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✍🏽 Avalikusta oma sahtlis olevad luuletused! Sulge

"solid" - 241 õppematerjali

solid - State Electronics Известия вузов. Электроника Компоненты и технологии Силовая электроника Практическая силовая электроника Электронные компоненты 237

Kasutaja: solid

Faile: 0

Unit 4 words

Shed- to get rid of something that is not wanted or is no longer necessary shelter - a place where people are protected from bad weather or from danger Significantly- by a large amount, or in a way that is easily noticeable skyscraper - a very tall building containing offices or flats Slope- energy that uses the power of the Sun's light and heat to produce electricity Solar energy- energy that uses the power of the Sun's light and heat to produce electricity Solid- SCIENCE a solid substance is firm and hard and is not a liquid or a gas Steep- a steep slope rises quickly and is difficult to climb Terraced house- a house in a row of similar houses joined together on both sides. The American word is row house Utility room- a small room in some houses that contains equipment such as a washing machine Virtually- used for emphasizing that a statement is almost completely true Winding- a winding road, river etc has a lot of bends in it Yard- a unit for measuring length

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
26 allalaadimist

Looks - how important

What if look would not be important? I do not even have to generate theories. I know people, who do not think about necessity of taking care of their look. I can see them every day. Somehow they do not aware their problem. How can anyone ever feel comfortable with dirty clothes, untidy skin and fetid body? This secret remains to be under disgusting cover. In conclusion I would say that look is really important! No matter what is being achieved, look has a solid role in result! Of course if people did not care of the way they look, some doors would be closed, but life still would worth living!

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Automatiseerimistehnika ja arvjuhtsüsteemide lühendid

CAT Computer Aided Testing arvuti toel testimine ja katsetamine; vastav tarkvarapakett CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing raalintegreeritud projekteerimine ja tootmine; minimaalne arvuti toel lahendatavate ülesannete kogum sisaldab järgmisi tarkvarapakette: CAD, CAM, CAP, CAQ CNC Computerized Numerical Control arvuti toel programmeeritav arvjuhtimine (salvestatav), kasutakse paljude tööstusseadmete automatiseeritud juhtimisel CSG Constructive Solid Geometry hulgateoorial põhinev tahkekeha 3D-mudeldamine DNC Distributed Numerical Control keskarvuti kaudu detsentraliseeritud (jaotatud) arvjuhtseadmete juhtimine FMS Flexible Manufacturing System paindtootmissüsteem; mitme arvjuhtimisseadme automatiseeritud ühendamine ühtseks tootmissüsteemiks FMC Flexible Manufacturing Cell paindtootmismoodul; arvjuhtimisseade automatiseeritud ühenduses tööriistasüsteemi ja toorikute teisaldamissüsteemiga, juurde võib kuuluda ka

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
16 allalaadimist

Thermal treatment of physical properties of polyethylene

märksõnadena tools ja jobs ning märkisin full text välja. Sain esimese hitina vajaliku artikli. 2.2.2 a) Laiad märksõnad: ecosystems, environment Kitsamad märksõnad: coral reefs, aquatic ecosystems, costal plains, arid zones, deserts, forests, grasslands, oceans, prairies, rainforests, taiga and tundra, terrestrial ecosystems, wetlands. b) Plotkin, Mark J. 2.3 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (52), Thin Solid Films (50), (Journal of Non- Crystalline Solids (31), Synthetic Metals (18), Organic Electronics (10), Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (2) Teemades: solar cell (79), thin film (21), organic solar (9), zno (9), cds (6) 2.4 Peamised märksõnad: carcinogens, groundwater, pollution; 847 hitti. Groundwater AND pollution AND problems: Groundwater AND ecosystem AND cancer: Eelistasin edasisel tööl esimest varianti, kuna sisaldab teema pealkirjas olevaid sõnu märksõnadena

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
2 allalaadimist

Vocabulary: Internet; Finding a Job; Food; Anatomy

Vocabulary list 1. internet service provider ­ company that provides internet for a fee 2. globalization - or extending to other or all parts of the world 3. flash drive ­ a portable miniature solid state drive that connects to a computer via a USB port 4. abbreviations ­ a shortened form of a word 5. nonverbal communication ­ communication without talking 6. social networking ­ service that connects people who for example share interests, backgrounds or real-life connections 7. addiction - state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming 8

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Eesti Vabariigi sündimise eeldused

Eesti Vabariigi sündimise eeldused Eesti on väike riik euroopas, mille territooriumi hea asukoha pärast on omavahel võidelnud paljud riigid, samalajal kui meie väike riik võidelnud nende vastu, et olla iseseisev riik. 1918. aastal see saavutati- 24 veebruar kuulutati välja Eesti iseseisvus. Mi solid Eesti Vabariigi sündimise eeldusteks? 20 sajandi alguses püüti parandada haridusolusid, nõuti emakeelset kooliharidust. Emakeelseteerakoolide rajamiseks toimusid erinevad haridusseltsid. Isamaalisi ideid ja kirjandust levitas kirjanduslik rühmitus Noor Eesti. Loodi erinevaid spordi,- põllumeeste,- laulu jms seltse. Mitmest ärkamisaegsest laulu,- tantsu- ja mänguseltsist kasvas välja teatriseltse, asutati Eesti Rahva Muuseum ning arenes eestikeelne ajakirjandus

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
34 allalaadimist

Tootmisseadmed ja -süsteemid, 1. test

Flag question vaiku, mis teatud valguse juures tahkub. Vaik on vannis, mida kiht-kihi haavalt läbib laser, mis joonistab mustreid ning millest tekib detail. 2. Solid ground curing (kogu pinna kõvastamine) - erinevalt stereolitograafiast, kus kasutatakse laserkiirt polümeerikihi kiht-kihiliseks kõvastamiseks, kasutab see meetod vaigu kõvastamiseks intensiivset ultraviolettkiirgust

Tehnika → Tootmisseadmed ja süsteemid
148 allalaadimist

"chemical element Neon"

NEON Symbol: Ne Atomic number: 10 Date of Discovery: 1898 Discoverer: Sir William Ramsay Name Origin: Form the Greek word neos (new) Uses: lighting Obtained From: liquid air Respected teacher, classmates today I am going to speak about a chemical element neon. it will take me about 2-3 minutes. I am going to talk about Neon's history extraction physical properties chemical properties uses health effect Neon is the chemical element that has the symbol Ne and atomic number 10. Neon was discovered in 1898 by British chemists William Ramsay (1852-1916) and Morris Travers (1872-1961). It occurs naturally in the atmosphere, but only in very small amounts. Extraction Neon can be obtained from air by fractional distillation(murdosaline destilatsioon). The first step in fractional distillation of air is to change a container of air to a liquid. The liquid air is then allowed to warm up. As the air warms, each element in air changes...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

"Paabeli poeg" retsensioon

monteerija. Filmile annab reaalsuse efekti juurde asjaolu, et kõik tegevus ongi filmitud Iraagis ­ alates mägedest Iraagi põhjaosas kuni Babyloni kõrbedeni lõunas. Tegevus toimus läbi terve riigi, pakkudes vaatajale võimalust näha erinevate sotsiaalsete gruppide ja ühiskonnakihtide elu Iraagis. Enamasti ei olnud filmitud loodus ilus, masendavat meeleolu lõid lisaks veel Saddam Husseini reziimi ajal loodud massihauad, mi solid filmi keskseks teemaks. Filmi helilise poole eest kandis hoolt Kad Achouri. Põhiliselt on muusika selles filmis melanhoolne. Kuigi leidus ka üksikuid rõõmsaid hetki, kus kõlasid helgemad noodid, mängis siiski taustaks kurvameelne meloodia. Kuna filmis oli palju hetki, kus tegevus puudus, või inimesed lihtsalt vaatasid tühjusesse ja mõtisklesid, pidi muusika need kohad täitma, andmaks edasi tegelaste mõttemaailma ja tundeid.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist


than you have, but in fact the reality might be the other way round. The most valuable thing in world is time, but to be rich, you have to work a lot, but if you work over hours then you do not have that much time to live a life. So in the end, are you in seventh heaven like this? I do not think so. In conclusion, money is an important component of happiness, but money alone won't suffice in bringing you the highest level of happiness possible. You also need to have good, solid relationships with your friends and family to maximize your level of happiness.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Alchemy English

For thousand of years scientists all over the world have sought for three main goals of alchemy. The most renowned goal of alchemy is the transmutation of any metal into gold or silver. Also they tried to create universal panacea. It's a remedy that would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. The philosphper's stone was the key in these goals. This mythical substance could just as well be powder or liquid. Alchemy is considered as the precursor of the modern science of chemistry. The Philospher's stone is perhaps best known in Britain through the best-selling book and movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. But its origins go back thousands of years to ancient world. In those times a philospher was a secret wizard and a powerful sage. But what exaclty is a philospher's stone? To begin with its not actually a stone at all. It's not a solid rocky substance but a compound substance. That would have been kind of a liquid ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


What would you change? 6. Search the net and visit Dr Walker’s webpage: to find some facts and personal information about the scientist. Dr Walker 7. Translate the sentences into Estonian. She knew the music perfectly, could sing the aria in her sleep. Maybe I would end up wishing I had let sleeping dogs lie. I slept like a log last night, for ten solid hours. He said he's sleeping on it and is going to make a decision tomorrow. As she slept she looked like a goddess; her sleep was the sleep of the just. Goodnight sweetheart, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. I have spent my life in an area where you needed to sleep with one eye open to survive.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Mitmekettalised lahkamissaagpingid

Mitmekettalised lahkamissaagpingid ehk pikilõikesaagpingid PikilõIKEsaagpingid Mõned pikilõikesaagpingid: MRS-300A, CPT GRS-300, CPT GRS-320, CPT GRS-320S (on mõeldud väiksema paksusega saematerjalile), Pinheiro AMA2-410, Pinheiro AMA2-314A, Prem 261, Shanghai Fuma MJ145, Shanghai Fuma MJ153 jpt. Mitmekettalisi lahkamissaagpingid on ette nähtud saematerjalide pikijuurdelõikamiseks peenprussideks, liistudeks või ribideks. Mööblitööstuses kasutatakse neid parkett ja laminaad toodete valmistamiseks, uste poolvalmis detailide tegemiseks, ukseraamide ja kergete paneelide tegemiseks. Pikilõikesaagpinke on mitmesuguseid: Ühe saelehe või saekettaga, mitme saelehe või saekettaga, liikuvate ja fikseeritud saeketastega, arvutiteel või käsitsi kontrollitavad jne. Pikilõikesaepingi tootlikus sõltub järgmistest tingimustest: 1. Etteande ja väljastus automaatikast 2. Puidu liigist 3. Puidu mõõtudest 4...

Ametid → Tisleri eriala
25 allalaadimist

Turismi mõju majandusele ja keskkonnale

Tourism can push up local property prices and the cost of goods and services. 3. A huge amount of tourism returns are taken away from the target country. There are many reasons: quarters with a foreign heritage, travel agency, commercial expences and raw materials for the tourists. ENVIRONMENT 1. Pollution ­ The cruise ships of the Mediterrean Sea are polluting water and coast areas and the bottom of the sea. One cruise ship creates about 50 tons of solid garbage a year. There are floating plastic garbage islands in the ocean. 2. Air transport is the most polluting transport type. Plane flings carbon dioxide and other pollution to the atmosphere. 3. Biodeversity ­ Due to humans about 500 plants are extincting by the Mediterrean Sea. In the water the divers can damage coral reefs. 4. Water is one of the most critical natural resource. The tourism industry geneally overuses

Turism → Turismimajandus
6 allalaadimist

Awesome ManOS

ManOS Overview Everything below is rooted in my core value of creating self­esteem. My actions  today focus on work, girls, travel & having fun. My career is the ultimate leverage  point as this creates the money, self­esteem and confidence. The money allows  me to travel and the self­esteem & confidence allow me to live the lifestyle that is  congruent with drawing in girls. Long term (5+ years), I want my life to offer value to the world by having a  beneficial impact on those around me. I am obviously not clear how I will do this,  so for now, I am focused on taking the greatest strides possible over the next few years, to better put me in a position to achieve my long term goal. 1. Career  Vision I want to earn the rank of manager in my firm within the next 3 years. I want to  earn the respect and trust of fellow employees. I want to become an integral  member of my team by providing distinct and high quality service to my clie...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

LAC-5700 operatsioonisüsteemid, töö 2

2) less 17) improve 31) of 3) environmentally 18) model 32) chemical 4) desirable 19) performance 33) pollutants 5) than 20) 34) in 6) storing Bioaccumulation 35) both 7) the 21) of 36) the 8) fuel 22) contaminants 37) Baltic 9) as 23) chapter 38) Sea 10) solid 24) There 39) and 11) of 25) is 40) Black 2 ARVUTUSTE JA PAIGUTUSTE SELGITUSED Programm arvutab valemi järgi (h = 1.täht * 27 + 2.täht) sõna paiskaadressi. Hiljem kasutades jäägileidmis tehte (addr = h mod T, kus T on tabeli suurus) abil primaaraadressi tabeli tarvis. Juhul, kui vastav

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemid
58 allalaadimist


That's why the durability of concrete needs to be tested. (slide) Firstly, the concrete contains pores and capillaries which fulfill with water. In laboratories several test have been worked out to measure the permeability but in real life we have a similar situations in marine areas. Next, there are three major types of flow constants for concrete. (slide) Firstly there is permeability which is a rate of flow of fluid into a porous solid of concrete. Then comes diffusivity- a situation where gas or liquid will be transmitted through the substance. And finally there is sorptivity which is a process where liquid is absorbed by capillarity. When the concrete is drying, it is very important to cure it well. (slide) It means watering the concrete to keep all the previous factors as low as possible. (slide) Degradation of concrete is mainly caused by chemical affects such as reactions with

Ehitus → Betooniõpetus
27 allalaadimist

Rolls Royce

Rolls Royce Rolls Royce is considered to be the ultimate luxury automobile manufacturer. It was founded by Henry Royce and Charles Stewart Rolls in 1904. Over the years, Rolls- Royce has built a rock-solid tradition "To be Trusted to Deliver Excellence." First Rolls Royce ever made was Rolls-Royce 10hp in 1904. It had 1.8L, 4 cylinder engine ­ 12 hp and top speed of 63 km/hr. In comparison Rolls Royce automobiles produced today have at least 453 hp 12 cylinder engines, which gives it an extra smooth characteristics, just like every proper luxury car should have. But Rolls Royce is not only known for their luxurious silky smooth ride. They also are known for their performance. These massive road cruisers can even reach speeds up to 260 km/h! What makes Rolls Royce really stand out, is that all of their models share same distinctive features, which other luxury cars do not have. First of all, all Rolls Royce automobiles are very masculin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö/uurimustöö "Digitahvel õpetaja abivahendina", Promethean digitahvel, Paide Gümnaasium

From Scanner/Camera Skännerist/Kaamerast Launch ActiView ActiView käivitamine Capture from ActiView Jäädvusta ActiViewst Desktop Annotate Töölauale märkmete lisamine Desktop Tools Töölaua vahendid Circular Spotlight Ringikujuline kohtvalgus Pilt Töönupu nimi inglise keeles Töönupu nimi eesti keeles Solid Circular Spotlight Täidetud ringikujuline kohtvalgus Square Spotlight Ruudukujuline kohtvalgus Solid Square Spotlight Täidetud ruudukujuline kohtvalgus Reset Page Lehe algseis Clear Annotations Puhasta annotatsioonid Clear Objects Puhasta objektid Clear Grid Puhasta ruudustik Clear Background Puhasta tagataust

Muu → Ainetöö
8 allalaadimist

Vene kultuurilugu

See põhines kreeka-katoliku kiriku vaimulikul traditsioonil, mis lähtus Bütsantsist Kiriku domineerimine takistas Moskoovia ilmalike kunstivormide arengut, mis oli Euroopas renessansist alates hoo sisse saanud. Esimesed ilmalikud portreed on dateeritud alles 1650ndate aastatega 5. Enamus olid puumajad, mis ei olnud suuremad, kui talupoegade omad Vähestel olid sulgkottidega voodid Enamuse voodiks oli tavaline pink, mi solid kaetud patjade, õlgede, mattide või rõivaesemetega Majas oli ka lame ahi, mille peal talvel magati. 6. Kuna kiriku autoriteedid käsitlesid instrumentaalmuusikat patuna ja vaenasid seda halastamatult 7. Vene krahv Seremetev oli üks esimesi, kes asutas oma Moskvalähedases mõisas Kuskovas 1760ndatel aastatel pärisorjadest trupi. Seal koolitati Pariisi nõudliku meetodi järgi pärisorjadest näitlejaid. Tema teatril oli lisaks sakslasest viiuliõpetaja, prantslasest

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
75 allalaadimist


SÕNARAAMAT A accomodate kohandama adapt kohandama affordable detached house taskukohane eramaja affordable low rise apartments (no lift) ilma liftita taskukohased madalal asuvad korterid amenity standards hüve standardid amount of sunlight päikesevalguse kogus ancillary abistav appraisal hinnangu andmine approaches to residential elamurajooni paigutusele lähenemise moodused B balcony veranda basement parking under buildings keldris asuv parkimiskoht biodiversity bioloogiline mitmekesisus bland housing ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
116 allalaadimist

Arbore Tribe

growing hair after marriage . The women of the tribe cover heir heads with a black cloth and are known to wear very colorful necklaces and earrings. Young children wear a shell type hat that protects their heads from the sun. Traditions, habits The Arbore sing and dance whiles performing rituals,they believe that their singing and dancing eliminates negative energy and with the negative energy gone, the tribe will prosper. Body painting is done by the Arbore using natural colors made from solid and stone. Traditional dancing is practiced by the tribe and wealth is measured by the number of cattle a tribesman owns. Arbore is one of Ethiopia Cultural Tour in Omo Valley. Thanks for your attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Manual For Bio-fuels

Manual For Biofuels Koostas: Margus Mäe Introduction This book told me a lot of practical uses of solid biofuels and peat compustion technologies in estonia and baltic sea countries. The hole technological chain from production to flue gas cleaning is brought to reader ´s. Also the energy policy and reguierment for users is shown. Properties of boifuels and peat In the boiler plants of Baltic Sea countries a wide range of various woodbased fuels are burned. To some extent also straw and other biomass based fuels are used. All these fuels are considered as renewables

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


This Norwegian Forest Cat was bred by Yve Hamilton Bruce from a silver mackerel tabby female (imported from Denmark) and a classic red tabby and white male. The result was 1 silver tabbies and 2 silver tabbies with white. At just over 3 months old, this silver and white tabby male developed a large patch of bright red hair on his back which continued to spread. Eventually the whole fur will become amber. The effect of amber during the colour-change stage depends on the original colour - solid black or blue, bicolour or tabby. The cat pictured is not a typical amber as it has the silver gene so the amber effect is overlaid on silver. A non-agouti amber Norwegian forest Cat resembles a silver tabby, but has a distinctive black nose and black paw-pads instead of the pink/reddish nose with black outlining found on conventional silver tabbies. The photo below shows a non-agouti amber. According to Rui Pacheco, although this cat is clearly non-agouti because of the black nose, he has the

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Puidutöötlemine CNC pinkidel

14. Postprotsessor on fail/programm, mis loeb/pöörab ümber CAM tarkvaras tehtud töötlustehnoloogia/töötlemisrajad ja genereerib sellest CNC-tööpingi kohase NC-koodi automaatselt valmis. 15. CNC ­ tööpink on uus ja postprotsessor ei ole piisavalt testitud. Kui lisatakse tööpingile lisa mootoreid agregaate või puurimisüksuseid. 16. CAD- tarkvara kasutatakse: projekteerimiseks, 2D joonestamiseks, 3D modelleerimiseks. 17. Enamlevinud CAD tarkvarad: AutoCAD LT (2D), AutoCAD (3D), Solid Works (3D), Solid Edge (3D), ArchiCAD (3D), CADKEY (3D), MicroStation (2D/3D), RhinoCeros (3D). 18. CAD joonestamisel tuleb jälgida: Joonesta hoolikalt, Kasuta joonestamisel erinevaid tasemeid (eri värvid), Väldi kattuvaid jooni, Kui võimalik jäta mõõtmed ära (kõikidesse CAM- tarkvaradesse ei kandu mõõtmed korralikult üle), Mõõtkava 1:1, ei ole vaja kasutada mõõtkavasid, Salvestamine sobivasse vormi (.dxf jne.), olenevalt CAM- tarkvarast. 19

Ehitus → Puidutöö
6 allalaadimist

Antiik ja keskajateater

varasemad teatri etenudused olid seotud jumala meeleheaks sokuohvri toomisega. Kultuslikes stseenides täiemõõdulise kreeka tragöödiani jõudmine võttis muidugi aega. Alguses piirduti Dionysose austamisega ja tema elu kujutamisega, kuid hiljem lisandusid lood pooljumalatest ehk heerostest. Dramaatilise pinge ning konflikti allikaks said nende head ja halvad teod, perekonnasuhted ning oma vanemate pattude pärast kannatanud laste saatus. Suured dionüüsiad, mi solid pidustused, mille käigus lavastati kolme päeva jooksul näidendeid kogu linnarahvale. Etendused toimusid võistlustena, kus omavahel võistlesid kolm autorit. Iga autor pidi etendama kolme tragöödiat ja ühte koomilist satüürdraamat. Komöödiavõistlusel nõuti igalt autorilt ühte näidendid. Näidendeid hindasid liisuga valitud zürii, kes määras I, II ja III koha võitjad. Tragöödia etenudste riietustes same teada vaasimaalingutelt, kus on näidatud, et

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
21 allalaadimist

Sir Isaac Newton

as well as the earth draws the apple." It has been said that the apple story is a myth. Theory of gravity · Newton came up with the theory that the centre of the earth was pulling the object down Newton's tree, Botanic Gardens, Cambridge. Newtonian fluid · Water and air are examples of Newtonian fluids, which include most common liquids and gases. NonNewtonian fluid · It's a fluid what is not a really fluid. · solid fluid. NonNewtonian fluid · In pool v=f2XQ97XHjVw · In slowmotion v=w4xkvCcAers · on a Speaker Cone v=3zoTKXXNQIU Newton's theory of color · This theory proved that no matter how colored light is transmitted, reflected or scattered, the colos light still remained the same color · Newton tried to prove his color theory by creating the reflecting telescope

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist

Palm oil

Palm oil Kristiina Pällo LU1 EMÜ 2016 • Edible vegetable oil that is derived from the palm fruit • Oil palm trees are grown in tropical areas • Widely used in food industry due to its semi-solid state in room temperature and long shelf-life • It is in a lot of everyday products – makeup, shampoo, soap, biodiesel. Also in food – sweet treats (chocolate, biscuits etc), margarine, nut butters, crisps. The Two kinds of palm oil • Palm oil comes from palm fruit. It is rich in vitamin E and it has a red colour due to beta-caroten in it. High in saturated fats. Used mostly in food industry • Palm kernel oil comes from palm fruit seed. Also high in saturated fats. Used mostly in products such as shampoos, makeup, biofuel etc Ingridient list • Vegetable Oil, Vegetable Fat, Palm Kernel, Palm Kernel Oil, Palm Fruit Oil, Palmate, Palmitate, Palmolein, Glyceryl, Stearate, Stearic Acid, Elaeis Guinee...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist


1) Mis on personaalarvuti? Personaalarvuti (PC - Personal Computer edaspidi arvuti) on arvutusseade, mis koosneb erinevaid funktsioone täitvatest elektroonikaplokkidest, mis koos funktsioneerides teostavad mingit kasutaja poolt määratud ülesannet. 2) Muutmälu (RAM - Random Access Memory) ehk põhimälu kasutatakse arvutis töötavate rakenduste programmikoodi ja andmete salvestamiseks. Püsimälu (ROM - Read Only Memory) on kasutusel erinevate arvuti riistvarakomponentide püsivara (firmware) programmikoodi ja andmete salvestamiseks. 3) 4) Mis on arvuti perifeeriaseadmed? Arvuti perifeeriaseadmed on seadmed, mida saab täiendavalt lisada arvuti peamistele riistvarakomponentidele aga mille olemasolu ei ole hädavajalik arvuti toimimiseks. 5) Missugune on CRT ja LCD monitor? LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) ekraanil on: Ekraani mõõtmed - pildi suhe näit...

Informaatika → Informaatika
15 allalaadimist

World peace essee

planethowever to date, peace on earth has continuing to be associate elusive dream. There ar several movements, conferences, brotherhoods and fraternities everywhere the planet that promotes the thought of world peace. Philosophers, theologians, politicians, and different nice thinkers from the past up to this have offered numerousformulas and concepts for achieving peace however nobody has nevertheless came up with a solid answer to the question. Why is world peace thus troublesome to achieve? maybe the solution lies inside our self. What have we have a tendency to done to create the planet a higher place to measure in? however have we have a tendency totreated our brothers and our neighbors? If we glance at the philosophies and teachings of nice men and also thevariety of world peace movements that have up out of obscurity, the problem assumes even a lot of layers and textures than the first plan.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Clay Bricks

Introduction (slide 2) In this presentation I'd like to give a brief overview of clay bricks. I'll speak about 15min to allow time for questions at the end. Firstly clay bricks are known for centuries as one of the most solid and reliable structural elements is set to play a role in reducing global warming. Apart form the many benefits obtained from using clay bricks in construction, such as their durability, insulation properties and aesthetic qualities, recent findings show that they also produce less carbon emissions than any other masonry material. History (slide 3) In more detail the earliest bricks were dried bricks, meaning they were formed from clay-

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Then, cut the onion into thin slices. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a pan and add the onion into it, cooking it for around 10 minutes on medium heat. Then heat the oven to 400 degrees, top the farinata with the cooked slices of onion and bake for about 20 to 25 minutes. Then, take it out of the oven and allow it to cool for Pasta types Long form pasta or strand pasta: It appears spaghetti-like and can be twisted around the fork. The strand pasta can be round or flat and solid or hollow. Ribbon pasta: It is a sub-category of long form (strand) pasta and has flat cuts. Lasagne is the well-known examples of ribbon pasta. Tubular pasta: It is a short form pasta that ranges from tiny to jumbo, smooth or ridged, straight- cut or diagonally cut. Manicotti is some best known in tubular pasta. Shaped pasta: It comes in hundreds of regional varieties. There are numerous ways to twist, curl and shape the pasta. Farfalle is example of shaped pasta.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Etruskide kunst

3. ja 2. sajandil mojutas neid hellenistlike riikide kunst, kuid see neile ei meeldinud kuna neile meeldis realistlikus, mis ei olnud hellenismile omane. Etruskid olid väga osavad ja väljakaevamised on näidanud, et nad said hakkama tehniliselt väga keeruliste rajatistega. See näitab, et etruskid olid väga head ehitajad ja insenerid. Veel tuntumad on nad aga haudade ja nekropolide poolest, sest need on säilinud tänapäevani. Erinevalt elumajadest, mi solid ehitatud kerge konstuktsiooniga, siis nekropolid olid väga massiivsed ja vastu pidavad. Nekropolid asusid linnade läheduses ja kujutasid endast suletud tervikut. Nekropolidest on saadud väga palju infot etruskide elu kohta, kuna need matkisid etruskide maju ja sisustust samuti sai palju infot seintel olevatelt freskodelt. Peamised andmed etruskide maalikunsti kohta tulenevad hauakambritest. Maaalikunstnike loodud freskod on iseloomulikud lihtsuse poolest. Samuti

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
12 allalaadimist

Astmelised laadilehed

võimalikud väärtused thin, medium ja thick. border-right-width border-bottom-width border-left-width Hans Põldoja, Tallinna Lilleküla Gümnaasium Esitlusgraafika ja koduleheküljed ­ CSS 7 border-width border-color Määrab äärejoone värvi. border-style Määrab äärejoone laadi. Võimalikud väärtused none, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset. border-top Lühiomadused, mis mille abil saame deklareerida äärejoone paksuse, värvuse ja laadi korraga. border-right H1 { border : thin solid gray } border-bottom border-left border height Võimaldab määrata näiteks pildi kõrguse. Mõõdetakse pikselites või protsentides. width Eelmisega analoogiline omadus laiuse määramiseks.

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
19 allalaadimist

Big Ben

rewarded by excellent views from the belfry level. Several small rooms are built into the lower part of the tower, including a small prison cell. The Clocks The cast iron frame of the clock face was designed by AW Pugin, who was responsible for much of the Gothic decorative elements of the Palace of Westminster. The dials are 23 feet in diameter and the faces themselves are not solid, but is composed of many small pieces of opal glass, assembled like a stained glass window. Several of the central pieces of glass can be removed to allow inspection of the hands from inside the clock tower. The numbers on the clock faces are each two feet high. An inscription in Latin below each clock face translates as "God save our Queen Victoria I". At the time of its construction the clock mechanism was easily the largest in the world, and it is still

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


City and Montreal in Canada East, and Kingston and Toronto in Canada West. Ottawa is governed by a 24-member city council consisting of 23 councillors each representing one ward and the mayor, currently Larry O'Brien, elected in a citywide vote. As a single tier municipality, Ottawa has responsibility for all municipal services, including fire, ambulance, police, parks, roads, sidewalks, public transit, drinking water, stormwater, sanitary sewage and solid waste. Calgary Calgary is the largest city in the Province of Alberta, Canada.It's population is about 1 065 000 people. It is located in the south of the province, in an area of foothills and high plains, approximately 80 km east of the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies. The city is located in the Grassland region of Alberta. Calgary is the third largest civic municipality, by population in Canada.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Keskkonna probleemi lahendamine erinevatel tasanditel

Keskkonna probleemi lahendamine erinevatel tasanditel Keskkonna ning loodussäästliku elu seisukohast võttes on jäätmetest rääkida ilmselt kõige lihtsam. See on asi, mida näeme oma silmaga ja me ei pea ennast kujutama kümnete aastate kaugusele tulevikku, et asja mõista. Jäätmed on siinsamas meie endi kõrval ja jäätmeid on tekkinud enne inimtsivilisatsiooni teket. Wikipedia ütleb et, jäätmed (ingl k waste või ka solid waste) on inimtegevuses moodustunud, oma tekkimise ajal või tekkekohas kasutuselt kõrvaldatud ained, esemed või nende jäägid, mis on küll tekkekohas kõlbmatud, kuid võivad aga mujal või muuks otstarbeks kasulikuks osutuda , st et neid võimalik kasutada. Jäätmed on nii rahvusvahelise tasandi kui ka (siseriikliku) kohaliku tasandi probleem. Kuna jäätmete tekkest on tingitud prügilad on tekitanud suurt keskkonna kahju. Nende tulemusena on

Loodus → Keskkonnakaitse ja säästev...
86 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne ettekanne bmx sõitjatest

and fellow athlete, Anthony Napolitan. Hometown: Caracas, Venezuela Birthdate: March 25, 1985 Sponsors: DC Shoes, Red Bull, KHE Bikes, Verizon Wireless, POC Helmets, Albe's Team Blowin' It, Woodward Camp Garrett Reynolds Garrett Reynolds is a professional BMX rider that has taken over the BMX scene at 18. His inexplicable natural talent and quick tricks earned him great reputation as an all around rider, destroying anything you throw at him. Garrett is a seasoned and solid BMX Park competitor. He's won a number of MSS series events when he was only fourteen years old. Garrett started out riding at the Incline Club at home in New Jersey. He started competing when he was only twelve years old and took first in the Taz Tour. Garrett went pro the next year at only thirteen years old. Garrett says his biggest accomplishements so far have been getting into the Dew Action Sports Tour and the Gravity Games, and also finishing eighth grade and finally being in high school

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Home description

modernised and extended since then. Our house consists a lot of different elements and components what I try to describe in my essay. The most important part of construction is foundation because it keeps buildings in one piece. My house has a strip foundation which is taken 1,5m below the ground to protect the structure against ground movement and damages. Due to the fact that foundation transfer the dead and imposed loads of the structure onto the ground it must be very solid and strong. Our foundation is made of pre cast concrete blocks which has a damp-proof course made of mastics on external side. There are sleeper wall after the concrete blocks to support the basement floor slabs. Next primary elements are the walls. My house has four crosswalls which have load bearing and enclosing role. There are also a lot of internal division walls with dividing role. The crosswalls are made of lightweight concrete blocks

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnade seletused Marie Curie teksti kohta

acknowledgment 31.Disintegrate ­ to separate into parts or lose intactness or solidness; break up 32.Yield ­ to give up or surrender 33.Insoluble ­ incapable of being dissolved 34.Persist ­ to continue steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, couse of action 35.Evaluate ­ to determine or calculate the numerical value of 36.Enumerate ­ to mention separately as if in counting; name one by one 37.Evaporate ­ to change from a liquid or solid state into vapor 38.Arduous ­ difficult; requiring great exertion 39.Tedious ­ long and tiresome; to cause weariness or boredom 40.Repugnant ­ distasteful, offensive 41.Extinguish ­ to put our; to put an end to or bring to an end 42.Fecund ­ producing or capable of producing 43.Vapor ­ a gas at a temperature below its critical temperature 44.Tutelage ­ the act of guarding, protecting or guiding 45.Conjunction ­ the act of conjoining; union 46.Utilize ­ to put to use 47

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

George Orwell - Road to Wigan Pier

two years, and then came to England as a school-teacher. He lived for several years in poverty. By 1936, Orwell had joined the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War. He was wounded in the fighting. Late in the war, Orwell fought the Communists and eventually had to flee Spain for his life. During the Second World War, Orwell wrote a weekly radio political commentary, designed to counter German and Japanese propaganda in India. His wartime work for the BBC gave him a solid taste of bureaucratic hypocrisy. Orwell, who was prone to illness, had his career and his life cut short when he died of tuberculosis on January 21, 1950. He left behind a substantial body of work and a reputation for greatness. He's most know books are: Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Road to Wigan Pier. SETTING The story in the book takes place in 1930's at the time of unemployment in the United Kingdom. MAIN CHARACTERS

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Vana-Rooma 10. klassi ajaloo konspekt

VanaRooma 1) Millal ja kuhu tekkis Rooma linn? Kirjelda Rooma linna tekkimisega seotud legendi! 10 saj eKr rajati asula Palatiumi künkale Tiberi vasakule kaldale. Teiste allikate alusel 21.04 753 eKr ja rajajaks Romulus. Legend räägib, et Romulus ja Remus visati korviga Tiberisse. Kaldale uhutud poisid sattusid emahundi hoole alla, kes neid imetas. Hiljem aga kasvatas nad üles kohalik karjus. Suureks saades kukutasid nad oma vanaisa võimult ja asusid uut linna rajama. 2) Iseloomusta lühidalt I, II ja III Puunia sõda! I Puunia sõda ­ 264-241 eKr. Tänu tugevale laevastusele ja merelahingute sportlastele saavutasid roomlased mitu võitu ja Kartaagol tuli oma valdusi roomlastele loovutada. II Puunia sõda ­ 218-201 eKr. Kartaagolaste väepealik Hannibal purustas küll Rooma väe Cannae lahingus kuid roomlased sundisid ta kodumaale taanduma ja Põhja- Aafrikas toimunud lahingus said kartaagolased lüüa. III Puunia sõda ­ 146 eKr. Tänu eelnevale k...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
61 allalaadimist

Teemakaardi koostamine

täitevärvita. Selleks topeltklõpsasin maakondade kihil kihihalduris (Layer Control) ja Layer Properties aknas tgin linnukese Style Override ette. Vajutasin Style Override all oleval sümbolil ja valisin Fill: Pattern: N (None). Valisin sobiv äärejoone (Border) värvi ja laiuse. Kujundasin regioonide kiht omaloodud näitajaga „Põllumaa” veeru alusel. Selleks, et koostada koropleetkaardi valisin Map / Add Theme, Ranges: Region Ranges, valisin värvid, mitte mustrid, Solid Yellow- Blue, Light. Field „Põllumaa”. Lõin sobiv klassifikatsiooni, klasside arv, klassifikatsioonimeetod - katsetasin kõiki pakutud meetodeid ja mitut klasside arvu – Ranges nupu alt). „Ümmargused“ klassipiirid lõin, kui valisin Method: Custom ja kirjutasin ise Min ja Max lahtritesse klasside ülemised ja alumised piirid. Recalc arvutas, kui palju mingisse klassi objekte jääb. Valisin sobivad värvid (Stylesnupu alt). Suurem väärtus jäi tumedam ja väiksem heledam

Geograafia → Geoinformaatika
35 allalaadimist

Backyard Pond

determine that after study and deciding the particulars about your pond. Mark the outline of the pond shape with string or garden hose on the lawn. Remove sod and start diggin ! The outside wall of the pond will have a step in it to hold potted plants just under the water. Figure 2 below shows a profile view of the step in the side wall. You create this step by leaving the original dirt in place as you dig. This will make the step as solid as possible. The depth of this step is approximately half of the depth of your pond. This depth is also determined by the potted plants you plan on placing in the pond. Figure 1 represents digging out the pond using a 2x4 board with level on top to make sure the outside edge is level all around the perimeter. You need to raise low areas so the entire perimeter is the same height. Check the depth as you dig to make sure the bottom is level as well. Figure 1

Infoteadus → Asjaajamine
3 allalaadimist


Playful is most likely not open to contact is likely looking for contact and play Age Things for cats Spa Hair Park Hotels s salons s Cafes Jewellery Clothes Names Bombay Bombay gets along well with children and other pets Like a black leopard gold to copper eyes and short, flat, gleaming coat that accentuates a solid, muscular body often good at playing fetch, and some have learned to walk on leash usually wants to dominate other cats LIFE SPAN - 12 to 16 years Price 262 - 1,747 Japanese Bobtail One of the oldest cat breeds Full of energy, always playful, loving, endearing, and happy best describe the Japanese Bobtail's personality will watch TV with you, help you read the newspaper or a book, and they love to help you send emails on the computer LIFE SPAN - 9 to 15 years

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Jää-ajast Inglise keeles!

ICE AGE The earth is very old. During its long history there have been many changes in climate. Between one and two million years ago one of these changes took place ­ the great Ice Age began. It grew colder in the Far North. More snow fell in the winter than could melt away in the summer. The snow grew deeper and deeper. It changed to solid ice. As more snow fell, the ice grew thicker. It began to move. Great sheets of moving ice, or glaciers, were formed. The edges of the sheets were pushed outward. At last the ice covered most of what is now Canada. And it spread southward into what is now the United States. The ice was probably a mile deep in places. It moved over hills and valleys, rivers and forests. It moved slowly ­ perhaps only a foot a day. Millions of plants were buried by the ice

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist


Playful is most likely not open to contact is likely looking for contact and play Age Things for cats Spa Hair Park Hotels s salons s Cafes Jewellery Clothes Names Bombay Bombay gets along well with children and other pets Like a black leopard gold to copper eyes and short, flat, gleaming coat that accentuates a solid, muscular body often good at playing fetch, and some have learned to walk on leash usually wants to dominate other cats LIFE SPAN - 12 to 16 years Price 262 - 1,747 Japanese Bobtail One of the oldest cat breeds Full of energy, always playful, loving, endearing, and happy best describe the Japanese Bobtail's personality will watch TV with you, help you read the newspaper or a book, and they love to help you send emails on the computer LIFE SPAN - 9 to 15 years

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Jossif Stalini elulugu

Totalitarism oli fundamentaalselt vigane: eriti selgesti ilmnes see 1930. aastatel ja sisepoliitikas. Nagu nähtud, püüdis Stalin poliitilist ja majanduslikku süsteemi, mistõttu üha kahanes kohalik initsiatiiv. Tagajärjena tuli keskvõimudel oma tugevust korrigeerida, seega oli Stalini poliitika samavõrra etteplaneeritud kui hetkeoludest sõltuv. Niisamuti tuli tal korrigeerida oma välispoliitikat ­ osalt varem tehtud valede otsuste, osalt aga asjaolude tõttu, mi solid väljaspool tema kontrolli. Sõda Saksamaaga halvas esialgu terve süsteemi. 1930. aastate majanduse planeerimise eesmärk oli olnud Venemaa valmistumine pealetungiks, nüüd aga oli Stalini välispoliitika tõttu hoopis sunnitud kaitsesse asuma, ja sedai ei suudetud otsekohe. Olukorra parandamiseks tehti põhjalikke ümberkorraldusi. Tootmist tõhustati ja sõjatootmist intensiivistati paradoksaalsel kombel just lubades majandussruktuurile suuremat vabadust

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
123 allalaadimist

Riistvara KT

1. Selleks, et oleks võimalik tagada õige info jõudmine õigesse kohta, on emaplaadil liikluse korraldamiseks võetud kasutusele erinevad süsteemi ressursid, millised(4)? 4p V: Nendeks on: Mäluaadressid, Sisend-väljund aadressid (I/O addresses), Katkestused (IRQ-Interrupt ReQuest), Otsemällupöördumise õigus (DMA - Direct Memory Access) 2. Mida ütleb ,,Moore seadus" ja kas tänapäeval see ka kehtib? 2p V: Moore'i seadus ütleb, et umbes iga kahe aasta järel on transistorite arv protsessoris kahekordistunud. Hetkeliselt see isegi veel kehtib. 3. Mis on AGP pesa ja mis kaart sellesse ühendatakse? 3p V: Kiirendatud graafikaport. Sinna pesasse ühendatakse videokaart mis oleks otse ühenduses protsessoriga. 4. Mis pesadega on tegemist, nimeta ülevalt alla? 3p V: 1.PCI-E(8x) 2.PCI pesa(16x) 3.PCI-E(8x) 4.PCI pesa(16x) 5.AGP 5. Põhjasilla ülesanded arvutis? 3p V: Põhjasilla peamiseks ülesandeks on ühendada ...

Tehnoloogia → Arvuti riistvara
3 allalaadimist


The action is fast and furious, and play is rough. another famous field sport is hurling - It's played on a large field with a curved wooden stick (or "Hurley"), and with a leather ball, so its pretty much like a hockey on a field , mission is to score the ball between the opponents goalposts. It can be described as one of the fastest and most skilful field games in the world and it's not for the faint of heart. Bodies bang, the ball is as hard as a baseball, and the sticks are made of solid ash. flag and religion The Irish tricolor flag was created in 1848, it was designed to reflect the country's political realities. Different sources tell different stories but here are 2 of them. Orange stands for Irish Protestants, green for Irish Catholics and the white stripe for the hope that peace might eventually be reached between them. Another story tells that the green stands for the ancient Irish ancestry , orange stands for the new

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun