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"seen" - 1168 õppematerjali

seen on juba arenenud, siis tuleb eemaldada selle puust või talast see osa, kus on vammi nähtav mädanik ja + 1m. Kui on hoones avastatud 1 vammi kolle, siis on kindel, et koldeid on veel ja selle ühe kolde likvideerimine ei päästa maja.


Seened -
Seenekasvatus -

Kasutaja: seen

Faile: 0

Giza Pyramid

Great Pyramid of Giza The Great Pyramid of Giza (also called the Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis and is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that survives mostly intact. Originally the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface, and what is seen today is the underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seen around the base. There have been different scientific and alternative theories regarding the Great Pyramid's construction techniques. Most accepted construction theories are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into place. There are three known chambers inside the Great Pyramid. The lowest chamber is cut into the bedrock upon which the pyramid was built and was unfinished

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Table of tenses

Future intent or planned action. to Boston next week. invite the Browns. going to stay? 1) To express an action that was begun in the past and continues into the I've seen Mike How long have present. Present Perfect She hasn't been to three times this you worked at 2) To express an action that happened Täisolevik New York. week. Smith's? in the unspeci-fied past

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Seente kasutamine rahvameditsiinis

haigussümptomeid. Kasutatakse ka osteoporoosi ehk luude hõrenemise profülaktikas. Praegusel ajal maitake tootmine kontrollitud tingimustes on üha kasvav trend. Eestis on leht-kobartorik I kaitsekategooriasse kuuluv liik ent Lätis leidub teda ohtralt. 3 4 Harilik kedristõlvik (Cordyceps militaris) Harilik kedristõlvik sisaldab põletikuvastaseid polüsahhariide, mis on tõhusad kasvajate ja nende metastaasi vastu. Seen sisaldab kordütsepiini, mis tapab baktereid. Hiina rahvameditsiinis kasutatakse harilikku kedristõlvikut afrodisiaakumina, kopsude ja neerude raviks, külmetusest paranemiseks ja ergutina. Harilikust kedristõlvikust rohkem on levinud Hiina kedristõlvik (Cordyceps sinensis), mida on Hiina meditsiinis kasutatud enam kui 2500 aastat. Kasutusaladeks on astma kontrollimine, diabeet, erektsioonihäired, vähendab trombide ohtu. Samuti on tal

Meditsiin → alternatiivsed ravimeetodid
3 allalaadimist

Present perfect and Present perfect continious

Negative I/you/we/they have not washed /haven’t washed he/she/it has not worked /hasn’t worked Question Have I/you/we/they worked? Has he/she/it washed? When to use the Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect refers to: • Recent events, without a definite time given. The recentness may be indicated by just. We've missed the turning. I've just seen a ghost! • Indefinite events, which happened at an unknown time in the past. No definite time is given. Jim has had three car accidents. (up to the present) • Indefinite events, which may have an obvious result in the present. I've twisted my ankle. (that’s why I'm limping) • With state verbs, a state which lasts up to the present. I've lived here for the past ten years.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Past perfect simple and past perfect continious

The Past Perfect is not used simply to describe an event in the distant past. There must be another past event, less far away in the past, with which it contrasts. When the company went bankrupt, it had lost over a million pounds. The Past Perfect is used to make clear that one action in the past happened before another action in the past. When we arrived home, Anna had gone to bed. George didn’t want to come to the cinema with us because he had already seen the film twice. It was my first time in an airplane. I was very nervous because I hadn’t flown before. 2 Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) The Past Perfect Continuous is had been + an -ing-form. I had been reading / you’d been reading Negative you had not been working /you hadn’t been working Question Had he been waiting?

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

"A, An or The"

1. We use the indefinite article, a/an, with count nouns when the hearer/reader does not know exactly which one we are referring to: Police are searching for a 14 year-old girl. 2. We also use it to show the person or thing is one of a group: She is a pupil at London Road School. Police have been searching for a 14 year-old girl who has been missing since Friday. Jenny Brown, a pupil at London Road School, is described as 1.6 metres tall with short blonde hair. She was last seen wearing a blue jacket, a blue and white blouse and dark blue jeans and blue shoes. Anyone who has information should contact the local police on 0800349781. 3. We do not use an indefinite article with plural nouns and uncount nouns: She was wearing blue shoes. (= plural noun) She has short blonde hair. (= uncount noun) Police have been searching for a 14 year-old girl who has been missing since Friday. Jenny Brown, a pupil at London Road School, is described as 1.6 metres tall

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


1.Bioloogia seos teiste seadustega Teoreetiline plaanis: fundamentaalteaduses avastatud nähtuste seletamiseks on vaja bioloogiat.Nt. Psühholoogias ja pedagoogikas. Käitumise mitmete külgede ja emotsioonide mõistmiseks peab teadam bioloogiat. Vastupidine protsess: bioloogia oma uurimisala nähtuste seletamiseks kasutatakse matemaatika, keemia, füüsika seaduspärasusi ja põhimõtteid. Nt. Biokeemia, biofüüsika- teadused, mis uurivad elusolendite koostise ja talitluse füüsikalisi ja keemilisi aluseid, nt fotosüntees, raku hingamise protsess, raku membraani transport, närviimpulide ülekanne. Rakenduslik seos: peamisteks valdkondadeks on meditsiin, veterinaaria, põllumajandus, toiduainete töötlus. Biotehnoloogiat kasutatakse toiduainetetööstuses, ravimite väljatöötamisel ja tootmisel,eriomadustega taimesortide väljatöötamisel. Biotehnoloogiaks nim. rakendusbioloogilisi meetodeid ja protseduure, mille puhul elusorganismidele omaseid protsesse ka...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
14 allalaadimist

6 hallitust

labürindi ja suhkruga, ja teine lihtsalt "ronis" seinte labürint ja roomavad laes. seega, lihtsa mold leidsin mitte ainult algused mälu, aga ka võimet tegeleda probleemide ebatüüpiliste reziim, mis räägib olemasolu grib luure. ohtliku hallitust mold saadab meid kõikjal, ta on tohutu kolooniad elab vannitubades, korterid, õhusahtid, ja mis kõige häirivam, meie külmikud. seepärast inimesed lihtsalt teda ei märkaks. sa poleks pidanud. lisaks asjaolule, et mikroskoopiline seen on võimelised hävitama terve hoone, ta on endiselt ja on mürgine inimkeha. protsess kasvu toodab ained, mis mõjutavad kopsud, soolikad, naha. oma vaidlused tungida hingamisteede ja "lahendada" meie sees, avades tee bakterid ja viirused. allergiad on peaaegu kõige kahjutum tagajärg elukoha vormis kui naaber. mikroskoopilised seen on võimeline hävitama struktuur dna ja põhjustada vähki. vastavalt teadlased, hallituse ja selle mürk praktiliselt ei võetud organism

Keeled → Vene keel
1 allalaadimist

Central Park

Central Park is a public park at the center of Manhattan in New York. Central Park is the most visited park in the United States. About 35 million people visit Central Park every year. People love this park. They like to spend time there. The park contains several nature ­ looking lakes and ponds. There are over 25,000 trees. There are a lot of water birds at Central Park. Over a quarter of all the bird species found in the United States have been seen in Central Park. A total of twenty ­ nine sculptures have been built over the years, most have been donated by individuals or organizations. There are a lot of activities what you can do there. Central Park has twenty ­ one playgrounds for children. There is a big zoo. People can do different sports there. Central Park has two ice skating rinks.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kartuli kui põllukultuur

Kartul Ander Asur Tanel Säde Sisukord • Ajalugu ja levik • Sordid • Kasvatamine • Haigused ja kahjurputukad • Kasutamine • Toiteväärtus ja keemiline koostis • Huvitavad faktid Ajalugu ja levik • Lõuna-Ameerika Andide kõrgmäesik • 14 000 aastat • 16. sajand leitud kultuuritaim • Hispaanlased tõid euroopasse • Eestis 18. sajandi keskpaik Sordid • Ants, Granola, Varajane kollane – Hea pudrukartul • Toscana, Granola, Ando – Hea keedukartul • Anti, Birgit, Gala – Hea praekartul • Campina, printsess – Hea salatikartul • Secura, Red lady, Romera – Hea ahjukartul Kasvatamine • Üle maailma • Parasvöötmes • Valgusnõudlik • Niiskuse suhtes nõudlik • Soojus Haigused ja kahjurputukad • Eestis 1965. a • Bakter; seen; viirushaigused Kasutamine • Toit- ja loomasööt • Tärklis; piiritus; siirup; • Ilutooted, erinevad näomaskid Toiteväärtus ja keemiline koostis • Vesi • ...

Põllumajandus → Eritaimekasvatus
8 allalaadimist

Pula, traveling

Pula Pula is the largest city in Istria Country, Croatia. I've been there three times. I went there for the first time three years ago. We went there with my mother, father and little sister. It was in July 2011. The weather was beautiful, so we went to swimming and sunbathing. There is an arena called The Pula Arena. It is an ancient Roman-style very large. This is the most beautiful building in this city. My mom wanted to go there, so we bought the tickets and went to this wonderful place. We were amazed. It was so large and beautiful. I have never seen such a fantastic thing before. I love this city, because I feel so free and comfortable there. I can swim, sunbathe, walk throgh the city and enjoy life. I can do almost all of these things there, that I can't do in Estonia. I recommend everyone who love sea, sun and friendly people to go to Pula.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kaebekiri Letter of complaint - jeans

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about the jeans which I ordered from your mail-order catalogue. I was not pleased when they arrived. To begin with, your advertisement stated that the jeans would be delivered promptly. However, they were delivered late. Secondly, you said that you were the only company in this country licensed to sell this brand, but in fact I have seen them in a local store. Though your advertisement claimed that the price was unbeatable, the ones in the local store were much cheaper. Although your advertisement claimed that the jeans were excellent quality, the zip was broken. The problems do not stop here. You sent me a wrong size. Furthermore, the free T-shirt was missing. In conclusion, I would like another pair of black jeans, not blue ones as you sent last time otherwise I will have to take the matter further.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
38 allalaadimist


Biosfäär:Maa osa,mida asustavad elusorganismid1)maismaa pindmine kiht(litosfääri ülemine osa)2)veekogud(hüdrosfäär)3)õhkkond (atmosfääri alumine osa).Biosfääri osa moodustavad maapind ja mõnekümne cm paksune mullakiht.Mäger kaevab 6m sügavusi urge .Mikroorg.on väga tähtsad mulla struktuuri kujundajad.Järved,jõed,tiigid,lombid,mered,ookeanid.Veekogu de elustik on kõige rikkalikum kaldapiirkonnas,pindmises kihis,kus on valgust.Taimed saavad elada seal kus on valgust,loomad isegi seal,kus on pime.Veekeskkonn a moodustavad kõik veekogud.Kuni20km.Õhus on:putukad,linnud,nahkh,nad kasutavad õhku liikumiseks,toidu haaramiseks.Ülejaanud aja on nad maal või taimedel tegutsedes.Osa org on õhus passiivselt(ise ei lenda)Taimedele on õhkkond tähtis õietolmu,viljade,seen te eoste levitamiseks.Õhuvoolud tõstavad üles mikroorg.Põlevkivi moodustus veeko.elanud org.jäänustest,paekivi veeorg.lubikodaseja savi settimisel.In.mõjutab biosfääri: tammid, kra...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
45 allalaadimist

Õpiõue plaan

loodusõpetus (taimede välimus, ravimtaimed/mürktaimed, taimed inimese toidulaual, liikide mitmekesisus), eesti keel (taimede rahvapärased nimetused, jutu koostamine), kunstiõpetus (natüürmort, töö kuivatatud lehtedega – kleepimine, lehetrükk-tehnika) 3) Puudeallee Rakendamisvõimalusi: matemaatika, eesti keel (muistendite ja lugude jutustamine) , kodukoha tundmine , loodusõpetus (taimede sümbioos: seen ja puu elavad koos; fotosüntees), kunstiõpetus (natüürmort, töö kuivatatud lehtedega – kleepimine, lehetrükk- tehnika) 4) Liikumis- ja sportmängude ala Rakendamisvõimalused: Matemaatika, eesti keel, muusika, kehaline kasvatus. Nagu eeltoodust näha, siis õpiõues on palju võimalusi õppimiseks, tegelikult saab siin õppida pea kõiki õppeaineid. Käesolev õpiõu on koostatud küll pigem 1-5

Pedagoogika → Õppe kavandamine
15 allalaadimist


KÄÄNDED KÄÄNETE EDASIANDMINE Küsimus Ainsus Mitmus Käändelõpp Tunnus Käändelõpp 1. Nimetav Kes? - (ains.tüvi) -t (nominatiiv) Mis? 2. Omastav Kelle? -n -i -en (genitiiv) Mille? -j -den (-tten) (ains.tüvi) -in (-en) -ten 3. Sihitav Keda? - (ains.tüvi) -t (akusatiiv) Mida? -n 4. Osastav Keda? -a -i -a (partitiiv) Mida? -ä -j -ä -ta -ta -tä -tä 5. Sisseütlev Kellesse? Tüvevok. +n -i -...

Keeled → Soome keel
7 allalaadimist

Eesti ilm (aastaaegade kohta)- Estnisches Wetter

Estnisches Wetter 1. Im Frühling Im Estland ist oft sonniges Frühlingswetter. Im März beginnt der Schnee zu schmelzen. Im April sind alle Flüsse und Seen mit Schmelzwasser überschwemmt, es kommen die ersten Zuvögel und Ende April werden die Bäume grün. Im Mai wird die Mehrzahl der Bäume grün und das Wetter ist sonnig. 2.Im Sommer Im Sommer ist es heiss und die Sonne schneit. Die wärmsten Monate sind Juli und August, dann kann es auch oft ein Gewitter ist es windig und regnerisch und schwül. 3. Im Herbst Im Herbst fallen von den Bäumen Blätter und bläst starker Wind. Es ist regnerisch und schlammig

Keeled → Saksa keel
8 allalaadimist

Irregular verb

Be Was/were Been Olema Do Did Done Tegema Make Made Made Teostama Beat Beat Beaten Lööma See Saw Seen Vaatama Go Went Gone Minema Read Read Read Lugema Write Wrote Written Kirjutama Teach Taught Taught Õpetama Bring Brought Brought Tooma Tear Tore Torn Kiskuma Pay Paid Paid Maksma Choose Chose Chosen Valima Ring Rung Rung Helisema Steal Stole Stolen Varastama Mistake Mistake Mistaken Viga Become became become Muutuma

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

English Irregular verbs

feel felt felt find found found fly flew flown forget forgot forgotten get got got (gotten in USA) give gave given go went gone have had had hear heard heard keep kept kept know knew known leave left left lend lent lent let let let lose lost lost make made made meet met met pay paid paid put put put read read (pronounced /red/) read (pronounced /red/) run ran run say said said see saw seen sell sold sold send sent sent sing sang sung sit sat sat sleep slept slept speak spoke spoken stand stood stood swim swam swum take took taken teach taught taught tell told told think thought thought understand understood understood wear wore worn write wrote written

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


• 9 o’clock • ten minutes • Monday • two hours • the first of April • three days • 2001 • a week • Christmas • six months / years • breakfast • a long time • we arrived, etc • ages, etc Where have you been? I haven’t seen you for ages! Jane has not eaten anything for a week. I will be away for a while. It has been going on for a long time. I haven’t seen him since Monday. Ann’s been waiting since 8 o’clock. I have been studying English since I was a child. Prepositions of Time – for & during for during is used to say how long something is used to say when something

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Eksami kordamisküsimused

vigastused; suurem kahju tekib aga sellest, et need haavandid pakuvad mädanikutekitajatele kohest sissepääsu. Puidumädanikku tekitavad nn kõrgemad seened saavad alguse eosest e spoorist. Sobivale kasvupinnasele e substraadile langenud eosest idaneb seeneniit e hüüf, mis koosneb pikkadest voolikukujulistest rakkudest. Puusse tungides eritab see ensüüme, mis muudavad puidurakkude seintes olevad ained lahustuvaks ning need imenduvad seeneniiti ­ niiviisi seen toitub. Seeneniitide kasvades ja harunedes moodustub puidu sisse seeneniidistik e mütseel. See areneb varjatult ning märkamatult aastaid, kuni ükskord ilmuvad puutüvele seene viljakehad: taelikud, torikud, pessud jm. Need koosnevad tihedasti põimunud seeneniitidest ning moodustuvad vaid paljunemiseks. Viljakeha allküljel asub selle tähtsaim osa ­ eoslavakandja e hümenofoor, mis on sagedamini moodustunud püstistest torukestest,

Metsandus → Puidu bioloogiline lagunemine...
114 allalaadimist


seen Heterobasidion parviporum. Haigusesse nakatunud puud jäävad kiratsema või hukkuvad. Nakatuda võivad puud igas vanuses. Kui männil kahjustab juurepess vaid juuri, siis kuusel levib südamemädanik juurekaelast ülespoole tüvesse. Haigestunud puudel esineb vaigujooks juurekaela piirkonnas. Vanematel puudel võib märgata tüve alumise osa mädanikust tingitud jämenemist. Nakatumine toimub vahetult vigastatud juurte või tüve kaudu või kändude vahendusel. Kännust juurtesse levinud seen nakatab naaberpuid juurte kaudu. Haiguse levikut soodustavad suvised raied, pidevad hooldusraied ja tihedamad okaspuupuistud. Söögiseentena tuntud külmaseened (Armillaria spp.) tekitavad samuti juure- ja tüvemädanikku. Haiguse tunnusteks on rohke vaigujooks juurtel ja tüvel. Mädanevate juurte tõttu nõrgenenud puud ründavad kahjurputukad, põhjustades puu hukkumist. Külmaseened levivad sageli keskealistes ja vanemates kuusikutes.

Geograafia → Geograafia
6 allalaadimist

The london eye

capsules The wheel does not usually stop to take on passengers Commercial A standard adult ticket costs £25.00 Children under 5 free Luxury packages like 'champagne capsule' £299 The London Eye also caters to weddings and civil partnership ceremonies, starting at £1700 Interesting information It took 1,700 tons of steel to build this attraction Each of the 32 capsules holds approximately 25 people. The London Eye is often seen in many films and television shows The Singapore Flyer, at 15 metres taller than the London Eye, is due to open in early 2008 Pictures Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Inimese kirjeldus

Not long time ago I met again with Helena. I haven't seen her since last year christmas. She is very beautiful and gorgeous. I first met her some years ago at party. There were many beautiful looking girls ,but she was only one who I leapt the eye on. She had curly blond hair, blue eyes, tiny nose, small bright red mouth, bright white top and small red skirt, curvy body figure ­ just like an angel. For today she is changed a lot. She got long black hair with pink

Keeled → Inglise keel
73 allalaadimist


Rakendusbio lähtekohad: maaviljelus, loomakasvatus, vanaaja meditsiin. Toiduainetööstus: piimhappebakterid ­ kurgi, kapsa, piima jt hapendamine, hallitusseened ­ juust, pärmseened ­ pagaritooted, alko, bakteri- ja pärmijuuretised ­ juust ja vein, Louis Pasteur ­ elu saab alguse elusast, vaktsineerimise põhimõte. Meditsiin: Alexander Fleming avastas penitsilliini, rohehallikust (pintselhallik). Biotõrje: seen seene vastu, feromoonid, bakteritoksiin putukate vastu, reovete puhastamine. Taimede meristeempaljundus: taimede vegetatiivse paljundamise e kloonimise meetod. Meristeemkude: algkude on taimede võrsete tippudes, pungades jm. Meristeemkoe omadused: kiire paljunemisvõimega, ei ole diferentseerunud, ei täida kindlat koe funktsiooni, totipotentsed-võivad diferentseeruda mistahes tüüpi rakkudes ja areneda tervikorganismiks, viirusvabad. Meristeempaljunduse

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
16 allalaadimist

Essen und Trinken

der Fisch, - e kala das Fleisch liha das Schweinefleisch, das Rindfleisch sealiha, veiseliha das Rindersteak, - s veiselihapraad das Kotelett, - e kotlett die Bulette, - n frikadell das Hähnchen, - kanaliha die Knödel, - n jahuklimp der Salat, - e salat die Suppe, - n supp der Braten, - praad der Nachtisch, - e = die Nachspeise, - n = das Dessert, - s magustoit der Hamburger, - hamburger die Pizza, - s = Pizzen pitsa das Eis jäätis der Pilz, - e seen die Beere, - n mari der Brei, - n puder der Grieß manna die Haferflocken kaerahelbed die Grütze, - n tangud die Buchweizengrütze, - n tatar das Mehl jahu die Zutaten die Zutat, - en koostisosa der Salz, - e sool der Zucker suhkur der Pfeffer pipar der Essig äädikas der Senf sinep das Ketchup ketšup die Mayonnaise, - n majonees

Keeled → Saksa keel
1 allalaadimist

Mitmuse osastav kääne

nt. kõne, karu, Ene, emu, jume, ime, karu b) II välde, astmevahelduseta nt. Tiina, Riina, Teele, sigma c) 1-silbilised sõnad, mille lõpus on täishäälikuühend e diftong nt. mai, kai, hai 3) V a) ­ik liitega sõnad, AV nt. matslik, piklik, õnnelik, vooruslik, matslik b) 2-silbilised, ne- või s-lõpulised sõnad nt. ümmargune, joonistus, kallistus, kirjutis, proosaline, kirjutis c) AV, kujuvaheldus nt. saar, kaar, seen, keel, meel 4) -id / -sid a) 1-silbilised, pikk vokaal lõpus nt. maa, kuu, puu, öö, essee, suu 5) V / -sid a) AV, kujuvaheldust pole nt. tuuleiil, kiil b) I välde, astmevahelduseta (v.a. e- ja u- lõpulised sõnad) nt. lauljatar, lina, küna, kala, luba 6) -id / V a) 3-silbiline, III välde, ne- või s-lõpuline nt. eestlane, prantsalne, võitlus, õmblus, nõrkus, inglane, viltune, kiirendusvõistlus

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
48 allalaadimist

DC at The Melrose Georgetown

DC at The Melrose Georgetown Check in The hotel is a couple of blocks from Foggy Bottom - GWU Metro station, on the blue and orange lines. If you are coming from Union Station you have to change once, at Metro Center, from the red line. But once we arrived, check-in was quick and easy. Within two minutes of walking through the lobby, we were in our room. Internet Connection Free and couldn't be easier to hop on: no password or sign-up required. Location The hotel is very accessible via public transportation, and, probably thanks to its college community, you'll find plenty of restaurants and bars in the immediate area. If eating out's not your thing, there is both a Trader Joe's and Whole Foods within two blocks, too. What We Didn't Like The cracked and stained tiles in the shower suggest that the bathrooms got passed over during the recent renovation, and we'd have preferred to not have seen short black hairs (not ours) ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

HAAGAHELIA University of Applied Sciences RB1X 12.12.2011 · Moscardo et al. An ActivitiesBased Model of Destination Choice (Cooper & Gilbert, 2008, p. 5661) Moscardo et al. model 1996 Moscardo et al. provides a bit different approach to consumer behavior than the other researchers. He argues that motives can be seen as providing travellers with expectations for activities and destinations seen as offering activities... Existing destination choice models can be both more destinationspecific and bring travel motives more clearly into the choice process by including activities as attributes of destinations (Pearce, 2005, p. 106). Basically he is emphasizing

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Botaanika eksam

Ronijuurte tipud eritavad kleepuvat ainet, mis omakorda hõlbustab kinnitumist. Enamasti on selliste juurtega puutüvedel ja -võrades kasvavad ronitaimed (näiteks luuderohi). Õhust veeauru imemiseks on mõnedel taimedel õhujuured. Eesti looduslikel taimedel õhujuuri ei esine. Neid võib kohata paljudel troopilistel orhideedel või näiteks tuntud toataimel monsteral. MÜKORIISA e. seenjuur. Sümbioos seene ja taime vahel juure pinnal. Mükoriisa peamine tähtsus seisneb selles, et seen varustab taimejuuri taimetoiteelementidega, mida taim mullast kas ise ei saa kätte (näiteks mulla kõrgenenud pH tõttu) või saab neid kätte aeglaselt; seen omakorda saab taimelt vastu aga elutegevuseks vajalikke suhkruid. 6. Taime mineraalne toitumine. Teada, kuidas ja mida mööda liiguvad mineraalained. Juured imevad mullast vett ja mineraalaineid juurekarvadega. See toimub osmoosi abil. Osmoosiks nimetatakse lahusti (vee) liikumist läbi poolläbilaskva kile kangema (kõrgema

Bioloogia → Botaanika
138 allalaadimist

Letter to a penfriend

London is spectacular city. It's the largest city in the United Kingdom, very historic, cultured, peaceful and beautiful at the same time. Did you know, that London has the oldest, longest and the most expensive underground network, dating from 1863 called The Tube? There are plenty of things to do there, too. We stent most of our time shopping and visiting the main sights, like The Big Ben Tower, National Gallery and Royal Opera House, where I saw the best concert I've ever seen! Unfortunately, I lost my passport to the Royal Opera House, but luckily some kind person had already handed it in, when I went to the police station. What a relief! Well, now you know how was my trip to UK. Hope to see you soon. Yours, John

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80 allalaadimist

Kiri sõbrale

Dear Maarja how are you? We haven't seen ourselves awhile.I hope that you are doing well . Yesterday i got two tickets do the Scorpions concert tour. I hope that u can gome with me . It is my favorite band . The band is usually singing hard rock/heavy metal music styles.And i like this style .My favorite singer from this band is Klaus Meine who was born in May 25, 1948 .The last concert i saw was the ,,World Peace tour" which was on 12.06.2008 .I liked it very much . The drummer of the ,,Scorpion" was maked good show, in last time.I like all Song and Dance Festivals because its very hard do learn the song words or dance moves . I always admire the people who have the bravery to sing or dance. I myself have addented choir . At chrismas we singed togheter in churches . Nowdays i have no time do addent any choir or dance group . I more like do watch them. Well Maarja i must go now . I hope you like The Scorpions and you can come . Email ...

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140 allalaadimist

My Super car - Ford Mustang

York World's Fair. It was Ford's most successful launch. Leading stylist John Najjar, who was a fan of the World War II Mustang fighter plane, suggested the name. The Mustang created the "pony car" class of American automobile sports car sedans with long hoods and short rear ends, gave rise to competitors such as GM's Camaro , AMC's Javelin, and Chrysler's. Mustangs grew larger and heavier with each model. Although some other pony cars have seen a survival, the Mustang is the only original pony car that has remained in production without interruption after fourty years of development and development. I like this car because these cars have very good look and powerful engines. One day I want to buy one for my own. And then I can show off with it. Tõnis Kruusement AT108

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32 allalaadimist


Hallutsinogeensed seened: Ajalugu: Juba aastatuhandeid on inimesed kasutanud taimseid hallutsinogeene. Paljudes muistsetes hõimudes ja kultuurides kasutasid preestrid ning prohvetid hallutsinogeenseid seeni, et näha nägemusi ja saavutada religioosset sisekaemust. Neid kasutati ravimisel, nõidumisel ja usutalituste läbiviimisel. Enam levinud hallotsinogeensed seened: Kõige sagedamini kasutatav seen Psilocybe semilanceata, mis kasvab metsikult põldudel ja mida saab korjata septembrist novembrini. Tuntud on ka punane kärbseseen(Amanita Muscari). Tarvitamine: Hallutsinogeenseid seeni võib korjata ja süüa toorelt või küpsetada, teeks keeta või hilisemaks kasutamiseks kuivatada. Ekstaasi põhjustavate ainete manustamisviisid on: · suu kaudu puhtalt või keedetult; · nahale määrimiseks salvidena (nõiasalv); · põlevate taimede suitsu sissehingamisel;

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
16 allalaadimist

Why Travel?

Why Travel? Travelling broaden the mind. Donish people are taciturn, they have not seen the real world. Travelling gives you so much. People travel beacause they need that at work or just for fun and also because they wants to diverse cultures. Historians travel because they want to become acquainted history of variouse countries. Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. Travel is all that and much more. One of the goals of study abroad is to prepare you to be more effective, respectful of other cultures, and to better understand your own culture and values.

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17 allalaadimist

Roald Dahl “The Landlady” Worksheet 3

Roald Dahl “The Landlady” Worksheet 3 21. The landlady says: “They’re all on the third floor, both of them together.” This contradicts  another sentence; which one? ……………………………………………………………………………….. 22. Find out about the landlady’s hobby: Landlady’s hobby is to make stuffed animals. 23. What happened to the other guests and what is going to happen to Billy? The other guests are stuffed. Billy is going to be also stuffed like all the animals and guests (Billy drinks tea, what contains poison, and he will die). 24. Read the story again and look at the disturbing details and explain in what way they  announce and explain what will take place Disturbing elements How to explain them She smells like walnuts, because of chemicals  The landlady’s smell ...

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The landlady worksheet 3

She smells like walnuts, because of chemicals The landlady's smell she uses for men stuffing. The guests had never left from there The other guests are still on the third floor She poisoned the boys and stuffed them. The landlady has seen their naked bodies The pets are not real. She stuffed the parrot and the dog The tea tastes weird/funny. The tea tastes of bitter almonds The landlady wants to remember Billy's name Billy wrote his name on the guestbook. later on

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3 allalaadimist

Dear Ms

Dear Ms. Smith My name is John Walker, I am a secretary of Science Club in our college. I have seen your advertisement about our local museum and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about organising a group visit to it. I think that it will be a very interesting and informative event for students, after all, you don't get to see such an exhibition like "the next 100 years" every day. Therefore, if you are interested in our visit, I have some questions about the booking. Where can we make a reservation for our group? Do we

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Pärmi tootmine

 Kasutatakse käärimises, küpsetamises ja veinitööstuses  Kasutatakse ka eukarüootide mudelorganismina molekulaar- ja rakubioloogias  Pagaripärmi rakud on ümmargused, diameetriga 5-10 mikromeetrit  Paljunemise viisiks on pungumine  Paljud inimese bioloogias olulised valgud avastati nende pärmides asuvate homoloogide uurimisel Saccharomyces cerevisiae  Saccharomyces tähendab kreeka keeles „suhkruseeni“  Saccharo- suhkur  Myces- seen  Cerevisiae tähendab ladina keeles „õllest tulenev“ Haploidse raku elutsükkel  Pagaripärmid saavad elada ja kasvada olles kahes vormis: haploidne ja diploidne  Haploidsed rakud teevad läbi lihtsama elutsükli, mis koosneb mitoosist ja kasvamisest  Stressi tingimustes nad tavaliselt surevad Diploidse raku elutsükkel  Diploidsed rakud (pärmseente eelisvorm) teevad läbi ka lihtsama elutsükli  Stressi tingimustes võivad moodustada spoore, minnes läbi

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Students eating habits at Trends College

Body part Girls eating habits at Trends College are quite equal . 55% of all girls prefer to eat vegetables at luch, 35% like different pastas for their lunch, 32% like to eat meat and potatoes and 30% want to eat fast food. Boys eating habits at Trends College are quite different comparing with girls eating habits. Most of boys, 65% suggest to eat fast food, almost half of boys 49%, enjoy to eat meat and potatoes, 25% vote for vegetables and 20% for pasta. Conclusion As can be seen form this report, girls and boys eating habita are really different. Girls mostly are worried about their healt so they prefer healthy food. However boys, do not care about their healt so they Adore eating unhealthy food. For these reasons, I feel the best option is to make meat and potatoes it fits for both.

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7 allalaadimist

Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami 2004

●Depth: 3okm Tsunami ●Waves up to 30m ●Killed 230 000-280 000 and more missing ●Total damage 19.6 billion USD ●Millions of people have been left homeless Warnings ●There were no tsunami warning system ●In deep water tsunami has little height ●Sensors needed to detect ●The power of tsunamis becomes clear as they approach shallow water along the coast Hildasan, 50, net-maker „I was repairing some fishing nets in the harbour when I saw the water raising. I ´d never seen anything like it. I began to run for my life-I knew something was wrong. The rumbling noise, the raising water, just didn´t make sense. As I ran inland the sea seemed to be roaring in the background.“ 0.37-end Thanks for listening!!

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5 allalaadimist

Dear social worker

I have helped her to cope with everyday life but next year I will leave to other city to attend university and I think she is not able to continue without any help. Usually after school I go and visit her to ask if she needs something from shop or pharmacy. She also has problems using her mobile phone to call her friends or healthcare persons, which I also has helped her to do. Once a week I have helped her with cleaning her apartment. Sometimes when I visit her I have seen that she just needs to talk to somebody to feel happy. I have tried to help her as much as possible. I hope we can manage to find proper solutions to this problem. I wait for Your thoughts about which would be the best way to her. I look forward to Your response Best wishes Daisi Tann

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4 allalaadimist

Rebublic of Ireland

2013 Ireland is an island to the north-west of continental Europa, next to Great Britain. Capital is Dublin. ● The population of Ireland is approximately 6.4 million. ● Two main languages are spoken in Ireland: Irish and English. ● Two jurisdictions using two currencies: euro and pound sterling. Ireland has very astonishing nature Flag of Ireland The shamrock is a three-leafed clover, which was believed to bring good luck. The famous Leprechaun. Have you ever seen the end of a rainbow? If you catch a leprechaun, he will tell you, where he has hidden his gold. The Irish Harp which has always been well-loved symbol of Ireland. Merrow- mermaid Pooka- shape shifter who may appear as a horse, rabbit, goat, goblin or dog. Pookas fur is almost always dark. The Irish dullahan

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3 allalaadimist

Bioloogia (seened)

Kuivatamine,marineerimine,soolamine,külmutamine,õlis säilitamine, hapendamine 12) Jäävalt mürgised seened? Valge kärbseseen, punakas narmsnutt, roheline kärbseseen, punane kärbseseen. 13) Toorelt mürgised, kupataatult söödavaid seeni? Männiriiskas, kevadkogrits, karvane riisikas, 14) Söögiseened? Kukimürkel, kukeseen, suur sirmik, linnazampinjon, punane pilvik, kollane pilvik, liivtatik. 15) Kes on samblikud? Samblikud on liitorganism, kus elavad vastaatikku kasulikus kooselus seen ja fotosünteesiv organism, koosneb: ainurakne rohevetikaid või sinivetikaid 17) Samblike kasvukohad,eluvajadused, paljunemine? Kasvukohad: kividel, kaljudel, maal, puudel, metallil, surnud puudel, Eluvajadused: valgus, kasvuruumi, õhk, Paljunevad: tallustetükikestega 18) Samblike 3 kasvuvormi? Põõsassamblikud, Kooriksamblikud , Lehtsamblikud 19) Mis on tallus ja mis organismides esineb? 20 Samblike tähtsus looduses ja inimesele?

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20 allalaadimist

Statue of Liberty

anniversary of American Declaration of Idepedence. The Statue was made in sections in June on 1885 and they put it into 214 boxes and shipped it to New York. After they reassembled the Statue in four months. In 1924 the Statue of Liberty was declared national monument. The Statue of Liberty is visted by more than a million people every year. Tourists can also climb 354 steps to reach the crown or admire the view from 25 balconies. It can be visited the Staue of Liberty exhibit and seen some museum objects , a photographs, a prints and a videos. You will be amazed by this delightful statues, which should not be missed by any visitor to the New York area.

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15 allalaadimist


SEENED (SEENERIIK) Mükoloogia ­ seeneteadus Samblik Mükoloog, seeneteadlane Heterotroofid ­ toitub valmis orgaanilisest ainest seen + vetikas Hüüf ­ seeneniit org. aineid Mütseel ­ seeneniidistik vett ja mineraalaineid Elutingimused: parajalt niiske, soodne temperatuur ja rohkesti toitaineid Tekkisid umbes 400-500 miljonit aastat tagasi, leidub kõikjal Paljunemine: 1) suguline ­ kaks vanemorganismi, osalevad sugurakud, uus organism saab alguse viljastatud munarakust.

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
61 allalaadimist


learn laerned/learnt learned/learnt õppima leave left left lahkuma lend lent lent andma , laenama let let let laskma , lubama lie lay lain valetama light lit lit valgustama , põlema pana lose lost lost kaotama make made made tegema mean meant meant tähendama meet met met kohtuma must had to had to pidama pay paid paid maksma put put put panema read read red lugema ride rode ridden sõitma ring rang rung helisema run ran run jooksma say said said ütlema see saw seen nägema sell sold sold müüma send sent sent saatma set set set seadma shine shone shone särama show showed shown näitama shut shut shut sulgema sing sang sung laulma sink sank sunk uppuma , uputama sit sat sat istuma sleep slept slept magama smell smelled/smelt haisema speak spoke spoken rääkima spend spent spent kulutama spill siplled /spilt spilled spilt üle ajama stand stood stood seisma steal stole stolen varastama swim swam swum ujuma take took taken võtma

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28 allalaadimist

Titanic - film review

Film review ,, Titanic" Katriin Mangus 10.C One of the best films that I have seen recently is called ,,Titanic", a disaster film directed and written by James Cameron, music by James Horner.The important characters are Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack dawson and Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater. In the film we see that a ship called ,,Titanic" sails out. The people are very happy to board the ship. They consider it as an unsinkable ship.In the first half of the movie Rose and Jack fall in love

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49 allalaadimist


katkestas selle. helistas.) You were eating when she came. (Sa sõid kui ta tuli.) Present Perfect - Tegevus on varem has You have seen that Täisminevik toimunud. have + movie many times. ebareeglipärane sõna (Sa oled seda filmi III vorm või -ed. enne näinud mitu korda.) Past Perfect - Mingi tegevus had + You had studied

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8 allalaadimist

Reisimise essee

" Saint Augustine of Hippo Travelling is very important in my life. By travelling I can learn other cultures and discover many extraordinary places. It does not matter how far I go I will always learn something new on my way. There are so many different countries and thousands of languages on planet Earth. Every nation has its own culture, which differs from others. When I have been to some exotic country I can understand the people better because I have seen their culture. Learning different cultures makes everything easier to understand. People who do not travel are missing most of the book, their mind is not so opened and they are unimaginative. They are stuck in their everyday routine. Everything that happens farther than their homeland is very strange for them. I feel sad about people who do not travel. Often the people want to travel but just can not because of their financial or other problems

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10 allalaadimist

Eric van Lustbader

Notable works · The New Jason Bourne Novels (2004 ­ present) · The Ninja - (1980) · The Testament (2006) · Last Snow (2010) · The Ring of Five Dragons (2001) Genres · Thriller · Fantasy · Action The Bourne Deception (2009) · The seventh novel in the Jason Bourne series created by Robert Ludlum (Lustbader's 4th). · It is a spy, thriller novel. · Multiple settings (USA, Iraq, Egypt). · Protagonist: Jason Bourne, antagonist: Arkadin · "Like everyone I've seen the Bourne trilogy that have been made into movies. As such, I missed a few of the books in the series. That said, I enjoyed the heck out of this book. Great villians. Remarkable twist plots. And I have to admit that I like the way that there are strong female characters in this book. I recommend it for anyone that loves a good action-thriller with political overtones!" Sources · http:// urne-deception · http:// www

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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun