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"statement" - 222 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: statement

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Reproduktiivbioloogia ja –meditsiin

VEZT – arvatav tuumor-supressorgeen 3. Millised tegurid võivad olla põhjuseks, et assotsiatsiooniuuringud ei ole andnud endometrioosi geneetiliste põhjuste väljaselgitamisel häid tulemusi?  Haiguse tekkepõhjus on heterogeenne  Haigus ise heterogeenne  Uuritud grupid liiga väikesed  Kontrollide küsimus  Valed eeldused geenide ja polümorfismide valikul Nathalie Brison 1. Indicate the wrong statement: molecular karyotyping (array CGH) can detect: a) balanced translocations b) cytogenetically visible deletions and duplications c) submicroscopic deletions and duplications d) both microscopic and submicroscopic deletions and duplications e) aneuploidy 2. Define Confined Placental Mosaicism. During which prenatal screening or diagnostic procedures can it occur and what are the clinical consequences? CMP tähendab kromosomaalse ülesehituse erinevust platsentarakkude

Bioloogia → Geneetika
29 allalaadimist

Andmebaasid eksami kordamisküsimused

Andmebaasid 1.9 Teema 1 • Erinevat tuupi andmemudelite (hierarhiline, relatsiooniline, objekt­orienteeritud) ja  vastavate andmebaasisusteemide valjatootamise kronoloogiline jarjekord ̈   (koigepealt hierarhilisel mudelil pohinevad andmebaasisüsteemid ­ puustruktuuriga  hierarhiline mudel, kus tekivad anomaaliad andmete lisamisel ja kustutamisel ning on  palju liiasust; seejarel relatsioonilisel mudelil pohinevad ­ on relatsioonid ehk tabelid,  ̈ millel on atribuudid ehk veerud ja andmed esitatakse korteežidena ehk ridadena; koige  viimaks objekt­orienteeritud andmebaasisusteemid ­ neis saab hoida objekt­ oritenteeritud keeles kirjutatud objekte, kapseldada ja polümorfismi kasutada). Teema 2 • Andmebaaside valdkonnas tuntud inimesed ja millega nad on end ajalukku  jaadvustanud – E. F. Codd (relatsioonilise mudeli "...

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
78 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö "Veganiks pöördumise põhjused"

turn back to eating meat if the quality of producing meat products would be better. Perhaps better machines, cleaner slaughterhouses, employees know about hygiene etc. Second thing what students bring out was if someone could prove that vegan food is somehow unhealthy and doesn't do good for your body. When they get a solid assurance from scientists and doctors who say "Yes, veganism and vegan diet are bad for your health", they will return to omnivorous lifestyle. Unfortunately this statement is not proved yet. There are doctors who talk about veganism as how bad it is for health but then again others find out eating plant based food is one of the most effective diets of them all. Second main question was how aware students are about veganism and its beliefs. Questionnaire revealed most of them are not very informed what veganism is. However their attitude towards vegan lifestyle is quite negatiive. Overall thinking is vegans eat only hay and nothing else

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

hold more water; release more minerals or nutrients / increase N content or fix N / hold ions; form microhabitat / reduce exposure / provide shelter / reduce erosion; max 3 (c) any two from following: grazing; burning; mowing / application of fertilizer / application of selective herbicide; exposure to wind; grass able to continue to grow (linked to a statement above); 2 (d) increases; plants at later stages are large / plants in early stages are small; trees / shrubs. are woody, appear later in succession; 2 [9] 15. max 1 mark from following: 1 economic definition of sustainable; e.g. similar quantities of timber can be harvested year on year

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting notes

The sales method delays recognition of byproducts until the time of sale. Page 585 schedules. Production method reports the byproduct inventory in the balance sheet at its selling price (4000 units-1200 units (sold))*selling price $1 per unit = $2800. Sales method makes no journal entries for byproducts until they are sold. Revenues of byproducts are reported as a revenue item in the income statement at the time of sale. Chapter 18 - spoilage, rework, scrap. Spoilage is units of production that do not meet the specifications required by customers for good units that are discarded or sold at reduced prices. Rework is units of production that do no meet the specifications required by customers but which are subsequently repaired and sold as good finished products. Scrap is residual material that results from manufacturing a product

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Loogika konspekt 1-5

1_fl_i-v L1. SISSEJUHATUS Mõtlemine on käsiteldav kui igasugune aktiivne vaimne protsess. Tulemuslikku mõtlemist iseloomustab abstraheerimine, analüüs ja süntees. Mõtlemisvahendite põhjal võib seda jaotada · kaemuslik-motoorne, · kujundlik · sõnalis-loogiline (verbaal-loogiline). Sõnalis-loogiline mõtlemine tugineb mõistetele. Verbaalne mõtlemine avaldub inimese oskuses ... · opereerida mõistetega, neid võrrelda ja analüüsida; · püstitada hüpoteese, formuleerida kontseptsioone ja teooriaid; · seletada olemasolevaid teadmisi; · saada uusi teadmisi olemasolevate põhjal. Ratsionaalne mõtlemine on järjekindel ja reeglipärane (ehk loogiline) mõtlemine. See võib olla korrigeeritud kogemusega, mille allikaks peetakse tegelikkust. Eesmärgiks on sageli tegelikkusega kohanemine. Irratsionaalne mõt...

Filosoofia → Loogika
335 allalaadimist


1. RAHANDUSE AINE JA FINANTSKESKKOND 1.1. Rahandusteadus ja finantsjuhtimine Rahandus (finance) kui õppeaine on väga paljutahuline ja koosneb mitmest erikursusest: ettevõtte rahandus, pangandus, investeeringud, finantsturud, rahateooria, kinnisvara rahandus jms. Peaaegu kõikidel nendel erikursustel on oma baas-, kesk- ja süvatasemel õpikud. Käesolev õpik pretendeerib baastaseme esitusele ja selles käsitletakse põhjalikumalt ettevõtetega seotud rahandust ning investeeringuid, mida on hakatud kutsuma hoopiski finantsjuhtimiseks (financial management). Oluline koht on ka panganduse temaatikal ettevõtja seisukohalt ehk sisuliselt pangateenustel. Ettevõtte rahandustöö on tihedalt seotud bilansi juhtimisega. Bilansiga seotud otsused võib jagada üldjuhul kaheks: investeerimisotsused ja finantseerimisotsused. Investeerimisotsused on ressursside paigutamisega seotud otsused (ettevõtte varade portfelli koostamine) ning finantseerimisotsused on s...

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine ja...
316 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

·Commit: ­End a transaction. ­Store changes made during transaction. ­Make changes accessible to other transactions. ·Abort(sometimes also referred to as rollback or undo): ­End a transaction. ­Undo all changes made during the transaction. 20. Flat and Nested Transactions FLAT ·In a flat transaction a transactional client issues begin transaction, commit transaction or abort transaction commands. ·The transaction is successfully completed if it reaches the commit statement. ·The transaction is not completed if it is either explicitly aborted by the transactional client (if it encounters an inconsistency that cannot be reconciled) or it is implicitly aborted if a system failure occurs and it does not reach the commit. ·In a flat transaction it is not possible to start a transaction within a transaction. For a transaction to be started there must not be an ongoing transaction. Nested

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond ja kultuur, eksamiküsimused

Instead, the Norman soldiers who had invaded were given the ownership of land and of the people living on it. A strict feudal system was imposed. 12. Magna Carta. In 1215 King John was forced to sign the document, drawn up by the noblemen of England. It limited his power and extended the rights of his subjects. The Magna Carta is a well-known charter of personal and political liberty. Later, especially in the 17th century, the document was seen as a statement of basic civil rights. Four copies have survived. 13. The Wars of the Roses. During the 15th century, the power of the greatest nobles, who had their own private armies, meant that constant challenges to the position of the monarch were possible. These power struggles came to a head in the Wars of the Roses, in which the nobles were divided into two groups, one supporting the house of Lancaster, whose symbol

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
13 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

Ro'I and Beker's book, 91, archives not open so much, but people yes. Researchers went to activists. Picture of awful life. Ro'I, Jewish Movement in the Soviet Union, 2012, more archival sources. Regular people. Kulturniks, wanted to open synagogues. Political dissidents, wanted to change the system. Before reading article ­ background and footnotes. 27 May Evan's presentation on passportization - Lenin and Stalin, not a separate nation, not having a territory. Lenin wavered on this. Stalin's statement in Marxism and Natl Question, 1914. Natl territories in Crimea and Birobidzhan. After Rev, labeled a nation. Jewish Commissariate, Evsektsia. Koronizatsia, J schools, institutions. Retreat. Jewishness a nationality or a religion? Religious books not allowed. 5th paragraph ­ nationality ?. 16 years old, could decide if parents of diff nationalities. Dec 27 1932. Basis for unofficial discrimination of Js. Not directed towards J. Cities crowded? Stop moving around, anonymity. Affect on Js during

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

dealing with the true / false task. 5 See transcript Remind the students to identify Originally, these pictures simply represented whole concepts such as Transcript WB 04 each statement in the article which names and numbers. But with time provides the answer. they were simplified and refined The man in the first photo seems to and eventually evolved into signs · In a weaker class, work on the first

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Estonian holidays, festivals, cultural events

forbidden by the Soviets, was set to music. "Mu Isamaa on minu arm" ("Lands of My Fathers, Land That I Love") was set to music and the song became the unofficial Estonian national anthem that miraculously slipped by the Soviet censors. In 1969, more than a hundred thousand participants gathered for the century anniversary of a national song festival and, in a spontaneous act of nonviolent resistance, sang this song. For fifty years, it was a musical statement of every Estonian's desire for freedom. Pärnu Hanseatic Days 2008 June 27th ­ 28th Pärnu prepares for the International Hanseatic Days of 2010 by holding handicraft fairs every summer. Traditionally, the Hanseatic Days are declared open by the Mayor who leads the colourful procession from the City Hall to the field of Vallikäär. Among the traders there shall be a stage in the site of the fair, where both singers and actors shall perform. A

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

Suburg-ajakiri LINDA: Ilu ja Ideed

NAINE & seksuaalsus folklooris ja ühiskonnas FLKU.04.127 LINDA. ILU & IDEED1 ESSEE Kaire Nurk Ajakiri Linda, esimene literatuurlik ja ajakohane ajakiri eesti naisterahhwale2 alustas ilmumist aastal 1887 Viljandis, andes järgnevalt ligi kakskümmend aastakäiku. Avanumbri esilehel viidatakse ka ajakirja nime rahvusaatelistele seostele Kalevipoja eeposega: Linda suikus surma süles / Kaua külma kalmu al, / Nüid ta tõstab pea üles, / Nüid ta jälle ärkaval. / Ema arm ja ema süda, / Hauaski ei jahtu nad, / Neid ei murra surma oda ­ / Igaweste miilavad! /.../ Nüid on lõhkend kalmumägi / Kõrge tänu Taarale ­ / Nüid on lõpmas sortsi wägi, / Linda ärkab ülesse. / Tema hüüab Eesti õues: / Tõuske tütred, ärgake! / Koit ju punab taeva põues, / Miks te'e weel nüid uinute. Värsivormis pöördumine lugeja poole näib kokku monteeritud laenudest Kreutzwaldilt ja Koidulalt, sj on peategelaseks tõstetud ­ eepose MEES-kangelase Kalevipoja asemel ­ N...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
1 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

English structure revision for the exam 1. Terms Language → A systematic, conventional (tavakohane) use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. Human language at all levels is rule- or principle- governed (valitsema) meaning that language corresponds to the grammar. Natural language is usually spoken, while language can also be encoded into symbols (such as letters, morse etc) For example: Estonian, English. Linguistics → The scientific study of human natural language. Broadly, there are three aspects to the study which are  Pragmatics (studies the use of language → interested in the gap between the sentence’s meaning and the speaker’s meaning).  Semantics (concerned with the meaning of the language aspects and the way they change, also how objects and language and thinking and language are related). ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Java programmeerimise konspekt

Meetod (alamprogramm) Java rakendus sisaldab põhiprogrammi (main), millest tõenäoliselt pöördutakse ka mingite alamprogrammide poole. Javas nimetatakse alamprogramme meetoditeks (tulenevalt selle keele objektorienteeritusest) ning meetodid on rühmitatud klasside kaupa. Meetodid võivad olla kas programmeerija enda poolt loodud või Javasse sisse ehitatud (nn. API meetodid, mille kirjelduse leiab Java dokumentatsioonist). Sõltumata sellest, kust meetod pärineb, võib see olla kas klassi- või isendimeetod. Klassimeetod (class method) , mida Javas kirjeldab võtmesõna static, on kasutatav n.ö. "igas olukorras", s.t. ei ole vajalik objektorienteeritud paradigma järgimine (esialgu püüame oma kursuses läbi ajada klassimeetoditega). Täpsemalt öeldes - klassimeetodi poole pöördumiseks ei ole vajalik objekti olemasolu. Klassimeetodi poole pöördumiseks kirjutatakse reeglina: Klassi_nimi . meetodi_nimi ( faktilised_parameetrid ); Kui meetod on define...

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
283 allalaadimist

Laiatarbe näokreemid ja kasutajate teadlikkus

creams is based on the face creams sold at the Selver, Maxima and Rimi supermarkets. The research has revealed that the percentage of daily users of face cream is quite high – 62%. However, most of the users do not examine the ingredients, but rather trust the recognition of the brand. At the same time, 84.38% of the users have found that they choose a product with natural ingredients with a higher probability than five years ago and exactly 50% have responded that the marketing statement “natural composition” or “eco-product” rather affects their choice of the cream. Since people’s interest in natural products has increased, users also have to be informed more thoroughly of different certificates related to natural cosmetics. According to the questionnaire, 17.19% of the respondents purchase their face cream from supermarkets. On the basis of the analysis taken from 131 face creams sold at supermarkets, 45.80% contain parabens, 34.35% petrochemicals and 55

Kosmeetika → Iluteenindus
35 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

...25 APPENDIX………………………………………………………………………………….26 2 INTRODUCTION Today more and more disputes are caused by the enormous spread of the English language throughout the world. Some scholars claim that it has already become the first global language. And this statement isn't far from truth. But what does it mean to say that a language is a global language? Why is English the language which is usually cited in this connection? How did the situation arise? And could it change? Or is it the case that, once a language becomes a global language, it is there for ever? [1, pg.2] These are fascinating questions to explore, whether your first language is English or not. A global language is a language that is spoken internationally and is learned and

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

has been exceeded, for example. Spotting is much easier with these programs as well, since it is usually necessary just to press one key so that the cue-in and cue- out times are recorded. In some cases, these programs also provide the user with reading speed parameters (CPS and/or WPM), an aspect of utmost personal inter- est. It is curious, though, that these values only seldom coincide, when compared for different programs. The above-mentioned statement is illustrated in Table 1. It depicts values for reading speeds expressed in CPS and WPM, which have been calculated by some (3) of the seven programs listed above for a sample set of 8 subtitles. Among these © 2013. Fédération des Traducteurs (fit) Revue Babel All rights reserved Table 1. Comparison of the reading speed parameters calculated by comercial subtitling programs

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist


continents: the United States and Swedwn. - Gibier Faune Sauvage. 1071-1088. [ df] (19.05.2009) · Jahiseadus. 2009. ­ eRT. [] (23.05.2009) · Liikumisest. Loomade Nimel. [] (19.05.2009) 34 · PETA`s Mission Statement. PETA. [] (13.05.2009) · Pinet, J.-M. 1995. The hunter in Europe. Institut National Agronomique. Paris- Grignon. [] (09.02.2009) · Sarv, H. 2007. Hiiumaa vajab loomade varjupaika. ­ Hiiu Leht, 05. oktoober, 2007. [] (13.05.2009) · State of the World's Forests 2007. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Loodus → Keskkonna kaitse
95 allalaadimist

Levinumad arusaamad hüpnoosist

Räpina Ühisgümnaasium Tatjana Kruglova 11. A klass LEVINUMAD ARUSAAMAD HÜPNOOSIST Uurimistöö Juhendajad: Monika Ilmas Ülle Haan Räpina 2013 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS............................................................................................................4 1. HÜPNOOSI ALUSED...............................................................................................6 1.1. Teadvus ja alateadvus..........................................................................................6 1.2. Hüpnoosi definitsioon.........................................................................................6 1.3. Hüpnoosi ajalugu................................................................................................

Psühholoogia → Mõjustamisepsühholoogia
18 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

cealed pride in the governmental action that had followed the Hurricane Katrina disaster, detailing how "pumps, ships, helicopters, engineers, and humanitarian relief" had been sent both rapidly and adeptly to the flooded city of New Or- leans and to many other sites of the calamity (Hunter, 2007). Say what? In the face of widespread recognition of the Federal government's scandalously delayed and monstrously inept reaction to the tragedy, how could he possibly make such a statement? For example, at the time of his claim, the government's vaunted Road Home program designed to aid Louisiana homeowners still hadn't deliv- ered funds to 80 percent of those requesting assistance, even though nearly eigh- teen months had past. Could it be that Mr. Kroner is even more shameless than most politicians are reputed to be? It turns out not. In fact, he was wholly justi- fied in feeling gratified by his government's efforts because he was not an offi-

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Hispaania keel kirjapilt + audio allalaadimise lingid 53lk

por la mañana in the morning Pagó un peso por el libro. He paid a dollar for the book. Se vende por libras. It's sold by the pound. Voy por tren. I'm going by train. Voy por Alicia. I'm going for Alice. Voté por Juanita. I voted for Juanita. Fue escrito por Cervantes. It was written by Cervantes. La carta está por escribir. The letter is yet to be written. Estoy por escribirla. I am in favor of writing it. Pero (but) usually follows an affirmative expression, but may follow a negative statement if the verb of the first clause is repeated, or if another verb follows. Bebe leche pero no bebe café. He drinks milk, but he does not drink coffee. Sino (but) is only used in negative sentences of contrasting statements when the verb of the first clause is understood but not repeated. No bebe café sino leche. He does not drink coffee, but milk. 61. Object Pronouns Subject Direct Indirect Object of Prepositions

Keeled → Hispaania keel
88 allalaadimist

Eesti prokuratuurisüsteem rahvusvaheliste standardite valguses

Prosecution Service. Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 85th plenary session (Venice, 17–18 December 2010), p. 11–13 (edaspidi European Standards). 10 Vt nt „Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors“. Adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 27 August to 7 September 1990. Arvutivõrgus: english/law/pdf/prosecutors.pdf; Standards of professional responsibility and statement of the essential duties and rights of prosecutors. Adopted by the International Association of Prosecutors on the 23. April 1999 (edaspidi IAP Standards). Arvutivõrgus:; Recommendation Rec(2000)19 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the role of public prosecution in the criminal justice system. Adopted by

Õigus → Ev õiguskaitsesüsteem
4 allalaadimist


- A single non-functional requirement, such as a security requirement, may generate a number of related functional requirements that define system services that are required. Mitte-funktsionaalsete nõuete mõõtühikud Kiirus, suurus, aeg, kasutamise kergus, usaldatavus, robustsus. Quality goal A quality goal expresses some quality aspect of how the functional goal should be achieved Software requirement document - The software requirements document is the official statement of what is required of the system developers. - Should include both a definition of user requirements and a specification of the system requirements. - It is NOT a design document. As far as possible, it should set on WHAT the system should do rather than HOW it should do it. Nõuete esitamise viisid Natural language, Structured natural language, for example user stories and scenarios, Graphical notations, for example, use cases, activity diagrams, and

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
33 allalaadimist


aastal USAs. Ühingu liikmeid kogunes sajast riigist, liikmed on füüsilised isikud (ligi 50% on ameeriklased), liikmeid ligikaudu 70 000, mis on aga pidevalt muutuv arv. IIA põhiülesanded: 1. Arendada siseaudiitorite professionaalset tegevust - selleks töötatakse välja tegevusjuhiseid ning viiakse läbi koolitusi; 2. Standardite tutvustamine nind erialane nõustamine ­ 1978.a töötati välja IIA standardid, mille lühend on SIAS ehk Statement of Internal Auditing Standard. Standardi põhieesmärk, sisu: 1) Kirjeldab siseauditi tegevust sellisena nagu see peab olema; 2) Annab raampõhimõttes väärtust loovatele siseauditi tegevustele; 3) Kehtestab siseauditi alase tegevuse, mõõtmise hindamise alused. Standardile on eraldi lisatud ka eetikakoodeks, mis on kohustuslik igale siseaudiitorile. 1999.a korrigeeritakse siseauditi definitsiooni. Samuti parandati SIAS-i tekste. Uued

Majandus → Raamatupidamine
16 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

most loathsome aspects of humanity that war draws out. But when he is sent to fight at the front, Himmelstoss experiences the same terror and trauma as the other soldiers, and he quickly tries to make amends for his past behavior. In this way, Remarque exhibits the frightening and awesome power of the trenches, which transform even a mad disciplinarian into a terrorized soldier desperate for human companionship. Summary This statement, from the novel's epigraph, sets up the intent of All Quiet on the Western Front: to discuss a generation of men who, though they survived the war physically, were destroyed by it mentally. Chapter One opens with Paul Bäumer, the narrator, and the other members of the Second Company, a unit of German soldiers fighting during World War I, resting after being relieved from the front lines. They have spent the last two weeks at the front in constant battle. Out of

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

The lawbreakers have to pay 12- 1200 euros or they can be arrested for 1-30 days. Criminal offences can be first and second degree crimes. The first degree crimes are the most serious and the punishment can be imprisonment over 5 years or a life imprisonment. Punishment for second degree crimes may be imprisonment up to 5 years or a fine. 12. Civil procedure Civil law – the part of the legal system that relates to personal matters, such as marriage and property Claim – a statement that something is true or is a fact /a right to have something or get something from someone Claimant – a person who asks for something that they believe belongs to them or that they have a right to Defendant – a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal Legal remedy Plaintiff – someone who makes a legal complaint against someone else in court On the balance of probabilities Evidence – proof

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist


You are dedicated to your family, friends, and your company. You are strong, confident, and responsible.You are knowledgeable, intelligent, and experienced.You are important not only to the people closest to you, but also to your community.You were born for a special reason, and you have a great destiny to fulfill.You are an excellent person in every way. The preceding paragraph is a statement of your real personality and character. It may not be true for you 100 percent of the time, but it is a good general description of who you really are inside, and where you are going with your life. When you unconditionally ac- cept that you are a truly valuable and worthwhile person, you will express it in everything you say and do. Over time, it will become true for you.Your ideal will become your reality.

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

A New Earth

” This was the answer he found to the question “Is there anything I can know with absolute certainty?” He realized that the fact that he was always thinking was beyond doubt, and so he equated thinking with Being, that is to say, identity – I am – with thinking. Instead of the ultimate truth, he had found the root of the ego, but he didn't know that. It took almost three hundred years before another famous philosopher saw something in that statement that Descartes, as well as everybody else, had overlooked. His name was Jean-Paul Sartre. He looked at Descartes's statement “I think, therefore I am” very deeply and suddenly realized, in his own words, “The consciousness that says 'I am' is not the consciousness that thinks.” What did he mean by that? When you are aware that you are thinking, that awareness is not part of thinking. It is a different dimension of consciousness. And it is that awareness that says “I am

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist


Vocabulary 30 questions Reading Comprehension 30 questions SECTION 1: LISTENING COMPREHENSION This section of the TOEFL test your ability to understand spoken American English. You will hear taped conversations to which you will make responses. Part A and B contain samples of informal American English. Idiomatic expressions and two-word verbs are common in these parts. Single Statement In Part A you will hear a single statement made by a man or a woman. In your test booklet, there are four sentences. You must choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one you heard. YOU WILL HEAR: To get to the post office, cross the street, go three blocks, and you'll see it right on the corner. YOU WILL SEE: (A) The post office is right on the corner. (B) The post office is at the next corner. (C) The post office has a cross near it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Popkultuur ja popmuusika

empaatiavõime. On olemas teatud vastused, mis võtavad arvesse seda aspekti. Ei sõnasta abjektsiooni üldse probleemina. Ei näe naiselikkuse aspekti sellisena nagu seni oleme vaadelnud vaid toovad selle rohkem esile, väärtuslik. Psühhedeelia – kr k hinge nähtavaks tegemine. Naiselikkuse teatav tagasitulek popkultuuri. Psühhedeelia algus oli defineeritud läbi vastanduse tehnoloogia. Psühhedeelia oli antitehnoloogiline statement kultuuris. Mis saab südame aspektist kui tehnoloogia võtab võimusust. Henry Adams tõi probleemi välja kasutades meheliku ja naiseliku sfääri konflikti. Neitsi ja dünamo vastasseis. See oli humanistide jaoks olulisim probleem. Elektriline mootor – dünamo. See mida adams seletab on see, et tehnoloogia allutab pühaduse, mis on seotud naise kujuga. Autoreid oli veel. Kriitiline tehnoloogiaküsimustes oli Ellul. Tema kirj 50

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
15 allalaadimist

Müeloomtõbi Diagnoosimis- ja ravijuhis

myeloma, N Engl J Med (2003) 348: 2609-17 18) Jagannath s. et al. A phase 2 study of two doses of bortezomib in relapsed or refractory myeloma, British Journal of Haematology (2004) 127: 165-172 19) Harousseau J-L. Bortezomib in multiple myeloma: treatment approach and outcomes, EJC Supplements (2004) vol 2.6, 12-17 20) BSCH and UKMF Guidelines on the Management and Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma Sept 2010 21) Engelhardt M et al. Consensus statement from European experts on the diagnoo- sis, management, and treatment of multiple myeloma: from standard therapy to novel approaches. Leukemia&Lymphoma, 2010

Meditsiin → Biomeditsiin
3 allalaadimist


Student Value Correct Answer Feedback Response 1. HDD 0% 2. CPU 50% 3. Mälupesa 50% 4. toiteblokk 0% 5. CD-ROM 0% Score: 0/10 3. Millise "bridge"´i üle suhtlevad allolevad seadmed? USB Southbridge RAM Northbridge HDD AGP video card Statement Response Value Correct Match USB not answered Incorrect Southbridge RAM not answered Incorrect Northbridge HDD not answered Incorrect Southbridge AGP video card not answered Incorrect Northbridge Score: 0/10 4. Mitu taset "Cache"´i on tänapäevaste protsessorite juures kasutusel? Student

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

1. Be ready to explain the terms (lecture 1): language, linguistics, synchronic approach to language, diachronic approach to language, linguistic competence, linguistic performance, what is grammar?, prescriptive grammar vs. descriptive grammar; phonology, phonetics, phone, allophone, phoneme; morphology, morphemes (types of morphemes), morphs, allomorphs, types of affixes, derivational affixes, inflectional affixes; open vs closed class words; syntax. Language: a systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. - human language at all levels is rule- or principle-governed. Linguistics: the scientific study of human natural language Synchronic approach to language: Diachronic approach to language: Linguistic competence: Linguistic performance: What is grammar?: "The sounds and sound patterns, the basic units of meaning, such as words, and the rules to combine them...

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

Methods to improve the quality: refactoring. 49. Software Quality Factors A software quality factor is a non-functional requirement for a software program which is not called up by the customer's contract, but nevertheless is a desirable requirement which enhances the quality of the software program. Some software quality factors are listed here: Understandability is possessed by a software product if the purpose of the product is clear. This goes further than just a statement of purpose - all of the design and user documentation must be clearly written so that it is easily understandable. This is obviously subjective in that the user context must be taken into account, i.e. if the software product is to be used by software engineers it is not required to be understandable to the layman. A software product possesses the characteristic completeness to the extent that all of its parts are present and each of its parts are fully developed

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

h) In the case of a limited liability company or limited partnership, any obligations limiting own- ership of the shares by the partners/general partners; i) The persons authorized to manage and represent the company ­ full name, address and the personal identification number; j) The full name, address and the personal identification number of a procurist, if any; k) If the company has several persons entitled to represent the company, a statement as to whether these persons shall act jointly or separately. l) The person, if any, authorized to apply, on behalf of the company, to the Public Registry in fu- ture with the request for amendments to the record of incorporation. This person may be either a legal or physical person. In case of physical person, the application should include the full name, address, and the personal identification number of that person. For a legal person, the name, legal

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

Allusions create new associations in a new context, because they call forth compression. Usually they create festive overtones, also humor (when used "inappropriately") (e.g. "Death may be knocking at the door like the Commandor's statue.") 3. Quotation ­ is a phrase, passage from a literary source marked by inverted commas. Usually the author's name is supplied unless he is widely known. Quotations often assume a new meaning . 4. Epigram ­ short, compact statement, which stresses an idea. Epigrams are independent when taken out of context. Coined by well- known people (e.g. "The child is father of a man" Wordsworth). 5. Proverbs and idioms ­ make the text emphatic and colloquial due to their ever-fresh qualities. They may appear in their traditional form or they might be violated or deformed (by adding new words, replacing or changing word order, reviving (; ) the meaning of certain words)

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist


Esimene küsimus puudutab objektiivseid (tegelikke) valetamise mitteverbaalseid tunnuseid. Teine küsimus on aga seotud subjektiivsete valetamise indikaatoritega so tunnustega, mida inimesed sageli seostavad valetamisega. 28.küsimus Ütluste tõeparasuse hindamine (Statement Validity Assessment-SVA) 1989 aastal (Arntzen ja Köhnken) töötati välja protseduuri, mis lubab kompleksselt hinnata ütluste usaldusväärsust, mida tuntakse Statement Validity Assessment (SVA)- "väljaöeldu valiidsuse hindamine" nime all. SVA meetod koosneb kolmest põhilisest elemendist. 1. Struktureeritud interjuu läbiviimine. 2. Konkreetsetele kriteeriumitele üles ehitatud teksti kontentanalüüs. 3. Tulemuste hindamine lähtudes konkreetsetest kriteeriumitest (Validity Check-list). I. Esiteks viiakse läbi struktureeritud intervjuu, mis kujutab endast psühholoogilistel printsiipidel ülesehitatud tunnistaja

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
642 allalaadimist

Religioon õhtumaises kultuuris

1 RELIGIOON ÕHTUMAISES KULTUURIS ÕHTUMAISEST KULTUURIST: Õhtumaise kultuuri kolm komponenti on Vana-Kreeka, Vana-Rooma ja kristlus. Roomlased levitasid tsivilisatsiooni läänemaailma. Nende riigikorraldus töötas väga hästi, see tõi kaasa arusaama inimkonna ühtsusest. Kuigi roomlased tegid väga suurt vahet roomlaste ja barbarite vahel, arvati inimkond siiski ühtne olevat. Kristluse rüpest kasvas välja modrene teadus. Õhtumaa on peamiselt valgenahaliste protestantide poolt loodud maa. Kuhu kuulume siis meie? Nõukogude ajal oli siin õigeusu tsivilisatsioon, kuid ka siis kandsis eestlased endas loosungit: olgem eurooplased, aga saagem ka eurooplasteks. Läänemaise tsivilisatsiooni ja õigeusu tsivilisatsioon piir on Narva jõel. Idamaade aladelt laenatakse arusaam, et riigi valitseja on jumalikustatud olend. Kui Lääne- Rooma riik laguneb, hakkab seda ideed kandma kirik. ...

Teoloogia → Religiooniõpetus
236 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt

 Pluss: inimesele kohmakas lugeda, kuid siiski üheselt arusaadav.  Miinus: tekst on pikem, kui CSV puhul.  Sellest saab üle: kokkusurumine (zip, gz, jms pakkijad). Loeng 12 Direct and indirect recursive call  A recursive subroutine is one that calls itself, either directly or indirectly.  To say that a subroutine calls itself directly means that its definition contains a subroutine call statement that calls the subroutine that is being defined.  foo calls foo:  int foo(int x) { if (x>0) return 1+foo(x-1) else return 1}  To say that a subroutine calls itself indirectly means that it calls a second subroutine which in turn calls the first subroutine (either directly or indirectly).  foo calls bar which calls foo:  int foo(int x) { if (x>0) return 2+bar(x-2) else return 1}

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
241 allalaadimist


a conclusion that compared to 2010th year’s statistical data, there has been a wage increase among working class. About clothing and consuming, women think it is necessary to go shopping every month. They spend on it from 1,5 to 20%, depending on their income. All the respondents like to perform their necessary purchases mainly from clothing stores, but Second Hand stores are becoming more and more popular also. Can be inferred: Kotler’s written statement in year 2002, that the number of customers in online trading increases annually, is not true. Range of clothing and their price is variable and within ten years, more feminine clothing style is being preferred, as it was also in the 90s. In the field of makeup, women spend from 1,5 to 4% of their income on beauty products. The services of specialized stores are mainly preferred, from what can be concluded, there is the best service among competitors. Putting on make-up is being

Majandus → Kaubandus ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

Where official ENCs are not yet available, IMO regulations allow Flag States to authorise the use of official raster charts (together with an appropriate folio of paper charts) - see section below. In all other cases the vessel must carry all paper charts necessary for its intended voyage. 14 Facts about chart carriage reguirements From the regulatory perspective, the most important statement about the legal status of ECDIS is contained in the amended Chapter V of the SOLAS Convention set into force on 1 July 2002. ECDIS is specifically referred to in Regulation 19 ”Carriage requirements for ship borne navigational systems and equipment”. See fact box in section “What are the IMO requirements for the carriage of nautical charts” above. However, in order to replace paper charts, such systems must fulfil considerable technical requirements:

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

patterns to appeal to the broadest cross-section of the public. At the Disney studios, I saw the application of simple story principles, such as making the main character a "fish out of water," that became tests of a story's power to appeal to a mass audience. T h e minds guiding Disney at that time believed that there were proper questions to ask of a story and its characters: Does it have conflict? Does it have a theme? Is it about something that can be expressed as a well-known statement of folk wisdom like "Don't judge a book by its cover" or "Love conquers all"? Does it present the story as a series of broad movements or acts, allowing audiences to orient and pace themselves in the narrative? Does it take viewers someplace they've never been, or make them see familiar places in new ways? D o the characters have relevant back- stories and plausible motivations to make them relatable to the audience? D o they XVII

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Andmebaaside eksami kordamisküsimuste vastused

Andmebaaside eksam Erinevat tüüpi andmemudelid Andmemudelite väljatöötamise ajaline järjekord (vanemast nooremaks) 1. Hierarhiline andmemudel (vanim) 2. Võrk-andmemudel 3. Relatsiooniline andmemudel 4. Objekt-orienteeritud andmemudel 5. Objekt-relatsiooniline andmemudel (noorim) Hierarhiline - Andmed on organiseeritud hierarhiatena. Hierarhiline andmemudel väljendab oma alamobjektide 1:M suhteid ja talle vastavaks abstraktseks andmestruktuuriks on "puu". Puudused: - Andmete dubleeritus. (Ametite andmed on dubleeritud. Näiteks autojuhi ameti andmed on kahes puus.) - Andmete lisamise anomaaliad. (Kuni pole leitud sobilikku töötajat, ei saa sisestada ameti kirjeldust.) - Andmete kustutamise anomaaliad. (Kui kustutada andmebaasist Tarmo, kaovad koos temaga ka remondimehe ameti andmed.) Hierarhilises andmebaasis on andmed organiseeritud hierarhilise mudeli alusel....

Infoteadus → Andmebaasid I
101 allalaadimist

Integration of Lean Con. and Building Information Modelling

time, flexibility, and the problems that hindered work. It became clear that production problems on site tended to arise 109 whenever sub-contractors missed planning meetings. An additional complication was that subcontractors gave wrong promised dates for task completion, promising to deliver work that couldnt actually be completed by the date promised. In a revealing statement, the project manager expressed the opinion that using LPS in small projects might be too complicated and time consuming. 9.8.5 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND LESSONS LEARNED Modelling as a virtual representation of reality provided multiple benefits for the parties involved in the Crusell Bridge project. According to all project participants, the intensive use of BIM for construction management enabled better management and organization, and saved time and money.

Ehitus → Ehitusjuhtimine
70 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

option (Figure 6). 28 2.5. Research Design and Data Collection Available literature on the two projects and interviews were used as primary sources of information. A research tool was developed based on the findings from the literature review and earlier research. At the heart of a good case study are a series of propositions – a statement directing attention to something that should be examined within the scope of the study. The propositions for this thesis are: • Intelligent computer aided design and construction tools help to achieve the tight tolerances required to design and build a complex steel structure; • Building Information Modeling helps to reduce RFIs; • 3D and BIM produce cost-savings and reduce project duration; • Intelligent virtual models reduce clashes and provide constructability input;

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

") 3. Quotation ­ a phrase, passage from a literary source marked by inverted commas. Usually the author's name is supplied unless he is widely known. Quotations often assume a new meaning (e.g. "I do not know if Kipper noticed that my brown was sicklied o`er with the pale cast of thought. (Hamlet Shakespeare)" "Jeeves, I yelled and then remembered that he had long since Gone With the Wind.") 4. Epigram ­ short, compact statement, which stresses an idea. Epigrams are independent when taken out of context. Coined by well-known people (e.g. "The child is father of a man" Wordsworth; "A favourite has no friend." Gray; "Beware the fury of a patient man." Dryden) 5. Proverbs and idioms ­ make the text emphatic and colloquial due to their everfresh qualities. They may appear in their traditional form or they might be violated or deformed

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö alused

Pealkiri: UURIMISTÖÖ ALUSED JA METOODIKA 2 SISUKORD 1.TEADUSTÖÖ ALUSED............................................................................................4 1.1Teadustöö põhimõisted..........................................................................................4 1.2Teaduskraadid ja nimetused.................................................................................. 8 1.3Teaduslik tunnetus.................................................................................................9 1.4Teaduslik tunnetus realiseerub teadustöö kaudu.................................................12 1.5Teadustöö tingimused..........................................................................................12 1.6Uurimuse kolm huvi............................................................................................13 1.7Mitmesugused...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused ja...
1063 allalaadimist

American Literature

geography, culture, beliefs and work all combine to create a wonderful country. Whitman's subject matter and style tie together to reflect his values of a working class democracy, humbleness and the enjoyment of life. Whitman's impact has solidified American dreams (of independence, freedom, and fulfillment) and transcends, transforms them for a larger spiritual meaning. Emily Dickinson's sensuous and intimate poetry (seminar). Dickinson left no formal statement of her aesthetic intentions and, because of the variety of her themes, her work does not fit conveniently into any one genre. She has been regarded, alongside Emerson (whose poems Dickinson admired), as a Transcendentalist. However, Farr disagrees with this analysis, saying that Dickinson's "relentlessly measuring mind ... deflates the airy elevation of the Transcendental". Apart from the major themes discussed below, Dickinson's poetry frequently uses humor, puns, irony and satire

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Avatud ülikool KULUDE JUHTIMINE JA CONTROLLING MJJV.09.029 Koostanud professor Toomas Haldma Loengukonspekt ärijuhtimise magistriõppele finantsjuhtimise eriaines TARTU 2015 SISUKORD 1. ETTEVÕTTESISESE ARVESTUSE ROLL JA ARENGUD ............................3 1.1. Strateegiliste nõuete kasv juhtimisele ...............................................................3 1.2. Ettevõtte aruandluse arengusuunad ...................................................................4 1.3. Ettevõttesisese planeerimis- ja aruandlussüsteemi kujundamise vajadused .....6 1.4. Juhtimisarvestuse praktikat mõjutavad tegurid .................................................8 1.4. Ettevõtte kuluarvestuse süsteemi eesmärgid ja komponendid ..........................8 2. ETTEVÕTTE KULUARVESTUSE SÜSTEEM .............................

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
195 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun