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"security" - 452 õppematerjali


IT süsteemide tugi ja korraldus ettevõttes

u Perspective management h s n i Service o n Delivery l e Security o s Management g s y Application Management 23 Guido Leibur IT teenuste haldus ITIL V2 järgi Teenuste tugi Teenuste tarnimine

Informaatika → Informaatika
78 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

producing 610 billion kWhs of electricity. Nuclear power today Nuclear power is the world's largest source of emission-free energy. Nuclear power plants produce no controlled air pollutants, such as sulphur and particulates, or greenhouse gases. The use of nuclear power in place of other energy sources helps to keep the air clean, preserve the Earth's climate, avoid ground-level ozone formation and prevent acid rain. Nuclear power has important implications for our national security. Inexpensive nuclear power, in combination with fuel cell technology, could significantly reduce our dependency on foreign oil. Nuclear power plants have experienced an admirable safety record. About 20% of electricity generated in the U.S. comes from nuclear power, and in the last forty years of this production, not one single fatality has occurred as a result of the operation of a civilian nuclear power plant in the United States

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist


Infoühiskond Koostas: Daniel Vasetski 12d Mis on infoühiskond? Infoühiskond ­ ühiskond, mis väärtustab infot ja selle kiiret vahendamist Algus 1990. aastal Peamine tunnus ­ arvutite massiline kasutamine, kommunikatsioonikanalid ning elektroonilised teenused Informatsioon ­ pilt, tekst, video või heli Mis on infoühiskond? Meedia ­ infoühiskonna põhiline kujundaja Traditsioonilised meediakanalid ­ ajalehed, raadio, televiisor Tänapäeval aga põhiline meediakanal ­ Internet Tehnoloogia 20. sajandil 1. Elektriseerimine 2. Autod 3. Lennukid 4. Veevarustus ning selle jaotus 5. Elektroonika 6. Raadio ning televisioon 7. Põllumajanduse mehhaniseerimine 8. Arvutid 9. Telefonid 10. Konditsioneer / jahutus 11. Kiirteed 12. kosmoselend 13. Internet 14. Pilditehnika 15. Kodumasinad 16. Tervise tehnoloogiad 17. Naftasaaduste töötlemis tehnoloogiad 18. Laser ja kiudoptika 19. Tuumatehnoloogia 20. Nanotehnoloogi...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
17 allalaadimist

Radioaktiivne saastumine

Radioaktiivne saastumine Robert Derevski 12E Ülevaade · Ääretult ohtlik saaste liik · Radioaktiivsuse mõõtmisühik Sv, norm 2-8 mSv aastas · Igas riigis erinev radioaktiivsuse tase, Eestis 2,5 mSv/a Ukrainas kuni 15 mSv/a Soomes kuni 9mSv/a Ülevaade · Radioaktiivsus keskkonnas: looduslik (uraan, plutoonium) tehislik (tuumarelvad, -jaamad) · Ohtlikud radioaktiivsed isotoobid (tuntumad nt. strontsiumi, tseesiumi, koobalti isotoobid) Saastumise põhjused · Radioaktiivse pilvega kaasnevad sademed · Inimviga radioaktiivsete ainete käitlemisel · Tehnogeensed katastroofid · Tuumarelvade kasutus/katsetamine Saasteallikad Eestis Endised saasteallikad: · Paldiski tuumaalveelaevade baas · Sillamäe uraanikaevandus Hetkel aktiivne: · Tammiku radioaktiivsete jäätmete hoidla (endise nimega Saku) Mõju · Elusorganismidel kiiritustõbi, pärilikud või kroonilised haigused · Ümbritseva keskkonna radioaktiivne saastatus ja elukõlbm...

Bioloogia → Keskkonnareostus
6 allalaadimist

Wealth does not bring happiness. True or false?

not? All the other rich people have been rich for their whole lives, they don't have anything to compare. And poor people dreaming can tell even less because they've never had such money and they don't know what it takes to stay wealthy and not fall hard back to being poor. In the end, wealth does help you a lot. It makes your life so much easier so you can concentrate on either getting more money or on your hobbies. On the other hand, it can also make your life more difficult. You never had a security problem before, and also people judge you only by the money you got and not by who you really are. It just doesn't show behind the wealth. But can anyone be happy without people who care of them? Because, as we've all seen in the movies, people close to rich people only care about their money which makes being rich a kind of sad, miserable and pointless. In the end of the day, your happiness has nothing to do with how wealthy you are. Wealth can help, but it can also disrupt

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrgud praktikum

DISCLAIMER: Kasutage 3COM ruuterit (sarvedega) nii on kige lihtsam ja jrgnev toetub sellel. Kui te teete kik igesti ja miski ei tta rge liiga kaua vigu otsige ja tehke vajalikele seadmetele resetid. Vahel tundub, et seadmed ttavad igesti, aga siiski ei tee seda. 1 Koostage arvutivrk kahest arvutist. Demonstreerige vrgu toimimist. 1.1 hendage arvutid sobiva kaabliga. ( igas lessandes on tegelikult parem kui enne tehakse ra seadistused arvutites ja siis hendatakse kaablid, vastasel juhul vivad arvutid pange panna) hendage 2 arvutit kokku cross kaabliga (kaabli otsale on mrgitud punane rist). 1.2 Seadistage mleam arvuti IP aadressid, arvuti- ja trhma nimed. 1) Seadista administrator parool: Start>Control Panel>User Accounts>Change an account> Administrator>Change my password>Sisesta parool igas arvutis (piisab kui on parool selles arvutis millest kaust jagatakse). 2) Seadista arvuti ja trhma nimed: Start>My Network Places>Set up some...

Informaatika → Informaatika
125 allalaadimist

Paul Cezanne

assumed that their name came from Italian origin. Paul Cézanne was born on 19 January 1839 in Aix-en-Provence, in Provence in south of France. On 22 February, Paul was baptised in the parish church, with his grandmother and uncle Louis as godparents. His father, Louis-Auguste Cézanne (28 July 1798 ­ 23 October 1886), was the cofounder of a banking firm that prospered throughout the artist's life, affording him financial security that was unavailable to most of his contemporaries and eventually resulting in a large inheritance. On the other hand, his mother, Anne-Elisabeth Honorine Aubert (24 September 1814 ­ 25 October 1897),was vivacious and romantic, but quick to take offense. It was from her that Paul got his conception and vision of life. He also had two younger sisters, Marie and Rose, with whom he went to a primary school every day. · Varasemad aastad ja perekond

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
17 allalaadimist


Mõlemas masinas: Devices – Shared Clipboard – Bidirectional Mõlemas masinas: Devices – Drag and drop – Bidirectional Teen mõlemale masinale restardi Kontrollin File Managerist, kas folderite jagamine toimis Avan Computer Management’i – Local Users and Groups – Users, loon sinna kasutaja nimega "opilane" Opilane Properties – Member of – Add – Guests Teine variant: Local Users and Groups – Groups – Guests – Add - opilane Control Panel – System Security – System – Remote Settings Remote desktop - ühendan kaks arvutit omavahel 03.11.17 Kasutaja lisamine PowerShelli kaudu: Windows PowerShell ISE – Run as administrator – New-LocalUser "username" Get-NetIPConfiguration 10.11.17 Loon Win10 masina ja teen sellest clone'i. Mõlemas masinas: PowerShell ISE – Run as administrator: Rename-Computer –NewName opilane New-LocalUser –Name opilane Rename-LocalUser "test10" NewName: elsasenina Kasutajanime muutmise script:

Informaatika → Informaatika
4 allalaadimist

Cuban missile crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis Vanessa Viira, Agris Janisk, Nikita Mikson 10 d Backround of Cuba Fidel Castro established Communist government in 1959 Took over the bussinesses of the US Castro was attempted to be overthrowed, April 1961, inavsion of Bay of Pigs Missile sites were built in Cuba in summer 1962 The USSRs sent a shipment full of military equipment in autumn 1962 Why was the USSR interested in helping Cuba? A Communist state A good launch base for the USSR Nikita Khrushchev wanted to test the strenght of John F. Kennedy and force him to bargain over the US missile in Europe What happened? Photos of missile sites on Cuba were taken by spy planes, October 14, 1962 Photos revealed to the Us the day after President Kennedy formed the EXCOMM (Executive Committee of the National Security Council) Possible courses of action 1)Do nothing 2)Diplomacy 3)Warning 4)Blockade 5)Air strike 6)Invasion The responses were considered and...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eurosedelid ja -mündid

Eurosedelid ja- mündid Eurosedelid Pangatähtede esiküljel kujutatakse aknaid ja väravaid. Need sümboliseerivad Euroopas valitsevat avatuse ja koostöö vaimu. Euroopa Liidu (EL) 12 tähte sümboliseerivad tänapäeva Euroopa dünaamilisust ja harmooniat. Tagaküljel kujutatud sillad sümboliseerivad koostööd nii Euroopa rahvaste vahel kui ka kogu maailmas. Pangatähtedel kujutatud aknad, väravad ja sillad on stiliseeritud illustratsioonid ­ tegemist ei ole reaalselt eksisteerivate objektide ja ehitistega. Euro pangatähti on 7 erineva nimiväärtusega: 5-, 10-, 20-, 50-, 100-, 200-, ja 500- eurone. Need kehtivad kogu euroalal ning on alati sama kujundusega. Pangatähtede tagaküljel kujutatakse sildu, mis väljendavad koostööd nii Euroopa rahvaste vahel kui ka mujal maailmas. Kujunduses lähtuti vastavale ajastule omasest arhitektuuristiilist ning ei püütud kujutada konkreetseid ehitisi. Euromündid Kõigil euromüntidel on nominaali väärtusega külg ühis...

Majandus → Majandus
7 allalaadimist


PÄRNUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS Arvutid ja Arvutivõrgud Allan Pertel ISKE Referaat Juhendaja: Üllar Tornik Pärnu 2012 SISSEJUHATUS Järgnevas referaadis vaatleme etalonturbe süsteemi ISKE. Räägime lühidalt rakendusalast ja kes peavad kasutama. Samuti vaatleme millel ta põhineb ning kui tihti täiendatakse. Saame teada mitmeastmeline ta on. Kuidas on ehitatud meetmestik. Kas aitab tagada riigisaladust ja tuleb juttu astmetest ise. RAKENDUSALA ISKE on infosüsteemide kolmeastmeline etalonturbe süsteem. ISKE väljatöötamisel ja arendamisel on aluseks võetud Saksamaa BSI (saksa k. Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, inglise k. Federal Office for Information Security) avaldatav infoturbe standard ­ IT Baseline Protection Manual (saksa k. IT- Grundschutz). ISKE rakendamise eesmärk on tagada infosüsteemides töödeldavatele andmetele pii...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
52 allalaadimist


Tagtronics´i Active Guard kontrollringkäigusüsteem turvafirmadele Patrullteenus Patrullteenust kasutatakse enamasti alternatiivse lahendusena mehitatud valvele, kuna teenus on kliendile soodsam. Patrullteenus seisneb patrullekipaazide kontrollreidides valvatavale objektile. Patrullteenuse eesmärk on hoida ära kinnistus olevale omandile ning kinnistule endale suunatud vägivalla jms juhtumeid ning avastada tekkida võivad kahjud võimalikult kiiresti. Kontrollringkäikude kvaliteedi ja läbipaistvuse tagamiseks kasutavad turvaettevõtted ainulaadset Active Guard kontrollringkäigusüsteemi. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fif...

Elektroonika → Elektroonika ja it
5 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

How does the United States influence Estonia? The United States of America is one of the most influential countries in the world. Its’ influence can be seen even in Estonia. Estonian national security is built upon being a member of NATO and it is dependent on Article 5. Therefore, it is important for us to be in good political relations with America because it is the most influential member of the organization. To stay in good terms some of our political decisions might be affected by the United States, however, it will stay out of the public view. Although Estonia is not directly dependant on America economically but as the

Ühiskond → Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade...
4 allalaadimist

Green Illusions - book powerpoint - alternative energy

0/www/images/6075 9.jpg Wind turbines Disadvantages:  Noise disturbances Threat to wildlife  Wind is unpredictable  Suited to particular regions  Visual impact http://  Expensive to install s.jpg Bio fuels Advantages  Costs less than gasoline  Source material  Renewability  Security http:// 148.jpg Disadvantages Energy output  Food prices  Food shortage References  Zehner O. (2012). Green Illusions. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press    http://homeguides.sfgate

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Big data in cloud

from you, what you considered as private? A big problem can occur from the misuse of that information. [20] Enterprises worldwide make use of sensitive data, personal customer information and strategic documents. When there’s so much confidential data lying around, the last thing you want is a data breach at your enterprise. [21] For marketing and research, many of the businesses use big data, but may not have the fundamental assets particularly from a security perspective. If a security breach occurs to big data, it would result in even more serious legal repercussions and reputational damage than at present. [18] There is no way around it, but to increase security measures, such as putting extra layers around and encrypting the valuable data within its core, in addition to logging and honeypot detection. It can become quite a difficult task considering the evergrowing amounts of data, as we are talking of petabytes of data already.

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
2 allalaadimist

Enviromental problems The objective of sustainable development is not to restrict economic activity for preservation of the environment but to adopt decisions integrating social, economic and environmental spheres at different (national, local) levels. Today's decisions must not create unsolvable problems tomorrow; consequently the limits of carrying capacity of the environment and the need to preserve resources always need to be considered at the promotion of economic growth and improvement of social security. Social agreements concerning the setting of development priorities, purposeful and long-term changes in resource exploitation, investments, implementation of new technologies, increase of public awareness, and changing of consumption patterns are prerequisite for the development of a secure and future-oriented state. Vocabulary Natural environment ­ looduskeskkond Sustainability ­ jätkusuutlikkus Global climate change ­ globaalsed kliimamuutused Ozone depletion ­ osoonikihi hõrenemine

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
34 allalaadimist

Ãœlerahvastumisega seotud keskkonnaprobleemid

1.) Ülerahvastumine on müüt? (lühiklipp) Overpopulation is a myth? 2.) How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? - docfilm How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? Kasutatud kirjandus 1. - Säästev areng Globaalsetest probleemidest koduste lahendusteni, Mari Jüssi (2005) (külastatud 11.10.2011) 2. - Outgrowing the Earth: The Food Security Challenge in an Age of Falling Water Tables and Rising Temperatures 3. - Encyclopedia of deserts, Mares, Michael S. (1999) (külastatud 11.10.2011) 4. -Desertification and Its Control in China, Ci, Longjun & Yang, Xiaohui (2010) (külastatud 11.10.2011) 5.

Geograafia → Geograafia
39 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

go to school/work and listen to the radio which, surprise ­ surprise, plays us American music. Luckily we have not caught up with the obesity problem that they have. Although we are getting there already. Besides the Americanization, United States of America has a remarkable army. United States is one on the leading countries in terms of warcraft. And in that we unfortunately very much depend on them. Estonian national security is built up on being a member of NATO and the Article 5. Even now, American warplanes are in Ämari air base, showing that "the great United State of America has the back of the small Estonia". It is true that every morning we could wake up with the news that Russian tanks have crossed the border violently and that we no longer have our independence but the question is that will the United States actually be there for us in that case or will they trade us once again like after WW2.

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
1 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

go to school/work and listen to the radio which, surprise ­ surprise, plays us American music. Luckily we have not caught up with the obesity problem that they have. Although we are getting there already. Besides the Americanization, United States of America has a remarkable army. United States is one on the leading countries in terms of warcraft. And in that we unfortunately very much depend on them. Estonian national security is built up on being a member of NATO and the Article 5. Even now, American warplanes are in Ämari air base, showing that "the great United State of America has the back of the small Estonia". It is true that every morning we could wake up with the news that Russian tanks have crossed the border violently and that we no longer have our independence but the question is that will the United States actually be there for us in that case or will they trade us once again like after WW2.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Riskid tarneahelas

Veokite turvalisus tagatakse TAPA (Transport Asset Protection Association) sertifikaadi järgi GPS/GSM seadmete paigaldamise abil veokitele ja/või veoühikutele. TAPA määratleb turvalisusnõudeid ohutusstandardite abil ja peab üleval vedudega seotud kuritegude registrit. TAPA spetsialistidelt saadud info põhjal on sagedasemateks kuritööobjektideks just veokid ja nende lastid. Veoautode ja lastide kaaperdamine ja juhtidele suunatud vägivald on viimasel ajal suurenenud. FSR (Freight Security Requirements) on ohutusstandard, milles esitatakse lasti turvalise käsitlemise nõuded. TSR (Trucking Security Requirements) määratleb ohutusnõuded eraldi maanteevedudele. Tootepiraatlus on üks olulisemaid tarneahela riske. Piraatlus hõlmab CD ja DVD plaate, nn firmarõivaid, sigarette, arstimeid, autode varuosi ja palju muud. Toodete võtsimisi püütakse takistada ka eriliste kleebiste ja identifitseerimismärkidega. Kindlat numbrit

Logistika → Logistika
119 allalaadimist

Ettevõtte analüüs: Tallinna Kaubamaja AS

Majandusaasta algus: 01.01.2017 Majandusaasta lõpp: 31.12.2017 Vahearuande perioodi algus: 01.01.2017 Vahearuande perioodi lõpp: 31.03.2017 Võlg/Ebitda Võlg / EBITDA Hea<3,5 Security. Tallina Kaubamaja Grupp 2016-2017. aasta analüüs: 2017. aasta I kvartali konsolideeritud auditeerimata müügitulu oli 150,7 miljonit eurot. Võrreldes 2016. aasta I kvartaliga, mil müügitulu oli 136,9 miljonit eurot, oli kasv 10,1%. Müügitulu kasvas kõigis Grupi osades. puhaskahjumiks kujunes 0,3 miljonit eurot, seda dividendide tulumaksu pärast. 2016 I kvartalis oli kahjumiks samal põhjusel 0,2 miljonit.

Majandus → Majandus
19 allalaadimist

Essay about my family

We have pure love and affection for one another. My father live in Finland but he visit us once in a month and he stays here a couple of days. Mother, brother and I live in Anne street. My mother is the most important person in my life. She had done everything that I and my brother will have an amazing life. She only wants the best for us! My brother is four years older than me. He study economy and banking business in Estonian University of Life Sciences. Also he has a part-time job ­ he is security in clubs. I can add also that he is bodybuilder. About month ago he won in Estonia championship in bodybuilding the third place and he got chalice and medal. I'm very proud of him. He is an invaluable brother who always supports me. Unfortunately I don't have grandmother or grandfather. My grandmother died when I was thirteen years old. I haven't saw never my grandfather. He died before I was borned. Besides my mother, father and brother I have lovely uncle and aunt

Keeled → Inglise keel
65 allalaadimist

5C’s of Credit

Capital is the money invested in the business and is an indicator of how much is at risk should the business fail. Lenders will generally consider the company's debt-to-equity ratio to understand how much money the lender is being asked to lend (debt) in relation to how much the owners have invested (equity). A high debt-to-equity ratio also indicates that the company already has a high level of loans and could be a higher financial risk. Collateral is a form of security for the lender. Banks usually require collateral as a type of insurance in case you cannot repay the loan. If you default on the loan, then the lender takes possession of the collateral in place of the debt. The loan agreement should carefully specify all items serving as collateral. Equipment, buildings, accounts receivable, and inventory are all potential forms of collateral. A lender will normally want the term of the loan to match the useful life of the asset used as collateral. For

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Estonian Green Party

environmentally sound technologies and democratic decisionmaking process as well ensuring sustainability of the society. Green Party faction Chairman: Valdur Lahtvee Vicechairman: Marek Strandberg Members: Mart Jüssi, Aleksei Lotman, Maret Merisaar, Toomas Trapido Officials: Sven Harjo, Koidu Kook, AnnePille Krigolson Green Party Members Name: Marek Strandberg Name: Committee:Economic Affairs Committee, Security Authorities Surveillance Select Comm Electoral district:Harju (v.a Tallinn) ja Raplamaa Date and place of birth: 25 September 1965, Tallinn Education: 1988 University of Tartu, chemistry (cum laude) Tallinn Secondary School No. 44, 1983 Green Party Members Name: Valdur Lahtvee Date and place of birth: 19 January 1958, Antsla, Võru County Education: Estonian Agricultural Academy,

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

London Eye

However to the public it wasn´t opened until March 2000 because of technical problems. Since its opening, the Eye has become a major landmark and tourist attraction. It is operated by Merlin Entertainments but sponsored by British Airways. By July 2002, 8,5 million people had ridden the London Eye. In the capsule is taken automatically a souvenir photograph of passengers as they approach the end of the flight. It is also taken for security purposes. Since 1 January 2005, it has been used to celebrate London´s New Year, with 10-minute fireworks displays taking place involving fireworks fired from the wheel itself. On 5 June 2008 it was announced that 30 million people have ridden the London Eye since its opening in March 2000. Elina Ild Paikuse Põhikool

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kate ja Williamy pulmad

Ireland in the 1820s called Carrickmacross, which involved cutting out rose detailing (symbolising England), thistles (Scotland), daffodils (Wales), and shamrocks (Ireland). The dressmakers used fresh needles every three hours, and washed their hands every half an hour to avoid marking the fabric. Pulmad Kate arrived at the church, Rolls-Royce (car brand), a car factory, presented the Queen with the 1977th . The vehicle has a reinforced steel doors, security windows, and even riding with empty tires. Prince William gave Kate Middletonile 18 degrees to the engagement ring that belonged to his mother Princess Diana. Ordinary English wedding costs around 25,000 pounds (about 25,565 euros). Royal wedding costs around 10 million pounds (about 8,547,009 euros). Kate and William's wedding was allegedly of Beyonce and Jay-Z (their favorite singers). Kate and William have asked their guests not to bring gifts, but asked

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
5 allalaadimist

Tööalane inglise keel

33. credibility – ustavus 34. prerequisite – eeldused 35. be tenacious - visa olema 36. internally and externally - sisemiselt ja väliselt 37. be very astute - nutikas olema 38. Ability to think and act in a strategic manner – võime strateegiliselt mõelda ja tegutseda 39. seize business opportunities – kinni haarata ärivõimalustest 40. handle challenging negotiations – saada hakkama keeruliste läbirääkimistega 41. work at sea- töö merel 42. maritime security guard - laevakaitse töötaja 43. firm was founded in - ettevõte on asutatud 44. carpenter - puusepp 45. turnover - käive 46. required education - nõutud haridus 47. The position is to be filled as soon as possible. – Tööle tuleks asuda võimalikult kiiresti. 48. Duration - kestus 49. Discrepancies - erinevused 50. Vacancy - vaba töökoht 51. budgetary accounting - eelarveline raamatupidamine 52. Besides the following attributes would be advantageous – Nimetatu kõrval tulevad

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Hiina mänguasja tehased

economy, cheap rural labor became integral to the country's growth.  Migrant workers became unable to access state benefits or protection, despite Chinese laws promising "equal rights” for all.  They became outcasts in the eyes of their government.  That's approximately 150 million migrant workers who are completely unprotected.  They endure poor working conditions such as excessive and forced overtime, yet they don't even have basic social security benefits or employment contracts.  Despite the terrible working conditions, workers are optimistic that they will be able to gain new skills and create a better life.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Aastatuhande arengueesmärgid

,,Näib tekkivat konsensus, et 2000. aastal kokku lepitud küllaltki kitsad aastatuhande arengueesmärgid peavad jätkuma ka peale 2015. aastat," kirjutab Terras. ,,Vaesuse vähendamine jääb peamiseks eesmärgiks, aga sellele on soov ja vajadus läheneda oluliselt laiapõhjalisemalt." ,,Kuidas me ka ELi ideid ei imetleks, ei ole neil üleilmses võitluses mõju pärast kunagi niisugust mõju, nagu nende propageerijad loodavad," nendib RKK teadur Emmet Tuohy. European Union Institute for Security Studies vanemanalüütik Nicu Popescu osundab oma kirjutises: ,,Nii võib lõpuks tärgata nõndanimetatud kahekihiline idapartnerlus, milles osalevad nii riigid, mis pooldavad tugevaid suhteid ELiga (Ukraina, Moldova ja Gruusia), kui ka riigid, mis selleks valmis ei ole." Marge Mardisalu-Kahar, Director of Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, tähendab, et ,,Pigem on tegemist vahendiga nende riikide lähemale toomiseks euroliidule." http://www.postimees

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist

Tariifid maanteetranspordis

Tariifid maanteetranspordis Veohinda maanteetranspordis mõjutavad erinevad kohalikud ja rahvusvahelised regulatsioonid, näiteks raskeveokimaks, teemaks, kiirteede kasutamise tasu, veoload jne. Suurel määral sõltuvad veotariifid turusituatsioonist ehk vedude pakkumise ja veonõudluse vahekorrast. Maanteetranspordis enim levinud suurused ja ühikud on: • Enim läbitud teekonna tariif ehk kilomeetritariif (€/km) • ajatariif ehk tunnitariif (€/h) • kombineeritud tariif - lähtutakse läbitud teekonnast, veo ajast ja veetud kauba kogusest • koguseline tariif - leitakse veo hind kindlal marsruudil lähtuvalt veose kaalust, mahust, mahukaalust jne. Tariifid raudteevedudel Raudteevedude puhul kasutatakse üldtariife, eritariife, soodustariife ja kohalikke tariife. • Üldtariifide abil määratakse raudtee suuremahuliste vedude maksumus. • Eritariifid on üldtariifid, millele on kehtestat...

Logistika → Logistika
12 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

The review will discuss the viability of biofuels based on the current technologies. Second-generation biofuels are not yet commercially viable and therefore will not be discussed; although they could significantly improve the sustainability of biofuels when they break through to the industrial scale. 2. The scale of biofuels production 2.1. Drivers of biofuels production Lal (2010) stated that "three inter-connected challenges face humankind in the 21st century": food security, climate change, and energy security. The world population is projected to reach 9 billion in 2050, posing more demands on energy, food, and other natural resources. It has been estimated that the world food production needs to double and meat production increase by 85% by 2050 to fulfill projected demand by population (Karp, 2011). In the recent decades, the food consumption in the most populous counties has shifted from grain-based diets to meat and dairy diets

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline terrorism ja võitlus selle vastu

North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)(Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsioon) Terrorismi vastane võitlus on NATO-s päevakorras väga kõrgel.Rahu ja turvalisus on nende missioon.NATO on pühendanud ennast rahulikele tulemustele vaidlustes.Kui diplomaatilised jõupingutused ei aita tuleb kasutusele võtta sõjavägi kriisiohjamisoperatsioonides.NATO-l on 28 liiget. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe(OSCE)(Euroopa Julgeoleku-ja Koostöö Organisatsioon) 56 riiki Euroopast,Kesk-Aasiast ja Põhja-Ameerika teeb OSCE maailma suurimaks piirkondlikuks julgeoleku organisatsiooniks.See pakub foorumit poliitilistele läbirääkimistele,konfliktide ennetamisele,kriisi juhtimisele ja konfliktijärgsele taastusravile.OSCE on kõikehõlmav lähenemine julgeolekule,mis hõlmab poliitilise-

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
67 allalaadimist

Denotative and connotative meanings in motion graphics text

way it is. Denotative look : - Dark blue gradient in the background. - White circles positioned in 3D space. - Orange thin lines appearing and going into some of the white circles. - Lot of hexagons filled with graphical imagery Connotative look : - Blue color is mostly picked from the company's brandbook. It is associated with trust, hoenesty and loyality. From color pshycology persepctive its reliable, responsible, emits inner security and confidence. Blue is also referred as a sky or even pictured as a Earth atmosphere or a outer space. Therefore, in the video we sense this blue gradiant as a sky or a space. We also could feel that the company might be actually trustworthy. - The white circes on the backround look like stars. Along with the blue gradient of course. These white circes are firstly shaped as circles. And circles, viewing from the far distance, may look like a star

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kuidas teha arvutit kiiremaks?

Nuhkvara kogub isikuandmeid ilma rendile sa tead ja küsimata luba. Alates veebisaite te külastate, et kasutajanimed ja paroolid, nuhkvara võib panna teid ja teie konfidentsiaalset teavet ohus. Lisaks eraelu puutumatusega seotud probleemidele, nuhkvara võib takistada arvuti jõudlust. Võidelda nuhkvara, võiksite kaaluda PC ohutus scan Windows Live OneCare. See scan on tasuta teenus, mis aitab kontrollida ja eemaldada viiruseid. Download Microsoft Security Essentials tasuta, et aidata kaitsta teie süsteemi tulevikus viiruste, nuhkvara, reklaamvara ja muu pahavara (tuntud ka kui õelvara). Microsoft Security Essentials toimib nuhkvara eemaldamise tööriist ja sisaldab automaatsed uuendused, mis aitavad hoida oma süsteemi kaitsta uute ohtude eest. Microsoft Windowsi pahatahtliku tarkvara eemaldamise tööriist on veel üks utiliit, mis kontrollib arvuteid Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 ja Windows Server 2003

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
22 allalaadimist

Industry of television and video technics

8 Over the past two years, Samsung Camera has posted rapid growth, rising to the position of the world's No.3 in terms of market share in 2007. In 2008, the Company will focus on premium marketing practices, enhancing its brand image and expanding its global sales network, with the aim of becoming the world's best camera brand by 2010. 4.3 Optics and Digital Imaging Samsung Techwin introduces onto the market an array of first-rate security equipment, including surveillance cameras, DVRs (digital video recorder) and network control systems, developed with the optical and image processing technology it has accumulated over 30 years. In the cellular phone camera module sector, the Company is currently engaged in the development of auto-focus modules in the range of 3 to 5 million pixels. As a leading business in the security equipment sector and the application areas of

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimise kodutöö, mitmekesisus organisatsioonis inglise keeles

Engineering Work Force of the Office of Naval Research, National Research Council in 1997. The Office of Naval Research has for 50 years been in the forefront of research and development in the USA, especially in the physical sciences and engineering. Predating the National Science Foundation, ONR is one of the oldest federal agencies whose mission is to fund external research and development in support of national security needs. It continues today to be viewed as a premier R&D organization where the best science and engineering is identified, supported, and applied to meet national security requirements. The rapidly changing human resources environment in the United States portends significant changes in the talent pool from which ONR will develop its future work force. In particular, women and ethnic minorities are a growing component of the professional scientific community. It is,

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

Psühhodünaamiline paradigma Karen Danielson Horney

Psühhodünaamiline paradigma Karen Danielson Horney (1885-1952) Kultuuriline psühhoanalüüs Horney, K. (1937). The neurotic personality of our time. Horney, K. (1950). Neurosis and human growth. Baasprintsiip: kaasasündinud vajadus arenguks, organismi võimaluste realiseerimine. eneseteostus (self-realization) Eesmärk: terviklikkus I. Kaks vajaduste rühma · turvalisusvajadus (need for security) füüsiline ja psühholoogiline · rahuldamisvajadus (need for satisfaction) füsioloogilised, psühholoogilised (näit. raha Domineeriv vajadus: turvalisusvajadus II. Kultuur ja neuroos. Kultuur determineerib · isiksuse · isiksuse patoloogia (kõrvalekalle normist) Kultuur, mis loob abitust, emotsionaalset isoleeritust, võistlust ja hirmu, on ohtlik. Vanemate mõju isiksuse arengule Tarvilik tingimus arengu...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Google Chrome

2.2 Avalik Vabastamine Brauser avalikustati esimene kord Microsoft Windows-ile 2. septembril 2008, 43 eri keeles. 2009 aasta jaanuaris teatas CNET, et Google plaanib vabastada versiooni Chrome Mac OS X ja Linuxi esimesel poolaastal. Sellega kaasnes Google Chromi esimene versioon. Google Chrome 4.0. 3.0 Arendamine Chrome oli kokku pandud 25. erinevast Google raamatukogude koodist ja kolmandate isikute näiteks Mozilla Netscape; Portable Runtime; Network Security Services ja NPAPI ja mitmete teiste avatud lähtekoodidega projektitest. Kiirelt hakkas ka veebilehitsejate osakaalus võimust võtma Google Chrome. Googel Chrome panid arendamisel programmeeriti brauset kasutama WebKit-i rakendus mootorit, et kuvada veebilehti. 3.1 Enterprise-i kasutuselevõtt Detsembris aastal 2010 teatas Google et rakendades Chromi liht majanduse keskkonda siiis nad annaks sellele ametliku nimetuse Chrome MSI pakett.Ettevõtluse alustamisel on oluline olla

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
10 allalaadimist

Psühhodünaamiline paradigma Karen Danielson Horney

Psühhodünaamiline paradigma Karen Danielson Horney (1885-1952) Kultuuriline psühhoanalüüs Horney, K. (1937). The neurotic personality of our time. Horney, K. (1950). Neurosis and human growth. Baasprintsiip: kaasasündinud vajadus arenguks, organismi võimaluste realiseerimine. eneseteostus (self-realization) Eesmärk: terviklikkus I. Kaks vajaduste rühma · turvalisusvajadus (need for security) füüsiline ja psühholoogiline · rahuldamisvajadus (need for satisfaction) füsioloogilised, psühholoogilised (näit. raha Domineeriv vajadus: turvalisusvajadus II. Kultuur ja neuroos. Kultuur determineerib · isiksuse · isiksuse patoloogia (kõrvalekalle normist) Kultuur, mis loob abitust, emotsionaalset isoleeritust, võistlust ja hirmu, on ohtlik. Vanemate mõju isiksuse arengule Tarvilik tingimus arengu...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
21 allalaadimist

Struktuur majutuses

Majutusteenuse korraldus: majutusettevõtte struktuur, toad ja toaseisud. Seleta järgmiste mõistete tähendus: Front office ( 2 ) Vastuvõtuosakond (administraator), ülesanne klientidega suhelda, ettevõtte allüksus. Security department ( 2 ) turvalisuse osakond (turvaülem, turvamehed, valvurid jne). Kaitsta külalisi ja hotellitöötajaid. Double delux ( 2 ) suurem luksuslik tuba, parema asukohaga ja sisseseadega. Ühe laia voodiga kaheinimesetuba. Tourist class twin room ( 2 ) kahe eraldi voodiga turistiklassi tuba. Tavaline miinimumnõuetele vastav tuba, ühesuguse sisustusega, suuruse ja vaatega. Food and beverage department ( 2) Toitlustus- ja joogiosakond (köök, baar, restoran, ettekandjad, kokad, kelnerid, baarmenid). Triple room ( 2 ) kolmekohaline tuba, võib olla kolme eraldi voodiga, aga ka ühe laia voodi ja nariga või ühe laia ja ühe väikese voodiga. Sales and marketing department ( 2 ) Müügi- ja turundusosakond (müügijuht, turu...

Turism → Majutus
78 allalaadimist

Stages of democratization

Rule of law : Separation of powers; Allied armies as back up if needed ... (g) East Germany absorbed into ready-made rule of law from West Constitutions, courts (SA) more independent Congress (M) Federal Electoral Institute (M) Openness: TRC (SA) `Gauck-Authority' (G)­ opening of Stasi files; Freedom of Information Agency (M) CONSOLIDATION Democratization doesn't end with elections.... West Germany: importance of democracy in delivering prosperity, international rehabilitation and security (after experience of war, division) South Africa: need to develop trust in institutions, strengthen accountability Mexico: corruption, rule of law still needs strengthening. Acceptance of norms of democracy ­ Germany 1950 25% felt best to have one party, 53% several parties 1997 7% felt best to have one party, 86% several parties South Africa Barely 30% citizens thought that MPs should hold the president to account.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Andmeturbe aluste konspekt

Turvaprobleem Turvaprobleemi skeemielemendid Vara on süsteemi osad, millel on organisatsiooni jaoks väärtus. Oht on süsteemi või organisatsiooni kahjustada võiva soovimatu intsidendi potentsiaalne põhjus. Nõrkus on vara või vararühma nõrk koht, mida saab vaadeldav oht ära kasutada. Risk on võimalus, et oht kasutab ära mingi vara või vararühma nõrkuse ja põhjustab varale kahju. Turvamudel Turvaülesande skeemielemendid Turvameede- (safeguard, security control) on riski kahandava tegevus, protsedur, protsess või mehhanism. Jääkrisk- risk, mis säilib pärast turvameetmete rakendamist. Infoturbe komponendid Turvalisus on infovarade kolme omaduse tagamine: Käideldavus- varade takistusteta kättesaadavus volitatud kasutajatele (isikud ja alamsüsteemid). Varade kasutuskõlblikus. Terviklus- varasid ei ole volitamatult muudetud. Varad pärinevad autentsest allikast.

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
146 allalaadimist

European Union

Parliament The Council is the EU's main decision-making body. Like the European Parliament, the Council was set up by the founding treaties in the 1950s. It represents the member states, and its meetings are attended by one minister from each of the EU's national governments. Which ministers attend which meeting depends on what subjects are on the agenda. Javier Solana gives EU diplomacy a face as High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy The Commission is independent of national governments. Its job is to represent and uphold the interests of the EU as a whole. It drafts proposals for new European laws, which it presents to the European Parliament and the Council. It is also the EU's executive arm ­ in other words, it is responsible for implementing the decisions of Parliament and the Council. That means managing the day-to-day business of the European Union: implementing its policies, running its

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Filmi analüüs "Invictus"

I quite liked this film. It is an interesting and teaching film, which make people think about their attitude towards other people. Nelson Mandela, who released from Victor Verster Prison after 27 years spent in jail, is the first black president of South Africa. He concentrates on problems, which are associated with racial divisions between black and white South Africans. The problems between black and white are obvious even between his own security team. Mr. Mandela attends a game of the Springboks, which is the South Africa's rugby union team. He realizes that the blacks in the stadium cheer against their home team, as the mostly-white Springboks represent prejudice and apartheid in their minds. He realizes that he did the same thing, when he was on Robben Island. South-Africa has to host the 1995 Rugby World Cup and the president decides to support the Springboks and meet with their captain Francois Pienaar. Mr

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Globaliseeruv maailm: Toidukriis takistab arengut

Globaliseeruv maailm Toidukriis takistab arengut Maailmahariduskeskus 2012 Toidukriis •Põhjuseid Toitu on on maailmas mitmeid: piisavalt, ent(vesi, -kliimamuutused see on ebaühtlaselt looduskatastroofid jaotunud. jne) -pikaajaline vaesus ja • Miljardeid inimesi toiduhindade tõus ähvardab iga päev -raiskav ja ebaefektiivne näljahäda. toidutootmine • See, kuidas põuad, • Kliimamuutustega seoses on üleujutused, sagenenud orkaanid ja äärmuslikud maavärinad inimesi ilmastikunähtused. mõjutavad, oleneb suuresti nende elatustasemest. • Thinnatõusu •oid aruen hgin d a d e ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Tallinna Kaubamaja AS struktuur

aja Selver Kaubam AS Topp Sec OÜ TKM Tallinna Räva AS 47 aja AS TK Turvateenused TKM Auto Kaubam la kauplus M OÜ Beau OÜ aja Parkl t Eestis Kin ty Kinnisva a AS g ra AS OÜ Viking Security OÜ KIA OÜ Tartu Kulinaa AS TKM Auto Kaubam ria Beau AS aja ty Kinnisva Eesti ra SIA Vikin SIA TKM Selver g Latvija

Majandus → Kaubandus
7 allalaadimist

The European Union Law , The EU institutions

They also lay down the rules and procedures that the EU institutions must follow. The Treaties are agreed by the presidents and/or prime ministers of all the EU countries, and ratified by their parliaments. The EU has a number of other institutions and interinstitutional bodies that play specialised roles: the European Central Bank is responsible for European monetary policy the European External Action Service (EEAS) assists the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, currently Catherine Ashton. She chairs the Foreign Affairs Council and conducts the common foreign and security policy, also ensuring the consistency and coordination of the EU's external action. the European Economic and Social Committee represents civil society, employers and employees the Committee of the Regions represents regional and local authorities the European Investment Bank finances EU investment projects and helps small businesses through the European Investment Fund

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

ECDIS Voyage planning

 ECDIS is an effective tool for   However, the mariner needs to have  safe navigation, provides real­ total confidence in the capability  time information for the mariner  and limitations of the equipment. and will inevitable be universally  Such a system must not lull the  adopted. mariner into a false sense of   It is a sophisticated object  security. Mariners must ensure that  database that maintains the they do not depend solely on one  mariner’s navigations objects  system without some means of  such as waypoints, routes, and  occasional cross­referencing or specific points of interest and  verification. Audible and visual  provides very good security for  alarms must be heeded. The system 

Merendus → Navigeerimine
6 allalaadimist


tongue of the communicators. The message may be hidden in two basic ways. The methods of steganography conceal the very existence of the message. Among them are invisible inks and microdots and arrangements in which, for example, the first letter of each word in an apparently innocuous text spells out the real message. (When steganography is applied to electrical communications, such as a method that transmits a long radio message in a single short spurt, it is called transmission security.) The methods of cryptography, on the other hand, do not conceal the presence of a secret message but render it unintelligible to outsiders by various transformations of the plaintext. Two basic transformations exist. In transposition, the letters of the plaintext are jumbled; their normal order is disarranged. To shuffle secret into ETCRSE is a transposition. In substitution, the letters of the plaintext are replaced by other letters, or by numbers or symbols

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline poliitika konspekt

o Haridus, tervishoid, töö, aus valitsemine  Post-2015 Development Agenda  High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons o Raport 2013 Paneeli raport  Viis peamist pukti o Kedagi ei jäeta maha o Jätkusuutlik areng keskmesse o Muuta majandusi o Rahu ja institutsioond o Globaalne partnerlus XII loeng - julgeolekupoliitika Peamised küsimused (Paul D.Williams (toim), Security Studies: an Introductions, 2008)  Mis on julgeolek?  Ellujäämine  Jõud  Vabadus -> riigi julgeolek eeldab vabadust; human security juures saab rääkida vabadusest  Mille julgeolek?  Millised on julgeolekuprobleemid?  Kuidas on julgeolek saavutatav? Erinevad lähenemised  Realism  Liberalism  Konstruktivism  Kopenhaageni koolkond  Kriitiline teooria  Feminism Realism

Politoloogia → Riigiteadused
20 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun