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"social-work" - 367 õppematerjali



Libraries. We know a lot of things thanks to books, but we do not know exactly when and where they originated, and what should be considered the first book in the world. Ancient document, written on parchment, papyri and vellum can hardly be qualified as books the way we understand the word today. Centuries went before paper replaced parchment and papyri. In the 15 th century Johann Gutenberg invented a mechanical process of duplicating texts, which we today call book printing. The first book was printed between 1444 and 1446, so these years can be considered as the beginning years of book printing. His most important preserved printings are the 40 copies of the Bible. By the end of the 15 th century there were about 1000 print-shops in Europe already. The oldest Estonian book dates back to 1535. Libraries form a vital part of education. They make available-through books, f...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Art and Aesthetics in Early Childhood Education

Art and Aesthetics in Early Childhood Education TÕLGE Irving B. Weiner . Handbook of Psychology, Educational Psychology. 2003 lk 288-290 The very concept of artistic development and some long-standing models developed to describe it (e.g., Gaitskell, Hurwitz, & Day, 1982; Lowenfeld & Brittaind, 1964; Luquet, 1977) have in fact become a subject of criticism in recent years. Four particular issues have been identified in this collective body of criticism. First, questions have been raised about the appropriateness of unilinear conceptions of development in explaining a wide range of pictorial imagery produced by children. adolescents, and adults. Second, a disparity has been noted between the breadth of the world of art and the narrowness of the focus on visual realism that has served as the endpoint in these developmental models. Third, cultural biases that mark these models have been identified theoretically and empirically. Fourth, i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Giidindus Final Test kordamine

2 Towns (Upper & Lower Town) Tallinn used to be divided into 2 parts - Upper Town where lived the aristocracy, gentry and the clergy; and Lower Town with traders, craftsmen and merchants. Legend says the Toompea Hill is actually the tumulus mound of the great Kalev. Linda carried rocks to his grave. It is a naturally- formed limestone hill. Lower Town was a merchantile centre, Tallinn also belonged to the Hansaetic League (1285). It is often referred to as the town of citizens. Any grown-up, married and economically independent person, born in a legal marriage between two free people and having lived in the town for at least 3 months, could apply to the Magistracy for citizenship. Serfs could escape from serdom after having successfully hidden in town for a year and a day. Two parts remained separated until the end of the 19th century. Four Names Lyndanise - mentioned by Henricus de Lettis in his Chronicle; derives from the name Lind...

Turism → Giidindus
5 allalaadimist

Nõustamine sotsiaalalal

Referaat aines SHSS.02.003 Nõustamine sotsiaalalal ETAPID 2B – 3C TEE EESMÄRKIDE PÜSTITAMISEST PLAANI LOOMISENI Sissejuhatus Oma referaadis käsitlen etappe, mis tulevad pärast seda, kui klient on jõudnud arusaamisele, mida parem tulevik endast kujutab. Esimesena tutvustan etappi 2b, kus klient püstitab endale kindlad eesmärgid ning 2c, kus toimub eesmärgi viimistlemine. Kolmandasse etappi kuuluvad strateegiate leidmine, nende viimistlemine ning plaani moodustamine (3a – 3c). Kokkuvõtvalt võib öelda, et teises etapis otsustakse, milline saab olema lõpptulemus ning kolmandas etapis koostatakse plaan, mis aitaks lõpptulemuseni jõuda. Referaat põhineb Sally Riggalli õpiku „Using Counselling Skills in Social Work” kuuendal peatükil (89-95). 1. Teine etapp 1.1 Samm 2b: Efektiivsete eesmärkide püstitamine Konkreetseid eesmärke hakatakse moodustama...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
11 allalaadimist

Art Museum of Estonia

Art Museum of Estonia Art Museum of Estonia was founded on November 17th, 1919, but it was not until 1921 that it got its first permanent building ­ the Kadriorg Palace, built in the 18th century. In 1929 the palace was expropriated from the Art Museum in order to rebuild it as the residence of the President of Estonia. The Art Museum of Estonia was housed in several different temporary spaces, until it moved back to the palace in 1946. In September, 1991 the Kadriorg Palace was closed, because it had totally deteriorated by then. At the end of the year the Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia decided to guarantee the construction of a new building for the Art Museum of Estonia in Kadriorg. Untill then the Knighthood House at Toompea Hill served as the temporary main building of the Art Museum of Estonia. The exhibition there was opened on April 1, 1993. Art Museum of Estonia premanently closed down the exhibitions in that buildi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Konspekt USA history

I Native Americans · Origin of Native Americans ­ Origin is debatable Siberia->Alaska Crossed the land bridge around 14,000 years ago "ice-free corridor" Hunters, searching for fresh grounds · Different tribes and their way of life In tents, dark skin, hair is long, black and straight, women-agriculture, men- hunting. bands(chief. Travelled together) and tribes land was owned by the tribe that occupied it. 200 different tribes Apache- "enemy"- hunted buffalos, oil and natural gas from their land Cherokee- largest tribe Cheyenne- from Minnesota and S & N Dakota. High system of laws Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Signed in 1787 by Thomas Jefferson. The creation of the Northwest Territory as the first organized territory Ohio River was settled, 5 new states Advancement of education, maintenance of civil liberties, exclusion of slavery Promised not to invade or disturb Indians Northwest Indian War-> to stop white expropriation (sun...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

TRADERUN MOODUL TRADERUN MODULE BUSINESS PECULIARITIES IN THE EU, RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES ÄRI ERIPÄRAD EUROOPA LIIDUS, VENEMAAL JA IDAPARTNERLUSRIIKIDES Lecturers: Ryhor Nizhnikau (responsible) Giorgi Gaganidze, Sergei Proskura, Andres Assor P2EC.00.202 (UT code), RIE 7044 (TLU code) Reading materials: Business peculiarities in Ukraine and Belarus Lugemismatejal: Äri eripärad Ukrainas ja Valgenenes Created by Andres Assor Tartu 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 4 1. UKRAINE ...................................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL POLITICAL SCIENCE AND GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE ANNELI PALM CRITISIM ABOUT IMF AND WORLD BANK INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY (RIR6032/RIR6004) ESSAY 2014 Contents TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL.............................................................................................. 1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 3 Basic of liberalism.................................................................................................. 4 International Monetary Fund and World Bank.........................................................4 IMF(International Monetary Fund)........................................................................4 WB(World Bank).................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia konspekt 2016

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia 1. SP kui teadus SP ­ osa psühholoogiateadusest. SP maastik: eneseteadvus ja identiteet, sotsiaalne taju ja hoiakud, inimestevahelised suhted ja sotsiaalne mõju, suhtlemine, grupid ja grupiprotsessid ... Gordon Allport (1954): "Social psychology is an attempt to understand and explain how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of other human beings". Tänapäeval: "SP is the study of the causes and concequences of interpersonal behaviour" (Schachter, Gilbert, Wegner, 2012) SR = inimestevaheliste suhete ruum - seaduspärasused, seletused, mõõtmine, sekkumine ... Populaarne SP: sõprade leidmine ja suhete hoidmine, mõjutamine, juhtimine ja eestvedamine, suhtlemisõpetused, üksindus ja üksildus ... Teaduslik ja tarbepsühholoogia. Meie - lai pilt SP-st - alus k...

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
40 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse 1. Loeng Algoritm on täpne samm-sammuline, kuid mitte tingimata formaalne juhend millegi tegemiseks. Näited: a. Toiduretsept. b. Juhend ruutvõrrandi lahendamiseks Algoritmiline probleem - probleem, mille lahenduse saab kirja panna täidetavate juhendite loeteluna. Programm on formaalses, üheselt mõistetavas keeles kirja pandud algoritm. Arvutid suudavad täita ainult programme. Analoogsüsteem  andmeid salvestatakse (peegeldatakse) proportsionaalselt  Näit: termomeeter, vinüülplaat, foto Digitaalsüsteem  (pidevad) andmed lõhutakse üksikuteks tükkideks, mis salvestatakse eraldi  Näit: CD, arvutiprogramm, kiri tähtede ja bittidena Ühelt teisele: digitaliseerimine  The three major comparisons of computers are:  Electronic computers versus Mechanical computers...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
241 allalaadimist

Karjäärinõustamine (spikker) Karjääriplatoo , Karjäärimudelid , karjäär , karjäärinõustamine , karjäär , karjäärisüsteem , matching , humanistlik paradigma , nõustaja , elukutse ,

K-platooks nim. olukorda, kus in edasine tööalane oluline on in kohandumine töökeskkonnaga ja areng on väga aeglane või olematu. pidev enesearendamine. K-mudelid (Driver)- Hajali- in motiveerib K (career) – elukestev haridus- ja tööalane areng vaheldusrikkus ja soov säilitada sõltumatust. kõigi elurollide omavahelises kooskõlas. elukestev Lineaarne- mõõdetakse edukust, selle järgi, kui areng, mis koosneb töö kaudu saadus teadmistest, kiirelt toimub liikumine „kõrgemale“Spiraalne- oskustest, kogemustest ja rollidest, mis arendavad toimub perioodiline enese in antud valdkonnas. „taasavastamine“Eksperdi- edu saavutamine Tööalane k (professional c) – ametite või toimub läbi pikaajalise kogemuse, teadmiste töökohtade järgnevus, nii horisontaalne kui omandamise ja pühendumise. ...

Psühholoogia → Karjääripsühholoogia
55 allalaadimist

Artikli kokkuvõte akadeemilises inglise keeles „Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)“

In the 2014 article, ,,Understanding the Internet of Things (IoT)" GSMA shares its vision of the evolution of The Internet of Things that will lead to the so-called Connected Life. The future of mobile connectivity goes beyond tablets and cars, allowing to connect virtually everything. It is assumed that there will be a significant rise of connected devices throughout the world, allowing the growth of new services, transforming the way people work and live. The lack of human interaction will probably cause the emergence of new business models and promote the delivery of services across diverse socio-economic sectors. A research by Machina Research predicts that the Internet of Things is likely to boost the economy by an enormous amount up to US$ 4.5 trillion yearly. The needs of variable industries are already met by the use of Machine to Machine (M2M) solutions using wireless networks. Being a relatively new sector, the M2M connecti...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Investors Handbook. A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia

Investor's Handbook A Legal Guide to Business in Georgia · Start Up · Privatization · Labor Legislation February 2011 1st Edition 1 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK 1 This brochure is a publication by the Georgian National Investment Agency (GNIA) and was prepared by Georgian law firm Mgaloblishvili, Kipiani, Dzidziguri (MKD). The Brochure is intended to be a general guidance on start up, privatization and labor relations. It is thus not expected to be a substitute for detailed research or exercise of professional judgment on above mentioned topics. Companies and individuals operating in Georgia or planning to operate, are strongly advised to obtain current and detailed information from experienced professionals. None of the organizations mentioned above, nor their members, employees o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

European Union Exam 1949 France, UK and the Benelux countries decide to set in place a Council of Europe. 1951 Treaty of Paris signed by the Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands), establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). 1957 Treaties of Rome establish the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). 1959 July, seven countries of the Organisation for European Economic Co- operation (OEEC) – Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK – decide to establish a European Free Trade Association (EFTA). 1960 Creation of European Free Trade Association 1961 UK applies to join the Community. 1962 The Parliamentary Assembly changes its name to the European Parliament. 1965 The Treaty merging the executives of the three Communities (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) is signed in Brussels; enters into force on July 1, 1967. Empty chair crisis 1966 Luxembou...

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

Maturita Solutions Upper-Intermediate Workbook Key Unit 1 2 members of the royal family, politicians, reality TV contestants, 4 1 2 had known had been waiting singers and TV presenters 3 had enjoyed/had been enjoying 1A Talking about people ...

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Northanger Abbey

Catherine Morland My name is Catherine Morland. I would like to tell you a bit about myself. To begin with, I am seventeen years old and grew up in a countryside in a small town named Fullerton with my parents and nine siblings. As a child I was interested in many things like drawing, sports and music. I was very lively and cheerful, enjoyed cricket, horse riding and just hated cleanliness and restriction. As I grew up, I chose reading over sports and all of the wild games I used to like. Undoubtedly, I would now describe myself with the word naivety. I am very naïve and do not notice the most obvious things happening around me. I really hope that it is caused by the lack of experience and will eventually pass. In addition, I find myself a kind and caring person because I always want and agree to help people when needed. Furthermore, I really like reading. Sometimes I think that I read too much because I often mix fiction up with reali...

Keeled → British literature
4 allalaadimist

Õdede-vendade väärkohtlemine-sibling abus

Õdede-vendade väärkohtlemine (sibling abuse) Perevägivald Perevägivalla mõiste on lai, hõlmates nii pere-, kodu- kui ka paarisuhte juhtumeid. Perevägivalla puhul on vägivallatseja ja kannataja ühest perest, vägivalda kasutatakse tavaliselt pereliikmete vahel või pereliikme ja lähisugulase vahel. Perevägiv (1) ald Paarisuhtevägivald Laste (praeguste või Õdede-vendade Laste vägivald ...

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
3 allalaadimist

Juhtimise alused

JUHTIMISE ALUSED 2 Ott Alemaa Tallinna Ülikool 2012 Organisatsiooni keskkond SISEKESKKOND: inimesed, organisatsiooni kultuur, juhtimine, seadmed, ehitised, protsessid VÄLISKESKKOND: Muu maailm, mis mõjutab organisatsiooni Organisatsiooni keskkond MIKROKESKKOND: Vahetu keskkond, kus organisatsioon toimib (kliendid, tarnijad, konkurendid) MAKROKESKKOND: kultuur, majandus, seadused, rahvusvahelisus Keskkonna iseloomustus Keerukuse määr: mõjurite arv. Rohkem probleeme, rohkem võimalusi Muutlikkuse määr: kõrge muutlikkus eeldab paindliku organisatsiooni. Ebamäärasus = risk. Info annab tulevikueelise Kriis= oht x võimalus Olukorra muutmise 2 võimalust A) Muuta organisatsiooni B) Püüda muuta keskkonda Tooge näiteid! g Kohanemise strateegiad Info juhtimine: kliendid, ajakirjandus, luure Strateegia muutmine Ühinemised: uued turud või laie...

Psühholoogia → Juhtimispsühholoogia
25 allalaadimist


Sisekaitseakadeemia Politsei- ja Piirivalvekolledz POLITSEIVÄGIVALD JA SELLE PIIRAMINE ( Police Brutality) referaat õppejõud: Uno Traat Muraste 2013 1. Sisukord 1.Sisukord................................................................................................................................... 2 2.Sissejuhatus .............................................................................................................................3 3.Mida kujutab endast politseivägivald ?....................................................................................4 3.1 Politseivägivalla põhjused.................................................................................................5 3.2 Meetodid politseivägivalla vastu.......................................................................................6 4.Calif...

Sotsioloogia → Politseisotsioloogia
5 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Language: a Contemporary Introduction introduces the student to the main issues and theories in twentieth and twenty-first-century phi- losophy of language, focusing specifically on linguistic phenomena. Topics are structured in four parts in the book. Part I, Reference and Referring, includes topics such as Russell's Theory of Descriptions, Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal­historical theory. Part II, Theories of Meaning, surveys the competing theories of linguistic mean- ing and compares their various advantages and liabilities. Part III, Pragmatics and Speech Acts, introduces the basic concepts of linguistic pragmatics, includes a detailed discussion of the problem of indirect force and surveys approaches to metaphor. Part IV, new to this edition, examines the four theories of metaphor. Features...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Inglise keele variandid (Varieties of English)

1) Standard and non-standard varieties of English Standard varieties of English are the varieties of the English language that are considered to be a norm and are spoken and written by the minority (educated people). This is the optimum for educational purposes. The standard varieties of English are: BrEng (British), EngEng (English), NAmEng (North-America), USEng (United States), CanEng (Canada), AusEng (Australia), NZEng (New Zealand). Standard English (British English) is the most widely accepted and understood among native speakers, learned by foreigners. It is used in broadcasting, TV, news etc. It doesn't concern pronounciation (accent), but grammar and vocabulary. It includes formal and informal styles. British Standard English grammar and vocabulary, together with the RP accent should be called English English. RP (Received Pronounciation) is an accent that originates from South-East of England. A social accent, associated o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
49 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline äritegevus Eksam

Maria Dolgyi PS Rohelise värviga on märgitud need vastused, mida ma kontrollisin RAHVUSVAHELINE ÄRITEGEVUS .Rahvusvahelistumise etappideks on OK a. ühisettevõtted b. otseinvesteeringud c. otsene ja kaudne eksport d. litsenseerimine ja frantsiis e. ettevõtete omandamine ja ost 2. Pane vastavusse a. kohandatakse oma tegevus, tooded/teenused asukohamaa tingimustelevastavaks Kohanemise strateegia b. eriliste, vaid sellele ettevõttele omaste teadmiste ja oskuste ülekandminevälisturgudele koos mõnigase kohandumisega Eriomaste oskuste strateegia c. kulude vähendamine ja mastaabiefekt tsentraalse juhtimise kaudu, standardiseerimine ja ühtsed tegevusmudelid Globaalne strateegia VASTUS(valida): Globaalne strateegia, Eriomaste oskuste strateegia, Kohanemise strateegia 3. Pane vastavusse a. välisriikides toimub tooraine hankimine, pooltoodete valmistamine ja muud tootmiseelsed ...

Majandus → Rahvusvahelise majanduse...
45 allalaadimist


TartuWaldorf School FINLAND Report Johan Mähar Tartu 2008 Contents p. 1. Introduction....................................................................................................1 2. Nature and geography.....................................................................................2 3. Position and size.............................................................................................2 4. Climate..............................................................................................

Majandus → Majandus
12 allalaadimist

Juhtimise alused esitlus

1 JUHTIMISE ALUSED 2 Ott Alemaa Tallinna Ülikool 2012 2 Organisatsiooni keskkond SISEKESKKOND: inimesed, organisatsiooni kultuur, juhtimine, seadmed, ehitised, protsessid VÄLISKESKKOND: Muu maailm, mis mõjutab organisatsiooni 3 Organisatsiooni keskkond MIKROKESKKOND: Vahetu keskkond, kus organisatsioon toimib (kliendid, tarnijad, konkurendid) MAKROKESKKOND: kultuur, majandus, seadused, rahvusvahelisus 4 5 Keskkonna iseloomustus Keerukuse määr: mõjurite arv. Rohkem probleeme, rohkem võimalusi Muutlikkuse määr: kõrge muutlikkus eeldab paindliku organisatsiooni. Ebamäärasus = risk. Info annab tulevikueelise 2 teed: muuta organisatsiooni või püüda muuta keskkonda Tooge näiteid! 6 Keskkonna iseloomustus Keerukuse määr: mõjurite arv. Rohkem probleeme, rohkem võimalusi Muutlikkuse määr: kõrge muutlikkus eeldab paindliku organisatsiooni. Ebamäärasus = ris...

Psühholoogia → Juhtimispsühholoogia
20 allalaadimist

Jõustamine sotsiaaltöös

TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL JÕUSTAMINE Portfoolio KOOSTAS: LISETTE ELMIK TALLINN 2015 Sisukord Sisukord......................................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................................3 Termin „empowerment”..............................................................................................................4 Jõustamine sotsiaaltöö kontekstis...............................................................................................6 Artiklite ülevaade........................................................................................................................8 1. Artikkel ajakirjast Sotsiaaltöö (nr3, 2008)..........................................................................8 „Jõustamine”...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö
177 allalaadimist


PRODUCTS and BRANDS 1. product catalogue - a list of different products of one company 2. product mix - a range of similar in some way products considered together 2. product range - different particular and specific products of a company 3. product lifecycle - the stages of product lifetime and amount of people who use it at each stage 4. product positioning - is how we see a product or how a company would like us to see it in relation to other products 5. product placement - hidden commercial of a product. Customer can see a product in films, music videos and so on. 6. raw materials - basic materials from which products are made or manufactured 7. finished goods - are goods(products) that have completed manufacturing process and are ready to be sold and used by the end user 8. consumer goods - goods which are produced to satisfy consumer current needs and are bought for individual use 9. consumer durables - long time lasting products,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

11.02.09 INGLISE KEEL Palju aega läheb. 10 nädalat aint. One of the ESP courses. What we are going to do, what is needed: · What we do - 1 test, on words. · 2 Essays, that means that we have to look into academic writing · Homereading ­ we read a case from European Court of Justice thingy. · Oral thing. · 90% you have to attend · Have to prepare for class and take part of it etc What we learn: Terms Expressions / collocations (nt obey/abide by the law) Explaining AWOL ­ absence without a leave Legal English can be divided into 3 levels. We learn the first one, which is needed for the other two! You have to know the vocabulary etc. Second level has to do with legal contracts... The third level both 1 and 2 and explaining... We learn the vocabulary + explaining. Process of law-making draft law/bill (seaduseelnõu) is developed draft is sent to the parl...

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Public International Law is a system of law, different from domestic law. Why is this system unique? Usually law regulates relations between people, people and the state etc, PIL regulates relations between states. Thats why PIL is important for international relation students. PIL influences the life of everybody, it doesn't regulate people directly but indirectly (through the decisions of the states), because it's everywhere. It's like air. E.g. when you want to send a letter to Brazil, you put a stamp from your own country and send it from your post office and the letter gets delivered. Why is this so easy, because there are certain international conventions that regulate postal services. E.g. traffic signs are almost the same everywhere, why? Because of certain int conventions that require the states to have more or less unified traffic signs. States apply international regulations to national regulations and they ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

FGI 1081 Stilistika (Irina Ladusseva) Kab. 420 2 AP Ends with an exam; lasts only for 1 semester. At the exam you get 2 questions and an exercise (50 sentences: establish the device used, recognize it, and name it). Care about the pronunciation of the terms. Books: - I. Galperin "Stylistics" - I. Ladusseva "Rhythm and Text" - I. Ladusseva "Vocabulary and Style" - I. Ladusseva "Stylistic practice: Book I, Book II" - I. Ladusseva "A Guide to Punctuation" EXAMINATION TOPICS: 1. Style, stylistics, a survey of stylistic studies ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

Stonehenge One of the best known ancient wonders of the world, 5000 years old Megalith monument, built by western mediterraneans during 3000-1600 BC Circular structure, large standing stones, aligned with rising sun at teh solstice Attlers and bones were sued to dig pits that hold the stones The Celts in Britain and their legacy 700-200 BC celts invade Britain Gaels or Goehls(Ireland and Scotland),Cymri(Wales) and Brythons(gave name to Brittany) Fierce fighters,superb horsemen.Most of them farmers, lived in thatched houses Good at art, craftmanship, used iron Divided into tribes, ruled by kings, only in face of danger would they choose a single leader Legacy- hill-forts, farms, churches, field system, woodland, pasture, weapons, iron objects, langugae, culture Caesar in Britain The great Roman Emperor Firts came 55 BC to gather information, celts ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Karjääriplaneerimine: 1.Karjäär (career) – inimese elukestev haridus- ja töötee areng kõigi elurollide omavahelises kooskõlas. Karjääri planeerimine (career development) – elukestev õppimine ja valikute tegemine oma karjääri kujundamisel. Karjääritunnused (career services) – nii riikliku süsteemi kui erasektori poolt pakutavad teenused (karjäärinõustamine, koolitusprogrammid, karjääriinfo vahendamine, tööturuteenused jne.). Karjääriõpetus – õppeaine, mis kujundab õpilase teadlike karjääriotsuste tegemiseks vajalikud teadmised, oskused ja hoiakud. Karjääri juhtimine (career management) – erinevad tegevused organisatsioonis, mis on seotud töötajate hindamise, arendamise, edutamise ja organisatsioonist väljajuhtimisega. Karjäärinõustaja (career counsellor) – toetab inimest karjääri planeerimisel, aidates tal suurendada teadlikkust iseendast, hariduse ja tööturu võimalustest, püstitada eesmärke ja kavandada tegevusi nende eesmärkide s...

Psühholoogia → Karjääripsühholoogia
88 allalaadimist


Sports. Sports has a very old history. The ancient Olympic Games were the first big sports competitions. The history of the Olympic Games is linked with many myths referred to in ancient sources, but in the historic years their founder is said to be Oxylos whose descendant Ifitos later rejuvenated the Games. According to the tradition, the Olympic Games began in 776 B.C. when Ifitos made a treaty with Lycourgos the king and famous legislator of Sparta and Cleisthenes the king of Pissa. In this treaty that was the decisive event for the development of the sanctuary as a Panhellenic centre, the "sacred truce" was agreed. That is to say ceasing of fighting in all of the Freek world for as long as the Olympic Games were on. The Olympic Games were held, after the completion of four years during the month of July or August. The time between two competitions was ca...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

1. STYLE The term "style" is polysemantic (has many meanings): a Latin word "stilus" originally meant a writing instrument used by ancient people. Already in classical Latin the meaning was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. Jonathan Swift defined style as "proper words in proper places". In present day English the word "style" is used in about a dozen of principle meanings: 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his/her ideas (e.g. style of Byron) 2. the manner of expressing ideas, characteristic of a literary movement or period 3. the use of language typical of a literary genre (e.g. the style of a comedy, drama, novel). 4. the selective use of language that depends on spheres / areas of human activity (e.g. style of fiction, scientific prose, newspapers, business correspondence, etc.). STYLISTICS Stylistics ­ is the study of s...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

English literature

1. Beowulf. The dating of Beowulf is still controversial. The poem is one of the earliest and greatest monuments of the Germanic literatures. The main stories of the poem (the fights of B.) are versions of common folk-tales, but the poet also introduces many incidental stories, some of which belong to the world of ancient Germanic legend. He writes his folk-tales and legends in a web of other events, mainly set in the Baltic Kingdoms. He shows a very rich and leisurely portrayal of this Baltic world, providing many customs like the close relationship between lord and man in the war-band and others. All this encouraged the supposition that the unknown author of the poem was himself a bard of the ancient type portrayed within the poem (a lord's scoop). However, many people propose that the author could be Christian poet, perhaps a monk, versed not only in old native traditions, but also in the culture and literatur...

Keeled → Inglise keel
65 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia eksami konspekt kordamisküsimused

Majandussotsioloogia kordamisteemad ja toetav kirjandus eksamiks valmistumisel (kättesaadav raamatukogust ja olulisemad tekstid ka Moodle’st). LOENGUMATERJALIDE põhjal on eksamitöös testküsimused järgmistel teemadel: 2. Loeng – Majandus ühiskonnas • Põhimõisted: kultuur – ühiskonna liikmetele iseloomulik eluviis koos nende poolt loodud materiaalsete väärtustega (edastatakse järgmistele põlvkondadele ja teistele ühiskondadele; on muutuv sotsiaalses aeg-ruumis) majanduskultuur – veendumused, hoiakud ja väärtushinnangud, mis kujundavad üksikisikute, organisatsioonide ja institutsioonide majanduslikku tegevust. Erinevad tasandid: ühiskond, majandussüsteem; tööstusharu, turg; organisatsioon; leibkond, perekond; üksikisik. Väärtused – indiviidi või grupi arusaamad sellest, mis on ihaldusväärne, sobiv, õige, vale. Tugevalt seotud kultuuriga, suhteliselt kest...

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
71 allalaadimist

There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism

Adventure Tourism Project Management Madli Tuvike There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism (Swarbrooke, 1999). Tourism as one of the leading industries in the world is contributing to sustainable development (Mintel, 2005). Tourism needs to cope with changing world and world order, also trends that are occurring. Sustainable tourism is one rising industry in tourism market. Swarbroke (1999) and David (2011) are suggesting that sustainable tourism and sustainability is taking wider part in tourism industry. Moreover, Mintel (2005) states that tourism contribution to sustainable development is being recognised increasingly by governments and international organisations. In addition, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO, a.i.) states that tourism nowadays takes full responsibility of impacts that it is making, such as current and future economic, social and environmental. Therefore, this essay will i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Topic - USA

Tallinn English College Topic The United States of America Tallinn 2007 1. Introduction The United States of America's territory is over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.6 million km²) and population more than 300 million people. The capital city is Washington D.C. Although the United States has no official language at the federal level, English is the de facto national language. English is the most common language for daily interaction among both native and non-native speakers. Spanish is the second language. The largest city is the New York City. The Government is Federal constitutional republic and the president is George W. Bush. 2. Geographical position The United States of America is located on the continent of North America. It has borders with two countries ­ Mexico and Canada. There are also the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico surrounding ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

Tallinn English College Topic Estonia Tallinn 2008 1. Introduction Estonia is a small country about the size of Switzerland, or New Hampshire and Massachussetts combined. Estonia is named after the people called "Ests" who lived in the region in the 1 st century AD. The Republic of Estonia is one of the three countries commonly known as the "Baltic States". The other Baltic States are Latvia and Lithuania. 2. Geographical position Estonia is situated in northeastern Europe. Estonia is bounded on the north by the Gulf of Finland, on the east by Russia, on the south by Latvia and on the west by the Baltic Sea. In the north it borders on Finland. The coastline of the Baltic Sea in Estonia is characterized by numerous gulfs and bays, the biggest of them being the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Pärnu. Bays include the Narva Bay, Matsalu Bay, Kolga Bay, Kunda Bay, Tallinn Bay etc....

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Loengukonspekt: Sotsiaaltöö teooriad ja meetodid

Loengukonspekt: Sotsiaaltöö teooriad ja meetodid Marju Medar, PhD, TLÜ 2013 Konspekt baseerub Malcolm Payne raamatule "Tänapäeva sotsiaaltöö teooria: kriitiline sissejuhatus, 1995. Teemad: I. ST teooriate teke ja areng II. Ülesandekeskne individuaaltöö III. Kognitiivne mudel IV. Käitumuslikud mudelid V. Kriisisekkumine VI. Psühhodünaamiline mudel VII. Radikaalsed ja marksistlikud lähenemisviisid I. Sotsiaaltöö teooriate teke ja areng MIS? Kirjeldus STst, seletus, põhjendus sellest, mida ST teeb ST teke ? · akadeemiline · vertikaalne ja horisontaalne üldistatud kogemus, reaalsuse peegeldus "ST kontekstis", mis on MUUTUV! · individuaalse kogemuse kokkuvõte MIKS? · Määratleda professiooni, prognoosida ideede praktilist rakendatavust · Akadeemiline tõsiseltvõetavus · Sotsiaaltöötaja identiteedi jaoks oluline · Vastutustunne...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
538 allalaadimist

Suuline eksam FREE TIME 1. Is music popular in your family? What music do you like? 2. What musical instruments have you got in your home? 3. Can you play any musical instruments? 4. Do you sing? 5. Have you sung at a song festival? 6. Has your school got a choir? 7. When do you last go to a concert? What concert was it? 8. Have you ever been to an openair concert? What was it like? 9. Do you sing at family parties? Where else Estonians like to sing? 10. Have you got a collection of cassettes, CD´s or LP´s at home? 11. Have you watched a ballet on TV? 12. Which do you prefer ­ ballet, drama or musical? 13. How often do you go to the theatre? 14. Do you prefer going to the theatre or watching TV? Why? 15. Do you prefer buying a cheap ticket and getting a seat at the back or spending more money and sitting in the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
584 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

Jonathan Dekel-Chen lectures, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000 1937 census didn't get published. 1939, pretty accurate for Js. 3.1 mill Js in pre- Molotov-Ribbentrop area. 1939, 2.2 mill. Js not shy about declaring Jewishness. Inherits 1.3 mill in Poland. Similar # annexed by Germ. 250,000 in Lithuania. 330,000 Bessarabia. Back to pre-1917 #s of Sov Jewry. 5 ½ mill of pre-war levels. Pre-mature deaths during famine of '21-'22, '31-'33, 7 years of war, emigration up to 1924 (vast majority to West, 3rd and 4th aliyahs). J pop growth still significant, high birth rates, but pop static. Grows more in SU than anywhere else ­ few leaving, pop growth significant. Vast majority in W borderlands. Very few emigrate during year and a half from annexed areas. Germans occupied Leningrad-Moscow-Stalingrad, all and more of former Pale. 1939, started evacuating. Stalin thought 43-44, war. Purges, Winter War, military needed improvement, military industrial ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


JOHNNY CASH Semester Powerpoint By: Nicole Casaday Biography Walking a Line in His Shoes February 26, 1932 in Kingsland, Arkansas; the one and only Johnny Cash was brought into a loving family of nine created by Ray and Carrie Rivers Cash. Johnny and his family lived In Kingsland until he was at the age of three, where they then moved to Dyess, Arkansas; a Colony in Northeast Arkansas. The Cash family farmed nearly 20 acres filled of cotton, there Ray, Kerry and all seven of their children worked side by side in the crops; including little Johnny. Johnny as a Kid... Cash spent his childhood in Guns & Girls Dyess Colony until he graduated high school in 1950, where he then fled off to D e t r o i t in search of work only to find himself in Pontiac, Michigan working in the automotive business. However, Cash soon after enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and was sent off to basic training in Te x a s . While ...

Muusika → Jazzmuusika
2 allalaadimist

Taken at the Flood

Taken at the Flood "There is a Tide" redirects here. "There is a Tide" is also the name of a short story by Larry Niven, set in the Known Space universe. Taken at the Flood is a work of detective fiction by British writer Agatha Christie, first published in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in March 1948 under the title of There is a Tide...[1] and in the UK by the Collins Crime Club in the November of the same year under Christie's original title.[2] The US edition retailed at $2.50[1] and the UK edition at eight shillings and sixpence (8/6).[2] It features her famous Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, and is set in 1946. 1 Plot summary In a flashback from late Spring to early Spring, Lynn Marchmont, newly demobilised from the Women's Royal Naval Service, finds difficulty settling into the village life of Warmsley Vale. She is engaged to Rowley, one of several members of the Cloade family living nearby. Each of them grew dependent on mo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


ISLAM Islam is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Koran, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God. By the teachings and normative example of Muhhamad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called Muslim. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to worship God. Muslims are beliving that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed before many times throughout the world, including notably through Noah, Adam, Abraham, Jesus and Moses, whom they consider prophets. They belive that the previous messages and revelations have been partially misinterpreted or alerted over time, but consider the Arabic Koran to be both the unalerted and the final revelation of God. Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are ba...

Teoloogia → Religioon
1 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

This article was downloaded by: [KU Leuven University Library] On: 02 June 2015, At: 06:11 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Perspectives: Studies in Translatology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: When `we' are `the other'. Travel books on Romania as exercises in intercultural communication a Rodica Dimitriu a Department of English , Al...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Stilistika materjalid

STYLISTICS 1. Style, stylistics, a survey of stylistic studies The term ,,style" is polysemantic. Latin ,,stilus"--a writing instrument used by the ancients for writing on waxed tablets. Soon, the meaning was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. Jonathan Swift said: ,, Style is proper words in proper places" Present day--half a dozen meanings: · the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his ideas (Style of Byron) · the manner of expressing ideas characteristic of a literary movement or period (symbolism, romanticism) · the use of lg. typical of a literary genre (comedy, drama, novel) · the selective use of lg that depends on spheres of human activity. These are called functional styles or registers (fiction, newspaper) Stylist...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
27 allalaadimist


Australia Australia is the smallest continent in the world. It is 7.6 million square kilometres big. It is often called the island continent because it is rather small for a continent and very big for an island. There are only five countries bigger than Australia in the World. There are five states in the mainland. Tasmania is also considered as a state so there are six states. The Northern Territory and Canberra are also independent but they are not states. Canberra is the capital of Australia and it is situated between Sydney and Melbourne because both of these cities wanted to be the capital. The population is about 19 million people and growing. New South Wales is the most populated state and Victoria is the most densely populated state. The national language is English. It is English because British settlers came to live in Australia in the past and they brought conv...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kanada ühiskond ja kultuur/Society and Culture of Canada

CANADA REVISION QUESTIONS 2010 1. The main physiographic regions of Canada. Canada may be divided into seven physiographic regions: Arctic Lowlands, Cordilleran Region, Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canadian Shield (Forest Lands), St Lawrence Lowlands and Appalachian Region. Divisions are based on each area's relatively similar physical geography and landforms. Physiographic regionalization is defined here as the process by which regions with relatively homogeneous physical geography are determined 2. Who are the native people of Canada? Into which three groups can they be divided? Canada's constitution specifies three categories of aboriginal peoples: Indian (First Nations), Métis, Inuit. According to Canadian census 2011, 1.4 mln people of Aboriginal origin (4.3%): 852,000 First Nation...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Some of the things you will learn in THE CODEBREAKERS • How secret Japanese messages were decoded in Washington hours before Pearl Harbor. • How German codebreakers helped usher in the Russian Revolution. • How John F. Kennedy escaped capture in the Pacific because the Japanese failed to solve a simple cipher. • How codebreaking determined a presidential election, convicted an underworld syndicate head, won the battle of Midway, led to cruel Allied defeats in North Africa, and broke up a vast Nazi spy ring. • How one American became the world's most famous codebreaker, and another became the world's greatest. • How codes and codebreakers operate today within the secret agencies of the U.S. and Russia. • And incredibly much more. "For many evenings of gripping reading, no better choice can be made than this book." —Christian Science Monitor THE ...

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


CHAPTER 1 GETTING TO KNOW THE TOEFL WHAT IS THE TOEFL? The TOEFL is a comprehensive English language examination required by more than 3,000 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world. In addition, foreign born professionals frequently need a TOEFL score for certification to practice their profession in the United States or Canada. The TOEFL is a timed test that consists of the three sections listed here. THE TOEFL Section 1 Listening Comprehension 50 questions 35 minutes Part A Statements 20 questions Part B Short Dialogs 15 questions ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun