhanced its trade and the status of the middle class · The middle class merchants and lower nobility thrown together in the House of Commons · Their common interests led to a powerful combination capable of challenging royal power · England being an island faced few invasions · Little need for heavy taxes to pay for expensive armies · This left England's kings relatively weak

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory

Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) – they could add to social value, but rather fulfil a definite purpose. Decisions on these kinds of brands are done rather quickly. The decision to even buy something in that product category is a simple need. The products don’t also differ too much from each other. In branding, it is thus essential to portray the relative advantages in a direct way. High-involvement products – things that portray social symbolism and status. These products are more expensive, they depict social class and are leveraged for acceptance to those classes. There is uncertainty and risk involved in this buy. There is often post buy regret and rationalisation for the reason of that buy. To reduce the risk, the difference with competition needs to be delivered to the customer. The brand has to be portrayed unique and therefore has to be perceived more valuable (as it is more expensive).

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


hävitamiseks on mitmeid, kuid kõige tuntum on vesinikperoksiidi meetod vesinikperoksiidi 30% lahusega. Peale keerukat kemikaalide töötlemist, keetmist ja proovi puhastamist sisaldavat protsessi valmistatakse proov. Heas proovis on ühes alas näha kaheksa diatomeed. Pealisklaas kinnitatakse alusklaasile ja proov on valmis analüüsimiseks (Martin, 2012). 3 Kasutatud allikad Martín, G., Fernández, M. de los R. 2012. Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality and Ecological Status: Sampling, Analysis and Some Ecological Remarks. In Ecological Water Quality – Water Treatment and Reuse (Voudouris, D. ed) pp. 183-204. InTech. Olli, K. 2014. Protistid. [WWW] (02.11.2014) Olli, K. 2010. Algoloogia. [WWW] (02.11.2014) EE. 2006

Geograafia → Paleogeograafia
5 allalaadimist

Failioperatsioonid & Windows Explorer

· Teha vasakpoolsel aknaalal kaustapuus hiireklõps soovitud kausta nimel; · Klõpsata nupuriba nupul `Up One Level' (kollane kohvrike kõvernoolega); · Valida nupuribal asuvast loendiboksist soovitud ketta või kausta nimi. Info ketaste, kaustade ja failide kohta Üheks võimaluseks ketaste, kaustade ja failide kohta info saamiseks on olekuriba kasutamine. Kui see riba Windows Exploreri akna alaosas puudub, siis selle sisselülitamiseks valige menüüst View käsk Status Bar. Olekureal näidatakse infot parajasti aktiivse objekti (kaust, dokument jne.) kohta: · Kui aktiviseeritud on mingi kaustapuus olev kaust, siis näidatakse, mitu objekti (alamkausta, dokumenti ja kiirikooni) on selles kaustas, palju need kettaruumi võtavad ja palju on antud kettal veel vaba ruumi; · Kui aktiviseeritud on akna parempoolses osas olev dokument, siis näidatakse ära selle dokumendi suurus;

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

George W. Bush administration -- which focuses on the perceived inability of the existing UN regime to meet the challenges of contemporary global security (Frum and Perle, 2003;Kaplan and Kristol, 2003). Recognizing the United States as having a unique hegemonic role within contemporary international society, neoconservatives deride the existing collective security regime for impeding the United States as it seeks to fulfil the responsibilities that accompany its exalted status. Both individually and collectively, all UN member states have the right under Article 51 of the Charter to use force in response to actual or imminent attack, but this ceases once the UNSC 'has taken measures necessary to restore international peace and security', and in no circumstances does the right extend to unilateral preventive action. So long as the UNSC serves as a brake on the ability of the hegemon to perform such a role, P-5 unanimity, on which its

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

USA ajaloo konspekt (algus-Mayflower Compact)

USA ajaloo konspekt (algus-Mayflower Compact) 1. Name the regions of the USA New England, Middle Atlantic, South, Midwest, Southwest, West. 2. Name the states that make up each region. NE: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachutsess, Rhode Island, Connecticut. MA: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware. S: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia. MW: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Illinois, Michigan, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio. SW: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma. W: Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah. 3. Compare the geography and population / settlement and cultural background in the following regions: (any two of the 6 regions) Ne...

Ajalugu → Ameerika ühiskond ja kultuur
4 allalaadimist

Vaimude Maja kokkuvõte

Kaks klassi satuvad konflikti, kuna üks (ülemine) omab maad, millel teine (alumine) töötab. Eriti maapiirkondades, näiteks Tres Marias, kontrollivad kõrgemad klassid kogu infrastruktuuri, nagu koolid, transport, pangad ja haiglad, aga ka kogu pealinn. Kui kõrgemad klassid õitsevad, tekivad konfliktid siis, kui see õitseng pole võrdselt jaotunud. Vaimude majas on selle ebavõrdsuse suhtes esitatud mitmeid erinevaid hoiakuid. Esteban Trueba esindab konservatiivset seisukohta - et status quo tuleks säilitada ja talupoegadel pole põhjust jagada ülemklassi rikkusi ega oma olukorda muuta. Pedro Tercero Garcia esindab revolutsioonilisi talupoegi, kes teevad selle muudatuse toimimise nimel tööd. Talupoegi toetavad nii Trueba naised kui ka Jaime. Sellega luuakse oluline liit kõigi nende vahel, keda patriarhaalne süsteem on alistanud. KIRJUTUSSTIIL Allende stiil Vaimude majas on enamasti väga voolav ja orgaaniline, justkui räägiks ta lugu suuliselt

Kirjandus → 10,klass
2 allalaadimist

IP law homework 1

Michael Buffer has presumably profited than any other person on Earth by venturing inside a boxing ring -- and never throwing a left hook. Cradle is no weakling. Be that as it may, his manicured hands, splendidly coiffed hair, and glimmering white teeth authenticate a real existence dependent on an option that is other than his clench hands. He goes to each battle wearing a tuxedo. What's more, when he's inside the ring, he does what radical guardians tell their youngsters when confronting a battle. He utilizes his mouth. So before the clench hands begin flying, he lets out the one cry that procures him his living. It's a cry that he can do like nobody else -- by not just by goodness of his brilliant lungs and throat, however by law. What's more, it goes: "We should Get Ready to Ruuummmmmmbbbbllllle!" With those five words, Buffer and his sibling have built up a domain that is made millions. Discount permitting incomes...

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
2 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and her time

[3] Princess Victoria met her future husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, when she was sixteen years old. Prince Albert was Victoria's first cousin; his father was the brother of her mother. Princess Victoria's uncle, King William IV, disapproved of the match, but his objections failed to dissuade the couple. Many scholars have suggested that Prince Albert was not in love with young Victoria, and that he entered into a relationship with her in order to gain social status (he was a minor German prince) and out of a sense of duty (his family desired the match). Whatever Albert's original reasons for marrying Victoria may have been, theirs proved to be an extremely happy marriage. [3] Early Reign In 1837 Queen Victoria took the throne after the death of her uncle William IV. Due to her secluded childhood, she displayed a personality marked by strong prejudices and a willful stubbornness

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

Synchronizing innovation and business strategies Celebrate an innovation culture ■ “Of our four core values at Nokia, one is a Passion for Innovation. That’s very much highlighted in communications with employees, we discuss the values frequently with our people. In that way we live our dreams under that value, a Passion for Innovation.” ■ “BeQIK,be better, be Bosch.” ■ „We certainly have been successful, in part, because we never accept the status quo, we never accept conventional thinking, conventional wisdom. When you look at the points in the history of our company where we have made the biggest difference, in almost every case it was where everybody, almost all the experts, thought that we were doing something stupid.“ Critical success factors in innovation Human resources: ● New doctorate graduates per 1000 population aged 25-34 ● Percentage population 30-34 having tertiary education

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

Tsehhov daam koeraga Chekov Lady and the Lapdog

travels to Saratov to fi nd her. When he manages to meet with her, they embrace passionately for a brief stolen moment away from her husband and she promises to travel to Moscow to continue the aff air that they had begun in Yalta. At this point it is clear that they are thoroughly in love with one another. Th e story ends with their tryst in Moscow and a wrenching discussion of the impossibility of their situation -- he cannot leave his wife because of the loss of status and wealth that a divorce would entail, and she cannot leave her husband and family for much the same reason -- yet they pledge to one another to carry on with their aff air because they are now clearly in love with one another. Just after sex ­ TY What is missing from this passage in English is the asymmetrical use o the second-person pronouns in the Russian original. Gurov addresses Anna throughout as ty while she addresses him throughout as vy. Because of his unhappy marriage and

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Rooma eraõiguse eksami konspekt

ROOMA Õigussuhe- Sisu on õigused ja kohustused,subjekt, objekt Subjektiivne õigus- isikule kuuluv konkreetne õigus, mis on ka realiseeritav. Subjektiivse õiguse liigid: Absoluutsed subjektiivsed õigused- kehtivad kõigi isikute suhtes. Relatiivsed subjektiivsed õigused- kehtivad konkreetsete isikute suhtes. ntks. Võlaõiguslikes suhetes Juriidilised kohustused tulenenvad objektiivsest õigusest ning ka tavadest. ( tava on tsiviilõiguse allikas) Õigusvõime on võime omada õigusi ja kanda kohustusi. Tsiviilprotsessi õigusvõime- võime osaleda tsiviilprotsessis. Tsiviilprotsessi teovõime- võime oma tegevusega teostada tsiviilprotsessi õigusi ja kohustusi. Status libertatis- kas isik on vaba, kui ta selle kaotas siis kaotas kõik õigused Status civitatis- kas on kodakondsus, Status familiae- perekondlik seisund Persona sui iuris- teovõimeline isik Persona alieni iuris- perepea võimule allutatud isik Orjade ...

Õigus → Õigus
535 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

Asynchronous Data Link Control ADMACS Apple Document Management And Conrol System ADMD Administrative Management Domain [X.400] .ADN Add In Utility (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC] ADO ActiveX Data Objects ADP AOLserver Dynamic Pages + Automatic Data Processing ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ADR Address ADS Application Development Solutions [AT&T] + Application Development System + Automatic Distribution System ADSC Address Status Changed + Adobe Document Structuring Conventions ADSI Active Directory Service Interface [Microsoft] + Analog Display Services Interface ADSL (See DSL) ADSP AppleTalk Datastream Protocol ADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release ADT Abstract Data Type + Application Data Types ADU Automatic Dialing Unit AE Above or Equal AEB Analog Expansion Bus [Dialogic] AEC Architecture, Engineering, Construction AEM Asynchronous Event Mechanism

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Allgemeines über die Europäische Schule Straßburg

Allgemeines über die Europäische Schule Straßburg Das Projekt der Europäischen Schule Straßburg Der Zusammenhang Die Europäische Schule Strasbourg ist die Frucht einer langjährigen und beispielhaften Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Oberschulamt Strasbourg, der Stadt Strasbourg, dem Generalrat des Département du Bas Rhin und der Region Alsace. Sie basiert auf dem Status, den Straßburg als europäische Hauptstadt seit 1948 innehat, sowie auf der Niederlassung des Europarates. Ausschlaggebend für die jetzige Stellung Straßburgs innerhalb Europas ist, nach der Ansiedlung weiterer europäischer und internationaler Einrichtungen, die Niederlassung des Europäischen Parlaments sowie des Europäischen Bürgerbeauftragten. Um diese Aufwärtsentwicklung zu unterstützen, musste die Stadt Straßburg ein erzieherisches Modell

Keeled → Saksa keel
5 allalaadimist

Maailma organisatsioonid

The Membership of World Organisations Merilin Tamme Xa Tallinna Järveotsa Gymnasium 2008 The schedule · 04.04.1949 ­ establishment of NATO. · 1951 ­ Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe (SHAPE) was created near Paris in France. Later, SHAPE was relocated to Mons in Belgium. · 1952 ­ Greece and Turkey join NATO. · 1955 ­ Western Germany joins NATO. · 1982 ­ Spain joins NATO. · 1991 ­ Rome summit. Estonia is one of the founding members of the NACC. · January 1994 ­ Brussels summit. Estonia joins PFP on 3 February. · March 1995 ­ Estonia submits the first Individual Partnership for Peace (IPP) to NATO. It contains priority areas of cooperation with NATO and future cooperation events, altogether in 23 subject fields. · March 1997 ­ beginning of involvement of Estonia in peacekeeping mission in SFOR (Stabilisation Force) in Bosnia Herz...

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
5 allalaadimist

British Parliament

The essential role of the House of Lords is to discuss non controversial subjects, or examine in detail projects for which the House of Commons does not have time. Given its experience of the Life Peers who sit in the House of Lords, the Upper House is an assembly of well experienced former politicians , and is well suited to its parliamentary duties, even if its members are not elected representatives. In 2012, the Cameron Government proposed to change the status of the House of Lords, making it into a largely elected chamber : but the proposal does not terribly interest the British public, and this change is unlikely to happen in the near future. The House of Commons The House of Commons is the main House of the British Parliament in terms of legislative power. It is a chamber composed of 650 members (Members of Parliament or MPs ) elected by universal suffrage. The life of a Parliament is five years.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


really be called bird paradise. Undisturbed by man and protected from most smaller predators by the sea, they are real nesting sanctuaries for a diversity of birds. The first inhabitants came to the area that now forms present-day Estonia some 11 000 years ago. Estonians were one of the last pagan people in Europe. Estonia was incorporated into Christendom at the beginning of the 13th century, under the pressure of crusaders from Denmark and Northern Germany. Estonians were reduced to the status of peasantry until the 19th century. From 1558 onwards, Estonia became the battleground for the Livonian War involving Denmark, Sweden, Russia and Poland. Sweden emerged as the winner and Estonia remained under its influence until the beginning of the 18th century. During Swedish rule, the first university in Estonia was founded at Tartu in 1632. Tartu University is still widely considered the most important university in Estonia. The period is still often remembered by Estonians as

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lineaarne planeerimine

$B$27 Käpikud 0 0 Contin $C$27 Villased sokid 170 170 Contin $D$27 Sall 140 140 Contin $E$27 Kampsun 440 440 Contin Constraints Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack $H$27 A lõng 263 $H$27<=$C$11 Not Binding 97 $H$28 B lõng 225 $H$28=$C$12 Binding 0 $H$29 C lõng 400 $H$29<=$C$13 Binding 0 $H$30 D lõng 120 $H$30<=$C$14 Binding 0 $B$27 Käpikud 0 $B$27>=0 Binding 0

Majandus → Optimeerimismeetodid...
48 allalaadimist

Ladia keele arvestus

Verbid - are accuso, avi, atum, are süüdistama appello, avi, atum, are nimetama, kutsuma condemno, avi, atum, are süüdi mõistma obligo, avi, atum, are siduma, kohustama iudico, avi, atum, are õigust v. kohut mõistma, otsustama libero, avi, atum, are vabastama, vabaks mõistma nego, avi, atum, are eitama do, dedi, datum, are andma veto, tui, titum, are keelama - ere caveo, cavi, cautum, re hoolitsema, abistama (st mitmesuguste juriidiliste aktide jaoks sobivate näidiste koostamine, eraisikute abistamine tehingute sõlmimisel); määrama debeo, bui, bitum, re võlgnema habeo, bui, bitum, re omama prohibeo, bui, bitum, re keelama, takistama iubeo, iussi, iussum, re käskima possideo, sedi, sessum, re valdama, oma valduses pidama v...

Õigus → Õigus
75 allalaadimist

Moe muutumine 20.sajandil

kandja valida on mitte ainult mida kanda vaid kuidas ja millega. Teadjamad mõistavad, et kõik, mida kantakse, on laetud tähendusega, mis asjatundjatel ei jää tähelepanuta. Kuid kõige tähtsam on siiski vabadus. Viktoriaanlus, retro, tätoveeringud, suled, kauboisaapad ­ teemade mänguline taasavastamine on piiritu. Rõivaste ja nende kandmise suhtes on tekkinud uut laadi tundlikkus. Nagu kõigmuugagi sel kümnendil, ei määra meie väljanägemist mitte status ega isegi kindle mood, vaid sisemine hoiak. Ümberringi toimuv mõjutab moodi ja couture on tänapäeval ajakirjanduses populaarsem kui kunagi varem, lisaks on uuenenud austus käsitööoskuste ning ekstravagantsete esemete vastu nagu eelmise sajandi lõpulgi. Teatud mõttes on originaalsust vähem, sest kõik laenavad ideid kõigilt, rikkad või vaesed, noored või vanad, vaja on ainult silma ja õiget vaistu. Kokkuvõtte

Kultuur-Kunst → Moe ajalugu
33 allalaadimist

House of Winsdor

"Windsor Castle"[1]) in 1917 because of anti-German sentiment in the British Empire during World War I.[2] There have been four British monarchs of the house of Windsor to date: three kings and the present queen, Elizabeth II. During the reign of the Windsors, major changes took place in British society. The British Empire participated in the First and Second World Wars, ending up on the winning side both times, but subsequently lost its status as a superpower during decolonisation. Much of Ireland broke with the United Kingdom and the remnants of the Empire became the Commonwealth of Nations. King George V (1865-1936), Reigned 1910-36 As the second son of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, George V had not expected to ascend to the throne. He enjoyed a long and successful career in the Navy before his accession in 1910. His conscientious and unpretentious approach to his

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Rooma tsivilisatsiooni lühikokkuvõte

Tal on kodus võim, kuigi ei pruugi olla last.samuti symboliseeris kodu perekondlikku templit, kus asus kodune altar, mille preestriks oligi pater familias. Tema kohustuseks oli austada esivanemate hingi ja anda neile ohverdusi ning austada majaisanddat genius- topeltvaim, kaitseingel, mis igal inimesel erinev. Hiljem vaadeldi perekonnaliikmete kogu varandust kui pateri eraomandust. Agnaadid- kõik isikud isavõimu all. 3) mater familias, kui abielunaine; tema status Mater familiasena tunnistatakse pater familiase abikaasat. Naise positsioon erinev pater familisiase omast, kuna rooma yhiskonnas loeb vaid mees, temal on jõudu teha raskeid põllutöid ja kaitsta oma isamaad. Naine eksisteerib vaid tema kõrval- ta on kellegi tytar, abikaasa või ema. Tema isa ja abikaasa on tema isandad. Kui naise isa sure benne, kui ta on jõudnud abielluda, läheb ta oma venna võimu alla. See ei tähenda et teda põletakas. Naine on pärija, tal on isaga

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
66 allalaadimist

The Commonwealth of nations and the Brittish Empire

-ir - as yet undetermined, suggestions include wren and robin - Canada - Common Loon - aust - Emu - nz - Kiwi f) native people -ir - Celtic - Indian, also known as First Nations, Inuit and Métis -aust - aborigenes - maori g) History - When discovered? - can - 1534 -au - 1606 - nz - 1642 - When did became part of the British Empire? - 1931 - 1931 -1931 -1931 - Ireland ­ when did became a republic? 1949 - Status now? Republic and Parliamentary democracy h) Name 5 interesting facts! -ir ­ currency now is euro, before was the irish pound; What is the longest river in Republic of Ireland?: The River Shannon at 240 miles.; Population: 4,400,000; The official language of the Republic of Ireland is Gaelic but English is the principal language of communication and commerce.; Ireland uses the `common law' legal system also used by the United States, Canada and United Kingdom

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
10 allalaadimist

Lahutus. Selle põhjused ja tagajärjed. Elu pärast lahutust.

sageli tekivad tülid ja süvenevad kõhklused/kahtlused abielu suhtes. Teises etapis olevate isikute suhted on juba jooksnud karile. Süveneb emotsionaalne eraldumine teineteisest ning tekib ka kalduvus hoiduda füüsilisest kontaktist, suhtes hakkab domineerima üha enam ükskõiksus ja tülid muutuvad rängemaks. Selles perioodis olevad partnerid võivad hakata ära kasutama üksteise usaldust. Eriti palju antakse nn. lööke allapoole vööd. See faas võib kesta aastaid. Seda status quo'd hoiab üleval ebamäärane lootus, et "äkki siiski asi paraneb". Hirm lahkumineku ja üksinduse ees võivad kaaluda üles tõsiasja, et suhe on mitterahuldustpakkuv või koguni lootusetu. Paljusid abikaasasid hoiab lahutuse kasuks otsustamast mure laste heaolu pärast. Siin ei saa enam rääkida abielust selle sõna tavatähenduses, vaid düsfunktsionaalsest abielust, s.o. kooselust, mis ei täida oma ülesandeid, ei vasta partnerite ootustele ja mille raames

Ühiskond → Perekonnaõpetus
92 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

satisfy needs and the impact that these processes have on the consumer society (online, Consumer behavior is a hotbed of psychological research, as it ties together issues of communication (advertising and marketing), identity (you are what you buy), social status (among peers and potential mates), decision making, and mental and physical health (online, Consumer behavior is the way the consumers recognize specific needs for travel, search for and evaluate information, make purchases and then evaluate what has been consumed as part of the experience (Cooper & Gilbert, 2008, p. 65).

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Allkeeled - kordamine eksamiks

KEELEKORRALDUS Keelekorraldus seostub normikeelega. Keelearendus algas 16.-17.saj. Mõiste language planning(LP) tuli kasutusele Uriel Weinreichi ja Einar Haugeni poolt. · Proovib lahendada keeleprobleeme antud ühiskonnas · Keelereformi eesmärgiks on muuta kirjaviisi, grammatikat, sõnavara · Corpus planning ehk keelekorraldus-tegevus, mis mõjutab keelt kui süsteemi (arendamine, reeglistamine) · Status planning ehk keelepoliitika-maine ja keelekaitse Fergusoni 3 etappi: *kirjaliku keelekuju loomine-valitakse kiri ja kirjasüsteem *reeglistiku ja sõnavara kindlaksmääramine >> NK *NK reeglistiku ja sõnavara ajakohastamine, täiendamine Keelekorralduse etapid: 1)üks keelevariant on NK aluseks 2)mingi organisatsioon fikseerib variandi grammatikates ja sõnastikes 3)normingud viiakse ühiskonda 4)NK kasutatav keskse juhtimusega keskustes(parlament, haridus ...)

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
91 allalaadimist


pensionärid? Võibolla peaks riik rohkem kasutama õhutamistaktikat, aga kindlasti mitte vastupidist meetodi ­ laste juurde saamiseks riigi elanikkonda keelama ära abordid ja muud valikvõimalused naistel oma elu ja paljunemist planeerida. Palju on vaieldud ja arutletud abordi üle. Kas on abort on eetiline tegu, kas see on samuti mõrv nagu teise inimese tapmine. Tekivad küsimused, et millal siis algab elu ja milline on sündimata lapse moraalne status ? Kas on õigus otsustada kellegi teise ellujätmist või tapmist? Mina isiklikult ei ole abordi vastu, sest kui tõesti majanduslik seisukord ei võimalda kedagi teist peale enda ülalpidama, kas siis on mõttet tuua last maailma, kus tal ei ole hea olla, kus ei ole kõiki võimalusi mida ühele lapsele vaja on? Ma saan aru naistest, kes ootavad lastesaamisega kolmekümnendate eluaastateni, mil seljatagune on rahaliselt

Filosoofia → Eetika
31 allalaadimist

The Noble Savage in the 20th Century Fiction

The development in the reader or the watcher happens through the transformation of the hero. Usually the main character starts off as an outcast, somebody the society sees as unimportant or too strange. Then something happens that sends the hero on an adventure. The breaking point on his road is meeting a teacher ­ an encounter that gives him the ability to face the adversary of the story. In the end the hero faces his villain, emerges a winner, detaches himself from his outcast status and becomes a significant part of the society. It could be said that the most important part of the hero's progress is this teacher, someone who gives guidance and the knowledge how to defeat the antagonist. Commonly this guide is from a different world and a stranger to the main character. He has alien ways and an exotic nature. This mentor needs to be a stranger because nothing can be learned from something common and known

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Omandiõigus- selle sisu, mõiste, piirangud, kaasomand ja omandikaitse

30 Eriti olulise tähtsusega on õigus asja käsutada, sest kui omanik ei saa asja müüa, kinkida või pantida on tegemist tühja õigusega (nudum ius).31 3.1. Õigusvõimelised isikud Rooma impeeriumi elanikkond jagunes vabadeks ja orjadeks. Vabad omakorda jagunesid Rooma kodanikeks (cives Romani) ning võõramaalasteks ehk peregriinideks. Iga õigussubjekt omas teatavat õigusvõimet, mis sõltus isiku seisundist. Täieliku õigusvõime jaoks pidi kodanik olema: 1) vaba (mitteori) ­ status libertatis; 2) Rooma kodakondsus ehk Rooma kodanik (status civitatis); 3) perekondlik seisund (status familiae) ­ isikud kes ei ole teise isiku perekondliku võimu all. Niisiis võisid täieõiguslikeks õigussubjektideks olla vaid cives Romani, kelle status civitati koosnes hääleõigusest, õigusest 11 pidada ameteid, sõlmida õigustehinguid ja abielu

Õigus → Õigus
356 allalaadimist

Insenerieetika loengukonspekt

tuleb ise teha otsuseid. Kuidas suhtuda probleemidesse, mille lahendamine käib üle jõu? Kui juhtkond sunnib seda lahendama · inseneri loodud objekti omadusi teab vaid tema ise ­ obj heaolu = inseneri heaolu. Kuidas insener peab orienteeruma isiklike huvide ja ühiskondlike huvide vahel? · Inseneride poolt loodavad tapariistad ­ kas on eetiline luua vahendeid tapmiseks? · keskkonnakaitselised ning meid ümbritsevat status quo't muutvad insenerilahendused ­ kas see on eetiline? 2 Põhisätted Inseneri otsus projekti peatamiseks riski vähandamiseks toob kaasa kulutusi. Kumb kaalub kumma üles, kas oht või tulu? Kuidas määrata riski & kulutuste balansipiiri? Tehniliste probleemide lahendamise metoodika: · võimalike lahenduste genereerimine · eri lahenduste analüüs mitme kriteeriumi seisukohalt · äraproovitud teadmuse rakendamine Eetikas on äraproovitud teadmiseks eetikakoodeksid.

Filosoofia → Insenerieetika
100 allalaadimist

English literature of the 14th, 15th century

Major technological advancement ­ gunpowder. Knights and their armour became useless. No need for enormous castles. · The previously rigid set of classes were not so rigid anymore. E.g. a poor man with a gun was a match for a knight with a sword. · Thomas Mallory "Morte D'Arthur". In prose, very simple, vivid, the last great representative of medieval romances. Even as he was writing it, the whole idea of chivalry was losing its status. · William Caxton ­ the first printer in England. One of his earlier prints was of "Morte D'Arthur" · The genre of the ballad became very popular and very well developed. A ballad is a song that tells a story, usually they were accompanied by music. They usually consist of four lines called a quatrain. Features of a ballad: o The beginning is often sudden o The language is simple o The story is told through dialogue and action

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Eesti Ilmasõjas

Vene Balti laevastiku sadam ja sõjalaevatehased Tallinnas, suurejooneline Peeter Suure nimeline merekindlusvöönd põhjarannikul. Maailmasõja puhkedes rakendati Eesti majandus täielikult Vene sõjamasina teenistusse. Saksamaa plaanides - Augustis 1914 puhkes Esimene maailmasõda. Baltimaade tähtsus Vene impeeriumi sõjalis-strateegilise tugialana kasvas veelgi. Enne maailmasõda polnud suurriikidel kaugeleulatuvaid plaane Läänemere piirkonnas status quo radikaalseks muutmiseks. Sõja ajal tõusis Saksamaa idapoliitikas kesksele kohale nn dekompositsioonipoliitika, mille mõte seisnes selles, et eraldada Vene riigi läänepoolsed ääremaad ja muuta need Saksamaast sõltuvateks puhverriikideks. Nn Idapartei, kuhu kuulusid mõjukad sõjaväelased ja töösturid, ei lootnud saavutada võitu läänes ja pooldas seda, et Venemaa purustataks esimesena. Kindralfeldmarssal Paul von Hindenburgi meelest tuli Poola ja Baltimaad muuta Venemaa-vastase

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Washington and Texas

Houston is the most populous city in Texas and the fourth largest in the US, while San Antonio is the second most populous in the state and seventh largest in the US. Dallas–Fort Worth and Greater Houston are the fourth and fifth largest metropolitan statistical areas in the country, respectively. Other major cities include Austin, the second most populous state capital in the US, and El Paso. Texas is nicknamed the Lone Star State to signify its former status as an independent republic and as a reminder of the state's struggle for independence from Mexico. The "Lone Star" can be found on the Texan state flag and on the Texan state seal. The origin of the state name, Texas, is from the word, "Tejas", which means 'friends' in the Caddo language. Government Texas has a plural executive branch system limiting the power of the governor, which is a weak executive compared to some other states

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Giidindus Final Test kordamine

2 Towns (Upper & Lower Town) Tallinn used to be divided into 2 parts - Upper Town where lived the aristocracy, gentry and the clergy; and Lower Town with traders, craftsmen and merchants. Legend says the Toompea Hill is actually the tumulus mound of the great Kalev. Linda carried rocks to his grave. It is a naturally- formed limestone hill. Lower Town was a merchantile centre, Tallinn also belonged to the Hansaetic League (1285). It is often referred to as the town of citizens. Any grown-up, married and economically independent person, born in a legal marriage between two free people and having lived in the town for at least 3 months, could apply to the Magistracy for citizenship. Serfs could escape from serdom after having successfully hidden in town for a year and a day. Two parts remained separated until the end of the 19th century. Four Names Lyndanise - mentioned by Henricus de Lettis in his Chronicle; derives from the name Lind...

Turism → Giidindus
5 allalaadimist

Turkey and the European Union

(Laciner, S., et al., 2005) TURKEY, ISLAM AND MUSLIMS The poor integration of some groups of Muslims in the EU member states, the growing assertiveness of second-generation Muslims, and the worldwide rise of fundamentalism and Islamic terrorism, have placed "Islam" and "Muslims" in an increasingly controversial position. In 1999, when the European Council, in the wake of the historic decision on the EU's eastward expansion, also decided to grant Turkey candidate-membership status, "9/11" had yet to happen. The attacks dramatically changed the social and political climate and awoke dormant feelings of deep unease. Subsequently, much of the discourse on relations between Western and Muslim states was cast in the mould of the "clash of civilisations", to use the phrase coined by Samuel Huntington. Ethnic violence became more quickly associated with Islam and visible communities of religious Muslims more quickly labeled as dangerous fundamentalists (Zürcher, E.J., Linden, H

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Financial support for construction of technical infrastructure elements to the borders of the project site, needed for implementation of one or more investment projects. Financial support for the vocational training for obtaining professional qualifications. Reimbursement of labor costs for social security paid by the employer. Financial grants for education, R&D and manufacturing projects. State tax exemption for changing the land status from agricultural into industrial. COMPANIES INVESTED IN BULGARIA Chemical and Food& IT development Outsourcing Engineering Metal Industry Beverage WHAT BULGARIA OFFERS

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


[redigeeri] Võit Taani üle Rootsi kuningas otsustas saata Holsteini 17 000 sõdurit. Ta kuulutas välja mobilisatsiooni. Rootsi sõjavägi ei olnud palgaarmee nagu enamikus teistes maades. Sõdurid elasid rahuajal talupoegadena külades. Ühe üksuse sõdurid elasid ühes külas. See lähendas neid lahingus. Deserteerimine oli Rootsi armees sama hästi kui tundmatu. William III, kes oli tol ajal nii Inglismaa kui ka Hollandi kuningas, soovis säilitada Põhja-Euroopas rahu ning status quo'd. Et Taani oli ründaja, asus William Rootsi poolele ning saatis 25 liinilaevast koosneva Inglise-Hollandi eskaadri admiral Rooke'i juhtimisel Rootsi toetuseks Göteborgi. Rootsil oli sõjalaevastik 38 liinilaeva ja 12 fregatiga, Taanil oli 33 liinilaeva ja 7 fregatti. Julge manöövriga õnnestus Rootsi laevastikul sõita läbi Sundi väiksema faarvaatri, jäädes Sundi kaldal asuvate Taani kindluste suurtükkide laskeulatusest väljapoole. Rootsi laevastik ühines Inglise-

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
198 allalaadimist


For the Scottish Parliament, there are 73 constituencies and eight regions. For the Parliament of the United Kingdom, there are 59 constituencies. The Scottish fire brigades and police forces are still based on the system of regions introduced in 1975. For healthcare and postal districts, and a number of other governmental and non-governmental organisations such as the churches, there are other long-standing methods of subdividing Scotland for the purposes of administration. City status in the United Kingdom is determined by letters patent.There are six cities in Scotland: Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, most recently Inverness, and Stirling. Law and criminal justice Scots law has a basis derived from Roman law, combining features of both uncodified civil law, dating back to the Corpus Juris Civilis, and common law with medieval sources. The terms of the Treaty of Union with

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun