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"specific" - 504 õppematerjali

specific - täpne ja üksikasjalik • Eesmärk peab olema väga täpselt määratud, nii et kõik, keda see puudutab saavad aru, mis see on, mille poole püüeldakse.

Inglise keele stilistika II

Long paragraphs create a monotonous rhythmic effect. A sequence of short or very short paragraphs creates an abrupt rhythm. The most prominent punctuation marks are exclamation marks and question marks. Their frequent use in the text speaks of emotionality. E.g. Winter! So cold! Why snow? The exclamation mark is often used to offer the sentences that are not exclamatory in form. In such cases it expresses the specific, mostly ironic attitude or indignation. E.g. a truth, a faith, a generation of men goes ­ and is forgotten, and it doesn't matter! Sentences that are interrogative in structure mat end with exclamation m to express strong surprise of distrust. E.g. a, does she think of me so often! The dash and dots (suspension marks) create emotional pauses to mark indecision, uncertainty, nervousness. E.g. Well, he is a..he is a kind of acquaintance. In dialogue the dash and

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
21 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

other momentary feelings. Loudness depends on many factors. Diminished loudness expresses intimacy, shyness, mildness but also threat and warning. A loud voice shows familiarity, a fear to be misunderstood, etc. Stress: · Logical stress--singles out words that are primary in the given context (I didn't mean you, I meant everybody) · Emphatic Stress--stress that singles out words as emotionally important or points out their hidden or specific meaning. (I told you, he is unwell--meaning drunk or high). Emphatic stress is suggested graphically by the Italics, exclamation marks, dots and dashes. · Accompanying means of emphasis can be the prolongation of vowels. Vowels are prolonged to express positive emotions (glad). Consonants are prolonged to express negative feelings (lousy, monotonous) Pauses: · Logical pauses divide the utterance into meaningful parts--sense groups--and are

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

This article was downloaded by: [KU Leuven University Library] On: 02 June 2015, At: 06:11 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Perspectives: Studies in Translatology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: When `we' are `the other'. Travel books on Romania as exercises in intercultural communication a Rodica Dimitriu a Department of English , Al...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

about 35 characters each) are available to translate that particular piece of dialog. As a consequence, translation for subtitling is intrinsically characterized by the need to synthesize (or condense) the information included in the source language. The process of subtitle development can be undertaken in a manual fashion, o by means of commercial subtitling programs. A series of those are available on the market: some of them are free software, others can be downloaded from specific sites on the Internet as a "demo" version for a limited period of time, and others require the purchase of a license, which can be acquired by paying in some cases significant prices. Here follows a list of the main commercial subtitling programs and the sites from where they can downloaded or purchased: ­­ Subtitle Workshop ( ­­ Subtitul@m ( ­­ Substation Alpha (http://www.videohelp

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist

History of english review questions and answers 2016

CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF OLD ENGLISH - 15 monophtongs, (7 long, 7 short, 1 central), 4 diphtongs, 17 consonants. Free variaton of R, and it was pronounced everywhere. Very much Germanic in character. Quite some special consonants that no longer exist. About morphology: synthetic with numerous aglutinating tendencies. System of tenses Germanic, but with a reduction of tenses. Paradigmatic leveling; Stress shift; Word order; Loan words (Old Norse, Old French). Dual pronouns. Determiners - no separate definite article. Strong and weak verbs. Word order relatively free with tendencies towards SVO. SVO, SOV, VSO most common. Adposition and podposition were both possible (eesliide ja tagaliide). About syntax: clauses were joined much simpler than nowadays, using and, then etc. Because of case syncretion the word order in a sentence became much more important to be able to tell the difference between words. FIRST CONSONANT SHIFT (GRIMM'S L...

Filoloogia → Inglise keele ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused õppeaines Juhtimine

poliitilised, õiguslikud ja tehnoloogilised tegurid. Mikrokeskond, mida organisatsioon saab ise mõjutada ­ konkurendid, kliendid, tarnijad, regulaatorid, strateegilised liitlased. Sisekeskond koosneb: töötajad, juhtimine, kultuur. 5. Eesmärgi definitsioon, eesmärkide jaotus, SMART mudel ­ Eesmärk on kindel lõpptulemus, mida soovitakse saavutada. Eesmärgiline juhtimine on keskendunud lõpptulemusele, millest lähtuvad hinnangud. Smart mudel: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time bounded 6. Juhtimise funktsioonide definitsioonid kavandamine ­ organisatsiooni ja liikmete eesmärkide saavutamise abinõude ja teede kindlaksmääramine. organiseerimine ­ töömahu väljaselgitamine, selle jaotamine üksikisikute vahel, ametikohtade moodustamine ja allüksuste koondamine, alluvusvahekordade määratlemine. eestvedamine ­ püüe ja võime mõjutada järgnejate tegevust eesmärkide saavutamiseks suhtlemise vahendusel.

Majandus → Juhtimine
214 allalaadimist

Objektorienteeritud JAVA konspekt esimeseks kontrolltööks

1. Milles seisneb static typing ja dynamic typing erinevus? Static- Muutuja tüüpi on teada kompileerimise ajal ning seda muuta ei saa. See vähendab vigade hulka programmi töö ajal. Dynamic – Muutuja tüüp selgub programmi töö ajal. 2. Milliseid piiranguid seavad nähtavusele proteced ja package-private (default) nähtavused? Public – nähtav kõigile Package private- nähtav paketi sees Private – nähtav klassi sees Protected – nähtav paketi sees ja alamklassidele 3. Mis on Oracle Java virtuaalmasina (JVM) nimi? Kes ei tea, kukub ainest läbi :) JRE Java Runtime Environment – java programmi käivitamiseks JDK – Java Development Kit - arendusvahend java programmi arendamiseks 4. Tüübiteisendus - milleks vajalik, kuidas kasutatakse? Fruit a = new Apple(); Alamtüüp. Deklareeritud tüüp -- Loodud tüüp.Millist tüüpi deklareerida? - Eelistada alati üldisemat tüüpi Alamtüüpi objekti same alati kasutada ülemtüübina(implicit casting). Apple b = new Appl...

Informaatika → Objektorienteeritud...
86 allalaadimist

Juhtimine TTÜ: Kontrolltöö nr 1 kordamisküsimused

TMO0010 JUHTIMINE KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED ­ KONTROLLTÖÖ nr 1 1. Millised on organisatsiooni tunnused? Organisatsioonil on psühholoogiline tähendus igale tema liikmele Organisatsiooni iseloomustab koordineeritus, inimeste tegevus on organiseeritud ja struktureeritud Organisatsiooni tegevus on eesmärgistatud, on suunatud teatud tulemuse saavutamiseks 2. Mis on organisatsiooni edukude eelduseks? Oranisatsiooni tähtsaim ülesanne on tulemuste andmine Neli põhilist koosstisosa:inimesed, tegevused, siseehitus ning ainelised ja rahalised varad Peab olema suunatud pidevale arengule, märksõnadeks: loovus, uuenudsed, muudatused Peab jälgima ja arvestama väliskeskkonda, tegemaks muudatusi ja uuendusi. Uuendustel on mõte ainult siis, kui väliskeskkond neid aktsepteerib 3. Mida nimetatakse juhtimiseks? Juhtimine on prots...

Majandus → Juhtimine
59 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola roll rahvusvahelises majanduspoliitikas

similar companies to follow the lead because the health of the planet is important to many people and therefore big companies have to be more planet friendly because otherwise many people would not buy their products and buy something more economically friendly, in this case Coca-Cola. That shows how one company can be a gamechanger to other companies and talks loudly about the influence of Coca-Cola Company. Previously mentioned example was just one specific example how much power can one company have. On the wider scale Coca-Cola Company creates many jobs and gives income to people in every region of the world and that in general boosts the economy of the world. Last year 61 thousand people (a huge downgrade from 2012 when 150 thousand people worked for the company) worked for Coca-Cola Company and created a revenue of 35 billion U.S dollars worldwide when the Estonian state budget for 2018 is only 10,58 billion euros (Statista).

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
1 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

stitutes a further milestone in the development of tax legislation. Licenses and permits - Georgia has dramatically reduced licensing and permitting requirements to ease constraints on business. The total number of licenses and permits was cut by 84% in re- forms that eliminated 756 licenses and permits and streamlined procedures. Currently, licenses and permits are only used in the production of highly risky goods and services, also usage of natural resources and specific activities. The procedures of issuing licenses and permits were significantly simplified to the "one-stop shop" and "silence is consent" principles. Customs Reform - From January 1, 2011 the new Tax Code of Georgia took effect which also includes the provisions regulating customs. Tax Code established business friendly customs pro- cedures. Customs Tariffs Reform significantly eased and sharply reduced the costs connected to the foreign trade

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


What is not plagiarism ­ without quotation marks ­ it is my text, I am the author. With quotation marks it means that idea is not mine and at the end of my work I mention the author's name. No plagiarism ­ is when you introduce information that is common knowledge (e.g. China is oriental country). As soon as this knowledge becomes more studied by somebody and this information has some source ­ you need to credit the source the information came from. Common knowledge specific knowledge. Unintentional plagiarism may take place if you reword the author's idea or words slightly keeping basically to his sentences and yet you mark it in your reference ­ however because of borrowing so many words even mentioning the name of the author and the page of his book ­ it is still plagiarism (e.g. "This author is the cheap prostitute selling the cheap ideas" Author X. BUT! If I say "According to author X this author is ... "- it is plagiarism). When you have no quotation

Õigus → Proseminar
36 allalaadimist

Juhtimise aluste kordamine eksamiks

Juhtimise alused: EKSAMIKS | 16. detsember 2008 Juhtimise aluste märksõnad eksamiks. Juhtimise olemus 1. Juhtimise ülesanne, juhtimise mõiste. a. Juhtimise mõiste Lähtumine objektist Lähtumine juhtimisprotsessist Lähtumine juhtimismeetodist b. Kolm tähtsat asjaolu, mis on vajalikud juhtimise olemuse mõistmiseks Kahe osapoole mõju teisele Ühe osapoole mõju teisele Tulemuste eesmärgivastavuse kontroll c. Juhtide ülesanded Tööde planeerimine ja teostamine, töö efektiivsuse tõstmise kavade väljatöötamine Alluvate allüksuste jooksva töö täitmise kontrollimine ja hindamine Kontaktide pidamine, info vahetamine ...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
687 allalaadimist


of a causal association between formaldehyde exposure and nasal tumors. Taking into account the extensive information on its mode of action, formaldehyde is not likely to be a potent carcinogen to humans under low exposure conditions. However many epidemiological and case-control studies as well as meta-analysis studies were conducted for workers with formaldehyde and it's resins and scientists who work with formaldehyde. There are no indications of a specific toxicity of formaldehyde to fetal development and no effects on reproductive organs were observed after chronic oral administration of formaldehyde to male and female rats. Amounts of formaldehyde, which produce marked toxic effects at the portal of entry, do not lead to an appreciable systemic dose and thus do not produce systemic toxicity. This is consistent with formaldehyde's high reactivity with many cellular nucleophiles and its rapid metabolic degradation. Ecotoxicity

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Klassifitseeriv paradigma

Klassifitseeriv paradigma Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967) Personality: A psychological interpretation. 1937, NY: Henry Holt Pattern and growth of personality. 1961, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. I. Isiksuse olemus. · dünaamiline organisatsiooon · psühhofüüsikaline süsteem · individuaalsus · temperament, intelligentsus ja füüsiline seisund · tüüp - teiste iseloomujoonte kategoriseerimine vs. isiksus - seesmine determinatsioon · miski, mis determineerib käitumist II. Kriteeriumid isiksuse teooriale · internaalsus, mitte situatsioon · seesmiste muutujate kirjeldus, mis determineerib käitumist · käitumismotiive tuleb ostida olevikus · isiksus on tervik, mitte elementide kogum · eneseteadvuse osa isiksuses III. Iseloomujooned iseloomujoon (trait) - ühik, biofüüsiline struktuur tagab erinevate stiimulite tõlgendamise funktsionaalselt ekvivalentsetena · käitumise konsistentsus...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Inglise õiguskeel

11. standards of proof – the level of reliability of the evidence used in the case 12. adversarial procedure – opposing parties hold a dispute in the procedure 13. inquisitorial procedure – the judge controls and starts investigation in the case 14. damages – monetary compensation which is claimed by the injured person 15. injunction – an order that requires or forbids the defendant to do smth 16. specific performance – to be forced to do smth by the court decision II 1. kahjustatud isik – aggrieved person 2. kahju tekitama – to cause smb damage 3. hagi kohtusse andma – to file a claim with the court 4. seaduslik hüvitus, õiguskaitsevahend - remedy 5. maksujõuetus - insolvency 6. tagaseljaotsus – judgement in default 7. lihtmenetlus – summary proceeding 8. lihtmenetlusotsus – summary judgement 9. poolte kokkulepe - settlement 10

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Võrumaa kindakirjas kinda kudumine referaat

people in Estonia knew how to make them, but needle looped tehnique vanished. One reason needle looping technique disappeared was when knitting became popular, another difference is the material and ease of knitting. Knitting became an important part of the Estonian textile craft by the XVIII century. The glove patterns have been passed down from generation to generation. Many gloves were knittted by using old glove patterns. Specific examples were knitted aswell. The samples were woven combination of patterns, ideas from nature and outings patterns. A.W.Huppel's book from this period emphasizes the knitting among the necessary skills for any housewife and notes that young girls should be able to knit by the age of ten. A typical Estonian woman's costume had a pocket for carrying knitting. They were usually separate bags attached to the outside of the costume or worn hanging from a strap. On the

Muu → Käsitöö
18 allalaadimist

Physical hazards konspekt

Visual ergonomics How to design a workplace lighting? • The value of luminous intensity should be adequate considering the specific job; • Lighting should be balanced; • Adecuate contrast should be provided between the object and immediate backround;

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
3 allalaadimist

Klassifitseeriv paradigma

Klassifitseeriv paradigma Gordon W. Allport (1897-1967) Personality: A psychological interpretation. 1937, NY: Henry Holt Pattern and growth of personality. 1961, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. I. Isiksuse olemus. · dünaamiline organisatsiooon · psühhofüüsikaline süsteem · individuaalsus · temperament, intelligentsus ja füüsiline seisund · tüüp - teiste iseloomujoonte kategoriseerimine vs. isiksus - seesmine determinatsioon · miski, mis determineerib käitumist II. Kriteeriumid isiksuse teooriale · internaalsus, mitte situatsioon · seesmiste muutujate kirjeldus, mis determineerib käitumist · käitumismotiive tuleb ostida olevikus · isiksus on tervik, mitte elementide kogum · eneseteadvuse osa isiksuses III. Iseloomujooned iseloomujoon (trait) - ühik, biofüüsiline struktuur tagab erinevate stiimulite tõlgendamise funktsionaalselt ekvivalentsetena · käitumise konsistentsus...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
8 allalaadimist


JUHTIMINE KORDAMISEKS ­ KONTROLLTÖÖ nr 1 1. Mida nimetatakse organisatsiooniks, millised on organisatsiooni tunnused? Inimeste kogum, is toimib ühise eesmärgi nimel. Tunnused: kordineeritus, tegevus eon eesmärgistatud. 2. Mis on organisatsiooni edukude eelduseks? Selged eesmärgid, haritud töölised, teadlik ohtudest. 3. Mida nimetatakse juhtimiseks? Juht mõjutab juhitavaid, et saavutada organisatsiooni eesmärgid läbi ressursside effektiivse kasutuse. 4. Defineerige põhilised juhtimistegevused ja kuidas need on omavahel seotud? Tegevuste planeerimine, jooksvate tegevuste organiseerimine, inimtöötajate rakendamine, liikmete motiveerimine, tegevuste kordineerimine ja kontrollimine. 5. Mille poolest erinevad juhtimistasandid juhtimisvaldkondadest? Juhtimistasandid: moodustuvad samal tasemel olevatest ametikohtadest, nt tippjuhid, keskastmejuhid jne. (INIMESED) - juhivad mingit kindlat t...

Majandus → Juhtimine
6 allalaadimist


kontrollida. Vertikaalteljel on konkreetsed ulesanded. Horisontaalteljel on aeg konkreetse ulesande taitmiseks. 48. Mida nimetatakse eesmärgiks? Eesmärk ­ mingi kindel lõpptulemus, mida tahetakse saavutada. Eesmärk on kavatsus, aga ka tegevuse juhtmõte. Eesmärgid on aluseks tegutsemisajendi ehk motiivi loomisel. Nõuded, mis teevad eesmärkidest tegutsemisaluse: täpsus, õige järjestus ja ühtsus. 49. Millega on seotud akronüüm SMART. Selgitage tähtede tähendust. SMART- mudel S ­ specific - eriline M - measurable ­ mõõdetav A ­achievable - saavutatav R ­ realistic - reaalne T ­ time based ­ ajaga seotud. 50. Mida nimetatakse strateegiaks? Strateegia moiste- on pikaajaliste eesmarkide ja nende saavutamise teede omavahel seostatud ning uheks tervikuks sulatatud tegevuskava. 51. Mida nimetatakse missiooniks? Sõnastage eluline/praktiline näide. Missiooni moiste- kirjeldab organisatsiooni olemasolu pohjuseid ja suunda. Nt: kohvik

Haldus → Haldusjuhtimine
1 allalaadimist

Capillary electrophoresis i.k.

Tallinn University  Natural and exact sciences  Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology                  Maria Gnidenko     Capillary electrophoresis     Essay                   Supervisor: Kert Martma                 Tallinn  2015    Table of contents Acronyms and symbols used  Introduction  History and development  Physical basis and principle of separation  Elektrophoresis  Electroosmotic flow  Separation process  Electrodispersion  Various methods of separation  Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)  ...

Keemia → Instrumentaalanalüüs
6 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

character expressed by two incompatible adjectives (case of oxymoron). Such pauses may be marked in a text and may be introduced by a speaker. STRESS: We can speak about logical stress ­ it singles out words that are primary in the context (e.g. "I didn't mean you, I mean everybody."). Stress that is used to single out words that are emotionally important or to point out their hidden or specific meaning is called emphatic (e.g. "I told you he is unwell."). Emphatic stress may be signaled graphically by the Italics, dots, exclamation marks, etc. Accompany means of emphasis may be prolongation of vowels and consonants. Vowels are usually prolonged to express positive feelings (e.g. "I am so glaaaaaad."). Consonants become longer to express negative emotions (e.g. "Mmmmmonstrous idea"). ORCHESTRATION:

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Drugs and how they affect your health.

Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. You've probably heard that drugs are bad for you, but what does that mean and why are they bad? Medicines Are Legal Drugs If you've ever been sick and had to take medicine, you already know about one kind of drugs. Medicines are legal drugs, meaning doctors are allowed to prescribe them for patients, stores can sell them, and people are allowed to buy them. But it's not legal, or safe, for people to use these medicines any way they want. Cigarettes and Alcohol Cigarettes and alcohol are two other kinds of legal drugs. (In Estonia, adults 18 can buy cigarettes and alcohol.) But smoking and excessive drinking are not healthy for adults and off limits for kids. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco leaves. Whether someone smokes, chews, or sniffs tobacco, he or she is delivering nicotine to the brain. Each cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of nicotine. Nicotine is what keeps peo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Põhjalik referaat valkude kohta

and participate in every process within cells. Many proteins are enzymes that catalyze biochemical reactions and are vital to metabolism. Most proteins are fold into unique 3- dimensional structures such as primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure. The best-known role of proteins in the cell is as enzymes, which catalyze chemical reactions. Your body uses the protein you eat to make lots of specialized protein molecules that have specific jobs. For instance, your body uses protein to make haemoglobin, the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen to every part of your body. Other proteins are used to build cardiac muscle. Proteins have very important functions in our body. 17 Kasutatud materjal Grandberg, Igor. 1979. Orgaaniline Keemia. Tallinn: Kirastus Valgus Männik, A. 1985. Biokeemia. Tallinn: Kirjastus Valgus Sarapuu, Tago. 2003. Bioloogia Gümnaasiumile. Tartu

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
136 allalaadimist


Kordusküsimused: 1. Millest lähtudes valitakse silmasuurus nakkevõrkudega püügil 2. Kas ja kui kontrastne peab nakkevõrk vees olema 3. Milline on tavaliselt nakkevõrgu horisontaalrakendus, miks 4. Mida tähendab "lõhemäng" 5. Millise lipuga tähistakse nakkevõrgujada merepoolset otsa 6. Mis on õngekonksu "säär" 7. Kui pikk võib olla triivõngejada 8. Mis on mail 9. Millise jaotumisega kalu püütakse õngedega 11. Püük lõkspüünistega §7. Lõkspüünised (1) Lõkspüünis on püünis, millega püügi põhimõte seisneb kala eksitamises püünisesse või selle osasse, kuhu sisenemine on lihtne, kuid väljumine raskendatud. (2) Lubatud lõkspüünised on: 1) mõrd ­ juhtaia, tiibade, mis moodustavad kariaia ja ühe või mitme pujusega varustatud kuni kahe pealt kinnise mõrrakerega lõkspüünis. Võrtsjärvel ei ole mõrrakerede, kariaedade ja juhtaedade arv piiratud. Mõrra osad on näidatud joonisel lisas 7; 2) ­4) [kehtetud - RT I 2005, 28, 201 ­ jõ...

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
34 allalaadimist

Referaat viinamäetigu: Helix pomatia

SISUKORD SISUKORD.................................................................................................................................1 SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................................ 2 1.ANATOOMIA.........................................................................................................................3 1.1.Kehaehitus.........................................................................................................................3 1.2.Koda..................................................................................................................................3 1.3.Siseelundkonnad............................................................................................................... 4 1.4.Meeleelundkond..........................................................................................

Kategooriata → Zooloogia
11 allalaadimist

Ettevõtte tutvustus

Kui ettevõte on endale selgeks teinud kõik need küsimused, siis tuleks kindlasti keskenduda ka sellele ,,mida teha siis, kui klient ei ole rahul meie toodete või teenindusega?". Juba ettevõtet alustades tuleks koostada põhikirja kõrval kindlasti ka protsessiskeem ,,Reageerimine kliendikaebustele". (Lisa 2) 1.5 Ettevõtte eesmärk Ettevõtte eesmärkide hindamiseks on vaja toetuda kas siis smart, pure või clear mudelile. Smart mudel: S ­ Specific ­ konkreetsed eesmärgid; M ­ Measurable ­ mõõdetavad eesmärgid; A ­ Agreed ­ kokkulepitud eesmärgid; R ­ Realistic ­ realistlikud eesmärgid; T ­ Time phased ­ ajaliselt määratud eesmärgid. Pure mudel: P ­ Positively stated ­ positiivselt sõnastatud eesmärgid; U ­ Understood ­ mõistetavad eesmärgid; R ­ Relevant ­ asjakohased eesmärgid; E ­ Ethical ­ eetilised eesmärgid. Clear mudel: C ­ Challenging ­ väljakutset pakkuvad eesmärgid;

Majandus → Majandus
46 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse aluste eksam

1) Mõisted: ettevõtja, ettevõte, ettevõtlus, ettevõtlikkus Ettevõtlus on järelikult see, millega ettevõtja tegeleb o Isiklik huvi, kasu saamine (mitte ainult rahaliselt) o Millegi uue käivitamine, organiseerimine, planeerimine o Erinevus kapitali andja funktsioonist o Initsiatiivi ülesnäitamine o Riski, vastutuse võtmine Ettevõtja on isik, kes tegutseb äris kasu saamiseks ja kannab sellesse ärisse tehtud isiklike investeeringute kaotamise finantsilist riski o Kasu saamine o Teeb investeeringuid o Võtab riski o Osaleb ettevõtte tegevuses ­ juhib Ettevõte o on iseseisev majandusüksus, mille kaudu ettevõtja tegutseb o koosneb asjadest, õigustest ja kohustustest mis on määratud ettevõtte tegevuseks o ettevõttel on omaette vara, mis on lahus omanike ja te...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
20 allalaadimist

Social media information and data collection and security

Thanks to the big data we see annoying ads in side of our feeds, which feature the sneakers we once looked in some online store. Big data is used against us. But does all social media platforms collect data? What information popular platforms collect? Lets start with the biggest, baddest social media platform – Facebook. Facebook according to Pew research center, 79% of internet users use Facebook in USA. I guess it is a lot when it comes to specific social platform. Since there are over 1,86 billion active Facebook users, a lot of data is generated. Facebook states on their official webpage that they collect all sorts of data. They collect content and information that user provides when using their services(posting, liking, sharing, posting…), location of the device or browser, how users uses their services, for example what type of content is watched or viewed, how does user

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Täpsete arvsuurustena, aga ka tabavate lühilausetena sõnastatud eesmärgid toovad tegevusse selguse ja arusaadavuse. "tagada kasum", "tagada vähemalt 10% kasum" . Eesmärkide astmestik ehk hierarhia. Eesmärkide ühtsus ­ alltasandil toimuva eesmärk on kaasa aidata ülalpool asuva tasandi eesmärkide saavutamisele. 49. Millega on seotud akronüüm SMART. Selgitage tähtede tähendust. SMART ­ . SMART , , : Specific () -- Measurable () -- Attainable () -- Relevant () -- Time-bounded ( ) 50. Mida nimetatakse strateegiaks? 1. Strateegia mõiste- on pikaajaliste eesmärkide ja nende saavutamise teede omavahel seostatud ning üheks tervikuks sulatatud tegevuskava. 2. 51. Mida nimetatakse missiooniks? Sõnastage eluline/praktiline näide. 1. Missiooni mõiste- kirjeldab organisatsiooni olemasolu põhjuseid ja suunda. Nt:

Majandus → Juhtimine
2 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

Treaty of Amsterdam - Signed in 97 in force 99 - Implementation of common foreign and security policy CFSP - New office of high representative - EU competencies extended to health and consumer protection - More legislative powers to the EP - Enhanced cooperation Codecision procedure Europe a la carte Enhanced cooperation – a procedure of flexibility allowing those member states that wish to proceed more rapidly in a specific policy area to do so Treaty of Nice - 2003 - Cosmetic changes only - Increase of EP seatus - Sanctions against member states - Proclamation of charter of rights Charter of Fundamental Rights - A document which has been updated in the light of changes in society It entrenches: - All rights found in the case law of the court of justice - The rights and freedoms enshrined in the ECHR - Other rights from the common traditions of EU members

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist


In view of the natural variability of animal and plant populations, it is usually extremely difficult to assess the effects of an oil spill and to determine when a habitat has recovered to its pre-spill state. In recognition of this problem detailed pre-spill studies are sometimes undertaken to define the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of a habitat and the pattern of natural variability. A more fruitful approach is to identify which specific resources of value might be affected by an oil spill and to restrict the study to meeting defined and realistic aims, related to such resources. Impact of oil on specific marine habitats The following summarises the impact that oil spills can have on selected marine habitats. Within each habitat a wide range of environmental conditions prevail and often there is no clear division between one habitat and another.

Geograafia → Geograafia
116 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

Invoicing and payments happen automatically too. The system saves P&G so much in time, reduced inventory and lower order-processing costs that it can afford to give Wal-Mart "low, everyday prices" without putting itself out of business. ROLE AND APPLICATION OF SOFTWARE'S IN SCM Supply chain management software is possibly the most fractured group of software applications on the planet. Each of the five major supply chain steps previously outlined composes dozens of specific tasks, many of which have their own specific software. Some vendors have assembled many of these different chunks of software together under a single roof, but no one has a complete package that is right for every company. For example: Most companies need to track demand, supply, manufacturing status, logistics (i.e. where things are in the supply chain), and distribution. They also need to share data with supply chain partners at an ever increasing rate. While

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

more likely to be true Evidence – proof To prove – to show that something is true Procedure – a series of steps followed in a definite order Dispute – disagreement Citizen – a member of a state One way of classifying law is to divide it into public and private law. Civil law is part of the private law and concerns disputes between citizens. It is made up of rules about how individuals interact with one another in specific situations. Civil law includes family law which deals with matrimonial matters and domestic relations and law of contract which is about binding agreements between people or companies. In a civil procedure the plaintiff, normally a private individual or company, is required to prove his case on the balance of probabilities, which means that the court will weight all the evidence and decide what is most probable.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid

American Journal of Psychology, 15, 201-293. Universal Unity of Intellective Function "Whenever branches of intellectual activity are all dissimilar, then their correlations with one another appear wholly due to their being all variously saturated with some common fundamental Function (or group of Functions)" Korrelatsioonid g - ga classics: 0.99, mathematics: 0.86, music: 0.72, weight discrimination: 0.44 g - common (general) factor - general intelligence s - specific factors üldine intelligentsus, spetsiifiline intelligentsus Spearman, C. 1923. The nature of `Intelligence' and the principles of cognition. New York: The Macmillan Company. Spearman, C. 1927. The abilities of man. Their nature and measurement. New York: The Macmillan Company. g - vaimne energia (mental energy), füsioloogiline alus, (erinevad neuronite grupid); sünnipärane andekuse üldmäär, konstantne suurus. s - vaimse energia avaldumisvormid, sõltuvad miljööst.

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
16 allalaadimist

Hüdro- ja aeromehaanika

neglect them. 7. What means Boussinesq's approximation? In fluid dynamics, the Boussinesq approximation is used in the field of buoyancy-driven flow (also known as natural convection). It states that density differences are sufficiently small to be neglected, except where they appear in terms multiplied by g, the acceleration due to gravity. The essence of the Boussinesq approximation is that the difference in inertia is negligible but gravity is sufficiently strong to make the specific weight appreciably different between the two fluids. Sound waves are impossible/neglected when the Boussinesq approximation is used since sound waves move thru density variations. 8. Three laws of thermodynamics? First Law of Thermodynamics The first law of thermodynamics is often called the Law of Conservation of Energy. This law suggests that energy can be transferred from one system to another in many forms. However, it can not be created nor destroyed

Füüsika → Füüsika
142 allalaadimist


SISUKORD SISUKORD............................................................................................................................. 2 SISSEJUHATUS..................................................................................................................... 3 VARUD................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Varude otstarve............................................................................................................. 4 VARUDE ARVESTUSSÜSTEEMID........................................................................................ 6 2.1Varude pidev arvestussüsteem....................................................................................... 6 Varude perioodiline arvestussüsteem.................................................................................. 7 VARUDE ARVESTUSMEETODID EESTIS..........

Majandus → Raamatupidamine
187 allalaadimist

Elektromagnetlained kui keskkonnasaaste

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Virumaa Kolledz RAH3170 Keskkonnakaitse ***** ******** Elektromagnetväljad kui keskkonnasaaste Ettekanne Õppejõud: lektor ****** Kohtla-Järve 2012 Sisukord Sissejuhatus Elektromagneetiline saaste on üks keskkonnasaaste tüüpidest, mis pärineb elektromagnetväljadest meie keskkonnas. Kui seda piltlikult ette kujutada siis võib seda vaadelda kui sudu, mis koosneb paljudest erinevatest elektromagnetlainetest. Elektromagneetilist kiirgust saab liigitada kaheks: ioniseeriv ja mitte ioniseeriv. Elektromagneetiline saaste on tulemuseks meie keskkonnas olevatest elektrilistest seadmetest, mis kiirgavad elektromagneitlaineid. Probleemi tähtsus on tõusnud kuna tänapäeva keskkonnas on väga palju elektroonikat ning iga seade on ki...

Loodus → Keskkonnakaitse ja säästev...
39 allalaadimist


The Pillars of Islam are five basic acts in Islam, considered obligatory for all believers. The Koran presents them as a framework for worship and a sign of commitment to the faith. They are the shahadah(creed), daily prayers, almsgiving, fasting during Ramadhan and the pigrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime. Both Shia and Shunni sects agree on the essential details for the performance of these acts. The Shahadah which is the basic creed of Islam that must be redicted under oath with the specific statement: ,,'ashadu 'al-l ilha ill- llhu wa 'ashadu 'anna muammadan raslu-llh", or ,,I testify that there are no deities other than Allah alone and I testify that Muhammad is his Messenger." Muslims must repeat the shahadah in prayer, and non-Muslims wishing to convert to Islam are requierd to recite the creed. Ritual prayers, called Salah or Salat, must be performed five times a day. Salat is intended to focus the mind of God, and is seen as a personal communication with him that expresses

Teoloogia → Religioon
1 allalaadimist

Ärialane suhtus ing. keeles

Although a win/win outcome is most desirable, a win/lose result may not always be too bad. Keep the end of the N as open as possible- try to avoid being put in the position of having to reach a conclusion at a particular time. People tend to rush into unwise concessions if they are faced with a deadline. Preparation skills- it is rarely possible to be over-prepared. Defining objectives- preparation includes writing down measurable objectives for the N. Objectives must be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely. Setting priorities- some objectives are always more important, both for you and the other party. Summarize, restate ideas. Never interrupt. Four stages: Prepare, Discuss, Propose and respond, Close 4 Define your boundaries: the best possible outcome to be desired to the worst result you could accept.

Majandus → Ärialane suhtlemine...
19 allalaadimist

Styles in interior design

movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features. As a specific movement in the arts it is identified with developments in post-World War II Western Art, most strongly with

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid

American Journal of Psychology, 15, 201-293. Universal Unity of Intellective Function "Whenever branches of intellectual activity are all dissimilar, then their correlations with one another appear wholly due to their being all variously saturated with some common fundamental Function (or group of Functions)" Korrelatsioonid g - ga classics: 0.99, mathematics: 0.86, music: 0.72, weight discrimination: 0.44 g - common (general) factor - general intelligence s - specific factors üldine intelligentsus, spetsiifiline intelligentsus Spearman, C. 1923. The nature of `Intelligence' and the principles of cognition. New York: The Macmillan Company. Spearman, C. 1927. The abilities of man. Their nature and measurement. New York: The Macmillan Company. g - vaimne energia (mental energy), füsioloogiline alus, (erinevad neuronite grupid); sünnipärane andekuse üldmäär, konstantne suurus. s - vaimse energia avaldumisvormid, sõltuvad miljööst.

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
17 allalaadimist


TMO0010 JUHTIMINE KORDAMISEKS ­ KONTROLLTÖÖ nr 1 1. Mida nimetatakse organisatsiooniks, millised on organisatsiooni tunnused? Organisatsioon-inimrühm, kes töötab ühiste eesmärkide saavutamise nimel. (Alas,2008) Tunnused: Organisatsioon on sotsiaalset identiteeti omav grupp, mis tähendab , et org-l on psühholoogiline tähendus igale tema liikmele. Org-i iseloomustab koordineeritus, inimeste tegevus on organiseeritud ja struktureeritud. Org-i tegevus on eesmärgistatud, on suunatud teatud tulemuse saavutamiseks. 2. Mis on organisatsiooni edukuse eelduseks? Organisatsiooni tähtsaim ülesanne on tulemuste andmine. Igal organisatsioonil on vähemalt neli põhilist koostisosa: inimesed, tegevused, siseehitus ning ainelised ja rahalised varad. Organisatsioon peab olema suunatud pidevale arengule, märksõnadeks loovus, uuendused, muudatused. Organisatsioon peab jälgima ja arvestama väl...

Majandus → Juhtimine
23 allalaadimist


size range most common. Trawl size is designated by the headline length, excluding the leg lines. Synthetic netting primarily nylon, is used almost exclusively, due to its strength, resistance to deterioration and relatively low cost. After assembly, nets are tarred to reduce wear due to abrasion and as a stiffening agent. This is repeated periodically while in use, usually every six to twelve weeks. The use of each design is not restricted to specific geographic areas or species as might be expected, but instead all are used on all grounds. It is a common belief that a flat trawl has inherently a wide spread and a low opening height and that the balloon trawl opens high. This is not necessarily so. Although all types could be rigged by the individual fisherman to fish either with a relatively high opening or with a maximum horizontal spread, the latter is normally emphasised

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
35 allalaadimist

Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond ja kultuur, eksamiküsimused

those they find unconstitutional. The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. Since the Constitution came into force in 1789, it has been amended 27 times to meet the changing needs of a nation now profoundly different from the eighteenth- century world in which its creators lived. In general, the first ten amendments, known collectively as the Bill of Rights, offer specific protections of individual liberty and justice and place restrictions on the powers of government. The majority of the seventeen later amendments expand individual civil rights protections. Others address issues related to federal authority or modify government processes and procedures. Amendments to the United States Constitution are appended to the end of the document. The Constitution's first three words “We the People” affirm that the government of

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
13 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

CDSLConsumer DSL [Rockwell] FDSL Fixed Directory Subscriber List HDSL High-Bit-Rate DSL + High-Data-Rate DSL IDSL Integrated Services Digital Network DSL RDSLRate-Adaptive DSL SDSL Single-Line DSL + Symmetric DSL VDSL Very-High-Bit-Rate DSL VADSL Very-High-Rate Asymmetric DSL VDSL Very-High-Data-Rate DSL DSL Domain Specific Language + Dynamic Simulation Language DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer D-SLR Digital Single Lens Reflex (camera) DSM Distributed Shared Memory + Domain-Specific Modeling DSMA Digital Sense Multiple Access DSML Directory Services Markup Language DSN Data Source Name + Delivery Service Notification DSO Dynamic Shared Object DSOM Distributed System Object Model DSP Delivery Service Partner + Digital Signal Processing/Processor +

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

financing that was crucial in helping Ukraine through the Great Recession. In particular, it helped to prevent a banking crisis. In many respects, however, Ukraine reneged on its commitments, and the program went off-track very soon, as a 2011 IMF evaluation concludes. This holds for fiscal, exchange rate, and monetary policies, but in particular for the energy sector. In 2008, Ukraine committed itself to phasing out all gas subsidies in three years, but little was done on that front. For some specific industries, gas prices were actually decreased in 2009. Ukrainian households still pay traditionally extremely little for the gas their everyday life depends on. At end of the year, gas prices for households accounted for about one-fifth and those for utilities for one-third of import prices. Officially the low gas prices are justified as poverty alleviation, but it is difficult to imagine a less effective and less equitable pro-poor policy.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia loengu konspekt

Low self-efficacy is associated with depression high self-efficacy can help one overcome abuse, overcome eating disorders, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. High self-efficacy also improves the immune system, aids in stress management, and decreases pain. · Õpitud optimism - learned optimism is the habit of attributing one's failures to causes that are external (not personal), variable (not permanent), and specific (limited to a specific situation). For example, an optimistic person attributes his/her failures to external causes (the environment or other people), to variable causes which are not likely to happen again, and to specific causes that will not affect his/her success in other endeavors. This explanatory style is associated with better performances (academic, athletic, or work productivity), greater satisfaction in interpersonal relationships, better coping, less

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
439 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D Andrew Davison Dept. of Computer Engineering Prince of Songkla University HatYai, Songkhla 90112 E-mail: [email protected] Draft: 14th January 2003, #2 Abstract This article looks at the advantages and disadvantages of using Java and Java 3D for games programming. It assumes the reader is familiar with Java, but presents short overviews of gaming, the low-level APIs OpenGL and DirectX, and Java 3D. No programming examples are included here, although links to online code are supplied. 1. Background to Gaming Giving a definition for `computer game' is problematic, due to the wide range of game types. For example, the ArcadePod site ( divides its hundreds of Java games into more ...

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

K24 mootor

Samuti tänu reeglite muutusele ringraja sarjas ,,Baltic Touring Car Championship" on võimalik antud jõuallikat kasutusele võtta kõikidel Honda marki võistlusautodel. 42 SUMMARY The topic of the present graduation thesis is "Reconstruction of Honda K24A3 Engine to Achieve 200kW of Engine Power". The aim was to increase the power of a specific engine up to 200 kW, and thereafter install the engine on Civic Type-R, thereby improving the dynamics of the vehicle. In the first part of the thesis, technological features of the original engine were dealt with and its particular condition was described concerning its measurements and observations. This was necessary to identify further decisions and opportunities. In the next part, the task was to find out

Tehnika → Tehnikalugu
20 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun